MFN: 901 1: SID/SCD 2: 7138 3: INPE-7138-PRE/3068 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Namikawa, Laercio Massaru 10: Felgueiras, Carlos Alberto 10: Rosim, Sergio 12: Ajuste de superficies para modelos de grade triangular 14: 6-16 18: Memorias 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remote, 6 54: 3-8 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SIG 87: SGI 87: GRADE TRIANGULAR 87: MODELAGEM 87: MODELOS NUMERICOS DE TERRENO 83: Um Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas (SIG)manipula entidade posicionadas em um ponto ou em uma regiao de coordenadas geograficas conhecidas. Quando o atributo de interesse desta entidade e uma funcao da posicao no plano definido pelas coordenadas geograficas, tem-se a representacao de uma superficie 91: FDB-19920210 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 967 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 18: interactive effects of enhanced tropospheric ozone and carbon dioxide on wheat and corn 20: 192 40: En 41: En 42: 50: University of Maryland 51: Doutor 58: DSR 64: <1993> 68: TAE 76: AGRONOMIA 83: Concomitant increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)and ozone (O3)have been observed during the last century and are predicted to continue to increase. The goals of the dissertation were to expand the understanding of the interactive effects of CO2 enrichment and O3 induced stress on wheat (Triticum aestivum)and corn (Zea mays). Field experiments were conducted at USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center during 1991 (wheat and corn)and 1992 (wheat). Crops were grown in open-top chambers supplied with charcoal filtered air (CF)or CF + 40 ppb O3 above ambient O3 concentration (7h day-1, 5 days week -1)having CO2 concentrations of ambient (350 ppm CO2)or + 150ppm CO2 (12h day-1). Wheat photosynthesis rates (PS)under enriched CO2 were stimulated by 11 83: and 7 83: in 1991 and 1992, respectively. High O3 exposures reduced wheat PS by 10 83: and 6 83: for 1991 and 1992, respectively. Interaction effects between the two gases on PS were not significant. Reductions in stomatal conductance (gs)were under both elevated CO2 and O3 concentrations with trends for further reductions when the two gases were mixed. Canopy reflectance was used to assess the seasonal aboserbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR)which explained close to 50 83: of the final dry biomass variaton in wheat. Increases in dry biomass (12 83: ) and grain yields (21 83: ) were noted in wheat grown under enriched CO2. High O3 exposuresreduced by 20 83: at ambient CO2 but only by 7 83: under enriched CO2. Corn was less sensitive to treatments compared to wheat. Grain yield in corn was reduced by 11 83: for plants grown under high O3 at ambient CO2. Enriched CO2 alone had no effect on corn grain yield; however, CO2 enrichment under high O3 exposure partially compensated for the negative impact of )3 stress on grain yield. The results indicated that CO2 enrichment had a physiological beneficial effect in wheat (C3 crop)but not in corn (C4 crop). Increases in O3 concentrations reduced production of booth, wheat and corn. It is likely that stress induced by exposure to O3 in both crops will be reduced under increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations; however, maximal benefits in crop production in wheat in response to CO2 enrichment will not materialize under concomitant increases in tropospheric O3 concentration MFN: 980 1: SID/SCD 2: 6809 3: INPE-6809-PRE/3181 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia leao de Moraes 12: Water spectral libraries for the interpretation of image spectrometric data 14: 91-102 16: 20: 12 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Imaging Spectometry of the Terrestrial Environment 54: 14-15 Apr. <1993> 56: Orlando 57: USA 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: This paper reports the assessment or water reflectance spectra measured under comtrolled condition for analysis of the imaging spectrometry data of inland waters. The application lf imaging spectrometry to the study ofinland waters depends om better understanging of the optical properties of the water components. To increase this understanding a collection of water spectra has beeen measured under laboratory and ground controlle conditiond as a part of ab EOS interdisciplinary investigation. The radiometric measurement derived from those exprements id known as the Bidirectional Reflectance Function (BRDF). R was simulated using variations of a model derived from the two stream approximation of the radiative transfer equation (RTE)and compared to the BRIDF. BRDF was also measured"in situ"from a boat based spectrometer (BoaR)and from an helicopter based spectrometer (HelR). Modelled R ( MolR)laboratory measured BRDF (labR)and ground measured BRDF ( BoaR and HelR)were compared. They were aksi used to unmix the spectra of two different aquatic systems. Preliminary results show that at low chlorophyll and gilvin concentration, there is a good agreement betweem ModR and LabR, regardless of the model varition used. For both low and high inprganic matter concentration, the agreement between ModR and LabR is poor. All sets or data present the main features whidch characterize the high chlorophyll concentration reflectance spectra, bul the amount of reflectante by LabR and MordR is 50 times smaller than that measured in situ. When the different sets are used as inpit to unmixing algorithms they also yield differebt results 91: FDB-19910217 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 1012 1: SID/SCD 2: 6570 3: INPE-6570-PRE/2607 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 10: Ahern, Frank J. 10: Raney, R.K 12: The contribution of SAREX'92 (South American Radar Experiment)campaign to the evaluation of natural resources in tropical rainforests: first results from test site Acre, SW-Amazonia, Brazil 14: 53-59 20: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 16 54: 7-10 June <1993> 56: Quebec 57: Canada 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: In the framework of a Canada/Brasil Cooperation Project and with the financial support of both the European Space Agency (ESA)and the Canada Internacional Development Agency (CIDA),an airborne SAR-580 campaign to acquire C-band HH and VV radar data was undertaken during April 1992 in Brazilian Amazonia.The overall objective of SAREX 92 to acquire a C-band dataset, including satellite data products, to be used for the evalution of spaceborne C-band SAR data in tropical forest environments. Results of these investigations will be used to promete "SAR literacy" among professional and tecxhnical staff responsible for tropical forest management in Brazil.This paper presents first results of SAR data evalution from a test site im Acre, a State in Brazil.The use of geometrically and radiometrically corrected SAR images is described and related to the detection of forest types, deforestation practices for pasture and small settlements as well as other man-made features. Examples of different relief features ( dissction by drainage, erosion, topography, etc), depicted from SAR images, and their relationships with landuse and landuse planning are shown when applicabe. Based on the interpretation of wide swath images, treated to represent data fidelity expected from RADARSAT, covering a total area of 18000 Km2, it appears that RADARSAT data has an important monitoring potencial for this region. From the data, information on tropical deforestation,drainage networks, soils, and vegetaion may be obtained. With such information, development may be managed, to avoid many of the severe environmental problems which have previously occurred is this region. 91: FDB-19920217 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 1019 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 12: Interactive effects of CO2, enrichment an O, stress on canopy reflectance and plant characteristics in winter wheat 14: 122 18: Agronomy Abstracts 40: En 41: En 42: 53: American Society of Agronomy. 1993 Annual Meeting 54: 07-12 nov. <1993> 56: Cincinnati 57: USA 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 83: Field experiments were conductes during the Spring of 1991 at USDA_BARC to evaluate the interactive effects of chronic O3 (40nl 1-1 abo ambient O3 concentrations)and CO2 enchment (500 1-1 of CO2)in wheoi grown in open top field chambers. Leaf area index (LAI)and canopy reflectance factor (RF)were measured weekly and shoot biomass and grain yield were measured after harvest. Absorbed photosynthetic active radiation (APAR)was estimated from RF measurements. Plants grown under enriche CO2 had increased shoot biomass, radiation use efficiency(E)harvest inde (HI2), weight per 1000 seeds,and grain yield however, RF, APAR and Lat were largely unchangend.Plants grown under chronic O3 stress had decrease shoot bopmass, E, HI weight per 1000 seeds, APAR and grain yield.INterractions between CO2 and were significant only for grain yield,suggesting that yiels id less affected by O3 when grown under enriche CO2. The positive physiological effect of Co2 typically counteracted the negative impact of O3 on wheat for all other ploant characteristics 91: FDB-19920217 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 1060 1: SID/SCD 2: 5202 3: INPE-5202-PRE/1664 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07]528.711.7:627.4(816.1) 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 10: Braga, Claudia Zuccari Fernandes 10: Tundisi, Jose Galisia 12: Remote sensing estimation of total chorophyll pigment distribution in Barra Bonita Reservoir 14: 13 16: Straskraba, M. 16: Duncan, A. 16: Tundisi, J.G. ed. 18: Comparative reservoir limnology and water quality management 38: Cap 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSM 61: 62: Kluwer Academic 64: <1993> 66: Estocolmo 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 83: Este trabalho apresenta os primeiros resultados de um projeto de pesquisa conduzido no reservatorio de Barra Bonira para se avaliar a utilidade da tecnica de sensoriamento remoto nos estudos de limnologia. Dados de campo coletados simultaneamente a passagem do satelite Landsat-5 sobre a area de estudo foram usados na calibracao dos dados do "Thematic Mapper" e para gerar um modelo empirico para a estimativa da distribuicao da clorofila total na superficie do reservatorio 91: FDB-19920220 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 1073 1: SID/SCD 2: 8107 3: INPE-8107-PRE/3921 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: D'Alge, Julio Cesar Lima 10: Goodchild, M.F 12: Digitalizacao e simplificacao de linhas 14: 17-25 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Geoprocessamento 54: <1993> 56: Sao Paulo 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: CARTOGRAFIA 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: TECNICAS DIGITAIS 87: MAPAEADOR USANDO O COMPUTADOR 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: COMPUTER AIDED MAPPING 88: DIGITAL TECHNIQUES 88: ACURACIA 83: Os mapas, de uma maneira geral, representam a principal fonte de dados para um Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas (SIG). Em paises mais desenvolvidos ja se consegue conviver com a Cartografia Digital, ao passo que naqueles que ainda se encontram em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, registra-se um esforco consideravel para se passar do dominio analogico ao digital. Ambos os casos, entretanto, apresentam como caracteristicas comuns a definicao de padroes para a representacao digital e, principalmente, a digitalizacao corno meio basico de geracao da informacao digital. Infelizmente, a digitalizacao tambem representa uma fonte de erros consideravel num SIG e deve, portanto, ser cuidadosamente analisada. A ideia de um numero consideravelmente grande de pontos para descrever uma linha digitalizada contrapoe-se a busca de arquivos que nao ocupem tanto espa‡o para armazena-los. A meio caminho surge a indagacao: quantos pontos sao realmente necessarios para descrever uma linha com a acuracia requerida? Em outras palavras, busca-se estabelecer a quantidade minima de pontos que forne‡am uma representacao digital aceitavel para cada linha. Este trabalho mostra como arquivos excessivamente grandes nao representam uma melhoria na acuracia da representacao digital, discute o metodo de Douglas Peucker para simplificacao de linhas, chamando a atencao para suas vantagens e desvantagens, e propoe alternativas que visam equacionar melhor o problema apresentado 91: FDB-1992-0221 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 1344 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 10: Mulchi, C.L. 10: Daughtry, C.S.T. 10: Lee, E.H. 10: Rowland, R 12: Combined effects of O3 and CO2, enrichment on plant characteristics and canopy reflectance in corn and winter wheat 14: 7 18: Abstracts 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Northeastern Branch Meetings American Society of Agronomy 54: 20-23 June <1993> 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 83: The interactive effects or chronic O, and CO2, enrichment on corn (Zean Mays L.)and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)were of interest because they are important componente in the prediction of future changes im agricultural production. Corn and wheat were grown in open top field chambers exposed to two levels of O, (charcoal-filtered air, and ambient air + 40nl/L of O3)and two levels of CO2 (ambient,and + 150 1/L of CO2)from initiation of plant growth until harvest. Leaf photosynthesis,leaf area index and canopy reflectance were measured weekly and above ground dry biomass and grain yields were measured after harvest. Ozone had a negative impact on both dcrops. Carbon dioxide had a positive effect on wheat and no change was observed for corn. For the combined effect of both gases, O3, and CO2, the negative impacts caused by O3, were typucally counteracted by the CO2 enrichment 91: FDB-19920310 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 3171 1: SID/SCD 2: 5422 3: INPE-5422-PRP/170 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 16: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 16: Lee, David Chung Liang 16: Santos Filho,Celio Paiva do 16: Almeida, Rionaldo Rolo de 18: Relatorio Final do projeto de inventario florestal na Floresta Nacional do Tapajos 20: 121 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: E 58: DSR 59: FLORA 62: INPE 64: ago. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: PRP 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 82: 83: Foi testado um modelo de inventario florestal em multiplo estagio na Floresta Nacional do Tapajos, localizada proximo da cidade de Santarem, Estado do Para, Brasil. Esta area tem cerca de 550.000,00 ha, coberta pela floresta tropical densa. Foram identificados cinco classes de floresta atraves da analise visual das imagens do sensor TM do satelite Landsat. Foram estimados os volumes de madeira medio (m3/ha)e total (m3)de tres destas classes. Alem disso, foi montado um banco de dados georreferenciados, composto de informacoes tematicas (vegetacao, solos e geomorfologia), rede de drenagem, topografica, que pode ser utilizado por profissionais das mais diferentes areas do conhecimento humano 91: FDB-19920929 92: FDB-MDF 101: D 109: 06 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Aquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Pedro H.Filho 111: Yosi E.Shimabukuro 111: David C.L.Lee 111: Celio P.S.Filho 111: Rionaldo R.Almeida 111: Celio paiva dos Santos 111: Rionaldo Role 112: SCD 112: SID 112: DSM 112: DSM 112: DSM 112: Co-autor 112: Co-autor 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 03.11.93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 3173 1: SID/SCD 2: 5423 3: INPE-5423-PRP/171 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07]528.711.7 16: Hernandez,Filho Pedro 16: Shimabukuro,Yosio Edemir 16: Lee,David Chung Liang 16: Santos Filho,Celio Paiva 16: Almeida, Rionaldo Rolo de 18: Final Report on the Forest Inventory Project at the Tapajos National Forest 20: 107 40: En 41: En 41: Pt 42: E 58: DSR 59: Flora 62: INPE 64: ago. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: PRP 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTA 82: 83: A multistage sampling desing for forest inventory was tested at the Tapajos Forest, located close to the city of Santarem, Para state, Brazil. This area has about 550,000 ha, covered by a dense tropical rainforest. Using the procedure of visual analysis of TM-Landsat images, five classes of forest were identified. The average and total volumes of timber for three forest classes were estimated. Furthermore, a data bank containing georeferenced data was set up, including thematic information such as vegetation, soils, geomorphology, drainage and topography, available to professionals of most different areas of human knowledge 91: FDB-19920930 92: FDB-MDF 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 3 111: AQ 111: Pedro Hernandez 111: NASA 111: CCRS 111: FUNATURA 112: SID 112: DMS 112: USA 112: Canada 112: FUNATURA 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 28.04.93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 5782 1: SID/SCD 2: 6528 3: INPE-6528-PRE/2567 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rolim, Silvia Beatriz Alves 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Vasconcelos, Ricardo M. de 10: Azevedo, Maria Laura Vereza de 12: Metodologia para a geracao de imagens de geofisica: uma contribuicao a integracao de dados na pesquisa geologica 14: 7-12 30: Revista UNIVAP 31: 1 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: set. <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: The Amazon region has very few geological surveys, in spite of having several mineral districts. The relationship between geology, relief, soils and vegetation cover is poorly investigated. This lack of knowledge is caused by many factors, such as the non-accessibility to the area, its environmental complexity, the absence of systematic and integrated multidisciplinary studies, etc. These problems can be partially solved by the use of Digital Processing Image (DPI)and Geographical Information System (GIS). In order to perform this research, digital magnetic images (derived from aerial profiles)were created. This geophysical data (N-S profiles)were converted to a regular grid of 30m and subsequently, to a black and white digital image with a Cubic Spline interpolation algorithm. These images were generated in order to improve a better correlation between geological and geophysical knowledge of the Pojuca Test Area 91: FDB-19980319 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6083 1: SID/SCD 2: 5523 3: INPE-5523-RPQ/665 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 16: Santos, Ailton Cruz dos 18: Digital filter design for sensor simulation: application to the Brazilian Remote Sensing Satellite 20: 62 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 62: INPE 64: <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 90: b 83: Neste artigo, um modelo de interacao, entre um sensor de baixa resolucao com largo campo de visada a bordo de um satelite de observacao da terra, e a superficie da terra e apresentado. O sensor simulado e obtido atraves da composicao de um algoritmo de simulacao digital por um sensor de alta resolucao e menor campo de visada. Uma nova tecnica de desenvolvimento de filtro digital e proposto para aproximar um filtro Gaussiano ideal. O filtro resultante pode ser implementado em qualquer plataforma existente de processamento de imagens. Finalmente, dois retahos de imagem, da maneira que eles seriam produzidos pelo SSR (Satelite de Sensoriamento Remoto)da MECB (Missao Espacial Completa Brasileira)a partir de uma cena LANDSAT-TM (Thematic Mapper)sao apresentadas como exemplo. 91: FDB-19940512 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 102: 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: AQ 111: Banon 111: Ailton Cruz 111: NASA 111: CCRS 111: Janio Kono 111: Marcio Barbosa 111: Ailton Cruz dos Santos 111: G. Banon 112: SID 112: DPI 112: SPG 112: USA 112: Canada 112: ETE 112: DIR 112: UFMA/Maceio 112: DPI 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: I 113: 27.12.93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: 07.05.94 113: 29.04.94 MFN: 6126 91: FDB-19930110 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: DED 111: AQ 111: Maria L. Kurkdjian 111: JUana G. Blanco 111: NASA 111: CCRS 112: DED 112: SID 112: DSM 112: EXT 112: USA 112: Canada 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 27.10.93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 1: SID/SCD 2: 5502 3: INPE-5502-RPQ/664 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07]528.711.7;711.2 16: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves de Oliveira 16: Blanco, Juana Gomez 18: Estudo da rede de cidades e da expansao urbana no contexto de um projeto de planejamento regional, atraves de dados de sensoriamento remoto 19: Study of the network of cities and urban expansion, in the context of a regional planning project, through remote sensory data 20: 36 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSM 59: MAVALE 62: INPE 64: <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: PLANEJAMENTO REGIONAL 87: CIDADES 88: URBAN PLANNING 88: CITIES 82: 82: 82: 83: A rede de cidades na Regiao do Vele do Paraiba e Litoral Norte do Estado de Sao Paulo foi mapeada usando basicamente imagens TM/Landast de 1988. Transparencia, positiva foram interpretadas na escala 1:50.000 utilizando-se o projetor ampliador PROCON II. O produto cartografico final e apresentado na escala 1:250.000. A expansao da area urbana na regiao foi analisada comparando-se este mapeamento ao mapa de Uso da Terra e Cabertura Vegetal pre-existente, de 1977, bem como a outros mapas relativos a caracteristicas do meio fisico. Para uma compreensao holistica do espaco urbano regional foram considerados tambem neste estudo dados socio-economicos e demograficos manipulados atraves de um Banco de Dados que foi integrado a um Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas. O trabalho ressalta a importancia dos dados orbitais e da integracao de dados multi-fonte para o fim em questao MFN: 6148 1: SID/SCD 2: 5570 3: INPE-5570-PRE/1795 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vinhas, Lubia 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 12: Classificacao por maxima verossimilhanca e por redes neurais: um estudo Monte Carlo 14: 131 20: 13 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Nacional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional, 16 54: 06-09 set. <1993> 56: Uberlandia 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Neste trabalho compara-se de dois metodos para classificacao de amostras: o de maxima verossimilhanca e o que envolve o uso de uma rede neutral. O problema de classificacao de uma observacao (emIR2)em uma entre duas classes com treinamento e formulado matematicamente. Dado que, em geral, existe um volume grande de amostras e possivel treinar uma rede neural do tipo backpropagation para resolver este problema.Derivam-se algumas propiedades teoricas releventes ao problema ( estimadores e probabilidades de erro)para serem comparados com os resultados de uma experiencia Monte Carlo.Essa experiencia de simulacao estocastica consta de tres fases: 1. Fase de treinamento: gerar as amostras; usa-las como input para o classificador por maxima verossimilhanca e para o treinamento da rede. 2. Fase de classificacao: gerar as amostras a serem classificadas usando novamente os dois metodos. 3. Comparacao dos resultados obtidos pelos dois metodos. Estes passos sao repetidos para diferentes tamanhos de amostras e diferentes valores dos parametros. Somente foi considerada a distribuicao Normal bivariada 91: FDB-19940928 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6155 1: SID/SCD 2: 9066 3: INPE-9066-PRE/4742 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 10: Holben, B.N. 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Linear mixing model applied to coarse spatial-resolution data from multispectral satellite sensors 14: 2231-2240 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 14 32: 11 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: July <1993> 68: PRE 83: A linear mixing model was applied to coarse spatial resolution data from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer. The reflective component of the 3.55-3.95 mum channel was used with the two reflective channels 0.58-0.68 mum and 0.725-1.1 mum to run a Constrained Least Squares model to generate fraction images for an area in the west central region of Brazil. The fraction images were compared with an unsupervised classification derived from Landsat TM data acquired on the same day. In addition, the relationship between the fraction images and normalized difference vegetation index images show the potential of the unmixing techniques when using coarse spatial resolution data for global studies 91: 7811 MFN: 6182 58: DSR 61: 64: set. <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: The objective of this research was to integrate the SGI (Geographical Information System developed in the National Institute of Space Research-INPE)in the relational data base system. The methodology involved a development of external programs for the optimization of the map preparing process in the SGI and the integration of SGI to Dbase III Plus data base. The methodology involved the basic studies of programming and operation of the SGI. Some tools were defined to providing this study: graphical interface, programming interface, general reclassifier and SGI specific and editor data. These preliminary tests using SGI integrated to Dbase III Plus data base have demonstrated a great performance of the mapping process and a otimization of the operational process 91: FDB-19980319 92: FDB-MLR 30: Revista UNIVAP 31: 1 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 1: SID/SCD 2: 6525 3: INPE-6525-pre/2564 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Morelli, Ademir Fernando 10: Santos, Rafael Duarte Coelho dos 10: Ceccato, Vania Aparecida 10: Oliveira, Jose Luis de 10: Moreira, Mario Jose 10: Andrade, Rogerio Benedito 10: Fernandes, Silene de Freitas 10: Costa, Vladimir Moreira 10: Morelli, Suely Izumi Takamatsu 12: Projeto SGIDB - Integracao do SGI a gerenciadores de bancos de dados relacionais 14: 43-47 MFN: 6184 91: FDB-19980319 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 2: 6527 3: INPE-6527-PRE/2566 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ceccato, Vania Aparecida 10: Foresti, Celina 10: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves de Oliveira 12: Proposta metodologica para avaliacao da qualidade de vida urbana a partir de dados convencionais e de sensoriamento remoto, sistema de informacoes geograficas (SIG)e de um banco de dados 14: 19-26 30: Revista UNIVAP 31: 1 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Set. <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Due to encreasing urbanization process very often associated with life quality deterioration, more efficient methods for evaluating the standard of living in brazilian cities have become necessary. Dispite aquisition, availability and reliability difficulties the intra urban conventional data (statistical data, map, etc)is still the main source of data for this type of study. Higher quality results can be obtained when combining conventional data with remote sensing data. This combination increases the generation capacity of new products containing more detailed information from urban space. The integration of a Geographical Information System (GIS)to a relational database can be useful to manipulate this information. Thus allowing the generation and manipulation of new data in a flexible and accurate way by automation resources. This paper proposes a preliminary methodology of urban life quality evaluation integrating conventional data and remote sensing data by a GIS and relational database. This methodology is based on a conceptual model envolving the following variables: salary of urban population (income), contagious disease occurrence (health), violent crimes occurrence (criminality)and environmental variables extracted from remote sensing products like vegetation density (green areas)and built space pattern (texture) MFN: 6186 91: FDB_19980319 92: FDB-MLR 30: Revista UNIVAP 31: 1 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: set. <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence's valuation of view geometry variation in spectral behavior of herbaceous vegetation and soil, underlying in composition pastures for Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. cv. Basilisk Stapf and Brachiaria brizantha Stapf. cv. Marandu. The methodology development involved the report analysis between the spectral reflectance and the biophysics parameters of herbaceous vegetation and soil. For this purpose radiometric and biophysics measurements were done for 25 vegetation samples andone soil sample, in experiment areas of 1000 m2, for each species. The multispectral bidirectional reflectance measurements (500 to 1100 nm)were obtained in the view zenith angles ( v)of 0 , 15 , 30 , 45 and 60 for three sectors of azimutal plain ( v=0 , 90 and 180 ), with the solar zenith angle variation controlled for an amplitude of the 10 ( s=45 to 55 ) and the solar azimutal variation compensated in the acquisition method. The following vegetation parameters were measured: fresh and dry biomass, fresh and dry green biomass, droughtry biomass and leaf and stems; water content of total, green and droughtry biomassa, Leaf Area Index (LAI)and percentage of canopy cover. The soil parameters available were color, roughness and chemistry composition. This research intent was the comprehension of physical mechanisms involved in the directional reflectance factor distribution of complete homogeneous vegetation canopies and its influences in the relation between spectral behavior and vegetation parameters. The general scattering behavior was coherent with the dinamics observed in the literature and wassupported by two principal phenomena: the "phase function" and "geometric effect 1". The major trends observed in the reflectance factor ocurred in the azimuth in the principal plane of the sun ( s=0 and 180 ), while the minor trends ocurred in the azimuth direction perpendicular to the principal plane of the sun ( s=90 ). For all view angles and spectral bands the minimum reflectance ocurred near nadir ( v=0 ) and increased with increasing view zenith angles for all azimuth directions. This trend is caused by the shading of flower canopy layers, by components in the upper layers and by viewing different proportions of the layer components as the view angle changes ("effect 1"). In some cases by an additional effect of "phase function", the reflectance minimum was shifted slightly off-nadir in the foward scattering direction ( s=0 ). This shift was maximized for ocurrence of reproductive structures in the top layers of cover, because this structure is vertical and opaque. The near infra-red band was less influenced by view geometry variation than in the spectral bands of visible, because in the near infra-red band the transmitance was nearly equal to the reflectance for most structural components of herbaceous vegetation, while in the visible the reflectance is major, consequentely the "effect 1" is maximized. The major information content about vegetation cover was obtained in the principal plane of the sun, in the backscattering direction ( =180 ), than showed better relationships to the vegetation parameters, because of the ocurrence of "hot spot". The vegetation parameters of prodution and water content showed the best correlations, because its parameters have more association to the near infra-red, that exbited the better performance than visible bands, more associated to LAI and fresh and dry biomass components. The "effect 1" was the dominant phenomenon with controlled the directional reflectance distributions observed, but had its effects alterated by the action of aditional phenomenon "phase function" 1: SID/SCD 2: 6526 3: INPE-6526-PRE/2565 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Morelli, Ademir Fernando 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 12: Influencia da geometria de visada na reflectancia espectral de duas gramineas forrageiras 14: 27-42 MFN: 6220 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro d Computacao Grafica e Processamento de Imagens, 6 54: 19-22 out. <1993> 56: Recife 57: BR 58: DPI 59: PRIMA 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: A PC-based implementation of a Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA)Model is presented, with emphasys in the animation of the process. The seed of process in taken as the origin, and two new confiment restrictions are considered: circular and squared boxes. 91: FDB-1994041MFN: 6221 54: 19-22 out. <1993> 56: Recife 57: BR 58: DPI 59: PRIMA 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SAR 87: JERS-1 87: IMAGENS DE RADAR 83: A growing tendency in using radar imgery has been noticed in the remote sensing community. Three radar satelites have already been launched (ERS-1, Almaz-II and JERS-1). Canada plans launch another one (Radarsat)and has planned and cunducted the SAREX mission in Brazil using airborne radar, in preparation to Radarsat. One of the SAREX sites -Tapajos- was selected to test the C-band polarimetric radar capabilities on discriminating forest types and other forest related problems like deforestation. In this paper some test procedures for radar images utilization for forest discrimination are defined and intrinsic characteristics of radar images, mainly its statistical properties are defined. 91: FDB-19940512 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 1: SID/SCD 2: 5517 3: INPE-5517-PRE/1792 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 10: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 10: Sant'Anna, Sidnei Joao Siqueira 10: Yanasse, Corina Costa Freitas 12: Avaliacao do uso de imagens SAR polarimetricas para levantamento de recusros terrestres na Amazonia: Reserva Florestal de Tapajos 14: 91-94 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao Grafica e Processamento de Imagens, 6 MFN: 6305 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 10: Venturieri, Adriano 10: Bernardes, Sergio 10: Krug, Thelma 10: Erthal, Guaraci Jose 10: Bins, Leonardo Sant'Anna 12: Uso do SGI na avaliacao do desempenho de classificacao de uso da terra em segmentos para a caracterizacao de uso da terra na Amazonia brasileira 14: 54 18: Resumenes 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Simposio latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSR 58: DGI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 83: Metodos convencionais de classificacao estatistica (ponto a ponto), limitados ao uso de atributos espectrais, tem sido empregados na analise de imagens digitais. Proposicoes de sistemas de informacao baseadas em "conhecimento" tem sido formuladas e recentemente desenvolvidas, visando o mapeamento e classificacao de imagens orbitais. Nestes sistemas a fase de analise e precedida por uma fase de segmentacao, com a extracao de objetos relevantes da imagem, usando informacoes espectrais e atributos das regioes. Considerando o interesse no tratamento dos dados de satelite para estudos na regiao Amazonica, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal avaliar o desempenho de classificacao digital de imagens TM/LANDSAT segmentadas, levando em consideracao a caracterizacao e distribuicao espacial de classes do uso da terra numa area da Amazonia. A area de estudo esta situada no contato floresta/cerrado, entre coordenadas 51 18'W a 51 38'W na latitude de 11 32'S e 51 22'W a 51 42'W na latitude de 11 47'S, coberta pela orbita WRS 224/68 do Landsat-5. No procedimento metodologico estao sendo realizadas as fases de: interpretacao visual de dados, com a definicao de classes de uso da terra (floresta, areas de pastagem, vegetacao secundaria, cerrado, campos cerrado, solo exposto, ...); segmentacao da imagem digital, com definicao do nivel de detalhes desta segmentacao atraves de limiares; classificacao dos segmentos por algoritmo nao supervisionado ("clustering"); cruzamento das interpretacoes visual e automatica em um SIG; analise estatistica para avaliacao do desempenho da classificacao de segmentos. Com os resultados alcancados espera-se dispor do grau de informacoes espectrais e de atributos das regioes contidas nesta classificacao dos segmentos, relativos as classes de uso da terra. Este procedimento pode contribuir para futuras analises espaco-temporais da vasta regiao Amazonica, tanto nas estimativas de desflorestamentos, quanto no monitoramento de ocupacao da terra, atraves do uso de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento 91: FDB-19921207 92: FDB-MD 101: D MFN: 6308 1: SID/SCD 2: 6812 3: INPE-6812/3184 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ribeiro, Frederico de Melo 10: Anjos, celio Eustaquio dos 10: Florenzano, Teresa Galotti 12: Compartimentacao geomorfologica da regiao de Caldas Novas - Goias (Brasil)com emprego de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto 14: 63 18: Resumenes 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSM 58: SPG 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Este trabalho objetiva avaliar o uso de imagens TM/LANDSAT para a compartimentacao geomorfologica da regiao de Caldas Novas-Gois (Brasil). A partir da analise e interpretacao de imagens analogicas (banda 4 e 5 de duas epocas diferentes)foram delimitadas as unidades geomorfologicas e caracterizadas as formas de relevo. Para tanto, o trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas; a primeira etapa constou da elaboracao de cartas morfometricas (hipsometricas, declividade e de energia do relevo), atraves de dados extraidos das cartas topograficas 1:100.000 da regiao e tambem a elaboracao de uma carta de dissecacao obtida a partir da analise da rede de drenagem em cartas topograficas e nas imagens. A segunda etapa constou da digitalizacao e introducao de todas as cartas em um Sistema de Informacao Geografica como planos de informacao para a producao de uma carta geomorfologica sintese. Esta carta fornece informacoes a respeito das relacoes entre os processos endogenos (estrutural)e exogenos que atuaram na area e portanto quais as influencias destes para a configuracao atual do relevo 91: FDB-19950222 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6329 1: SID/SCD 2: 5451 3: INPE-5451-NTC/305 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07]528.711.7 10: Steffen, Carlos Alberto 10: Gama, Fabio Furlan 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 12: Teste operacional do sistema de aquisicao de dados aerotransportado - SADA: o experimneto Barra-Bonita 14: 129-137 18: Anais 38: Publicado anteriormente como NTC 40: En 41: En 41: Pt 42: 52: INPE 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DSM 61: 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 82: 83: A medida da reflectancia espectral em campo tem sido uma necessidade de muitos projetos de pesquisa que procuram uma melhor compreensao dos fenomenos de intencao entre a energia radiante e os objetos de interesse em sensoriamento remoto. Os radiometros modernos, de contrucao baseda em redes CCD e circuitos integrados, tem facilitado bastante essa atividade devido a sua portabilidade e rapidez de medicao; entretanto, o estudo das correlacoes entre os dados radiometricos de campo e aqueles obtidos atraves de imagens orbitais, exige que os sistemas de medicao possuam uma elevada taxa de amostragem e um campo de visada sque permita a medida de amostras com dimensoes compativeis com a resolucao das imagens. Com o objetivo de atender esse tipo de necesidade, o Laboratorio de Radiometria do INPE (LARAD), desenvolveu o SADA, um Sistema de Aquisicao de Dados Aerotransportado que utiliza um helicoptero como plataforma operacional. Este sistema, permite realizar a radiometria de objetos da superficie terrestre com a resolucao geometrica e taxa de amostragem mais adequadas a analise das propriedades espectrais de objetos extensos ou de dificil acesso como florestas e corpos d'agua. O primeiro teste operacional com o SADA, foi realizado no reservatorio de Barra Bonita (SP)e teve como objetivo a aquisicao de espectros de reflectancia dos diversos tipos de agua do reservatorio. Este experimento demontrou que o sistema possui excelentes caracterisiticas operacionais e devido a sua flexibilidade e rapidez de amostragem e bastante adequado para esse tipo de objetivo 91: FDB-19921209 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 109: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 3 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Carlos A. Steffen 111: Fabio P. Gama 111: Evlyn M.L.M.Novo 111: BN 111: NASA 111: CCRS 112: SCD 112: SID 112: DSM 112: DSM 112: DSM 112: RJ 112: USA 112: CANADA 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 08-12-92 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 6531 1: SID/SCD 2: 5486 3: INPE-5486-PRE/1786 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 10: Nelson, Bruce Walker 12: Role of remote sensing in energy, water, and carbon cycle studies over the Amazon 14: 540-550 18: Proceedings 20: 11 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium, Remote Sensong and Global Environmental Change, 25 54: 04-08 Apr. <1993> 56: Graz 57: AT 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: MEIO AMBIENTE 88: ENVIRONMENT 82: 83: lLandsat data have recorded continuously for the Brazil Amazon Basin since 1973. Examination of the data in intervals has brought out their value for the following synoptic scale evaluations: quantification of total deforestation and deforestation rates; forest recovery; biomass; estimation; water and energy balance; and detection of natural disturbances. Considering the uncertainties involving carbon fluxes from tropical forests, the role of GIS based remote sensing techniques is apparent for improving knowledge of past rates of deforestation, monitorings: future forest conversions and getting best sampling and extrapolating approaches for biomass estimations, espacially for secondary forest for which there are no data available currently. Models of forest change in response to human interference require a prior characterization of the bacground noise of natural change visible over just eight years of TM recording: Large forest fires associated with the 1982/83 El Nino; natural cj]hange in bamboo forest of Acre an SW Amazonas; mortality from anomalous flooding of terra firme forest; and large blowdowns (>30 hectares). Although naturally disturbed areas may offer a unique opporunity for remote sensing studies of "untouches" forest recover, their ecological impacts are far less important than the anthropogenic activities. This paper several experiments that have explored the use of remote sensing for water, energy, and carbon balance studies of the Amazon Region and discusses several approaches for future experiments designed to understand the role of the Amazon in global climatic change 91: FDB-19930405 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Getulio T.Batista 111: Bruce W. Nelson 111: NASA 111: CCRS 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: DSM 112: INPA 112: USA 112: Canada 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D MFN: 6563 1: SID/SCD 2: 7584 3: INPE-7584-PRE/3436 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ceccato, Vania Aparecida 10: Foresti, Celina 10: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves de Oliveira 12: Proposta metodologica para avaliacao da qualidade de vida urbana a partir de dados convencionais e de sensoriamento remoto, Sistema de Informacao Geograficas (SGI)e de um banco de dados 14: 32-39 18: Anais 20: 8 21: V.1 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 58: SPG 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: PLANEJAMENTO REGIONAL 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: SIG 87: MEIO AMBIENTE 87: SIG 87: QUALIDADE DE VIDA 83: Due to encreasing urbanization process very often associated with life quality deterioration, more efficient methods to evaluate the standard of living in brazilian cities have become necessary. Dispite aquisition, availability and reliability difficulties the intra urban conventional data (statistical data, map, etc)is still the main source of data for this type of study. Higher quality can be obtained when combining conventional data with remote sensing data. This combination increases the generation capacity of new products containing more detailed information from urban space. The integration of a Geographical Information System (GIS)to a relational database can be useful to manipulate this information. Thus allowing the generation and manipulation of new data in flexible and accurate way by automation resources. This paper proposes a preliminary methodology of urban life quality evaluation integrating conventional data and remote sensing data by a GIS and relational database. This methodology is based on a conceptual model envolving the folowing variables: salary of urban population (income), contagious disease occurrence (health), violent crimes occurrence (criminality)and environmental variables extracted from remote sensing products like vegetation density (green areas)and built space pattern (texture) 91: FDB-19930623 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6564 1: SID/SCD 2: 7854 3: INPE-7854-PRE/3694 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Escada, Maria Isabel Sobral 10: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves de Oliveira 12: Utilizacao de tecnologia de sensoriamento remoto para o planejamento de espacos livres urbanos de uso coletivo 14: 48-55 18: Anais 20: 8 21: V.1 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 58: SPG 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SIG 87: MEIO AMBIENTE 87: GIS 87: ESPACOS LIVRES 87: RECREACAO 87: DADOS CARTOGRAFICOS 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: FOTOGRAFIA AEREA 82: 83: A methodology for urban open space planning using Data Base Management System, a Mathematic Model and Geoghrafic Information System was tested for the town of Sao Jose dos Campos, SP. The approach concerns urban recreational open spaces. Public areas were analysed and evaluated in order to optimize the public land use to recreational equipments. Several data sources were used: cartoghrafic data, orbital data TM/LANDSAT, and aircraft data (Panchromatic photografies 1:10,000). An Geoghrafic Information System (GIS)was used supplying a spatial view of the open spaces and the urban structure. The project has proven that the methodology is useful for open space planning and can be tested for another place or equipment with some changes in the theoretical model 91: FDB-19930623 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6565 1: SID/SCD 2: 7585 3: INPE-7585-PRE/3436 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vieira, Ieda Maria 10: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves de Oliveira 12: Integracao de dados de expansao urbana e dados geotecnicos como subsidio ao estabelecimento de criterios de ocupacao em areas urbanas 14: 163-171 18: Anais 20: 9 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 58: SPG 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: MAPEAMENTO GEOTECNICO 87: SGI 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: MEIO AMBIENTE 87: USO DA TERRA 87: SIG 87: EXPANSAO URBANA 82: 83: The purpose of this paper is to integrate informations about urban expansion and geological engineering for Ubatuba, SP, to generate a cartographical product that indicates the urban land use suitability and that helps the stabilishment of criterions for urban expansion assessment 91: FDB-19930623 92: FDB-MDF 101: D 110: 1 111: Antonio Jose A.Ferreira 112: Sao Luis/MA 120: V 113: 26.01.94 MFN: 6566 1: SID/SCD 2: 7855 3: INPE-7855-PRE/3695 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vedovello, Ricardo 10: Mattos, Juercio Tavares de 12: Zoneamento geotecnico, por sensoriamento remoto, para estudos de planejamento do meio fisico - Aplicacao em expansao urbana 14: 155-162 18: Anais 20: 8 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO TERRITORIAL 87: MAPEAMENTO GEOTECNICO 87: INTERPRETACAO VISUAL 87: PLANEJAMENTO REGIONAL 87: MEIO AMBIENTE 88: GEOTECHMICAL MAPPING 83: This study aims to obtain a geotechnical survey using visual interpretation of orbital images. Three stages are identified. The evaluation of the results shows that the procedure adopted has a great potential in the obtaining of geotechnical mapping 91: FDB-19930623 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6567 1: SID/SCD 2: 7587 3: INPE-7587-PRE/3439 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Chaves, Marcelo de Avila 10: Soares, Joao Vianei 12: Estimativa da produtividade primaria liquida de ecossistemas florestais a partir de um modelo biogeoquimico florestal associado a tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto orbital 14: 47-56 18: Anais 20: 10 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: FLORESTAS 87: IAF 87: INDICE DE AREA FOLIAR 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 87: ECOSSISTEMAS 87: CARBONO 87: CICLO HIDROLOGICO 87: AGUA 87: FOREST 87: PRODUTIVIDADE 87: CONIFERAS 87: FORECOS 88: VEGETATION INDEX 88: LEAF AREA INDEX 88: CARBON 88: LAI 88: CONIFEROUS 82: 82: 82: 83: This work is intended to test and to evaluate how well a regional biogeoquemical model is able to represent the major processes of the hydrologic and carbon cycles of forest ecossystems of coniferous, growing up in three different climatic areas in Brazil. The model, named FORECOS uses Leaf Area Index as the main input variable. LAI is generally accepted as being the most important variable characterinz the exchange of energy mass in forest ecossystem. There is substantial work done showing that LAI can be estimated from remotely sensed data, on the basisof the correlation that exists between LAI and vegetation index, obtained by rations between spectral bands. Simulation and sensitivity analysis on some critical parameters were used to test the suitability of the model to represent the processes described by the model. By using digital classification procedures, patterns of vegetation were identified that should correspond to variations on LAI values although measurements could not be taken at this step. The results that come out from the classification suggest that LAI values are homogeneous in all test sites. Then the use of a unique regional value within the simulations is felt to be valid. The results showed that the model was able to represent the relative differences for both the hydrology and tha carbon cycles, for the three sites chosen. Validation with measurements of some state variables and independent variables related to net primary production and hydrology could not be done at this step either, and is to be poursued as this reserach go on 91: FDB-19930623 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6568 1: SID/SCD 2: 7586 3: INPE-7586-PRE/3438 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Lawrence, Wiliam T 12: Monitoramento da cobertura florestal atraves de indices de vegetacao do NOAA-AVHRR 14: 30-37 18: Anais 20: 7 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: MONITORAMENTO 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 87: NDVI 87: NOAA-7 87: NOAA-9 87: NOAA-11 87: FLORESTAS 87: CLIMATOLOGIA 87: FLORESTAS 82: 83: This paper shows results of an experiment that explored the temporal variation of the vegetation index NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)of several vegetation covers that occur in the Brazilian Legal Amazon. The value of NDVI obtained from NOAA satellite, has been shown for the estimation of a number of ecosystem variables, such as leaf area index and photosynthetic active absorbed radiation by the canopy, which in turn are essential for the modeling of gases, mass, and energy exchange between the biosphere and the atmosphere, contributing therefone, for the understanding of global change processes. Long-term monitoring (August 1981 to June 1991)of 8 vegetation types (Dense Forest ("Terra Firme" and "Varzeas"), Open Forest ("Terra Firme" and "Varzeas"), Transition Forest, Seasonal Forest ("Caatinga"), and two types of "Cerrado" which occur in the northern part of Brazil (3oN-18oS and 35oW e 74oW)is discussed. For each vegetation type, 10 samples of 3 x 3 pixels centered on the coordinates of selected samples were chosen and monthly composites of NDVI were obtained from GAC ("Global Area Coverage")data. Analyses also involved the yearly composite of NDVI to verify the inter-annual climatic variation. Throughout the analysis of 10 years of data it is clearly noticed the variation on the NDVI due to different satellites, indicating the need for calibration of AVHRR data for multitemporal studies. Seasonality of "Cerrado" and especially of "Caatinga" is outstanding, NDVI values vary from 3 to 4 times for the "Cerrado" and "Caatinga", respectively, in extreme years. Preserved "Cerrado" ("parque")was always distinct from Dense Forest ("Terra Firme")in any season of any year analyzed, however, better distinction is found during the dry season, especially in September. A comparison between normal and El Nino years indicated the influence of this phenomenon on the phenology of the forest vegetation. The phenology of forest covers, except "Caatinga" and "Cerrado" does not vary much throughout the years, however, for El Nino years, as 1983, there is a clear reduction in the NDVI values during the dry season, especially for the Transition Forest. This indicates the importance of multitemporal data for the characterization of forest ecosystems. Dense vegetation covers showed high NDVI values ( 0.5), "Caatinga" had an average NDVI of 0.35 with large seasonal variation, and "Cerrado" had average NDVI value 0.3 with great seasonal variation but never reaching the "Caatinga" greenness peak (NDVI 0.5) 91: FDB-19930623 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6569 1: SID/SCD 2: 7588 3: INPE-7588-PRE/3440 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Faria, Kleber de 10: Krug, Thelma 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Aplicacao de tecnicas de geoprocessamento no monitoramento da cobertura florestal na area de influencia da ferrovia Carajas-Sao Luiz 14: 61-72 18: Anais 20: 12 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: FLORESTAS 87: COBERTURA FLORESTAL 87: LANDSAT 3 87: LANDSAT 5 87: MONITORAMENTO 87: METODOLOGIA 87: FERROVIA 87: SIG 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: FLORESTAS 87: SISTEMAS MULTIESPECTRAIS DE VARREDURA 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 82: 82: 83: The present study aims at proposing a methodology to evaluate the change in forest cover within the zone of influence of the railway of the railway Carajas-Sao Luis, using orbital images and Geographic Information System. the information about the ground cover was obtained through visual interpretation of LANDSAT MSS and TM images from 1980, 1985 and 1989. The standard work unity consisted of georeference cells, which cover the study area, defining a lattice. From the manipulation of lattices it was possible to obtain the rate of change of forest cover. The approach allows for spatial analysis through a Geographics Information System, thus providing a sinoptic view of the study area 91: FDB-19930623 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6570 91: FDB-19930623 92: FDB-MDF 101: D 18: Anais 21: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 87: AVHRR 87: MODELOS 87: MISTURAS 87: EQUACOES LINEAR 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 87: FLORESTAS 88: VEGETATION INDEX 88: MIXTURES 88: MODELS 88: LINEAR EQUATIONS 88: VEGETATION COVER 82: 82: 82: 82: 83: A linear mixing model was applied to coarse spatial resolution data from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer. The reflective component of the 3.55 - 3.93um channel was extracted and used with the two reflective channels 0.58 - 0.68um and 0.725 - 1.1um to run a Constraine Least Squares model to generate vegetation, soil, and shade fraction images for an area in the Western region of Brazil. The Landsat Thematic Mapper data covering the Emas National Park region was used for estimating the spectral response of the mixture components and for evaluating the mixing model results. The fraction images were compared with an unsupervised classification derived from Landsat TM data acquired on the same day. The relationship between the fraction images and normalized difference vegetation index images show the potential of the unmixing techniques when coarse resolution data for global studies 1: SID/SCD 2: 7589 3: INPE-7589-PRE/3441 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Holben, Brent N. 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Linear mixing model applied to AVHRR LAC data 14: 102-115 MFN: 6571 1: SID/SCD 2: 7590 3: INPE-7590-PRE/3442 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kazmierczak, Marcos Leandro 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Metodologia para obtencao de dados florestais a partir de dados TM-LANDSAT 14: 120-128 18: Anais 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: PRODUTIVIDADE 87: ESTIMATIVA 87: FLORESTAS 87: METODOLOGIA 87: PINUS 87: EUCALIPTOS 87: INVENTARIO FLORESTAL 87: RESPOSTA ESPECTRAL 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 87: FLORESTAS 82: 83: The obtainment of information inherent to growing and productivity is fundamental for forest activities planning, due to the long periods of time involved between implementation and final cut. Considerind the fact that the obtainment of this information through traditional forest inventory represents a very high cost, a methodology associating field and orbital data was developed to generate prognosis equations. The inventory of natural sites regarding types of soil rended as a base for the forest inventory, supplying stratified information, wich were then correlated with orbital data. The approach applied presented some promising results on the estimate of general dendrometric variables from spectral data measured by2 the TM Sensor. The quadratic function (Y = a+bx+cx2)seamed the function that best adjusts the data into two studied species and the TM5 spectral response (1,55 to 1,75 um)seamed the isolated band to constitute the best independent variable 91: FDB-19930623 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6572 1: SID/SCD 2: 7591 3: INPE-7591-PRE/3443 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lawrence, William T. 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Gao, Bo-Cai 12: Analysis of hyper-spectral AVIRIS image data over a mixed-conifer forest in Maine 14: 129-155 18: Anais 21: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: RESOLUCAO SPECTRAL 87: FLORESTAS 87: ECOSSISTEMAS 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 87: AVIRIS 87: CONIFERAS 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 88: SPECTRAL RESOLUTION 88: FORESTS 88: VEGETATION INDEX 88: ECOSYSTEMS 88: VEGETATION COVER 82: 83: This paper is an introduction to some of the potential uses of hyperspectral data for ecosystem analysis. The examples given are derived from a digital dataset acquired over a sub-boreal forest in central Maine in 1990 by the NASA-JPL AVIRIS (Airbone Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer). The forest area, in International Paper's Northern Forest, is comprised of mixed communities of hardwood and conifer tree species. The AVIRIS instrument gathers data from 400 to 2500 nm in 224 channels at bandwidths of approximately 10 nm. As a preview to the uses of hyperspectral data we have extracted several products from this dataset. They range from the traditional false color composite made from simulated Thematic Mapper bands and the well Known normalized difference vegetation index to much more exotic products such as fractions of vegetation, soil and shade based on linear spectral mixing models and estimates of the leaf water content at the landscape level derived using spectrum-matching techniques. Our research and that of many others indicates that the hyperspectral datasets carry much important information which is only beinning to be understood. This analysis gives an initial indication of the utility of hyperspectral data. Much work still remains to be done in algorithm development and in understanding the physics behind the complex information signal carried in the hyperspectral datasets. This work must be carried out to provide the fullest science support for high spectral resolution data to be acquired by many of the instruments to be launched as part of the Earth Observing System program in the mid-1990's 91: FDB-19930624 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6573 1: SID/SCD 2: 7842 3: INPE-7842-PRE/3682 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Martins, Maria Lucia Ramalho 10: Sampaio, Maria Aparecida Bezerra 10: Almeida, Maria Aldemisa Gadelha de 10: Cruz, Maria Lucia Brito da 10: Costa, Raimunda Neuma Segundo da 10: Soares, Zilnice Maria Lebre 10: Medeiros, Jose Simeao de 10: Souza, Marcos Jose Nogueira de 12: Cobertura vegetal e antropismo no estado do Ceara: Uma abordagem utilizando imagens TM LANDSAT-5 14: 181-187 18: Anais 20: 7 21: 2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 87: LANDSAT 5 87: INTERPRETACAO VISUAL 87: SGI 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 88: VEGETATION COVER 88: VISUAL INTERPRETATION 88: ENVIROMENTS 82: 83: The main objective of this work was the use of Remote Sensing techniques in order to identify the dimensions spatial and temporal anthropic action on the vegetal cover in Ceara State. It was used TM-LANDSAT images in a scale of 1:250.000 in a color composite, bands 2,3 and 4, covering all Ceara State area in two differents years (1985 and 1990). Visual analysis were carried out permitting a comparison of the temporal and orbital data, the mapping and the quantification of these data throughout the geoprocessing. The results showed that the areas under anthropic action in 1990 was around 73 83: of the total area. According to the years considered those areas presented a growth arouns 140 91: FDB-19930625 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6574 1: SID/SCD 2: 7592 3: INPE-7592-PRE/3444 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Oliveira, Jussara Dolfini de 10: Alves, Diogenes Salas 12: Uma metodologia para quantificacao de desflorestamento por tipo de vegetacao na amazonia, usando sistemas de informacoes geograficas 14: 210-217 18: Anais 20: 8 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: SGI 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: QUANTIFICACAO 87: METODOLOGIA 87: FLORESTAS 87: DESFLORESTAMENTO 87: USO DA TERRA 87: CERRADO 88: DEFORESTATION 88: GIS 82: 83: Brazilian Legal Amazonia is a 5,000,000 Km2 region with different types of forests and savannas, that has been affected human activity. Lan use changes, and, particulary, deforestation, are considered to represent an important contribution to the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG)caused by the transfer of the different amounts of carbon stored in different types of vegetation to the atmosphere in the form of GHG. This paper presents a GIS-based methodology for calculating the incidence of deforestation among the different types of vegetation for the Amazon region. It was developed for the Amazonia Information system, a georeferenced data base developed at INPE, that gathers maps of the deforested areas, vegetation types and other types of data 91: FDB-19930625 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6575 18: Anais 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 87: NDVI 87: ESTIMATIVA 87: MONITORAMENTO 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 87: FENOFASES 87: NOAA 88: VEGETATION INDEX 88: MONITORS 82: 83: This work discusses the ability of the AVHRR/NOAA sensor data to monitor the phenological conditions of the different cover types in the savanna region. Digital data in savanna area (woodland and shrub/grass savanna)were obtained from monthly NDVI image (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)recorded in GAC format (Global Area Coverage). The annual integration of monthly composites shows a senoidal behaviour throught the year, with NDVI mean value of 0.39866 for woodland savanna and 0.32134 for shrub/grass savanna. Taking into account the seasonal variability of the vegetation, a maximum decrease around 32 83: in the NDVI values from wet to dry seasons was estimated. It could be concluded that the intra-annual variation of the photosynthetically active phytomass is influenced by the climatic conditions in the savanna environment 91: FDB-19930625 92: FDB-MDF 101: D 1: SID/SCD 2: 6579 3: INPE-6579-PRE/2616 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: O sensoriamento remoto como indicador das fenofases dos cerrados brasileiros: estudos de caso com dados AVHRR/NOAA 14: 249-257 MFN: 6576 18: Anais 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 58: SPG 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: FITOMASSA 87: FLORESTAS 87: LANDSAT-5 87: SPOT-1 87: RESPOSTA ESPECTRAL 87: IMPACTO AMBIENTAL 87: ESTIMATIVA 87: METODOLOGIA 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 82: 82: 82: 83: The Amazon forest has been the subject of much debate due to the extent of human intervention occurring there. The Brazilian Amazon, with 3.5 milion Km2, requires efficient systems of data collection for rational management of its forest resources. The present work develops a quantitative method for determining the biomass of tropical forest using satellite imagery from TM-LANDSAT 5 and HRV-SPOT in an area to be inundated for hydroeletricity. The study determined the correlation of biomass above-ground and tree measurements with spectral response and elevation in four samples: Dense Forest on Dry Land - Undulated Relief (samples 1 and 4), Dense Forest on Dry Land - Flat Relief (sample 2), and Floodplain Forest (sample 3). The forest samples were divided into three vertical levels for analysis. In comparison with the other forest levels, the spectral variables combined with the biomass variables did not permit the quantification of the biomass in the highest level of the forest. Regression analysis identifield the equations for quantifying biomass. The proposed method is practial and gave significant results using either image index or image fraction for both TM-LANDSAT or HRV-SPOT data. Of the twelve models tested, a linear model was which gave a significant relationship for the biomass in the intermediate and low levels with spectral and elevation variables. It is recommended that future studies determine the most efficient model to quantify the biomass in the three levels of the forest 91: FDB-19930625 92: FDB-MDF 101: D 1: SID/SCD 2: 6580 3: INPE-6580-PRE/2617 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Zerbini, Newton Jordao 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 12: Estimativa de fitomassa aerea em regiao de floresta tropical com uso de dados TM-LANDSAT 5 e HRV-SPOT 1 14: 275-280 MFN: 6577 1: SID/SCD 2: 7858 3: INPE-7858-PRE/3698 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camara Neto, Gilberto 10: Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto de 10: Freitas, Ubirajara Moura 10: Paiva, Joao Argemiro de Carvalho 12: SPRING: Concepcao, Evolucao e Perspectivas 14: 308-317 18: Anais 20: 10 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: SPRING 87: MODELOS DIGITAIS DE TERRENO 87: PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS 83: This work describes the conception, evolution and perspectives for the SPRING system. SPRING is a GIS system for UNIX workstation, and combines image processing, geographical analysis and digital terrain modelling in a single enviroment. SPRING can be linked to relational data base management system, such as INCRES on ORACLE. A brief comparison with similar systems and a discussion on commercial and management aspects is also given 91: FDB-19930625 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6578 1: SID/SCD 2: 7859 3: INPE-7859-PRE/3699 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Candeias, Ana Lucia Bezerra 10: Fernandez, Magdalena 12: Delimitacao do reservatorio Buritama a partir da imagem simulada SSR usando morfologia matematica 14: 318-322 18: Anais 20: 5 21: 2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: MORFOLOGIA MATEMATICA 87: QUALIDADE DA AGUA 87: ASSINATURAS ESPECTRAL 88: SPECTRAL SIGRATURES 88: METHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY 88: WATER QUALITY 82: 83: This paper describes an application of mathematical Morphology in Remote Sensing. As morphology operations relate directly to shape, they are useful for detecting and extracting objects from an image. Here we exemplify this by extracting the reservoir Buritama (Sao Paulo)from a SSR simulated image. This application may be used for monitoring the reservoir during the year. It may be employed, too, for generating information planes for a geographical information system 91: FDB-19930625 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6579 1: SID/SCD 2: 7856 3: INPE-7856-PRE/3696 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felgueiras, Carlos Alberto 10: Amaral, Ana Silva Martins Serra do 12: Interfaceamento de sistemas de informacoes geograficas com banco de dados relacional 14: 347-350 18: Anais 20: 4 21: 2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: SIG 87: BANCO DE DADOS ESPACIAIS 83: Geographical Information Systems, GIS, are database management systems that allow input, conversion, analysis and output of the information stored in a computer. Typically those are graphics or the thematics informations. This work describes the development of an interface between a Geographical Information System and a relational database system. This interface intend to improve the possibilities of GIS analysis using tabular attributes instead of graphics or thematics informations 91: FDB-19930625 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6580 1: SID/SCD 2: 7853 3: INPE-7853-PRE/3693 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Robbi, Claudia 10: Erthal, Guaraci Jose 10: Dias, Luiz Alberto Vieira 10: Lugnani, Joao Bosco 12: Implementacao de entrada de dados para modelos numericos do terreno gerados com um estereorestituidor analitico no sistema de informacoes geograficas desenvolvido pelo INPE 14: 404-411 18: Anais 20: 8 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 (Congresso Brasileiro de Cartografia, 16, Rio de Janeiro, 1993, p.439-447) 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DPI 58: OBT 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: MODELOS NUMERICOS DE TERRENOS 87: SIG 87: MODELAGEM 83: Due to SGI generates and manipulates Digital Terrain Models and PLANICOMP can store coordenates for this task, this work realized a connection between SGI and analytical stereo plotter PLANICOMP. Then, the PLANICOMP useful capabilities for this purpose were detected, and interfaces developed and tested. The results are present in this paper 91: FDB-19930625 92: FDB-MDF 101: D MFN: 6581 1: SID/SCD 2: 7846 3: INPE-7846-PRE/3686 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Robbi, Claudia 10: Erthal, Guaraci Jose 10: Dias, Luiz Aberto Vieira 10: Lugnani, Joao Bosco 12: Implementacao de uma interface para entrada de dados de feicoes restituidas com um estereorestituidor analitico num sistema de informacoes geograficas 14: 412-419 18: Anais 20: 8 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 (Congresso Brasileiro de Cartografia, 16, Rio de Janeiro, 1993, p.430-438) 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DPI 58: OBT 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACOES GEOGRAFICAS 87: SGI 87: PLANICOMP 83: In spite of the present development of computational technology, data capture of Geographic Information System -GIS- remains exoensiv. Among many reasons for the feature digitalization with photogrammetric instruments is the recording of accurate positions from aerial photographys in contrast to digitizing existing maps where features are displaced and/ or generalized. The present GIS configuration developed by INPE, allows datat input by the digitalization of maps and by getingt the images processed by Image Processing System of INPE - SITIM. Due to the considerations above, this work developed a imterface for photogrammetric data input which were gotten from the PLANICOMP analyticak sterepotter. 91: FDB-19930713 92: FDB-FERPIN 101: D MFN: 6582 1: SID/SCD 2: 7826 3: INPE-7826-PRE/3666 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rosim, Sergio 10: Felgueiras, Carlos Aberto 10: Namikawa, Laercio Massaru 12: Uma Metodologia para geracao de MNT por grades triangulares 14: 420-427 18: Anais 20: 9 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: MODELOS DIGITAIS DE TERRENO 87: GRADES 87: METODOLOGIA 87: MDT 83: This paper presents a methodology for digital terrain model generation based on irregular triangular grid. The process generates an initial triangulation that triangulation that is modified to obtain a Delaunay Triangulation. The methology is analized in terms of performance and accuracy. 91: FDB-19930713 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6583 1: SID/SCD 2: 7814 3: INPE-7814-PRE/3654 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Jose Demisio Simoes da 10: Oliveira, Carlos Aberto de 10: Carvalho, Joao Marques de 12: Utilizacao de ambiente inteligente para interfacear um sistema de processamento de imagens 14: 458-466 18: Anais 20: 9 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto,7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS 87: LINGUAGEM NATURAL 83: This paper describes the use of an intelligent environment as an interface for an Image Processing System for educational purposes. The Image Processing System treated is of low complexity, and deals with basic tasks of Image Processing. The environment itself uses Artificial Intelligences techniques, such as frame-based knowledge representation within a blackboard approach and Natural Linguage Processing. The result is an environmente adequate for interfacing general purposes systens, considering the knowledge involved in the tasks to be performed within each appication domain. The user gets rid of computional details, while using a software package for Image Processing. A prototype fo the system was developed for translating queries in the Portuguese linguage to an Image Processing language. The application domain, then enchaincing Man-Machine interaction and the use of the interface system. the resulting knowledge of a session can be captured and stored in order to optimize future queries 91: FDB-19930713 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6584 1: SID/SCD 2: 7857 3: INPE-7857-PRE/3697 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Alves, Diogenes Salas 10: Almeida, Eugenio Sper de 12: Conversao de dados entre os sistemas SGI e ARC/INFO 14: 284-290 18: Anais 20: 6 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACOES GEOGRAFICAS 87: SISTEMAS DE IFNORMACOES AMAZONICAS 87: ECOSSISTEMAS 87: BASE DE DADOS 82: 83: A method for converting SGI information planes into ARC/INFO converages is presented, icnluding the conversion of geometric (lines and polygons)and atribut (SGI classes)data. The method is being used for generating ARC/INFO data from deforestation, vegetation and other data of the Amazonia Infornation System, a geo-referenced data base for Amazon ecosystem. A simplified version of C code used is presented 91: FDB-19930713 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6585 1: SID/SCD 2: 7593 3: INPE-7593-PRE/3445 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Antunes, Mauro Antonio Homem 10: Assad, Eduardo D. 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 12: Variacao das medidas espectrais tomadas com espectroradiometro ao longo do ciclo de crecimento da soja (Glycine Max (L.)Merrill) 14: 1-9 18: Anais 20: 8 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 87: REFLECTANCIA BIDIRECIONAL 87: FITOMASSA 87: SOJA 87: MONITORAMENTO 87: NDVI 87: LATOSSOLO 87: VEGETACAO 88: VEGETATIVE INDEX 88: MONITORS 88: SOYBEAN 88: BIDECTIONAL 88: REFLECTANCE 82: 83: The objective of this paper is to evaluate the patterns of spectral and agronomic variables of 5 osy bean varieties through developing cycle. In this study it was used the biderectional reflectance factor measured with a spectroradiometer and integrated in TM3 and TM4 bands, and vegetation indices calculated form these bands. the TM3 band decreased until reach the minimum value for the full developed crop. the TM4 bamd and vegetation indices increased rapdly until reach the maximum value. In the final of the crop cycle they decreased in consequence of charcterized vegetation indices did not have a good performance in monitoring the crop along the crop cycle, because they reach the saturation for low leaf area index values. Instead, distance characterized vegetation indices showed a good performance for monitoring the 5 varieties along the crop cycle. These indices, namely PVI and WDVI, was found to be useful to separate soybean varieties 91: FDB-19930713 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6586 1: SID/SCD 2: 7594 3: INPE-7594-PRE/3446 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Antunes, Mauro Antonio Homem 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 10: Assad, Eduardo Delgado 12: Avaliacao dos modelos Suits e Sail no estudo da reflectancia da soja (Glycine Max (L.)Merrill) 14: 10-19 18: Anais 20: 9 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: SOJA 87: TRANSFERENCIA RADIOATIVA 87: REFERENCIA BIDIRECIONAL 87: SUITS 87: SAIL 87: FRB 88: SOYBEAN 88: BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE 88: RADIOATIVE TRANSFER 83: The radioative transfer model applied to the spectral behavior of the agricultural crop canopy studies, fo remote sensing techniques for agriculture. In this work SUITS and SAIL canopy reflectance models performance was evaluated, based on the comparison between calculated and measured Bidirectional Reflectamce Factor (FRB)for a soybean (Glycine Max (L.)Merrill)canopy. According to this research, it was concluided that: a)both models had a good performance, mainly in red and near infrared wavelengths fro 740 nm to 861 nm spectral rang: b)SUITS and SAIL models had similar tendencies, but SAIL model performance was better than SUITS model: c)through sensibility analysis it was found that both a good not in the input the data for SAIL model, namely angular to obtain a good performance in the FRB simulation. 91: FDB-19930713 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6587 1: SID/SCD 2: 7595 3: INPE-7595-PRE/3447 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barros Neto, Oton Osorio de 10: Soares, Joao Vianei 10: Brito, Jorge Luiz da Silva 12: Estimativa da evapotranspiracao utilizando dados obtidos por sensoriamento remoto 14: 20-27 18: Anais 20: 7 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: ESTIMATIVA 87: EVAPOTRANSPIRACAO 87: MILHO 88: PARAMETRIZATION 88: MAZIE 88: EVAPOTRANSPIRATION 83: Remotley sensed data have been used in a numerical model of the interface soil-vegetation-atmosphere to calculate energy fluxes transfers at that interface (Deardorff, water vapor diffusion an adequate partition o the energy fluxes between the soil and the vegetationis obtained. This model was tested in a mize (Zea Mays, L.)crop canopy with the techniques, which consisted in radiometric temperature resistence of the canopy appeared in sensistivity tests as the critical parameter in the model adjunting. Evaportranspiration estmares were comparable to the pontencian evapotranspiration from pan evaporation)for the period 91: FDB-19930714 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6588 1: SID/SCD 2: 6563 3: INPE-6563-PRE/2600 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 12: Avaliacoes de modelos de simulacao de reflectancia de dosseis vegetais, no Brasil 14: 36-43 18: Anais 20: 7 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: REFLECTANCIA 87: ESTATISTICA 87: SIMULACAO 87: MODELOS 83: This paper dscribes the efforts made towards the objective of canopy reflectance modelling in Brasil. It itens to consolidate the knowledge gathered during last four years and to indicate some future directions. There is a reflexion about the importance of modelling in remote sensing, its use and benefits. Also, there is a descreption of the works conducted in this field and a discussion of their results of their and limits. It is presented the main subjects in that field to be studied in the future. 91: FDB-19930714 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6589 1: SID/SCD 2: 7596 3: INPE-7596-PRE/3448 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Froidefond, Jean Marie 10: Steffen, Carlos Alberto 10: Rodrigues, Rosana Maria 10: Luz, Victor Jose Philippi 10: Martins, Mauro Ribeiro 10: Sierra, Eduardo Juan Soriano 12: Relacao entre fatores de reflectancia espectral e parametros hidrologicos da lagoa da Conceicao - SC 14: 44-53 18: Anais 20: 9 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: SENSORES E TECNICAS DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: RADIOMETRIA DE CAMPO 87: CLOROFILA 87: SISTON 87: AGUA COSTEIRA 82: 83: During the Workshop on Remote Sensing of Costal Environment carried out by the remote sensing associated laboratory of Santa Catrina - LARS/SC, en experiment for the acquisition of radiometric and hydrologic data was made in Conceicao Lagoon in the siland of Santa Catarina. The radiometric data were calibred for the generation of bands LANDSAT/TM. The analysis of such data, together eith obtained during the experiment, ahs shown very significant relationships which can be explored for the better use of Remote Sensing thecniques for the study of coastal environmente. 91: FDB-19930714 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6590 1: SID/SCD 2: 7597 3: INPE-7597-PRE/3449 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Holben, B. N. 10: Eck, T. F. 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 10: Vermote, E. 10: Reagan, J. A. 10: Kaufman, Y. H. 10: Tanre, D. 10: Slutsker, i 12: Sunphotomer network for monitoring aerosol proprieties in the brazilian Amazon 14: 54-55 18: Anais 20: 1 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 87: MONITORAMENTO 82: 83: Satellite plataforms have provided a methodology for regional and global remote sensing of aerosols. new system will significantly improva tha capability during the Eos era however the voluminius 20 years record of stellite data has produced only regional snapshot of aerosol loading and have not yelded a data base of the optical properties of those aerosols which are fundamental to our understanding of their influence on climate change. the prospect of fully undertanding the propertais of the aerosols with respect to climate change is small without valiation and augmentation by ancillary ground based observation. Sun photometry has beemn demonstrated to be an effective tool for graound based measurements of aerosol optical properties from fire emission. 91: FDB-19930714 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6591 1: SID/SCD 2: 7598 3: INPE-7598-PRE/3450 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kampel, Milton 10: Costa, Maycira P. de F. 10: Hungria, Clementes S. 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: Avaliacao preliminar da utilizacao de um recptor de imagens orbitais AVHRR/NOAA para estudos oceanograficos na antartida 14: 56-59 18: Anais 20: 3 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 58: SPG 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: APT 82: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: SPG 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: SENSORES E TECNICAS DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: RADIOMETRIA 87: ALVOS 87: COSTEIRAS 87: FITOPLANCTON 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: REFLECTANCIA BIDIRECIONAL 87: ECOSSISTEMAS AQUATICOS 88: RADIOMETRY 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 88: BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE 88: ECOSYSTEMS 88: PHYTOPLANKTON 83: The water spectral reflectance with phytoplankton was studies on controlled laboratory experiments. In 3 tanks, witch differ in inner coatings, chorella vulgaris culture samples were diluted in 5 different concentrations. The water spectral signature was analysed through bidirectional reflectance factor curves, and the bands that show greater sensitivity to the concetrations of photosynthetic pigment presents in the chlorella vulgaris were determined. The results showed the bands near the peak of greater absorption by chlorophyll a and carotenoids, and also the bands near the peak of chlorophyll a fluorescence. 91: FDB-19930714 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6593 1: SID/SCD 2: 6564 3: INPE-6564-PRE/2601 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Morelli, Ademir Fernando 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 12: Influencia da geometria de visada na reflectancia espectral de duas gramineas forrageiras 14: 80-95 18: Anais 20: 16 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 58: SPG 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: REFLECTANCIA BIDIRECIONAL 87: GEOMETRIA 87: RADIOMETRIA 88: RADIOMETRY 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 88: BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE 88: GEOMETRY 83: The objetive of this research was to evaluate the influence of view geometry variation in spectral behaviour of herbaceceous vegetation and soil underlying in composition pastures for Brachiaria decumbens Stapt. ev Basililk Stapt and Brachiaria brizantha Stapt. cv. Marandu. The metodology development involved the report analysis between the spectral reflectance and biophysics parameters of herbaceous vegetation and soil. For this purpose radiometric and biophysics measurements were done for 25 vegetation sample and one soil sample, in experiment areas of 1000 m2, for each species 91: FDB-19930714 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6594 1: SID/SCD 2: 7551 3: INPE-7551-PRE/3404 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Aplicacao do modelo de mistura na decomposicao do espectro de reflectancia da agua em espectros de seus componentes opticamente ativos: uma avaliacao 14: 96-108 18: Anais 20: 12 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: REFLECTANCIA DA AGUA 87: CLOROFILA 87: AVIRIS 87: MODELOS 87: RESOLUCAO ESPECTRAL 88: SPECTRAL RESOLUTION 88: WATER REFLECTANCE 88: MODELS 82: 83: The linear mixing models have been applied successfully to determine the fractional abundance of pure endmenbers contributing to the radiance of a mixed pixel. The resulting abundances are then reassembled spatially to provide subpixel information. In the present paper, the linear mixing model is being applied to determine in which proportion the reflectance of each optically active componente contributes to the water reflectance. Spectral reflectance factors measured at the Tucurui reservoir during April 1992 were used to carry our this study. 91: FDB-19930714 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6595 1: SID/SCD 2: 7809 3: INPE-7809-PRE/3649 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Smith, James A 12: Predicting Landsat MSS endmember signatures from corresponding higher resolution TM fraction images 14: 117-128 18: Anais 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: sistema de varredura multiespectria 87: imagens Landsat 87: sistema de varredura multiespectria 87: florestas 87: assinaturas espectrais 88: multispectral scanner systems 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: Landsat imagery 88: spectrals signatures 82: 83: The approach to predictiong Landsat Multispectral Scanner Systems (MSS)dendmember signatures from fraction images derived from high resolution Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)data is presented. The propose of this study, conducted in the Mogi-Guacu study site located in Sao paulo State, Brazil, was to determine if information derived from a mixture model applied to higher resolution lower resolution MSS sensor . The Constrained Least Squares (CLR)method was used to generate vegetation, soil, and images were then used to estimate the endmember spectral response for MSS data by regressing each MSS spectral channel against the corresponding proportion values estimated for the same resolution cells from the TM mixture model. The evalution of the predicted signatures images derived from both the MSS and TM data acquired on September 14, 1986. The technique serves as a pontential tool for integrating information in global studies whwre remote sensors with different spectral and spatial resolutions have been used 91: FDB-19930714 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6596 1: SID/SCD 2: 6588 3: INPE-6588-PRE/2625 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 10: Vitorello, Icaro 12: Uso combinado de imagens Landsat e fotografias aereas na discriminacao espectral de areas de alteracao hidrotermal: uma nova abordagem em pesquisa mineral 14: 145-147 18: Anais 20: 3 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: RESPOSTA ESPECTRAL 87: FOTOGRAFIA AEREA 87: RADIOMETRIA DE CAMPO 87: MINERALOGIA 87: DISCRIMINACAO ESPECTRAL 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 88: SPECTRAL RESPONSE 88: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 88: SPECTRAL DISCRIMINATION 88: RADIOMETRY 88: MINERALOGY 88: IMAGES 82: 83: This work discusses the use of Landsat-TM images and digitized aerial photographys in the spectral discrimination of hydrothermaly altered areas, using the Serra do Mendes granitoid massif as a case-study area 91: FDB-19930714 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6597 1: SID/SCD 2: 7896 3: INPE-7896-PRE/3731 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Steffen, Carlos Alberto 10: Oliveira, Jose Luis de 10: Gama, Fabio Furlan 12: O programa Espectro 14: 138-144 18: Anais 20: 3 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: SENSORES E TECNICAS DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: SPECTRON SE-590 87: ESPECTRORRADIOMETRO 87: RADIOMETRIA 88: SPECTRORADIOMETERS 88: RADIOMETRY 83: The spectroradiometer Spectron SE-590 has been frequently used for the field measurement of radiometric quantities for remote sensing purposes. This equipment generates, for each spectrum one set 256 digital relative values that are recorded on a magnetic tape. This tape is later read and the spectra transfered to a computer file where they could be calibrated as relative or absolkute radiometric quantities. To facilitate this work, a special software that is known as Spectron, was developed at the INPE's Laboratory for Radiometry - LARAD. This software has many many procedures that are used to transfer, to calibrated and to provide other useful data transformation 91: FDB-19930715 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6598 1: SID/SCD 2: 7897 3: INPE-7897-PRE/3732 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Anjos, Celio Eustaquio dos 10: Veneziani, Paulo 12: Integracao de dados geologicos, geomorfologicos, e de solos obtidos de imagens TM para confeccao de carta geologica na regiao do Vale do Paraiba e Litoral Norte de Sao Paulo 14: 152-158 18: Anais 20: 8 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: MACROZONEAMENTO 87: IMAGEM TM 87: USO DA TERRA 87: MAPEAMENTO GEOLOGICO 87: MAVALE 87: GEOMORFOLOGIA 87: PLANEJAMENTO 88: IMAGES 88: LAND USE 88: GEOLOGICAL MAPPING 88: GEOMORPHOLOGY 88: PLANNING 82: 82: 83: The objective of this research is to sustain a regional environmental compartimentation of Paraiba Valley and North Litoral of the Sao Paulo State TM-Landsat image at 1:100.000 scale was photo interpretated and integrated with, geomorphological and soil data. These integrated maps consider the main physical and chemical properties of the lithological units and promote the understanding of the regional geotecnic characteristics of the region. This, it is a good material for engeneers and administrators, for planning land use, urban development, and environmental conservation 91: FDB-19930715 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6599 1: SID/SCD 2: 7941 3: INPE-7941-PRE/3776 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Bignelli, Pedro Alberto 10: Dias, Ricardo Ribeiro 10: Veneziani, Paulo 12: Discriminacao de unidades litoestruturais da Serra dos Carajas atraves de imagens TM/Landsat 14: 174-181 18: Anais 20: 8 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: FLORESTAS 87: LANDSAT-5 87: IMAGEM TM 87: MAPEAMENTO LITOESTRUTURAL 88: FORESTS 88: IMAGES 88: LITHOLOGY 88: MAPPING 82: 82: 82: 83: The study area is located in the Southeastern border of the Para State (Razilian Amazon Region). The test site is characterized by rounded hill low relief and mountains and plateaus related to rocks from Xingu and Pium Complex and Grao Para Group. The research was restricted to small-scale enhanced photographic TM/Landsat images and the analysis was based on photointerpretation techniques that take into account spatial (relief, drainage, etc.)and spectral (tone)attributes. The investigation has characterized greenstone nucleous surrounded by migmatitic and gneissic belts, granitoids and supracrustal sequences with linear trends. These photunits are related to Itacaiunas Belt whit Archean/Early Proterozoic ages. On discordance with these rocks it was possible to detect metasedimentary and metavulcanic rocks with probably Middle Proterozoic ages that are cut by granitics stocks with Middle Proterozoic ages. The structural pattern detected in the area is typical of lenticular belts associated to ductile shear zones 91: FDB-19930715 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6600 1: SID/SCD 2: 7940 3: INPE-7940-PRE/3775 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Zardo, Soraia Marinon 10: Martins, Mauro Ribeiro 10: Mattos, Juercio Tavares de 12: Analise fisiografica: uma abordagem atraves dos produtos orbitais 14: 409-416 18: Anais 20: 8 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: RELEVO 87: MORFOLOGIA 87: IMAGEM TM 87: LANDSAT-5 87: EROSAO 87: DEGRADACAO DO SOLO 87: ROCHAS 88: LANSCAPE 88: MORFOLOGY 88: EROSION 88: ROCKS 82: 83: The objective this paper is identifying and analysing the landscape on under two aspects, first: type of landscape where is morfological degraded features prevail, submeted to progressive remotion, eroson, of the rock materials through the chemical and physical alteration. And second type of landscape where there is morfological agreded features prevail, submeted to accumulation of the materils and sediments. The study area localizes on Northeastern State of Santa Catarina with a surface of approximately 648 Km 91: FDB-19930818 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6601 1: SID/SCD 2: 7899 3: INPE-7899-PRE/3734 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Meneses, Paulo Roberto 10: Silva, Flavio Henrique Freitas 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Ferreira Jr., Laerte Guimaraes 12: O comportamento espectral e radiometrico dos filtros carbonosos portadores de mineralizacao auriferas na faixa Brasilia 14: 266-274 18: Anais 20: 8 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: LANDSAT-5 87: MAPEAMENTO GEOLOGICO 87: ESPECTRORRADIOMETRO 87: IRIS 87: IMAGEM LANDSAT 87: MINERALOGIA 87: CARBONO 87: ANALISE ESPECTRAL 87: RADIOMETRO 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 88: GEOLOGICAL MAPPING 88: SPECTRORADIOMETERS 88: IMAGES 88: SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 88: MINEROLOGY 88: CARBON 82: 83: Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM)and visible and near infrared spectral data were analyzed to select the best combination of TM bands to discriminate several carbonaceous phylits units located in the Brasilia fold belt. The analyses indicated RGB/572 and RGB/452 color composites, which were enhanced by linear and decorrelation stretchs. The unambigously discrimination of these rocks units shown in the color composites, enables us with a quick and unexpensive tool to map these rockes. Which bdesides bearing gold mineralizatins, constitute an important stratigraphic guide throughout the Brasilia fold belt 91: FDB-19930715 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6602 1: SID/SCD 2: 7915 3: INPE-7915-PRE/3751 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felix, Iara Musse 12: Monitoramento da qualidade da agua utilizando-se modelos empiricos obtidos a partir de dados de sensoriamento remoto: Reservatorio de Barra Bonita 14: 119-127 18: Anais 20: 9 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: SPG 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: QUALIDADE DA AGUA 87: LIMNOLOGIA 87: LANDSAT-5 87: MONITORAMENTO 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: SISTEMAS AQUATICOS 88: SPECTRAL REFLETANCE 88: WATER QUALITY 88: MONITORING 82: 83: This paper study of the relationship between water quality parameters and Landsat-5 multiespectral digital data, in order to obtain empirical models for water quality monitoring of Barra Bonita reservoir. Spectral reflectance TM data and qater quality parameters (total suspended solids, organic and inorganic material, chlorophyll and Scchi depth)were obtained simultaneously and related using stepwise linear multiple regression analysis. Results show that calibration models for summer conditions were statistically reliable for total suspended solids, inorganic nmaterial and organic material estimation MFN: 6604 18: Anais 20: 10 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: LANDSAT-5 87: SGI 87: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: USLE 87: EROSAO 87: SOLOS 87: PERDAS 87: BACIAS HIDROGRAFICAS 87: IMAGEM TM 88: EROSION 88: SOILS 88: HIDROLOGICAL BASINS 88: GIS 82: 83: This work consist in the Universal Soil Loss Equation-USLE application to the identification of the erosion potential in semi-arid areas, using a Geometric Information System and Remote Sensing thecniques. The study area the hydrographic basin of Aracoiaba river, with 591km2 approximaly, is located in southwest of Fortaleza in Ceara state. The TM/LANDSAT 5 images were submitted to a digital treatment and were used to define the vegetal cover grade and to determine the C factor, with land use map elaboration. The conservations pratices, P values, were considerate 1(one)becouse of the hard interpretations of the satellite images. The USLE data, rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodibility (K), the slope grade (S), sliping extension (L), were obtained through information of cartographic document, bibliography and numerical dat existent. All the information were introduced in the Geographic Information System SDI/INPE, converted in raster format and finaly integrated to obtain the Natural Erosion Potential (PNC). The PNE with C P USLE factors resulted in the information of Relatives Erosion Soils Loss (PR). The results are in Thematic maps in scale of 1:100.000 showing that the used methodology is adequate to the indentification and analysis of the soil erosion process 91: FDB-19930720 92: FDB-FPS 101: D 1: SID/SCD 2: 6670 3: INPE-6670-PRE/2701 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Carvalho, Gleuba Maria Borges de Souza 10: Valerio Filho, Mario 10: Medeiros, Jose Simeao de 12: Aplicacao de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento na identificacao da erosao dos solos na bacia do rio Aracoiaba-CE 14: 188-198 MFN: 6605 1: SID/SCD 2: 7900 3: INPE-7900-PRE/3735 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 12: Radar em aplicacoes geologicas: os experimentos Sarex na provincia mineral dos Carajas (Para)e Airsar no vale do rio Curaca (Bahia) 14: 282-294 18: Anais 20: 12 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: SAREX 87: AIRSAR EXPERIMENTO 87: IMAGENS DE RADAR 87: SAR 87: IMAGEADOR 87: MINERALOGIA 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 88: MINERALOGY 82: 82: 82: 83: Radar plays a powerful role in geological applications because viewing geometricies can be optimized for distin ct terrain types ina mode similar to photogeological analysis based on low sun angle photography. In addition, physical information regarding properties, subsurface dicontinuities and topographic features can be also addressed. For tropical environments, the impact of high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)with distinct frequencies, polaryzation and viewing the goemtries must be evaluated in order to allow the information to be fully extracted bey th geoscientist. This aspects of two long-term investigation in the Brazilian Tropics: the SAREX'92 in the Carajas Mineral Province, Amazon Region, and the AIRSAR experiment in the Curaca Valley, a semiarid site, located in the Northeast of Brazil. The paper also presents a brief review of radar characteristics focussing on vegetation and geological application 91: FDB-21O71993 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6606 1: SID/SCD 2: 7901 3: INPE-7901-PRE/3736 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rocio, Marco Aurelio Ramalho 10: Veneziani, Paulo 12: Caracteristicas das condicoes de ocorrencias das aguas subterraneas no embasamento com o emprego de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto 14: 312-314 18: Anais 20: 6 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 58: SPG 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: LANDSAT-5 87: IMAGEM TM 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: AGUAS SUBTERRANEAS 87: LINEAMENTOS 87: FRATURAMENTO 88: IMAGES 88: GIS 88: LINEAMENT 88: GROUND WATER 82: 82: PARAIBUNA (SP)> 83: The interpretation of TM-LANDSAT 5 image and air photos was carried out in order to map favourable water-bearing zones in a basement area of the Cacapava-Paraibuna region, in the scale of 1:50.000. Topgraphic, remote sensing and field data were intregrated by means of a GIS. probable recharge and discharge of ground water. Comparisons between the favourable water-bearing zones so defined and specific out put of existing water boreholes show fair correlation 91: FDB-21O71993 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6607 1: SID/SCD 2: 7902 3: INPE-7902-PRE/3737 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rolim, Silvia Beatriz Alves 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Vasconcelos, Ricardo M. de 10: Azevedo, Maria Laura Vereza de 12: Metodologia para a geracao de imagens de geofisica:uam contribuicao a integracao de dados na pesquisas geologica 14: 315-322 18: Anais 20: 7 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: METODOLOGIA 87: IMAGENS DIGITAIS 87: MAPEAMENTO GEOLOGICO 88: METODOLOGY 88: DIGITAL IMAGE 88: GEOLOGICA MAPPING 82: 83: The Amazon region has very few gological surveys, in spite of several mineral deistricts. the relationship between geology, relief, soils and vegetation cover is poorly investigated. This lack of knowledge is caused by many factor, such as the mon-accessibility to the area, its environmetal complexity, the absence of systematic and integrated multidisciplinary studies, etc... These problems can be partially solved by the use of Digital Processing Image (DPI)and Geographical Information System (GIS). In order to perform this research, digital magnetic imagfes (derived from aerial profiles)where criated. This geophysical data (N-SW profiles)were converted to a regular grid of 30mm and subsequently, to a black and white digital image with a Cubic Spline interpolation algorithm. These images were generated in order to order to improve a better correlation between egological and geophysical knowledge of the Pojuca Test Area 91: FDB-21O71993 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6608 1: SID/SCD 2: 7903 3: INPE-7903-PRE/3738 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Valente, Cidney Rodrigues 10: Veneziani, Paulo 12: Integracao de dados landsat, SLAR, geofisicos e geoquimicos para elaboracao de modelos de evolucao tectonia e prospectivos na regiao da minacu- Palmeiropolis (GO/TO) 14: 358-367 18: Anais 20: 9 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: METODOLOGIA 87: IMAGEM TM 87: LINEAMENTOS 87: TECTONICOS 87: LITOLOGIA 87: PROSPECCAO ESTRUTURAL 87: MOSAICO 87: MAPEAMENTO 87: SLAR 88: METODOLOGY 88: LINEAMENTS 88: TECTONICS 88: STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 88: LITHOLOGY 82: 83: The present work is a contribution to the knowledge of tectonic and metalogenetic characteristics of a complex geology area, located between the Sao Francisco and Amazon cratons. The study was developed based on interpretation technics obtained from spacial characteristics of remote sensig products derived products derived TM LANDSAT and SALR images and aeromagnetic data. Satructural lineament analysis and interpratation were direct toward the kinematic definition, general characteristics of shear belts as well as their structural/tectonic implications in the control of important know mineralizations of asbesthos and Cu, Pb and Zn massive sulfide deposits. Besides, propsitions of tectonics evolution of the area in study is presented as a contribution to the understanding of the regional geology. The same interpretations methodology which was taken as a regional basis, was tested on a pre-selected arae, where structura lineaments were integred with Cu, Pd and Zn geochmical images produced bey Geographical Information System (SIG). The results obtained in both regional and smei-detailed scales show that the already know minearalizations in the area are tectonically controlled by a fault system associated to a shear belt. Through the structural lineament analysis, together with geological data, four important deformational phases were recognized in the area, related to different sorts of stress, sometimes compreenssive, sometimes extensive, associated to transpession and transtetion systens. Knematics differs along the main structural lineaments, which were developed from the Archean to the Tertriary, during the tectonic evolution of the studyed area 91: FDB-21071993 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6609 1: SID/SCD 2: 7904 3: INPE-7904-PRE/3739 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Veneziani, Paulo 10: Anjos, Celio Eustaquio dos 10: Nascimento, Flavia Maria de Fatima 10: Bignelli, Pedro Alberto 10: Dias, Ricardo Ribeiro 12: Reconhecimento de figuras de interferencia geradas pela superposicao de dobras flexurais na regiao do vale do Paraiba do Sul (SP)com a utilizacao de sensoriamento remoto 14: 368-375 18: Anais 20: 7 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: IMAGEM TM 87: LINEAMENTOS 87: LITOLOGIA 87: PROSPECSAO ESTRUTURAL 88: LENEAMENTS 88: LITHOLOGY 88: STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 80: 83: The interpretation of remote sensing imagery carried out to search some circular structures obsreved on the region of Paraiba do Sul Valley, SP, Brazil. This region is set in the Sao Paulo Shear Belt which consists in a expressive transcurrent fault zone of the Southeast Folded Belt. In the studied area can be found tertriary sediments of Taubate Basin, sin-tardi-to post-tectonic migmatitic and gramitic rocks of Upper Pre- Cambrian age and also metasimentary rocks of Middle to Inferior Pre-Cambrian age. The Pre-Cambrian rocks were remobilized in Upper Pre-Cambrian thermal tectonic events. This remobilization is the principal evidence of policyclism and polimetamorphism of the studied region. The policyclic and polimetamorphormic evolution indicates that distensive as much as comrpenssive events caused deformations ranging from microscopic to regional scales. The remote sensing imagery registered some structural features representative ductile, ruptile-ductile, and ruptile deformetions that show the development of a process of single shear on the studied area, during Middle to Upper Pre-Cambrian age. At the end of Pre-Cambrian period the studied area qas submited to distensiv efforts responsible for the reactivation of ancient crustal lines of weaknees oriented according to NNW-SSE and ENE-WSW. This process had been continuous till Mesozoic to Cenozoic period and generated flexural folds with perpendicular axes, wich are recognizable on the remote sensing imagery as structural heihgs and lows. Theses structures resulted from the interference of two flexural folding patterns 91: FDB-04081993 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6610 1: SID/SCD 2: 6601 3: INPE-6601-PRE/2638 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 10: Ahern, Frank J. 10: Raney, R. K. 10: Pietsch, Ron W. 10: Tittley, Brian 12: A contribuicao da campanha SAREX'92(South American Radar Experiment)para a avaliacao dos recursos naturais em florestas tropicais pluviais: primeiros resultados da area-teste Acre, SW da Amazonia, Brasil 14: 456-462 18: Anais 20: 6 21: v.3 38: (Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 6, Cartagena 03-08, 1993, p.162) 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesuqisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: SAREX'92 87: SAR 87: FLORESTAS 87: RADIOMETRIA 87: CORRECAO GEOMETRICA 87: RADAR 87: SAR-580 87: RADARSAT 87: DESMATAMENTO 88: FORESTS 88: RADIOMTRY 88: GEOMETRY 88: DESFORESTATION 82: 82: 83: No ambito de um projeto de cooperacao Canda/Brasil e com suprote finaceiro da Agencia Espacial Europeia (ESA)e da Agencia de desenvolvimento Internaciona do Canada (CIDA), foi efetuada em abril de 1992, uma campanha com o SAR-580 aerotransportado, parfa a obtencao de dados radar em banda C, polarizacao HH e VV, na Amazonia. O objetivo principal do SAREX'92 e a obtencao de um conjunto de dados em banda C, inclusive dados simulados de satelites, para serem usados na avaliacao de dados SAR, em ambientes de florestas tropicais. Resultados desses estudos estao sendo usados para promover o ensino e disseminacao de tecnologia SAR entre profissionais e equipes tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto, responsaveis por manejo florestal e meio ambiente no Brasil. Neste trabalho estao sendo apresentados os primeiros resultados da avaliacao de dados SAR da area-teste Estado do Acre. a utilizacao de imagens SAR geometrica e radimetricamente corrigidas e relacionada a detencao de tipos florestais, padroes de desmatamento para estabelecimento de pastagens e nucleos bem como outras feicoes devidas ao Homem de relevos, detectaveis atraves de imagens SAR e o seu relacionamento com uso e cobertura do solo, quando for o caso. Baseando-se na interpretacao de imagens de faixa larga, processadas para representar com fidelidade os dados a serem obtidos pelo REDARSAT (lancamento previsto para inicio de 1995). parece que o RADARSAT desenpenhara um impotante papel para o monitoramento desta regiao, particularmente, para a obtencao de informacoes referentes ao desmatamento, rede de drenagem, solos e vegetacao. Estas informacoes serao de extrema utilidade para o manejop do desenvolvimento, evitando-se assim graves problemas ambientais que anteriormente ocorreram nesta regiao. 91: FDB-04081993 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6611 1: SID/SCD 2: 7907 3: INPE-7907-PRE/3743 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Horn, Ralf 10: Moreira, Joao 10: Muller, Hans-Jurgen 10: Witte,Franz 12: The DLR airborne experimental SAR system - E-SAR 14: 443-447 18: Anais 20: 4 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: SENSORES E TECNICAS DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: SAR 87: E-SAR 88: AIRBORNE EXPERIMENTAL 83: The DLR airbone experimental synthetic aperture radar (SAR)system E-SAR, designed and menufactured at the DLR institut uferochfrequenztechnik, is a research tool to elaborate SAR related problems concerning both system performance and data analysis. The instrument is installed on board a DLR Dommier DO 228 aircraft, which is a small STOL aircraft, offering the advantages of low costs and operation from airstrips in any part of the world 91: FDB-19930816 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6613 1: SID/SCD 2: 7911 3: INPE-7911-PRE/3747 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sausen, Tania Maria 10: Di Maio, Angelica Carvalho 12: Programa de tranferencia de tecnologia INPE-UNIVAP implantacao de cursos de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento 14: 16-19 18: Anais 20: 13 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio 1993 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: TREINAMENTO 87: CURSOS 87: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 83: Remote Sensing Tecnology has been widely used in Brasil in the last 25 years. Due to the success it has reached, this thecnology has expanded and today it is possible to find around 3000 users in Brasil. But even with great numbers of users, just few of then had the opportunity of having a deeper learning remote sensing. The qreat ,ajority got knowledge on remote sensing through short-tem training courses. The main reason for this is the lack of long-term courses like master and basically specialization courses. so, due to this, UNIVAP University in patnership with INPE decide to create specialization courses in remote sensing and geoprocessing applied to natural resources 91: FDB-1181993 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6614 1: SID/SCD 2: 7910 3: INPE-7910-PRE/3746 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sausen, Tania Maria 10: Silva, Jose Demisio Simoes da 10: Bertti, Gloria Cardozo 10: Carvalho, Roseli Monteiro de 12: Setor de treinamento do INPE, objetivos, politica e diretrizes 14: 20-25 18: Anais 20: 5 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio 1993 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: POLITICA 87: TREINAMENTO 87: DIRETRIZES 83: As atividade de treinamento do INPE vinham sendo realizados com maior ou menor sucesso, dependendo da dedicacao pessoal dos servidores nelas envolvidos, ou do apoio das chefias, apesar de nao haver uma politica de treinamento a nivel einstitucional. A area de sensoriamento remoto vinha, tradicionalmente, realizando treinamentos desde 1975, tendo treionado mais de 1000 usuarios externos. Em 1991 o diretor do INPE decidiucriar uma comissao de estdudos para uma criacao de uma Proposta de Politica de Treinamento que propos, por unanimidade, a cracao de uma Unidade de Treinamento para atender as necessidades da instituicao. Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar os objetivos, politica e diretrizes do Setor de Treinamento do INPE, bem como suas perspectivas futuras em de treinamentos para usuarios internos e extremos 91: FDB-1181993 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6615 1: SID/SCD 2: 7604 3: INPE-7604-PRE/3455 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Antunes, Mauro Antonio Homem 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 10: Assad, Eduardo D. 10: Moreira, Mauricio Alves 12: Utilizacao de medidas espectrais para o monitoramento da cultivacao de soja (Glycine Max (L.)Merrill)ao longo do cilclo de crescimento 14: 42-51 18: Anais 20: 9 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio 1993 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: MONITORAMENTO 87: SOJA 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 87: NDNI 83: It was carried out a study with field radiometry in order to evaluate agronomic and spectral realtioships for 5 varieties of soybean collected during the growthcycle. The spectral data was integrated in TM bands and tarnsfor,ed and vegetation indices (VI),namely ratio VI (RVI), perpendicular VI (PVI), soil adjusted VI (SAVI), transformed soil adjusted VI (TVSAVI), and weighted difference VI . The Agronomic data used in this work were the leafarea index, total wetg leaf phytmmas 91: FDB-1181993 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6616 1: SID/SCD 2: 7914 3: INPE-7914-PRE/3750 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Braga, Claudia Zuccari Fernandes 10: Novo Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 10: Krug, Thelma 12: Consideracoes sobre a modelagem empirica de variaveis limnologicas no reservatorio de Barra Bonita utilizando dados do landsat-5 TM 14: 85-93 18: Anais 20: 8 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio 1993 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: LIMNOLOGIA 87: LANDSAT-5 87: QUALIDADE DA AGUA 82: 83: Este trablho ananlisa dados coletados nbo ambito do Projeto SSAI, referentesd ao periodop de inverno de 1989. Foramerealizadoas duas expedicoes de campo de coleta da dados limnologicose imagens de se0nsor Themathic Mapper do satelite Landsat-5. As variaveis limnologicas oticamente ativas medidas nessas campanhas 91: FDB-1181993 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6617 1: SID/SCD 2: 7913 3: INPE-7913-PRE/3749 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cabral, Alexandre Pereira 10: Vianna, Mauricio Luiz 12: Extracao da batmetria atraves de dados TM lansat 14: 94-104 18: Anais 20: 10 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio 1993 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DCT 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: BATIMETRIA 87: MAPEAMENTO TEMATICO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACOES GEOGRAFICAS 87: SGI 82: 91: FDB-1181993 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6623 1: SID/SCD 2: 5504 3: INPE-5504-PRE/787 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 10: Sant'Anna, Sidnei Joao Siqueira 12: Reducao de ruido em imagens SAR pelo uso de filtros robustos 14: 433-447 18: Anais 20: 15 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DPI 59: PRIMA 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: FILTROS 87: RUBUTEZ 87: RUIDOS 87: SAR 87: SPECKLE 87: RADAR 87: ESTATISTICA 83: After briefly some classical filters for speckle removel, we derive and implement three filters with characteristics od robustness, suitable for speckle noise reduction: the ones based on the median, on the inter-quartile range and on the absolute derivation. Assuming that observation within a synthetic aperture radar image are outcomes of independent Rayleigth random varables, these filters exihibit a good performance from both the signal-to-noise reduction and from the adge preserving citeria. The problem of filtering in an image as an estimation problem 91: FDB-19930816 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: SCD 111: AQ 111: SECR 111: Alejandro Frery 111: Sidenei Sant Anna 111: NASA 111: CCRS 112: DED 112: SID 112: PDI 112: DPI 112: DPI 112: USA 112: Canada 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 27.10.93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 6624 1: SID/SCD 2: 5509 3: INPE-5509-PRE/1788 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vergara, Oscar Ricardo 10: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves de Oliveira 10: Pereira, Madalena Niero 12: Contribuicao dos dados SPOT analogicos para a atualizacao de cartas topograficas na escala 1:50.000 14: 390-399 18: Anais 20: 9 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 52: Instituto Nacional de pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 58: SPG 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: SPOT 87: CARTOGRAFIA 83: The use of satellite remote sensing imagery is quite convenient in the updating os topographic maps. However, the information content of remote sensing products, for this purpose has been fully investigated yet. the information content of HVR-SPOT images is studies in this work, bearing in mind their use in the updating of topographic maps at the scale of 1:50.000. Pancromatic and multiespectal HVR-SPOT products are evaluted qualitatively through class identification. The results show that a great deal of information could be extracted from that source 91: FDB-19930816 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: SCD 111: AQ 111: Oscar R. Vergara 111: Maria L. Kurkdjian 111: Madelaena Niero 111: NASA 111: CCRS 111: Ricardo Vergara 111: Jose Luiz 112: DED 112: SID 112: SPG 112: DSM 112: DSM 112: USA 112: Canada 112: SPG 112: CEA 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: I 120: V 113: 27.10.93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: "19.10.93 113: 21.05.93 MFN: 6626 18: Aplicacao do modelo SAIL no estudo da reflectancia espectral de dosseis de mudas de Eucalyptus sp. e de Aspidosperma sp. 20: 206 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Universidade Federal do Parana 51: Doutor 58: DSR 62: UFPR 64: <1993> 66: Curitiba 67: BR 68: TAE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: EUCALIPTOS 87: pEROBA 87: MUDAS 87: SAIL 87: FLORESTAS 82: 83: O modelo SAIL ("Scattering by arbitrarity Inclinined Leaves")foi aplicado ao estudo de reflectancia espectral de dosseis constituidos por mudas de Eucalyptus sp. (eucaliptos)e de Aspidosperma sp. (Peroba)produzidas no viveiro de mudas da DURAFLORA S/A, localizada no municipio de Lenois Paulista SP. Foram elaborados tres diferentes dosseis, sendo um contituido por mudas de Eucalipto, outro por mudas de Peroba e finalmente jum terceiro dossel constituido por mudas de ambas as especies na proporcao de 50 83: cada. Medicoes radiometricas foram realizadas em cada um destes dosseis em diferentes horarios do dia, os quais caracterizaram diferentes condicoes de iluminacao. Nestas medicoes foram ainda considerados os angulos zenitais de visada de 0, 15 e 30 e o uso do radiometro SPECTRON SE-590 que atua dentro do intervalo espectral compreendido entre 0,4 um a 0,9um. Atraves destas medicoes radiommetricas foram determinados os Valores Medidos de Reflecatncia(VMRs). Foram determinados os parametros biofisicos (IAF e DAF)destes dosseis, os parametros espectrais das folhas de ambas as especies e do solo e ainda os parametros geometricos de iluminacao 91: FDB-19930816 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 1: SID/SCD 2: 6650 3: INPE-6650-TAE/31 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge MFN: 6628 1: SID/SCD 2: 7909 3: INPE-7909-PRE/3745 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Palme, Ulf Walter 10: Damiao, Darcton Policarpo 10: Witte, Franz 12: O Sistema SLAR-X Brasileiro: radar imageador aerotransportado de visada lateral faixa-X 13: 463-469 18: Anais 20: 7 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: maio <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: SENSORES E TECNICAS DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: SLAR 87: RADAR 87: IMAGEADOR 87: MONITORAMENTO 83: This work presents the brazilian SLAR system which is installed in a Bandeirante aircraft Operating in X band 93.1 cm)the system offers 7-15 km swath at a mean resolution of 15 m. At present time the data are recorded on a VCR system. The image is displayed in real time and selected frames can be printed out as hardcopies. The main applications considered are: imaging and monitoring of cloudy areas; flooded areas; deforested areas; sea pollution, epecially oil slick; and during catastrophic events 91: fDB-19930816 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6629 1: SID/SCD 2: 7606 3: INPE-7606-PRE/3457 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 10: Lee, David Chung Liang 10: Ahern, Frank J. 10: Santos Filho, C.P 12: Evaluation of C-band SAR data from SAREX'92: Tapajos study site 14: 473-478 18: Anais 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: SARAX 87: SAR 87: RADAR 87: MONITORAMENTO 87: FLORESTAS 82: 83: As part of the SAREX'92 (South American Radar Experiment), the Tapajos study site, located in Para State, Brazil was imaged by the Canada Centre Remote Sensing (CCRS)Convair 580 SAR system using a C-band frequency in HH and VV polarization and 3 different imaging modes (nadir, narrow and wide swath). This paper presents a preliminary analysis of this daset. The wide swath C-band HH polarizaed image has been enlarged to 1:100,000 in a photographic form for manual interpretation. This was compared with a vegetation map produced primarily from Landsat TM data and with single-band and colour composite images derived from a decomposition analysis of TM data. The SAR image shows well the topography and drainage network defining the differtent geomoorphological units, and canopy texture differences which appear to be related o the size and maturity of the forest canopy. Areas of recent clearing of the primary forest can also be identifield on the SAR image. The SAR system appears to be a source of information for monitoring tropical forest which is complementary to the Landsat Thematic mapper 91: fDB-19930816 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6630 1: SID/SCD 2: 7906 3: INPE-7906-PRE/3742 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Bevilaqua, Rute Maria 12: Sensoriamento remoto de mar de gelo 14: 417-423 18: Anais 20: 6 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: maio <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: SENSORES E TECNICAS DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: GELO 87: MONITORAMENTO 87: ERS-1 87: SENSORES 87: BEPERS 82: 83: Este trabalho trata do estado da arte no sensoriamento remoto de gelo no mar. Para isto faz-se uma revisao dos sensores, que vem sendo usados no monitoramento das areas de mar de gelo desde 1972, e das variaveis obtidas a partir deles. Reveem-se tambem alguns resultados do BEPERS (Bothian Experiment in Preparation for SAR-1)para que se aprecie a confiabilidade das variaveis de mar de gelo obtidas pelos sensores do ERS-1. Finalmente, discute-se a necessidade de dados confiaveis de sensoriamento remoto nas pesquisas do Tempo e do Clima, e conclui-se com uma visao pessoal da importancia do avanco da pesquisa em sensoriamento remoto para os paises do Hemisferio Sul 91: fDB-19930816 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6631 1: SID/SCD 2: 7916 3: INPE-7916-PRE/3752 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Marques, Jose Nilton 10: Braga, Elber Leite 10: Medeiros, Jose Simeao de 12: Utilizacao de banco de dados de solos integrado com o sistema de informacoes geograficas para identificacao da aptidao edafica das terras 14: 165-169 18: ANAIS 20: 5 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: SOLOS 87: SGBD 87: ALGODAO 87: ARROZ 87: USO DA TERRA 87: SIG 82: 83: This work consists on the identification and quantification of areas suitable for cotton and rice crops growts, using alphanumeric data soil database and the digitalized cartographic database of the map Iguatu-SB.24-Y-B-III-3, providing the genetation of thematic map series throughout the alphanumeric database. The case study area is part of Inhamuns Salgado region of Ceara State, located betweden the parallels 06 15' and 06 30' and the meridians 39 15' and 39 30'W. To identify and to partition the study area into land units suitable for those crops growts, several quenes on the soil profiles were performed using SGBD. Therefore, the output data were integrates into the soil database in order to generate new maps. The results would be useful for support decision concened to microregional and agricultural planning. The possibilities of displaying the are enormous and helpful for analysis, measurements, and estimates such as for crop production and adequade use different land pattern 91: FDB-19930818 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6632 1: SID/SCD 2: 7917 3: INPE-7917-PRE/3753 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Martins, Mauro Ribeiro 10: Mattos, Juercio Tavares 10: Brandini, Frederico Pereira 12: Tecnicas de realce de imagens orbitais, ecidenciando as variacoes espectrais da massa de agua superficial das baias de Paranagua e Antonina - PR 14: 181-189 18: Anais 20: 9 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: LANDSAT-5 87: RESPOSTA ESPECTRAL 87: HIDROLOGIA 87: SISTEMA DE INFORMACOES GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: MONITORAMENTO 87: AGUA COSTEIRA 87: SISTEMA DE TRATAMENTO DE IMAGEM 87: SITIM 82: 82: 83: In 1991, ten field campaigns were with the aim of collecting data and sample of the surface of water of Paranagua and Antonina bays. Always at same time and day of Landsat TM-5 passge. All together there were 63 sample station searching throughly these campaingns one passge of the satellite (10/07/1991)was obtained by means of favorable meteorological conditions which enabled an orbital product in good working conditions. Upon this image some digital treatment criteria were used among which pre-processing enhancing and thematical classifications 91: FDB-19930818 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6633 1: SID/SCD 2: 7918 3: INPE-7918-PRE/3754 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 10: Gastil, Mary 10: Melack, John M 12: Estimativa da concentacao superficial de clorofila no Lago Mono (Mono Lake-CA)a partir de daods do espectrorradiometro imageador AVIRIS 14: 199-216 18: Anais 20: 17 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: CLOROFILA 87: AVIRIS 87: RADIOMETRIA 87: SISTEMAS AGUATICOS 87: RESOLUCAO ESPECTRAL 87: ESPECTROMETRIA 88: SPECTYRAL RESOLUTION 88: AGUATIC SYSTEMS 88: ENVIRNMENT 88: RADIOMETERS 88: SPECTROMETERS 82: 83: Este trabalho foi realizado atraves de cooperacao cientifica entre a Universidade of California, Santa Barbara e o Jet Propulsion Laboratory com o objetivo de desenvolver algoritmos que permitam estimar a concentracao superficial de clorofila a partir de dados espectrorradiometricos obtidos pelo Airbone Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS). O sistema AVIRIS e um sensor que adquire dados radiometricos em 224 bandas (219 bandas efetivas)na regiao do espectro compreendida entre 395nm e 2450 nm, com uma resolucao espectral de 9,6nm. A uma altura de voo de 20km, o sistema AVIRIS, a bordo da aeronove ER-2 da National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)permite o imageamento de faixas do terreno de 614 pixels co uma resolucao espacial nominal de 20m por 20m. O sistema AVIRIS foi desenvolvido primeiramente para o estudo de alvos de interesse geological e agricola, os quais se caracterizam pela alta reflectancia. Apenas a partir de 1989 e que o sensor teve sua razao sinal/ruido aumentada ao ponto de tornar viavel sua aplicacao ao estudo de sistemas aquaticos, caracterixados pela baixa reflectancia. Neste trabalho foram utilizados dados do sensor AVIRIS coletados em 30 de setembro de 1991 sobre o Mono Lake concomitantemente a aquisicao de amostras d'agua em 14 estacoes limonologicas. 91: FDB-19930818 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6634 1: SID/SCD 2: 6671 3: INPE-6671-PRE/2702 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pereira Neto, Osvaldo Coelho 10: Valerio Filho, Mario 12: Analise comparativa de metodos para elaboracao de cartas de declividade aplicadas a estudos do Meio fisico 14: 226-232 18: Anais 20: 7 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: DECLIVIDADE 87: BACIAS HIDROGRAFICAS 87: SIG 88: STEEPNESS 88: HYDROLOGICAL BASINCARTAS DE DECLIVIDADE 82: 83: Integrated analysis of physical environment data as an aid to studies related to land classification techniques, urban planning, geotechny, and geo-envirnment need as information basis, a steepness chart. The present work has the objective of comparing three methods of steepness chert acquisition from the Ribeirao Cafezal hidrographic basin located among the municipalities of Londrina, Cambe and Rolandia in the state of Parana, Brazil. Two out of the theree methods utilised use a Geographical Information System developed by the National Institute of Sapace Research (INPE)staff, and the third one is based on analog abacus. In this paper, approaches inherent to the different methods are presented and discussed as well as the pratical aspects are taking into account to obtain the steepness charts are analysed. The results show that the steepness charts produced at a scale of 1:50.000 using the GIS methods present advantage in terms of time when compared with the abacus methods but with lower accuracy of the sharp borders of the steepness classes 91: FDB-19930823 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6635 1: SID/SCD 2: 7919 3: INPE-7919-PRE/3755 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos 10: Crepani, Edison 12: Contribuicao do sensoriamento remoto aplicado a geologia no estudo do assoreamento do Rio Taquari, Pantanal Matogrossense 14: 261-266 18: Anais 20: 6 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: SEDIMENTOS 87: ASSOREAMENTO 87: EROSAO 87: BACIAS HIDROGRAFICAS 87: GEOLOGIA ESTRUTURAL 87: MEIO AMBIENTE 87: LANDSAT-TM 87: DRENAGEM 88: SEDIMENTS 88: HIDROLOGICAL BASIN 88: EROSION 88: DRAINAGE 82: 82: PANTANAL (MT)> 82: BACIA DO RIO TAQUARI (MT)> 83: This work discusses the contribution of the Landsat TM imagery to the study of the accumulation of the sediments in the region of the Taquari River, in the southern part of Pantanal Matogrossense. Discussion from the geological aspect are concentrated in: 1- the type of the sedimentary basin which restricts pantanal; 2- the erosional process in the upper Taquari basin affected by the relationship among the drainage channels, spatial distribution of the rock units, lithologic types and the geologic structure 91: FDB-19930823 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6636 1: SID/SCD 2: 7920 3: INPE-7920-PRE/3756 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva Jr., Carlos Leandro da 10: Rosa, Sydnea Maluf 12: Possibilidades de aplicacao do sensor AVHRR/NOAA na pesca brasileira 14: 278-289 18: Anais 20: 12 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DCT 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: PESCA 87: PRODUTIVIDADE 87: NOAA 87: AVHRR 87: TEMPERATURA DA SUPERFICIE DO MAR 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: MEIO AMBIENTE 87: TSM 87: RADIOMETRO AVANCADO DE RESOLUCAO MUITO ALTA 88: FISHERIES 88: WATER TEMPERATURE 88: GIS 88: OCEAONOGRAPHY 83: A recent advance in remote sensing intrumentation is now available in Brazil to aid both commercial fisheries and resources management of the same improvements is the (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR/NOAA). This report showed the needs of the development of a remote sensing/geographical information system (RS/GIS)to address the needs of operational fisheries oceanography community in Brazil 91: FDB-19930823 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6637 1: SID/SCD 2: 7923 3: INPE-7923-PRE/3759 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Tenorio, Rosangela Maria Reginaldo 10: Moreira, Mauricio Alves 12: Selecao de bandas do Landsat/TM para identificacao e mapeamento de areas agricolas no municipio de Juranda-PR 14: 311-320 18: Anais 20: 20 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: SOJA 87: MAPEAMENTO 87: ALGODAO 87: MILHO 87: IDENTIFICACAO DE CULTURA 87: ANALISE ESPECTRAL 88: SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 88: MAPPING 88: AGRICULTURE 88: COEN 88: SOYBEAN 88: COTTON 88: CROP IDENTIFICATION 82: 82: 83: This work presents a spectral analysis of Landsat TM data aimed at selection the best band composition for identification and mapping of land use. A test area in Western Parana State, Juranda County, was selected TM bands 1 to 7 less the six bands were used. Results were compared to area estimates from IBGE, from COAMO and from a similar realized for the same County and the same year using visual interpretation utilizing bands 3,4 and 5 91: FDB-19930823 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6638 1: SID/SCD 2: 7924 3: INPE-7924-PRE/3760 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lange Jr., Francisco Lothar 10: Albuquerque, Paulo Cesar Gurgel de 12: Estruturacao e operacao de um sistema integrado de sensoriamento remoto 14: 415-420 18: Anais 20: 6 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: GRI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: LABORATORIOS 87: PRODUTOS 87: USUARIOS 87: SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: TREINAMENTO 88: LABORATORY 88: PRODUTS 88: REMOTE SENSING 83: This work shows in a preliminary and generic way, new functions of a Remote Sensing Laboratory, and propose some conditions in order that use of that technic becomes an effective means of regional developing policity. This way, the use of Remote sensing Laboratiry will results in real benefits to the society 91: FDB-19930823 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6639 1: SID/SCD 2: 7925 3: INPE-7925-PRE/3761 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Medeiros, Jose Simeao de 10: Jacomo, Alarico Antonio C 12: Breve discussao a respeito da implantacao de geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto no Programa do Zoneamento Ecologico Economico (ZEE) 14: 421-430 18: Anais 20: 10 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: LABORATORIOS 87: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: ZONEAMENTO ECOLOGICO ECONOMICO 87: ZEE 87: ZEE 87: PROGRAMAS 87: SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: SGI 88: LABORATORIES 88: PROGRAMS 88: REMOTE SENSING 88: ECOLOGICAL ZONING 88: ECONOMIC ZONING 88: GIS 83: The Ecological and Economic Zoning needs to be understood as the results of the spatial distribution of natural and social-economic effects on a specific region. The development of a geocoded database is a important task for supporting decisions involving the objectives of the Ecological Economical Zoning Program. The creation of several Remote Sensing and GIS laboratories in all the state of the Amazon Region is due to the Brazilian Governmental Strategy for implementation of the program and traing of technical groups. These subjects are discussed here with emphasis on program creation and hardware and fotware configurations required 91: FDB-19930823 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6640 1: SID/SCD 2: 7921 3: INPE-7921-PRE/3757 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Ronald Buss 10: Stevenson, Merritt Raymond 12: Descricao de frentes oceanicas a partir de uma boia de deriva rastreada por satelite e de dados hidrograficos durante a VII Expedicao Antartica Brasileira 14: 290-299 18: Anais 20: 10 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DCT 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: BOIAS DE DERIVA 87: EXPEDICAO ANTARTICA BRASILEIRA 87: SISTEMA ARGOS 87: BOIAS OCEANOGRAFICA 87: MEIO AMBIENTE 87: SATELITES NOAA 87: IMAGENS NOAA 87: SATELITES METEOROLOGICOS 88: DRIFTING BUOYS 88: OCEANOGRAPHY 88: ARGOS SYSTEM 82: > 82: 82: 83: A drifting buoy, developed at INPE, was launched in the region to the North of Bransfield Strait, Antarctica, during the 7th Brazilian Antarctic Expedition (summer 1989). This buoy, tracked by NOAA satellites thought the ARGOS system, stayed at the sea in the period between 1/26/1989 and 2/21/1989. Using hydrographic data colected in situs by the Brazilian Oceanographic support ship, the Barao de Teffe, the horizontal distributions of temperature (T), salinity (S)and density of the sea water were obtained for the period of the experiment. By comparing the buoy's trajectory with the T,S and Density distributions, it was noted that variations int the flow patterns measured by the buoy were caused by the presence of two oceanic fronts in the study area. From the results of this experiment, it is shown that the Brazilian drifting buyos tracked by the ARGOS system are strong tools that can be used to detect and describe oceanic fronts on a sinoptic basis 91: FDB-19930823 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6641 1: SID/SCD 2: 7922 3: INPE-7922-PRE/3758 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Stevenson, Merritt Raymond 10: Lorenzzetti, Joao Antonio 10: Stech, Jose Luiz 10: Arlino, Paulo R.A. 10: Costa, Vladimir M.da 12: SIMA: an integrated envirnmental monitoring system 14: 300-310 18: Anais 20: 11 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DCT 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: MONITORAMENTO 87: BOIAS OCEANOGRAFICA 87: SISTEMA ARGOS 87: MEIO AMBIENTE 87: SIMA 87: SATELITES NOAA 87: BOIAS DE DERIVA 87: IMAGENS NOAA 88: ARGOS SYSTEM 88: OCEANOGRAPHY 88: ENVIRONMENT 82: 83: During the past decade there has been a sharply increasing interst and need in obtaining environmental information related to the aquatic domain. The ability to receive serial information about current or recent weather hydrological or environmental (quality)conditions, in a timely and reliable fashion is now recognized as the basis for any modern environmental monitoring system, wather the data are used for the protection of the environment, or to minimize the negative impact of extreme environmental conditions on the day-to-day safety of communities. Because the reliability of receving such data via convectional telephone lines is often affected bythe same adverse weather or environmental conditions being reported by the system, a modern system based on telemetry via satellite, that is, a system where the environment is remotely sensed, should bde considered among the most reliable and desirable systems. This report presents the development of Project SIMA, an integrated system for monitoring the aquatic environment. Because SIMA is based on the ARGOS system aborded the polar orbiting NOAA satellites, SIMA has no global limits for its project is to design and develop a prototype system that can be used to monitor conditions in a coastal region where the possibility of oil spills exist, or in enland waters such as reservoirs and lakes, where the system can monitor changes in environmental parameters that may indicate the onset of floos, pollutants entering a reservoir, and so forth 91: FDB-19930823 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6642 1: SID/SCD 2: 7926 3: INPE-7926-PRE/3762 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sausen, Tania Maria 10: Nielsen, Christine 12: The development of sensing in Brazil and Canada: comparative case studies 14: 431-436 18: Anais 20: 6 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: PROGRAMAS 87: TREINAMENTO 87: MERCADO 88: REMOTE SENSING 88: PROGRAMS 83: The remote sensing programs of Brazil and Canada originated in late 1960s through participation in NASA's Landsat program. National governments of both countries have supported the development of remote sensing activities. Both countries have shared common interests in developing this technology in terms of large geographic areas and strong interests in natural resources exploration and management. Despite these similarities, the situation in the two countries are quite different today. There are between 3000 and 500 remote sensing users in Canada. The majority are in the private sector. While there are approximately 3000 remote sensing users in Brazil, 85 83: of the users are in the public sector. Just two companies are 100 83: involved. There are many sectors of the economy that could benefit from remote sensing information; however, this large market remains undeveloped. One may conclude that more needs to be done if remote sensing tecchnology is to be transferred sucssesfully from the public to the private sector in Brazil. The purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of the evolution of remote sensing activities in Brazil and Canada over the past 25 years in order to further technology transfer/diffusion activities within the Brazilian context 91: FDB-19930814 92: FDM-MLR 101: D MFN: 6643 1: SID/SCD 2: 7912 3: INPE-7912-PRE/3748 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mello, Eliana Maria Kalil 12: Experiencia brasileira no treinamento em planejamento e controle de projetos, integrante ao Curso Internacional de Especializacao em Sensoriamento Remoto ONU/INPE, Brazil 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: EDUCACAO 87: CURSOS 87: TREINAMENTO 87: HISTORICO 87: SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 83: Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar o historico, o programa e as perspectivas futuras do treinamento em planejamento e controle de projetos, integrante ao Curso Internacional de Especializacao em Sensoriamento Remoto, oferecido pelo Governo Brasileiro e organizado pelo Ministerio da Ciencia e Tecnologia-MCT do Brasil, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais e pela Organizacao das Nacoes Unidas-ONU. Trata-se de umcurso destinado a especialistas de paises Latinoamericanos e Africanos. Este treinamento foi motivado pelo crescente numero de projetos em desenvolvimento voltados para o Mapeamento e MOnitoramento de Recursos Terrestres, tornando-se cada vez mais importante o desempenho do Gerente de Projeto e Equipe 91: FDB-19930814 92: FDM-MLR 101: D 114: Este trabalho nao foi publicado nos anais MFN: 6644 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Gama, Fabio Furlan 12: Interface de digitalizacao de imagens provenientes do radar de abertura real - INPE/DLR 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: MICROONDAS 87: SLAR 87: RADAR 87: SIG 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: IMAGENS 87: SITIM 87: SPRING 87: RADAR DE VISADA LATERAL 87: SGI 87: SISTEMA DE TRATAMENTO DE IMAGENS 87: SISTEMA DE PROCESSAMENTO DE INFORMACOES GEORREFERENCIADAS 83: Na decada em que nos encontramos, os centros que trabalhamcom sensoriamento remoto estao cada vez mais se capacitando em gerar e tratar dados provinientes de imagens de microondas. O INPE, por meio de um convenio INPE/DLR, recebeu um Radar Imageador de visada lateral (SLAR), que fornece os seus dados atraves de sinais de video, que podem ser armazenados em voo por meio de um video-cassete, para uma posterior analise em solo. Com o intuito de reducao e tratamento digital destas imagens, atraves dos sistemas SGI/SITM/SPRING, foi desenvolvida na Divisao de Processamento de imagens, uma interface que possibilita a digitalizacao dessas imagens gravadas em video, de forma a ter plena compatibilidade com estes sistemas. Este trabalho descreve as novas tecnicas utilizadas, para que a interface pudesse digitalizar essas imagens gravadas, uma vez que os sistemas de leitura de fitas de video sao extremamente instaveis, nao permitindo o uso de tecnicas tradicionais de sincronizacao 91: FDB-19930814 92: FDM-MLR 101: D 114: Este trabalho nao foi publicado nos anais MFN: 6645 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Abdon, Myrian de Moura 10: Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos 12: Analise do comportamento espectral da vegetacao na planicie de inundacao dos Rios Miranda e Paraguai, do Pantanal-MS utilizando dados do Landsat-TM 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: INUNDACAO 87: LANDSAT-TM 87: METODOLOGIA 87: ANALISE ESPECTRAL 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 82: 82: 82: 83: O comportamento espectral da vegetacao de parte da planicie de inundacao dos rios Miranda e Paraguai na Pantanal-MS foi analisado atraves de dados digitais do Landsat-TM. O estudo se baseou na avaliacao de niveis de cinza referente a areas amostrais com diferente cobertura vegetal proviniente selecionadas em campo e identificadas nas imagens obtidas nas bandas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 7. Foram calculadas medias e intervalos de confiancas para cada classe de vegetacao identificada. Para a discriminacao das medias foram aplicados analise de variancia e testes de Tuckey a nivel de significancia de 5 83: . Os resultados destas analises foram utilizados para definir metodologias de classificacao digital da vegetacao no Pantanal 91: FDB-19930814 92: FDM-MLR 101: D 114: Este trabalho nao foi publicado nos anais MFN: 6646 1: SID/SCD 2: 6626 3: INPE-6626-PUD/2663 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 10: Krug, Thelma 10: Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino Avila 10: Sant'Anna, Sidnei Joao Siqueira 10: Yanasse, Corina da Costa Freitas 12: Alguns aspectos de modelagem estatistica de dados de sensoriamento remoto 18: Tutorial 1 20: 25 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DSR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: ESTATISTICA 87: MODELOS 87: SAR 87: REALCE DE IMAGENS 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 88: STATISTICS 88: MODELS 83: Some applications of statistical tools to image processing problems in remote sensing are presented in this Tutorial. The following topics, among others, are covered in some depth: image formation and modelling, missing values estimation, noise and distortion reduction, segmentation and classification. Application of synthetic aperture radar are treated in more detail. The ideas are presented in a descriptive rather than a formal manner, and express some experiences at INPE in the areas of image processing 91: FDB-19930814 92: FDM-MLR 101: D 114: Este trabalho nao foi publicado nos anais MFN: 6647 1: SID/SCD 2: 7605 3: INPE-7605-PUD/3456 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Steffen, Carlos Alberto 10: Moraes, Elisabete Caria 12: Introducao a radiometria 18: Tutorial 2 20: 12 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DSM 58: DCT 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: SENSORES E TECNICAS DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: RADIOMETRIA 87: SENSORES 88: RADIOMETERS 88: RADIOMETRY 88: SENSORS 83: O sensoriamento remoto pode ser entendido como o conjunto de tecnicas relacionadas com a aquisicao e a analise de dados obtidos por sensores remotos. Em geral estes sensores sao sistemas optoeletronicos capazes de detectar e tregistrar, sob a forma de imagens, o fluxo de energia radiante que e refletido ou emitido por objetos da superficie terrestre 91: FDB-19930814 92: FDM-MLR 101: D 114: Este trabalho nao foi publicado nos anais MFN: 6648 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cabral, Alexandre Pereira 10: Vianna, Marcio L 12: Mapeamento Tematico de tipos de substrato na plataforma continental do Rio Grande do Norte atraves de imagens TM Landsat 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DCT 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: MAPEAMENTO 87: OCEANOGRAFIA 82: 82: 83: Neste trabalho, e feito o mapeamneto de tipos de susbtrato de um, setor da plataforma continental do Rio Grande do Norte, empregando as bandas 1 e 2 to TM, utlizando duas tecnicas: aplicacao da transformacao por Componentes Principais (TCP)e de um modelo acoplado das bandas do TM. Na aplicacao da TCP, assume-se que as variacoes. Assim, a 2nd TPC, relaciona-se com as variacoes dos substato. Apos a obtencao dos autovalores e autovetores a transformacao e obtida. A imagem gerada e fatiada em classes: areia, misto, vegetado, nao classificado. Na aplicacao do modelo acoplado, atraves da regrassao de pontos com profundidade conhecida e localizavel na imagem sao empregados com pontos de controle. E realizada uma regrecao linear entre a reflectancia aparente e a profundidade de cada ponto, obtendo-se os coeficiente A e B. Com estes coeficientes foram estimados os valores dos coeficientes de atenuacao da agua para as bandas 1 (0,055)e 2 (0,067). Com estes valores foram obtidos "indices para tipos de substrato". A estes inices foram associado classes : areaia, misto, vegetado e nao classificado. Foi gerada uma imagem tematica que, juntamente com a imagem gerada via TCP, foi tranferida para o SGI-INPE, sendo criados 2 planos de informacao. 91: FDB-19930830 92: FDB-FPS 101: d MFN: 6649 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos 10: Abdon, Myrian de Moura 10: Boock, Arae 10: Silva, Marta Pereira da 12: Mapeamento da vegetacao do Pantanal, utilizando dados do Lansat/TM- parte das sub-regioes do Nableque e Miranda 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: CORBERTURAL VEGETAL 87: FOTOGRAFIAS AREAS 87: MAPEAMENTO 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 82: 82: 82: 82: 83: A regiao mapeada recobre uma area de 203.000 ha. Localizda no sul do Pantanal, Estado do Matogrosso do Sul. O estudo consistiu na interpretacacao visual de imagens da epoca seca, em papel fotogarfico na escala de 1:100.000, obtidas nas bandas 4 e 5 em B/P e em composicao colorida 3 (azul), 4 (verde)e 5 (vermelho). Foram definidas areas amostrais com diferentes padroes de cobertura vegetal nas imagens, sendo estas verificadas em campo. Tambem, foram utilizadas fotos aereas pancromaticas na escala de 1:20.000, do ano de 1974 para avaliar areas de maior confusao entre as classes mapeadas. A metodologia utilizada permitiu identificar tres classes de cobertura vegetal diferenciadas estruturalmente, correspodentes aos extratos de vegetacao Arboreo, Arbustivo e Herbaceo, subdivididas em quatorze subclasses, associadas as fotofisionomias dominantes distintas floristicamente e reconhecidas regionalmente por Paratudal (Tabebuia caraiba), Carandazal, Mata Ciliar, Mata Caducifolia, Caapao de Mata, Mata mixta de Caranda, Paratudo e Espinheiral inundado, Estagio Seral da Mata Ciliar, Brejo, Campo de gramineas, Campo de gramineas e arbustos e Campo inundado. Estes resultados estao apresentados na forma descritiva e num mapa tematico na escala de 1:100.000 91: FDB-19930830 92: FDB-FPS 101: d MFN: 6650 1: 88SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barbosa, Marx Prestes 10: Neto, Augusto Francisco Silva 12: Uso da terra e recursos hidricos na bacia do alto rio Sucuru, com base nas imagens TM/Landsat. Estado da Paraiba, Brasil 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: DRENAGEM 87: USO DA TERRA 87: HIDROLOGIA 87: BACIAS HIDROGRAFICAS 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 82: 83: A bacia do alto rio Surucu, localizada na micropregaio dos Cariris Velhos, e um importante centro agropecuario do estado e tem como principal caracteristicas climatica os prolongados periodos de secas. Todavia, falta um planejamento adequado, principalmente dos recursos hidricos. O presente trabalho, desenvolvidos no LMRSPB, faz parte do "Projeto de Aproveitamento de Recursos Integrados do Rio Surucu". Com base nas imagens TM foi feito um levantamento do uso atual da terra, da drenagem e dos corpos d'agua, e uma analise temporal, usando-se as imagens de 1984 e de 1990. Como resultados foram definidas quatro grandes classes de uso da terra: Propriedades de Grande Porte ( > 300 ha ) com intensa atividade pecuaria (em algumas delas existe a agricultura irrigada); propriedades de medio Porte ( > 30 e < 300 ha ) 91: FDB-19930830 92: FDB-FPS 101: d MFN: 6651 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Steffen, Carlos Alberto 12: Tecnicas radiometricas com o spectron SE-590 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: SENSORES E TECNICAS DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: RADIOMETRIA 87: SPECTRON SE-590 87: SPECTRORRADIOMETRO 83: A medida de fator de reflectancia bidireciona espectral (FRBE)e importante para a compreensao dos fenomenos decorrentes da interacao da radiacao solar com os objetos da superficie terrestre. A portabilidade e simplicidade de operacao tornam o espectrorradiometro spectron se-590, bastante conveniente para a medicao de espectros do Fator de Reflectancia em condicoes de campo na faixa espectral de 350 a 1150nm. Um dos maiores problemas desse tipo de radiometria e a necessidade de se obter medidas de amostras com demensoes adequadas a natureza e geomtria dos objetos de interesse, muitas vezes de dificil acesso. Para atender essa necessidade, foram desenvolvidas, no laboratorio de radiometria do INPE, tecnicas de medicao do FRBE com o se-590 que se mostraram bastante adequadas e eficientes nas situacoes de medicao de campo em que foram empregadas 91: FDB-19930830 92: FDB-FPS 101: d MFN: 6652 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sousa, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto de 10: Paiva, Joao Argemiro de Carvalho 10: Freitas, Ubirajara Moura de 10: Camara Neto, Gilberto 12: Spring: Evolucao e Perspectivas 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993) 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: MODELOS NUMERICOS DE TERRENO 87: SITIM 87: SGI 87: SPRING 87: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 83: O INPE esta desenvolvendo o sitema spring, para geoprocessamento em estacoes de trabalho UNIX. O objetivo do projeto e construir um sistema de Geoprocessamento que alem de usar tecnologia no estado da arte, lida com a comnplexidade dos dados ambientais. Ao se conhecer o SPRING, procurou-se mapear as tendencias da area de Geoprocessamento, visando um sistema que venha a ser transformado num produto de amplo uso. Um unico ambiente permite combianr processamento de imagens, analise geograficas e modelkagem digital de terreno. A inteface com o banco de dados modela a metologia de trabalho de estudos do meio-ambientes, garntindo acesso e integridade em ambientes multi-usuarios. A versao 1.0 do SPRING, combiando a funcionalidade presente nos sistemas SITIM e SGI, esta sendo lancada neste Simposio. Os caminhos de evolucao doSPRING, que reflente as principais tendenciazs de pesquisa e desenvolvimento na area de Geoprocessamento, que podem ser divididos em duas grandes ares: informacoes espacial e analise espacial [Good92]. 91: FDB-19930831 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6653 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Bastos, Eduardo Jorge de Brito 10: Ferreira, Marlene Elias 10: Ceballos Juan Carlos 12: Simulacao de sinal de satelites ambientais no espectro solar 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Intituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitba 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Apresentam-se os resultados de um modelo de tranferencia radiativa no espectro do visivel e infravermelho solar. Omodelo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de determinar radiancias emegentes da atmosfera para utilizacao na clibracao de sensores a bordo de satelites, assim como na determinacao dos efeitos atmosfericos que reduzem a varibilidade espacial e espactral de uma imagem. Considera-se o caso de uma atmosfera plana papralela sem nebulosidade composta de ar + aerosol, uma superficie isotropica refletida pelo oceano profundo na regiao do Atlantoco Sul. A radianca refletitda pelo sistema terra-atmosfera detectada pelo9 sensor de um satelite provem dos seguitntes processos: (1)atenuacao da irradiancia soloar na atmosfera + dispersao atmosferica numa certa profundidade optica + atenuacao da ulterior da radianciaemergente; Contribicao da dispersao da atmosfera: (2)atenuacao da superficie + reflexao a superficie de radiancia global + atenuacao ulterior da radiancia emergente. 91: FDB-19930831 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6654 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barros, Maria Suelena Santiago 10: Amorim, Maria Conceicao de Andrade 10: Nowosad, Alexandre Guirland 12: Configuracao de redes neurais em classificacao de uso do solo em imagens de satelites 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Intituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitba 58: LAC 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: A metodologia de Redes Neurais em calssificacoes do uso do soloem imagens Landsat ja foi testada empregando dois modelos de classificacao, o monolitico e o distribuido. Os dois modelos mostraram-se poderosos para classificacao do uso do solo. A rede tipo distribuida utiliza para a classificacao de agua, aera construida/urbana, vegetacao densa, vegtacao rala, solo exposto seco e solo exposto umodo na area teste de Sao Jose dos Cmapos,SP. Foi utilizada para a classificacao destes mesmos tipos de usos o solo na regiao de Manaus, AM. Com o uso da configuracao final da rede utilizada na primeira area teste como 91: FDB-19930831 92: FDB-FPS 101: D MFN: 6655 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Abdon, Myrian de Moura 10: Vila da Silva, Joao dos Santos 12: O atributo indice de vegetacao na avaliacao da cobertura vegetal da planicie de inundacao rios Miranda e Paraguai no Pantanal-MS 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa Espaciais 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 87: INDICES DE VEGETACAO 87: LANDSAT TM 82: 82: 82: 82: 58: DSR 62: INPE 64: <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: NTC 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: PREVISAO DE SAFRA 87: MILHO 82: 83: A area plantada e o rendimento esperado sao dois parametros essencias para estimar a producao agricola num sistema de previsoes de safras. Neste trabalho, tres abordagens, duas utilizando modelos empirico-estatisticos e a terceira, modelo de simulacao do crescimento de cultura, foram comparadas para estimar redimento de milho na microregiao de Ribeirao Preto. Os resultados demostram que o primeiro modelo empirico-estatistico foi o milho devido a simplicidade na modelagem e os baixos erros de estimativa 91: FDB-19930110 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: SCD 111: AQ 111: Sherry Chen 111: NASA 111: CCRS 112: DED 112: SID 112: DSM 112: USA 112: Canada 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 03.11.93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 6663 1: SID/SCD 2: 5516 3: INPE-5516-PRE/1791 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Erthal, Guaraci Jose 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 12: Segmentacao de imagens multiespectrais pelo algoritmo ICM: imtegracao ao ambiente SPRING 14: 33-36 18: Comunicacoes 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao Grafica e Processamento de Imagens, 6 54: 19-22 0ut. <1993> 56: Recife 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: RECONHECIMENTO DE PADROES 87: ALGORITMOS 87: SEGMENTACAO DE IMAGENS 83: We present a derivation and a implementation of the ICM (Iterated Conditional Modes)algorithm for the K-ary segmentation of images. The ICM algorithm is based in the modelling if the a priori distribution under the Markov Random Fields framework. The algorithm is integrated within an user-friendly Geographic Informations System: the SPRING. The obtained respect to the pixel-by-pixel maximum likelihood classification, at a reasonable computational cost, with the incorporation of the spatial context. 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: ! 111: SCD 111: AQ 111: SECR 111: Guaraci Erthal 111: Alejandro Frery 111: NASA 111: CCRS 112: DED 112: SID 112: DPI 112: DPI 112: SPG 112: USA 112: Canada 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 28.12.93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 6664 1: SID/SCD 2: 5531 3: INPE-5531-PRP/179 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Florenzano, Teresa Gallotti 16: Esordas, Sonia Margarida 18: Mapa geomorfologico da regiao do Vale do Paraiba e Litoral Norte do Estado de Sao Paulo 20: 28 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSM 62: INPE 64: nov. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: PRP 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 82: 82: 83: O mapa geomorfologico da regiao do Vale do Paraiba e Litoral Norte do Estado de Sao paulo apresentado neste trabanho foi realizado com o objetivo de subsidiar as propostas de macrozoneamento elaboradas para esta regia. O mapa geomorfologico foi elaborado a partir da analise e interpretaco de imagens TM-Landsat na escala de 1:250.000, fotografias aereas pancromaticas na escala de 1:60.000 e cartas topograficas nas escalas de 1:50.000 e 1:250.000. Adotou-se, com algumas modificacoes a legenda do mapa geomorfologico do estado de Sao Paulo elaborado pelo IPT, atraves da qual sao destacados os aspectos morfologicos das unidades de relevo 91: FDB-19940502 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 108: 01 111: AQ 111: Teresa G. Florenzano 111: Sonia M. Csordas 111: NASA 111: CCRS 112: SID 112: DSM 112: EXTERNA 112: USA 112: Canada 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 03.03.94 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 6666 18: Especificacao dos produtos do ERS-1 gerados pela Divisao de Geracao de imagens/INPE 20: 45 38: Publicacao Interna 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DGI 62: INPE 64: <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: MAN 90: b 83: This document describes the satellite ERS-1 products generated by INPE. Each product is described in terms of data values (real or complex), projection (slant or ground-range), resolution (standard or full)and number of looks their description when the users access the INPE's Customer Service Center. Samples of search and request forms are also included 91: FDB-19940502 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 100 111: AQ 111: SEC 111: Miguel Z. Cuellar 111: Miguel Z.Cuellar 112: SID 112: DGI 112: DGI 112: DGI 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: I 113: 01.01.94 113: " 113: " 113: 11.01.94 1: SID/SCD 2: 5528 3: INPE-5528-MAN/002 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Cuellar, Miguel Zanic MFN: 6670 1: SID/SCD 2: 5535 3: INPE-5535-TDI/523 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07]551.526 16: Kampel, Milton 18: Caracterizacao dos modos principais de variabilidade dos campos de TSM no Atlantico utilizando dados AVHRR 19: EOF characterization of Atlantic SST fields using AVHRR data 20: 129 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Marcio Luiz Vianna (orientador); Joao Antonio Lorenzzetti; Clovis Angeli Sansigolo; Ilana Elazari Klein Coaracy Wainer 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: dez. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: TEMPERATURA DA SUPERFICIE DO MAR 87: REGIAO TROPICAL 87: VARIABILIDADE 87: AVHRR 87: FUNCOES ORTOGONAL 87: MAXIMA ENTROPIA 87: RADIOMETRO AVANCADO DE RESOLUCAO MUITO ALTA 88: PERIODIC VARIATION 88: OCEAN SURFACE 88: OCEAN TEMPERATURE 88: TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION 88: TROPICAL REGIONS 88: VARIABILITY 88: VARIANCE (STATISTICS) 88: ADVANCED VERY HIGH RESOLUTION RADIOMETER 88: MAXIMUM ENTROPYU METHOD 88: ORTHOGONAL FUNCTIONS 82: 83: Foram utilizadas imagens MCSST medias semanais, com resolucao espacial de 18x18km, referentes ao periodo entre janeiro de 1989 a dezembro de 1991, distribuidas pelo NODS/JPL, para caracterizar os modos principais de variabilidade do Atlantico tropical/ subtropical (45.N-45.S). as imagens de TSM geradas permitiram a identificacao de diversos processos oceanograficos com assinatura termal superficial. a serie de 155 imagens foi submetida a analise estatistica pelo metodo das funcoes ortogonais empiricas (FOE)e a analise espectral pelo metodo da maxima entropia (MME). as tres primeiras FOE explicaram 86,9 83: da variancia total dos dados. O ciclo anual foi caracterizado como o sinal dominante para a area de estudo, ainda que, os sinais interanual (29 meses), semianual e intrasazonais tenham sido detectados. analises ocidental (10.N-10.S;70.W-25.W). As tres primeiras FOE/EQ explicaram 81,2 83: da variancia dos dados. O ciclo anual foi identificado como dominante para esta sub-area, porem, a variabilidade interanual (29 meses)foi caracterizada como sendo de magnitude comparavel. as oscilacoes intrasazonais detectadas para as segunda e terceira FOE/EQ podem ser associadas a padroes de ondas equatoriais. Os valores encontrados sao similares a resultados apresentaods por outros autores 91: FDB-19940503 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: AQ 111: Milton Kampel 111: NASA 111: CCRS 111: BL 112: SID 112: SPG 112: USA 112: Canada 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: !8.04.94 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 6671 1: SID/SCD 2: 5532 3: INPE-5532-TDI/521 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07]528.871 16: Rolim, Silvia Beatriz 18: Avaliacao do uso da transformacao IHS na interacao de dados geofisicos (aeromagnetometria)e de sensoriamento remoto (TM-Landsat)para a investigacao geologica na area do Pojuca (Serra dos Carajas, PA) 19: Evaluation of the IHS transformation use on the integration of geophysical (aeromagnetometry)and remote sensing (TM-Landsat)data for the geological investigation in the Pojuca area (Serra dos Carajas PA) 20: 133 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Waldir Renato Paradella (orientador); Luciano Vieira Dutra; Paulo Veneziani; Fernando Pellon de Miranda 58: SPG 59: SER 63: inpe 64: dez. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: GEOBOTANICA 87: LEVANTAMENTO GEOLOGICO 87: PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS 87: TRANSFORMACAO (MATEMATICA) 87: FOTOGRAFIA AEREA 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 88: GEOBOTANY 88: GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 88: TRANSFORMATIONS (MATHEMATICS) 88: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPJHY 88: GEOLOGY 82: 83: A regiao Amazonica, apesar de possuir importantes depositos minerais em seus terrenos, e uma regiao pouco pesquisada, no que diz respeito as relacoes entre a geologia, o relevo, os solos e a cobertura vegetal. Esta falta de conhecimento e causada por varios fatores, tais como, dificuldade de acesso a area, complexidade ambiental, ausencia de estudos multidisciplinares, etc. Estes problemas podem ser parcialmente resolvidos por meio do uso de dados de sensoriamento remoto e de geofisica. Neste contexto, o presente estudo foi baseado na extracao de informacoes geologicas, atraves da integracao digital de dados de sensoriamento remoto (TM-Landsat)e de geofisica (magnetometria), utilizando-se a transformacao IHS (intensity, hue e saturation). Para esta pesquisa foram utilizados os seguintes dados: imagens digitais de magnetometria (reducao ao polo e ao equador msgneticos, susceptibilidade magnetica, primeiro e segundo derivativos e continuacao para cima)a partir do campo magnetico total, derivadas de perfis aerotransportados; imagens TM-Landsat (6 bandas refletidas na faixa do visivel ao infra-vermelho); fotografias aereas; mapas geologicos e geobotanicos. Os dados geofisicos (perfis N-S)foram convertidos para grades regulares, com um espacamento de 30 metros e posteriormente, para imagens digitais com o auxilio de um algoritmo de interpolacao Cubic Spline. Estas imagens foram integradas com as imagens TM, no espaco IHS, com o objetivo de promover uma melhor visualizacao das correcoes existentes entre as informacoes. Um mapa fotogeologico foi confeccionado no contexto de subsidio aos resultados obtidos com a transformacao IHS e no aperfeicoamento de conhecimento geologico da area do pojuca. na transformacao IHS foram integradas a primeira componente principal das seis bandas utilizadas do TM (canal intensidade)e a imagem transformada de reducao ao equador (canal de hue). O produto final forneceu informacoes adicionais, principalmente, em relacao as feicoes texturais e topograficas (componente principal)"coloridas" pelos padroes magneticos da area. Alem disso, a transformacao IHS confirmou a maioria das classes geobotanicas detectadas previamente para a area do Pojuca 91: FDB-19940506 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: AQ 111: Silvia B. Rolim 111: Waldir Renato Paradella 111: Luciano V. Dutra 111: Paulo Veneziani 111: Fernando Pellon 111: NASA 111: CCRS 111: BL 111: Rio Doce Geol. Min. 111: DOCEGEO 111: CPRN 111: UNICAMP 111: IG 111: UFRS.IG 111: PADCT-FINEP 111: UNIVAP.LAB. GEOP 112: SID 112: SPG 112: DSM 112: DPI 112: DSM 112: CON 112: USA 112: CANADA 112: RJ 112: ? 112: Belem 112: RJ 112: Brasilia 112: RS 112: RJ 112: SJC 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 12.05.94 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 6676 1: SID/SCD 2: 5541 3: INPE-5541-TDI/529 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07]528.8(811.3) 16: Oliveira, Jussara Dolfini de 18: Estratificacao de areas desflorestadas por tipos de vegetacao da Amazonia, utilizando sistema de informacoes geograficas: estudo de caso na Folha SB20 Purus 19: Stratification of deforested areas by vegetation types in Amazonia, using geographic information systems: study of case at SB20 Purus map 20: 130 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Diogenes Salas Alves (orientador); Joao Roberto dos Santos; Getulio Teixeira Batista; Braulio de Souza Dias 58: DSR 59: SER 62: INPE 64: nov. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 87: ESTRATIFICACAO 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: BIOMASSA 87: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: INTEGRACAO DE DADOS 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: DESFLORESTAMENTO 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: DADOS CARTOGRAFICOS 87: SIG 88: VEGETATION 88: BIOMASS 88: DEFORESTION 88: GEOPROCESSING 88: STRATIFICATION 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 82: 56: Recife 57: BR 58: DPI 59: PRIMA 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: After briefly reviewing some classical filters for speckle noise reduction, are derived and implemented. These filters are the ones based on the median, on the inter-quartile range and on the median absolute deviation. Assuming that observations within a synthetic aperture radar image are outcomes of independent Rayleigh randon variables, these filters exhibit a good performance from both the signal-to-noise reduction and fron the edge preserving criteria. The problem of filtering in an image is posed as an estimation problem. 1: SID/SCD 2: 5519 3: INPE-5519-PRE/1794 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 10: Sant'Anna, Sidnei Joao Siqueira 12: Non-adaptive robust filters for speckle noise reduction 14: 165-174 MFN: 6684 1: SID/SCD 2: 7908 3: INPE-7908-PRE/3744 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kuplich, Tatiana Mora 10: Soares, Joao Vianei 12: Analise preliminar de avaliacao de uso da terra com base em imagens orbitais de um radar e de um sensor otico (ERS-1/SAR e Landsat/TM) 14: 448-455 18: Anais 20: 8 21: v.3 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: INPE 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 83: Este trabalho apresenta os resultados preliminares de uma an lise comparativa entre produtos de dois sensores de natureza distinta para avaliacao de classes de uso da terra: o Radar de Abertura Sint‚tica dos Sat‚lite Europeu de Sensoriamento Remoto (SAR/ERS-a e o mapeador tem tico do £ltimo sat‚lite americano da s‚rie Landasat (TM/Landasat-5).A  rea teste ‚ de 400 Km2 e localiza-se na porcao noroeste do munic¡pio de Campinas, SP. Esta  rea apresenta diferentes classes de uso da terra, compreendendo areas urbanas, agr¡colas, de florestas e silvicultura. As imagens TM e SAR foram adquiridas respectivamente nos dias 16 e 25 de abril, durante a estacao seca e na qual tratos culturais praticamente inexisten, o que indica que mudancas temporais nao teriam sido significativas. Foi realizada classificacao autom tica do tipo m xima Verosimilhanca nas imagens digitais. Os resultados apontam melhores desempenhos para a classificacao do uso da terra imagem TM. Sugere-se a utilizacao da imagem SAR como uma nova banda, ap¢s o registro desta com a imagem TM 91: FDB-19940512 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 MFN: 6716 1: SID/SCD 2: 7612 3: INPE-7612-PRE/3463 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Braga, Claudia Zuccari Fernandes 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort5lacerda, L.D. de 12: Water quality assessment with simultaneous Landsat-5 TM data at Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro 14: 95-106 30: Remote Sensing of Envirment 31: 45 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSM 61: 64: July <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 83: This study aims at determining relationships between water quality parameters and digital data from the Lansat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM). The study area was the Guanabara Bay, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Water samples were collected on two dates, coincident with Landsat passages, and when different tide conditions were present at the Bay. TM Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, band ratios 1/3 and 2/3 and principal component analysis of TM Bands 1-4 were compared with in situ measurements and laboratory analysis of water samples. Some water quality parameters were very well correlated with the digital remotely sensed data, especially during high tide: for instace, iron and manganese concentration in total suspended solids; salinity and Secchi depth; temperature and Secchi depth; temperature and total suspended solids; total suspended solids and Bands 4 and 6; Secchi depth and Bands 4 and 6; temperature and Band 6. Lower correlation coefficients, although also significant, were found for the low tide condition. No correlation was found with chlorophyll-a quate to analyze temperature, Secchi depth, total suspended solids, and iron and manganese contents in the total suspended solids for the polluted estuary area studied. 91: FDB-19940613 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6717 1: SID/SCD 2: 7358 3: INPE-7358-RPQ/710 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 17: Fundacao SOS MAta Atlantica 17: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 18: Evolucao dos remanescentes florestais e ecossistemas associados do dominio da Mata Atlantica no periodo 1985-1990 20: 47 38: Atlas da evolucao dos remanescentes florestais e ecossistemas associados do domin¡nio da Mata Atlantica no periodo 1985-1990 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: GRI 62: INPE 64: <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: MAPEAMENTO 87: FLORESTAS 87: RESTINGAS 87: MANGUEZAIS 82: 91: FDB-19940613 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6732 1: SID/SCD 2: 5559 3: INPE-5559-PRE/1798 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Yanasse, Corina da Costa Freitas 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 10: Sant'Anna, Sidnei Joao Siqueira 10: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 12: Statistical analysis of SAREX data over Tapajos - Brazil 14: 25-40 18: Workshop procedings 38: (ESA wpp-76) 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ESA 53: South American Radar Experiment - SAREX-92 54: 06-08 Dec. <1993> 56: Paris 57: FR 58: DPI 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 83: SAREX data over Tapajos region are studies through the use of goodness of fit tests and of the spatial autocorrelation function, in order to discriminate land use. A theoretical results along with a computational version is presented for the distribution of intensity-and amplitude-K multilook random variables. Several criteria for discrimination between forest and non-forest, as well as between different types of forest, are presented and evaluated 91: FDB-19940928 92: FDB-MLR 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: AQ 111: Corina Yanasse 111: Alejandro Frery 111: Sidnei Sant'Anna 111: Pedro Hernandez 111: Luciano Dutra 111: CCRS 111: NASA 112: SID 112: DPI 112: DPI 112: DPI 112: DSM 112: DPI 112: Canada 112: USA 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 26.06.94 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 6734 1: SID/SCD 2: 5562 3: INPE-5562-PRE/1801 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Yanasse, Corina da Costa Freitas 10: Frery, Alejandro Cesar Orgambide 10: Sidnei Joao Siqueira 10: Santa'Anna 10: Luciano Vieira Dutra 12: On the use of multilook amplitude K distribution for SAR image analysis 14: 1069-1071 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'94); Surface and Atmospheric Remote Sensing: Technologies, Data Analysis and Interpretation (v.4, p.2173-2175) 54: 08-12 Aug. <1993> 56: Pasadena 57: USA 58: DPI 61: 64: <1994> 68: PRE 90: b 83: The K distribuition has used as a flexible tool for the modelling of SAR data over non-homogeneous areas. It is characterized by three real-valued parameters; one of these paramenters, the number of looks, Is iolated to kind of processing the iaw data suffer in order to become an image.In this papwe the multilook case is considered for both quadratic and lincar detections. A closed (recursive)computational form is provided for the K cumulative distribuitom function, as well as the estimators derived from the substitution method. The sensitivity of the cumulative distribuition function with respect to possible discretizations od the parameters due to limitations imposed by recursive form is discussed. The recursive form form of the cumulative distribution function of K multilook random variables is used to perform the KolmogorovSmirnov (KS)test of goodness of fit over SAREX data. It is shown that, mainly for forest fata, the fit with the K multilook distribution is superior to some of other distributions that frequently appear in the literature. Specifically, the use of the normal distribution for this kind of data is discarded systematically 91: FDB-19940928 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6750 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pereira, Madalena Niero 10: Pinto, Sergio dos Anjos Ferreira 10: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves Oliveira 12: Analise do uso da terra rural/urbano usando dados de sensoriamento remoto e sistemas de informacoes geograficas 14: 24 18: Resumenes 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO TERRITORIAL 87: USO DA TERRA 87: PLANEJAMENTO RURAL 87: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: MONITORAMENTO 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: DADOS CARTOGRAFICOS 88: URBAN PLANNING 88: RURAL PLANNING 88: LAND USE 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: GIS 88: MULTISENSOR 82: 83: O aumento da resolucao espacial dos produtos orbitais de sensoriamento remoto bem como a maior disponibilidade de dados em funcao do numero de plataformas orbitais atualmente em operacao tem aumentado a possibilidade de se realizar estudos de monitoramento das variacoes de alvos que ocorrem na superficie terrestre. Neste caso incluen-se o monitoramento das modificacoes que ocorrem na cobertura vegetal em funcao do uso da terra urbano e rural determinadospela atuacao antropica. Estes dados sao de grande importancia ao planejamento regional e local. Em paises em que ha pouca disponibilidade de documentacao cartografica precisa e atualizada em funcao de restricoes economicas os dados obtidos de imagens de satelite parcialmente podem preencher a ausencia de dados usando tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto (multisensor/multitemporal)e de integracao de dados (GIS). A analise dos dados e feita a partir de interpretacao visual de imagens e de processamento de imagens digitais (classificacao e geracao de produtos hibridos). As informacoes obtidas sao comparadas a classificacao tecnicas das terras (land suitability)para se avaliar as discrepancias existentes na area. O resultado deste trabalho gera uma abordagem metodologica para subsidiar planos de reorganizacao territorial de orgaos governamentais. O presente trabalho e desenvolvido na regiao do municipio de Leme localizado na porcao centro-oeste do Estado de Sao Paulo 91: FDB-19950221 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6752 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 10: Valeriano, Marcio de Morisson 12: Relacoes entre reflectancia espectral na faixa de 0,4 a 2,5 um e caracteristicas fisico-quimicas de solos tropicais brasileiros 14: 53 18: Resumenes 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: SOLOS 87: ESPECTRORRADIOMETRO 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: MEDIDA 88: SOILS 88: ESPECTRORADIOMETER 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 88: MEASUREMENT 82: 83: Ha uma escassez generalizada de informacoes espectrais sobre solos tropicais, particularmente nas regioes do infravermelho proximo e medio. Grande parte das informacoes sao disponiveis para solos de regioes temperadas. Assim, este trabaho tem por objetivo apresentar resultados relativos ao comportamento espectral de alguns solos importantes do Estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil. Ao mesmo tempo, procura identificar algumas relacoes entre caracteristicas fisico-quimicas desses solos e seu comportamento espectral. Foi utilizado um espectrorradiometro de alta resolucao espectral abrangendo a regiao de 0,4 a 2,5 um para a obtencao dos fatores de reflectancia bidirecional dos solos. As caracteristicas fisico-quimicas foram extraidas dos Boletins de Levantamento de Solos. Muitas das amostras sao as mesmas utilizadas para as analises constantes de tais Boletins. As medicoes foram realizadas em laboratorio com as amostras secas ao ar, e uniformizadas quanto a granulometria. Alem das discussoes propriamente ditas sobre as relacoes espectrais x caracteristicas dos solos, e feita uma avaliacao critica sobre o sistema de medicao MFN: 6753 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Krug, Thelma 12: Avaliacao de modelos estatisticos na estimativa de valores nao observados em imagem TM/Landsat, devido a presenca de nuvens espessas 14: 80 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: NUVENS 87: ESTATISTICA 87: SENSORES 87: LANDSAT-5 87: IMAGENS 88: CLOUD COVER 88: STATISTICS 88: SENSORS 88: IMAGES 83: Muito frequentemente, imagens obtidas atraves de sensores oticos sao afetadas pela presenca de nuvens, que alem de ocasionar efeitos perturbadores na imagem (devido a alta reflectancia das nuvens e suas sombras associadas)tornam tendenciosas as estatisticas das imagens geradas a partir dos niveis de cinza. Krug (1992)propos varias tecnicas para estimar valores nao observados em imagens TM-Landsat, devido a presenca de nuvens espessas. Os metodos envolvem a utilizacao de dados de uma unica banda, ou de dados multiespectrais e/ou multitemporais, ou de modelos estatisticos que utilizam informacao espacial. Neste estudo objetiva-se explorar os metodos em Krug (1992)que forneceram as melhores estimativas dos valores nao observados em imagens, considerando tanto medidas quantitativas quanto qualitativas na avaliacao. Os resultados sao apresentados para imagens TM Landsat 5. Uma avaliacao critica do problema e tambem considerada 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB-ROS 101: D MFN: 6754 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Osman Fernandes da 10: Krug, Thelma 12: A estatistica como instrumento complementar dos dados de sensoriamento remoto: o caso da Represa de Tucurui/PA 14: 79 18: Resumenes 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTATISTICA 87: QUALIDADE DA AGUA 87: ESTATISTICA 87: NUVENS 88: WATER QUALITY 88: STATISTICS 82: 83: A utilizacao de dados de sensoriamento remoto para o estudo da qualidade da agua em lagos da regiao amazonica apresenta limitacoes na maior parte do ano, devido a intensa cobertura de nuvens sobretudo na epoca chuvosa.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor um metodo matematico, baseado em umbanco de dados de qualidade da agua de 5 anos da represa de Tucurui, que permitaidentificar padroes sazonais de qualidade da agua a partir da analise estatistica dos mesmo. Os resultados assim obtidos serao confrontados com um banco de imagens historicas da epoca seca visando efectuar sua validacao como dados genericospara essa epoca e, deste modo, se tentar inferir tambem possiveis condicoes-padrao associadas a epoca chuvosa, devido a grande dificuldade de se obter imagens adequadas desta epoca 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB-ROS 101: D MFN: 6755 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pinto, Sergio dos Anjos Ferreira 10: Queiroz Neto, Jose Pereira de 12: Utilizacao de imagens hibridas para estudos de erosao do solo 14: 55 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: SOLOS 87: EROSAO 87: HVR 87: SPOT(SATELITE FRANCES) 87: LANDSAT SATELLITES 87: SISTEMAS DE TRATAMENTO DE IMAGENS 87: SITIM 87: FOTOGRAFIA AEREA 87: IMAGENS 88: SOILS 88: EROSION 88: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 88: IMAGERY 83: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma abordagem metodologica utilizando tecnica de sensoriamento remoto para identificacao e caracterizacao da erosao do solo. Foram utilizadas imagens digitaisTM/LANSAT (bandas 3,5 e7)e pancromatica do HRV/SPOT. As imagens Landsat e Spot foram registradas e hibridadas atraves da opcao IHS/RGB inserida no"software" do Sistema de Tratamento de Imagens Digitais do INPE (Sitim). Atraves da interpretacao das imagens hibridas foram mapeadas feicoes erosivas, sendo estas informacoes ajustadas a base cartografica na escala de 1:50.000. Estes dados tematicos foram confrontados com informacoes obtidas atraves de fotografias aereas e apoio de campo, ficando demonstrado o bom desempenho das imagens hibridas no contexto do objetivo deste trabalho. 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB-ROS 101: D MFN: 6756 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Florenzano, Teresa Gallotti 12: Cartografia geomorfologica atraves de imagens TM-Landsat e HRV-Spot 14: 62 18: Resumenes 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: SENSORES E TECNICAS DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: GEOMORFOLOGIA 87: CARTOGRAFIA 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: HRV 87: SPOT (SATELITE FRANCES) 88: GEOMORPHOLOGY 88: CARTOGRAPHY 82: 82: 83: As cartas geomorfologicas tornaram-se um instrumento importante para a geomorfologia teorica e aplicada, bem como para outras ciencias como a geologia, pedologia e geotecnia. Tais instrumentos orientam na selecao de areas propiciais a expansao urbana, as atividades industriais e agrossilvopastoris. Elas tambem contribuem para evitar e solucionar problemas ambientais relacionados com essas atividades, com a exploracao de minerios, com os recursos hidricos e riscos geologicos, como movimentos de massa, vulcanismo e inundacoes. A medida que aumenta a resolucao (espacial, espectral e temporal)e novos recursos tecnologicos, como a visao esteroscopica, tornam-se disponiveis, imagens orbitais obtidas por sensores como o TM e o HRV, respectivamente dos satelites LANDSAT e SPOT, constituem-se em instrumentos poderosos para estudos geomorfologicos. Entretanto, apesar desses avancos terem aumentado a aplicacao de imagens de satelites para mapeamentos geomorfologicos, principalmente em pequenas escalas, o potencial real desses dados ainda nao e suficientemente conhecido e explorado. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho e avaliar a contribuicao efetiva das imagens TM para a cartografia geomorfologica e determinar o nivel de informacao geomorfologica que pode ser obtido atraves da analise e interpretacao destas imagens. Para alcancar este objetivo foram analisadas imagens TM das bandas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 7,individualmente, alem de composicoes coloridas, em diferentes formatos, escalas e de cinco datas distintas, referentes a duas areas-teste, uma localizada no municipio de Sao Jose dos Campos e outra no municipio de Caraguatatuba, no Estado de Sao Paulo, regiao sudeste do Brasil. Para estas areas foram analisados tambem dados HRV, pancromaticos e multiespectrais, em formatos, incluindo pares estereoscopicos, e datas distintas. Os resultados obtidos a partir da analise desses dados serao apresentados neste trabalho 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB-ROS 101: D MFN: 6757 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Helio Ricardo 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 12: Integracao de dados de sensoriamento remoto e multi-fontes, via sistema geografico de informacoes e banco de dados, para a identificacao digital de culturas de verao 14: 42 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SIG 87: CULTURAS DE VERAO 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: COBERTURA DE NUVENS 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: GIS 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 82: 83: A heterogeneidade das respostas espectrais das culturas deverao em produtos de sensoriamento remoto orbital, associada a baixa disponibilidade dos dados de satelite durante este ciclo agricola, causada pela alta porcentagem de cobertura de nuvens, dificultam o processo de identificacao destas culturas. Na presente pesquisa trabalha-se com a hipotese de que o uso de sistema de tratamento digital de imagens associado a um sistema geografico de informacoes e um banco de dados, pode permitir uma melhoria substancial na capacidade de identificar culturas de verao a partir de imagens orbitais. Sao usados conceitos de integracao de dados multi-fontes, manipulacao de dados em SIG, multitemporalidade, avaliacao de areas preparadas para plantio como elementos auxiliares para objetivo de identificar melhor as culturas de verao com dados de sensoriamento remoto orbital. E tomada uma area de 20 km x 20 km dentro do municipio de Guaira(SP)(Coordenadas centrais aproximadas:48 20'W x 20 20'S), onde sao criados diversos planos de informacao auxiliares: solos, areas nao-agricolas(varzeas, matas, pastagens), drenagem, limites das fazendas, limites dos talhoes agricolas, etc. Para cada talho, no banco de dados, ha uma serie de dados multitemporais: plantios anteriores, tipo de solo, proprietario, niveis de cinza nas varias imagens multidatas, fases do ciclo, etc. A fase de classificacoes automaticas usa todas as informacoes do banco de dados e dos planos de informacao, de modo a otimizar a performance das referidas classificacoes 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB-ROS 101: D MFN: 6758 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sausen, Tania Maria 10: Carvalho, Roseli Monteiro de 12: Mercado para sensoriamento remoto no Brasil: 21 anos de curso de mestrado no INPE 14: 172 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: CURSOS 87: MERCADO 83: O programa de sensoriamento remoto no Brasil iniciou-se nofinal dos anos 60, atraves da participacao do Brasil no programa LANDSAT da NASA. Nesta epoca foram enviados 14 pesquisadores do INPE para os Estados Unidos, com a finalidade de serem treinados. Ao voltarem ao Brasil, este grupo de pesquisadores iniciou dois programas basicos de sensoriamento remoto: o projeto RADAM,naAmazonia, e o projeto SERE no INPE. Logo o INPE percebeu que seria necessario criar um programa para suprir a falta de pessoal qualificado nesta nova tecnologia. Assim, para preencher esta lacuna foi criado no INPE, em 1972 o programa de mestrado em sensoriamento remoto. Ate 1978 este programa era dedicado exclusivamente aos pesquisadores do INPE. A partir deste ano, como a maioria dos pesquisadores deste Instituto ja estavam com o seu mestrado concluido, o programa passou areceber candidatos de outras instituicoes brasileiras. Assim desde o comeco em 1972, ao redor de 100 pesquisadores ja obtiveram seu titulo de mestre pelo INPE, sendo que deste total, 32 sao pesquisadores do Instituto. A quase totalidade destes mestres continua trabalhando com sensoriamento remoto. Muitos ja desenvolveram ou estao desenvolvendo programas de doutorado relacionado a sensoriamento remoto. A partir do ano de 1993, o programa de mestrado passou a oferecer vagas para candidatos oriundos de paises latino-americanos, assim este ano temos 2 alunosargentinos, 1 colombiano e 1 venezuelano. O objetivo deste trabalho e tracar um perfil da atuacao destes profissionais, formados pelo programa de mestrado do INPE, no mercado de sensoriamento remoto no pais. Informacoes como area de atuacao, quando conclui o mestrado, tema da tese, se continua trabalhando em sensoriamento remoto, em que tipo de instituicao trabalha,etc., foram levantadas atraves de questionarios. Esta informacoes farao parte de um projeto maior que esta sendodesenvolvido no Instituto sobre o Mercado de Sensoriamento Remoto no Brasil 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB-ROS 101: D MFN: 6759 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vedovello, Ricardo 10: Mattos, Juercio Tavares 12: Determinacao de unidades basicas de compartimento (ubcs), por sensoriamento remoto, para avaliacao e planejamento de meio fisico 14: 135 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 83: Estudos de avaliacao e planejamento (do uso)do meio fisico caracterizam-se pela utilizacao de tecnicas de compartimentacao fisiografica, as quais permitem a subdivisao de uma determinada regiao em areas que apresentem caracteristicas fisiograficas peculiares. A determinacao de tais areas usualmente tem sido feita com base na analise dos elementos componentes do meio fisico (de naturaleza geomorfologica, geologica, vegetacional,etc.)elementos esses que sao analisados diferenciadamente em funcao de peculiaridades da metodologia utilizada na compartimentacao. A analise diferenciada dos elementos fisiograficos pode trazer como consequencia a ocorrencia, para uma mesma area, de diferentes compartimentacoes, o que constitui um fator limitante para estudos multi e interdisciplinares sobre uma dada regiao. Neste trabalho e sugerido um procedimento donde sao determinadas, por sensoriamento remoto, unidades de compartimentacao invariaveis espacialmente e basicas para os mais diversos tipos de estudo do meio fisico. A identificacao das Unidades Basicas de Compartimentacao (UBCs)e feita a partir da analise de elementos texturais de imagens e seu carater multidisciplinar e evidenciado pelo principio (utilizado)de que existe uma relacao entre a textura da imagem e a fisiografia, ou seja, a identificacao de zonas texturalmente homogeneas na imagem corresponde a uma associacao especifica dos diversos elementos fisiograficos que compoem uma determinada paisagem. A utilizacao do "conceito de UBCs, para as quais o sensoriamento remoto e o criterio de definicao, constitui um meio atraente e efetivo no sentido de facilitar a realizacao de estudos multi e/ou interdisciplinares sobre o meio fisico tanto para fins de planejamento como tambem para analise ambiental 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB-ROS 101: D MFN: 6760 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Goncalves, Silvio Manoel Silva 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 12: Avaliacao de desempenho de tres modelos de simulacao de reflectancia de dosseis agricolas 14: 31 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano em Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: REFLECTANCIA 87: RADIACAO ELETROMAGNETICA 87: MODELOS 87: SUITS 87: SAIL 87: SRVC 87: SIMULACAO 87: SOJA 88: REFLECTANCE 88: MODELS 88: ELETROMAGNETIC RADIATION 88: SIMULATION 88: SOYBEANS 83: Nos ultimos anos, diversos modelos de simulacao da reflectancia de dosseis tem sido desenvolvidos, tendo em um melhor aproveitamento e entendimento das interacoes entre a radiacao eletromagnetica e a cena agricola. No presente trabalho, avalia-se o desempenho de tres dos mais conhecidos modelos, que sao o SUITS, o SAIL e o SRVC, alem de se propor um modelo simplificado (o MSCR)para o calculo da reflectancia. Foi montado um experimento com a cultura da soja (Glycine Max (L.)Merril - variedade IAC-5), onde foram coletados dados de dois tipos: (a)biofisicos: altura das plantas, area foliar, porcentagem de cobertura verde sobre o solo e distribuicao angular de folhas; e (b)radiometricos: reflectancia do solo, radiacao difusa incidente, reflectancia do dossel. Alem disso, outros parametros foram obtidos em escritorio e em laboratorio, tais como: numero total de classes constituintes do dossel, reflectancia e transmitancia hemisfericas dos elementos do dossel, proporcao de folhas em diferentes intervalos de inclinacao, indice de area foliar, area de folhas por plano de projecao, coeficiente de extincao por plano de projecao, declinacao solar, angulo zenital de iluminacao, angulo azimutal de iluminacao, reflectancia nas bandas do TM. A partir dos varios dados e resultados obtidos, conclui-se que o modelo SUITS apresenta o melhor desempenho, seguido pelo SAIL. Em termos de um fator de correcao para os modelos, verifica-se que os modelos SRVC e MSCR apresentam uma melhor resposta, quando comparados aos modelos SUITS e SAIL. Com relacao ao modelo proposto, verifica-se que ele apresenta um desempenho satisfatorio, quando comparado aos modelos SUITS, SAIL e SRVC 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB 101: D MFN: 6761 1: SID/SCD 2: 5530 3: INPE-5530-PRE/1797 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves de Oliveira 12: Aplicacoes de sensoriamento remoto ao planejamento urbano 14: 103 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano em Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO TERRITORIAL 87: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: FOTOGRAFIA AEREA 87: IMAGENS 88: URBAN PLANNING 88: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 88: IMAGERY 83: O processo de planejamento urbano como um processo de tomada de decisao voltado a consecucao de um cenario futuro desejado requer, para sustenta-lo, um eficiente sistema de informacoes espacializadas. Este trabalho analisa a importancia dos produtos de sensoriamento remoto como fonte de informacoes para subsidiar o processo de planejamento urbano, uma vez que constituem-se eminstrumento util a compreensao da naturaleza integrada do espaco urbano e seu entorno. Isto, quando utilizados por profissionais qualificados em sua especialidade e no uso da tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto, bem como com visao sistemica do sistema urbano global. Sao apontadas as principais vantagens destes produtos,comparativamente aos levantamentos convencionais de campo, para o estudo de questoes ambientais urbanas. E feita uma comparacao entre as fotografias aereas em grande escala e as imagens orbitais, em funcao das suas caracteristicas espaciais, espectrais, sinoticas, de detalhe e temporais, bem como dos objetivos que um eoutro tipo de produto atendem. Atraves da experiencia de pesquisadores da Divisao de Sensoriamento Remoto e Meteorologia Espacial do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, sao descritas as principais aplicacoes de Sensoriamento Remoto ao Planejamento Urbano 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB 101: D MFN: 6763 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Valerio Filho, Mario 10: Castro, Alexandre Grimaldi de 12: Dados de sensoriamento remoto e sistema de informacao geografica aplicados no diagnostico de areas submetidas a processos de erosao do solo 14: 35 18: Resumo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano em Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: EROSAO 87: SOLO 87: BACIAS HIDROGRAFICAS 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: USLE 87: FOTOGRAFIA AEREA 87: USO DA TERRA 87: DADOS CARTOGRAFICOS 87: EQUACAO UNIVERSAL DE PERDAS DE SOLO 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: MODELO 87: SIG 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: GIS 88: HIDROLOGICAL BASINS 88: SOILS 88: EROSION 88: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 82: 83: A crescente demanda pelos recursos naturais renovaveis concorre, cada vez mais, para uma maior necessidade no desenvolvimento metodologico de analise e avaliacao do potencial de uso e ocupacao das terras, bem como, das areas submetidas aos processos de erosao dos solos. O presente trabalho apresenta uma abordagem metodologica que utiliza dados de sensoriamento remoto e um sistema de informacao geografica (SIG/INPE), para caracterizar areas susceptiveis a erosao em uma bacia hidrografica localizada na regiao centro-oeste do Estado de Sao Paulo (BRASIL). O sistema de informacao geografica foi utilizado para integrar parametros do meio fisico conforme o modelo da Equacao Universal de Perdas de Solo (USLE). A integracao dos parametros Erosividade (R), Erodibilidade (K), Comprimento de Vertente (L)e Declividade(S), obtidos atraves de informacoes contidas em documentacao cartografica e dados levantados ou existentes, permitiram a obtencao do Potencial Natural de Erosao (PNE)da area de estudo. Dados de sensoriamento remoto na forma analogica (Fotografias aereas)e produtos TM/Landsat tratados digitalmente, foram interpretados visualmente para obtencao do mapa de uso e ocupacao das terras (parametro C da USLE). A integracao dos dados de perdas toleraveis dos solos e os de uso e manejo atual atraves do SGI, possibilitou o diagnostico da distribuicao espacial das areas susceptiveis a erosao na bacia hidrografica para os dois periodos analisados 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB 101: D MFN: 6764 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ribeiro, Frederico de Melo 10: Anjos, Celio Eustaquio dos 12: Contribuicao ao conhecimento tectono-estrutural da regial de Caldas Novas-Goias (Brasil)atraves da interpretacao de imagens TM/Landsat uma abordagem ao controle das surgencias termais 14: 64 18: Resumo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano em Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: A interpretacao de dados de sensores remotos constitui uma importante ferramenta que pode ser utilizada para a determinacao do padrao tectono-estrutural de uma regiao. No caso presente estudo, a regiao analisada esta localizada na porcao sudeste do estado de Goias (Brasil), limitada pelos paralelos 17 15' a 18 00' de latitude sul e pelos meridianos 48 15'a 49 00'de longitude oeste de Greenwich e e constituida principalmente por rochas cristalinas dos Grupos Arax e Canastra. As tecnicas de interpretacao dos atributos espaciais de produtos de sensoriamento remoto (imagens TM/Landsat e SLAR)permitiram avaliar o arcabouco estrutural regional e estabelecer sua comparacao com modelos deformacionais empiricos, isto e, a analise e interpretacao dos lineamentos estruturais foram direcionados para a definicao da geometria da deformacao e da cinametica, com enfase ao controle tectono-estrutural das ocorrencias de aguas termais da regiao de Caldas Novas (GO). E dado destaque extracao e analise dos sistemas de fraturamentos (lineamentos e feixes de fraturas), inicialmente de forma individualizada e em seguida levando em conta as relacoes de interferencia entre eles (cruzamentos). As feicoes associadas a regimes de esforcaos tracionais sao apontadas como as mais relevantes, pois contem quantidade consideravel de elementos estruturais abertos, extremamente importantes do ponto de vista hidrogeologico e que condicionam a acumulacao de agua subterranea. A seguir analisou-se a assimetria darede de drenagem, com o objetivo de detectar estratos inclinados e adernamentos de blocos para estabelecer a tendencia de circulacao de agua de sub-superficie. Integrados e avaliados os dados obtidos e recorrendo-se a convergencia de evidencias, foi possivel correlacionar o modelo estrutural com a ocorrencia da agua termal 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB 101: D MFN: 6765 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Soares, Joao Vianei 10: Chaves, Marcelo de Avila 12: Net primary production of forest ecosystems using a biogeochemical model associated with remotely sensed data 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano em Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 83: This work is intended to test and to evaluate how a regional biogeochemical model is able to represent the major processes of the hydrologic and carbon cycles of forest ecosystems of coniferous, growing up in three different climatic areas in Brazil. The model, named FORECOS, uses Leaf Area index, LAI, as the main input variable representing the vegetation. LAI is generally accepted as being the most important variable characterizing the exchange of energy and mass between forest ecoysstems and the atmosphere. There is substantial work done showing that LAI can be estimated from remotely sensed data, on the bases of the correlation that exists between LAI and vegetation index, obtained by rationing between spectral bands of optical sensors such as the Thematic Mapper (LANDSAT-TM)and the NOAA-AVHRR. Simulation and sensitivity analysis on some critical parameters were used do teste the suitability of the model to represent the processes of mass and energy transfer described by the model. By using digitalclassification procedures, patterns of vegetation were identified that should correspond to variations on LAI values, although "in situ" measurements could not be taken at this step. The results that come out from the classification suggestthat within the simulation is felt to be valid. The results showed that the model was able to represent the relative differences for both the hydrologic and thecarbon cycles, for the three sites chosen. Validation with measurements of some state variables and independent variables related to net primary production and hydrology could not be done at this step either, and is to be pursued as this research goes on 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB 101: D MFN: 6766 1: SID/SCD 2: 7620 3: INPE-7620-PRE/3470 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Martini, Paulo Roberto 12: Panamazonian project to monitor South America tropical forest 14: 51 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano em Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FLORESTAS 83: PANAMAZONIA project is a joint effort of South America countries facing the monitoring of the Amazon Forest through the use of remotely sensed data and wall-to-wall procedure in computerized data set.Forest clear-cutting in Brazil have been evaluated since 1989 by means of GIS and LANDSAT frames. The methodology used to monitor deforestation and to measure the rates of deforestation from year-to-year in Brazil is now being transferred through Panamazoniaproject to others South American countries as: French Guyana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. The project was designed back inmay 1991 and three main topics were then established: i)Training of a technicalteam to develop the Project within each Panamazonia country; ii)Selection, acquisition and generation of color infrared LANDSAT prints at 250.000 scale of two periods (1984-1987)and (1988-1991); iii)Transference of GIS technology and implementation of a computerized data base in those countries where thes procedureswere nor available. After 14 months the Project has assured working teams in allPancountries. These teams were trained and acquainted with remote sensing and GIS technology. LANDSAT frames (more than 300)were acquired through the Brazil/Ecuador receiving stations. Additional frames (80)were acquired from EOSAT. Theseimages are now being analyses by the technical teams. First results can be anticipated as follows:i)The ecosystems comprised by the Tropical Rain Forest in South America (excluding Brazil)is 2.500.000 square kilometers large and even grater; ii)This ecosystem is covered by 156 nominal LANDSAT full frames; iii)For both periods (1987 and 1991)just 7 83: of the images are not available due to excessive cloud coverage (greater than 40 83: ); iv)Typical patterns of deforestation widely distributed in Brazil have not been found in others South American countries; v)Partial results indicate thar numbers for deforestation in South America issued elsewhere are overestimated 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB 101: D MFN: 6767 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Lawrence, William T. 10: Antunes, Mauro A.H. 12: El Nino effect on Amazon vegetation cover through NOAA-AVHRR 14: 37 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano em Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 87: EL NINO 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 87: NOAA 87: AVHRR 87: NDVI 82: 83: This paper shows results of an experiment that explored a long-term temporal variation of the vegetation index NDVI (Normalized DifferenceVegetation Index)of several vegetation covers that occur in the Brazilian LegalAmazon. The value of NDVI obtained from NOAA satellites, has veem shown for the estimation of a number of ecosystem variables, such as leaf area index and photosynthetic active absorbed radiation by the canopy, which in turn are essential for modeling of gases, mass, and energy exchange between the biosphere and the atmosphere, contributing therefore, for the understanding fo global change processes. The phenology of natural vegetation under diversi climatic conditions due not only to seasonal variation but also episodic events sych ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation)is important for the understanting of these processes. Long-term monitoring (August 1981 to June 1991)of 8 vegetation types (Dense Forest "Submontana" and "Terras Baixas"), open Forest ("Submontana"and "Terras Baixas"), transition Forest, Seasonal Forest ("Caatinga"), and tow types of "Cerrado" which occur in the northern part of Brazil (3 N-19S and 35W and 74W)is discussed. For each vegetation type, 10 samples of 3x3 pixels were selected and monthly composites of NDVI were obtained from GAC ("Global Area Coverage")data. Yearly composites of NDVI were obtained ro verify the inter-annual climatic variation due to ElNino occurence. Throughout the analysis of 10 years of data is was clearly noteced the variation on the NDVI due to differene satellites, indicating the need for calibration of AVHRR data for multitemporal studies. Therefore, a calibration procedure proposed by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the University of Maryland (Los, 1993)were applied to the data to make possible quantitative comparisons of NDVI values obtained at different times. Seasonality of "Cerrado" and especially of "Caatinga" , is outstanding NDVI values vary from 3 to 4 times for the "Cerrado" and "Caatinga" respectively, in extreme years. Preserved "Cerrado"("parque")was always distinct from Dense Forest ("Terra Firme")in any season ofany year analyzed, however, better distinction is found during the dry season, especially in September. A comparison between normal an El Nino years indicated the influence of this phenomenon on the phenology of the forest vegetation. The phenology of forest cover, except "Caatinga" and "Cerrado" does not vary much throughout the year, however, for El Nino years, as 1983, there is a clear reduction in the NDVI values during the dry season, especially for the Transition ForestThis indicates the importance of multitemporal data for the characterization of forest ecosystems. Dense vegetation covers showed high NDVI values (-0,5), "Caatinga"had an average NDVI value -0,3 with large seasonal variation, and "Cerrado"had average NDVI value -0,3 with great seasonal variation but never reaching the"Caatinga" greeness peak (NDVI-0,5) 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB 101: D MFN: 6768 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Singhroy V. 10: Veneziani Paulo 10: Liu Chan Chiang 10: Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos 10: Bignelli Pedro A 10: Dias, Ricardo R 12: South American Radas Experiment (Sarex-92)in the Carajas Mineral Province (Brazilian Amazon Region):data acquisiton and preliminary results 14: 163 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano em Percepcion Remota, 6 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: CO 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: SAREX-92 87: SAR 82: 82: 83: The SAREX 1992 campaign based on C-HH and C-VV data was undertaken during April 91 in Carajas (Pojuca), Brazilian Amazon region. The main objective of the project in this teste site is to teste the capability fo the SAR airbone data in various configurations (polarizations and incidence angles)to differentiate between litho-stratigraphic units and distinct types of tropical rain forest vegetation. An evaluation of RADARSAT (Nadir C-HH and wide-Swath-C-HH)and ERS-1 (Nadir C-VV)simulations will also be carried out. An area of 250 by 346 square km, from Tucurui reservoir up to the Carajas mountain range was covered by 5 wide swath mode flights parallel to ascending/descending ERS-1 orbits and covering an area of 3000 square Km were also collected. Finally, a Narrow Swath mode flight parallel to the main geological structures in the area (N70W)and corresponding to 1.152 square km was collected. All this data set was corrected for geometric distortions and antenna pattern effects. A digital mosaic based on the Wide Wath data was produced at CCRS and will support the regional photogeological interpretation (1:250.000)scale. The nadir and Narrow Swath mode data will be enhanced taking into account spatial and spectral attributes aiming at geobotanical classes and discriminations, lithological and structures mapping on detailed scale (1:50.000). Based on the preliminary analysis of the products available, the following conclusions are possible: 1- C-VV os better than C-HH aiming at the detection of phenological changes within the deforested section of therain forest; 2- C-HH os better than C-VV in the detection of minig activities mainly cut horizontal bench strip mines; 3- Faults, joints and geological lineaments seem to be well detectable in both polarizations; 4- "Campos Rupestres"(grassland)and ferruginous laterite duricrusts, both related to iron deposits have presented a remarkable and distinct backscattering response in both polarizations 91: FDB-19950123 92: FDB 101: D MFN: 6769 18: Resumos expandidos 19: 5 20: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofisica, 3 54: 07-11 nov. <1993> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: RJ 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Bidirecional reflectance factor determinations in the visible and near-infrared (VNIR)of samples collected at the surface of the alkaline-ultramafic complex fo Maicuru (PA)were evaluated for iron and titanium content. The measured reflectance spectra present ubiquitous absorption features characteristic of ferric oxide: broad 920 nm and 400-500 nm lows and a 650 nm shoulder. These spectral characteristic are indicative of the predominance fo goethite as the source of ferric oxide. On the other hand, the presence of titanium is inferred from the overall spectral behaviour. In general, as the titanium oxide content in our sam0ples increases in relation to iron, the measured spectra tend to show lower albedo (overall reflectance from 400 to 2500 nm). The ratio fo correlation (linear correlation)of 0.64)with the reflectance ratio 1500/920nm:low titanium content samples have high reflectance ratio values and vice versa. In fact, there is a strong exponential decrease of the form y = 8 and -1.7x when Ti/Fe contents are plotted aginst the 1500/920 nm ratios. In analogy to a carbon/iron oxide misture that presents similar exponential decay, we conclude that the titanium is associated to the presence of a component that behaves as an opague inVNIR. The titanium occurs as anatase and ilmenite, which is an opague. Another opague probably present is magnetite. As a proctical result, a band radiometer using bands centered at 1500 and 920 nm could possibly identify the titanium mineralized areas in the field 1: SID/SCD 2: 6624 3: INPE-6624-PRE/2661 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vitorello, Icaro 10: Galvao, Lenio 10: Paradella, W.R. 12: Diferenciacao espectrorradiometrica de lateritas mineralizdas do Complexo de Maicuru(PA) 14: 988-992 MFN: 6770 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Vitorelli, Icaro 10: Galvao, Lenio S 12: Discriminacao de lateritas mineralizadas em fosfato e titanio no Complexo alcalino-ultramafico-carbonatitico de Maicuru (PA)atraves de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto 14: 998-1002 18: Resumos Expandidos 20: 4 21: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofisica, 3 54: 07-11 nov. <1993> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: FOSTATO 87: TITANIO 82: 83: Mineralized laterites developed over the Maicuru alkaline-ultramafic-carbonatite complex are distinguished in enhanced remote sensing orbital products. The Maicuru structure is located in the intractable tropical forest of the Amazon (state of Para, Brazil). Deep lateritic weathering resulted in the formation of lateritic duricrusts, lateritic soils, discrimination of severalunits is only vegetation cover and the superficial lithology. Magnetic ferruginous duricrust intrusive and supports the "Cerrado", a savanna type vegetation. Open grasslands on rocky grounds ("campos rupestres")are found over a duricrust which has a large portion of it enriched in anatase. The remaining differentiatedunits are aluminous phosphatic laterites, alkaline latosols and colluvium, covered by tropical forest MFN: 6771 1: SID/SCD 2: 6625 3: INPE-6625-PRE/2662 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vitorello, Icaro 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 10: Galvao, Lenio S 12: Avaliacao espectrorradiometrica de amostras de areas de alteracao hidrotermal em granitoides estaniferos de Goias 14: 983-987 18: Resumos Expandidos 20: 5 21: v.2 41: En 42: En 53: Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofisica, 3 54: 07-11 nov. <1993> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: ESPECTRORRADIOMETRIA 87: GRANITO 82: 83: We have carried out high resolution reflectance spectroradiometric measurements in the visible and near-infrared, on hydrothermally altered materials from the Serra dos Mendes, a granitoid of the Tin Province of Goias.Spectra from greisens and albitites were compared with measurements on soils developed over biotite-granites. Results indicate that the spectra from greisens are distinguished from the others by considering the slopes in the red-blue portion, and in the near-infrared beyond the 2300 nm wavelengths. The former are related to the presence of a greater amount of iron oxides in soils derived from biotite granites, especially the lateritic soils. The latter are due to hydroxyl minerals present in the hydrothermally altered materials. These results are useful in the selection of processing techniques of orbital imagery to enhance hydrohtermally altered areas. MFN: 6772 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rolim, Silvia B.A 10: Paradello Waldir Renato 12: IHS: uma tecnica de processamento digital para a integracao de dados de geofisica e de sensoriamento remoto 14: 1019-1024 18: Resumos Expandidos 20: 6 21: v.2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofisica, 3 54: 07-11 nov. <1993> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: TRANSFORMACAO IHS 87: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 83: This paper discusses the IHS transformation on the digitalintegration of remote sensing (Landsat-TM)abd geophisical (magnetometry)data. The geophysical data where converted to a black and white digital image and subsequently, integrated with TM-images in the IHS space, in order to improve a better correlation between geological and geophysical information. The final productprovided additional information on the textural and topographycal features (principal components), "colored" by the magnetic patterns MFN: 6773 1: SID/SCD 2: 7618 3: INPE-7618-PRE/3468 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 10: Lee, David Chung Liang 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Santos Filho, Celio Paiva 12: Inventario Florestal em areas tropicais considerando o metodo de amostragem em multiplos estagios 14: 88-101 18: Anais 21: v.2 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 82: 83: Foi testado um modelo de inventario florestal em multiplo estagio na Floresta nacional do Tapajos localizada proximo da cidade de Santarem, Estado do Para, Brasil. Esta area tem cerca de 550.000 ha, coberta pela floresta tropical densa. Foram identificadas cinco classes de floresta atraves da analise visual das imagens do sensor TM do satelite Landsat. Foram estimados os volumes de madeira medio (m3/ha)e total (m3)de tres destas classes MFN: 6774 1: SID/SCD 2: 6571 3: INPE-6571-PRE/2608 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Saper, R. 10: Xu, G. 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 12: SAR range resolution and the detection of forest clearings 14: 393-398 18: Anais 20: 6 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 16 54: 07-10 jun. <1993> 56: Quebec 57: Canada 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 88: SAR 88: FLORESTAS 83: It is demonstrated that the dection of forest clearings com be enhanced by improved range resolution. Modest improvements in range resolution make spaceborne synthetic aperture radar systems much more useful for detection and mapping of forest clear-cut boundaries MFN: 6777 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Valerio Filho, Mario 12: Remote Sensing and data integration to evaluate the potential soil erosion and land capability 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change, 25 54: 04-08 abr. <1993> 56: Graz 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 91: FDB-19950222 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6778 1: SID/SCD 2: 7567 3: INPE-7567-PRE/3419 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pereira, Marcos da Costa 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: Spectral characteristics of deforestation fires in NOAA/AVHRR images 14: 583-597 30: International Journal Remote Sensing 31: 14 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: QUEIMADAS 88: RADIOMETRY 88: DEFORESTATION 88: FIRES 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 82: 83: This work presents optical-spectral and radiometric characteristics of fires associated to tropical deforestation as recorded by full resolution AVHRR/NOAA-9 images in the Amazon region during a dry season. Results showed that fires and smoke clouds were spectrally distinct and easily separated from surrounding ground covers by automatic digital processing. Channel 3 (3-55 to 3-93um)was the most appropriate to identify active fires whose pixels had digital counts about one order of magnitude higher than common ground covers MFN: 6779 1: SID/SCD 2: 7580 3: INPE-7580-PRE/3432 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pereira, Marcos da Costa 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: Spectral characteristics of fire scars in Landsat-5 TM images of Amazonia 14: 2061-2078 30: International Journal Remote Sensing 31: 14 32: 11 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: FLORESTAS 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: LANDSAT-5 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: QUEIMADAS 88: FIRES 88: DEFORESTATION 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 82: 83: This work describes spectral characteristics of fire scarsin an area of intense deforestation in the Amazon tropical forest as recorded inthe seven Landsat-5 TM spectral channels of an image in 1985. Ground covers weredivided into four themes: natural forests, "capoeiras ",pastures in general and fire scars. Single-cell and maximum likelihood classification algorithms were used in the analysis. TM channel 4 was the best to identify fire scars, with digital counts differences in relation to other themes about two times higher than inother channels. Fire scars were also detected in channel 5, with the limitation thatr recent scars could be, mistaken with water. Channels 3 and 7 also contained information abour the scars. Results indicated that TM images can be used in automatic detection and assessment of biomass burning in tropical forests, contributing to the understanding of biogeochemical cycles related to the use of fire in thse areas. Comparison of the results for channels 3, 4 and 5 in two more TM scenes in 1987 and 1989, showed that minor variations accurred in the spectral definition of the themes, mainly as a result of atmospheric pollution from biomass burning MFN: 6855 1: SID/SCD 2: 5580 3: INPE-5580-TDI/543 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Mantovani, Angelica Carvalho Di Maio 18: Deteccao de desmatamentos na floresta amazonica atraves de imagens AVHRR/NOAA e do sistema de informacoes geograficas SGI: metodologia e teste de um sistema potencial de alerta 19: Detection of deforestation in the Amazon forest using NOAA/AVHRR images and the geographic information system SGI: methodology and test of a potential alarm system 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Alberto Waingort Setzer (orientador); Flavio Jorge Ponzoni; Getulio Teixeira Batista; Thelma Krug; Evaristo Eduardo de Miranda 58: SPG 59: SER 64: dez. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 73: 1989, 1990 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: CLASSIFICACAO DE IMAGENS 87: FLORESTAS 87: AVHRR 87: SATELITES NOAA 87: SIG 87: RADIOMETRO AVANCADO DE RESOLUCAO MUITO ALTA 87: METODOLOGIA 87: DESFLORESTAMENTO 87: RADIOMETRO AVANCADO DE RESOLUCAO MUITO ALTA 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 88: CHANGE DETECTION 88: DEFORESTATION 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: IMAGE CLASSIFICATION 88: INFRARED IMAGERY 88: RAIN FOREST 88: WARNING SYSTEMS 88: ADVANCED VERY HIGH RESOLUTION RADIOMETER 88: VEGETATION 82: 83: A rapida transformacao na cobertura florestal da Amazonia vem despertando preocupacao mundial em relacao ao impacto causado ao meio ambiente. Este trabalho descreve resultados obtidos no desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de baixo custo para um sistema de deteccao de novos desmatamentos na floresta tropical Amazonica. Este sistema combina imagens classificadas do sensor "Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer"(NOAA/AVHRR)e um Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas (SIG/INPE). Imagens AVHRR, banda 3 (3,5um a 3,9um)de diferentes datas, corrigidas geometricamente, com resolucao de 1,1 km, foram comparadas automaticamente em formato digital. Os locais onde foram detectadas mudancas na cobertura original da floresta, em qualquer par de imagens, sao determinados no SIG. Testes realizados em uma regiao no norte do Mato Grosso foram apresentados, indicando a possibilidade do uso de imagens AVHRR operacionalmente na deteccao de novos desmatamentos. Os resultados obtidos, comparando-se os desmatamentos verificados nas imagens AVHRR com os correspondentes dados de alta resolucao Landsat-Thematic Mapper (TM), indicaram 49,1 83: e 56,56 83: de localizacao correta do AVHRR, na analise de 216 e 221 poligonos de desmatamentos de diferentes tamanhos, para os pares de imagens de setembro de 1989 e setembro de 1990, e de julho de 1990 com setembro de 1990, respectivamente. Nas mesmas imagens foram obtidas respectivamente 82 83: e 90 83: de acerto para 50 poligonos de desmatamentos observados com tamanho minimo de 3,1 km2 MFN: 6862 1: SID/SCD 2: 7526 3: INPE-7526-TAE/45 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Florenzano, Teresa Gallotti 18: Unidades geomorfologicas da regiao sudeste (SP)identificadas por imagens de satelite 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 50: USP. Departamento de Geografia 51: Doutor 58: DSM 62: USP 64: <1993> 66: Sao Paulo 68: TAE 90: b 83: As cartas geomorfologicas tornaram-se um instrumento importante para a geomorfologia teorica aplicada, bem como para outras ciencias como geologia, pedologia e a geotecnia. Tais instrumentos de informacao contribuem para evitar e solucionar problemas ambientais relacionados com obras de engenharia, exploracao de minerais, uso do solo urbano e rural em geral e com os recursos hidricos. Neste sentido, elas orientam na indicacao das areas mais propicias a expansao e as atividades industriais e agrossilvopstoris 91: FDB-19950220 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6869 1: SID/SCD 2: 7566 3: INPE-7566-PRE/3418 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Holben, Brent N. 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Linear mixing model applied to coarse spatial resolution data from multispectral satellite sensors 14: 2231-2240 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 14 32: 11 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 83: A linear mixing model was applied to coarse resolution data from tehe NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer. The reflective component of the 3.55-3.95 um channel was used with the two reflective cannels 0.58-0.68 um and 0.725-1.1 um to run a Constrained Least Squares model to generate fraction images for an area in the west central regio of Brazil. The fraction images were compared with an unsupervised classification derived from Landsat TM data acquired on the same day. In addition, the relationsphip between the fraction images and normalized difference vegetation index images show the potential of the unmixing techniques when using coarse soptial resolution data for global studies 91: FDB-19950220 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6876 1: SID/SCD 2: 7579 3: INPE-7579-PRE/3431 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 10: Braga, Claudia Zuccari Fernandes 10: Tundisi, Jose Galizia 12: Remote sensing estimation of total chlorophyll pigment distribution in Barra Bonita Reservoir, Brazil 14: 147-151 18: Comparative Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality Management 38: cap.10 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 62: Academic 64: <1993> 66: Netherlands 67: HO 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: RESERVATORIO 82: 83: This paper reports preliminary results of a research project carried on the Barra Bonita Reservoir to assess how the current remote sensing technology can provide useful information for limnological studies. Water samples collected simultaneously to the Landsat-5 overpass were used to calibrate Thematic Mapper data and to generate an empirical model for estimating the total surface chlorophyll pigment distribution in the reservoir 91: FDB-19950222 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6877 1: SID/SCD 2: 7607 3: INPE-7607-PRE/3458 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Justice, C.O. 10: Malingreau, J.P. 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: Satellite remote sensing of fires: potential and limitations 14: 77-88 38: Livro 40: EN 41: En 42: 53: Ecological, Atmospheric, and climatic importance of vegetation fires 58: DSR 62: John Wiley and Sons 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: QUEIMADAS 83: This chapter outlines the role of remote sensing in the study of fires in the environment. Abrief description is given of the current and planned sensing systems relevant to fire-related studies.Past and present efforts to develop operational fire-monitoring products are discussed, and an outline is given of some of the current trends in this field of research 91: FDB-19950221 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6878 1: SID/SCD 2: 7572 3: INPE-7572-PRE/3424 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: Operational Satellite monitoring of fires in Brazil 14: 08-11 30: International Forest Fire News 32: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSM 61: 64: July <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: QUEIMADAS 83: Fire detection and control are complex tasks in Brazil. The country has old and popular established traditions of burning the vegetation whenever possible, weak environmental concerns, and little or nor capability of fire detection in most of its territory (8 million km2). Among its main uses, fire is normally employed to renew pastures all over the country, to clear felled trees and shrubs in areas of new deforestation, and in sugar cane plantations prior to manual harvesting. A pronounced dry season of about four months in the southern and central regions during the austral winter create very favorable conditions for the wide spread use and propagation of fires. Natural fires (e.g. lightning fires)represent a negligible fraction of fire events MFN: 6879 1: SID/SCD 2: 7875 3: INPE-7875-PRE/3715 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Freitas Filho, Manuel Rodrigues 10: Medeiros, Jose Simeao 12: Analise Multitemporal da cobertura vegetal em parte da Chapada do Araripe-CE, utilizando tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento 14: 73-80 18: Anais 20: 6 27: v.2 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: RESOLUCAO TEMPORAL 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: LANDSAT 5 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 82: 83: This paper presents a multitemporal analysis of the vegetation canopy of Chapada do Araripe-CE, from 1987 to 1990, which uses remote sensing and geoprocessing techniques. The proposal of the research have been implemented in a Geographical Information System - SGI/INPE. The case study area is part of Chapada do Araripe-CE, within WRS 216.65C orbit of the american satellite LANDSAT-5. The area is located at the southern region of the Ceara State, involving the municipalities of Barbalha, Jardim, Missao Velha, Porteiras, Brejo Santo e Abaiara. The vegetation canopy land units and also the antropic actions, were identified by using aerial photographs of 1987, scale 1:32500, while the 1990 informations were extracted by visual interpretation of TM Landsat 5, TM 5 band processed in paper, black and white, scale 1:100000. Thematic databases were built (PIs)- vegetation canopy (1987 e 1990), altimetry, administrative boundaries, and infrastructure (roads)- all the data were digitalized, polygonizes and transformed from vector into raster. Then, the data integration tasks were done by using the function SOBREPOR, in order to quantify the areas of vegetation canopy which have been modified. To better visualize the antropic action, a 3-D model was generated. Finally, a thematic map was prepared on the scale of 1:100000 MFN: 6880 1: SID/SCD 2: 7905 3: INPE-7905-PRE/3740 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Veneziani, Paulo 10: Anjos, Celio Eustaquio dos 12: Prospeccao de agua termomineral na Regiao de Termas da Guarda (SC)com a utilizacao de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto 14: 376-384 18: Anais 20: 9 27: v.3 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 7 54: 10-14 maio <1993> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: POCOS 87: AGUA TERMAL 87: LITOLOGIA 87: RADIOMETRIA 87: GEOMORFOLOGIA 82: 82: 83: This work aimed to localize bore hole points to exploit thermomineral groundwater in the Thermas da Guarda Region Santa Catarina State, Brazil. The geomorphological characteristics of the area consist: mountain relief with deep slope and "v" valleys. On the other hand lowlands filled with alluvium and colluvium sediments are essentially found where the principal fracturing directions are crossing themselves. The studied area is lithologically characterized by the ocourrance of coarse grained granitic rock and silex tectonic brecia. The main structural features are fractures (joints and faults). Lithological (tectonic brescia)and structural factors perform the control of the thermomineral water springs. Four maps were elaborated: 1- joint zone density and structural lineaments (faults)interpreted from TM Landsat imagery; 2- joint zone frequency using outcrop measures; 3- isovalues radiometric temperatures (PRT-5)and 4- topographic map. These maps were integrated by means of a GIS (Geographic Information System). The results of technics employed were used to localize the bore hole points MFN: 6886 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 10: Ahern, Frank J. 10: Raney, R.K. 10: Pietsch, R.W. 10: Tittley, B 12: SAREX-92: its contribution to the evaluation of natural resources in tropical rainforests, preliminary results from test-site Acre, SW-Amazonia, Brazil 14: 162 18: Resumenes 40: En 41: En 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latinoamericano sobre Sensores Remotos, 7 54: 03-08 oct. <1993> 56: Cartagena 57: BR 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-19950405 92: FDB-MLR 101: D MFN: 6890 1: SID/SCD 2: 7614 3: INPE-7614-PRE/3464 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Steffen, Carlos Alberto 10: Costa, Maycira Pereira F. 10: Gama, Fabio Furlan 12: Spectral reflectance of Tucurui reservoir waters Brazilian Amazon 14: 103-11 20: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 52: SPIE 53: Imaging Spectrochetry of the Terrestrial Environment 54: 14-15 Apr. <1993> 56: Orlando 57: USA 58: DSM 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: RESERVATORIO 82: 83: The Tucurui reservoir was formed by damming the Tocantis river and flooding aroud 2430 Km2 of forest land. Its average depth is 18 meters with a dendritic shoreline which is responsible for a large variety of water masses with distinctive properties. This aquatic system therefore offers an unique opportunity for collection of wide variety of spectral data representative of the conditions usually found in Amazon reservoirs. These could be used as sn spectral library for interpretation of imaging spectrometric data. This paper reports an experiment performed in april 1992 in which spectrometric data were collected over the Tucuru¡ reservoir comcurrently to water sampling at surface, at 50 83: light penetration deph, and at Secchi deph. Water samples were analysed to obtain chlorophyll pigment, total ssuspended solids concentration and yellow substance attenution. The preliminary results shown two different types of optical waters, influenced mainly by total suspended solids concentration 91: FDB-19950905 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6904 1: SID/SCD 2: 7302 3: INPE-7302-PRE/3206 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Paradella, Waldir renato 10: Liu, C.C. 10: Santos Thos Ribeiro dos 10: Bignelli, Pedro A. 10: Dias Ricardo Ribeiro 10: Singhroy, V.H. 12: First results from a SAR investigation (SAREX data)in the Carajas Mineral Province (Brazilian Amazon Region) 14: 101-111 18: Workshop Proceedings 20: 11 40: En 41: En 42: 53: South American Radar Experiment -SAREX-92 54: 06-08 Dec. <1993> 56: Paris 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: SAREX 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SA 82: 83: The SAREX campaign was undertaken during April 92 in the Carajaws Mineral Province with the acquisition of C-HH and C-VV SAR highresolution data. The main obnective of the investigation in this area id to test the capability of airbone SAR data in various configurations (polarization incidence and azimuth angles)to differsntiate lithostratigraphic units, geological structures, distinct classes of tropical rain forest vegetation aiming at geobotonical application and mining activities. The SAR data were acquired under three different conditions. Wide swath mode was used to cover regionally the whole Province. Nadir and Narrow modes were used over the main mineralized areas. Based on the preliminary analysis of the Nadir and Narrow swath products,, the following conclusions are possible: (a)faults, joints and geological lineaments are well detectable in both polarizations, in a more detailed levels than the ones pubished on previous maps. However, forv the Narrow and Nadir modes, the radar backscatter is sensitive to look direction and local incidence angle. In low relief areas,perpendicular look direction is more important for the enhancement of subtle geological structures created extensive shadows, so the (b)lithostratigraphic units were also well detectable in accorfance to published on the maps. However ,unknown sub-divisions werealso identified and will be checked in the field;(c)C-HH data are slightly better than C-VV in the detection and characterization of mining activities, mainly cut horizontal bench od strip mines; (d)campos rupestres specific typesavanna vegetation associated with laterite (duricrusts)in iron-deposits, has presented characteristic SAR responses in both polarizations but more tonal variation are related to VV rather than to HH (Nadir and Narrow modes). For the manganese deposit (Azul area)a distinct Dense Ombrophilous Equatorial forest unit was also detected in both polarizations and modes (Narrow and Nadir) 91: FDB-19950515 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6905 1: SID/SCD 2: 7665 3: INPE-7665-PRE/3515 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 12: Airborne SAR data to map Tucurui reservoir (Amazon) 14: 71-86 18: Workshop Proceedings 20: 14 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ESA 53: South American Radar Experiment - SAREX-92 54: 06-08 Dec. <1993> 56: Paris 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: ANALISE AMBIENTAL 83: This paper presents an analysis of C band SAR acquired over the Tucurui reseervoir as part od the Saouth American Radar Experiment (SAREX-92)carrid out through a cooperation between ESA (European Sapace Agency), CCRS (Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing), INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais)and Eletronorte (Centrais Eletricas do Norte, S.A). The reservoir was formed by damming the Tocantins river and flooded an area od approcimately 2430 Km2of forest land. Deforestation, forest burning and soil erosion is producing outstanding changes in the reservoir boundaries over the time. Attempts to use TM/Landasat to monitor aquatic weed infestation and changes in the water land boundary were limited to the dry season because of the heavy cloud cover from September thorough May. Radar data present an unique opportunity to obtain sensonal information on the reservoir boundaries and on the plant communities. During the experiment the Convair 580 SAR system acquired C band data at different modes (Nadir, Narrow and Wide modes)and polarizations (HH, VV< HV< and VH)Aerial color photographs at the 1:10 000 scale, TM/Landsat images and ERS-1 data were also acquird. In this paper the`empahasis is put on the differences between two parallel polarizations HH and VV obtained to simulate Radarsat and ERS-1 data respectively. To perform this asssesment a sub-image encompassing five different aquatic weed species (Eichhormia crassipes, Salvinea auriculata, Pistia stratiotes, Scirpus cubenses, Typha dominguensis)with various degrees of homogeneity and density and dead trees (paliteiros)was selected. Sar images were geometrically and radiometrically corrected and resgisteres to TM/Landasat data ERS-1 data. Preliminary results show an enhanced capability of rada data(SAR and ERS-1)for mapping the land-water boundary over water bodies affected by aquatic weed infestation. Macrophyte species, however, are better discriminated in the TM color composites. Three different species: Scirpus cubenes, Eichhornia crassipes and Salvinea auriculata were discriminated with SAR-C bands. They also proved to be useful to map the areas with different densities of dead trees (paliteiros) 91: FDB-19950515 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6906 1: SID/SCD 2: 7649 3: INPE-7649-PRE/3499 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Grover,K.D. 10: Tissi, Plinio 10: Alves, A. Hiroshi 12: Image quality, statistical and textural properties of SAREX from the Tapajos test site 14: 15-23 18: Workshop Proceedings 20: 8 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ESA 53: South American Radar Experiment - SAREX-92 54: 06-08 Dec. <1993> 56: Paris 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: SAREX 87: SOUTH AMERICAN RADAR EXPERIMENTS 82: 83: The image quality of the SAREX data set from the Tapajos test site is examined in the light of the available CCRS calibration data. Noise removal and its effects on the statistical properties or the data is addressed. Mathematical modeling is used to predict HH/VV differencs, incidence angle effects and general trends; these are compares to the wide and narrow swath SAREX data. Modeling is also used to allow comparison with an ERS-1 scene from the same region . Statistical and textural discrimination of surface cover types is investigated; preliminary results are presented 91: FDB-19950515 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6907 1: SID/SCD 2: 7650 3: INPE-7650-PRE/3500 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Ahern, Frank J. 10: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 12: Initial evaluation of airborne and ERS-1 SAR data for the Tajapos National Forest, Brazil 14: 87-94 18: Workshop Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ESA 53: South American Radar Experiment -SAREX-92 54: 06-08 Dec. <1993> 56: Paris 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 83: We have evaluated airbone (C-HH, 10 m x 20 m resolution x 7 look)and ERS-1 (C_VV, the Tapajos National Forest, Brasil for geomorphological mapping and vegetation discrimination. Visual interpretation indicated that the vegetation units of the National Forest originally delineated with RADAMBRAZIL SAR C-SAR data. Both geomorphological interpretation and visual assessment oftexture provided this additional discrimination. An evalution of class separability using the Bhattacharrya distance (BD)indicated that the ingle airborne SAR image, when included with ix Thematic Mapper reflective bands, did not ncrease class separability appreciably, ompared with six TM bands alone However, he addition of four radar channels, derived rom the original image using spatial filters and texture transformations, increased the umber of separable class pairs (BD>1.0)from 7 with the TM alone to 37. The mean increase at BD was 0.342. A comparison of the airborne hage with an ERS-1 image of the same area lowed that the airborne image was superior for delineating streams and forest clearings. However the ERS-1 image eas superior when sed to differentiate geomorphological units, cause the steeper incidence angle increased e visibility or subtle relief features. Neither ta source could be used to detect smaller rest disturbances which were clearly visible Landsat Thematic Mapper images 91: FDB-19950515 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 6908 1: SID/SCD 2: 6572 3: INPE-6572-PRE/2609 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ahern, Frank J. 10: Campbell, F.H.A. 10: Elizondo, C. 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Raney, R.K> 10: Salcedo, R. 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Singhroy, V 12: C-Band SAR for resources management in tropical evironments: lessons from SAREX-92 investigations in Brazil, Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Guyana 14: 235-246 18: Workshop Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ESA 53: South American Radar Experiment - SAREX-92 54: 06-08 Dec. <1993> 56: Paris 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: The objective of the SAREX-92 project is to learn how to use satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR)data (possibly supplemented by other data)for environmental monitoring natural resource management in tropical forest environments. While many of the investigations utilizing SAREX-92 data are still in progress, it is possible to generalize the findings dto date, and to apply these to plans from ERS-2 RADARSAT , and subsequest radar satellites.The discussion is arranfes by application area: natural vegetation, agriculture, geology geomorphology, hydrology, coastal applications, urban applications, and cartography. For each application we summarize the findings of investigators who participated in Canadas Tropical Forest Initiative (TFI)in Costa Rica, Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana. From this we highlight the conclusion that may be drawn from these studies as they relate to the operational use of SAR data, paarticularly radar satellites. SAREX-92 has fostered growth in the remote sensing community towards knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of C-band SAR data in the mnoist tropics. BNased on an extensive data base and a wide variety of studies, we now know several promising tropical applications of C-band radar data, and which problems to investigate furthewr. Also important, we are in a better position both thorough technology and infrastructure to worl with resouce managers who need the information C-band SAR can offer 91: FDB-19950515 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7045 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Richey, J. E. 10: Victoria, R. L. 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 12: The region Amazon: an interdisciplinary project of the Earth Observation System 14: 360-364 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing and Global Enviroment Change, 25 54: 04-08 Abr. <1993> 56: Graz 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 91: FDB-19950811 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7046 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 10: Valeriano, Marcio Morisson 10: Oliveira, J. B 12: Bidirection reflectance factor of 14 tropical soil classes 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Optical Engeneering anf Photonics in Aerospace Science and Sensing; Conference on Recente Advances in Sensors, Radiometric Calibration, Processing of Remotely Sensed Data 54: 12-16 Abr. <1993> 56: Orlando 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 91: FDB-19950811 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7047 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva Filho, P. N. 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 12: Influencia of irradiance on bidirectional reflectance of fator measurements 14: 232-239 20: 8 38: (Proceeding SPIE 1938) 40: En 41: En 42: 52: SPIE 53: Recent Advances in Sensors Radiometric Calibaration and Processing of Remotely Sensed Data 54: 12-16 Apr. <1993> 56: Orlando 57: USA 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 91: FDB-19950809 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7054 1: SID/SCD 2: 5633 3: INPE-5633-TDI/557 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07]528.711.7:63 16: Ortiz, Manoel Jimenez 18: Integracao de sensoriamento remoto, sistema de informacoes geograficas e banco de dados, na identificacao de culturas agricolas de inverno. 19: Integration of remote sensing, geographic information systems and databases, to identify winter agricultural crops 20: 161 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Antonio Roberto Formaggio (orientador); Raimundo Almeida Filho; Flavio Jorge Ponzoni; Rubens Angulo Filho 59: SER 62: INPE 64: <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 73: 1988, 1989, 1990 76: AGRONOMIA 87: SGI 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: CULTURAS DE INVERNO 87: CLASSIFICACAO IMAGENS 87: INTEGRACAO DE DADOS 87: IDENTIFICACAO DE CULTURA 87: SIG 87: SITIM 87: METODOLOGIA 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: MAXIMA VEROSSIMILHANCA 88: CROP IDENTIFICATION 88: DATA BASE 88: MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 88: DATA INTEGRATION 88: FARM CROPS 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: IMAGE CLASSIFICATION 88: DATA ACQUISITION 88: DATA BASES 88: WINTER 82: 83: O presente trabalho, apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para a identificacao de culturas agricolas irrigadas de inverno na regiao do municipio de Guaira (SP)para o ano de 1991, utilizando um banco de imagens multitemporais e dados auxiliares de campo, referentes a tres anos consecutivos (1988, 1989 e 1990). A partir das imagens e dos dados auxiliares, foi possivel, utilizando um sistema de tratamento de imagens (SITIM), um sistema de informacoes geograficas (SGI)e um sistema gerenciador de banco de dados (dBase IV), realizar a integracao destes dados multifontes e multitemporais, visando identificar as culturas agricolas. Com o intuito de avaliar os resultados obtidos pela metodologia desenvolvida, a area de estudo foi classificada digitalmente utilizando-se um algoritmo de maxima verossimilhanca. Sendo posteriormente os dois resultados comparados atraves da estatistica "KAPPA", obtendo-se indices de 0,668974 (muito bom)para o metodo de classificacao proposto e 0,472170 (bom), para metodo que utilizou a classificacao digital. Os valores obtidos permitiram cncluir que a area de estudo classificada com a metodologia proposta, obteve um indice geral de desempenho superior, em relacao a classificacao digital, de 28,93 pocento . A pesquisa alertou tambem para os problemas encontrados no momento da integracao de dados multifontes, sugerindo a utilizacao de um sistema de geoprocessamento com uma concepcao mais moderna. ABSTRACT: This work presents the development of a methodology to identify winter irrigated agricultural crops in Guaira region, State of Sao Paulo, to the year 1991, using a multitemporal imagery dataset and ground auxiliary data, covering three consecutive years (1988, 1989, and 1990)from images and auxiliary data made possible using an image treatment system (SITIM), a geographic information system (GIS), and a database management system (dBASE 4)to realize the integration of these 'multifonts' and multitemporal data to identify the agricultural crops. With the purpose of evaluating the gathered results with the proposed method, the study area was digitally classified using a likelihood algorithm. Later, both results were compared using 'Kappa statistics,' supplying the indexes of 0.668974 (very good)to the proposed method and 0.472170 (good)to the digital classification method. The gathered values showed that the classified area with the proposed method provided a general index with better performance than the digital classification, about 28.93 percent. The research also allowed the identification of problems at the moment of 'multifont' data integration, suggesting the use of a modern geoprocessing system 83: . MFN: 7353 1: SID/SCD 2: 5683 3: INPE-5683-TDI/569 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07]528.711.7:574.583 16: Mantovani, Jose Eduardo 18: Comportamento espectral da agua: faixas espectrais de maior sensibilidade ao fitoplancton na presenca de materia organica dissolvida e de materia inorganica particulada 20: 119 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Evlyn Marcia Leao Moraes Novo (orientador); Antonio Roberto Formaggio; Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio; Maria do Carmo Calijuri 58: DSR 59: SER 62: INPE 64: Jul. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: ECOSSISTEMAS AQUATICOS 87: TANQUES 87: ARGILA 87: FITOPLANCTON 87: TURFA 87: MACROFITAS 87: CLOROFILA 87: REFLECTANCIA BIDIRECIONAL 88: BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE 88: HUMIC 88: CLAY 88: TANKS 88: CHLOROPHYLLS 88: AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS 83: Em experimentos de laboratorio foi determinado o fator de reflectancia bidirecional (FRB)de diferentes combinacoes de tres componentes comuns aos ecossistemas aquaticos. As combinacoes foram feitas em tanques sob iluminacao artificial controlada. Foram combinadas C. vulgaris, substancias humicas e argila (caulim). As amostras de C. vulgaris foram obtidas de culturas puras mantidas em laboratorio. Substancias humicas foram extraidas de amostras de turfa e da decomposicao de uma macrofita aquatica. Caulim foi obtido de amostras de solo. O comportamento espectral dos tres componentes foi analisado atraves das curvas de FRB, e as bandas de maior sensibilidade aos pigmentos fotossintetizantes presentes em C. vulgaris foram determinadas atraves de analise de sensibilidade e da distancia normalizada. Caulim promoveu aumento da reflectancia no intervalo de 400 a 900 nm. As substancias humicas promoveram diminuicao da reflectancia entre 400 4 670 nm, e aumento entre 670 e 900 nm. C. vulgaris mostrou faixas de aumento e faixas de diminuicao da reflectancia dependentes do revestimento interno dos tanques. As bandas de maior sensibilidade ficaram proximas dos picos de maior absorcao pelos pigmentos clorofila a e carotenoides, e ainda proximas do pico de fluorescencia da clorofila a 91: FDB-19961001 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7487 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Lima, Reinaldo Antonio Ferreira de 18: Identificacao de processos oceanograficos superficiais, no Atlantico Equatorial, utilizando dados AVHRR 19: Identification of surface oceanographic processes on Equatorial Atlantic, using AVHRR data 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Marcio Luiz Viana (orientador); Joao Antonio Lorenzzentti; Clovis Angeli Sansigolo; Edmo Jose Dias Campos 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: fev. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 73: 1986/1989 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: TEMPERATURA DA SUPERFICIE DO MAR 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: SATELITES TIROS 87: AVHRR 87: RADIOMETRO AVANCADO DE RESOLUCAO MUITO ALTA 87: IMAGENS TIROS 87: MAPAS DE TEMPERATURA DA SUPERFICIE DO MAR 88: OCEAN SURFACE 88: OCEAN TEMPERATURE 88: OCEANOGRAPHY 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: TIROS SATELLITES 82: 83: Este trabalho tem por finalidade propor uma metodologia para transformacao dos dados de temperatura da superficie do mar (TSM), com media semanal e resolucao espacial de 18X18 Km, disponiveis no NASA Ocean Data System/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, em imagens tematicas, utilizando um Sistema de Informacao Geografica (SGI). Esta transformacao visa a identificacao dos processos oceanograficos, presentes no Atlantico Equatorial, que possuem assinatura termal superficial. Consideracoes sao feitas sobre os campos de ventos, correntes e TSM dessa regiao do Atlantico, bem como sobre a evolucao dos satelites da serie TIROS, a descricao do radiometro AVHRR e a teoria envolvida na transformacao da radiacao eletromagnetica emitida pela superficie dos oceanos em temperatura real. Os 47 arquivos semanais referentes ao ano de 1987, originalmente no formato VAX backup, foram convertidos para o padrao do sistema operacional DOS, sendo assimilados pelo SGI, onde foram geradas as imagens tematicas. Foram geradas, tambem, series de tempo de TSM para pontos selecionados, cobrindo o periodo de janeiro de 1986 a dezembro de 1989. As imagens tematicas revelaram processos oceanograficos como: o resfriamento superficial que ocorre na costa da Guine, todos os anos, semelhante a ressurgencia; o resfriamento superficial registrado ao largo da Guiana Francesa, na regiao dominada pela retroflexao da Corrente Norte do Brasil, ocorrido apenas em 1987; o aquecimento anormal, em 1987, na regiao conhecida como "Cone do Amazonas"; o aquecimento, ao largo da costa da Liberia, denominado "Domo da Guine"; a ressurgencia equatorial; e a lingua da agua fria sazonal na regiao sul do Atlantico Equatorial. As imagens tematicas revelaram oscilacoes longas nas frentes oceanograficas presentes em 05 graus N, com comprimento de 1000 350 Km e velocidade de fase de 27 11 cm/s. A analise estatistica das series de tempo representativas dessas oscilacoes conduziram a determinacao do periodo significativo, marcantemente intrassazonal, de 25 dias. A metodologia seguida permitiu aprovar um modo alternativo de gerar mapas de TSM, contornando as dificuldades normalmente encontradas em tratar imagens NOAA-AVHRR de alta resolucao 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7488 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Goncalves, Silvio Manoel Silva 76: AGRONOMIA 87: COBERTURA VEGETAL 87: REFLECTANCIA BIDIRECIONAL 87: SOJA 88: CLOUD COUVER 88: BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE 88: SOYBEAN 83: O desenvolvimento de modelos de reflectancia para coberturas vegetais tem-se mostrado de grande importancia para o entendimento das relacoes existentes entre as variaveis espectrais e agronomicas, permitindo uma maior utilizacao dos dados disponiveis na area de Sensoriamento Remoto. Sendo assim, pretende-se atraves deste trabalho avaliar o desempenho dos modelos SUITS, SAIL e SRVC, bem como propor um modelo simplificado para o calculo do Fator de Reflectancia Bidirecional de coberturas vegetais (MSCR). Os dados necessarios a este estudo foram obtidos atraves de um experimento com a cultura de soja (variedade IAC-15), realizado no ano de 1991, em area experimental localizada no municipio de Paulinia, cedida pelo CPQBA (Centro Pluridisciplinar de Pesquisas Quimicas, Biologicas e Agricolas)- UNICAMP. Atraves da analise dos resultados conclui-se que, em geral, o modelo SUITS apresenta um desempenho superior ao apresentado pelos demais modelos, e que os ajustes obtidos pelos modelos estudados para a banda 4 do TM foram superiores aqueles obtidos nas demais bandas. Adicionalmente verificou-se que o modelo MSCR apresentou-se um desempenho satisfatorio, indicando a possibilidade de utilizacao de modelos simplificados para o calculo do fator de reflectancia bidirecional de coberturas vegetais. Pode-se verificar que a reflectancia difusa de folhas e o principal parametro de entrada para os modelos, sendo ela a determinante da qualidade do ajuste obtido 58: Banca: Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio (orientador); Antonio Roberto Formaggio (orientador); Corina da Costa Freitas Yanasse; Icaro Vitorello; Luiz Roberto Angelocci 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: fev. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 18: Modelos de simulacao de reflectancia de dosseis agricolas para a cultura da soja (Glycine max (L.)Merr.) 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre MFN: 7489 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Faria, Kleber de 18: Proposicao metodologica para o monitoramento da distribuicao espacial da cobertura florestal aplicando tecnicas de geoprocessamento na area da ferrovia Carajas-Sao Luis 19: A methodological proposal to evaluate - the change in forest cover using a geographic information system: the case of the zone of influence of the railway carajas - Sao Luis 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Thelma Krug (orientadora); Mario Valerio Filho; Joao Roberto dos Santos; Luiz Gylvan Meira Filho 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: jan. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTAS 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 88: VEGETATION 88: FORESTS 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 88: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 82: 83: Este trabalho apresenta uma proposicao metodologica para monitorar a distribuicao espacial da cobertura florestal na area de influencia da Ferrovia Carajas-Sao Luis, utilizando imagens do satelite LANDSAT (MSS e TM)e Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas (SIG). As informacoes tematicas foram extraidas atraves de interpretacao visual das imagens, referentes aos anos de 1980, 1985 e 1989, totalizando 47 datas de passagens. A area de estudo foi subdividida em 427 unidades georeferenciadas na forma de uma grade. Estes valores foram incorporados a uma Planilha Eletronica, gerando taxas de alteracao da cobertura florestal em periodos distintos que, transferida para um SIG, foram analisadas tanto espacial quanto numericamente. Os resultados encontrados atraves da analise espacial possibilitaram uma visao sinotica da area estudada. A analise numerica das taxas, feita atraves de parametros estatisticos e distribuicoes de frequencia, permitiu quantificar a intensidade das alteracoes nos diferentes periodos estudados 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7492 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Vieira, Ieda Maria 18: Tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto aplicadas ao estudo e analise da expansao urbana em ambientes litoraneos 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Maria de Lourdes Neves Oliveira Kurkdjian (orientadora); Mario Valerio Filho; Juercio Tavares de Mattos; Celina Foresti 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: fev. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 83: O presente trabalho apresenta metodologias de interpretacao visual de produtos fotograficos e digitais de produtos de sensoriamento remoto para fins de deteccao de alteracao e analise da expansao urbana em ambientes litoraneos. Os produtos utilizados para o cumprimento desses objetivos foram imagens MSS e TM/LANDSAT, HRV/SPOT, fotografias aereas, cartas topograficas e mapeamentos tematicos especificos. A area teste escolhida foi o municipio de Ubatuba, litoral norte de Sao Paulo por apresentar constantes problemas de ordem ambiental e geotecnica decorrentes da falta de criterios para a ocupacao urbana. Aos dados de expansao urbana obtidos foram integrados dados provenientes da adaptacao feita a carta geotecnica elaborada pelo IPT (1991), visando adequar o uso urbano e suas formas de ocupacao, assim como as atividades socio-economicas, as peculiaridades fisicas e ambientais do municipio. Da integracao desses dados foram gerados dois produtos cartograficos: o primeiro indicativo da expansao urbana de Ubatuba no periodo de 1973 a 1989 e o segundo indicativo das areas com diferentes tipo de restricoes a ocupacao urbana no municipio. Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatorios tanto a nivel das metodologias de sensoriamento remoto aplicadas, que contou com a aplicacao inedita da tecnica de transformacao IHS em estudos multitemporais de deteccao de alteracoes urbanas, assim como a nivel dos produtos cartograficos gerados, como subsidio ao estabelecimento de diretrizes de uso e ocupacao urbana MFN: 7494 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Almeida Jr., Almyr Cesar de 18: Avaliacao dos modelos Suits e Sail na simulacao da reflectancia espectral de dosseis de trigo (Triticum aestivun, L) 19: Evaluation of 2 canopy reflectance model for wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Antonio Roberto Formaggio (orientador); Thelma Krug; Flavio Jorge Ponzoni; Hilton Silveira Pinto 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: dez. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: TRIGO 87: DOSSEL (VEGETACAO) 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 88: CANOPIES (VEGETATION) 88: WHEAT 82: 83: Objetivando coletar parametros biofisicos e espectrais para avaliar dois modelos de simulacao de reflectancia de dosseis agricolas (Suits e SAIL), foi instalado um campo experimental de trigo (Triticum aestivum, L.)em Campinas (SP). Analisaram-se as relacoes entre os parametros biofisicos e espectrais (medidos e calculados pelos modelos Suits e SAIL)e o ajuste dos modelos aos fatores de reflectancia bidirecional, para os comprimentos de onda compreendidos entre 400nm-900nm. Alem idsso, o desempenho dos modelos foi avaliado em 4 bandas simuladas do sensor Thematic Mapper (TM1-azul; TM2-verde; TM3-vermelho e TM4-infravermelho proximo). A banda TM4 obteve a melhor correlacao com os parametros biofisicos (area foliar, peso seco de folhas, indice de area foliar e biomassa). A banda TM3 foi a que obteve melhor correlacao linear dos modelos Suits e SAIL com os fatores de reflectancia bidirecional medidos no campo e entre os modelos para angulo zenital de visada a 0 e a 30 . Os modelos superestimaram sistematicamente os fatores de reflectancia bidirecional medidos nas duas configuracoes de visada, indicando uma tendencia. Os modelos Suits e SAIL, tiveram desempenho semelhante nos comprimentos de onda do visivel ao longo do ciclo fenologico do trigo. Apenas na banda TM4, as discrepancias entre os fatores de reflectancia bidirecional medidos e calculados pelos modelos foi maior no modelo Suits. Os modelos podem representar o fator de reflectancia bidirecional de um dossel desde que as caracteristicas deste dossel sejam fielmente descritas 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7497 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Hamburger, Diana Sarita 18: Utilizacao de informacoes derivadas de caracterisiticas texturais de imagens orbitais na definacao de classes de uso do solo urbano 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Celina Foresti (orientadora); Gerald Jean Francis Banon; Nelson Delfino d'Avila Mascarenhas; Maria de Lourdes Neves O. Kurkdjian; Felisberto Cavalheiro 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: mar. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: USO DA TERRA 87: MORFOLOGIA MATEMATICA 88: DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING 88: LAND USE 88: MATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY 88: URBAN PLANNING 82: 83: Este trabalho pretende verificar a aplicabilidade de dados texturais extraidos da analise digital de imagens orbitais para a discriminacao de classes de uso do solo urbano. Para isto foi feita a avaliacao das feicoes urbanas que resultam em caracteristicas texturais nas imagens orbitais; e o estudo dos metodos de obter estas caracteristicas das imagens orbitais, atraves da extracao de informacoes texturais com o processamento digital de imagens. Para tal, sao estudadas caracteristicas das classes de uso do solo na superficie terrestre e suas relacoes com as propriedades texturais. E aplicado o programa desenvolvido por Andrade (1989)que extrai informacoes texturais. As medidas que apresentam resultados mais significativos sao definidas, em morfologia matematica como erosao e fechamento. A area de estudo considerada foi a regiao de Alphaville, na regiao Metropolitana de Sao Paulo 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7498 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Felix, Iara Musse 18: Modelos empiricos para a estimativa de variaveis limnologicas a partir de dados de sensoriamento remoto: reservatorio de Barra Bonita - SP 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo (orientadora); Getulio Teixeira Batista; Gerald Jean Francis Banon; Antonio Fernando Monteiro Camargo 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: nov. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: LIMNOLOGIA 87: AGUA 87: CLOROFILA 87: LANDSAT-5 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: REFLECTANCIA 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 88: WATER 88: CHLOROPHYLLS 88: LANDSAT SATELLITES 88: REFLECTANCE 83: Valores de reflectancia espectral obtidos a partir de dados do sensor TM/Landsat-5 e de dados simulados do sensor HIRIS foram utilizados para gerar modelos empiricos para a estimativa de variaveis limnologicas. As amostras de agua coletadas simultaneamente as medicoes radiometricas de campo e orbital foram analisadas em laboratorio para determinacao das concentracoes das variaveis limnologicas oticamente ativas. Os modelos empiricos obtidos atraves das analises de regressao linear multipla "stepwise" indicaram que os melhores resultados foram obtidos a partir dos dados simulados do sensor HIRIS, devido principalmente a localizacao e resolucao espectral das bandas selecionadas. Os modelos obtidos a partir dos dados TM/Landsat-5 apresentaram melhores resultados quando estes sao submetidos a correcao dos efeitos aditivos da atmosfera. Dentre as variaveis oticamente ativas estudadas (Total de Sedimento em Suspensao - TSS, Material Inorganico em Suspensao - MI, Material Organico em Suspensao - MO, Clorofila Total - CLTOT e profundidade de desaparecimento do disco de Secchi-Secchi), a clorofila total so foi possivel de ser modelada, a partir dos dados simulados do sensor HIRIS, atraves da razao de bandas 680 por 660 nm. Estas bandas correspondem respectivamente ao pico de fluorescencia e absorcao da clorofila 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7499 58: Banca: Antonio Roberto Formaggio (orientador); Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio (orientador); Joao Vianei Soares; Antonio Joao Lourenco 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: jan. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: GEOMETRIA DE VISADA 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 83: A pesquisa teve como objetivo a avaliacao da influencia da variacao da geometria de visada no comportamento espectral da vegetacao herbacea e do substrato subjacente em pastagens compostas por Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. cv. Basilik e Brachiaria brizantha Stapf. cv. Marandu. O desenvolvimento metodologico envolveu a analise da relacao entre a reflectancia espectral e os parametros biofisicos da vegetacao herbacea e do substrato subjacente. Para tanto, foram realizadas medicoes radiometricas e biofisicas para 25 amostras da vegetacao e para uma amostra do solo em areas experimentais de 1000m2, para cada especie. As medidas de reflectancia bidirecional multiespectral (500 a 1100 nm)foram obtidas nos angulos zenitais de 0, 15, 30, 45 e 60 graus para 3 setores do plano azimutal (0,90 e 180 graus), com a variacao do angulo zenital solar controlada para uma amplitude de 10 graus (45 -55 ) e a variacao azimutal solar compensada no metodo de aquisicao. Foram avaliados os seguintes parametros biometricos da vegetacao: fitomassa total fresca e seca, fitomassa verde fresca e seca, fitomassa seca fresca e seca, teor de agua total e da fitomassa verde e seca, folhas verdes e secas, colmos verdes e secos, indice de area foliar, area foliar total, indice de cobertura, distribuicao angular das folhas estratificada por altura da cobertura e altura da cobertura. Os parametros do solo analisados foram a classificacao da cor do solo segundo a tabela Munsell, teor de materia organica, textura e rugosidade. Tal desenvolvimento visa a compreensao, em nivel quantitativo, dos principais mecanismos fisicos envolvidos na dinamica da reflectancia bidirecional multiespectral de coberturas vegetais homogeneas e suas influencias na relacoa entre os indicadores espectrais e os parametros biofisicos. O comportamento geral verificado foi coerente com o observado na literatura para coberturas completas de gramineas, sendo explicado pela atuacao conjunta dos mecanismos fisicos conhecidos como "efeito 1" (efeito geometrico da estrutura da vegetacao)e "funcao de fase" (efeito das propriedades opticas dos constituintes da vegetacao). As maiores variacoes nos valores dos FRBMs (Fatores de Reflectancia Bidirecional Multiespectral)ocorreram no plano azimutal paralelo ao plano solar, enquanto as menores ocorreram no plano perpendicular ao solar. As bandas no visivel foram as mais influenciadas pela variacao da geometria de visada, apresentando variacoes azimutais e zenitais superiores as observadas para as bandas no IVP. Para as duas coberturas nao se verificou uma influencia significativa do espalhamento anisotropico do solo na distribuicao angular dos FRBMs. O maximo conteudo de informacao sobre a estrutura geometrica da cobertura esta no AA V de 180 , que melhor se correlacionou com os parametros biofisicos, devido a ocorrencia dos picos primario e secundario de reflexao. As piores correlacoes ocorreram no AA V de 0 e estao relacionadas ao comportamento inverso da reflectancia (diminuicao)com o aumento do AZV. Os maiores coeficientes de correlacao ocorridos com a maioria dos parametros biofisicos no AZV de 45 estao associados a ocorrencia dos picos primario e secundario de reflexao proximos a esse AZV. Os parametros caracterizadores da producao e do teor de agua apresentaram as melhores correlacoes, principalmente por estarem mais relacionados a faixa do IVP, que apresentou as maiores correlacoes. O efeito geometrico da cobertura foi o mecanismo dominante, mas teve seus efeitos alterados pela atuacao do efeito da funcao de fase 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Morelli, Ademir Fernando 18: Influencia da geometria de visada na reflectancia espectral de duas gramineas forregeiras 19: The influence of view geometry variation in spectral reflectance of two forage grasses 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre MFN: 7500 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Cabral, Alexandre Pereira 18: Extracao da batimetria e dos tipos de substrato de um setor da plataforma continental do Rio Grande do Norte utilizando imagens TM-Landsat 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Marcio Luiz Vianna (orientador); Joao Antonio Lorenzzetti; Merritt Raymond Stevenson; Marcus Aguiar Gorini 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: maio <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: BATIMETRIA 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: CALIBRACAO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: PROJETO TOPSUB 87: SIG 88: BATHYMETRY 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 88: CALIBRATION 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 82: 83: O presente trabalho demonstra a viabilidade de aplicacao de um metodo de extracao de batimetria e de classificacao de tipos de substrato da plataforma continental, a partir de uma unica imagem do sensor TM-Landsat, em uma ou duas bandas espectrais (banda 1 e banda 2), e de um transect batimetrico para calibracao (determinacao dos coeficientes de atenuacao da agua). A area de trabalho localiza-se em um setor da plataforma continental do Rio Grande do Norte, entre as isobatas de 10m e 30m. Empregou-se um modelo de duas bandas. Os coeficientes de atenuacao da agua obtidos foram de 0.055 m e de 0.067 m para as bandas 1 e 2, respectivamente. O erro medio na estimativa da profundidade foi de 0.92m para a banda 1 e 1.01m para a banda 2. A imagem de batimetria obtida foi fatiada em 4 classes: 10-15m, 15-20m, 20-25m e 25-30m. A imagem de tipos de substrato foi fatiada nas classes: areia, fundo misto e fundo vegetado. Um outro metodo foi testado, aplicando-se uma Transformacao por Componentes Principais (TCP)nas duas bandas mencionadas. A 1a. Componente Principal esta relacionada as variacoes de batimetria. A 2a. Componente Principal esta relacionada as mudancas do tipo de substrato. Duas imagens foram produzidas: batimetria via TCP e tipo de fundo via TCP. As imagens foram fatiadas segundo as classes mencionadas acima. Para fins de comparacao, inseriu-se no SGI-INPE os dados batimetricos de folhas de bordo da area. Os dados foram fatiados gerando-se uma imagem tematica de batimetria. O modelo de duas bandas mostrou-se mais eficiente na caracterizacao da batimetria e dos tipos de substrato. A batimetria via TCP apresentou incorrecoes, enquanto que o mapa de tipos de substrato via TCP apresentou resultados satisfatorios. As imagens de batimetria geradas pelas tres tecnicas foram relacionadas atraves de correlacoes cruzadas. A batimetria via modelo apresentou uma maior correlacao com os dados das folhas de bordo, demonstrando seu potencial para a atualizacao de cartas nauticas. O metodo e util devido a boa resolucao horizontal (30m)e vertical (1m). Os dados obtidos fornecem subsidios para o mapeamento detalhado de corpos arenosos e bancos de algas, em apoio aos trabalhos de levantamento de recursos da plataforma rasa do Nordeste brasileiro, dentro do Projeto TOPSUB da Divisao de Ciencias da Terra do INPE 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7504 91: FDB-19970523 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Vedovello, Ricardo 18: Zoneamento geotecnico, por sensoriamento remoto, para estudos de planejamento do meio-fisico: aplicacao em expansao urbana 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Juercio Tavares de Mattos (orientador); Paulo Veneziani; Maria de Lourdes Neves O. Kurkdjian; Eugenio Vertamatti; Jairo Roberto Jimenez Rueda 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: jan. <1993> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: MEIO FISICO 87: MAPEAMENTO GEOTECNICO 87: USO DA TERRA 87: EXPANSAO URBANA 83: O mapeamento geotecnico constitui importante mecanismo de analise fisiografica que objetiva harmonizar o uso e ocupacao da terra pelo homem. Entre os tipos de mapeamento geotecnico destaca-se o zoneamento para uso geral como o mais adequado para embasar estudos de planejamento sobre o meio fisico. Para a obtencao de zoneamentos geotecnicos de uso geral, a partir da interpretacao de imagens de satelite, sao identificadas tres etapas. Na primeira, e realizada uma compartimentacao fisiografica baseada na analise de elementos texturais de relevo e drenagem e de suas estruturas em imagens fotograficas. Assim, sao identificados unidades basicas de compartimentacao (UBCs)as quais estao incluidas em niveis taxonomicos mais gerais (Provincia, Zona e Subzona). Na segunda, as UBCs obtidas na primeira etapa sao caracterizadas em funcao de fatores (propriedades e caracteristicas)geotecnicos considerados basicos para subsidiar a avaliacao das unidades quanto ao potencial de uso para expansao urbana. Ja na terceira etapa, a partir de uma tabela de correlacao entre os fatores analisados e o potencial de uso, as unidades basicas de compartimentacao sao classificadas segundo quatro classes de aptidao/restricoes. A avaliacao dos resultados obtidos mostrou que o procedimento adotado apresenta grande potencial para aquisicao de zoneamentos geotecnicos subsidiarios a estudos de planejamento do meio fisico e de analise ambiental. Alem disso, o formato das UBCs possibilita o uso dessas unidades nao so para o zoneamento geotecnico como para quaisquer tipos de estudos que versam sobre a avaliacao de terrenos MFN: 7513 1: SID/SCD 2: 5346 3: INPE-5955-NTC/320 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 10: Barrera, Junior 12: Decomposition of mappings between complete lattices by mathematical morphology, part I. General lattices 14: 299-327 30: Signal Processing 31: 30 32: : 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: MATEMATICA MORFOLOGICA 87: erosÆo 83: Two canonical decompositions of mappings between complete lattices are presented. These decompositions are based on mathematical morphology elementary mappings: erosions, anti-erosions, dilations and anti-dilations. The proposed decompositions are obtained by introducing the concept of morphological connection, that extends the notion of Galois connection. The definitions of sup-generating mapping, kernel and basis within the framework of complete lattices are given. The decompositions are built by analysing the kernel and may be simplified from the basis. The results are specialized to the cases of inf-separable, increasing and decreasing mappings. The presented decompositions are dual. Some examples, including the case of boolean functions simplification, illustrate the key concepts and the decomposition rule 91: FDB-19970605 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7692 1: SID/SCD 2: 6369 3: INPE-6369-PRE/2443 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Bins, Leonardo Sant'Ana 10: Erthal, Guaraci Jose 10: Fonseca, Leila Maria Garcia 12: Um metodo de classificacao nao supervisionada por regioes 14: 65-68 21: v.4 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao grafica e Processamento de Imagens, 6 54: 19-22 out. <1993> 56: Recife 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 88: CLASSIFICACAO 88: CLUSTERING 88: SEGMENTATION 88: STATISTICS 83: A clustering classification method is described and applied to Landsat TM images. This method differs from the conventional unsupervised classification, in the sense that the clustering algorithm is applied to a set of regions, obtained from the segmented image. The statistical parameters of these regions are used to classify each 91: FDB-19970728 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7693 1: SID/SCD 2: 6132 3: INPE-6132-PRE/2232 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 10: Candeias, Ana Lucia Bezerra 12: Restauracao de imagens NOAA por morfologia matematica 14: 139-145 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao Grafica e Processamento de Imagens, 6 54: 19-22 out.<1993> 56: Recife 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 87: MORFOLOGIA MATEMATICA 87: NOAA 83: The striping effect on NOAA image can be reduced by using the Mathematical Morphology tools. At the first stage, the corrupted pixels are localized and, at the second stage, their values are interpolated from the uncorrupted neighbored pixel values. The implemented algorithm uses the Mathematical Morphology Toolbox for the KHOROS system MFN: 7694 91: FDB-19970728 92: FDB-MLR 1: SID/SCD 2: 6366 3: INPE-6366-PRE/2440 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fernandes, David 10: Sakane, Fernando Toshinoti 10: Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila 12: Caracterizacao do "Speckle"em imagens de amplitude de radar de abertura sintetica (SAR) 14: 155-163 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao grafica e Processamento de Imagens, 6 54: 19-22 out. <1993> 56: Recife 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SAR 87: SPECKLE 83: A model for the speckle noise in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)amplitude images that takes into account the point spread function of the SAR is proposed. The concept of speckle-image is developed and its relationship with the texture or other image information is shown. Theoretical propieties of the speckle model are compared with the propieties of the speckle in real images generated at INPE from data collected by the E-SAR system of the German Space Agency, DLR MFN: 7695 1: SID/SCD 2: 6373 3: INPE-6373-PRE/2447 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ahern, F.J. 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 10: Salcedo, R. 10: Pletsch, R.W 12: An evaluation of C-band radar to detect openings in moist tropical forests 14: 57-69 18: Workshop Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: South American Radar Experiment - SAREX-92 54: 6-8 Dec. <1993> 56: Paris 57: FR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SAR 87: FLORESTA TROPICAL 83: Airborne and satellite SAR data sources which are currently or imminently available offer the possibility to monitor the status of moist tropical forests. In an effort to develop this area of applications, we have investigated the use of a number of C-band SAR data sources to detect openings in moist tropical forests. The smallest openings, typically 0.25 to 3 ha in size and are often associated with shifting cultivation, were reliably detected with 7-look airborne SAR with 6 m resolution in range and azimuth. Openings in the range 1 - 10 ha in area, associated with settlements in extractive reserves in Brazil were also reliably detected with the high resolution airborne data. These small openings were not visible on simulated or actual satellite SAR images with four looks and 25 to 30 m resolution. Agricultural settlement projects typically create many contiguous openings which total 100 to 1000 ha or more in area. These were reliably detected with both airborne and satellite images. However, mapping of boundaries was found to be much more accurate with the higher resolution airborne data than with the actual and simulated satellite data. Land clearing for cattle ranching creates large rectangular openings of 1000s of ha in size. These clearings were, in general, reliably detected and mapped with all of the data sources evaluated. However, detection and mapping with satellite SAR data is more difficult while the land is still in the process of conversion to pasture, and again when it is overgrown at an early stage of primary succession. Under these conditions, the average backscatter from the cleared land is often similar to that of the surrounding forest. This finding indicates that the most reliable mapping of clearings may be possible if radar data is acquired annually, to detect each pasture in its "clean pasture" stage when it has the highest contrast with its surroundings. There is a tendency to underestimate the area of clearings using SAR data alone. However, optical satellite data can be used to produce a regression model to remove much of this systematic error 91: FDB-19970728 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7707 1: SID/SCD 2: 6356 3: INPE-6356-PRE/2432 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camara Neto, Gilberto 12: Anatomia de sistemas de informacoes geograficas: visao atual e pespectivas de evolucao 14: 15-37 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas: aplicacoes na agricultura 58: DPI 61: 62: EMBRAPA 64: <1993> 66: Planaltina 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 71: LIVRO 76: ENGENHARIA DE SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SGI 87: CARACTERISTICAS 87: EVOLUCAO 83: A caracteristica fundamental de um sistema de geoprocessamento e sua faculdade de armazenar, recuperar e analisar mapas num ambiente computacional. Um mapa e uma representacao grafica de fenomenos geograficos, geralmente em uma superficie plana. Num ambiente computacional, a nocao de mapa deve ser estendida para incluir diferentes tipos de dados geograficos, como imagens de satelite e modelos numericos de terreno (MNTs). Em resumo, as principais caracteristicas dos sistemas de informacoes geograficas (SIGs)sao a possibilidade de: - integrar, numa unica base de dados, as informacoes espaciais provenientes de dados cartograficos, dados de censo e de cadastro urbano e rural, imagens de satelite, redes e MNTs; - combinar as varias informacoes atraves de algoritmos de manipulacao, para gerar mapeamentos derivados; - consultar, recuperar, visualisar e desenhar o conteudo da base de dados geocodificados. Os dados tratados em SIGs incluem imagens de satelite, MNTs, mapas tematicos, redes e dados tabulares. Uma caracteristica basica e geral num SIG e a sua capacidade de tratar as relacoes espaciais entre os objetos geograficos. Denota-se por topologia a estrutura de relacionamentos espaciais (vizinhanca, proximidade, pertinencia)que podem se estabelecer entre objetos geograficos. Armazenar a topologia de um mapa e uma das caracteristicas basicas que fazem um SIG se distinguir de um sistema CAD (Computer Aided Design). A outra diferenca fundamental e a capacidade de tratar as diversas projecoes cartograficas. Como ambientes CAD nao guardam a topologia dos objetos representados, SIGs que evoluiram a partir destes (como o GeoSQL e o MGE/Intergraph)armazenam os dados em formato vetorial, sem guardar a topologia. A entrada de dados e mais facil; o armazenamento e a recuperacao, menos eficientes. Para aplicacoes em analise geografica e em redes, o armazenamentto da topologia permite o desenvolvimento de consultas a um banco de dados espacial, que nao seriam possiveis de outra maneira 91: FDB-19970728 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7708 1: SID/SCD 2: 6357 3: INPE-6357-PRE/2433 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felgueiras, Carlos Alberto 10: Camara Neto, Gilberto 12: Sistema de informacoes geograficas do INPE 14: 41-59 38: (Livro) 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Sistemas de informacao geografica: aplicacoes na agricultura 58: DPI 61: 62: EMBRAPA 64: <1993> 66: Planaltina 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 71: LIVRO 76: ENGENHARIA DE SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: SIG 87: SGI 87: CARACTERISTICAS 87: SITIM 87: SISTEMA DE TRATAMENTO DE IMAGENS 83: O desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais para aplicacoes graficas e de imagens vem influenciando de maneira crescente as areas de Cartografia, de Mapeamento, de Analise de Recursos Naturais e de Planejamento Urbano e Regional. Esta tecnologia automatiza tarefas realizadas manualmente e facilita a realizacao de analises complexas, atraves da integracao de dados de diversas fontes e da criacao de um banco de dados geocodificado. Os sistemas para tal fim sao denominados de Sistemas de Informacoes Geograficas (SIGs). Num pais de dimensao continental como o Brasil, onde existe uma grande carencia de informacoes adequadas para a tomada de decisoes sobre problemas urbanos e ambientais, tais sistemas apresentam um enorme potencial, principalmente se forem baseados em tecnologias de custo relativamente baixo e se todo o conhecimento for adquirido localmente. Para atender a estas necessidades, foi desenvolvido, na Divisao de Processamento de Imagens (DPI)do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), o sistema SGI. Esse sistema utiliza ambiente de microcomputadores, compativel com a linha IBM-PC, sob sistema operacional DOS. Este capitulo descreve as caracteristicas e os conceitos importantes para o entendimento do SGI versao 2.4. O capitulo mostra tambem a forma de relacionamento do SGI com o banco de dados relacional dBASE IV, com o sistema de tratamento de imagens SITIM, com outros sistemas de apoio a desenhos (CADs)e com outros SIGs. As caracteristicas importantes do SGI, assim como uma descricao detalhada da sua funcionalidade e de sua estrutura geral tambem estao incluidas. O SGI e um banco de dados geograficos que permite adquirir, armazenar, combinar, analisar e recuperar informacoes codificadas espacialmente. O SGI contem, na sua quase totalidade, funcoes implementadas em linguagem C. Apenas algumas funcoes de nivel mais baixo, que exploram as caracteristicas do "hardware", foram desenvolvidas em linguagem ASSEMBLER. Atualmente o SGI esta na sua versao 2.4. O SGI e um sistema orientado por menus com uma grande preocupacao com a facilidade de uso do sistema, sugerindo, inclusive, valores "default" a cada interacao de um aplicativo com o usuario. Os principais objetivos do SGI sao: - integrar, numa unica base de dados, informacoes espaciais provenientes de dados cartograficos, de dados de censo, cadastro urbano e rural de imagens de satelite e de modelos numericos de terreno (MNTs)(incluindo topografia, dados geofisicos e geoquimicos); - combinar as varias informacoes, atraves de algoritmos de manipulacao, para gerar mapeamentos derivados; - reproduzir, visualizar e plotar o conteudo da base de dados geocodificados. O INPE desenvolveu tambem o SITIM, que e um sistema de tratamento digital de imagens de sensoriamento remoto. O SITIM esta implementado no mesmo ambiente computacional do SGI. Qualquer imagem trabalhada no SITIM pode ser utilizada diretamente pelo SGI. O SGI possui uma interface direta com o banco de dados relacional dBASE IV, onde se pode armazenar atributos para os elementos geograficos do SGI. Esses atributos ficam integrados totalmente aos elementos geograficos e, portanto, podem ser usados para analises ou classificacoes das informacoes do SGI 91: FDB-19970728 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7753 1: SID/SCD 2: 6411 3: INPE-6411-PRE/2451 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pellerin, J. 10: Pouget, J. 10: Valerio Filho, Mario 10: Santana, M.A 12: Metodologia de utilizacao de dados espaciais Landsat MSS e TM no estudo de uso do solo: regiao de Marilia, SP 14: 79-97 30: GEOSUL 31: 16 32: 8 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Sao apresentados resultados de tratamentos de imagens Landsat MSS e TM de estacao umida e estacao seca da regiao de Marilia. Inicialmente foram classificadas imagens MSS pelo metodo dos hipercubos utilizados no ORSTOM (Bondy, Franca). Cerca de quinze temas foram buscados, alguns nao apresentando problemas de identificacao, mesmo em modo monotemporal (florestas, solo nu e superficies urbanizadas perfeitamente diferenciadas em estacao umida). Os resultados sobre a cana-de-acucar e as classes de pastagens sao melhores em estacao seca, enquanto outros so puderam ser separados por tratamentos multitemporais (cafe, diversas pastagens, culturas anuais). Os dados TM (visivel, infra-vermelho proximo e medio)exploram as contribuicoes fornecidas de uma parte por uma maior resolucao espacial, d'outra parte pela contribuicao dos canais 5 e 7. Os principais resultados obtidos a partir duma imagem de estacao seca foram: - a contribuicao da resolucao espacial, capital para uma regiao onde as parcelas sao relativamente pequenas e o relevo contrastado. As composicoes mais interessantes foram, em ordem decrescente: 7-5-4 e 1-4-5 associadas, 2-3-4, e 1-2-3; - o acesso a heterogeneidade das parcelas ou grupos de parcelas obriga a efetuar classificacoes sobre zonas reduzidas, atraves de mascaramento com um zoneamento em funcao das unidades geomorfologicas; - a interpretacao e a utilizacao completa de dados TM nao podem ser efetuadas senao atraves de um conhecimento aprofundado do campo e exige assim observacoes permanentes; - a utilizacao de tratamentos multitemporais e o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos, tais como testes de textura, permitem avancar na identificacao de diferentes tipos de uso do solo. A avaliacao de um metodo de classificacao multitemporal, utilizando um banco de dados regional elaborado no IGN (Franca)e sumariamente exposto 91: 19971209 MFN: 7824 1: SID/SCD 2: 6459 3: INPE-6459-PRE/2500 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 10: Barrera, Junior 12: A decomposition theorem in mathematical morphology 14: 234-238 16: Serra, J. 16: Salembier, P. 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Technical Workshop on Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Signal Processing 54: May <1993> 56: Barcelona 57: ES 58: DPI 61: 62: UPC Publications Office 64: <1993> 66: Barcelona 68: PRE 90: b 76: MORFOLOGIA MATEMATICA 88: complete lattice 88: mapping decomposition 88: erosions 88: dilations 88: anti-erosions 88: anti-dilations 83: In this short paper, we present two constructive decompositions for any mapping between lattices in terms of the elementary mappings of Mathematical Morphology: erosions, dilations, anti-erosions and anti-dilations. This decomposition result extends the ones already known for translation invariant mappings 91: FDB-19971217 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 8339 1: SID/SCD 2: 7013 3: INPE-7013-PRE/2963 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Valerio Filho, Mario 10: Donzeli, Pedro Luiz 10: Pinto, Sergio dos Anjos Ferreira 12: Remote sensing and data integration to evaluate the potential soil erosion and land capability 14: II-759-II765 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change Tools for Sustainable Development 54: Apr. 4-8 <1993> 56: Graz 57: AT 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: RADARSAT 87: EROSAO 87: EQUACAO UNIVERSAL DE PERDAS DE SOLO 87: USCLE 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: SOLOS 87: USO DA TERRA 82: 82: 83: Developing countries have an urgent need to improve their agricultural production. This process induces a lot of inadequate land use/cover for the rural environment. The intensification of agricultural activities may result in increasing erosion processes and acelerated soil losses, threatening naural resources integrity, mainly water quality, and the productivity of agricultural systems. In this context the knowledge of potential erosion of specific soil groups is very important to support agricultural and environmental planning. This study was undertaken in an agricultural watershed (Eastern area of Sao Paulo State-Brazil)and its purpose was to evaluate the Natural Erosion Potential (NEP)to provide information for rural planning. This work presents an approach on the use of remote sensing and GIS- Geographic Information Systems technology applied to survey and data integration of a small watershed. The parameters from the Universal Soil Loss Equation - USLE, such as erosivity, erodibility, slope length and steepness, obtained from ancillary data or calculated, were integrated within a GIS (INPE/SIG). The results allowed the calculation of the natural erosion potential for the watershed. TM-Landsat data (CCT)were digitally analyzed, and a map on land use/cover was obtained (parameter C of USLE). The erosion susceptibility map was obtained from tolerable soil losses and land use data. This map provided further information to elaborate the management plan for this watershed 91: FDB-19990317 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8542 1: SID/SCD 2: 7194 3: INPE-7194-PRE/3109 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Marcos Verdi 10: Crossetti, Mario 10: Weber, Eliseu 12: Utilizacao de imagens do satelite Landsat TM na estimativa de areas cultivadas com arroz irrigado 14: 33 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBA 52: UFRGS 52: UFSM 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Agrometeorologia, 8 54: 27-30 jul. <1993> 56: Santa Maria 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: ARROZ 87: IRRIGACAO 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: SITIM 87: SISTEMA DE TRATAMENTO DE IMAGENS 87: PROJETO OTICO PROCOM-2 82: 83: 0 conhecimento das areas cultivadas com as diferentes -culturas agricolas e essencial para o planejamento da agricultura e as atividades economicas decorrentes. Dentre os varios metodos utilizados a estimativa atraves de imagens de satelite tem se destacado. 0 presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de desenvolver uma metodologia para interpretacao de imagens do satelite LANDSAT TM, visando estimar areas cultivadas com arroz irrigado de forma sistematica e operacional. A area estudada foi do municipio de Itaqui-RS, com uma superficie de 5.130 Km2. 0 trabalho foi realizado no CEPSRM/UFRGS utilizando os equipamentos SITIM-150, SGI e o projetor otico PROCOM-2. Foram interpretadas imagens coloridas em transparencia positiva (3B-4G-5R)de 4 anos/safra(84/85, 85/86,86/87 e 87/88)da cultura do arroz irrigado, tendo em media 3 imagens por safra . A interpreta‡ao foi feita em escala 1:50.000 com base nas Cartas do Servi‡o Geografico do Exercito e as areas calculadas por digitaliza‡ao. Os resultados mostraram uma consideravel diferen‡a entre as estimativas dos orgaos oficiais, que foram sempre menores em rela‡ao a obtida pela interpretacao das imagens de satelite. A compara‡ao das areas estimadas pelas imagens de satelite e as obtidas por medidas a campo mostrou um coeficiente de regressao de 0,93, o que demonstra a boa precisao da metodologia testada e a possibilidade de utilizacao de forma operacional 91: FDB-19990825 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8543 1: SID/SCD 2: 7195 3: INPE-7195-PRE/3110 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Bernardo Barbosa 10: Rao, Tantravahi Venkata Ramana 10: Azevedo, Pedro Vieira 10: Souza, Cleber Brito 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 12: Caracteristicas espectrais do algodao herbaceo irrigado e sob estresses hidrico 14: 107 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBA 52: UFRGS 52: UFSM 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Agrometeorologia, 8 54: 7-30 jul. <1993> 56: Santa Maria 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: ALGODAO 87: IRRIGACAO 87: REFLECTANCIA 87: ESTRESSE HIDRICO 87: INDICE DE AREA FOLIAR 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 82: 83: A identificacao de culturas mediante tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto requer informa‡oes acerca da verdade terrestre do alvo de interesse. Neste sentido torna-se imperioso que se conhe‡am as caracteristicas espectrais de alvos, que no caso foi o algodao herbaceo e o solo da area cultivada. 0 local do experimento foi Ipangua‡u-RN, e utilizou-se um espectrorradiometro da SPECTRON que opera em 252 bandas do espectro eletromagnetico, situadas entre 350 e 1150 nanometros. No estudo foram consideradas duas parcelas com 30m X 30m, cultivadas com o algodao herbaceo (Gossypium hirsutum r. latifolium)variedade 6H, e sumetidas a dois tratamentos de irrigacao. Foram obtidas varias baterias de medi‡oes entre os dias 5, 6 e 7 de novembro de 1992. As analises dos espectros da cultura e do solo, revelaram que as diferen‡as situam-se nos valores da reflectancia e nao no formato dos espectros. No TM4, a reflectancia da cultura nao estressada foi cerca de 60 83: , enquanto a estressada situou-se por volta de 50 83: Os espectros do solo evidenciaram um mesmo comportamento (seco ou Molhado, ambos sem cobertura vegetal), porem a reflectividade do solo seco mostrou-se bem mais Pronunciada, em todas as bandas TM1, TM2, TM3 e TM4. SUgere-se que as diferen‡as entre os tratamentos se devem mais as diferen‡as no IAF do que no estado de turgescencia das folhas da cultura com e sem estresse 91: FDB-19990825 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8544 1: SID/SCD 2: 7196 3: INPE-7196-PRE/8544 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Marcos Verdi 10: Moreira, Mauricio Alves 10: Weber, Eliseu 12: Estudo do comportamento espectral da cultura do arroz irigado 14: 131 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SBA 52: UFRGS 52: UFSM 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Agrometeorologia, 8 54: 27-30 jul. <1993> 56: Santa Maria 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: ARROZ 87: IRRIGACAO 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: SATELITES LANDSAT 87: COMPORTAMENTO ESPECTRAL 87: SITIM 87: SISTEMA DE TRATAMENTO DE IMAGENS 82: 83: 0 presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento espectral da cultura do arroz irrigado nas condicoes de cultivo da fronteira oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. 0 trabalho foi realizado com imagens em fitas CCTïs do satelite Landsat TM de dois anos safra (87/88 e 88/89)com, respectivamente, seis e oito imagens uteis durante o ciclo da cultura. As informacoes de campo foram baseadas em uma area piloto de 795 ha, dividida em 32 sub-areas de cultivo, localizada no municipio de Uruguaiana-RS. O processamento e tratamento das imagens foi feito utilizan-do-se o equipamento SITIM-150. Foram analisadas as respostas espectrais da cultura nas 14 datas de passagem do satelite e feita a associacao com as praticas culturais desenvolvidas em cada uma das 32 sub-areas de cultivo. Dentre as praticas culturais a de maior influencia na resposta espectral da cultura foi a irrigacao por inundacao. As bandas do satelite de maior contribuicao para identificacao da resposta espectral foram a TM3, TM4 e TM5, sendo que a TM5 e a que mais contribui para identificacao da cultura. O comportamento espectral da cultura no mes de fevereiro e o mais homogeneo e o que mais contribui para a identicacao e classificacao da cultura 91: FDB-19990825 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8879 1: SID/SCD 2: 7942 3: INPE-7942-PRE/3777 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Casanova, M. 10: Hemerly, A 10: Duarte, M.P.C. 10: Mediano, M.R. 10: Camara Neto, Gilberto 10: Freitas, Ubirajara Moura 12: Um gerenciador para atributos espaciais de objetos geograficos 14: 223-238 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Geoprocessamento 54: jul. <1993> 56: Sao Paulo 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: ARQUITETURA 87: BANCO DE DADOS 87: GERENCIADOR 88: ARCHITECTURE 88: GEOGRAPHIC DATABASE MANAGEMENT 83: Uma arquitetura para sistemas de gerˆncia de bancos de dados geograficos e inicialmente delineada. A arquitetura introduz subsistemas especializados para cada tipo de atributo -convencional, espacial e pictorial - e torna natural a ligacao de um banco de dados geografico com um banco de dados convencional, entre outras caracteristicas. Em seguida, a arquitetura do subsistema responsavel pelos atributos espaciais e discutida em mais detalhe, enfatizando o problema de processamento de consultas espaciais. A arquitetura proposta para este subsistema inclui um esquema de buffers em dois niveis que otimiza o processamento das operacoes espaciais 91: FDB-20000906 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8880 1: SID/SCD 2: 7943 3: INPE-7943-PRE/3778 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cartaxo, Ricardo 10: Daabeck, Jens 10: Ii, Fernando 10: Nishimura, Elisa 10: Norris, Brian 10: Raoult, Baudouin 10: Lamy-Thepaut, Sylvie 12: METVIEW/ws - a distributed system for meteorological data processing and visualisation 14: 198-204 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems, 4 54: Nov. <1993> 56: Reading 57: UK 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: DADOS METEOROLOGICOS 87: METVIEW/WS 87: VISUALIZATION 88: METEOROLOGICAL PARAMETERS 88: DATA PROCESSING 88: SCIENTIFIC VISUALIZATION 83: METVIEW/ws is a system for visualisation and manipulation of meteorological data on Unix workstations. It has been developed as a cooperative project between ECMWF and INPE. The system is based on a distributed computing architecture and has an icon-based user interface. METVIEW/ws is mainly an interactive system, but incorporates equivalent functionality in batch mode. This paper describes : METVIEW/ws basic requirements, the data model, the system architecture and the user interface paradigm. It also reports the current status of the project 91: FDB-20000906 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8916 1: SID/SCD 2: 7834 3: INPE-7834-PRE/3674 4: SRE 5: mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mura, Jose Claudio 12: Performance and interferometric capabilities of the INPE/DLR SAR processor 14: 166-171 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Radarsymposium, 8 54: set. <1993> 56: Munique 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SAR 87: IMAGEM DE RADAR 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 88: AZIMUTH 88: INTERFEROMETRY 88: SYNTHETIC APERTURE 88: RADAR 83: Abstract. A SAR Processor for airborne and spaceborne plataforms is presented A bidimensional azimuth reference function and a hybrid correlation algorithm is used in order to correct the range migration during the azimuth compression. The interferometic capability of this SAR Processor is evaluated using two scenes of the ERS-1 System and the results are presented MFN: 8985 1: SID/SCD 2: 8165 3: INPE-8165-PRE/3969 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, Leila Maria Garcia 10: Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila 10: Prasad, Gannabathula Sri Sesha Durga 12: Combined interpolation-restoration of Landsat images through FIR filter design techniques 14: 2547-2561 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 14 32: 13 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: <1993> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: RESTAURACAO 87: INTERPOLACAO 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: FILTROS FIR 87: FILTROS RESPOSTA IMPULSO INFINITO 88: RESTORATION 88: INTERPOLATION 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 88: FIR FILTERS 88: FINITE IMPULSE RESPONSE FILTERS (FIR) 83: In digital image processing for remote sensing there is often a need to interpolate an image. Examples occur in scale magnification, image registration, geometric correction, etc. On the other hand, this image can be subject to several sources of degradation and it would be interesting to compensate also for this degradation in the interpolation process. Therefore, this article addresses the problem of combining interpolation and restoration in a single operation, thereby reducing the computational effort. This is done by means of two-dimensional, separable, Finite Impulse Response (FIR)filters. The ideal low pass FIR filter for interpolation is modified to account for the restoration process. The Modified Inverse Filter (MIF)and the Wiener Filter (WF)are used for this purpose. The proposed methods are applied to the interpolation-restoration of L-andsat-5 Thematic Mapper data. The later process takes into account the degradation due to optics, detector and electronic filtering. A comparison with the Parametric Cubic Convolution (PCC)technique is made. The experimental results consist of interpolation-restoration processes of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper images from 30m to 15m (scale magnification)but they could also be generalized to include deblurring on more general interpolation problems, like geometric correction 91: FDB-20010305 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9877 1: SID/SCD 2: 8928 3: INPE-8928-PRE/4631 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Vitorello, Icaro 10: GalvÆo, Lenio Soares 12: Discrimina‡Æo de lateritas mineralizadas em fosfato e titƒnio no complexo alcalino-ultram tico de Maicuru (PA), atraves de t‚cnicas de sensoriamento remoto 14: 998-1002 18: Anais 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geof¡sica, 3 54: <1993> 58: DSR 58: DGE 61: 64: <1993> 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Mineralized laterites developed over the Maicuru alkaline-ultramafic-carbonatite Complex are distinguished inenhanced remote sensing orbital products. The Maicuru structure is located in the intractable tropical forest of the Amazon (state of Parg, Brazil). Deep lateritic weathering resulted in the formation of lateritic duricrusts, lateritic soils, Alluvium and talus. The remote sensing discrimination of several units is only possible because of associations of vegetation cover and the superficial lithology. Magnetic ferruginous duricrust occurs in the northern part of the intrusive and supports the "Cerrado", a savanna type vegetation. Open grasslands on rocky grounds ("campos rupestres")are found over a duricrust which has a large portion of it enriched in anatase. The remaining differentiated units are aluminous phosphatic laterites, alkaline latosols and colluvium, covered by tropical forest