
%0 Electronic Source
%T The use of JERS-1 data for environment modeling,resources assessment and deforestation detection in Amazônia
%D 2004
%9 On-line
%A Dutra, Luciano Vieira,
%A Santos, João Roberto dos,
%A Freitas, Corina da Costa,
%A Novo, Evlyn Márcia Leão de Moraes,
%A Alves, Diogenes Salas,
%A Hernandez Filho, Pedro,
%B Research Invitation Program Final Report - JAXA-EORC
%I Shimada,
%I M;
%I Rosenqvist,
%I A
%C São José dos Campos
%K x.
%X This paper presents an updated report of the Brazilian experience on the use of JERS-1 data as an information source for biomass estimation, land use / land cover characterization and delineation of different habitats in Amazônia. Primary and secondary forest and savanna biomass measurements were acquired in Acre and Roraima, respectively, and their values were related to JERS-1 backscatter. JERS-1 texture was used to improve land cover mapping accuracy in Tapajós, (Pará State) and the State of Rondônia. Floodplain habitats were mapped in Monte Alegre Lake (northeast of Brazilian Amazônia) with the joint use of JERS-1 and Radarsat images. Also the use of JERS_1 to detect deforestation, and a comparison with operational methods, is discussed.
%@language en
%3 FinalRepJERS_dutra.PDF
