MFN: 3155 91: FDB-19980319 92: FDB-MLR 30: Revista UNIVAP 31: 2 32: 2 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: fev. <1994> 68: PRE 83: A tecnologia de sensoriamento remoto vem sendo amplamente utilizada no Brasil, nos ultimos 25 anos. Gracas ao sucesso alcancado, esta tecnologia expandiu-se e hoje e possivel encontrar-se cerca de 3000 usuarios no Brasil. Mas, apesar do grande numero, muito poucos tiveram formacao aprofundada em sensoriamento remoto. A grande maioria obteve sua formacao em cursos de treinamento de curta duracao. A principal razao disto e a falta de cursos de longa duracao, como especializacao ou mestrado. Devido a isso, a UNIVAP, em parceria com o INPE, decidiu criar cursos de especializacao em sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento aplicados a recursos naturais 1: SID/SCD 2: 6524 3: INPE-6524-PRE/2563 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sausen, Tania Maria 10: Di Maio, Angelica Carvalho 12: Programa de transferencia de tecnologia - INPE/UNIVAP implantacao de cursos de especializacao em sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento 14: 27-30 MFN: 3676 1: SID/SCD 2: 7688 3: INPE-7688-PRE/3536 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 10: Grover, Kevin 10: Amaral, Silvana 10: Quegan, Shaun 12: Land cover discrimination using SAREX data 14: 1074-1075 20: 2 21: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'94) 54: 08-12 Aug. <1994> 56: Pasadena 57: USA 58: DSR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 87: SAREX 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SAR 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO LANDSAT 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: IMAGENS DE RADAR 82: 83: During SAREX campaign in 1992, SAR images were acquired over the Tapajos region in Brazil. In this paper the preliminary results of SAREX visual analysis are presented, and compared to results of visual analysis of TM data. The results permit the conclusion that the strength of high resolution C-band SAR imagery over rain forests is its texture information, being the average grey level not too much informative. 91: FDB_19950804 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6194 1: SID/SCD 2: 6547 3: INPE-6547-PRE/2583 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Grover, Kevin D. 10: Quegan, Shaun 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 10: Yanasse, Corina Costa Freitas 10: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 10: Sant'Anna, Sidnei Joao Siqueira 12: ERS-1 observations and potential for use in tropical forest monitoring 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 87: ERS-1 87: CARBONO 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: SAREX 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: FLORESTA TROPICAL 87: FLONA 87: RETROESPALHAMENTO 82: 83: In the last few decades the Brazilian Tropical Forest has presented intense dynamic alterations, resulting from human disturbance due to the installation of farms for agriculture and cattle raising, and to the implantation of several settlement projects. Many of these areas have been abandoned for several reasons, and their vegetation cover is presently under regeneration by secondary succession. Not much is known about the extent of disturbance to the primary forest or the regeneration of these areas. The study of the stages of secondary forests is justified by the impact that these areas have in the regional carbon budget which, in turn, may have consequences on the global climate change and in the carbon storage in the atmosphere. Satellite imagery can be a powerful tool in the identification of deforested areas, and this study concerns the role of ERS-1 in this task, as an ancillary or substitute sensor to Landsat TM. This general aim of the study has the following particular components: (1)To illustrate the role of models in understanding radar backscatter from tropical forests, and to use them to investigate: The significance of meteorological parameters at acquisition time; The conditions necessary to discriminate forest from non-forest; The information sources actually and potentially present within the imagery and their physical interpretation. (2)To define and assess processing techniques for automatic forest/non-forest discrimination and change detection; (3)To compare the suitability of different sensors (ERS-1, Landsat TM and SAREX)for discriminating land cover types; (4)To investigate the relationship between secondary forest regeneration age and the backscatter observed using ERS-1, using a forest age map derived automatically from a time series of Landsat TM images; (5)To define procedures needed in an operational forest monitoring system using spaceborne radar 91: FDB-19981027 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6214 1: SID/SCD 2: 7689 3: INPE-7689-PRE/3537 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 10: Huete, Alfredo 10: Liu, Hui Qing 12: Influence of sun-view geometries on the relationships among vegetation indices,LAI, and absorbed PAR 14: 1445-1457 20: 3 21: v.3 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geosciences and Remote Sensing (IGARR'94) 54: 08-12 Aug. <1994> 56: Pasadena 57: USA 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: AREA DE INDICE FOLIAR 87: LAI 83: The absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR)and leaf area index (LAI)of vegetated surfaces have been adressed as important parameters to be included in growth and productivity models. However, surface heterogeneities render the signal detected by the remote sensor sensitive to illumination/view geometry and background (e.g. soil, litter)reflectance properties. In addition, there is the influence of the intervening and variable atmosphere. In this study, the Myneni radiative canopy model in conjunction with the '6S' atmospheric model, were used to simulate the optical properties of both uniform and heterogeneous vegetated surfaces. The relationships among fAPAR, LAI, and VIs under various sun view geometries are investigated. 91: FDB-19950805 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6682 1: SID/SCD 2: 5546 3: INPE-5546-TDI/532 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Elmiro, Marcos Antonio Timbo 18: Tecnicas de processamento digital de imagens para aplicacoes no mapeamento por carta-imagem 19: Digital image processing techniques for image-mapping applications 20: 116 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: EN 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias (orientador); Athos Ribeiro dos Santos; Gerald Jean Francis Banon; Nehemias Lima Lacerda 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: fev. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos campos 67: br 68: TDI 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: PROGRAMAS DE COMPUTADOR 87: PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS 87: RESOLUCAO DE IMAGENS 87: MOSAICOS 87: MAPEAMENTO 87: COBERTURA DE NUVENS 88: COMPUTER PROGRAMS 88: IMAGE ENHANCEMENT 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 88: IMAGE RESOLUTION 88: MAPPING 88: MOSAICS 88: CLOUD COVER 83: Muitas atividades fundamentais para o pais, notadamente aquelas ligadas ao levantamento de recursos naturais, utilizam-se dos mapas sistematicos nacionais como uma base confiavel para assentar seus resultados. Em vista do mapeamento tradicional constituir-se numa atividade demorada e de alto custo, a cobertura cartografica basica do pais esta, ainda, muito aquem do desejavel. O mapeamento atraves de Carta-Imagem pode constituir-se numa solucao alternativa, dinamica e de baixo custo para evitar a dependencia dos mapas tradicionais. Este trabalho apresenta as linhas basicas de uma metodologia de produzir Carta-Imagem, utilizando uma abordagem inteiramente digital. Dentro desta abordagem metodologica, tres passos principais sao analisados a fundo, seguidos do desenvolvimento de algoritimos e da implementacao em programas computacionais. O primeiro passo e a mosaicagem digital, utilizando o ajuste da tonalidade das imagens vizinhas e uma linha irregular para juncao. O segundo passo e a remocao da cobertura de nuvens por substituicao de dados multitemporais. E o passo final e a aplicacao de tecnicas especiais de realce para feicoes localizadas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram os seguintes pontos: (1)a mosaicagem digital pode produzir grandes imagens como resultado de imagens menores, onde e imperceptivel diferenciar as imagens fontes; (2)a estetica das imagens pode ser significativamente melhorada atraves de tecnicas simples para remocao de nuvens, baseadas em dados multitemporais; e (3)tecnicas especiais de realce que melhoram a qualidade visual e o potencial de interpretacao. Estes resultados permitiram concluir que o atual processo de mapeamento por Carta-Imagem pode ser significativamente melhorado, utilizando metodos de processamento inteiramente digitais. 91: FDB-19940512 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: AQ 111: Elmiro A.T. Elmiro 111: NASA 111: CCRS 111: BN 111: Luiz A. Vieira Dias 111: Athos Ri Santos 111: Gerald J. F. Banon 111: Nethemias L. Lacerda 112: SID 112: SPG 112: USA 112: Canada 112: RJ 112: DPI 112: DSM 112: DPI 112: CONV 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 01.06.94 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 6701 1: SID/SCD 2: 6565 3: INPE-6565-PRE/2602 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 10: Leonardi, Luiz 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 12: Relacoes entre parametros culturais e resposta espectrais de cafezais 14: 439-447 30: Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 31: 29 32: 3 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSM 61: 64: mar. <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 83: Para a utilizacao eficiente de dados de sensoriamento remoto visando a obtencao de informacoes relativas ao parque cafeeiro nacional, e necessario o conhecimento dos efeitos interativos entre estes dados e as variaveis biofisicas dessa cultura. Objetivando estudar as relacoes entre variaveis biofisicas de cafezais e sua resposta espectral, foram coletadas, em campo, quase simultaneamente a passagem do satelite, variaveis biofisicas para 145 talhoes. Das imagens TM/Landsat-5 foram obtidos os dados de reflectancia para as bandas 1 a 5 e 7, referentes a cada talhao. Foi analisada, inicialmente, a correlacao entre os parametros culturais e, em seguida, a correlacao entre parametros culturais e reflectancia. Apesar da complexidade inerente a cultura, observaram-se correlacoes significativas, como, por exemplo, entre percentagem de cobertura do terreno por arvores e colheita, e ano de poda e altura. Os parametros culturais referentes as caracteristicas biofisicas da planta foram mais bem correlacionados com a reflectancia do que os parametros relativos ao substrato ou os parametros geomorfologicos do terreno 91: FDB-19940610 92: FDB_MLR 101: D MFN: 6708 1: SID/SCD 2: 6150 3: INPE-6150-PRE/2241 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 10: Pereira, Marcos C. 10: Pereira Jr., Alfredo C 12: Satellite studies of biomass burning in Amazonia-some practical aspects 14: 91-103 30: Remote Sensing Reviews 31: 10 32: ? 40: En 41: En 42: 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Remote sensing from space is the only technique that can be used operationally to detect, monitor and map biomass burning of tropical forests on large or global scales. However, high and low resolution imagery from existing satellites present many limitations in such studies. This paper discusses some of these limitations based on case studies in the tropical forests of Amazonia. Results showed that Thematic Mapper (TM/Landsat)images provide estimates of the area burned in association with new deforestation, but because of cloud cover and low frequency of acquisition, are limited in indicating the total extent of fire activity. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR/NOAA)images detect fires on a daily basis and are suitable for real-time operational use to identify and locate fires, but are of limited value for estimating the area burned or the fire temperature 91: FDB-19940613 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6731 1: SID/SCD 2: 5560 3: INPE-5560-PRE/1799 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Bustos, Hoscar H. 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 12: Repotring Monte Carlos experiences in statistics: suggestion and an example 30: Revista de la Sociedad Chilena Estadistica 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 87: METODO DE MONTE CARLO 87: SIMULACAO 87: SAR 88: MONTE CORLO METHOD 88: SIMULATION 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 88: STATISTICS 83: The minimal content of every report about statistical results obtained by stochastic simulation are suggested. A manner to present these results is shown. This is applied to a Monte Carlo experinece designed to compare estimation procedures of the parameter of a Raighley distribution, aproblem often encountered is synthetic aperture radar image processing. 91: FDB-19940929 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6733 91: FDB-19940928 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 1: SID/SCD 2: 5561 3: INPE-5561-PRE/1800 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 12: SAR image filtering the ACM algorithm 40: En 41: En 42: 53: IGARSS'94 54: 08-12 Aug. <1994> 56: Pasadena 57: USA 58: DPI 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: The ICM (Iterated Conditional Modes)algorithm is an iterative proposal for the improvement of maximum likelihood segmentation. It is based upon the modelling of the a priori distribution for the classes with a multiclass Potts-Strauss Markov random field (MRF)framework. In this work, a new speckle filtering procedure is proposed, based on the ICM algorithm. This is done by increasing the number of classes on the priori distribution, considering from 16 up to 256 levels. The model for the SAR image filtering procedure includes a multiplicative noise, described by the Rayleigh distribution, under the conditions of one look and linear detection. The ICM algorithm also uses a parameter estimation technique for the underlying MRF distribution, under the pseudolikeliood framework. These estimators are obtained in a computationally feasible form. The presented results are compared with those obtained by the well-known Nagao-Matsuyama filter, which was proposed as an edge preserving filter. The ICM speckle noise filter gave substantially superior visual results on a real SAR image over all the number of considered classes, at the price of an increased computational effort, when more than sixteen classes (grey levels)are considered MFN: 6734 1: SID/SCD 2: 5562 3: INPE-5562-PRE/1801 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Yanasse, Corina da Costa Freitas 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 10: Sidnei Joao Siqueira 10: Santa'Anna 10: Luciano Vieira Dutra 12: On the use of multilook amplitude K distribution for SAR image analysis 14: 1069-1071 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'94); Surface and Atmospheric Remote Sensing: Technologies, Data Analysis and Interpretation (v.4, p.2173-2175) 54: 08-12 Aug. <1993> 56: Pasadena 57: USA 58: DPI 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: The K distribuition has used as a flexible tool for the modelling of SAR data over non-homogeneous areas. It is characterized by three real-valued parameters; one of these paramenters, the number of looks, Is iolated to kind of processing the iaw data suffer in order to become an image.In this papwe the multilook case is considered for both quadratic and lincar detections. A closed (recursive)computational form is provided for the K cumulative distribuitom function, as well as the estimators derived from the substitution method. The sensitivity of the cumulative distribuition function with respect to possible discretizations od the parameters due to limitations imposed by recursive form is discussed. The recursive form form of the cumulative distribution function of K multilook random variables is used to perform the KolmogorovSmirnov (KS)test of goodness of fit over SAREX data. It is shown that, mainly for forest fata, the fit with the K multilook distribution is superior to some of other distributions that frequently appear in the literature. Specifically, the use of the normal distribution for this kind of data is discarded systematically 91: FDB-19940928 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6735 1: SID/SCD 2: 5566 3: INPE-5566-RPQ/666 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07]621.376.5 16: Pereira, Madalena Niero 16: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves de Oliveira 16: Pinto, Sergio dos Anjos Ferreira 18: Tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto e de geoprocessamento para mapeamento e analise do uso da terra 20: 31 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSM 62: INPE 64: <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: SIG 82: 83: Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as discrepancias de uso e ocupacao da terra de uma area em relacao a sua aptidao agricola usando tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto e de integracao de dados atraves de Sistema de Informcao Geografica (SGI). A area estudada situa-se no Centro-Oeste do estado de Sao Sao Paulo compreendendo parte dos municipios de Araras, Conchal, Leme, Moji-Guacu, Moji-Mirim e ocupa uma area de (343 km2). Foram levantadas as diferentes classes de cobertura vegetal e uso da terra da area de estudo, a partir da interpretacao visual de imagens orbitais multisensores e multitemporais. A comparacao entre o mapa de aptidao agricola da area e o uso atual das terras, para identificacao das regioes de discrepancias de uso, foi feita a partir do SIG. Verificou-se pelo estudo realizado que 48 83: da area de estudo encontra-se inadequadamente utilizado 91: FDB-19940928 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: AQ 111: Madalena Niero 111: Maria de Lourdes Kurkdjian 111: BN 111: NASA 111: CCRS 112: SID 112: DSM 112: DSM 112: RJ 112: USA 112: Canada 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 23.08.94 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 6736 1: SID/SCD 2: 5567 3: INPE-5567-NTC/314 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 16: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 16: Amaral, Silvana 18: Resultados preliminares da analise visual de dados SAREX e dscricao das atividades de campo na Floresta Nacional do Tapajos 20: 55 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSM 58: DPI 61: INPE 64: <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 68: NTC 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: SAREX 87: FLORESTAS 82: 83: Este trabalho apresenta os resultados preliminares da interpretacao visual dos dados da banda c/SAREX, polarizacao HH, faixas estreitas (Narrow)e larga (wide)e comparacao com os dados TM/Landsat. A area de investigacao correspondente a Floresta Nacional (FLONA)do Tapajos e arredores. Sao tambem apresentados os resultados do trabalho de campo e os dados de sobrevoo. Observou-se nos arredores da FLONA, que a vegetacao foi bastante modoficada pelo uso e ocupacao da terra. Verificou-se que o uso das imagens SAREX na separacao de areasocupadas por florestas em condicoes diferentes de relevo permitiu uma maior eficiencia 91: FDB-19940928 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: AQ 111: Pedro Hernandez 111: Luciano Dutra 111: Silvana Amaral 111: NASA 111: CCRS 112: SID 112: DSM 112: DPI 112: DPI 112: USA 112: Canada 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 25.07.94 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 6792 1: SID/SCD 2: 7932 3: INPE-7932-PRE/3768 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felix, Iara Musse 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 12: Water Quality monitoring using empirical models 14: 12-17 18: Proceedings 21: v.30(Part 7A) 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Comission VII [Symposium] 53: Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: QUALIDADE DA AGUA 87: MODELOS 87: CORRELACAO ATMOSFERICA 87: ANALISE AMBIENTAL 88: WATER QAULITY 88: MODELS 88: ATMOSPHERIC CORRECTION 83: Reflectance values obtained from TM/Landsat data were usedto derive empirical models for retrieving water component concentrations. Water samples were collected concurrently to orbital data and the optically active components were determined in laboratory. TM data were converted into reflectance values using the calibration files and the average reflectance of each water sampling station was determined. These values were used to run a stepwise regressionalgorithm to derive empirical models to estimate water properties from remotely sensed data. Two sets of data were compared atmospheric corrected and non-atmospheric corrected. The results showed that the atmospheric correction improved theaccuracy of the remote sensing models MFN: 6793 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7A 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Comission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 83: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the behavior of the irradiance in a forest area. The study was carried out at the professor Augusto Ruschi Forest Reserve, city of Sao Jose dos Campos (23 12'S and 45 52'W). The vegetation type at the study area is designated Seasonal Evergreen Rain Forest of the South Central Brazilian Plateau. A spectroradiometer SPECTRON SE-590 equipped a cosine receptor was used to measure spectral irradiance in the spectral range of 400 to 900 nm at five randomly selected points within ten forest plots of10m x 10m, for a total of fifty measurements. Irradiance measurements were also collected in a clearing to represent the incident radiation over the forest canopy. In the most forest plots, the irradiance curve was similar to the green leaftransmitance curve, with lower values in the visible range (400-700 nm), increasing significantly at the beginning of the near infrared (700nm). However, three points have had a irradiance curve radiaton in the visible range in the forest area. The average of the ratio between the total irradiance in the forest and at the clearing was 2,4 83: . In addition to it has observed a change in the spectral composition of the incident radiation after its penetration in the forest canopy.Out forest the total irradiance was 68,2 83: of radiation in the visible range and in forest the visible range represent 45,5 83: of the total irradiance 1: SID/SCD 2: 6635 3: INPE-6635-PRE/2670 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pereira, Jorge Luis Gavina 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 12: Investigation of irradiance measurements in a seasonal rainforest 14: 30-34 MFN: 6794 1: SID/SCD 2: 6585 3: INPE-6585-PRE/2622 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 10: Ahern, Frank J. 10: Pietsch, Ronald W. 10: Keil, Manfred 12: Resource management with radar data in tropical environments: a case study in Acre State, Brazil 14: 135-140 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7A 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Comission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: SAR 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: USO DA TERRA 88: LAND USE 88: DEFORESTATION 88: FORESTS 82: 83: In this study, we are presenting and discussing initial results of two SAR data evaluation projects in Acre State, related to deforestation of tropical rainforests for the establishment of cattle ranches and agricultural use. The applicability of spaceborne SAR for landcover/land use in this region is also discussed MFN: 6795 1: SID/SCD 2: 6586 3: INPE-6586-PRE/2623 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 10: Henebry, Geoffrey M. 12: Evaluating anisotropy in SAR imagery using lacunarity functions 14: 141-150 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7A 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Comission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: SAR 87: ERS-1 82: 83: Lacunarity functions permit multi-scale analysis of texture in binary images. Lacunarity quantifies spatial nonstationarity in terms of deviation from translational invariance: the more lacunar an image, the more heterogeneous the spatial arrangement of gaps. For analysis of grey-scale data, a series of binary images are generated through slicing the image histogram by quantiles. Characteristic decays of the lacunarity index as a function of window size enable identification of the dominant scales of spatial structure. Image anistropy, another manifestation of spatial nonstationarity, can be evaluated by varying window shape as well as window size. Using a series of ERS-1 images of the Nhecolandia region of the Brazilian Pantanal, we demonstrate how lacunarity functions can characterize anisotropy and link image phenomenology with scene dynamics MFN: 6796 1: SID/SCD 2: 6604 3: INPE-6604-PRE/2641 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ahern, Frank J. 10: Bjerkelund, F.H. 10: Campbell, F.H.A. 10: Raney, R.K. 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 10: Paradella, W. 10: Shimabukuro,Yosio Edemir 10: Nazarenko, D. 10: Welgan, P. 12: How RADARSAT can contribute to tropical forestland management 14: 164-169 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7a 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Comission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: RADAR 83: Canadas's RADARSAT, to be launched early in 1995, will make important contributions toward the management of tropical forestland. To prepare for RADARSAT, we have been researching the use of C-band SAR data in tropicalforest environments since 1990. Experiments in Latin America using airbone SAR, ERS-1, and simulated RADARSAT data have identified some of the most promising applications to be:* Deforestation and other pronounced changes in vegetation; * Synoptic geological and geomorphological mapping; * Coastal zone (shoreline and vegetation)monitoring; * Monitoring flooding and its consequences. Studies indicate that the market for these applications is potentially large. Now we must ensure that systems for data acquisiton, image processing, and data manipulation are responsive to user needs, and that the user community has the knowledge and capability to put this new technology to best use MFN: 6797 1: SID/SCD 2: 6587 3: INPE-6587-PRE/2624 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 10: Medeiros, Jose Simeao de 10: Mello, Eliana Maria Kalil 10: Moreira, Jose Carlos 10: Bins, Leonardo Sant'Anna 12: A new approach for deforestation assessment 14: 170-174 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7a 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Comission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: USO DA TERRA 87: CLASSIFICACAO DIGITAL 88: DEFORESTATION 88: LAND USE 88: DIGITAL CLASSIFICATIONS 82: 83: There is a need for continuous monitoring of tropical forests due to the impact of deforestation on climate, biodiversity, and soil degradation. Current used methods are heavily based on visual interpretation of Landsat TM imagery or on digital classification using limited algorithms based on pixel-by-pixel analysis without contextual information. Hydrological and biogeochemical models require data on a georeferenced digital basis (geographical information system). This implies the needs for digitizing the maps from the visual interpretation which is a cumbersome and cost task and in some cases not even doable at any level of acceptable accuracy. The reason for this is the large number of small polygons that result from year-to-year assessment of deforestation. An alternative method of image segmentation based on a region-growing method followed by a per-field clustering algorithm based on Mahalanobis distance has proved to be feasible and reliable for deforestation assessment using Landsat TM digital data. This paper shows results for two test sites of the Amazon region. Comparison of results with conventional techniques (PRODES Project)showed good agreement, differences were smaller than 3 83: in area. The mapping accuracy was within acceptable errors for the 1:250.000 scale. Even though additonal testes are necessary to demonstrate the operational feasibility of this approach for large area surveys (e.g. 5,000,000 km2 such as the area of the Brazilian Legal Amazon)the techinical feasibility has been demonstrated MFN: 6798 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: DESMATAMENTO 82: 83: Automatic extraction of information from orbital images constitutes an alternative to reduce the time and cost to map extensive areas. INPE and IBM/Rio are developing an algorithm that combines segmentation of images and classification based on neural network. The segmentation algorithm, based on region growth, was used here to stratify a selected area over the Amazon region.A label was independently assigned to each segment by two interpreters of similar photointerpretative capability. The objective of this work is to contrast the results obtained from these two labellings. The selected area, located in Rondonia State, was chosen due to its "fish bone" pattern of deforestation, which is acommon form of land use in the Amazon. The segmentation of the pilot area generated 3048 segments. The following K classes were defined for this work: forest, non-forest, water, deforestation, cloud, and shadow. To each segment, a concept i (i= 1,2,3,4,5)was assigned to every one of the K classes, acoording to the probability of the classified segment belonging to that class (1, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25, 0, respectivelly). The contrast of the labelling by the two interpreters was based on erros matrices. The results were first analysed for the concepts associated with each class Ki, and then with each predomiant class Kj, where j= 1 if i < 3; j = 3 if i = 3; and j = 5 if i > 3. A high agreement between the interpreters (91 83: ) was achieved at the level of the predominant class Kj in constrast to the poor agreement achieved at the concept level (at most 42 83: ) . The influence of the segment size and of the interference classes (cloud and shadow)on the results was also investigated. 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7a 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Comission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 1: SID/SCD 2: 6636 3: INPE-6636-PRE/2671 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fidalgo, Elaine Cristina Cardoso 10: Krug, Thelma 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 12: Evaluation of labelling after the segmentation process on TM-Landsat images over the Amazon region 14: 214-220 MFN: 6799 1: SID/SCD 2: 7933 3: INPE-7933-PRE/3769 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kasmierczack, Marcos Leandro 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Geoprocessing as a support for forest production planning 14: 264-270 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7a 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Comission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: FLORESTAS 83: The advancement occurred in the last few years in the field of digital image processing and geographic information system tehcniques has open new perspectives to analyze forest stands. Among the advantages on the use of remote sensing and geoprocessing technologies for the forest sector, higher emphasis is given to those that are mores directly related to the needs of the forest planners in their daily work building up a graphic database containing the basic information for forestry and forest management, forest parameters estimated from the spectral response of forest cover, forest inventory, integration of database to GIS. This paper presents some applications of geoprocessing to forest sector, in order to help the forest planning and the development of a Forest Information System (FIS)using Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing techniques as a support for forest production planning activities. According to the concept of this system, the forest companies will be able to perform analysis, planning, area selection, simulation and estimation of several forest parameters MFN: 6800 1: SID/SCD 2: 7934 3: INPE-7934-PRE/3770 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Luna, Renata Mendes 12: Comparative Analyse of AVHRR/NOAA and TM/Landsat in the vegatation classification and land use 14: 297-303 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Comission VII [ Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: The objective of this work was to study the potentiality of NOAA-AVHRR bands 1 and 2 as an auxiliary tool for vegetation cover identification in the Chapada do Araripi region, south of State of Ceara TM-Landsat, bands 3, 4 and 5 data. Some vegetation maps of the study area were used as a parameter for evaluation. The SITIM/GIS systems were used to perform the data geocorrection in UTM Projection (scale = 1:500.000)and the digital supervised maximum likehood classification on Landsat and NOAA images. The evaluation of the obtained thematic images were done comparing both spectral classes areas of the classifications and Kappa statistics calculation (measurement of agreement between matrices). The results showed that the NOAA-AVHRR bands 1 and 2 data can be used with restriction (level of mapping)as auxiliary tool to vegetation mapping in regions similar to the study area. Comparing the classifications, both showed a reasonable concordance (Kappa calculated=0,29) MFN: 6802 18: Proceedings 21: v. 30 P7a 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Comission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 87: NOAA 87: AVHRR 87: NDVI 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 88: SEASONAL VEGETATION CHANGES 88: FOREST 88: SAVANNA WOODLAND 88: NOAA 88: AVHRR 88: MATO GROSSO(BRAZIL) 82: 82: ,MATO GROSSO(ESTADO)> 83: This paper analyses seasonal vegetation in a transition area between forest and savanna woodland using monthly obtained NOAA/AVHRR Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)data in a Global Area Coverage (GAC)format. The study area is located between 14 00'and 15 00'S and 60 00'W in Southeast Mato Grosso State. The methodological procedure includes the following steps: (1)acquisiton and georeferencing of GAC data (january 1990 to May 1991)and generation of a grid (25 x 17 pixels GAC)which was overlaid on a vegetation map derived from TM Landsat images; (2)selection of NOAA/AVHRR pixels representative of semideciduous submontane forest, savanna woodland and wooded savanna units (the homogeneity of the first two unites ranged from 90 83: to 100 83: and for the wooded savanna, is was above 70 83: ); (3)generation of monthly NDVI histograms and comparison of their changes with agroclimatological data. The results show that the highest NDVI values correspond to forest, with a mean (x)equal to 0,54895 and a standard deviation (s)equal to 7,51 83: followed by the savanna woodland (x=0,44359 and s=9,71 83: ) and wooded savanna (x=0,37874 and s=13,61 83: ). The higher value of s for the wooded savanna is due to the high degree of disturbance as a result of human activity of this land cover, associated to its seasonal characteristics. In general, the highest NDVI values for any specific type of vegetation, are related do the water content of the soil. The savanna woodland is more sensitive to hydric conditions (excess or deficit)than the forest. The NDVI provides a valuable tool for the monitoring of changes in the photosynthesis of the active phytomass 1: SID/SCD 2: 6637 3: INPE-6637-PRE/2672 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lacruz, Silvia Pardi 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Miranda, Evaristo Eduardo 12: Multitemporal NOAA/AVHRR data to analyse seasonal changes on vegetation at contact areas between forest and savanna woodland 14: 344-349 MFN: 6803 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Comission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: SAR 87: ERS-1 87: TM LANDSAT 87: FLORESTAS 82: 83: The areas fo regrowth of native species in the tropical rainforest within Acre State, Brazil, were characterized and mapped, using a TM-Landsat dataset from 1985 to 1992. ERS-1 SAR and airbone C-band SAR data were collected to evaluate the potential of these new sensor systems to analyze the vegetation regrowth. The result found indicate the feasibility to discriminate between two regrowth stages: initial and intermediate. The areal distribution of regrowth was stored as thematic maps in a GIS. Using the combined multi-sensor and multi-temporal dataset, is was possible to characterize the dynamics of the biophysical features of this environment. The main result of this work was the estimation of those areas under regrowth for the entire State of Acre: from all the deforested area untill 1992 (11,050 square km), 9,73 83: are in the process of regeneration 1: SID/SCD 2: 6609 3: INPE-6609-PRE/2646 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 10: Pedreira, Bernadete Conceicao Gomes 10: Almeida, Claudio Aparecido 10: Keil, Manfred 10: Silveira, Marcos 12: Mapping areas of regrowth in tropical rainforest using a multisensor approach: a case study in Acre 14: 364-370 MFN: 6804 1: SID/SCD 2: 7935 3: INPE-7935-PRE/3771 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cecarelli, Izabel Cristina Franchitto 10: Vedovello, Ricardo 10: Leonardi, Luiz 10: Mattos, Juercio Tavares de 10: Alves, Carlos Alberto da Silva 12: Geotechnical evaluation for the Rio Capim - Bacarena pipeline route 14: 402-403 18: Proceedings 21: v. 30 P7a 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Comission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: LANDSAT-5 83: This summary describes the work developed together with Rio Capim Quimica S.A. (This enterprise was formed from the association of Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - CVRD)and Caulim da Amazonia S.A. - CADAM), whose objective was to define the most adequate route for the pipeline implementation between the processing unit and the harbor, for the carved and processed kaolin draining in the margins of River Capim (Capim 1 bed)to the Ponta da Montanha harbor terminal which is located in the Barcarena contry, state of Para. The region involved in this project is an area of 20 km of width to 180 km of length along the Capim 1/Barcarena axis, as established by Rio Capim Quimica S.A. Using the analyses and interpretation of TM/Landsat images associated to field surveys, we obtained the integration of an updated vegetation cover and soil occupation data to the physical environment adjustments characteristics for the implementation of underground construction, also including social-economical aspects and the existing infrastructure, defining the more suitable route for the pipeline implementation. The 1:50.000 scale was applied in this work MFN: 6805 1: SID/SCD 2: 7937 3: INPE-7937-PRE/3773 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Okida, Rosana 10: Veneziani, Paulo 10: Anjos, Celio Eustaquio dos 10: Sant'Anna, Marilia Vidigal 10: Nascimento, Paulo Sergio R. 12: Identification of tectonic structures through TM-Landsat imagery: Natividade da Serra and Caraguatatuba Sheets,SP,Brazil 14: 447-450 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7a 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Commission VII [ Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: INTERPRETACAO VISUAL 87: TECTONICA 88: TECTONICS 88: VISUAL INTERPRETATION 82: 82: 83: This work follows the studies concerning the identification of Sao Paulo Shear zone tectonic structures, based on the visual interpretation of orbital TM-LANDSAT imagey. The study area includes Natividade da Serra and Caraguatatuba sheets. The litostratigraphic units are composed of granites associated with migmatites from the upper pre-Cambrian age, sin-tardi to pos-tectonics, metasediments from lower-middle pre-Cambrin reworked in the Brasilian Tectonic Event (pre-Acungui and Acungui Group)and granulite rocks (Costeiro Complex). Structures with sinistral movement contrary to the general structure of the area (N50-60E, dextral)were identified in the granulite rocks. A more refined mapping than the one previously obtained was possible by associating photogeological studies with field work data. It was also possible to identify foliations of thrust faults in the N40-60W direction, possibly related to dextral shear zones MFN: 6806 1: SID/SCD 2: 6642 3: INPE-6642-PRE/2677 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Almeida, Eugenio Sper de 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 12: Temporal analysis of NDVI and precipitation data of selected vegetation covers of Amazonia 14: 01-08 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7b 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Commission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 88: VEGETATION INDEX 88: PRECIPITATION 88: AMAZONIA 88: FOREST 88: "CERRADO" 83: Maximum NDVI composites of NOAA-AVHRR GAC data and monthly precipitation records from the ground network of weather stations (August 1981 to January 1985)of vegetation covers of the Amazonia region were analyzed to verify the relationship between NDVI and precipitation at different climatic/vegatation classes selected. NDVI mean values for Dense Forest was 0,452, for Open Forest 0,422, for "Cerrado " 0,417, and for Transition Forest 0,390. The amplitude of the means of these NDVI associated with the seasonal effect of climate on the vegetation cover varied about 39 83: . Although a quantitative relationship between NDVI and precipitation was not significant, NDVI values seem to follow the seasonal variation in precipitation with some lag depending on the vegetation type. Several weather anomalies, such as the El Nino event of 82/83 is reflected in both NDVI and precipitation data sets MFN: 6807 1: SID/SCD 2: 7928 3: INPE-7928-PRE/3764 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Krug, Thelma 10: Henebry, Geoffrey M. 12: Temporal dymanics of correlation length in a disturbance-driven ecosystem:application to TM image series of the Pantanal, Brazil 14: 44-48 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7b 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Commission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 88: SPATIAL DEPENDENCE 88: CORRELATION LENGTH 88: SPATIO-TEMPORAL VARIABILITY 88: TM 88: PANTANAL,BRAZIL 83: Development of a regional environmental monitoring strategy requires an appreciation for the spatio-temporal variability in reflectance characteristics. Correlation length has been shown to be robust measure for quantifying the spatial structure in NDVI images fo temperate grasslands (Henebry 1993; Henebry and Su 1993). We apply this approach to TM imagery from the largest wetland habitat on the planet, the Pantanal Matogrossense. Subject to extensive seasonal flooding by the Rio Paraguai and its tributaries, the Pantanal is an ecotonal landscape, a complex mosaic of shallow lakes, periodically inundated grasslands, and elevated corridors of forest, which together form a threatened haven of vertebrate biodiversity. Our study characterizes a large commercial cattle ranch located in the southern Pantanal. Subsets from 14 Landsat TM quarter-scenes from 3 years (1985, 1989-90, and 1992)were analyzed. The resulting spatio-temporal signatures illustrate the utility of correlation length analysis: the approach facilitates quantification of complex landscape change and thus is appropriate for incorporation into environmental monitoring programs MFN: 6808 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7b 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Commission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 88: NEURAL NETWOKS 88: REMOTE SENSING 88: FUZZY CLASSIFICATION 83: This paper deals with the task of evaluating the performance of neural networks designed for classifying satellite digital images with thepurpose of monitoring the deforestation on the Amazon region. We are based on the Barbosa's previous work [1]that adopts a combination of image segmentation and classification techniques, the later employing multilayer perception that works on a fuzzy model of classification. The present study reports on experiments on five significant areas of the Amazon region whose satellite images were interpreted independently by two experienced photointerpreters as well as by a set of different neural networks. The performances of the photo-interpreters and of the neural networks were evaluated on the basis of several performance indexes calculated over the same test set (including the Area Hit Ratio that is the most important for our practical application). This paper shows that different photo-interpreters do not fully agree when interpreting the same set of images, allowing us to establish reasonable performance target values to be seeked by designers of automatic classifiers. Moreover, it is shown that from a practical point of view the neural networks we have built achieved area hit ratios compatible to those exhibited by different photo-interpreters. Suggestions for further improvements in the neural classifiers are discussed 1: SID/SCD 2: 6643 3: INPE-6643-PRE/2678 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Machado, Ricardo J. 10: Barbosa, Valmir C. 10: Liporace, Frederico dos S. 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 10: Venturini, Adriano 12: Deforestation monitoring of the Amazon region using neural network - a comparison between different photo-interpreters and networks 14: 49-55 MFN: 6809 1: SID/SCD 2: 7929 3: INPE-7929-PRE/3765 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Crepani, Edison 10: Santos, A. R. dos 12: Erosion of the upper Taquari basin and the sediment accumulation in the Pantanal Matogrossense 14: 105-110 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7b 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Commission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 88: PANTANAL MATOGROSSENSE 88: TAQUARI RIVER 88: DEFORESTATION 88: EROSION 88: SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION 83: The Upper Taquari basin is eroded by an obsequent drainage system, which captures a consequent drainage system. This process occurs in a plateau which is formedeby sedimentary rocks of the Parana Sedimentary Basin. The basin consist of psamitic rocks which are easily eroded and transported after alteration, and deposited in the Pantanal Matogrossense plain. The erosion and transportation by the rivers of the Upper Taquari basin are extremely facilited by the conversion of savannah into pasture land and increades cattle raising activities. Actually the anual loss of soil per hectare increased one hundred times at present. Landsat imagery allows to identify the deposition sites of the Pantanal Matogrossense plain, the monitoring of land use conversion and the identification os sites of erosin and transportation in the upper Taquari plateau MFN: 6810 1: SID/SCD 2: 6672 3: INPE-6672-PRE/2703 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Watrin, Orlando dos Santos 10: Valerio Filho, Mario 12: Techniques of IHS transformation in the characterization of spectral features of agricultural landscape in eastern Amazonia 14: 173-177 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7b 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Commission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO DO AMBIENTE 87: USO DA TERRA 87: IMAGENS 87: TRANSFORMACAO IHS 87: ANALISE AMBIENTAL 88: IMAGE ENHANCEMENT 88: LAND USE 88: IHS TRANSFORMATION 82: 83: Orbital remote sensing is strongly required for vegetation monitoring and land use changes to evaluate the occupation process in the Amazonian region. To support this study, the IHS transformation technique is proposed to be used for characterizing spectral features in the agricultural landscape of Bragantina micro-region, in Para State. A study module of 16km x 13km was selected from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)in order to apply the IHS transformation among these bands and their decomposition into I (intensity), H (hue), and S (saturation)components. Three distinct approaches were performed considering the application of linear contrast stretch for "I" component, axis rotation of "H" component, and addtion of "offset" in the "S" component. The resulting images were converted to the RGB format, and then generated photographic products were evaluated in the fieldwork, by observing the agreement between the enhanced spectral characteristics with the vegetation cover and land use patterns observed on the field. It was noticed that, in general, the generated products had a very good performance to record the different phytophysiognomic formations in the region, and a moderate limitation for accurate discrimination of the land use classes MFN: 6811 1: SID/SCD 2: 7930 3: INPE-7930-PRE/3766 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Guild, Liane S. 10: Hlavka, Christine A. 10: Chatfield, Robert B. 10: Brass, James A. 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 10: Pereira, Joao A. Raposo 10: Riggan, Philip J. 12: Biomass burning emissions in the cerrado of Brazil computed with remote sensing data and GIS 14: 188-195 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7b 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Commission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: QUEIMADAS 87: BIOMASSA 87: CERRADO 87: SIG 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: GIS 88: BIOMASS 88: FIRE 83: Biomass burning is a common human activity in much of the developing tropical world where it has wide-ranging environmental impacts. Fire, a large component of tropical deforestation, is often used to clear broad expanses of land for shifting agriculture and cattle ranching. Frequent burning in the tropical savannas creates problems distinct from those of burning in the primary forest. In Brazil, much of the burning occurs in the Cerrado, which occupies approximately 1.800.000 km2, primarily on the great plateau in Central Brazil. Wildland and agricultural fires are sources of regional air pollution in Central Brazil, and release a large number of trace gases, including greenhouse and other chemically active species. Knowledge of trace gas emissions from biomass burning in Brasil, however, is limited by a number of factors, most notably lack of relative emission factors for gases from specific fire types/fuels and accurate estimates of temporal and spatial distribution and extent of fire activity. We present estimates of trace gas emissions during September 1992 that incorporate a digital map of vegetation classes, pyrogenic emission factors calculated from ground and aircraft missions, and Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)fire products derived from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)data. The regional emissions calculated from AVHRR estimates of fire activity provide an independent estimate for future comparison with results obtained by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)Transport and Atmospheric Chemistry Near the Equator - Atlantic (TRACE-A)experiments MFN: 6812 1: SID/SCD 2: 7931 3: INPE-7931-PRE/3767 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 10: Braga, Claudia Zuccari Fernandes 10: Tundisi, Jose Galisia 12: Use of TM/Landsat data to retrieve the optically active water constituents from an eutrophic tropical reservoir 14: 258-261 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 (Part 7B) 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Commission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: LIMNOLOGIA 87: QUALIDADE DA AGUA 87: SATELITE LANDSAT 87: ANALISE AMBIENTAL 88: LIMNOLOGY 88: WATER QUALITY 83: This paper presents partial results of a four year research project carried out to assess the feasibility of using TM/Landsat data to monitor the water quality of an eutrophic tropical reservoir. Eighteen in situ water quality data collection missions were performed concurrently to Landsat overpasses from May 1989 to October 1991. During this period six cloud free Landsat scenes were acquired. This paper will focus on the statistical analyses of the in situ and remotely sensed date collected in five missions. TM/Landsat data were converted into reflectance values (spectral variables)and correlation analyses were applied to assess their relationship with the water optically active components (Chlorophyll a + pheophytin a, Total suspended solids, Inorganic suspended matter, organic suspended matter). The correlation was run for 4 different sample sets. 1- the whole reservoir (30 samples); Tiete inlet; Piracicaba inlet (10 samples); Main body (10 samples), the correlation among 98 pair of variables was investigated. Taking into account that the correlation was tested for 5 different dates (three winter dates and two summer dates)and for 4 different sample sets, 1960 possible correlations between limnological data and remotely sensed data were studied. Preliminary results showed that, from the whole set of correlations, only 30 83: of the 1176 winter possible correlations were statistically significant. The results confirmed published data elsewhere since for the winter time, 58 83: of the statistically significant correlations occurrred between inorganic matter concentration and TM3 remotely sensed reflectance. For the summer time, 80 83: of the statistically significant correlation were found between inorganic matter concentration and TM3 reflectance as well. Total chlorophyll although being an optically active variable was not consistently related to any spectral variable, confirming the problems of chlorophyll retrieval for case 2 waters MFN: 6813 1: SID/SCD 2: 7927 3: INPE-7927-PRE/3763 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Henebry, Geoffrey M. 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 12: Using lacunarity functions for continental-scale vegetation monitoring 14: 35-39 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7b 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Commission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 83: Several studies of vegetated land surfaces at continental to global scales have relied on maximum NDVI composites derived from AVHRR GAC data. Climatic forcings on terrestrial vegetation are revealed at this spatio-temporal scale primarily in terms of seasonality, although the potential for revealing anomalous climatic conditions does exist. Interannual comparisons of NDVI are hindered, however, by ever-changing atmospheric conditions and sensor characteristcs. Explicit consideration of the temporal evolution of the spatial structure of imagery can alleviate these difficulties. Lacunarity is a robust measure of spatial heterogeneity in binary images. Lacunarity analysis, in conjunction with quantile slicing of the image histogram, can reveal the seasonality of spatial structure in grey-scale NDVI image series. We demonstrate lacunarity functions using maximum monthly GAC-NDVI composites of an area of over a million square-kilometers within central Brazil from October 1981 to June 1991 MFN: 6814 18: Proceedings 21: v.30 P7b 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Commission VII [Symposium] 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 sep. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 88: GEOPROCESSING 88: AGRICULTURE 88: CLASSIFICATION 83: This work presents a methodology to identify irrigated winter crops, using a multitemporal dataset of imageries and ground auxiliaty data referring to three consecutive years (1988, 89 and 90). An image analysis system (SITIM), developed by INPE, and a GIS as well as a Database Management System (dBASE IV)were used to make the integration of these "multifonts"and multitemporal data, to identify the winter crops. The area under study was digitally classified, using a maximum likelihood algorithm, in order to evaluate the results obtained with the proposed methodology. Afterwards both results were compared using Kappa statistics. The indexes to both the proposed methodology and to the digital classification method were 0,668974 (very good)and 0,472170 (good), respectively. The values obtained allowed the conclusion that, using the methodology proposed for areal classification, an improvement of 28,93 83: over the digital classification was achieved. Furthermore, along this study those problems related to multifont data integration were identified, suggesting the use of a reliable system for geoprocessing 1: SID/SCD 2: 6622 3: INPE-6622-PRE/2659 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ortiz, Manoel Jimenez 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 12: Integration of remote sensing, geogrephic information systems and databases to identify irrigated winter crops 14: 134-141 MFN: 6815 1: SID/SCD 2: 7625 3: INPE-7625-PRE/3475 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Novo, Evlyn Maricia Leao de Moraes 10: Lobo, F. 10: Tundisi, J.G. 10: Calijuri, M.C. 12: Predictive modeling of trophic status of a tropical reservoir using a geographical information systems 14: 1207-1210 20: 4 21: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS'94 54: 08-12 ago. <1994> 56: Pasadena 57: USA 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: RESERVATORIOS 87: ANALISE AMBIENTAL 87: GIS 87: SIG 87: QUALIDADE DA AGUA 82: 83: This paper describes a method to asses the trophic status (TS)of a tropical reservoir. Barra Bonita reservoir is located in the Tiete River, SP state ( 22 29 S and 48 34 W). Water quality variables were determined at 30 sample points in 18 dates. Data were stored using a Geographical Information System (GIS)software developed by the Image Processing Division at a INPE , Brazil. The spatial distribution of the patches in the reservoir permitted to identify the areas where teh inputs of nutrients are critical and to understand how the circulation patterns, depth and other environmental variables are affecting the system MFN: 6816 1: SID/SCD 2: 7626 3: INPE-7626-PRE/3475 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Soares, Joao Vianei 10: Chaves Marcelo de Avila 12: Computation of carbon and water cycles in forest ecosystems from a biogeochemical model with remotely sensed data 14: 1063-1065 20: 2 21: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 54: 08-12 ago. <1994> 56: Pasadena, California 57: USA 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 83: This work is intended to test and to evaluate how well a regional biogeochemical model is able to represent the major processes of the hydrologic and carbon cycles of ecosystems of coniferous, growing up in three areas with different climates in Brazil. The model uses Leaf Area Index, LAI, as the main input variable. LAI is generally accepted as the single most important parameter characterizing the exchange of mass and energy in forested areas. It has been demonstrated that LAI can be estimated from remotely sensed data, on the basis of the correlation betwen this vegetation structure parameter and vegetation index such as NDVI. Radar data potential remains to be further investigated. Simulation of real world LAI and sensitivity analysis on some critical parameters were used to test the suitability of the model to represent the process involved. Patterns of vegetation that should be tied to variations on LAI were found through digital image manipulation. The results demonstrated that the model was able to show the relative differences for both water and carbon cycles associated with the three selected test sites. Also, the model was capable of depict efficiently the interaction between climatic parameters and the biophysical processes occuring in the selected forest ecosystem. The follow up is to fit the model with independent measurements of heat fluxes above the canopy and to validate it against measurements of net primary production and hydrologic variables. The results obtained from digital classification suggest that LAI values are homogeneous in all test sites. Then, the use of a unique regional value within the simulations realized is felt to be valid MFN: 6817 1: SID/SCD 2: 6573 3: INPE-6573-PRE/2610 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 10: Henebry, G.M. 12: Multi-scale texture in SAR imagery:landscape dynamics of the Pantanal, Brazil 14: 1069-1071 20: 3 21: v.3 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 54: 08-12 ago. <1994> 56: Pasadena, California 57: USA 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 88: SAR 82: 83: The potential for enviroanmental monitoring of natural landscapes using radar remote sensing is great. However, to realize this potential,new tools for radar image analysis are needed. Landscapes that exhibit complex spatiotemporal variability in terms of backscattering cannot be well characterize using standard approaches to texture.We assess theree methods for multi-scale texture measurement: lacunarity,diversity, and GLCM measures.We used three ERS-1 SAR images of the Nchecolandia region of the Brazilian Pantanal from December 1992 to May 1993. Lacunarity and diversity measures captured the saesonal transformation of the landscape due to rising floodwaters; GLCM measures did not, however, exhibit much sensitivity to either anisotropies or temporal differences in imagens. In addition, lacunarity analysis was able to distinguish between speckle-generated texture from texture produced by scene object backscattering MFN: 6818 1: SID/SCD 2: 7628 3: INPE-7628-PRE/3478 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Galvao, L.S. 10: Vitorelli, I. 10: Paradella, W.R. 12: Spectroradiometric discrimination of laterites with principal componentes analysis 14: 316-325 21: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Thematic Conference on Geologic Remote Sensing, 10 54: 09-12 maio <1994> 56: San Antonio 57: USA 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Bidirectional reflectance factor determinations in the visible and near-infrared of mineralized laterite samples collected at the surface of the alkaline/ultramafic rocks-carbonatite complex of Maicuru, northern Brazil, were evaluated for iron, phosphate and titanium content. Nineteen spectra are subjected to principal components analysis in order to get a better insight into the factors affecting spectral discrimination. The spatial distribution in a PC1 vs PC2 plot is related to the overall reflectance (albedo)along the PC1 axis and to the spectral invertion around 1100 nm along the PC2 axis. The latter can be characterized by any spectral ratio of reflectance values taken before and after the inversion wavelength. Two major groups were thus identified: titanium-rich(anatase, ilmenite)laterites and aluminum phosphates laterites. The former presented spectra with low to intermediate albedos and lower near-infrared/visible and very near-infrared reflectance ratio values. The phosphate-rich samples presented intermediate to high albedos and higher reflectance ratios MFN: 6819 1: SID/SCD 2: 7629 3: INPE-7629-PRE/3479 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Anjos, C.E. 10: Veneziani P. 12: The EW-NS lineament pattern recognizes in structural analysus using remote sensing products and is control over terrains of the brazilian craton. 14: 372- 27: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Thematic Conference on Geologic Remote Sensing, 10 54: 09-12 May <1994> 56: San Antonio, Texas 57: USA 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: A pervasive NS-EW patern of structural lineaments on Brazilian terrains has been identified on remote sensing products.Such pattern can befound by cutting ando controlling rocks as well as and structures from the Archean to the Paleozoic ages. These rocks have been under several deformation cycles. Those NS and EW structural lineaments exert paleogeogreaphic, sedimentological and tectogenetifal control over several litho-structural units. They appear in a subtle way in satellite images, as a direction of maximum density of other fractural patterns. The NS-EW pattern reveals its policyclic character and its influence on the strucutural evolution of the Brazilian craton MFN: 6820 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lopes, E.S.S. 10: Mattos, J.T. de 12: Sistema de processamento de informacoes georreferenciadas (SPRING)na manipulacao de dados estruturais com vista a prospeccao mineral de deposito Epigenetico 14: 53-59 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio de Quantificacao em Geociencias, 5, Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 54: 20-21 maio <1994> 56: Rio Claro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: SPRING 87: SISTEMA DE PROCESSAMENTO DE INFORMA€OES GEORREFERENCIADAS MFN: 6821 1: SID/SCD 2: 7633 3: INPE-7633-PRE/3484 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Veneziani, P. 10: Paradella, W.R. 10: Santos, A.R. 10: Liu, C.C. 10: Bignelli, P.A. 10: Dias, R.R. 10: Singroy, V.H. 12: O experimento SAREX na Amazonia: resultados preliminares na area N1/Azul/Pojuca 14: 394-396 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio de Geologia na Amazonia, 4 54: 28-03 jun. <1994> 56: Belem 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: O experimento SAREX desenvolveu-se a partir de abril de 1992 com a aquisi‡ao de dados SAR de alta resolu‡ao, obtidos atrav‚s de aeronave Convaie 580 do CCRS. Os dados obtidos na banda C, foram coletados sob tres diferentes configura‡oes e nas polarizacoes HH E VV.O modo faixa larga ( 60 Km. de largura, ƒngulos de incidˆncia de 45 a 85)cobriu a regiao desde o reservatorio de Tucurui at‚ a Serra dos Caraj s, com orienta‡ao paralela a ˘rbita descendente doERS-1 ( dire‡ao N 13 E, ƒngulo de visada N77 W). Tres faixas no modo nadir (20 Km de largura, ƒngulo de incidencia de 20 a 70), sendo duas paralelas a ˘rbita ascendente do ERS-1 (N 12W e angulo de vista N78 W), cobrindo as areas Bahia (Au), Salobo (Cu)e Pojuca (Cu/Zn). Finalmente,uma faixa no modo estreito ( 18Km de largura, angulos de incidencia de 45 a 76), paralela as principais estruturas geologicas da  rea (N 50 W, visando para S40 w)englobando os dep˘sitos N,/N4(Fe), Azul (mn), Pojuca (Cu/Zn)e Salobo (Cu). O objetivo de pesquisa ‚ testar a potencialidade dos dados de Radar aeroportado sob v rias configuracoes ( polariza‡ao,angulo de incidencia azimute)na diferencia‡ao de unidades litoestratigr ficas, na caracteriza‡ao tectono-estrutural, na diferencia‡ao de classes de vegeta‡ao objetivando aplica‡oes geobotanicas e no estudo de atividades de minera‡ao.O presente trabalho apresenta os primeiros resultados obtidos com rela‡ao a interpreta‡ao geologica-estrutural na  rea N,/Azul/Pojuca MFN: 6822 1: SID/SCD 2: 7640 3: INPE-7640-PRE/3490 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Paradella, W.R. 10: Liu, C.C. 10: Veneziani, P. 10: Santos, A.R. 10: Bignelli, P.A. 10: Dias, R.R. 12: An overview of SAREX (South American Radar Experiment)data acquisition and preliminary results from Carajas Mineral Province (Brazilian Amazon Region) 14: 214-225 18: Proceedings 20: 12 21: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Thematic Conference on Geologic Remote Sensing, 10 54: 09-12 maio <1994> 56: San Antonio 57: USA 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: The SAREX'92 campaign was carried out in the Carajas Province based on the airborne C-band SAR. High-resolution data were acquired under dual polarization and three different configurations. Wide mode was used to cover the Province and Nadir and Narrow modes were flown over mineralized areas. The objective of the research is to test the capability of SAR airborne data in various configurations (polarization, incidence and azimuth angles)to differentiate lithostratigraphic units, geological strctures, rain forest vegetation classes aiming at geobotanical applications and to characterize mining activities. First results have shown that illumination geometry is a critical parameter in the extraction of geological information while dual polarization is important for thecharacterization of mining activities and goebotanical association related to iron deposits MFN: 6823 1: SID/SCD 2: 8197 3: INPE-8197-PRE/3994 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, A.R. 10: Paradella, W.R. 10: Liu, C.C. 10: Veneziani, P. 10: Dias, R.R. 10: Bignelli, P.A. 10: Singroy, V.H. 12: O experimento SAREX na Amazonia: resultados preliminares nas areas Salobo e Bahia 14: 372-374 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 42: 53: Simposio de Geologia na Amazonia, 4 54: 28-03 jun. <1994> 56: Belem, PA 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: imagens de radar 87: radar de abertura sint‚tica 87: propriedades estruturais (geologia) 87: SAR 88: radar imagery 88: synthetic aperture radar 88: structural properties (geology) 83: O objetivo de pesquisa ‚ testar a potencialidade dos dados de RADAR aeroportado sob v rias configura‡äes (polariza‡Ćo, ƒngulo de incidˆncia, azimute)na diferencia‡Ćo de unidades litoestratigr ficas, na caracteriza‡Ćo tectono-estrutural, na diferencia‡Ćo de classes de vegeta‡Ćo objetivando aplica‡äes geobotƒnicas e no estudo de atividades de minera‡Ćo.O presente trabalho apresenta os primeiros resultados obtidos com rela‡Ćo a interpreta‡Ćo geol˘gica na  rea Bahia e a an lise de lineamentos na  rea Salobo MFN: 6824 1: SID/SCD 2: 7630 3: INPE-7630-PRE/3480 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Valerio Filho, M. 10: Pereira Neto, Osvaldo Coelho 12: Analise temporal da adequacao do uso do solo atraves de tecnicas de geoprocessamento 14: 328 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Reuniao Brasileira de Manejo e Conservacao do solo e da agua, 10 54: 24-29 jul. <1994> 56: Florianopolis, SC 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: ANALISE AMBIENTAL 87: USO DO TERRA 87: MAPA DE APTIDAO AGRICOLA DAS TERRAS 87: BACIAS HIDROGRAFICAS 82: 83: A crescente demanda da producao de alimentos tem promovido em algumas regioes uma ocupacao antropica desordenada, que ‚ em grande parte responsavel pelos processos de erosao do solo. Esta degradacao ‚ causada frequentemente por uma utilizacao da terra mais intensiva do que elas poderiam suportar. Assim, torna-se necessario o desenvolvimento de trabalho de cunho metodologico para caracterizar e monitorar a efetiva utilizacao das terras segundo suas capacidades de suporte para as atividades agrossilvopastoris. Esta capacidade de suporte pode ser obtida pela determinacao da aptidao agricola das terras (Ramalho Filho et al., 1978). Neste sentido, o presente trabalho tem por premissa utilizar tecnicas de Geoprocessamento (Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistema de Informacao Geografica - SIG)para a elaboracao de mapas de uso e cobertura vegetal do solo, utilizando-se das tecnicas de processamento de imagens digitais (Schowengerdt, 1983)e do SIG (Ehlers et al., 1989)para a confeccao tanto do mapa de aptidao agricola das terras quanto da analise comparativa entre o uso atual e o indicado pela aptidao, com vistas na adequacao de ocupacao das terras para uma pequena bacia hidrografica. A area de estudo compreende a bacia hidrografica do Ribeirao Cafezal, localizada entre os municipios de Londrina, Cambe e Rolandia ao norte do Estado do Parana, e ocupa uma area de aproximadamente 12.000 hectares. Os dados fornecidos pelo sensor TM/LANDSAT foram tratados com tecnicas de processamento de imagens digitais, e os produtos gerados na forma de composicoes coloridas foram submetidos a analise e interpretacao, produtos estes que permitiram a elaboracao de mapas de uso e cobertura vegetal do solo para os anos de 1980 e 1993. O SIG foi inicialmente utilizado para gerar a carta de declividade da area de estudo e mapa de aptidao agricola das terras. Para a obtencao deste mapa, foi criado um arquivo de regras que permitiu o cruzamento das caracteristicas e propriedades dos solos (fatores edaficos limitantes)com a declividade para obtencao das classes de aptidao. Na fase final o mesmo SIG foi utilizado para fazer os cruzamentos do mapa de aptidao agricola das terras com os mapas de uso e cobertura vegetal do solo para as duas datas, a fim de possibilitar a avaliacao das areas de conflito de uso. Os resultados demonstraram um aumento de area com exploracao agricola incompativel com a aptidao agricola das terras no periodo de 1980 para 1993. No ano de 1980 verificou-se que 16,1 83: estava sendo superutilizada, passando para 26,2 83: em 1993, o que concorreu para uma intensificacao dos processos de degradacao dos solos nesta area de estudo. Este resultado e em parte, consequencia da reducao de areas antes ocupadas com pecuaria, as quais passaram a ser exploradas por agricultura intensiva. A metodologia utilizada atraves da integracao de dados de sensoriamento remoto e sistema de informacao geografica demonstrou ser uma ferramenta importante para a avaliacao da adequacao de uso das terras e, consequentemente oferece subsidios relevantes para o planejamento agricola ao nivel de bacias hidrograficas. MFN: 6825 1: SID/SCD 2: 7631 3: INPE-7631-PRE/3481 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Donzeli, P.L. 10: Pinto, Sergio dos Anjos Ferreira 10: Neto, F.L. 10: Valerio Filho, M. 10: Valeriano, Marcio Morisson 12: Modelo MUSLE e sistema de informacoes geograficas aplicados ao estudo de pequenas bacias hidrograficas 14: 140 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Reuniao Brasileira de Manejo e Conservacao do Solo e da agua 54: 24-29 jul. <1994> 56: Florianopolis, SC 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: ANALISE AMBIENTAL 83: Processos de erosao acelerada do solo podem estar associados a pressoes de uso das terras que atraves de manejos inadequados, concorrem para favorecer o incremento do escoamento artificial das aguas pluviais (runoff). A este contexto associam-se, tambem, os elementos componentes do meio fisico, que se incluem como fatores influenciadores daqueles processos, especialmente a declividade das vertentes e caracteristicas intrinsecas do solo. A caracterizacao de indicadores dos processos de erosao do solo pode ser realizada utilizando o suporte das tecnicas de geoprocessamento atraves dos Sistemas de Informacoes Geograficas (SIG's). Os SIG's compoem-se de softwares que permitem a manipulacao e integracao de dados podendo ser conduzida com apoio de modelos. Neste sentido, este trabalho apresenta abordagem para caracterizacao de indicadores da expectativa de erosao do solo utilizando um SIG (SGI/INPE)e o modelo Modified-Universal Soil Loss Equation - MUSLE (Williams, 1975). A area de estudo corresponde a microbacia do corrego Sao Joaquim, localizada no municipio paulista de Pirassununga. MFN: 6826 1: SID/SCD 2: 7632 3: INPE-7632-PRE/3482 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pinto, Sergio dos Anjos Ferreira 10: Donzeli, P.L. 10: Valerio Filho, Mario 10: Neto, F.L. 10: Valeriano, Marcio Morisson 12: Analise comparativa da aplicacao dos modelos MUSLE e USLE, com suporte de tecnicas de geoprocessamento 14: 164 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Reuniao Brasileira de Manejo e conservacao do solo e da agua, 10 54: 24-29 jul. <1994> 56: Florianopolis, SC 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: USO DA TERRA 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: PERDAS DO SOLO 87: EQUACAO UNIVERSAL DE PERDAS DO SOLO 87: USLE 87: BACIAS HIDROGRAFICAS 87: EROSAO 87: SOLOS 87: SIG 82: 83: O modelo Equacao Universal de Perdas de Solos - Universal Soil Loss Equation (Wischmeier e Smith, 1978)pode ser utilizado para carracterizar indicadores de erosao do solo em bacias hidrograficas (grande, medio e pequeno portes). Esta caracterizacao tem sido conduzida com o apoio das tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto (para levantamento de informacoes de uso da terra e cobertura vegetal)e de geoprocessamento para a integracao dos dados (que compoe os termos do modelo USLE)atraves de Sistemas de Informacoes Geograficas (SIG's). Outra opcao de modelo a ser utilizado e a USLE modofocada (Modified USLE-MUSLE), conforme proposta de Williams (1975). A MUSLE leva em consideracao a expectativa de escoamento superficial das aguas pluviais (runoff)no lugar do fator R (erosividade da chuva). Com o suporte de um SIG (SGI/INPE)este trabalho apresenta uma analise comparativa da aplicacao dos modelos USLE e MUSLE em uma bacia hidrografica. A area selecionada refere-se a bacia do corrego Sao Joaquim (Pirassununga - regiao centro-leste do territorio paulista). MFN: 6827 1: SID/SCD 2: 7575 3: INPE-7575-PRE/3427 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 10: Verstraete, M.M. 12: Fire and glint in AVHRR's channel 3: a possible reason for the non-saturation mystery 14: 711-718 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: v.15 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSM 61: 64: Feb. <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: QUEIMADAS 87: NOAA-11 87: AVHRR 83: Evidence from a very strong and rare case of sunglint in a NOAA-11 AVHRR image is used to show that a problem exists in the on-board signal processing of channel 3. This problem, associated only with targets of high reflectivity and/or temperature, causes erroneous indication of digital counts (DN)and calculated brightness temperatures for near-saturation ranges in channel 3 images. The explanation proposed, a spurious conversion fo the sensor signal to DNs fits observations of sunglint and fire detection data in AVHRR images of the NOAA-series satellites which could not otherwise be explained MFN: 6828 1: SID/SCD 2: 7635 3: INPE-7635-PRE/3485 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Silva, M.F.F. da 10: Rosa, A. 10: Kushigbor, C.A. 12: A geobotanical approach to the tropical rainfores environment of the Carajas Mineral Province (Amazon region, Brazil), based on digital TM-Landsat and DEM data 14: 1633-1648 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 15 32: 8 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSM 61: 64: May <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Digital TM Landasat images integrated with elevation model variables were usef to evaluate the potentialily for lithological unit discriminationin the tropical rain forest fenvioronment of the Carajas Mineral Province Brazilian Amazon region. The data set analysed through digital image processing techniques ( enhancements and non-supervised classification). The investigation has shown that the Up-Land rain forest vegetation in the area is mainly controlled by elevation and slope which reflect variations in the geology. Botinical verrification has also indicated that ths physiognomy(density and stratification), would be the most important vegatation attribute which influences the remote sensing responses. The research has provided useful information for the geological model of the area. Thus, by understanding the relationships among vegetation, terrain descriptors and geology,geobotinical remote sensing provides an additional tool for geological exportation in this kind of environment MFN: 6829 1: SID/SCD 2: 7636 3: INPE-7636-PRE/3486 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Spectral mixture analysis of inland tropical waters 14: 1351-1356 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 15 32: 6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Apr. <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: ANALISE AMBIENTAL 83: This letter results of experiments conducted to assess the use of linear mixing models to unmix the reflectance spectra of water. The model was tested with 11 reflectance spectra measured at Tucurui reservoir, Brazilian Amazon. The results showed that fraction of chlorophyll reflectance accounting for the reflectance spectra of the various samples corrlate significantly withthe cholorophyll concentration in the 600 to 700 nm spectral region MFN: 6830 1: SID/SCD 2: 7637 3: INPE-7637-PRE/3487 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 12: Fraction images derived from NOAA AVHRR data for studying the deforestation in the brazilian Amazon 14: 517-520 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 15 32: 3 40: EN 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 82: 83: Fraction images derived from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations (NOAA)Advenced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)imsgrs contain useful information for studying tropical deforestation. Vegetation,soil and shade fraction images are formed by the proportion amount od each component within the pixel. These values are estimated using the two reflective channels (0-58-0-68 um and 0-725-1.1 um)and the reflective component of the 3.55-3.95 um channel (Kaufman and Nakajima 1993, Kaufman and Remer 1993). The endmenbers for AVHRR image to run the Constrained Least Squares (CLS)Metrod (Shimabukuro nand Smith 1991)were estimated using the fraction images derived from Landasat Thematic Mapper (TM)as a ground trutth as presented by Holben and Shimabukuro (1993).Figures 1 and 2 show teh color composite (Vegetation=Red,Soil=Gren andShade=Blue)of the fraction images and NDVI image, respectively for AVHRR data acquired on 26 July 1988 over the Rondonia State in the Brazilian Amazon. Figures 3 and 4 show the composite fraction and NDVI images, respectively obtained from AVHRR( 26 July 1988)and TM ( 8 August 1988)for the same region.The NDVI images are very similar to vegetaion fraction images and are highly correlates with the fraction images for both remote sensors MFN: 6831 1: SID/SCD 2: 9904 3: INPE-9904-RPQ/7 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Miranda, Evaristo 16: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 16: Takeda, Aluizio M. 18: Monitoramento Orbital das Queimadas no Brasil 20: 149 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 62: ECOFORCA/INPE/EMBRAPA 64: <1994> 66: Campinas 68: RPQ 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: queimadas 87: monitoramento ambiental 87: monitoramento orbital 82: 83: Este trabalho apresenta dados numericos e cartograficos, obtidos por um sistema de monitoramento orbital da ocorrencia de queimadas no Brasil. Pesquisadores do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE, do Nucleo de Monitoramento Ambiental - NMA/EMBRAPA e da organizacao nao governamental ECOFORCA - Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento elaboraram, com o apoio da Agencia Estado - AE, programas de computador e rotinas informatizadas que organizam em mapas semanais, mensais e anuais, dados obtidos diariamente pelo satelite NOAA-AVHRR, em Cachoeira Paulista - SP. Uma descricao sucinta dos metodos desenvolvidos e apresentada, assim como dos resultados e progressos obtidos por esse esforco multiinstitucional entre 1991 e 1993. O trabalho contem uma serie de 46 mapas nacionais, regionais e anualmente pelo sistema esta disponivel no NMA e na ECOFORCA. Eles podem ser fornecidos sob demanda e em breve serao passiveis de um acesso remoto via FTP ou WWW/Mosaic. Os resultados indicam uma reducao de 467.012 pontos de queimadas em 1991 para 290.773 em 1992 e para 311.154 em 1993. Ja os padroes espaco-temporais interanuais, observados a nivel mensal, foram bastante similares e chegam a ser praticamente identicos durante o mes de outubro. A contribuicao de cada regiao e estado ao fenomeno e discutida no trabalho. Desequilibrios regionais importantes foram evidenciados. Sao Paulo e Parana, por exemplo, respondem por quase 50 83: da producao agricola do pais e contribuem, cada um, com apenas cerca de 2 83: das queimadas detectadas. Enquanto isso, mato Grosso contribui sozinho com cerca de 20 83: das queimadas detectadas no pais, um numero equivalente ao dobro do total das regioes Sul e Sudeste juntas, para uma producao agricola relativamente muito pouco expressiva. enfim espera-se que o significativo e inedito conjunto cartografico e numerico apresentado sirva para ampliar o conhecimento cientifico e racionalizar a discussao sobre as queimadas no Brasil MFN: 6832 1: SID/SCD 2: 5574 3: INPE-5574-RPQ/667 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Sausen, Tania Maria 18: Mercado para sensoriamento remoto no Brasil: 22 anos do curso de mestrado do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE 20: 35 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSM 64: <1994> 66: Sao jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 90: b 83: O Curso de Mestrado em Sensoriamento Remoto do INPE foi criado em 22 de abril de 1971 para capacitar os pesquisadores da Divisao de Sensoriamento Remoto nesta tecnologia. Naquela epoca nao havia, nas universidades brasileiras e no exterior, curso de mestrado em sensoriamento remoto onde estes especialistas pudessem ser qualificados. Neste ano o curso de mestrado esta completando 22 anos de existencia tendo formado em torno de 160 mestres, que estao espalhados pelas mais diversas regioes brasileira e mesmo no exterior. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o perfil profissional dos ex-alunos de mestrado do INPE e saber se eles ainda estao trabalhando com esta tecnologia MFN: 6853 1: SID/SCD 2: 5586 3: INPE-5586-TDI/548 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Caldeira, Heraldo Soares 18: Classificacao tematica de areas litoraneas: uma contribuicao metodologica 19: Thematic classification of zone coastal: a methodologic contribution 20: 133 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Sergio dos Anjos Ferreira Pinto (orientador); Mario Valerio Filho; Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias; Pedro Luiz Donzelli 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: FOTOGRAFIA AEREA 87: USO DA TERRA 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: COSTAS 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: LITORAL 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 87: SIG 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: FOTOGRAFIA AEREA 88: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC 88: CLASSIFICATIONS 88: COASTAL PLAINS 88: COASTS 88: LAND USE 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 82: 83: O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar tecnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e do Sistema de Informacao Geografica (SIG)aplicadas a classificacao de uso da terra e cobertura vegetal, em areas litoraneas, com apoio a preparacao e atualizacao de cartas nauticas. Imagens digitais TM/Landsat e fotografias aereas digitalizadas foram selecionadas e utilizadas para a regiao de Itaoca no Espirito Santo. Classificadores supervisionados, nao supervisionados e hibridos foram aplicados e a avaliacao da precisao das classificacoes foi conduzida atraves da estatistica multivariada (estatistica Kappa) MFN: 6854 1: SID/SCD 2: 5581 3: INPE-5581-TDI/544 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Damiao, Darcton Policarpo 18: Analise comparativa de imagens multissensores (TM/Landsat e SAR/ERS-1)e multitemporais, na regiao de Guaira, SP 19: Comparative analysis of multisensor (TM/Landsat and SAR/ERS-1)and multitemporal scenes of Guaira region, Sao Paulo State, Brazil 20: 120 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Hermann Johann Heinrich Kux (orientador); Nelson Delfino d'Avila Mascarenhas; Antonio Roberto Formaggio; Luciano Vieira Dutra; David Fernandes 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: abr. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: IMAGEM DE RADAR 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: ERS-1 (ESA SATELLITE) 87: PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGEM 87: TRANSFORMACAO (MATEMATICA) 88: RADAR IMAGERY 88: SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 88: TRANSFORMATIONS (MATHEMATICS) 82: 83: Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar e comparar dois conjuntos de imagens adquiridos em datas proximas por sistemas sensores diferentes e em duas estacoes climaticas opostas (seca e chuvosa). Para executar este trabalho de comparacao, foram adotadas duas abordagens distintas: uma qualitativa, apos as interpretacoes visuais das cenas com o auxilio de dados de campo e outra quantitativa, apos a digitalizacao daquelas interpretacoes, na qual um metodo estatistico nao parametrico denominado Kappa foi utilizado e testado. Os resultados da primeira abordagem sao ratificados pelos da segunda, demonstrando ser vantojosa a combinacao de imagens multissensors, especialmente, se acompanhada de tecnicas de processamento digital de imagens, como a analise por principais componentes e a transformacao IHS. Outra conclusao do trabalho e a necessidade de se observar o menor lapso de tempo aplicavel na aquisicao das imagens de diferentes sensores. Alem disso, e fundamental que seja realizado um registro entre estas imagens e que este registro seja tao preciso quanto praticavel, tomando sempre como referencia as imagens obtidas por sensores opticos. Finalmente, a partir da analise dos resultados alcancados, percebe-se que as imagens SAR-ERS-1 empregadas aparentemente sao mais sensiveis a permitividade dos alvos do que a rugosidade destes, ao contrario do esperado, talvez por uma imprecisao no pre-processamento das imagens MFN: 6856 1: SID/SCD 2: 5571 3: INPE-5571-TDI/542 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Ferreira, Luis Geraldo 18: Avaliacao global do sistema fotografico para geracao de imagem Landsat TM do INPE 19: The photographic system global evaluation for generation of INPE TM Landsat image 20: 119 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Roberto Pereira da Cunha (orientador); Gerald Jean Francis Banon; Flavio Jorge Ponzoni; Valdir Francisco Veronese 58: SPG 59: SER 64: jan. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: RADIOMETRIA 87: PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS 87: CONTROLE DE QUALIDADE 87: PRODUTOS 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: MODULACAO 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 88: MODULATION TRANSFER FUNCION 88: PHOTOGRAPHIC MEASUREMENT 88: PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSING 88: QUALITY CONTROL 88: SYSTEMS ANALYSIS 88: RADIOMETERS 88: LANDSAT SATELLITES 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 83: Este trabalho contem um estudo direcionado a qualidade do produto fotografico orbital no que diz respeito as interferencias do processamento fotografico nos valores radiometricos registrados no produto final. Foi feita uma avaliacao do fluxo de producao fotografico de imagem Landsat TM do INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais ), e discutido o processo por etapas de producao. Foram feitas comparacoes de procedimentos e parametros de distribuicao Landsat do mundo. Foram discutidas as condicoes de processamento, atraves de avaliacao densitometrica e do levantamento da Funcao de Transferencia de Modulacao. Foi proposta nova curva de producao no "master" do fotografico e a reavaliacao dos parametros densitometricos para o produto de transparencia preto e branco. Tambem foi sugerido material fotografico para gerar imagens em papel adequando melhor a condicao de retencao de informacoes no produto MFN: 6881 1: SID/SCD 2: 7938 3: INPE-7938-PRE/3774 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Yamakawa, Tadashi 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 10: Miranda, Fernando Pellon de 10: Derze, Gilberto Ruy 10: Chiang, Liu Chan 10: Bentz, Cristina Maria 10: Nishidai, Takashi 12: Joint remote sensing study in northeastern Brazil (GIS techniques for oil exploration 14: 498-503 18: Proceedings 20: 6 21: v30P7A 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS Commission VII Symposium 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 Sept <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: A remote sensing study was conducted in the semi-arid area of northeastern Brazil. This is a bilateral cooperation between Japan (ERSCAD)and Brazil (INPE, DNPM and PETROBRAS). The purpose of the study is to examine the applicability of remote sensing data as an aid to structural mappimg in the Tucano sedimentary basin and to mineral exploration in Serrinha greenstone belt. This result is a part of the study concentrated on various analyses using GIS techniques to extract geologic structures relevant to oil exploration. The sources of the data used for this study are Landsat TM, JERS-1 SAR and Radambrasil SLAR images, in addition to geologic and geophysical data. The result of the study suggest that the GSI techniques is an useful tool for digital integration of remote sensing data when appropriately combined with geologic and geophysical data and these processings make an advanced image interpretation feasible for various studies MFN: 6888 1: SID/SCD 2: 5608 3: INPE-5608-TDI 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Kuplich, Tatiana Mora 18: Estudo da complementaridade de imagens oticas (Landsat/TM)e de radar (ERS-1/SAR)na discriminacao tematica de uso da terra 19: Optical (Landsat/TM)and radar (ERS-1/SAR)imagery sinergism studies applied to land use discrimination 20: 125 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Joao Vianei Soares (orientador); Corina da Costa Freitas Yanasse (orientadora); Mario Valerio Filho; Fernando Pellon de Miranda 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: Jun. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: CLASSIFICACAO DE IMAGENS 87: USO DA TERRA 87: MAXIMA VEROSSIMILHANCA 87: MAXVER 87: IMAGE DE RADAR 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SAR 87: CIDADES 87: ERS-1(ESA SATELITE) 87: FLORESTAS 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: FILTRAGEM 87: ESTATISTICA 87: LANDSAT-5 88: FILTRATION 88: IMAGE CLASSIFICATION 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 88: LAND USE 88: MAXIMUM LIKELIKOOD ESTIMATES 88: RADAR IMAGERY 88: SYNTEHETIC APERTURE RADAR 88: CITIES 88: FORESTS 88: STATISTICAL DISTRIBUTIONS 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 83: Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma analise comparativa entre produtos de dois sensores de natureza distinta para disscriminacao de alvos: imagens SAR do satelites ERS-1 e imagens TM do satelite LANDASAT-5 . Oobjetibo e testar a complementaridade entre dois produtos em um tipo de formato(componentes principais)que realce esta combinacao. A area teste de 316Km2 e localiza-se na porcao noroeste do municipio de Campinas, SP. Esta area apresenta diferentes classes de uso da terra, compreendendo alvos urbanos, agricolas e florestais.Foi realizado o registro entre as diferentes imagens e aplicada a transformacao por componentes principais. As componentes principais TM,SAR, SAR filtradas, TM registrada dcom SAR e Tm resgistrada com SAr filtrada foram classificadas por Maxima Verossimilhanca. Tambem foram realizados testes para verificacao do ajuste dos dados a uma serie de distribuicoes, obtendo-se assim, alem dos resultados dos ajustes, algumas estatisticas descritivas das imagens. Os resultados, confirmados atraves de estatisticas Kappa, apontam uma significativa melhora na classificacao para as classes de area urbana, pastagem e reflorestamenmto. A complementaridade entre os produtos foi assim observada para os alvos urbanos, onde a resposta do radar evidencia a presenca de areas atraves do fenomeno dconhecido como reflexoes de canto ou corner reflections. E ressaltada a importancia da filtragem dos dados de radar para a reducao do speckle e melhor aproveitamento de suas potencialidades em classificacao por Maxima Verossimilhanca 91: FDB-19950509 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6895 91: FDB-19950511 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 2: 5584 3: INPE-5584-TDI/546 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Vergara, Oscar Ricardo 18: Avaliacao de produtos de sensoriamento remoto para fins de atualizacao cartografica 19: Remote sensing products evaluation for cartographic updating purposes 20: 155 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Maria de Lourdes Neves de O. Kurkdjian (orientadora); Gerald Jean Francis Banon; Celina Foresti; Antonio Maria Garcia Tommaselli 59: SER 62: INPE 64: fev. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: CARTOGRAFIA 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS 87: TOPOGRAFIA 87: SPOT (SATELITE FRANCES) 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 88: GEOMETRIC ACCURACY 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 88: TOPOGRAPHY 88: SPOT (FRENCH SATELLITE) 88: RELIEF MAPS 83: A falta de documentos catograficos atualizados indica a necessidade de desenvolver metodos de atualizacao de cartas topograficas que permitam reduzir o dispendio de tempo e recursos. Considerando as vantagens derivadas para fins cartograficos este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de produtos orbitais gerados pelo INPE, no contexto de metodologias de atualizacao cartografica. Para tal fim e estudado o conteudo de informacoes tematica de diversos grupos de dados (TM-Landsat em banda e e composicao colorida BGR 2,3,4; HRV-SPOT nos modos pancromatico e multiespectral BRG 1,2,3; produtos hidridos)visando o seu uso para fins de atualizacao de cartas topograficas na escala de 1:50.000. Estuda-se tambem a exatidao geometrica atingida atraves da utilizacao desses produtos nos formatos analogico e digital quando respectivamente integrados com os sistemas PROCOM-2 E SITIM/SGI (sistemas de processamento de imagens e de informacoes geograficas desenvolvidas no INPE).Os resultados indicam que embora com restricoes, essas imagens fornecen uma consideravel porcentagem da informacao tematica contida em cartas topograficas na escala deste trabalho. As avaliacoes geometricas mostram que trabalhando sobre uma base cartografica em escala 1:50.000, as transparencias positivas TM-Landasat com correcao de sistema e HRV-SPOT em nivel 1B permite realizar atualizacao cartografica em escala 1:250.000, existindo tambem a possibilidade de se trabalhar na escala de 1:100.000. Por sua vez imagens digitais HRV-SPOT em nivel 1B corrigidas geometricamente atraves do registro imagem/carta, permite atingir a exatidao geometrica das cartas classe A, na escala de 1:50.000. MFN: 6896 1: SID/SCD 2: 5552 3: INPE-5552-TDI/536 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07]528.871 16: Ceccato, Vania Aparecida 18: Proposta metodologica para avaliacao da qualidade de vida urbana a partir de dados convencionais e de sensoriamento remoto, sistema de informacoes geograficas e banco de dados georrelacional 19: Proposal of a methodology to evaluate urban quality of life using conventional and remote sensing data, geographic information system, and a database 20: 150 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: EN 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Celina Foresti (orientadora); Maria de Lourdes N. de O. Kurkdjian (orientadora); Maria Suelena Santiago Barros; Felisberto Cavalheiro 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: fev. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: FOTOGRAFIA AEREA 87: CIDADES 87: POPULACAO 87: QUALIDADE DE VIDA 87: SPOT (SATELITE FRANCES) 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 88: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 88: CITIES 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: POPULATION 88: SPOT (FRENCH SATELLITE) 88: URBAN 88: VEGETATIVE INDEX 88: URBAN PLANNING 83: Foi elaborada uma metologia de avalizacao de qualidade de vida urbana que utiliza dados convencionais e de sensoriamento remoto (fotografias areas na escala de 1:10.000, imagens orbitais SPOT-pancromatica em papel digital TM-Landasat), um Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas e um banco de dados georrelacional. A proposta baseou-se num modelo conceitual de Qualidade de Vida Urbana (QVU), envolvendo as seguintes variaveis: infra-estrutura, renda, saude, criminalidade, padrao de espaco construido areas verdes. Para tanto, avaliou-se em caracter exploratorio a potencialidade dos padroes texturais e classes de indice de vegetacao, ambos extraidos de imagens orbitais, como indicadores das condicoes socio-ambientais. Tanto os dados convencionais como o de sensoriamento remoto foram inseridos no banco de dados, foram manipulados e possibilitaram, atraves de sua integracao ao SIG, a producao de representacoes cartograficas de cada variavel do modelo de QVU,bem como a integracao de todas elas representado diferentes padroes de QVU . A metodologia mostrou-se util para o diagnostico da qualidade de vida urbana de Rio Claro_SP, inclusive quando comparada a qualidade definida pela percepcao da populacao. Sugere-se que a metodologia seja testada em outras cidades, com pequenas modificacoes, como meio de refinar o modelo desenvolvido 91: FDB-19950511 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6899 1: SID/SCD 2: 7331 3: INPE-7331-RPQ/707 4: SRE 5: M 6: m 7: [07]504.06(81) 16: Carvalho, Vitor Celso de 16: Rizzo, Hidely Grassi 18: A zona costeira brasileira: subsidios para uma avaliacao ambiental 20: 211 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 62: MMA 64: <1994> 66: Brasilia 68: RPQ 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: GERENCIAMENTO COSTEIRO 87: ZONEAMENTO COSTEIRO-BRASIL 87: AVALIACAO AMBIENTAL 83: Os componentes bioticos e abioticos da Zona Costeira e as reacoes mutuas que entre eles se estabelecem determinam sistemas ecologicos distintos, destacados por uma ou mais caracteristicas importantes, tais como resilencia, produtividade e diversidade biologica. Tais circustancia tornam essas areas especialmente atrativas, fazendo-as sitios preferenciais para multiplos assentamentos e atividades diversificadas. Por outro lado, por constituirem ambientes de formacao geologicas recente e de grande varibilidade natural, apresentam ecossistemas em geral fisicamente inconsolidados e ecologicamente imaturos e complexos. Essas circunstancias lhes conferem caracteristicas de vulnerabilidade e fragilidade que aliadas a um consumo de recursos sempre crescente e ao impactos previstos de mudancas climaticas e aumento do nivel do mar, tenden a uma situacao de desequelibrio.Os procedimentos tradicionais de manejo nao se tem demonstrado capazes de conter a degradacao ambiental. O retorno dos investimentos tem diminuido os padroes de producao tem sido inadequados e nao sustentaveis e aumenta o desperdicio de recursos. As crescentes pressoes exercidas sobre a Zona Costeira demandam com urgencia a doacao de estrategias integradas de manejo para enfretar problemas cada vez mais complexos e inter-relacionados 91: FDB-19950511 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6900 1: SID/SCD 2: 7647 3: INPE-7647-PRE/3497 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 12: Role of remopte sensing in large field experiments in Amazonia 14: 35-38 30: Revista Brasileira de Geofisica 31: 12 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 82: 83: The Amazon Basin has an important role in the global climate due to its dimension. Change in forest cover impacts the hydrological and the biogeochemical cycles of the region. Deforestation with subsequent biomass burning and decomposition causes CO2 to be released to the atmosphere contributing to the greenhouse effect 91: FDB-19950515 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6911 1: SID/SCD 2: 7671 3: INPE-7671-PRE/3521 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cecarelli, Izabel Cristina Franchitto 10: Mattos, Juercio Tavares de 12: Mapeamento e integracao de dados com o uso de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto para a definicao de areas prioritarias a prospeccao para ouro na Serra dos Carajas 14: 310-313 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 4 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Simposio de Geologia da Amazonia, 4; Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 (Camboriu, 23-28 out. 1994, p.468-469) 54: 28 maio - 03 jun. <1994> 56: Belem 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 82: 83: Este trabalho utilizou-se da tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto atrav‚s da analise e interpretacao de imagens orbitais para o desenvolvimento de um prospecto para ouro em regioes densamente florestadas, mediante a convergencia de evidencias de mineralizacao, num modelo prospectivo tipo epigenetico.A area mapeada (3091 Km2), em escala 1:100.000 localiza-se a sul-sudeste do Estado do Para, na Serra dos Carajas, sendo resultado de um projeto finalizado em julho de 1992 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6912 1: SID/SCD 2: 7658 3: INPE-7658-PRE/3508 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ribeiro, Frederico de Melo 10: Anjos, Celio Eustaquio dos 10: Veneziani, Paulo 12: Contribuicao ao conhecimento tectono-estrutural da regiao de Caldas Novas (Goias)atraves de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto 14: 455-456 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 2 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: AGUA 83: Com o objetivo de desenvolver e aperfeicoar tecnicas de analise espacial de dados de sensoriamento remoto para estudos tectonicos estruturais nba regiao de Caldas Novas - GO foi desenvolvida uma Dissertacao de Mestrado no INPE.A area de estudo localiza-se na bacia hidrografica do rio Corumba, no sudeste do estado de Goias. E delimitado pelos paralelos 17 15 e 18 00 de latitude sul e 48 15 e 49 00 de longitude oeste, perfazendo um total de 6000 Km 2 aproximadamente 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6913 1: SID/SCD 2: 7659 3: INPE-7659-PRE/3509 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cecarelli, Izabel Cristina Franchitto 10: Mattos, Jurcio Tavares de 10: Alves, Carlos Alberto da 12: Avaliacao geotecnica para a definicao do tracado do mineroduto Rio Capim - Murucupi 14: 22-24 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 3 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Este resumo descreve o trabalho desenvolvido junto … RIO CAPIM QUIMICA S.A ( Vale do Rio Doce), cujo o objetivo foi a defini‡ao do tra‡ado mais adequado a implanta‡ao do mineroduto Rio Capim/Murucupi. para o escoamento do caolim lavrado beneficiado as margens do Rio Capim ( jazida Capim 1)at‚ a regiao portu ria de Murucupi, no estado do Par . A regiao trabalha compreendeu uma faixa de 20 Km de largura por 180Km de comprimento ao longo do eixo Capim 1/Murucupi, segundo oritenta‡ao da Rio Capim Quimica S.A. Utilizando-se da analise e interpreta‡ao de imagens TM/Landsat associadas e levantamentos de campos, realizou-se a interpreta‡ao de dados atualizados de cobertura vegetal e ocupa‡ao do solo as carcteristicas de adequa‡ao do meio fisico para a implanta‡ao de obras enterradas, avaliando-se tamb‚m os aspectos s˘cio-economico locais e a infraentrutura existente, definido-se entao, o tra‡ado mais adequado para a implanta‡ao do mineroduto. A escala de trabalho utilizada foi de 1:50.000 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6914 1: SID/SCD 2: 7660 3: INPE-7660-PRE/3510 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rueda, Jairo Roberto Jimenez 10: Mattos, Juercio Tavares de 12: Sistematica para estabelecimento de locais apropriados a instalacao e monitoramento de deposito de rejeitos solidos e liquidos de atividades antropicas 14: 61-62 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 2 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: A presente pesquisa aborda uma metodologia para a caracterizacao e definicao da capacidade de suporte do meio fisico em funcao das diversas atividades antropicas. Considerando-se que o meio fisico constitui uma das variaveis ambientais mais importantes e, devido a intensificacao das atividades antropicas e necessario que se faca um monitoramento frequente. Nesta pesquisa destacou-se atividades que trazem problemas diretamente a sociedade (urbana e rural)tais como: o saneamento basico em areas urbanas; areas de aterros sanitarios pramultiplos usos na interface urbano/rural; reutilizacao de residuos agroindustriais como reincorporacao e reciclagem dos elementos do proprio meio fisico. O uso de produtos e tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto (imagens TM-LANDSAT e fotografiasaereas pancromaticas)foram de fundamental importancia no desenvolvimento da metodologia pois, as mesmas apresentam caracteristicas de visao sinotica e devidos seus atributos espectrais, espaciais e temporais permitem estabelecer atraves dos elementos texturais de imagens, uma compartimentacao em areas das unidades homogeneas para os fins propostos 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6915 1: SID/SCD 2: 7662 3: INPE-7662-PRE/3512 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Okida, Rosana 10: Veneziani, Paulo 12: Caracterizacao de areas de riscos associadas a escorregamentos e a inundacoes atraves de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto: uma proposta metodologica 14: 451-452 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 2 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: INUNDACAO 83: Em virtude, principalmente, da acao desordenada do homem o meio fisico inumeros acidentes naturais vem se desencadeando. Esses acidentes, que podem ser exemplificados por movimentos gravitacionais de massa, enchentes/inundacoes, processos erosivos, etc, sao tipicos nos limitrofes das escarpas da Serra do Mar. Desta forma, visando contribuir com a Decada Internacional para a Reducao dos Desastres Naturais (DIRDN)proclamada pela Organizacao das Nacoes Unidas (ONU), o presente trabalho se propoe apresentar uma metodologia de zoneamento de areas de riscos associadas a inundacoes e a escorregamentos para a regiao de Caraguatatuba (Litoral Norte do Estado de Sao Paulo), assim como, um caracterizacao de tais areas atraves de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto ( tratamento de imagens digitais e interpretacao visual), em escala 1:50.000. As tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto foram escolhidas para o proposito do presente trabalho, visto serem tecnicas de aplicacao rapida e de baixo custo, em contraposicao aos metodos convencionais de zoneamento de areas de risco 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6916 1: SID/SCD 2: 7661 3: INPE-7661-PRE/3511 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Okida, Rosana 10: Sant'Anna, Marilia Vidigal 10: Nascimento, Paulo Rogerio R. 10: Veneziani, Paulo 10: Anjos, Celio Eustaquio dos 12: Identificacao de estruturas tectonicas atraves de imagem TM-LAndsat: folhas Natividade da Serra e Caraguatatuba, Sao Paulo 14: 461-462 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 2 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: A obtencao de informacoes de forma rapida e de baixo custo ven proporcionando nas ultimas decadas uma maior utilizacao de imagens orbitais para estudos geologicos. O carater sinoptico e as caracteristicas multiespectral e multitemporal das imagens orbitais sao os fatores condicioantes suas aplicabilidades. Desta forma, o presente trabalho utilizou-se da imagens TM-LANDSAT ( banda 4, escala 1:100.000)com o intuito de identificar estruturas tectonicas 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6917 1: SID/SCD 2: 7664 3: INPE-7664-PRE/3514 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lopes, Eymar Silva S. 10: Mattos, Juercio Tavares de 12: Imagens TM-Landsat como subsidio a prospeccao aurifera de areas cisalhadas no proterozoico Epinhaco, setentrional, MG 14: 462-464 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 3 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Utilizando-se imagens TM-Landsat, aliadas a trabalhos de campo, definiu-se  reas favor veis … prospec‡ao de ouro como resultado de uma analise integrada de dados fisiogr ficos, morfoestruturais e geol˘gicos. A  rea estudada situa-se ao norte de Minas Gerais, na por‡ao setentrional da serra do Espinha‡o, a qual abrange os municipios de: Riacho dos Machados, Porteirinha, JanaŁba e Rio Pardo de Minas. A regiao j  possui atividade mineral aurĄfera, cujos depositos estao controlados por processos tectono-estruturais (epigen‚ticos)associadas a fases deformacionais de carater cisalhabte, passiveis de serem analisadasatrav‚s dos recursos que o sensoriamento remoto oferece. Predominam na regiao as unidades geologicas do embasamento cristalino ( Arqueano com retrabalhamentos nos ciclos Transamazonico e Brasiliano), coberuras metasedimentares proteroz˘icasrepresentadas pelo: Supergrupo Espinha‡o, Grupo MacaŁbas, Grupo BambuĄ e por coberturas terci rias e quatern rias, juntamente com rochas intrusivas b sicas de v rias idades. A complexidade da  rea ‚ causada por eventos deformacionais e desnudacionais, os quais sao refletidos na modelagem da paisagem local com caracteristicas atuais predominantemente erosionais. As imagens TM-Landsat com suas caracteristicas de visao sin˘ptica, permitiram analisar dados estruturais e geologicos que levaram a demarca‡ao de  reas anomalas a prospec‡ao alem de determinar em que estagio erosional a area se encontra pois, parte dos depositos minerais podej  ter sido removido por processos desnudacionais 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6918 1: SID/SCD 2: 7663 3: INPE-7663-PRE/3513 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Veneziani, Paulo 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos 10: Liu, Chian Chiang 10: Bignelli, Pedro Alberto 10: Dias, Ricardo R 12: Dados de radar do SAREX: uma ferramenta para obtencao de conhecimentos geologicos na Amazonia 14: 457-460 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 4 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Dese a decada de 70 quando o projeto RADAMBRASIL apresentou os primeiros resultados geologicos para a regiao amazonica, compreendeu-se a importancia dos dados de RADAR para o estudo de areas densamente florestadas. O experimento SAREX (Paradella et al., 1994 a)corresponde a aquisicao de dados AR,de alta resolucao na banda C, (Polarizacoes HH e VV)para a regiao Serra dos Carajas, Par . Tais dados, obtidos a nĄvel de aeronave, fazem parte de programa que ter  sua culminacao com o lancamento do RADARSAT pelo Canad , em 1995. (Paradella et al., 1994b, neste Simp˘sio). O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal mostrar os resultados obtidos atrav‚s de interpretacao geologica dos dados SAREX para a area da Serra dos Caraj s que engloba os depositosN,/N4, Azul (Mn)e Pojuca (Cu/Zn) 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6919 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 2 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Neste estudo avalia-se a possibilidade do correlaciomamento litoestratigrafico de pocos de perfuracao atraves do estudo do comportamento da reflectancia espectral ( 400-2500 nm)de amostras de testemunho. A area teste e a Bacia do Parnaiba ou, mais especificamente, os pocos Testa Branca e Mangabeiras, perfurados pela Petrobras 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 2: 6559 3: INPE-6559-PRE/2596 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vitorello, Icaro 10: Galvao, Lenio 12: Correlacionamento litoestratigrafico de popcos de perfuracao por reflectancia espectral 14: 456-457 MFN: 6921 1: SID/SCD 2: 7668 3: INPE-7668-PRE/3518 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Veneziani, Paulo 10: Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos 10: Bignelli, Pedro 10: Dias, Ricardo R 12: RADARSAT: um avancado e versatil sistema de radar orbital com grande potencialidade de aplicacao em geologia e estudos ambientais 14: 474-475 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 2 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6922 1: SID/SCD 2: 7670 3: INPE-7670-PRE/3520 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Liu, Chian Chiang 10: Veneziani, Paulo 10: Dias, Ricardo R. 10: Bignelli, Pedro Alberto 12: Utilizacao de dados SAR na area que engloba o deposito Bahia, regiao de Carajas, Amazonia 14: 482-484 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 3 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Os dados SAR ( Radar de abertura sint‚tica)de alta resolu‡ao (6m)utilizados neste trabalho fazem parte de experimento SAREC ("South American Radar Experiment"), desenvolvido a partir do sobrev“o com aeronave do CCRS ( CAnada Centre For Remote Sensing), em abril de 1992. O objetivo da pesquisa ‚ testar a potencialidade dos dados de radar aeroportado, sob varias configura‡oes(maiores detalhes em Paradella et al. 1994), na diferencia‡ao de unidades litoestratigr ficas, na caracteriza‡ao tectono-estrutural, na diferencia‡ao de classes de vegeta‡ao de unidades geobotanicas e no estudo de atividades de minera‡ao naregiao de Caraj s. O presente trabalho discute aspectos da interpreta‡ao geologica de alguns desses dados SAR ( modo Nadir, bnda C, polariza‡ao VV e HH, proje‡ao ground range), que incluem a  rea do dep˘sito aurĄfero do Bahia, a luz de informa‡oes bibliograficas e de campo 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6923 1: SID/SCD 2: 7669 3: INPE-7669-PRE/3519 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mattos, Juercio Tavares de 10: Rueda, Jairo Roberto Jimenez 12: Relacao entre espectrais do TM Landsat e indices pedogeoquimicos para diagnostico de estabilidade de macicos rochosos 14: 480-481 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 2 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Estabeleceu-se uma relacao entre os diversos est gios de intemp‚rismo de unidades de alteracoes intemp‚ricas e isovalores de nĄveis de cinza de dados do TM-Landasat, a qual visou determinar possĄveis variacoes na estabilidade dos macicos rochosos. A regiao estudada corresponde parte das serras do Mar e da Mantiqueira envolvendo o alto curso do rio Paraiba do Sul e parte do litoral norte paulista. uma  rea de grande complexibilidade letol˘gica, variacoesclim ticas acentuadas devido  s diferencas altim‚tricas e com distintas formas de relevo da interacao litologia/clima/tect“nica e acao dos diferentes ciclos modeladores da paisagem. Devido a complexidade da regiao os processos intemp‚ricos,principalmente os quĄmicos, atuaram de forma diferenciada e muito diversificada em funcao de altimetria do tipo de encosta de das faces destas encostas que variam com a maior ou menor incidˆncia solar. Os produtos de sensoriamento remoto orbital com suas carcteristicas de visao sin˘ptica (integrada)e de resgistrar os atributos espectrais dos diversos alvos constituiram-se em uma ferramenta importante na concecucao da presente pesquisa 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6924 1: SID/SCD 2: 7656 3: INPE-7656-PRE/3506 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Facincani, Edna Maria 10: Hasui, Yociteru 10: Santos, Marcilene dos 10: Rueda, Jairo R. Jimenez 10: Mattos, Juercio Tavares de 12: Influencia das estruturas e tectonica na genese e evolucao das bocorocas da regiao de Sao Pedro, SP 14: 278-279 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 2 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Diversos fatores controlam direta ou indiretamente o processo erosivo e a formacao de bocorocas. Este trabalho destaca as feicoes estruturais, a tectonica ressurgente e a neotectonica como fatores releventes no desenvolvimento desses fenomenos na regiao de Sao Pedro, situada na porcao centro-oriental do Estado de Sao Paulo.Foram realizadas investigacoes estruturais na quadricula de Sao Pedro, delimitada pelos paralelos 22 30 e 22 45 S e os meridianos 47 45 e 48 00 W, pelo metodo indutivo, abordando aspectos geometricos cinematico e dinamicos a luz dos criterios da Geologia Estrutural. As feicoes de interesse sao as descontinuidades, representadas por juntas e falhas 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6925 1: SID/SCD 2: 7657 3: INPE-7657-PRE/3507 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Anjos, Celio Eustaquio dos 10: Veneziani, Paulo 10: Ribeiro, Frederico Melo 12: O controle estrutural-tectonico do aquifero termo-mineral de Caldas Novas 14: 253-254 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 2 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: AGUA 83: Este trabalho demonstra o avanco metodol˘gico para a prospeccao de  gua subterrƒnea com produtos de sensores remotos. A regiao de Caldas Novas desde a muitos anos conhecida pos suas  guas termais foi objeto de v rios estudos, entre eles Anjos e Veneziani (1977)Veneziani e Anjos (1978)os quais objetivaram o desenvolvimento metodol˘gico para a an lise do potencial e a prospeccao do aquĄfero termal confinado ali existente, com o uso de produtos de sensoriamento remoto orbital (imagens MSS-Landsat); dados termon‚tricos e radiom‚tricos obtidos com term“metros de solo e com o radiometro PRT-5 no campo. Dados de temperatura, tratados estatisticamente indicaram 4  reas positivamente an“malas para ambos os grupos de dados, apresentando um alto Ąndice de correlacao, entre os m‚todos diretos e inderetos de obtencao de dados, o que confirmou a viabilidade de uso de termometros radiom‚tricos aerotransportados para estudos desta natureza. Dados termom‚tricos associados as informacoes geol˘gicas conduziram a locacao e perfuracao de 14 pocos tubulares na regiao da cidade de Caldas Novas e 1978, nove dos quais com  gua quente variando entre 33 e 41 C; dois com producao entre 10 e 20 mill/h; dois forneceram lama quente e um, 40 mil l/h de  gua sulfurosa a 26 C 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6926 1: SID/SCD 2: 7655 3: INPE-7655-PRE/3505 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Nascimento, Flavia M.F. 10: Anjos, Celio Eustaquio dos 10: Veneziani, Paulo 12: Estudo hidrogeologico da porcao oeste do circuito das aguas , sul de Minas Gerais, com o emprego de dados TM/Landsat-5 e utilizacao de sistema de informacoes geograficas 14: 335-336 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 2 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: AGUA 83: O constante crescimento das areas de concentracao humana eo consequente aumento do consumo de agua tornaram-se imperativos na busca de medidas cada vez mais eficientes e modernas de exploracao e preservacao das aguas subterraneas para suprir a crescente demanda deste bem mineral. Neste sentido este trabalho visa apresentar uma proposta metodologica que tem com objetivo a fotointerpretacao e a integracao de dados TM/LANDSAT, na escala 1:100.000 para identificacao do controle geologico-estrutural das fontes hidrominerais da regiao sulde Minas Gerais, abrangendo principalmente os municipios de Campanha, Cambuquira,Lambari, Cristina e Sao Lourenco. A regiao e delimitada pelos paralelos 21 45 e 22 15 de latitude sul e 45 00 e 45 30 de longitude oeste, perfazendo uma area total de 2.838 Km2 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6927 1: SID/SCD 2: 7654 3: INPE-7654-PRE/3504 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Crepani, Edson 10: Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos 12: Aspectos da erosao da bacia do Alto Taquari e sua implicacao no preenchimento do Pantanal Matogrossense, atraves de dados TM-Landsat 14: 183-184 18: Boletim de Resumos Expandidos 20: 2 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBG 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 38 54: 23-28 out. <1994> 56: Camboriu 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Os dados apresentados neste trabalho sao baseados, principalmente na interpretacao de Imagens TM_LANDSAT (composicoes coloridas 3B4R5G e imagens P B nas bandas 3 e 4), na escala de 1:100.000. dados bibliograficos e informacoes de campo 91: FDB-19940719 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6929 1: SID/SCD 2: 7674 3: INPE-7674-PRE/3524 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Holben, Brent N. 10: Tucker, Compton J 12: Fraction images derived from NOAA AVHRR data for studying the deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon 14: 517-520 30: International Journal Remote Sensing 31: 15 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Feb. <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6930 1: SID/SCD 2: 7936 3: INPE-7936-PRE/3772 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Liu, Chian Chiang 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Veneziani, Athos Ribeiro dos 10: Bignelli, Pedro Alberto 10: Dias, Ricardo R 12: SAREX imagery for lineament study in the Salobo area, Carajas Mineral Province (Brazil) 14: 426-428 18: Proceedings 20: 3 21: v.30 P7A 40: EN 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS. Commission VII 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 Sept. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: The SAREX (South Ameriacan Radar Experiment)campaing was performed in April 92 in the Caraj s Mineral Provience ( Brazilian Amazon Region).The C-Bard high-resolution airbone SAR provided dual polarization (HH/VV)dataon two modes ( Nadir and Narrow)over the Salobo mineralized area. The objective of this work is to evaluate the various configurations ( polarization, incidence azimuth angles)of the SAR data in the identification of geologic structures.First results have shown that there is no difference between HH and VV polarization of the two modes in the extraction of lineaments; but distinct azimuth anb incidence angles and image distortion in the near range are the chief influential factors in lineament extraction from the two modes, especially in the near rangeof nadir mode where interpretive data are essentially nil. All lineaments estracted from both modes according to their according to their classified into six distinct systems which appear to correspond with mapped structures and are conconrdant with six shear zones from published sources 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6931 1: SID/SCD 2: 7673 3: INPE-7673-PRE/3523 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Krug, Thelma 12: Overheads for the presentation at the International Symposium on core data needs for environmental assessment and sustainable development strategies 18: Report 20: 4 21: v.2 40: En 41: En 53: International Symposium on Core Data Needs for Environmental Assessment and Sustainable Development Strategies 54: 15-18 Nov. <1994> 56: Bangkok 57: Tailand 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6932 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Stech, Jose Luiz 10: Stevenson, Merritt Raymond 10: Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio 12: O uso da tecnologia espacial para a coleta, transmissao e recepcao de dados ambientais de recursos hidricos 14: 83 18: Resumos Expandidos 20: 2 41: Pt 42: Pt 52: UNESP 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Analise Ambientais, 1 54: 23-27 maio <1994> 56: Rio Claro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Este trabalho descreve um Sistema Integrado de Monitoracao Ambiental (SIMA)desenvolvido na UNIVAP, que incorpora a tecnologia espacial para a aquisicao, transmissao e recepcao de dados ambientais. Este sistema e constituido de uma boia de vidro reforcada de formato toroidal com uma torre de aluminio naval para instalacao de sensores meteorologicos e antena de de transmissao. Abaixo da linha d'agua sao instalados de sensores da qualidade de agua. No foco da boia e instalado um cilindro de fibra de vidro que contem as baterias para fornacimento de energia, a eletronica para aquisicao e condicionamento de sinais, armazenamento e transmissao digital dos dados. Afim de propiciar a autonomia do sistema, paineis solares sao afixados na torre para recarregar o conjunto de baterias. Dentre a variaveis ambientais passiveis de coleta pelo sistema, pode-se citar temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, pressao atmosferica, velocidade do vento, radiacao solar incidente e refletida, temperatura da agua, oxigenio dissolvido, pH, turbidez, intensidade e direcao da corrente, concentracao de clorofila, sais dissolvidos e metais pesados. Os dados horarios, recebidos num escritorio distante ate 2500 km da boia atraves de um receptor de satelite, sao submetidos a um controle automatico de qualidade para a geracao de estatisticas e relatorios. Tais dados sao tambem utilizados para modelamento matematico do escoamento na regiao vizinha da boia. 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6935 1: SID/SCD 2: 7676 3: INPE-7676-PRE/3526 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Stevenson, Merritt Raymond 10: Souza, Ronaldo Buss de 12: Recirculation of the Brazil Current South of 20.S 14: 63 20: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 52: USP.IO 53: Southwestern Atlantic Physical Oceanography Workshop 54: 28 Nov.-01 Dec. <1994> 56: Sao Paulo 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: Five WOCE standard, low cost drifters (LCD's)with surface water temperature sensors were launched on 17 February 1993, as part of a western boundary current experiment in Project COROAS, Brazil's contribution to WOCE, SVP. A thermosalinograph, aboard the Univ. of Sao Paulo's R/V Prof W. Besnard, was used to locate a thermo-haline front normally associated with the western boundary of the Brazil Current (BC), located in the northern part of the COROAS area, off SE Brazil. The LCD's were launched in a box pattern accross this western boundary of the BC, with the 5th drifter being launched within the box. All of the drifters indicated the presence of eddies as they moved southwesterly within the BC. As the drifters approached the Subtropical Convergence Zone (SCZ). Upon reaching, the SCZ region, another drifter stop transmitting for a period of several months. The remaining three drifters, moved westward, onto the continental shelf: the first one at 28,5.S, the second one at the 30,5.S and the third LCD at 33,4.S. Subsequently, the three LCD's assumed northeasterly tracks along the shelf until they approximated their original deployment positions, thereby almost closing their circulation patterns. The recirculaton period for this part of the Brazil Current varied from 115 to 161 days, depending on the drifter and its path. Mean currents to the SW were 15-18 cm/s toward 215-226., mean return currents to the NE were 5-17 cm/s toward 031-035. Average kinetic energies for the southwesterly mean flow (MKE)and residual displacement series containing eddies (EKE)were 114-171 cm2/s2 and 1332-4207 cm2/s2, and for the northeasterly flow were 12-145 cm2/s2 and 2384-4661 cm2/s2, respectively. EKE energies accounted for 89.4-99.7 83: ofthe total kinetic energy (TKE). Dominant period peaks were obtained from FFT spectral analyses of the displacement series and from the mean sea surface temperatures measured by the LCD's. The results provide evidence that as the Brazil current approaches the SCZ, a part of the Brazil Current turns costward and becomes part of the northeasterly flowing (Falkland)Coastal Current to Cabo Frio (23.S). 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6936 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio 10: Stech, Jose Luiz 12: Southwestern atlantic surface features as observed from AVHRR image during Project COROAS (1992 to 1994) 14: 49 18: Resumo 20: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: USP.IO 53: Southwestern Atlantic Physical Oceanography Workshop 54: 28 Nov.-01 Dec. <1994> 56: Sao Paulo 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: CIRCULACAO OCEANICA 87: PROJETO COROAS 82: 83: Starting in September 1992, daily AVHRR images of the Southwestern Atlantic have been recorded by INPE for the COROAS project. Atmospheric corrections were applied through the MCSST NOAA equations to generate the SST maps for the area. The satellite data has been used in the COROAS project for three different reasons: first, when cloud conditions were favorable, satellite data were processed in quasi-real time to provide sea surface temperature (SST)to orient the hydrographic cruises; secondly, the SST maps have been utilized to help the interpretation of field data due to the synoptic view provided by the images; and finally, the images have been used to analyse new phenomena present in the region and which were difficult to be observed by the field data.. As examples of this third case of image applications are the wintertime northward penetration of a tongue of cold water over the shelf stanting in the Brazil-Malvinas confluence region; the presence of very large (150-200 km)semi-permanent cyclonic eddy presentin the Cape Santa Marta (28.5 S, 48.6 W), the very large eddy field associated with frontal instabilities present in the inshore wall of the Brazil Current in the SW/S Brazilian coastline and the interaction of the wind driven Cabo Frio coastal upwelling with the outer shelf and Brazil Current inshore frontal circulations. Preliminary analysis indicate that the frontal instabilities present south of Cabo Frio could be triggered by the abrupt change in coastline and shelf break orientation which then could be enhanced by the cross-stream variation of bottom topography of the continental slope in the presence of a shear flow as postulated by Bidlot and Stern (1994). 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6937 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Ronald Buss de 10: Stevenson, Merritt Raymond 12: Seasonal variations in the Brazil Current measured by LCD drifters 40: En 41: En 42: 53: South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulatio 54: 15-19 Aug. <1994> 56: Bremen 57: Germany 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6938 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio 10: Stevenson, Merritt Raymond 10: Silva Jr., Carlos Leandro 10: Souza,Ronald Buss de 12: Behaviour of a semi permanent eddy as observed from AVHRR images and WOCE drifters 40: En 41: En 42: 53: South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulatio 54: 15-19 Aug. <1994> 56: Bremen 57: Germany 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6939 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Stech, Jose Luiz 10: Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio 10: Silva Jr., Carlos Leandro 10: Rosa, S. M. 10: Campos, E. J. D 12: Some wintertime Brazil Current and shelt circulation features as observed from AVHRR/NOAA images 40: En 41: En 42: 53: South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulatio 54: 15-19 Aug. <1994> 56: Bremen 57: Germany 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6940 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, J. S. 10: Abdon, Myrian Moura 10: Boock, A. 10: Silva, M.P 12: Fisionomia dominantes em parte das sub-regioes do Nabileque e Miranda, Sul do Pantanal 14: 580 21: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil, 2 54: 05-09 dec. <1994> 56: Londrina 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6941 21: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil, 2 54: 05-09 dec. <1994> 56: Londrina 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 83: No Pantanal as formacoes arboreas sao exploradas para extracao seletiva de madeira na construcao de currais, cercas e casas. Atualmente as madeiras consideradas "de lei" estao se tornando reduzidas, havendo necessidade de se conhecer a estrutura e a composicao floristica das florestas, para embasar estudos futuros de manejo sustentavel. A sub-regiao da Nhecolandia possue 35 83: da area (24.762 km2)com Cerradao e 1,1 83: de Mata semidecidua. A distribuicao esta relacionada com a fertilidade do solo, sendo que a ultima esta associada aos mais ferteis. Para analise fitossociologica foi utilizado o metodo do quadrante centrado (point center quarter), em 02 areas representativas de cada tipo de vegetacao, selecionadas por imagem de satelite 1:50.000, sendo 50 pontos por area. Para caracterizacao estrutural das fitofisionomias foram amostradas 05 parcelas de 20 x 5 m, por formacao. No Cerradao registraram-se em media 45 especies de 30 familias. As principais especies, baseado no indice de valor de importancia (IVI), foram Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil, Protium heptaphyllum, Astronium fraxinifolium, Tabebuia roseo-alba e fagara hassleriana. O indice de diversidae (H')foi de 3,42 e o indice de similaridade de Sorensen entre as areas foi de 62 83: . As areas de mata semidecidua apresentaram em media 39 especies, de 25 familias. As especies de maior IVI foram: Anadenthara colubrina var. cebil, Tabebuia impetiginosa, Scheelea phalerata, ficus sp. e Protium heptaphyllum. O H' foi de 3.0 e o indice de similaridade entre areas foi de 64 83: . O indice de similaridade de Sorensen de Cerradao e Mata semidecidua foi de 60 83: , sendo que as especies Byrsonima coccolobifolia, Lafoensia pacari, Chomelia obtusa, Aliberta sessilis, Nancornia speciosa e Curatella americana so ocorreram no Cerradao, enquanto que Pithecelobium edwallii, Brosimum gaudichaudii, Chrysophyllum marginatum, Maclura tinctoria e Sapindus saponaria foram exclusivas da Mata semidecidua. O Cerradao apresentou 02 estratos distintos: o superior, alcanca uma altura maxima de ate 18 m, representado por Astronium urundeva, Pithecelobium edwalii, Anadenamthera colubrina var cebil, Swartia jorori e Enterolobium contortisiliquum, e o medio, ate 8 m, composto de Casearia decandra, Tabebuia impetiginosa, Rhamnidium elaeocarpum e Trichilia elegans. A mata semidecidua apresentou 03 estratos: o superior, ate 14 m, dominado por Astrnium urundeva e Vitex cymosa; o medio com 10 m composto por Tabebuia impetiginosa, Swartia jorori e Protium heptaphyllum e o inferior com 5 m representado por Acrocomia total, Rheedia brasiliensis, Chomelia obtusa, Casearia sylvestris e Alibertia sessilis. 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 2: 6568 3: INPE-6568-PRE/2605 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, M.P. 10: Pott, V. J. 10: Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge 10: Pott, A 12: Analise fitosociologica estrutural de cerradao e mata semidecidua do Pantanal da Nhecolandia 14: 502 MFN: 6942 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vianna, Marcio Luis 12: Lagostas brasileiras: zoogeografia e potencial economico 14: 106 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semana Nacional de Oceanografia, 7 54: 04-08 out. <1994> 56: Itajai 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6943 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vianna, Marcio Luis 10: Cabral, Alexandre Pereira 10: Netto, S. 10: Bosence, D. 10: Wilson, J. B. 10: Testa, Viviane 10: Gherardi, Douglas Francisco Marcolino 12: Projeto TOPSUB (INPE/Univ. de Londres): variacao do nivel do mar e seus impactos na geomorfologia e nos ambientes da plataforma do Rio Grande do Norte e Atol das Rocas 14: 62 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semana Nacional de Oceanografia, 7 54: 04-08 out. <1994> 56: Itajai 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6944 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vianna, Marcio Luis 12: A rede maregrafica brasileira do INPE: um ano de experiencia com telemetria de dados horarios 14: 40 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semana Nacional de Oceanografia, 7 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 91: FDB-19950804 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6945 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vianna, Marcio Luis 12: Monitoramento do oceano e previsao pesqueira: a oceanografia operacional e a oceanografia climatica 14: 160 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: E> 53: Senana Nacional de Oceanografia, 7 54: 04-08 out. <1994> 56: Itajai 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA MFN: 6946 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vianna, Marcio Luis 10: Pedras, G. H. J 12: Forcamento climatico do recrutamento de pos-larvas de lagostas do genero Pamulirus: teoria, analise de dados e previsibilidade da producao pesqueira 14: 107 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semana Nacional de Oceanografia, 7 54: 04-08 out. <1994> 56: Itajai 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA MFN: 6947 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 12: Estimation of the areas under regrowth using combined remote sensig data 14: 3-4 18: Resumos 20: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Internacional de Estudos Ambientais sobre Ecossistemas Florestais, 3 54: 05-08 Dez. <1994> 56: Porto Alegre 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6948 1: SID/SCD 2: 7672 3: INPE-7672-PRE/3522 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vianna, Marcio Luis 10: Cabral, Alexandre Pereira 10: Gherardi, Douglas Francisco Marcolino 12: TM-Landsat imagery applied to the study of the impact of global climate change on a tropical coastal environment during the last deglaciation 14: 2971-2984 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 14 32: 16 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: circula‡Ćo 88: water depth 88: sea 88: circulation 82: 83: The discovery and subsequent mapping of an ancient shoreline at 25m depth in N-E Brazil by TM-Landsat imagery is described. The study area is located on a tectonically stable part of the Brazilian shelf which presently shows a minor uplift rate of 02mm year , to the north of Natal in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. This submerged shoreline is characterized by the occurrence of a large number of long beachrock outcrops (>3Km in length), observed by diving, which are comparable to their analogues seen on the present-day beaches of the adjacent coast. The good state of preservation of this shoreline and the large number of carbonate rock 'reefs' on it suggest abruptness of a return to transgressive sea-level relating to the 11000-9000 yr B.P. band. By reviewing high resolution paleoclimatic data from this period, we conjecture that this stillstand could be a consequence of the Younger Dryas cold event in the north Atlantic, which might have also had importance as a driving morphogenetic process for coasts in a global scale 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6952 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Carlos Leandro 10: Maluf, S. 10: Araujo, C. E. S 12: An analysis of thermal AVHRR images of cold eddies in the Cabo Frio region (RJ) 14: 123 18: Abstracts 21: v.30 P7C 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS. Commission VII 53: Symposium and Evironmental Monitoring 54: 26-30 Sept. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: A set of AVHRR data (5 channels)were processed for the generation of atmospherically corrected SST (Sea Surface Temperature)images. A total of 10 images of the winter seasons (June/July)of 1992 and 1993 were geometrically corrected and changed to the same scale and projection (Mercator). A linear stretching algorithm was also applied to all SST images in order to enhance the oceanographic features present. Use of sequences of images made it possible to analyse the formation and the movement of cold eddies present in these images. Two characteristic sizes of cold eddies was noticed: the larger ones having a diameter of 100 km, and the smaller ones with a diameter of 50 km. The images analysed suggests that larger cold eddies are formed by an amplification of the meandering of the west wall of Brazil Current after it passes Cabo Frio making a cyclonic turning and trapping cold upwelled water present over the shelf. The smaller eddies seem to be formed by an eastward propagation of cold pools of upwelled water near the coast. These cells of cold water are then found near west all of the Brazil Current, being advected to SW. The typical advection velocities of such features were 18 cm.s-1, ranging in the analysed data set from 7 cm.s-1 to 30 cm.s-1. 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6953 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pinto, Sergio dos Anjos Ferreira 10: Queiroz Neto, Jose Pereira 12: Soil erosion identification by TM-Landsat and HRV-SPOT images 14: 92 18: Abstracts 21: v.30 P7C 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS. Commission VII 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 Sept. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 83: The present work was carried out int the Casa Branca region (Eastem of Sao Paulo State). The objective was to develop a methodology using orbital images (TM-Landasat and Spot-Panchromatic)to identify soil erosion. igital TM-Landsat (bands 3,5 and 7)and HRV-SPOT panchromatic images were merged. TM bands were transformed by and the resultant images (bands R,G and B)were obtained after the displacement of the component I by the panchromatic SPOT image.The perfomance of the R,G and B bands, for the detection soil erosion features, was evaluated with serial photographs 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6954 18: Abstracts 21: v.30 P7C 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS. Commission VII 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 Sept. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: ANALISE AMBIENTAL 83: In this study two enhancememt techniques are tested in terms of their ability to improve TM/LANDSAT data for land use and land cover discrimination. These techniques are IHS and decorrelation transformations. The study area consists of the Ribeirao Bonito basin in the Barra Bonita reservoir, which has a diversified agricultural occupation, located at the Sao Paulo State, with the following coordinates: South latitude 22 degrees 38 minutes to 22 degrees 27 minutes, and West longitude 42 degrees 11 minutes to 42 degrees 06 minutes (TM/LANDSAT image orbit 220, point 76, quadrant "A", dated on July 4th, 1992). The digital analysis was performed with the aid of the SITIM/INPE software. Bands TM4, TM5 and TM3 were used as input for the IHS transformation. For the decorrelation enhancement two sets were use as input (RGB); TM4, TM5 and TM7 and TM4, TM3 and TM7. The products were assessed using their ability to discriminate the following targets: bare soil, reforestation land, sugarcane plantation, etc. Results showed that best enhancement was obtained using linear contrast strecht applied to 1 component, 32 gain to S component and 30 degrees rotation was applied to H component. The decorrelation was acquire using TM4, TM3 and TM7 color composites 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 2: 6673 3: INPE-6673-PRE/2704 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Araujo Jr., Geraldo Jose Lucatelli Doria de 10: Valerio Filho, Mario 12: Remote sensing techniques applied to land use and land cover discrimination 14: 86 MFN: 6955 1: SID/SCD 2: 6674 3: INPE-6674-PRE/2705 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Castro, Alexandre Grimaldi 10: Valerio Filho, Mario 12: Multitemporal approach applied to watershed land use planning 14: 72 18: Abstracts 21: v.30 P7C 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS. Commission VII 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94; Rio de Janeiro, 26-30 Sept. 1994 54: 26-30 Sept. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: ANALISE AMBIENTAL 87: RESOLUCAO TEMPORAL 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: USO DA TERRA 87: BACIAS HIDROGRAFICAS 83: A multitemporal approach was developed to support environmental planning and analysis and also to assess the best watershed management. Two periods (1972 and 1993)were analysed. The first data set (1972)was obtained by visual interpretation of aerial photographs (scale of 1:25.000)and the second by interpretation of TM imagery. The images were classified using a specific image processing package developed at INPE, based on multivariate analysis and contextual classification. The environmental analysis was performed using a conceptual model (Universal Soil Loss Equation)involving information from the impact of the aplication of current agricultural procedures (at a regional level)on the watershed management. The indices obtained from the model were extremely relevant to evaluate the impacts of observed as well as simulated land use patterns. Hence, the best management and land uses practices for specific situations could be defined for the study area. The multivariate approach allowed the integration of a dynamic aspect of land use for the global analysis of the potencialities and the best procedure to be applied to a watershed management 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6957 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lopes, Eymar Silva Sampaio 10: Mattos, Juercio Tavares de 12: Images TM-Landsat to support the auriferous prospectin of proterozoic shear zones-setentrional Espinhaco, Minas Gerais, Brazil 14: 64 18: Abstracts 21: v.30 P7C 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS. Commission VII 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 Sept. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: The main objective of this study is to define area favourable for gold mineralisation resulting hydrothermal action, through the integration of physiographic, morphostructural and geologic data study was carried out in an area located at the eastern border of the Sao Francisco Craton of Minas Gerais state, and involved the use of TM-Landsat imagery at the scale of 1:100.000. The an was based on evidence of convergence of drainage and relief elements interpreted as faults, fracture fouldings, which may indicate favourable areas for mineralisation. The results obtained from this suggest that remotely sensed data may be incorporated into prospective models, providing a cost/benefit relation. 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6959 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lee, David Chung-Liang 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Krug, Thelma 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 12: Regression modelling for forest timber volume estimation: an initial feasibility study 14: 38 18: Abstracts 21: v.30 P7C 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS. Commission VII 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 Sept. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 83: A new concept to estimate timber volume is introduced, based on a 3-way crossed classification linear regression model on dummy variables for unbalanced data. Qualitative forest parameters (species, canopy density, and stand age)were used as independent variables in the model. Ground data collected over 43 field sample plots generated the estimates of the model. The timber volume estimation was obtained applying the model on a TM-Landsat image, on a pixel by pixel basis over a plantation study area located im Mogi Guacu, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Informations for species was obtained from digital classification of the image, whereas data for stand age and canopy density were digitalized into the system from maps generated from previous studies. Hence, for each pixel, information was available for the three qualitative variables under consideration. The model was able to explain 90 83: (r2=0.90)of the timber volume variation of the field sample plots, therefore encouraging its application for forest survey over extensive areas. 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6960 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Holben, Brent 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 10: Eck, T. F. 10: Slutsker, I. 10: Pereira, Alfredo 11: NASA/GSFC 11: INPE 12: Measurements of aerosol properties in the Amazon Basin 14: 13 18: Abstracts 21: v.30 P7C 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS. Commission VII 53: International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring - ECO-RIO'94 54: 26-30 Sept. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Typical remote sensing investigations of aerosol optical properties from biomass burning reveal that most ground aircraft and satellite studies are of short duration. An automatic ground based network of sun and sky viewing radiomaters measured the aerosol optical properties prior during and after the burning season at seven cerrado and forest sites in the Amazon basin of Brazil during the dry season of 1993. The data base includes aerosol optical thickness and precipitable water observations at 15 minutes intervals and aerosol size distributions and phase function retrievals from aureole and sky radiances at one hour intervals weather permitting. Tha data of 1993 show the background optical thickness is at or below the global average of 0.1 in the foret and cerrrado regions approximately 30 83: of which is due to stratospheric Pinatubo aerosol. Most sites reported elevated values during August through September due to local and regional biomass burning. The optical thickness varied spatially and temporally during this period from near background levels to optical thicknesses greater than 2. Because of the enormous variability in local aerosol optical thickness, no obvious spatial relationship is apparent between regional stations. The size distributions showed a weak accumulation mode, a pronounced Pinatubo ode, and a very weak coarse particle mode for background conditions at all sites. Depending on the optical thickness, the accumulation mode tipically increased one to two orders of magnitude masking the influence of the Pinatubo aerosol. The coarse particle mode tipically showed a proportionally smaller increase for fresh smoke than aged smoke. Measurements from the network will continue through 1995 providing validation of satellite retrievals of aerosols as well as significant information on atmospheric quality. 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6962 1: SID/SCD 2: 7675 3: INPE-7675-PRE/3525 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Nery, Carlos Eduardo 10: Rangel, Ricardo Rodrigues 10: Dias, Luiz Alberto Vieira 12: Digital elevation models interpolated by linear, akima and beta-spline methods: a comparidon 14: 416-420 18: Proceedings 20: 5 21: v.30 P4 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: Symposium Mapping and Geographic Information Systems 54: 31 May - 3 June <1994> 56: Athens 57: USA 58: OBT 58: SPG 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: MODELO NUMERICO DE TERRENO 83: The interpolation for Digital Elevation Models presents problems peculiar to the data. For an automobile body it is necessary a very smooth surface, while for terrain representation it is needed to represent peaks, ridges and flat areas from data representing a real surface, from which sample points were acquired. In this work a grid sampled from real terrain data points was acquired, in order to interpolate surfaces using the proposed interpolators. Three interpolators were tested against the real data: Linear, Akima, and Beta-Spline. Except for very fine grid the linear interpolator does not approximate the original surface properly. The Akima is a good representation, but does not allow the user to include features know in advance in certain cases, like flat areas, peaks, etc. The Beta-Spline permits the incorporation of ancillary knowledge, but requires more computer power, and the right selection of the bias and tension parameters. This is not an easy choice, since it depends on the operator's experience. A number of case studies are presented, in order to select the best interpolator according to the given situation. 91: FDB-19950731 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6963 1: SID/SCD 2: 7679 3: INPE-7679-PRE/3529 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Robbi, Claudia 10: Dias, Luiz Alberto Vieira 12: Low cost software interface between a SIG and an analytic stereoplotter 14: 517-523 18: Proceedings 20: 7 23: v.30 P4 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: Symposium Mapping and Geographic Information Systems 54: 31 May - 3 June <1994> 56: Athens 57: USA 58: 61: 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 83: Due to the large number of vendors, and the lack of widely accepter standards, sometimes it is difficult to enter photogrammetric data acquired on an analytical stereoplotter directly into a GIS from a different vendor. In this work a special case was studied, and part of the results can be generalized to other systems. It was used as data output instrument the Zeiss C120 PLANICOMP stereoplotter, and as imput device the GIS developed by INPE (the SGI system). The PLANICOMP ussed a HP-1000 computer, while the INPE's GIS used microcomputer IBM-PC-like. There was a lot of problems, especially because not all the parameters are common to both systems. The final result, in this case very promissing, since the operators of both systems continue to proceed as they were trained, with very slight modifications. It was paid attention to keep the system as ergonomic as possible. The software interface (host on the GIS)was written in C, and the exchange of data was through standard diskettes. However networking is possible. While expensive systems are capable of acquiring photogrammetric data, and automatically transfer them to their built-in GISs, most of the times the user has a stereoplotter from a vendor and a GIS from another, and this low cost solution (software on the GIS to read photogrammetric data)is desirable. 91: FDB-199507312 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6971 1: SID/SCD 2: 6567 3: INPE-6567-PRE/2604 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge 10: Disperati, Attilio Antonio 12: Aplicacao do modelo SAIL no estudo da reflectancia espectral de mudas de eucalyptus sp. e de aspidosperma sp. 14: 45-69 30: Floresta 31: 21 32: 1-2 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: O modelo SAIL foi aplicado ao estudo da reflectancia espectral de dosseis constituidos por mudas de Eucalyptus sp. (eucalipto)e de Aspidosperma sp. (peroba). Foram elaborados dois diferentes dosseis, sendo um constituido por mudas de eucalipto e o outro por mudas de peroba. Medicoes radiometricas (de 0,4 e 0,9 m)foram realizadas em cada um destes dosseis em diferentes horarios do dia. Nestas medicoes foram ainda considerados os angulos zenitais de visada de 0, 15 e 30. Atraves destas medicoes radiometricas foram determinados os valores medidos de reflectancia (VMRs). Foram determinados os parametros biofisicos destes dosseis, os parametros espectrais das folhas de ambas as especies e do solo e ainda os parametros geometricos de iluminacao. Estes parametros foram submetidos ao processamento SAIL para a determinacao dos valores calculados de reflectancia (VCRs). Estes VCRs foram entao comparados com seus respectivos VMRs para a avaliacao da dinamica dos VMRs, em relacao as condicoes de iluminacao e de visada consideradas, e do desempenho do modelo. Verificou-se que com o aumento do IAF, houve uma diminuicao dos VCRs na regiao do visivel e seu aumento na regiao do infravermelho. Esta dinamica nao foi evidente nos VMRs devido a influencia de fatores como sombras e orvalho. A acao da DAF sobre os VMRs deve ser analisada conjuntamente com a densidade do dossel e com as geometrias de iluminacao e de visada. Os parametros espectrais das folhas exerceram influencia sobre os VCRs. A analise da influencia dos parametros geometricos da fonte e do sensor sobre os VMRs deve levar em consideracao a densidade do dossel, a disposicao ou nao das plantas em fileiras, bem como a orientacao espacial destas fileiras. Para dosseis densos e visada vertical, a diminuicao do valor do angulo zenital solar acarretou o aumento ods VMRs, principalmente na regiao do visivel. Na regiao do infravermelho a comprovacao deste efeito foi prejudicada pela presenca do orvalho e de sua evaporacao coincidente com a diminuicao do angulo zenital solar. Para dosseis menos densos e plantas dispostas em fileiras, o aumento dos VMRs na regiao do visivel com a diminuicao do angulo zenital solar foi atribuido a diminuicao do sombreamento mutuo das plantas e do solo. Na regiao do infravermelho, houve tambem o aumento dos VMRs com a diminuicao do angulo zenital solar. O efeito do angulo zenital de visada sobre os VMRs deve ser analisado conjuntamente com o valor do azimute relativo (w). As diferencas entre os VMRs e seus respectivos VCRs foram frequentemente superiores a 10 83: . 91: FDB-19950731 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6972 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 12: Tecnicas de percepcion remota espacial para el monitoreo de la deforestacion de la Amazonia Brasilera 14: 103-113 20: 11 38: (SP-363) 40: Es 41: Es 42: 53: Euro-Latin American Space Days, 2 54: 09-13 May <1994> 56: Buenos aires 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad demonstrar el estado del arte de la tecnologia de perception remota en el monitoramento de los procesos de deforestacion en la Amazonia Brasileira. Se elaboro un analisis sobre la importancia de los dados orbitales, especificamente en lo referente a caracterizacion de los cambios de forma y uso del suelo, destacando las areas deforestadas abandonadas, actualmente en processo de regeneracion natural de la cobertura vegetal 91: FDB-19950731 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6973 1: SID/SCD 2: 7687 3: INPE-7687-PRE/3535 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Liu, Chan Chiang 12: A review of geology remote sensing at INPE 14: 111-113 20: 4 38: (SP-363) 40: Es 41: Es 42: 53: Euro-Latin American Space Days, 2 54: 09-13 May <1994> 56: Buenos aires 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Since the launch of the first satellite of the Landsat series (ERTS-1), the use of orbital data for natural resources studies has been widely accepted in Brazil. Initially, the geological researches concentrated on regional mapping, followed then by other interests, such as regional structural mapping and tectonic studies, lithologic differentiations, mineral deposits researches and petroleum-geologic studies. Recently, more specific studies have been carried out, such as monitoring of placer-mining activities and river water pollution in the indian reservation districts at thw northeast frontier of Brazil. The Brazilian Amazon region occupies nearly one-third of the national territory and is obscured by clouds almost all year round. For this reason, and considering the potential of radar over cloud covered areas, INPE participated in the South American Radar Experiment (SAREX)Campaign. The preliminary results of the evaluation of SAR airbone data for diffrent types of application was concluded in december 1993, and presented in Paris in the SAREX Final Results Meeting. 91: FDB-19950731 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7006 20: 11 40: En 41: En 42: 53: European Symposium on Satellite Remote Sensing 54: 26-30 Sept. <1994> 56: Roma 57: IT 58: DPI 59: TAPSAR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)images are an important source of information. This kind of imaging is little affected by adverse atmospheric conditions, such as rain, clouds, fog, etc., since it operates at frequencies other than the visible. Also, since the sensor is active and carries its own source of illumination, it can operate by night. The problem that arises with the use of this technology is a signal-dependent noise, called speckle. This kind of noise is common to all imaging devices that use coherent illumination, such as laser, microwaves, etc. One of the most useful techniques for image analysis is the segmentation. Using statistical modelling, two multiclass segmentation techniques for 1-look and linear detection SAR images are derived: the maximum likelihood and the Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM), both assuming multiplicative Rayleigh models for the data. Althought the ICM segmentation yields significatively better results than the maximum likelihood segmentation, the 1-look linear detection case is noisy enought to deserve some improvement. Mathematical Morphology, a non linear approach to signal processing, is then used as a refinement techinique in order to extract information 91: FDB-19950801 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 2: 5577 3: INPE-5577-PRE/1805 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 10: Candeias, Ana Lucia Bezerra 12: On the improvement of 1-look SAR image segmentations with mathematical morphology MFN: 7007 54: 26-30 Sept. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DPI 59: TAPSAR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: SAR images provide detailed information about the targed surface, thought it is obscured by the well-know speckle effect. One alternative of speckle reduction is by filtering the image, but this demands some assumptions about the speckle behaviour. However, it is important to take into account that noise reduction filters tend to blur the edges and sharp features of the images, since they always introduce some kind of low pass effect. Several filters have been developed for the speckle reduction, and most of them are of the form of a window that slides over de image. But there is no automatic process to determine the window size, a relevant parameter that depends, among other things, on the features of the studied area. Given a filter, it can be applied to the SAR image for different window sizes; then it is possible to estimate the so-called speckle index as a measure that provides the best speckle reduction in accordance to the degree of heterogeneity of the region under study. In this paper the type of filter which better reduces the speckle in homogeneous and heterogeneous regions is determined. Moreover, it is possible to draw conclusions about the optimal window size used when the filter is applied 91: FDB-19950801 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 2: 5578 3: INPE-5578-PRE/1806 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cortese, Alejandro 10: Frulla, Laura 10: Jacobo-Berlles, Julio 10: Mejail, Marta 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 12: On the optimization of speckle filtering techniques for ERS-1 images over Argentina 20: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Symposium on Resources and Envirnment Monitoring MFN: 7020 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio brasileiro de Computacao Grafica e Processamento de Imagens, 7 (SIBGRAPI) 54: <1994> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SAR 87: FILTRO 87: PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS 83: The speckle noise in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)images derives from the coherebt ilumination of this system. to reduce the speckle noise, several filters have been proposed in the literature. In a previous work [Mascarenhas et al (1991)], a comparison among several classical speckle reductionfilters was performed, from the point od view of signal-to-noise ratio improvement. The purpose of thuis work id to extend the previous work by analysing the classical filters and the new ones based on the theory of robust estimation, from the complementary point of view of spatial resolution loss.This is done by measuring the ability of the filters to preserve edges and by computing the blurringof the point spread function of an ideal point target due to filtering 91: FDB-19950801 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 2: 5605 3: INPE-5605-PRE/1820 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sant'Anna, Sidnei Joao Siqueira 10: Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila 12: Avaliacao comparativa da perda de resolucao espacial de filtros redutores de ruido "speckle" 14: 141-148 MFN: 7037 1: SID/SCD 2: 5632 3: INPE-5632-TDI/556 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Gleriani, Jose Marinaldo 18: Influencia do solo de fundo e da geometria da radiacao na resposta espectral da cultura do feijao 19: Soil background and radiation geometry influence on spectral response in bean crop 20: 87 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Antonio Roberto Formaggio (orientador); Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff; Mario Valerio Filho; Rubens Angulo Filho 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: dez. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: INDICE DE AREA FOLIAR 87: SOLOS 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 87: FEIJAO 87: RADIOMETRIA 88: AGRONOMY 88: FARM CROP 88: LEAF AREA INDEX 88: SOILS 88: VEGETATIVE INDEX 88: RADIOMETERS 88: BACKGROUND RADIATION 83: Na presente pesquisa buscou-se entender jo comportamento do indice de vegetacao diferenca normalizada (NDVI), indice perpendicular de vegetacao (PVI)e indice de vegetacao ajustado para o solo (SAVI), quanto a geometria de visada, geometria de observacao e solos de fundo. Para observar estas influencia instalou-se um experimento no municipio de Pindamonhangaba (SP)com a cultura do feijao no alinhamento norte-sul. Este experimento constituiu-se da interacao de tres fatores e tres repeticoes. Estes fatores foram: tres solos espectralmente distintos (Latossolo Roxo, Areia, Latossolo Pinda), quatro hor rios de medicao radiom‚trica (10, 11, 12 e 13 horas)e dois ƒngulos zenitais de visada ( a e 30); a interacao desses fatores resultou num experimento fatorial de 24 tratamentos e trˆs repeticoes. Onze campanhas radiom‚tricas foram realizadas ao longo do ciclo da cultura com o espectroradiometro Spectron SE590.Do fator de reflectƒncia calculado simularam-se as bandas TM3(630 a 690nm)e TM4 (760 a 900nm)e a partir desses valores foram gerados os Ąndices de vegetacao. Realizou-se a an lise de variƒncia fatorial utilizando quatro fases do ciclo da cultura.Observou-seque os solos foram sempre um fator significativo no valor dos tres Ąndices; a variacao do ƒngulo zenital de visada nao trouxe variacao significativa e o hor riode medicao ( variacao do ƒngulo solar)s˘ deixou de ser significativa quando o sossel apresentou um porcentagem de cobertura vegetal de 100 83: . Quanto as relacoesdos parƒmetros agron“micos com o Ąndices de vegetacao, o NDVI foi o Ąndice que apresentou o melhor coeficiente de determinacao (R2=0,99)com os parƒmetros Ąndice de  rea foliar e fitomassa, embora apresente uma tendˆncia de saturacao elevada para os valores de IAF maior do que dois;'o parƒmetro agron“mico porcentagem de cobertura vegetal foi o pior parƒmetro em retratar o desenvolvimento do dossel 91: FDB-19950801 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7038 1: SID/SCD 2: 7690 3: INPE-7690-PRE/3537 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Batista, Getulio Texeira 12: Amazon especial issue: foreword 14: 1-4 30: Remote Sensing Reviews 31: 10 32: 1-3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: IMPACTO AMBIENTAL 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: QUEIMADAS 87: FLORESTAS 82: 83: Any change in the forest cover of a region impacts the hydrological abd biogeochemical cycles of that region. Deforestation followed by biomass burning and decomposition releases CO2 to the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect. Tropical deforestation is a serious global problem. Therefore, availability of methods of continuing monitoring of changes in tropical forests is critical for quantifying impacts on biodiversity and for providing baseline data for modelling fluxes of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere (from biomass burning and decomposition associated with deforestation). Since the Amazon Basin comprises about 40 83: of the reamining global tropical forest, the amount of CO2 potencially to be released from deforestation from this region is of global importance, especially in affecting global climate. 91: FDB-19950804 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7039 1: SID/SCD 2: 7691 3: INPE-7691-PRE/3539 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Batista, Getulio Texeira 12: Assessment of AVHRR data for deforestation estimation in Mato Grosso (Amazon Basin) 14: 35-50 30: Remote Sensing Reviews 31: 10 32: 1-3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: SATELITES NOAA 87: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 87: CERRADO 87: MAXVER 87: MAXIMA VEROSSIMILHANCA 82: 83: A large area ( 900.000 km2)corresponding to Mato Grosso, a southern most State of Brazilian Legal Amazon region, was selected for this study. All five channels of selected dates of 1988,1989, and 1990, full resolution NOAA AVHRR data were investigated to map "forest" and "non-forest" ("cerrado")using on the screen visual interpretation. Maximum likelihood classifier (MLC)was used to classify deforestations for the 1988 AVHRR images. The vegetation map obtained data agreed well with the available vegetation map used as reference. Results based on cells of 1. by 1,5. showed r2=0.94 (significant at a=0.01)between the AVRHH map of forest and the available map. Comparisons for 1988 between AVHRR deforestation estimates and two independent estimates using TM data, i.e. Landsat TM band 5 habitat fragmentation and Landsat TM bands 3,4 and 5 color composite deforestation estimates were within 3 83: of each other for the entire State (range from 71,128 km2 for the habitat fragmentation to 73,120 km2 for the AVHRR estimate). Results based on 1. by 1,5 cells indicated a good agreement between AVHRR and Landsat TM estimates (r2 greater than 0.7 significant at a=0,01). The major source of variation between these estimates are the discrepancies in the "forest"and "non-forest" boundaries. In areas where the non-forest boundaries are coincident in the independent estimates, an r2=0.93 was observed. The contribution of AVHRR thermal bands seems to be significant for the discrimination of 'cerrado'("non-forrest")areas. The sensivity of MLC to yhe parameters "thresold" and "bias" was examined. It was observed that if deforestation estimate based on high resolution sensors, such as TM is available for a representative sample, an unbiased estimate of deforestation using AVHRR data (five channels)is possible by adjusting the "bias" parameter of MLC. 91: FDB-19950804 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7040 1: SID/SCD 2: 7666 3: INPE-7666-PRE/3516 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 10: Tundisi, J. G 12: Contribution of remote sensing techniques to the assessment of methane emission from large tropical reservoirs 14: 93-108 30: Remote Sensing Reviews 31: 8: 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 62: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: B 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: ANALISE AMBIENTAL 83: The objective of this paper is to exemplify the use of remote sensing to assess methane emissions from reservois. Man-made reservoirs seem to behave as flood plain environments that are known to make a significant contribution to tropospheric methane (CH4). Methane emissions from the flood plain, however, are variable: open water environments produce lower fluxes than those covered by floating aquatic vegetation. TM/Landsat images were used to identify aquatic habitats resulting from the construction of the three largest reservoirs in the Amazon region: Tucurui, Balbina and Samuel. These habitats are: open water, floating aquatic vegetation, and transition zone. The area covered by each of these environments was computed for each of the reservoirs. Data on the methane emission for these various environments were not available. Published data were then used to compute their likely contribution to the methane flux, assuming that the reservoir's environments were similar to those on which the data are available 91: FDB-19950804 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7041 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Abdon, Myrian Moura 10: Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos 12: Avaliacao de diferentes tipos de cobertura vegetal no Sul do Pantanal a partir de dados digitais obtidos do landsat-TM 14: 503 18: Anais 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Ecologia do brasil, 2 54: 05-09 dez. <1994> 56: Londrina 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-19950804 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7042 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fisch, S. T. V. 10: Pnzoni, Flavio Jorge 12: Estudo da dinamica florestal atraves de sensoriamento remoto 14: 233 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso de Ecologia do brasil, 2 54: 05-09 dez. <1994> 56: Londrina 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 83: Os processos dinƒmicos dos florestas tropicais Łmidas podem ser estudados em diferentes escalas. As alteracoes naturais de pequena escala soa p.ex... abertura de clareiras processos sucessionais fenologia. As alteracoes naturais observados em grande escala podem ser causadas principalmente por umundacoes, ventos, fogo e as alteracoes antr“picas sao, entre outras, queimadas, uso agropecu rio, exploracao madereira. Visando demostrar de que forma o Sensoriamento Remoto pode contribuir para estudos de dinƒmica florestal.Procurou-se neste trabalho enfocar: a)sua aplicabilidade das diversas formas em que se processaa dinƒmica: b)algumas formas de emprego dessa t‚cnica nso estudos de dinƒmica e c)algumas limitacoes do seu uso neste tipo de estudo. Assim, atrav‚s da literaura consultada, verificou-se que quanto … aplicabilidade: o sensoriamento remotopermite uma visao sin˘tica da  rea em estudo; o dominio temporal e espectral quea t‚cnica possibilita,fornece informacoes que dificilmente seriam obtidas em nivel de campo. Quanto …s formas de emprego observou-se que tanto atrav‚s de imagens anal˘gicas ( em papel fotografico)como digitais ‚ possivel obter informacoes que facilitem an lises dos fen“menos dinƒmicos:as interpretacoes sao ampliadas por comparacoes de produtos em diferents bandas espectrais, por meio de Ąndices de vegetacao etc. Quanto as limitacoes constatou-se: que as alteracoes que ocorrem em pequena escala nao podem ser monitoradas por sensoriamento remoto orbital,ficando restritas ao uso de fotografia a‚reas; e que este recurso s˘ permite umaavaliacao estrutural da vegetacao, podendo ser utilizado como informacoes complementar em an lise mais aprofundadas 91: FDB-19950804 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7044 30: American Geophysical Union 31: 75 32: 44 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 83: Vegetation indices (VIs)derived from remote sensing data are related to important vegetation parameters, e.g. fAPAR and LAI. These parameters are regular inputs to models of primary productivity. Generally, VIs use relationships between near infrared (NIR)and red reflectances and may utilize the blue band for atmospheric correction. Soil brightness influences on canopy reflectance and VIs have been well shown. Soil color effects as well as canopy backgrounds with litter present, however, have been less well studied. These backgrounds not only affect brightness, but also significantly alter the contrast ratio of NIR and red reflectances. The effects of background NIR/red reflectance contrast due to presence of litter and soil on different VI's were studied using the Myneni canopy radiative transfer model. Several ground cover percentages and two clump LAI's were simulated. The background NIR/red reflectance ratio was varied from 0.9 to 1.5, and the red reflectance was allowed to vary from 0.1 to 0.35, thus covering a large range of background reflectances. It is shown that the NIR/red contrast of backgrounds affect the VIs, and that VIs which reduce background brightness effects also reduce background NIR/red contrast effects, mainly for low vegetation amounts. fAPAR was computed and the effects of background NIR/red reflectance ratio on the relationships between VIs and fAPAR are discussed 91: FDB-19950804 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 2: 6566 3: INPE-6566-PRE/2603 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 10: Huete, A. R 12: Soil and litter reflectance contrast effects on vegetation indices and their relationship to FAPAR 14: 206 MFN: 7050 1: SID/SCD 2: 5631 3: INPE-5631-TDI/555 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07]528.711.7(811.3) 16: Watrin, Orlando dos Santos 18: Estudo da dinamica na paisagem da Amazonia Oriental atraves de tecnicas de geoprocessamento 19: Landscape dynamics in the eastern Amazon using geoprocessing techniques 20: 175 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Mario Valerio Filho (orientador); Joao Roberto dos Santos (orientador); Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro; Manfred Denich; Eduardo Delgado Assad 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: nov. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 73: 1984, 1988, 1991 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS 87: USO DA TERRA 87: MAXIMA VEROSSILHANCA 87: MAXVER 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: SIG 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: SGI 87: PAISAGEM 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 88: LAND USE 88: MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATES 82: 83: Na avaliacao dos processos de ocupacao da regiao amazonica, a necessidade de estudos de monitoramento da vegetacao e de mudancas no uso da terra atraves de metodologias com acoes integradas de investigacao, tornam-se imprescindiveis. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho apresenta e discute a integracao de algumas tecnicas de processamento de imagens digitais e sistemas de informacao geografica, associadas com dados e informacoes de levantamentos de campo,para contribuir no estudo temporal da cobertura vegetal e uso da terra do municipio de Igarape-Acu (PA). Para isso, dados TM/Landsat foram submetidos a diferentes tecnicas de processamento digital no analisador de imagens multiespectrais SITIM/INPE. Para reconhecimento das feicoes espectrais presentes na paisagem, selecionou-se um modulo teste na imagem de 1991, onde foram aplicadas tecnicas de realce, tais como, Ampliacao Linear de Contraste, Razao de Bandas, e as Transformacoes por IHS, por Componentes Principais, e por Decorrelacao de Bandas. Foram testadas tecnicas de segmentacao de imagens e de classificacao de regioes (algoritmo Isoseg), implementados no SPRING/INPE. Considerando os dados e informacoes obtidas no campo, os produtos gerados por aquelas tecnicas foram analisados e submetidos a avaliacao, sendo selecionados aqueles que se mostraram mais apropriados aos objetivos do trabalho. A partir do conjunto de informacoes ja obtidas, as imagens dos anos de 1984, 1988 e 1991 foram submetidas a atenuacao dos efeitos atmosfericos e registro de imagens. As imagens de interesse foram entao classificadas atraves de um processo hibrido, onde a utilizacao do algoritmo K-Medias possibilitou conhecer a variabilidade espectral das classes de interesse e subsidiara coleta de amostras de treinamento para o classificador Maxver. Assim, foi possivel a definicao de uma legenda tematica formada por quatro classes de cobertura vegetal (Floresta Ombrofila Densa e os estadios Avancado, Intermediario e Inicial da Sucessao Secundaria), e cinco classes de uso da terra (Solo Exposto, Cultura Anual/Semi-Perene, Cultura Perene, Pasto Limpo e Pasto Sujo). As imagens classificadas foram migradas para o sistema de informacao geografica SGI/INPE, sendo feitas analises referentes a quantificacao de area e analise da dinamica das classes mapeadas, considerando os anos de interesse. A partir dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que a metodologia empregada pode potencialmente atender aos estudos da dinamica da paisagem em ambientes tropicais umidos. Adicionalmente, tal proposta mostro ser uma ferramente valiosa para associar as atividades de uso das mudancas ocorridas a nivel de cobertura vegetal, no contexto de areas onde e desenvolvida uma agricultura baseada no processo de corte e queima 91: FDB-19950927 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7070 1: SID/SCD 2: 5667 3: INPE-5667-TDI/560 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Scofield, Graziela Balda 18: Estimativa de precipitacao sobre a regiao de Sao Paulo utilizando a tecnica convectiva estratiforme 19: Rainfall estimation over Sao Paulo region using the convective stratiform technique 20: 120 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Nelson de Jesus Ferreira (orientador); Thelma Krug (orientadora); Ralf Gielow; Roberto Vicente Calheiros; Adilson Wagner Gandu 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: dez. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: METEOROLOGIA 87: METEOSAT-3 87: ESTATISTICA 87: CHUVA 87: DADOS DE RADAR 87: PRECIPITACAO(METEOROLOGIA) 87: RADAR METEOROLOGICO 88: INFRARED IMAGERY 88: RAIN 88: ESTIMATING 88: CONVECTION 88: RADAR DATA 88: REMOTE SENSING 88: PRECIPITATION (METEOROLOGY) 88: METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITES 88: THUNDERSTORMS 82: 83: Utilizando-se a tecnica CST (Convective Stratiform Technique), adaptada para a regiao Sudeste do Brasil, foram feitas estimativas de precipitacao para a regiao de Sao Paulo. Foram utilizados imagens infravermelho do satelite METEOSAT-3 e dados CAPPI do radar meteorologico de Ponte Nova (SP)para o periodo de dezembro de 1993 a fevereiro de 1994, envolveu os seguintes procedimentos: conversao das radiancias transmitidas pelo satelite em temperaturas; calculo da temperatura limiar correspondente a ocorrencia de chuva e nao chuva; e, definicao da equacao discriminante entre nuvens cirrus e nucleos convectivos. Foram obtidas estimativas de precipitacao horarias e diarias para dezembro de 1993. As estimativas diarias apresentaram melhor resultado. As estatisticas mostram que a correlacao entre os dados do radar e CST adaptada ‚ de 11 83: (horario)e 25 83: (diario); RMSE de 350 83: (horario)e 143 83: (diario); e Tendencia de 55 83: (horario)e 58 83: (diario). O teste t de Student para dados emparelhados mostrou que as taxas medias de precipitacao encontradas pelo radar sao significantemente diferentes aquelas encontradas pela CST. As analises de sensibilidade de temperatura mostraram que o RMSE ‚ constante para a faixa de 225 a 240K, e que a Tendencia ‚ mais sensivel a variacoes de temperatura. 91: FDB-19960222 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7339 1: SID/SCD 2: 5646 3: INPE-5646-TDI/558 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07]528.711.7:63 16: Silva, Helio Ricardo 18: Tecnicas de geoprocessamento na estimativa das de culturas de verao 19: Goprocessing techniques for the forecast of planted areas of summer crops 20: 161 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Antonio Roberto Formaggio (orientador); Mario Valerio Filho; Tereza Gallotti Florenzano; Walter Politano 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: fev. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 73: 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 76: AGRONOMIA 87: CULTURAS DE VERAO 87: LANDSAT 5 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: CARTOGRAFIA 87: SOJA 87: MILHO 87: ALGODAO 87: CLASSIFICACAO DE IMAGENS 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: SOLOS 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 88: FORECASTING 88: FARM CROP 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: IMAGE ANALYSIS 88: IMAGE CLASSIFICATION 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 88: AGRONOMY 88: SOILS 80: 82: ) 83: As culturas de verao sao de grande importancia para a economia brasileira, pois sao responsaveis por mais de 80 pocento da producao anual de graos. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo discriminar as cuturas de verao atraves da integracao de dados multitemporais, obtidos durante varios ciclos agricolas, utilizando dados TM/Landsat-5 e cartograficos associados com a tecnologia computacional atraves de um sistema de processamento de imagens, sistema de informacoes geograficas e banco de dados relacional. As culturas estudadas foram a soja Glycinemax (L). Merrill ), o milho ( Zea mays L.)e o algodao( Gossypium hirsutum L.)os dados sobre estas culturas em cada talhao das propriedades, referentes aos anos agricolas 89/90 e 90/91, as intencoes de plantio no ano 91/92, bem como as verdades terrestres, foram coletados durante as campanhas de campo realizadas ao longo do ano agricola 91/92 na area de estudo, que se localiza no municipio de Guaira (SP). Foram extraidos os niveis de cinza das seis bandas refletivas (onze datas de passagem)do TM/Landsat 5, os quais foram transformados para valores de reflectancia, apos a correcao dos efeitos atmosfericos, com os dados das bandas TM(3), TM(4)e TM(5)foram classificadas as imagens obtidas nas fases de preparo dos solos ( fase 0 ) e de maturacao/colheita (fase 3)no ciclo agricola 91/92 atraves do metodo hibrido de classificacao de imagens digitais e apos a operacao "Tabutacao Cruzada"(SGI/INPE)foram realizadas as Projecoes ou seja as previsoes de areas a serem plantadas por tipo de cultura neste ano agricola. Entre as conclusoes obtidas as principais foram as seguintes: a utilizacao de dados historicos referentes a apenas dois anos agricolas (89/90 e 90/91), amazenados nos bancos de dados multitemporais, contribuiu para que o desempenho da classificacao da imagem de 21/10/91 fosse superior a 80 , a utilizacao da imagem de 13/03/92, nao forneceu bom resutado para a Quarta Projecao, pois nesta data mais de 25 porcento da area ja estava colhida de mais de 70 pocento da area ja estava colhida de mais de 70 porcento dos talhoes se encontravam num estagio da fase 3 que redundou em confusao, principalmente com os talhoes que estavam com solos preparados, assim recomenda-se a utilizacao de imagens anteriores a esta data a obtencao da Quarta Projecao, a interface Banco de Dados Relacional/SITIM/SGI, mostrou-se eficiente e de facil manuseio, possibilitando assim a obtencao de um bom desempenho na classificacao da Imagem Recortada de 21/10/91;a diversidade dos estagios fenologicos das culturas de verao que variam de talhoes com culturas recem germinadas ate talhoes com culturas totalmente secas e solos em deversos estagios de preparo, sugerem que um maior numero de bancos de dados sejam criados para melhorar o desempenho da classificacao. ABSTRACT: Those grains planted during the summer are important for the Brazilian economy because over 80 percent of its' yearly production is grown during this season. The objective of this work was to discriminate the summer cultures by the integration of multi-temporal data obtained during several agricultural cycles using the following data: TM/Landsat 5 images and cartographic data, an image analysis svstem, a geographic information system, and a relational data bank. The crops studied were: soybean, maize, and cotton. During field campaigns the following data were obtained: ground truth data for these crops referring to agricultural years 89/90 and 90/91, the intentions of planting for 91/92 in the region around the town of Guaira, Sao Paulo State. The gray levels of the six reflected bands from TM/Landsat were extracted and transformed to reflectance values after atmosqheric correction. Using data from bands TM (3), TM (4)and TM (5)the images were classified during the phases of soil preparation (Phase 0)and ripening/harvest (Phase 3). During the agricultural year 91/92, using the hybrid image classification method, and after performing 'crossed tabulation' (GIS/INPE), projections were made that forecast the areas to be planted for each crop in that agricultural year. The main conclusions derived from this study are: the use of historical data referring to only two agricultural years (89/90 and 90/91), stored in a multi-temporal data bank, contributed to increase the classification accuracy of the image from Oct. 21, 1991 to more than 80 percent; the use of the imaqe from March 13, 1992 did not show a good result for the Fourth Projection, because by this time, over 25 percent of the area was already harvested and over 70 percent of the fields were at Phase 3 of the agricultural cycle. The result of this was confusion, especially at those fields with prepared soils. We suggest using the images of an earlier date to obtain the Fourth Projection. The interface among Relational data bank/SITIM/GIS was easy to handle and allowed a good performance of image classification from Oct. 21, 1991. The diversity of phenologic stages of summer crops that varied from fields of recently-germinated cultures to fields with completely dry cultures and soils in different stages of preparation, suggest the establishment of a larger number of data banks to improve the classification accuacy of its' yearly production is grown during this season. The objective of this work was to discriminate the summer cultures by the integration of multi-temporal data obtained during several agricultural cycles using the following data: TM/Landsat 5 images and cartographic data, an image analysis svstem, a geographic information system, and a relational data bank. The crops studied were: soybean, maize, and cotton. During field campaigns the following data were obtained: ground truth data for these crops referring to agricultural years 89/90 and 90/91, the intentions of planting for 91/92 in the region around the town of Guaira, Sao Paulo State. The gray levels of the six reflected bands from TM/Landsat were extracted and transformed to reflectance values after atmosqheric correction. Using data from bands TM (3), TM (4)and TM (5)the images were classified during the phases of soil preparation (Phase 0)and ripening/harvest (Phase 3). During the agricultural year 91/92, using the hybrid image classification method, and after performing 'crossed tabulation' (GIS/INPE), projections were made that forecast the areas to be planted for each crop in that agricultural year. The main conclusions derived from this study are: the use of historical data referring to only two agricultural years (89/90 and 90/91), stored in a multi-temporal data bank, contributed to increase the classification accuracy 83: 83: 91: FDB-19960820 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7340 1: SID/SCD 2: 5668 3: INPE-5668-TDI/561 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Bignelli, Pedro Alberto 18: Avalicao dos dados de radar (SAR)do Projeto SAREX'92 e ERS-1 em mapeamento geologico na regiao de Salobo, Provincia Mineral de Carajas 19: Evaluation of the radar (SAR)data obtained from the Project SAREX 92 and ERS-1 for geological mapping in the Salobo region, Carajas Mineral Province 20: 119 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Waldir Renato Paradella (orientador); Liu Chang Chiang; Paulo Veneziani; Luciano Vieira Dutra; Paulo Roberto Meneses 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: nov. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: RADARSAT 87: SAREX'92 87: MAPEAMENTO GEOLOGICO 87: LITOLOGIA 87: AZIMUTE 87: COBRE 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICAR 87: IMAGENS DE RADAR 87: ERS-1 (ESA SATELITE) 87: SAR 88: SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR 88: AZIMUTH 88: IMAGE RADAR 88: ERS-1(ESA SATELLITE) 82: 83: Este trabalho enfocou a avaliacao de dados de radar (SAR)obtidos por aeronaves (experimento SAREX92)e orbital(imageamento geologico da regiao do Salobo, Provincia Mineral de Carajas. Os principais objetivos da investigacao envolveram a analise visual e digital dos dados SAR na discriminacao litologica e mapeamento estrutural, levando-se em consideracao, os distintos parametros funcionais dos sensores e da geometria de aquisicao dos dados (polarizacao, resolucao, angulo de azimute e de incidencia e sentido de visada ). A pesquisa buscou tambem, fornecer subsidios aos modelos geologicos conhecidos da area teste e a avaliacao da performance do futuro imageamento pelo RADARSAT. A area de estudo, com o mais importante deposito de cobre do pais, esta localizada na borda noroeste da Provincia Mineral de Carajas na continuidade do Cinturao de Cisalhamento Itacaiunas, de suposta idade arqueana. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que os mais imortantes parametros de radar foram angulos de incidencia, de azimute e sentido da visada. Os dados de radar do SAREX mostraram-se valiosos no mapeamento geologico na escala de semi-detalhe. Os dados ERS-1 exibiam distorcoes relativas a efeitos de "layover"e "foreshortening"nas areas de relevo acentuado. Contudo, informacoes geologicas significativas puderam ser obtidas com estes dados , para as areas de relevo arrasado. As tecnicas de realce digitais mostraram-se valiosas na extracao de informacoes com significado geologico, para os dois conjuntos de dados SAR avaliados 91: FDB-19960820 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7342 91: FDB-19960820 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 2: 5967 3: INPE-5967-TDI/571 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07]528.71.7:556.15 16: Silva, Osman Fernandes da 18: Caracterizacao dos gradientes longitudinais e laterais do Reservatorio Tucurui/PA, atraves da analise estatistica dos bancos de dados limnologicos e de imagens TM-Landsat 20: 115 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: dez. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ESTATISTICA 87: AGUA 87: LIMNOLOGIA 82: 83: O grande volume e a amplitude da vazao do rio Tocantins, influem diretamente na ocorrencia de gradientes longitudinais e laterais no reservatorio de Tucurui. Atraves da manipulacao estatistica de dados coletados in situ para um periodo de cinco anos e dados hidrologicos, foi verificada a influencia altamente significativa ( =0.01)da sazonalidade da vazao afluente deste rio no processo de geracao de massas de agua superficiais e de como esta vazao afeta o estado trofico do reservatorio. Os resultados foram posteriormente valiados atraves da utilizacao de cinco imagens orbitais e serviram para caracterizar os limites espaco-temporais das zonas longitudinais e laterais do reservatorio, na qual foi possivel identificar condicoes predominantemente fluviais no corpo central do reservatorio para o periodo chuvoso e, para esta mesma regiao, um comportamento predominantemente lacustre no periodo seco. Alem disso, em funcao dos resultados encontrados para a regiao litoral ( situada nos bracos dentriticos e rasos ), constatou-se que esta possui um metabolismo proprio em relacao ao resto do reservatorio, na qual se caracteriza como uma regiao lacustre durante o ano inteiro. Foi discutida tambem a importancia deste local na filtragem de nutrientes oriundos das bacias de captacao adjacente e a funcao dessas regioes na produtividade primaria do reservatorio MFN: 7468 58: Banca: Waldir Renato Paradella (orientador); Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann; Raimundo Almeida Filho; Athos Ribeiro dos Santos; Elisabete Maria Pascholati 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: nov. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: MAPEAMENTO GEOLOGICO 87: LANDSAT-5 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 88: GEOLOGY 88: TEMATHIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 82: 83: Foram selecionadas duas areas teste (Folha Serra dos Carajas e a area do Pojuca)situadas na Provincia Mineral de Carajas para investigacao geologica. Utilizou-se nesta pesquisa os dados gamaespectrometricos adquiridos durante os anos de 1975 e 1976, que se referem aos aerolevantamentos do Projeto Geofisico Brasil-Canada. Os perfis gamaespectrometricos foram coletados , atraves de linhas de voo posicionadas segundo a direcao N-S e espacadas de 1 km, com intervalo de amostragem igual 61m. Tais perfis convertidos, inicialmente, em grandes regulares com resolucao de 625 x 625 m, foram transformados em imagens digitais com resolucoes de 125 x 125 m e 30 x 30 m (reamostragem), As imagens gama individuais, combinadas e integradas as imagens TM/Landsat, foram analisadas , atraves das tecnicas de processamento digital de imagens (composicoes coloridas, transformacoes por componente principal, decorrelacao e IHS); bem como visualmente. Os produtos analisados, quando comparados aos mapas geologicos (na escala regional e de semi-detalhe), mostraram que existem fortes correlacoes espaciais entre as unidades litoestratigraficas, as feicoes estruturais e os padroes radiometricos.Alem disso, foi observado que os dados aerogamaespectrometricos digitais integrados as imagens TM/Landsat, constituem-se em uma ferramenta poderosa para o mapeamento geologico e programas de exploracao mineral neste ambiente amazonico com floresta tropical 91: FDB-030397 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SDC 2: 6118 3: INPE-6118-TDI/579 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Dias, Ricardo Ribeiro 18: Avaliacao de dados aerogamaespectrometricos e de sua integracao com imagens digitais TM/Landsat 5, no mapeamento geologico na Serra dos Carajas (PA) 19: Evaluation of aerogammaspectrometric data and their integration with Landst-TM digital images, for geological mapping in the Serra dos Carajas (PA) 20: 139 40: Pt 41: PT 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre MFN: 7470 1: SID/SDC 2: 6120 3: INPE-6120-TDI/581 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Franca, Helena 18: Um estudo fenologico com imagens AVHRR/NOAA nos Cerrados do Parque Nacional das Emas, GO 19: A phenological study with AVHRR/NOA images in the "Cerrados" of the Emas National Park, GO 20: 96 40: Pt 41: PT 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Alberto Waingort Setzer (orientador); Flavio Jorge Ponzoni; Vitor Celso de Carvalho; Eduardo Delgado Assad; Leopoldo Magno Coutinho 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: dez. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: PARQUES 87: AVHRR 87: NOAA-11 87: SATELITES NOAA 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 88: VEGETATION 88: PARKS 88: ADVANCED VERY RESOLUTION RADIOMETER 88: NOAA SATELLITES 88: VARIACAO SAZONAIS 88: SEASONAL VARIATION 88: VEGETATION COVER 82: 83: Este trabalho apresenta um estudo das variacoes sazonais da cobertura vegetal do Parque Nacional das Emas-GO utilizando imagens do sensor AVHRR ("Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer")a bordo do satelite NOAA-11 ("National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration"), com resolucao de 1.1 Km. Durante o periodo de observacao, entre 01/06/92 e 30/11/93, foram selecionadas 26 imagens AVHRR, bandas 1, 2 e 3, com reduzida ou nenhuma cobertura de nuvens sobre a areas de estudo. A vegetacao do Parque e tipica dos cerrados, com predominio das fisionomias campos limpos e campos sujos. Nas imagens das bandas 1 e 2 foram constatadas variacoes no sinal provavelmente dependentes do angulo de imageamento do sensor. Visadas obliquas possivelmente causaram elavacoes nos niveis de cinza que nao corresponderam as alteracoes da cobertura vegetal. Dados das bandas 1 e 2 obtidos proximos ao nadir no entanto, indicaram variacoes fenologicas do estrato herbaceo provavelmente relacionadas ao dessecamento e queda progressiva das folhas durante o periodo seco. Os dados da banda 3 e o IVDN (Indice de Vegetacao de Diferenca Norlalizada)tambem indicaram a sazonalidade da cobertura vegetal: o primeiro provavelmente se relacionou ao recobrimento do solo pelas plantas, e o segundo a variacao da fitomassa fotossinteticamente ativa. A queimada que ocorreu no Parque em agosto/92 abrangeu cerca de 25 83: da sua area, permitindo a comparacao das respostas espectrais da cobertura vegetal regenerada no ano seguinte com aquela que nao foi atingida pelo fogo. Imagens da banda 3 bem como o IVDN mostraram os efeitos da remocao da cobertura vegetal e exposicao do solo um mes apos a queimada. Dados da banda 2 e IVDN evidenciaram que a vegetacao regenerada apos o incendio, e ate pelo menos 13 meses depois, e espectralmente distinta daquela que nao queimou. A classificacao de uma imagem AVHRR, banda 3, gravada 1 mes apos a queimada, em comparacao com uma imagem de alta resolucao, indicou que os dados de sensores de baixa resolucao espacial tambem podem ser utilizados na avalicao de area queimada. Concluiu-se que os dados das bandas 1, 2 e 3, do AVHRR-NOAA com 1.1 Km de resolucao, bem como do IVDN, podem ser utilizados para o monitoramento da fenologia dos cerrados, apesar da dificuldade de obtencao de imagens sem cobertura de nuvens durante a estacao chuvosa 91: FDB-030397 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7474 1: SID/SCD 2: 5585 3: INPE-5585-TDI/547 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07]528.854:622.342 16: Lopes, Eymar Silva Sampaio 18: Imagens TM-Landsat e geoprocessamento como subsidio a prospeccao aurifera no espinhaco setentrional, M.G. 19: Images TM-Landsat and geoprocessing at subsidy, the auriferous prospection in setentrional Espinhaco, MG 20: 107 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Juercio Tavares de Mattos (orientador); Paulo Veneziani; Athos Ribeiro dos Santos; Jorge Silva Bettencourt 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: jun. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: mapeamento tem tico (landsat) 87: ouro 87: explora‡Ćo mineral 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: custo effetividade 87: prospec‡ao minral 87: mapeamento 87: fraturas 87: data integration 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: image analysis 88: fractures (materials) 88: gold 88: mapping 88: convergence 88: cost effectiveness 88: drainage 88: FRACTURES 82: 83: O presente trabalho consiste no estudo de imagens TM-Landsat, na escala de 1:100.000, cujo principal objetivo foi a definicao de areas estruturalmente favoraveis a mineralizacao de ouro, localizada na porcao setentrional da Serra do Espinhaco, no norte de Minas Gerais, regiao do municipio de Riacho dos Machados. Este estudo, atraves da analise integrada de dados fisiograficos, morfoestruturais, geologicos e observacoes de campo, baseou-se no principio de convergencia de evidencias, utilizando-se de elementos de drenagem e relevo extraidos das imagens TM-Landsat e interpretadas como: tracos de falhas, tracos de fraturas e tracos de planos axiais de eixos de dobras, os quais representam condutos favoraveis as mineralizacao de ouro. Tendo em vista os resultados obtidos, com avaliacao de campo, as imagens de satelite tem-se mostrado uma ferramenta promissora para a definicao de modelos prospectivos, permitindo assim uma menor relacao custo/beneficio. Este estudo permitiu em uma regiao equivalente a 8.400 Km2 caracterizar 20 areas anomalas favoraveis a prospeccao aurifera. Permitiu tambem utilizar-se dos recursos do geoprocessamento para otimizacao e integracao dos dados, inclusive elaborar uma cartografia tematica extremamente clara que mostra sintetizada todas as fases de avaliacao das informacoes e as areas sugeridas para prospeccao. Abstract: This work consists of a study at the septentrional part of the Serra do Espinhaco, northern Minas Gerais, region of Riacho dos Machados, through TM-Landsat magery at the 1:100.000 scale. The main objective of the study was to define an area structurally favorable for gold mineralization as a result of the hydrothermal action, through the integration of physiographic, morphostructural and geologic data. This analysis is concerned with convergence evidence principle of drainage and relief elements interpreted as faults, fractures and foldings that represent favorable flues for mineralization. Taking into consideration the results achieved, the images are a very promissory tool for prospective models, thus permitting a minor cost/benefit relation. This study allowed to characterize in a region of 8.400 km2 twenty anomalous areas favorable for gold prospection. It also allowed the use of geoprocessing resources for data optimization and integration, including the elaboration of a extremely clear thematic cartography, which shows all synthetized phases of information evaluation and the suggested areas for prospectio MFN: 7491 1: SID/SCD 2: 6892 3: INPE-6892-TDI/653 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Rocio, Marco Aurelio Ramalho 18: Caracterizacao da rede aquifera da regiao de Cacapava-Paraibuna com o emprego de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto 19: Characterization of the aquifer net in the region of Cacapava-Paraibuna through the application of remote sensing techniques 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: mar. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: ROCHAS 87: AGUAS SUBTERRANEAS 87: POCOS 87: INTEGRACAO DE DADOS 87: FRATURAS 87: MORFO-ESTRUTURA 87: EXPLORACAO 88: GEOLOGY 88: GROUND WATER 88: BOREHOLES 88: DATA INTEGRATION 88: ROCKS 82: 83: Este trabalho teve como objetivos a definicao, do ponto de vista lito-estrutural, de areas favoraveis a descarga das aguas subterraneas em rochas do embasamento, na escala de 1:50.000 e, nessas areas, a localizacao de pontos para perfuracao de pocos tubulares. Foram empregados dados plani-altimetricos, lito-estruturais fotointerpretados e de campo. Foram discriminados altos e baixos topograficos, altos e baixos estruturais e areas de diferentes densidades de zona de junta e hierarquizadas as unidades geologicas em funcao das frequencias de junta associadas. A integracao dos dados levou a discriminacao de areas pouco a muito favoraveis a descarga relativas a cada unidade litologica. Os dados de capacidade especifica de pocos existentes apontam uma correlacao satisfatoria com a classificacao feita para as areas favoraveis a descarga das aguas subterraneas no embasamento 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7493 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Pereira Neto, Osvaldo Coelho 18: Tecnicas de geoprocessamento aplicadas ao estudo da adequacao do uso do solo em bacias hidrograficas 19: Geoprocessing techniques applied to the study of land use feasibility in watersheds 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Mario Valerio Filho (orientador); Antonio Roberto Formaggio; Gilberto Jose Garcia; Maria de Fatima Guimaraes 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: mar.<1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: USO DA TERRA 87: BACIAS HIDROGRAFICAS 87: SOLOS 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SITIM 87: SGI 87: EROSAO 87: SISTEMA DE TRATAMENTO DE IMAGENS 87: DADOS CARTOGRAFICOS 87: SITIM 87: SGI 87: SIG 88: LAND USE 88: WATERSHEDS 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: GEOPROCESSING 82: 83: O solo, como recurso natural, quando explorado incorretamente, nao levando em conta sua aptidao agricola (isto e, suas propriedades fisico-quimicas e o fator relevo), sofre um processo degradacao. Este fato ocorre na bacia hidrografica do Ribeirao Cafezal, situada entre os municipios de Londrina, Cambe e Rolandia, ao norte do Estado do Parana, com aproximadamente vinte mil hectares. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho procura analisar a adequabilidade do uso do solo para o ano de 1993, comparado a 1980, utilizando-se dos sistemas de informacao geografica SGI/INPE e de tratamento de imagens SITIM/INPE. A metodologia abrangeu tres etapas. Na primeira, foi realizado o mapeamento do uso/ocupacao do solo, utilizando-se de tecnicas de processamento digital da imagem de 1993, da interpretacao visual do produto gerado e tambem do levantamento disponivel realizado em 1980. Em uma segunda etapa foram gerados os mapas de declividade e de solos e obteve-se o mapa de aptidao agricola da area atraves do cruzamento dos fatores limitantes do solo. Dada a importancia do fator declividade na determinacao dos tipos de solo da area, uma analise mais criteriosa foi realizada. Na etapa final, os mapas de uso do solo e de aptidao agricola foram integrados para obtencao dos mapas de adequacao do uso do solo para 1980 e 1993, procedendo-se a uma analise dessa adequacao no periodo. No tocante aos dados de adequacao do uso do solo, em 1980 havia 16.61 83: da area sendo super-utilizada, passando para 26.28 83: em 1993, notando-se um sensivel decrescimo nas praticas conservacionistas da area. Em uma analise dessa adequacao no periodo, tem-se que 7.23 83: da area mudou suas atividades para outras menos intensivas e 29.78 83: foi intensificada. Por outro lado, 44.14 83: foi mantida em boas condicoes de conservacao; atencao deve ser dada aos 13.20 83: que se mantiveram acima do limite potencial do solo. Essa analise mostrou ter grande aplicabilidade nas atividades do setor rural, pois permite detectar areas com possiveis problemas de erosao, e assim, atuar com a acao necessaria ao controle conservacionista 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7495 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Fonseca, Jurandyr de Souza 18: Determinacao de temperaturas radiometricas de alvos terrestres a partir do imageamento termal aerotransportado 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Icaro Vitorello (orientador); Merrit Raymond Stevenson; Juercio Tavares de Mattos; Jose Edimar Barbosa Oliveira 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: jan. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 83: Uma pesquisa foi realizada para desenvolver um modelo matematico para determinar a temperatura radiometrica de alvos terrestres, atraves do processamento automatizado de imagens adquiridas por um imageador termal aerotransportado. Os dados necessarios a avaliacao do modelo foram coletados num experimento em que um conjunto de alvos foi imageado ao mesmo tempo que suas temperaturas radiometricas eram medidas com um radiometro portatil. Os dados que caracterizam as condicoes atmosfericas atuantes no instante da aquisicao das imagens foram usados para determinar a transmitancia e a emissividade da trajetoria atraves de modelo atmosferico obtido da literatura. A principal particularidade da abordagem usada na geracao do modelo foi o desenvolvimento de uma equacao para expressar o efeito combinado da radiancia espectral do alvo, da transmitancia atmosferica e da resposta espectral do detector, como funcao da temperatura do alvo. Tambem foram desenvolvidas expressoes para: calibrar o imageador a partir das imagens e dados auxiliares; determinar as temperaturas de saturacao de cada imagem; estimar a influencia que um valor incorreto para a emissividade do alvo exerce sobre a temperatura calculada com o modelo; e corrigir temperaturas medidas com o radiometro, em funcao da emissividade dos alvos. O experimento requereu a instalacao de uma superficie aquecida instrumentada ocupando parte do campo de visada do imageador, a fim de fornecer uma temperatura de referencia para cada linha de imagem. Tal procedimento teve por objetivo obter dados para inverter matematicamente uma das funcoes desempenhadas pela eletronica do imageador. As temperaturas medidas com o radiometro e as temperaturas calculadas com o modelo a partir das imagens foram correlacionadas atraves de regressao linear. A analise dos resultados mostrou que as diferencas entre temperaturas calculadas e medidas devem-se unicamente a incorrecoes nas medidas do ganho da eletronica do imageador e da emissividade da superficie de referencia de temperaturas, e que o modelo desenvolvido esta correto. O modelo e os procedimentos experimentais usados na sua avaliacao podem ser aplicados na calibracao de imageadores termais em laboratorio 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7496 1: SID/SCD 2: 6339 3: INPE-6339-TDI/591 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Arakaki, Reinaldo Gen Ichiro 18: Simulacao do coeficiente de retroespalhamneto de radar na banda C para solos nus tipicos do Estado de Sao Paulo 19: Simulation of radar backscatter coefficient at C-band for typical bare soils in Sao Paulo State (Brazil) 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Plinio Tissi; Hermann Johann Heinrich Kux (orientador); Nelson Delfino d'Avila Mascarenhas; Joao Vianei Soares; Antonio Octavio Martins de Andrade 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: mar. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: SOLOS 87: ERS-1 (ESA SATELITE) 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: RETROESPALHAMENTO 87: RADAR 87: SAR 88: BACKSCATTER 88: SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR 88: SOILS 83: Apos um periodo de grande utilizacao dos sensores orbitais (LANDSAT, SPOT), surgem a partir desta decada os sistemas imageadores de radar. Desde 1992, o Brasil esta sendo imageado pelo sistema SAR orbital ERS-1. Diversas questoes estao em aberto quanto aos novos produtos gerados pelo radar do ERS-1, como quais os parametros do alvo que influenciam as suas imagens. Este trabalho procura simular o coeficiente de retrospalhamento radar gerado pelo SAR-ERS-1 sobre cinco tipos de solos do Estado de Sao Paulo. Para tanto, utilizou-se um modelo de permitividade complexa de Hallikainen (1985), e para relaciona-lo ao (coeficiente de retroespalhamento)foi escolhido um modelo empirico entre os modelos encontrados na literatura (modelo de pequenas perturbacoes, modelos de Kirchhoff e modelo da equacao integral). Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para a medicao de rugosidade do solo, obtendo-se a altura rms e coeficiente PHC, parametros importantes para o entendimento do sinal de retorno do radar. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo de Hallikainen apresenta discrepancias com o encontrado por Palme(1986). Os parametros de rugosidade se mostraram extremamente aleatorios e sensiveis. O modelo empirico mostrou que a umidade volumetrica e a rugosidade dos solos sao os principais parametros do solo responsaveis pelo sinal de retorno de radar e que, para reduzir o efeito da rugosidade e assim ter condicoes de poder avaliar a umidade volumetrica dos solos deve-se ter alturas rms maiores do que 4cm 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7502 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR 76: GEOLOGIA 87: AGUA 83: Este trabalho tem como objetivo dar uma contribuicao ao conhecimento geologico-estrutural da regiao de Caldas Novas, alem de tentar estabelecer o controle estrutural das ocorrencias termais. Para tanto, utilizou-se de produtos de sensoriamento remoto e de metodologias de interpretacao e tratamento de dados ja consagrados na literatura. Os resultados mostraram que os grandes lineamentos estruturais e os conjuntos de zonas de juntas puderam ser correlacionados ao modelo de Riedel, para cinturoes de cisalhamento. Alem disso, a analise dos eixos de maximos, puderam estabelecer a idade relativa de algumas direcoes de fraturamentos. A analise conjunta destes resultados, juntamente com dados obtidos da analise morfoestrutural, com os dados relativos a localizacao das ocorrencias termais e com os dados de anomalias termais para a regiao de Caldas Novas puderam determinar quatro direcoes de fraqueza que controlariam as ocorrencias de hidrotermalismo 58: Banca: Celio Eustaquio dos Anjos (orientador); Paulo Veneziani; Juercio Tavares de Mattos; Yociteru Hasui 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: nov. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 18: Contribuicao ao conhecimento tectono-estrutural da regiao de Caldas Novas (Goias)atraves de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto: uma abordagem ao controle estrutural das ocorrencias termais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Ribeiro, Frederico de Melo MFN: 7503 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Rechiuti, Luciano Valentim 18: Digitalizacao semi-automatizada de dados para producao de modelos numericos de elevacao 19: Semi-automated data digitization for the production of digital elevation models 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias (orientador); Luciano Vieira Dias; Gerald Jean Francis Banon; Antonio Hugo Pereira Chaves 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: nov. <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: MODELOS NUMERICOS DE TERRENO 87: MICROCUMPUTADORES 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: LIMIARIZACAO 87: MODELAGEM 87: SIG 88: DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELS 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: GEOPROCESSING 83: Este trabalho apresenta um metodo para a producao semi-automatizada de Modelos Numericos de Elevacao atraves da digitalizacao "raster" de mapas de isolinhas, utilizando scanners de mesa de baixo custo e microcomputadores. O processo tem inicio com uma avaliacao da precisao geometrica do "scanner", seguida pelos processos de digitalizacao "raster", limiarizacao, esqueletonizacao, edicoes manual e automatica, rotulagem, vetorizacao, transformacao de coordenadas, e uma avaliacao da precisao do processo. Apos estas operacoes, obtem-se um arquivo vetorial de isolinhas. Este arquivo pode ser armazenado e manipulado em Sistemas de Informacoes Geograficas e Bases de Dados Cartograficos Digitais, visando o fornecimento de dados para sistemas de modelagem de terrenos 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7519 1: SID/SCD 2: 6156 3: INPE-6156-PRE/2245 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 10: Barreira, Junior 12: Bases da morfologia matematica para analise de imagens binaria 20: 243 38: Trabalho apresentado na XI Escola de Computacao, Recife, jul. 1994 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 62: UFPE-DI 64: <1994> 66: Recife 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 71: LIVRO 87: ANALISE DE IMAGENS 87: MORFOLOGIA MATEMATICA 83: A Morfologia Matematica foi criada em meados da decada de sessenta, pelo grupo liderado por Georges Matheron e Jean Serra, da Ecole Superieure des Mines de Paris, em Fontainebleau. Ate o final dos anos setenta, seu grande potencial para a Analise de Imagens tinha sido reconhecido e bastante utilizado na Europa, principalmente nas areas envolvendo Microscopia. A partir dos anos oitenta, a Morfologia Matematica comecou tambem a ser difundida nos Estados Unidos e hoje e um fertil campo de pesquisas, tanto teoricas como praticas, sendo vigorosamente explorado em todo mundo. No INPE, a Morfologia Matematica comecou a ser estudada por volta de 1984, com a chegada de um engenheiro que participava de um programa de cooperacao tecnica com a Franca, Christian Guichou. Em 1986, foi desenvolvido na Divisao de Processamento de Imagens do INPE um software de Analise de Imagens baseado na Morfologia Matematica e denominado ANIMA, por varios membros daquela Divisao. Embora esse software fosse relativamente simples, oferecendo apenas algumas operacoes em imagens binarias, ja era possivel obter resultados interessantes, como detecao de bordas, contagem de particulas, etc. No ano seguinte, um dos autores deste livro, Junior Barrera, completou com brilho sua dissertacao de mestrado na area. Os estudos prosseguiram, com o outro autor do livro, Dr. Gerald J. F. Banon, liderando uma serie de seminarios sobre os trabalhos de Petros Maragos. Alem de alguns resultados aplicados, envolvendo a eliminacao de listras em imagens do satelite Spot, ou a avaliacao do desempenho de detetores morfologicos de bordas que haviam sido propostos por Robert M. Haralick, importantes resultados teoricos foram obtidos pelos autores deste livro, com a gneralizacao de decomposicoes para operadores invariantes por translacao (i.t.)e isotonicos, para o caso de operadores i.t., mas nao necessariamente isotonicos e a extensao desses resultados originalmente formulados para subconjuntos, para o caso geral de transformacoes quaisquer entre dois reticulados completos. O autor deste prefacio teve, portanto, a oportunidade de ser testemunha do empenho e da capacidade demonstrados pelos Drs. Banon e Barrera, que agora oferecem a comunidade academica a oportunidade de, pela primeira vez, ter disponivel em lingua portuguesa um texto dedicado a Morfologia Matematica MFN: 7570 1: SID/SCD 2: 6182 3: INPE-6182-PRE/2271 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Quegan, S. 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 10: Grover, K 12: Phase measurements in MAESTRO polarimetric data from the U.K test sites 14: 2719-2736 30: International Journal Remote Sensing 31: 15 32: 4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Tests using MAESTRO data from the Reedham and Fetwell test sites suggest that the assumptions of a multi-variate complex zero-mean Gaussian distribution for scattering amplitudes and a linear distortion model for polarimetric data lead to a viable model for C-band observations, through with some deviations between theory and measurements. P-band observations are in general not consistent with this data model. When viable, the Gaussian model provides a basis for defining phase information, and has implications for the statistical measures which should be used to do so. The usual mean and standard deviation statistics are shown to have undesirable characteristics when applied to phase measurements. The effects of calibration and noise on phase measurements from distributed targets are discussed, and other system effects on phase are noted. Analysis of phase data from fields at the Feltwell test site shows that at C band the copolarized phase difference can discriminate between different crop types, but not at P band MFN: 7676 1: SID/SCD 2: 6309 3: INPE-6309-PRE/2397 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Helio Ricardo 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 12: Tecnicas de geoprocessamento na estimativa das areas de culturas de verao 14: 23-32 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso e Feira para Usuario de Geoprocessamento (GIS BRASIL 94) 54: 17-21 out. <1994> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-19970620 92: FDB-MLR 76: AGRONOMIA 83: As culturas de verao sao de grande importancia para a economia brasileira, pois sao responsaveis por mais de 90 83: da producao anual de graos. O objetivo deste trabalho e estimar na area de estudo, localizada no municipio de Guaira (SP), os talhoes destinados a exploracao das culturas de verao no ano agricola 91/92 atraves da integracao de dados multitemporais (TM/Landsat-5)e cartograficos manipulados no SITIM-340/INPE. Atraves do metodo hibrido de classificacao das imagens digitais obtidas na fase inicial do ciclo agricola (preparo do solo/inicio do desenvolvimento vegetativo)e apos a operacao "Tabulacao Cruzada" (SGI/INPE)foram realizadas as "Projecoes" ou seja as estimativas das areas destinadas as culturas de verao. Os resultados mostram que a utilizacao de dados historicos armazenados nos Bancos de Dados multitemporais contribui para que a primeira Projecao estimasse a area total ocupada com as culturas de verao com uma precisao minima de 81,74 MFN: 7677 1: SID/SCD 2: 6308 3: INPE-6308-PRE/2396 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Langford, Mitchel 10: Sausen, Tania Maria 12: Iniciando em SIG, um livro de exercicios em computador fazendo uso do sistema IDRISI 14: 38-55 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso e Feira para Usuario de Geoprocessamento (GIS BRASIL 94) 54: 17-21 out. <1994> 56: Curitiba 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: EDUCACAO 83: Este titurial em Sistemas de Informacoes Geograficas, foi desenvolvido pelo Dr. Mitchel Langford do Midlands Regional Research Laboratory-MRRL, da Universidade de Leicester, Inglaterra, e esta sendo traduzido para o portugues. O objetivo deste tutorial nao e propocionar instrucao explicita ou treinamento em IDRISI, mas sim iniciar novatos em conceitos gerais e tecnicas de SIG, fazendo uso deste sistema. "Iniciando em SIG, um livro de exercicios em computadores" proporciona aproximadamente oito horas de material tutorial para novatos em SIG. Faz uso de um livro de exercicios que foi cuidadosamente desenvolvido para orientar os seus usuarios atraves de quatro Sessoes de Treinamento pratico. Este tutorial e basicamente desenhado para ser um pacote de auto-capacitacao. Exercicios de consolidacao sao apresentados no final de cada sessao de treinamento e espera-se que o treinando fazendo uso deste tutorial, nao apenas adquira um conhecimento sobre o sistema IDRISI, mas que tambem entenda os objetivos e limitacoes do SIG em geral MFN: 7691 1: SID/SCD 2: 6367 3: INPE-6367-PRE/2441 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camara Neto, Gilberto 10: Freitas, Ubirajara Moura de 10: Cordeiro, Joao Pedro Cerveira 12: Towards an algebra of geographical fields 14: 205-121 18: Anais 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao grafica e Processamento de Imagens, 7 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 87: VISUALIZACAO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SPRING 88: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: SPATIAL DATA BASES 88: SPATIAL DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGEM 88: LINGUAGENS 83: This work presents a proposal for an algebra of geographical fields. Geographical fields are the mathematical expression of continuously-varying spatial data, such as thematic maps, digital terrain models and satellite imagery. The paper outlines an initial proposal for an algebra of geographical fields that enables the definition of operations based on the properties of geographical data, independent of their graphical representation. This proposal is being used as a data manipulation language in SPRING, a geographical information system developed by INPE 91: FDB-19970728 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7697 1: SID/SCD 2: 6360 3: INPE-6360-PRE/2434 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Soares, Joao Vianei 12: The SIR-C/X-SAR surface hydrology experiment in Brazil: report and preliminary results 14: 25 18: Abstracts 21: v.30Part7c 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISSPRS Commission VII 53: Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring 54: 26-30 Sept.<1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SAR 83: The SIR-C/X-SAR Mission is finally taking off on April, 7, 1994. The Shuttle will fly for about 10 days carrying aboard a multiparameter Synthetic Aperture Radar System: Three bands (L, C and X), four polarizations for L and C bands (HH, VV, VH, HV), one for X Band (VV)and incidence angles ranging from 15 degrees to approximately 60 degrees. Spatial resolution is a good as 6 meters. Processed and calibrated data in 16 looks are to be released to Principal Investigators within two months from the experiments. The Bebedouro Irrigation, in the Sao Francisco River Valley (semi-arid region of northeast Brazil, Pernambuco state)was selected as a supersite for surface hydrology to the mission. The Bebedouro project which size is around 700 ha, is managed by the federal government's Brazilian Enterprise for Agricultural Research, EMBRAPA, with its Center for Agricultural Research for the Semi-arid, CEPATSA. The goals include the development of an algorithm to extract soil moisture from radar images, to couple radar measurements to a soil-atmosphere interface water and energy exchanges model, in order to obtain estimates of evapotranspiration at regional scale, and to verify the capability of radar to discriminate among agricultural crops grown up there. "In situ" measurements include soil, vegetation and other ancillary data. More specifically for soil daily sampling of moisture for the first 5 and 10 cm layers of the soil surface (about one 100 samples a day), soil profile humidity down to 100 cm (before the first data take opportunity), soil texture and soil characteristic curve (once, by the mission timing); for vegetation field measurements will include Leaf Area Index, state, type, density and height. Ancillary data will be date and depth of irrigation and routine meteorological data. We intend to present here the report of the report of the experiment concerning this particular study as well as the preliminary results. A second flight is now scheduled for August 1994 91: FDB-19970728 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7699 91: FDB-19970728 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 2: 6362 3: INPE-6362-PRE/2436 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Bernardes, Sergio 12: Utilization of linear mixing model applied to Landsat-TM data to characterize brazilian Amazon forest 14: 27 18: Abstracts 21: v.30Part7c 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: ISSPRS Commission VII 53: Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring 54: 26-30 Sept.<1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 58: SPG 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: The necessity to provide periodical studies of the amazon region, characterizing its natural resources and anthropic alteration processes is a source of several Remote Sensing studies, many of them applying digital image processing techniques. Conventional methods of image classification underline, predominantly, in the spectral characteristics of the pixels, understanding them as composed by a single class of a land cover. Usually, a digital number results from integration of the responses of many targets in the ground. In this way, the signal produced by the combination, in one pixel, of two or more classes of land cover will not representative of none of them, resulting in a misunderstood classification. Therefore the spectral mixture is a limiting factor in a automatic classification approach. The aim of this work is to evaluate the use of synthetic images, obtained by a Linear Mixing Model, to characterize Brazilian amazon vegetation. The study area consists of approximately 690 Km of the Brazilian amazon, situated in the forest/savana ("cerrado")contact region, between 11R00'S and 51R00'W to 52R30'W. For the methodology implementation, a visual interpretation of Landsat-TM data was performed, identifying classes of land cover (forest, second growth forest, savanna, bare soil, ...). A Linear Mixing Model was applied to generate three synthetic images ("vegetation", "soil" and "shade"). These images will be classified using a maximum likelihood algorithm. The product of this approach will be compared with the visual interpretation in a geographic information system, generating an error matrix. Kappa coefficient of agreement will be used to determine the classification accuracy obtained with the application of this methodology. In this way, this work intends to contribute to future space-time analysis of the large amazon region, estimating deforesting and monitoring land occupation MFN: 7701 1: SID/SCD 2: 6365 3: INPE-6365-PRE/2439 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 10: Mulchi, Charles L. 10: Daughtry, C.S.T 12: Agricultural production and ozone air pollution under enriched carbon dioxide atmosphere: effects on canopy reflectance and plant characteristics 14: 106 18: Abstracts 21: v.30Part7c 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISSPRS Commission VII 53: Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring 54: 26-30 Sept.<1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: OZONIO 83: Estimates of future changes in agricultural production in response to changes in concentration of atmospheric trace gases are often based on the beneficial physiological effect of carbon dioxide (CO2)enrichment on plant growth. However, these estimates fail to consider the negative impact of ozone (O3)air pollution on crop production. Several field studies with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)and corn (Zea mays L.)were conducted using open-top chambers to mimic atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and O3 that are predicted to occur during the first half of the 21 century. Canopy reflectance measurements are of limited use in air pollution studies, especially for corn. Both, CO2 and O3 were found to have a major impact on physiological processes that affect photosynthate partioning, especially in wheat, which cannot be detected through spectral reflectance measurements. From the experiments carried out in this study it is concluded that the CO2 enriched environment counteracts the stress caused by O3 air pollution under the current climate scenario 91: FDB-19970728 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7711 1: SID/SCD 2: 6375 3: INPE-6375-PRE/2449 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Valerio Filho, Mario 12: Tecnicas de geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto aplicadas ao estudo integrado de bacias hidrograficas 14: 223-241 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Solos altamente suscetiveis a erosao 58: DSR 61: 62: FCAV 64: <1994> 66: Jaboticabal 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 71: LIVRO 87: EROSAO 87: SOLOS 83: A ocupacao agricola das terras tem sido, em parte, objeto de interesse das instituicoes governamentais voltadas ao planejamento e adocao de politicas agricolas. A crescente demanda da producao de alimentos tem concorrido grandemente para acelerar os processos de erosao dos solos, resultando no empobrecimento da fertilidade, na alteracao da qualidade da agua e assoreamento de rios e reservatorios. Para que a ocupacao do espaco territorial e a producao agricola sejam equacionadas e importante que se estabeleca e se implemente uma politica agricola, que contemple nao somente a producao de alimentos, mas tambem que preserve as condicoes ambientais, especialmente em termos de conservacao do solo e dos recursos hidricos. Neste contexto, as tecnicas de geoprocessamento, incluindo sensoriamento remoto e integracao de dados em ambientes computacionais e sistemas de informacao geografica (SIG)sao ferramentas que possibilitam a coleta e analise das informacoes tematicas e oferecem subsidios ao planejamento agricola e ambiental. Em sendo assim, sera apresentado, neste documento, alguns conceitos basicos relacionados as tecnicas de processamento digital de imagens e sistemas de informacao geografica e a aplicacao destas tecnicas no estudo integrado de uma bacia hidrografica. Sera exemplificada, aqui, uma bacia de pequeno porte, localizada na area de influencia do Reservatorio de Barra Bonita, no Estado de Sao Paulo 91: FDB-19970728 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7713 1: SID/SCD 2: 6372 3: INPE-6372-PRE/2446 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 10: Barrera, Junior 12: Set operator decomposition and conditionally translation invariant elementary operators 14: 5-12 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image Processing 58: DPI 61: The document in this repository is the manuscript. It was deposited in the URLib collection by permission of Kluwer Academic Publishers. INPE reference: INPE-6372-PRE/2446. This work has been supported by CNPq under contract 300966/90-3. 62: Kluwer Academic 64: <1994> 66: Dordrecht 68: PRE 90: b 71: LIVRO(htt:// 83: In the first part, we recall the axiomatic definition of the elementary morphological operators (dilations, erosions, anti-dilations and anti-erosions)and their characterization in the case of Boolean lattices. This characterization is used to derive the set operator decompositions from the general decompositions of operators between complete lattices. In the second part, we define the notions of "conditionally translation invariant" (c.t.i.)and of "locally c.t.i." elementary operators. These operators are those usually implemented on digital computers. We show how any c.t.i. elementary operator can be decomposed in terms of locally ones 91: FDB-19970728 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 7735 91: FBD-19970807 92: FDB-MLR 54: 2-6 jul. <1994> 56: Rio de Janeiro 58: DSR 64: <1984> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Este trabalho, que constitui parte de um estudo mais abrangente ao longo do baixo curso do rio Sao Lourenco e da zona sob sua influencia, tem por objetivo o mapeamento da cobertura vegetal da regiao delimitada pelas coordenadas geograficas S 17 24'/W 57 14', S 17 26'/W 57 02', S 17 37'/W 57 18'e S 17 39'/W 57 06' (area aproximada: 500 Km2), atraves de tecnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto. Sabendo que a vegetacao do Pantanal Matogrossense esta frequentemente condicionada aos processos de alagamento, procurou-se associa-la ao dinamismo hidrologico da area. A regiao enfocada constitui-se litologicamente de materiais inconsolidados (areias, argilas e siltes)e de concrecoes do Quaternario, abrangendo terrenos temporaria e permanentemente alagados. A interpretacao visual preliminar de imagens do MSS-LANDSAT, canais 5 e 7 (orbita 276, ponto 24)e de fotografias aereas em infravermelho falsa-cor (escala 1:40.000, cobertura de 1977)instruiu a interpretacao automatica, realizada no sistema IMAGE-100 do INPE, na qual foram utilizados os algoritmos de classificacao nao-supervisionada (K-medias)e supervisionada (MAXVER). Considerando que os fenomenos de alagamento tem uma periodicidade na regiao usaram-se duas passagens do LANDSAT (MSS)correspondentes a epocas distintas: novembro de 1980 (vazante)e maio de 1981 (cheia). Os trabalhos de campo realizados na area em estudo permitiram verificar a classificacao preliminar, bem como realizar seccoes atraves da regiao. Nos trabalhos que utilizaram o sistema IMAGE-100 obtiveram-se preliminarmente 5 classes principais, a saber: floresta de terras baixas, floresta-de-galeria, campos inundaveis I, campos inundaveis II e agua. Este trabalho permitiu concluir que as tecnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto utilizadas possibilitam mapear, a nivel de reconhecimento, os principais ambientes naturais de areas alagaveis como o Pantanal Matogrossense 38: Abstract 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente, 1 1: SID/SCD 2: 6423 3: INPE-6423-PUD/2462 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 12: Mapeamento da vegetacao de areas alagaveis do Pantanal Matogrossense (municipio de Pocone, estado do Mato Grosso)atraves de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto MFN: 7762 91: FDB-19971211 92: FDB-MLR 30: Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 31: 24 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: mar. <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: ROCHAS SEDIMENTARES 87: COMPOSICAO QUIMICA 83: As associacoes funcionais de espectros de reflectancia com constituintes de rochas sedimentares foram analisadas para sete unidades estratigraficas da Bacia Paleozoica do Parnaiba, no nordeste do Brasil. Foram selecionadas vinte e seis amostras de testemunhos, para analises quimicas, de lamina delgada e de difracao de raios X. Fatores de Reflectancia Bidirecional (BRF)foram obtidos em laboratorio com direcoes de visada e iluminacao proximos ao nadir, na faixa do visivel e infravermelho refletido (400-2.500 nm). A dependencia da BRF em relacao a composicao quimica foi avaliada para os seguintes constituintes: SiO2, Al2O3, ferro total (expresso como Fe2O3), K2O, MnO, CaO, MgO, Na2O, P2O5 e TiO2. Adicionalmente, foram considerados o tamanho medio dos graos dos arenitos, o conteudo de carbono organico total (TOC)e as razoes SiO2/Al2O3, SiO2/Fe2O3 e Fe2O3/Al2O3. As melhores correlacoes negativas com a reflectancia foram obtidas para Al2O3, Fe2O3, materia organica e razao Fe2O3/Al2O3. As melhores correlacoes positivas foram obtidas para SiO2, razoes SiO2/Fe2O3 e SiO2/Al2O3. Muito embora componentes importantes como SiO2, Al2O3 e K2O nao produzam absorcoes na faixa 400-2.500 nm, como produzem, por exemplo, os ions de ferro e carbono, o escrutinio dos graficos revelou o papel destas variaveis interdependentes no processo de espalhamento e absorcao. Um aumento de SiO2 e frequentemente associado a maiores reflectancias, enquanto o reverso e verdadeiro para Al2O3 e K2O. Este estudo indica a necessidade de modelagens empiricas para a melhor compreensao do processo de transferencia de radiacao 1: SID/SCD 2: 6453 3: INPE-6453-PRE/2493 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Galvao, Lenio S. 10: Vitorello, Icaro 12: Spectral reflectance-lithostratigraphy of terrigenous rocks of the Parnaiba Basin, Brazil: chemical composition relationships 14: 22-31 MFN: 7807 1: SID/SCD 2: 6440 3: INPE-6440-PRE/2479 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mantovani, Angelica C. Di Maio 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: A change detection methodology for the Amazon Forest using multitemporal NOAA/AVHRR data and GIS-preliminary results 14: 43-46 38: (ASTM STP 1279) 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing and GIS for Site Characterization -Aplications and Standards 54: 27-28 Jan. <1994> 56: San Francisco 57: USA 58: DSR 61: 64: <1996> 68: PRE 90: b 83: This paper describes initial results of a methodology developed to locate new deforestation in the Amazon Tropical forest. It combines automatic classification of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA/AVHRR)satellite images and a Geographic Information System (GIS)data base. Full resolution and geometrically corrected AVHRR channel 3 (3.7 m)images of different dates of the Amazon region are automatically compared in digital form. Places where changes in the original cover of the vegetation are detected between any two different images have their locations determined through a GIS. Initial tests in the north of the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, are presented indicating the possibility of using AVHRR imagery operationally to detect new deforestation. Results comparing deforestation in the AVHRR channel 3 with corresponding high resolution LANDSAT-Thematic Mapper (TM)images indicated 56.5 83: of AVHRR correct location for 221 polygons of deforestation with different sizes. 90 83: of correct locations was obtained for the 50 TM polygons with deforestation greater than 3.1 Km2 91: FDB-19971217 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7825 1: SID/SCD 2: 6460 3: INPE-6460-PRE/2501 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barrera, Junior 10: Silva, F.S.C. da 10: Banon, G.J.F. 12: Automatic programming of binary morphological machines 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Image Albebra and Morphological Image Processing, 5 SPIES's 54: <1994> 56: San Diego 57: USA 58: DPI 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: An important aspect of Mathematical Morphology is the description of set operators by a formal language, the Binary Morphological Language (BML), whose vocabulary are dilations, erosions, antidilations, antierosions, union and intersection. This language is complete (i.e. it can represent any set operator)and expressive (i.e. many useful operators can be represented as phrases with relatively few words). Since the sixties special machines, the Binary Morphological Machines (BMMach's), have been built to implement the BML with increasing efficiency. However, designing useful BMMach programs is not an elementary task. Recently, much research effort has been addressed to automating the programming of BMMach's. The goal is to find suitable knowledge representation formalisms to describe operations over geometric structures and to translate them into BMMach programs. We propose an approach for the automated programming of translation invariant operators: operators are described either by logical expressions or by sample input-output lists and translated into BMMach programs by semantic evaluation, probably approximately correct (PAC)learning or automated deduction over abstract operations. The generated operators are optimized by transformations on their decomposition structure. A priori knowledge is modeled by associating probability distributions occurrences of images. The design of optimal and suboptimal morphological filters can be seen as particular cases of the proposed approach. Some examples illustrate the main ideas presented 91: FDB-19971217 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7826 1: SID/SCD 2: 6461 3: INPE-6461-PRE/2502 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barrera, Junior 10: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 10: Lotufo, Roberto A. 12: A mathematical morphology toolbox for the KHOROS system 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing, 5 - SPIE's 54: July <1994> 58: DPI 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Mathematical Morphology is a general theory that studies the decompositions of mappings between complete lattices in terms of some families of simple mappings: dilations, erosions, anti-dilations and anti-erosions. Nowadays, this theory is largely used in Image Processing and Computer Vision to extract information from images. The KHOROS system is an open and general environment for Image Processing and Visualization that has become very popular. One of the main characteristics of KHOROS is its flexibility, since it runs on standard machines, supports several standard data formats, uses a visual programing language, and has tools to help the user to build and install his own programs. A set of new programs can be organized as a subsystem, called Toolbox. This paper presents a fast and comprehensive Mathematical Morphology Toolbox for the KHOROS system, that deals with binary, gray-scale and multiple band images. Each program has specialized algorithms for binary and gray-scale images, that are chosen automatically according to the input data. These implemented algorithms running on current general purpose workstations are as fast as the equivalent ones running on specialized hardware with 1986 technology MFN: 7827 91: FDB-19971217 92: FDB-MLR 18: Proceedings 20: 30P4 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Symposium on Mapping and Geographic Information Systems 54: 31 May - 3 July <1994> 56: Athens 57: USA 58: DPI 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: This work discusses the design of an object-oriented data model for GIS, which caters for the diversity of data sources and formats, including both raster and vector data. The model combines the ideas of "layers" and "objects", and provides mechanisms for generalisation and specialisation of geographical data. The model is being used as a basis for the development of SPRING, a system which includes functions for image processing, geographical analysis and digital terrain modelling, integrated with an environmental data base 1: SID/SCD 2: 6465 3: INPE-6465-PRE/2504 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camara Neto, Gilberto 10: Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto de 10: Paiva, Joao Argemiro de Carvalho 10: Freitas, Ubirajara Moura de 10: Casanova, M.A. 10: Hemerly, Andrea Silva 12: A general data model for integrating remote sensing and GIS data 14: 15-22 MFN: 7829 1: SID/SCD 2: 6484 3: INPE-6484-PRE/2524 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Galvao, Lenio Soares 10: Vitorello, Icaro 12: Spectral reflectance-lithostratigraphy of terrigenous rocks of the Parnaiba basin, Brazil: chemical composition relationships 14: 22-31 30: Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 31: 24 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 61: 64: mar.<1994> 68: PRE 71: b 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: ROCHAS SEDIMENTARES 87: COMPOSICAO QUIMICA 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 88: SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 88: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 83: As associacoes funcionais de espectros de reflectancia com constituintes de rochas sedimentares foram analisadas para sete unidades estratigraficas da Bacia Paleozoica do Parnaiba, no nordeste do Brasil. Foram selecionadas vinte e seis amostras de testemunhos, para analises quimicas, de lamina delgada e de difracao de raios X. Fatores de Reflectancia Bidirecional (BRF)foram obtidos em laboratorio com direcoes de visada e iluminacao proximos ao nadir, na faixa do visivel e infravermelho refletido (400-2.500 nm). A dependencia da BRF em relacao a composicao quimica foi avaliada para os seguintes constituintes: SiO2, Al2O3, ferro total (expresso como Fe2O3), K2O, MnO, CaO, MgO, Na2O, P2O5 e TiO2. Adicionalmente, foram considerados o tamanho medio dos graos dos arenitos, o conteudo de carbono organico total (TOC)e as razoes SiO2/Al2O3, SiO2/Fe2O3 e Fe2O3/Al2O3. As melhores correlacoes negativas com a reflectancia foram obtidas para Al2O3, Fe2O3, materia organica e razao Fe2O3/Al2O3. As melhores correlacoes positivas foram obtidas para SiO2, razoes SiO2/Fe2O3 e SiO2/Al2O3. Muito embora componentes importantes como SiO2, Al2O3 e K2O nao produzam absorcoes na faixa 400-2.500 nm, como produzem, por exemplo, os ions de ferro e carbono, o escrutinio dos graficos revelou o papel destas variaveis interdependentes no processo de espalhamento e absorcao. Um aumento de SiO2 e frequentemente associado a maiores reflectancias, enquanto o reverso e verdadeiro para Al2O3 e K2O. Este estudo indica a necessidade de modelagens empiricas para a melhor compreensao do processo de transferencia de radiacao 91: FDB-19980108 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7890 1: SID/SCD 2: 6529 3: INPE-6529-PRE/2568 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Mantovani, Angelica C. Di Maio 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: Metodologia de um sistema operacional de deteccao de desmatamentos na Floresta Amazonica 14: 59-67 30: Revista UNIVAP 31: 2 32: 3 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: nov. <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Este trabalho apresenta metodologia simples e de custo relativamente baixo para um sistema operacional de deteccao de desmatamentos da Floresta Amazonica em tempo quase-real. A comparacao digital de imagens da mesma regiao, mas de datas distintas, do canal 3 (3.7 m)do sensor AVHRR ("Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer")dos satelites NOAA ("National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration"), permite identificar novos desmatamentos em um Sistema de Processamento de Imagens e de Informacoes Geograficas. Testes realizados em uma regiao no norte do Mato Grosso sao descritos, indicando a possibilidade do uso de imagens AVHRR operacionalmente na deteccao de novos desmatamentos. Os resultados obtidos, comparando-se desmatamentos verificados nas imagens AVHRR, com dados correspondentes de diferentes tamanhos, para os pares de imagens de setembro de 1989 e setembro de 1990, e de julho de 1990 com setembro de 1990, respectivamente. Nas mesmas imagens foram obtidos, respectivamente, 82 83: e 90 83: de acerto para 50 poligonos de desmatamentos com tamanho minimo de 3,1 Km2 91: FDB-19980319 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8325 1: SID/SCD 2: 6541 3: INPE-6541-PRE/2576 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: McNeil, J. 10: Alves, Diogenes Salas 10: Arizpe, L. 10: Bykova, O. 10: Galvin, K. 10: Kelmelis, J. 10: Migot-Adholla, S. 10: Morrisette, P. 10: Moss, R. 10: Richards, J. 10: Riebasame, W. 10: Sadowski, F. 10: Sanderson, S. 10: Skole, D. 10: Tarr, J. 10: Willian, M. 10: Yadav, S. 10: Young, S. 12: Toward a typology and regionalization of land-cover and use change 14: 55-72 38: Report of Working Group B 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Changes in Land Use and Land Cover: Global Perspective 58: DSR 61: 62: Cambridge University Press 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: MUDANCA GLOBAL 87: USO DA TERRA 83: Making sense of changes in global patterns of land use or land cover requires drastic simplification. The complexity of changes on the world scale easily defies the most acute and informed observer. But simplification is no simple process. To be useful it must bring out into sharp relief what is most important and relegate to obscurity what can most safely be ignored. Hard decisions and expert judgments are necessarily involved. In making these decisions and judgments we are acutely aware that others might well have been made in their stead, and perhaps with equal justification. We regard our work as a first step that we hope will help others to take long strides toward a more complete understanding of global patterns of land-use and land-cover change 91: FDB-19990316 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8477 1: SID/SCD 2: 7147 3: INPE-7147-PRE/3077 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 12: Monitoramento of Amazonian Forest Ecosystem: present conjuncture on the use of remote sensing technology 14: 109-115 30: Anales da Academia Brasileira 31: 66 32: Supl. 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: MONITORAMENTO 87: FLORESTAS 87: RADARSAT 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: DESFLORESTAMENTO 87: IMAGENS DE RADAR 87: SATELITES NOAA 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: ERS 1 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SAR 82: 83: Talking into account the need of an upgrade on remote sensing applications on Ecology and Biodiversity studies, the objective of this paper is to show the state of the art of these technologies to monitor the forest cover and deforestation process occurring in the Brazilian Amazon Region. An analysis on the importance of orbital remote sensing data (Landsa/TM, ERS-1/SAR .... ) was done in order to characterize land use changes. The present annual conversion rate of forests (mainly for pasture, agricultural use)in Amazonia is 0.26 83: per year. Furthermore, comments are made on the use of segmentation and classification of digital images together with GIS as a component of an Amazonia Database made by INPE. The use of NOAA/AVHRR data is demonstrated for the analysis of seasonal behavior of the vegetation cover as well as for the detection of biomass burning. A description is made of the results from SAREX nidssion in Amazonia (a Canadian airborne C-Band SAR), with simulations of RADARSAT, are described, in order to show the potential of new spaceborne radar sensor systems to identify abandoned deforested areas with natural regeneration process MFN: 8636 1: SID/SCD 2: 6314 3: INPE-6314-PRE/2402 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Stevenson, Merritt R 10: Souza, Ronald Bus 12: Heat transport in the surface layer east of the drake passage estimated from a woce drifter-firs results 14: 117-130 18: Ciencias espaciais e da atmosfera na Antartica 38: Editores Rene A. Medrano_B; Enio B. Pereira 40: En 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Conferencia Latinoamericana sobre Ciencias Espaciais e Atmosfericas na Antartica (CLACEAA) 54: 20-25 nov. <1994> 56: Serra Negra 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 62: Transtec Editorial 64: <1994> 66: Sao Jose dos campos 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: GELO ANTARTICO 87: ZONA DE CONVERGENCIA ANTARTICA 87: MEDICA 87: TRANSFERENCIA DE CALOR 87: EXPEDICAO BRASILEIRA ANTARTICA 82: 83: With the objective of studying the meridional and zonal variation In the surface layer current and Its heat transport on the north side of the Polar Front In the Antarctic Convergence Zone, a WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment)standard, surface layer drifter was launched at 56.1 degree S,55 degree W during the 12th Brazilian Antarctic Expedition. A southbound meridional transact of XBT vertical profiles was used to locate the "1.5 degree C thermal wall" of the Polar Front. From its 13 november. 1993 launch date, the drifter has been tracked by DCLS ARGOS aboard the operational NOAA satellites. Sea surface temperatures (SSTs)were also measured to a precision of about 0.12 degree C from the drifter. Although the drifter was still transmitting data at the end of September 1994, the first 300 days of the drifter's trajectory and SST time series are used In this report. The drifter's trajectory contained meanders and occasional loops throughout the 300 days, moving generally northeasterly until It reached 47 degree S,42 degree W, whereupon the trajectory became almost easterly. The overall mean velocity of the drifter was 11.2 cm/s toward 069 degree, the meridional component was 4.0 cm/s to the north. The mean surface temperature was 6.01 degree C. The unit heat transport at the surface of the 0-15m depth surface layer was estimated by the heat contained In this water column of uniform temperature and horizontal velocity. The temperature and displacement series were partitioned Into 6 time bins of 50 days each, to obtain the mean zonal and meridionall currents and mean surface temperature for each bin. The surface layer mean heat transport was to the north at 10.63X10 4 w/m per zonal meter, or 3.13 x10 11 w/m over the zonal distance of 2,950km. By contrast, zonal heat transport was eastward at 15.75x10 4 watts/m per meridional meter, or 2.47x10 11 w/m between 57.2 degree S and 44.2 degree S.The values of unit heat transport determined In this study are about double the heat transports noted In the literature. Differences In the methods used to determine the heat transports and the fact that the present study used data from only the surface layer, are considered to be the reasons for the larger value determined In this study 91: FDB-20000104 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8694 1: SID/SCD 2: 7345 3: INPE-7345-PRE/3236 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vitorello, Icaro 10: Liu, C.C. 10: Padilha, Antonio Lopes 12: Combined audiomagnetotellurics and remote sensing for the structural interpretation of the southeastern border of the basin Parnaiba, Brazil 18: Proceedings 20: 12 40: En 41: En 53: Thematic Conference on Geologic remote Sensing, 10 54: 9-12 <1994> 56: San Antonio 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: GEOFISICA 82: 83: This study concentrated on the relationships of subsurface resistive structures delineated by audiomagnetotelluric (AMT)soundings and their possible surface expressions identified in X-band synthetic aperture radar. More than one hundred linearly displayed AMT soundings were used to construct eleven intrpreted geoelectric sections. Based on preliminary analysis of layered-earth-model inversion, the depths and thicknesses of resistive and conductive layers were defined and tentatively related to sedimentary units and the basement. Brittle deformation stoctures such as faults, horst and grabens were inferred from the soundings. Linear and curvilinear features, recognized through their geomorphological expressions by visual photogeologic inspection were compared with the AMT inferred subsurface structures. Some inferred shallow structures do correlate with surface hatures although many of the features are often quite subtle or are only expressed by a set of discontinuous linears. The results from this investigation have improved the regimal structural knowledge by revealing important NE-SW and NW-SE 91: FDB-20000107 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9564 1: SID/SCD 2: 8582 3: INPE-8582-PRE/4324 4: SRE 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Medeiros, C.B. 10: Casanova, M. 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: The DOMUS project-building an OODB GIS for envirommental control 14: 45-54 18: Proceedings 38: Lectures Notes in Computer Science, v.884 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Workshop on Advanced Information Systems (IGIS) 54: <1994> 58: DPI 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: controle ambiental 87: sistemas de infroma‡Ćo geogr fica 87: programa‡Ćo orientada para objeto 87: Projeto DOMUS 88: environmental control 88: geographical information systems 88: GIS 88: object oriented programming 88: SPRING 88: sistema de processamento omagem georreferenciadas 83: DOMUS is a project of the Computer Science Department of UNICAMP, Brazil, for the development of a GIS for environmental control applications using an object oriented database. This project involves experts from different areas, both in Computer Science and in Geosciences. This paper describes the results already obtained in this project, as well as the ongoing efforts to extend available GIS technology, through use of the SPRING GIS