Search Result
The search expression was < gas hydroreservoirs ecohydrology:satellite ecohydrology multifractals perspectives understanding dealing greenhouse gas emissions hydroreservoirs:>.
2 similar references found (including the original one) looking up in 3 out of 3 Archives.
Search local date and time: 20/04/2024 01:20.
id 6qtX3pFwXQZ3r59YD6/GBhin    Report    (1.00)    -m-
Lima, I. B. T.; Stech, J. L. & Ramos, F. M. :2005:
Satellite ecohydrology and multifractals: perspectives for understanding and dealing with greenhouse gas emissions from hydroreservoirs
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URL <> (404 KiB) statisticsaccessdownloadupdate
id 6qtX3pFwXQZ3ukuKE/Fbg2q    Journal Article    restricted access    (0.24)    -m-
Lima, I. B. T., et al. :2005:
Photoacoustic/dynamic chamber method for measuring greenhouse gas fluxes in hydroreservoirs
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URL <> (998 KiB) statisticsaccessupdate