MFN: 758 1: SID/SCD 2: 8125 3: INPE-8125-PRE/3938 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Detecting areas disturbed by gold mining activities through JERS-1 SAR images, Roraima State, Brazilian Amazon 14: 3357-3362 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 21 32: 17 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Nov. <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SAR 87: JERS 1 87: IMAGEM DE RADAR 87: MINERACAO 88: IMAGING RADAR 88: OURO 88: GOLD 88: MINING 88: PLATEAUS 88: RADAR SINTETIC ABERTURE 82: 83: Three JERS-1 SAR images (1993, 1994, 1996)were evaluated for detection of areas disturbed by gold mining activities in the region of Serra Tepequem, Roraima State, Brazilian Amazon. Subtle tonal contrast between eroded areas and savannah grass fields in the Tepequ6m plateau, constitutes a serious constraint on the identification of the disturbed areas, using SAR original images. However, normalized difference index (NDI)images allowed identification of cover changes related to mining activities. NDI images indicated increase in areas disturbed from 1993 to 1994 and from 1993 to 1996. The 1994-1996 NDI image did not show significant changes, indicating that most areas were disturbed prior to 1994. Results showed that processed JERS-1 SAR images may be used to detect land cover changes even in non-forested terrain with low spectral contrast among scene components 91: FDB-19900531 92: FDB-MLR 92: MHM MFN: 787 1: SID/SCD 2: 8096 3: INPE-8096-PRE/3910 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sausen, Tania Maria 12: Space education in developing countries in the information era, regional reality and new educational material tendencies: example, South America 14: 129-135 30: Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 31: 55 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CEP 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: EDUCACAO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: TRANSFERENCIA DE TREINAMENTO 88: REMOTE SENSING 88: TRANSFER OF TRAINING 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 83: The initial activities an space education began right after World War II, in the early 1950s, when USA and USSR started the Space Race. At That time, Space education was only and exclusively available to researchers and technicians working directly in space programs. This new area was restricted only to post-graduate programs (basically master and doctoral degree)or to very specific training programs dedicated for beginners. In, South America, at that time there was no kind of activity on space education, simply because there was no activity in space research. In the beginning of the 1970s, Brazil, through INPE, had created masteral and doctoral courses on several space areas such as remote sensing and meteorology. Only in the mid-1980s did Brazil, after a UN request, create its specialisation course on remote sensing dedicated to Latin American professionals. At the same period, the Agustin Codazzi Institute (Bogota, Colombia)began to offer specialisation courses in remote sensing. In South America, educational space programs are currently being created for elementary and high schools and universities, but the author personally estimates that 90 83: of these educational programs still make use traditional educational materials - such as books, tutorial, maps and graphics. There is little educational material that uses multimedia resources, advanced computing or communication methods and, basically, these are the materils that ane best suited to conduct instructions in remote sensing, GIS, meteorology and astronomy 83: of these educational programs still make use of traditional educational materials - such as books, tutorials, maps and graphics. There is little educational material that uses multimedia resources, advanced computing or communication methods and, basically, these are the materials that an: best suited to conduct instructions in remote sensing, GIS, meteorology and astronomy 91: FDB-19900601 92: FDB-MLR 92: MHM MFN: 962 1: SID/SCD 2: 8109 3: INPE-8109-PRE/3922 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Krug, Thelma 12: Monitoring the brazilian amazon gross deforestation 14: 73-98 18: Memorias 40: En 40: Es 41: En 41: Es 42: 53: Reunion Latinoamericana sobre los Bosques y la Mitigacion del Cambio Climatico 54: 14-15 ago. <2000> 56: Santa Cruz de la Sierra 57: BO 58: OBT 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: MONITORAMENTO AMBIENTAL 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: DESFLORESTAMENTO 87: PRODES 87: FLORESTAS 88: FORESTS 88: DEFORESTATION 88: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 82: 83: PRODES is considered to be the largest forest monitoring project in the world, based on orbital remote, sensing and Geographical Information System techniques. For many the National Institute for Space Research, INPE, has been promoting the interpretation of images from the US Landsat Satellite/Thematic Mapper to monitor the evolution of the extent and rate of the grass deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. This effort has generated results for the period from 1974 to 1997 (based on the analysis of all scenes that cover the Amazon region)and an estimate for the period 1997/1998 (based on a sample of scenes). The present study, covering the years of 1998/1999, provides the full estimate for the period 1997/1998 and a provisional estimate for 1998/1999. In order to speed up the information to the Brazilian government, INPE provides, since 1997, estimates of the mean rate of gross deforestation based on the analysis of the sample of the TM Landsat scenes that cover the critical areas of deforestation (Arch of Deforestation). The first estimate using this approach, covering the period 1996/1997, was in error of 1.5 percent in the relation to estimate using all scenes that cover the Brazilian Amazonia. The second estimate, for the period 1997/1998 was delivered in January 1999. The final results for this period are presented on this report. The estimate was in error of 3.1 pecent in relation to the provisional estimate, indicating that the methodology adopted by the Institute is proving to be adequate to guide the public policies in the region. The presentation of these results clearly indicates the commitment of the Brazilian Government to treat with transparency the issue of deforestation in Amazon. Moreover, it gives subsides to understand the causes and to devise mechanisms to control the use of the forest resources. This study carried out under the "Environmental Monitoring of Amazonia" action of the "Science and Technology for the Management of Ecosystems" Program (PPA 200-2003/MCT) 91: FDB-19920214 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 1052 1: SID/SCD 2: 8152 3: INPE-8152-PRE/3959 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 12: Satelites de sensoriamento remoto 14: 1.1-1-35 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Seminario sobre Meio Ambiente e Uso de Tecnologias espaciais para Professores de Ensino Fundamental e Medio, 3 54: 10-14 jul. <2000> 56: Sao Jose dos Campos 57: BR 61: 68: PRE 90: b 87: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: EDUCACAO 87: TECNOLOGIAS ESPACIAIS 87: MAIO AMBIENTE 87: IMPACTOS 83: Para que haja o sensoriamento remoto e necessario que haja uma "medicao", … distancia, das propriedades dos objetos ou alvos. As principais propriedades "primarias" dos alvos que sao medidas pelos sensores remotos sao a capacidade de reflexao e de emissao de energia eletromagnetica. Essas propriedades primarias podem ser usadas diretamente, de uma forma "bruta', atrav‚s de uma imagem de um sensor remoto. Essa e a forma mais comum de uso dos produtos de sensoriamento remoto, pois sao as imagens na forma como as conhecemos. Por exemplo, um objeto tortuoso e de baixa reflexao (escuro)num certa imagem traduz-se a nos como sendo um rio. Porem, aquelas propriedades primarias podem sofrer transforma‡äes e permitir-nos fazer ¡nferencias sobre caracteristicas secundarias dos alvos. Por exemplo, quando uma imagem de um sensor remoto entra num modelo que a relaciona com a fotossintese da vegetacao, gera-se um novo produto, ou uma nova imagem que, agora, passa a representar uma propriedade do alvo que nao foi medida diretamente pelo sensor remoto. No caso do rio, se houver uma equacao ou um modelo que permita uma relacionamento entre reflectancia medida por satelite e quantidade de sedimentos num meio aquatico, pode-se gerar uma imagem secundaria que expressa a quantidade de sedimentos 91: FDB-19920220 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 1275 1: SID/SCD 2: 8120 3: INPE-8120-PRE/3933 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kuplich, Tatiana Moura 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 10: Soares, JoÆo Vianei 12: The study of ERS-1 SAR and Landsat TM synergism for land use classification 14: 2101-2111 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 21 32: 10 40: EnEn 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: July <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: USO DA TERRA 87: IMAGEM DE SATELITE 87: ANALISE DE IMAGENS 87: ANALISE ESTATISTICA 87: ERS 1 87: SAR 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: LANDSAT 5 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 88: LAND USE 88: SATELLITE IMAGERY 88: IMAGE ANALYSIS 88: STATISTICAL ANALYSIS 88: THEMATIC MAPPER (LANDSAT) 88: SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR 82: 83: This work presents a comparative analysis of ERS-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)and Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM)images used for land use classification. The study area of 361km' is located in the City of Campinas, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, and contains several classes of land use, including urban, agricultural and forests. The TM and SAR images were registered and transformed using the principal components transformation. SAR images were also filtered using an average filter. The principal components derived from SAR filtered, SAR, TM and coregistered TM/SAR and TM/SAR filtered images were classified using the maximum likelihood approach. Tests of 'goodness of fit' were also made to assess the statistical properties of the images. The results, confirmed by Kappa statistics, show a significant improvement when classifying the principal components of filtered SAR and TM images for urban, pasture and forest classes MFN: 2999 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: ]07] 10: Soares, JoÆo Vinei 10: Almeida, A.C 12: Water budget model of eucalyptus forest using a canopy characterization by remote sensing techinique and a soil water flux parameterization 18: Proceedings 53: European Remote Sensing Symposium EUROPTO, Conference on Remote Sensing for Agriculture, ecosystems and Hydrology 54: 25-29 Sept <2000> 56: Barcelona 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE MFN: 3124 1: SCD/SID 2: 8985 3: INPE-8985-PRE/4663A 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Souza, Iris de Marcelhas e 10: Pereira, Madalena Niero 10: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves Oliveira 12: Evaluation of high resolution satellite images for urban population estimation 13: Avalia‡Æo de dados de sensoriamento remoto de alta resolu‡Æo espacial para estimativa de popula‡Æo urbana 40: Pt 40: En 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, 3 54: 11-13 June <2002> 56: Istambul 57: Turkey 58: DPI 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: popula‡Æo 87: imagens Ikonos 87: resolu‡Æo espectral 87: estimativa 88: populations 88: spectral resolution 88: Ikonos satellites 88: estimation 83: The objective of this research was to evaluate the applicability of high spatial resolution remote sensing data for the estimation of urban population in the inter census periods in the Brazilian city of SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos. Digital IKONOS-2 data were used. Data analysis was conducted using SPRING (GIS). The procedure attempted to identify intra-urban network areas with similar residential occupation features, known as homogeneous zones. Within some chosen zones, official census sectors were defined. The number of housing units per sector was identified in the digital IKONOS images. The population was estimated by multiplying the number of dwellings by the average per household occupancy figures obtained from census tract data. Estimates showed satisfactory results when compared to the census data, which motivated deeper analysis for the entire area of the city of SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos. Resumo:O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a potencialidade dos produtos de sensoriamento remoto de alta resolu‡Æo espacial para estimativa de popula‡Æo urbana em per¡odos intercensit rios. Foram utilizadas imagens do Sat‚lite IKONOS-2 com um metro de resolu‡Æo espacial, da cidade de SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos. Os procedimentos utilizados buscaram identificar dentro do tecido urbano,  reas que possu¡ssem caracter¡sticas de ocupa‡Æo residencial semelhantes, conhecidas como zonas homogˆneas. Delimitou-se dentro destas zonas, cinco setores censit rios oficiais. A an lise foi feita a partir da integra‡Æo dos dados dentro do SPRING (GIS). Foi identificado o n£mero de unidades residenciais por setor nas imagens IKONOS. A estimativa da popula‡Æo foi obtida a partir da multiplica‡Æo do n£mero de unidades residenciais identificadas nas imagens pelo n£mero m‚dio de residentes do setor censit rio , gerado a partir de dados oficiais ( IBGE ). A estimativa mostrou resultados satisfat¢rios quando comparados com os dados do censo realizado em 2000, o que motivou o aprofundamento deste trabalho para um n£mero maior de setores censit rios da cidade de SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 91: FDB-20020612 102: MFN: 3824 1: SID/SCD 2: 9049 3: INPE-9049-PRE/4725 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Cartaxo, Ricardo 10: Vinhas, Lubia 10: Neves, M. 10: Ribeiro, G. 10: Ferreira, K. 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 12: SpringExplore: spatial data analysis and exploration in an open source environment 16: Anselin, L., ed. 18: Spatial data analysis tools 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61:
  • 62: Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science 64: <2002> 66: Santa Barbara 67: USA 68: CAPL 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 91: FDB-20020605 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 5847 1: SID/SCD 2: 8182 3: INPE-8182-PRE/3981 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Imagens de alta resolu‡Æo: quais sao as alternativas 14: 32 30: Revista InfoGeo 31: 14 32: : 58: DPI 61: 64: Jul-ago. <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: alta resolucao 87: sat‚lite Ikonos 87: imagens Ikonos 88: high resolution 88: Ikonos imagery 88: Ikonos satellite 83: Neste n£mero da infoGEO, os leitores podem apreciar uma completa reportagem sobre o advento dos sensores orbitais de alta resolu‡Æo, como o IKONOS. O enorme impacto visual, t‚cnico e gerencial causado por estas imagens ‚ provavelmente a maior revolu‡Æo recente da Geoinforma‡Æo, depois do advento do GPS. Neste artigo, estaremos discutindo em maior detalhe algumas alternativas ao uso de sat‚lites para produ‡Æo de imagens de alta resolu‡Æo 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 5897 1: SID/SCD 2: 8181 3: INPE-8181-PRE/3980 4: SRE 5: S 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: As roupas novas do imperador 14: 24-26 30: Revista InfoGeo 31: 12 32: : 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: sistemas de informacao geogr fica 88: geographic information systems 83: Em 1994, publiquei o artigo "Anatomia de Sistemas de Informa‡Æo Geogr fica", que apresentava os diferentes componentes da tecnologia de Geoprocessamento, e analisava o que ofereciam alguns dos sistemas dispon¡veis no mercado. Neste artigo, pretendo atualizar esta visÆo geral, e explicar o que mudou desde entÆo. Tamb‚m espero preparar o leitor para o debate "O Futuro do GIS", que ser  realizado como parte do GeoBrasil 2.000, em junho na cidade de SÆo Paulo, em que esperamos a presen‡a de representantes da ORACLE, Intergraph e SmallWord, al‚m deste colunista 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 5904 1: SID/SCD 2: 8178 3: INPE-8178-PRE/3979 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos 10: Veneziani, Paulo 10: Sant'anna, Marilia Vidigal 10: Moraes, M.C 12: Geological investigation using Radarsat-1 images in the tropical rain forest enviromental of Brazil 14: 82-90 30: Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 26 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: radar de abertura sint‚tica 87: imagens de radar 87: investigacao 87: levantamentos geol¢gicos 88: sythetic aperture radar 88: radar imagery 88: investigation 88: geological surveys 83: As part of the ADRO Program, RADARSAT-1 ScanSar, and Standard images were acquired in the Caraj s Province, Amazon Region. The area, with a heterogeneous relief totally covered by tropical rain forest, is part of the Archean Itacai£nas Shear Belt, a geotectonical province with metasediments, metavolcanics, gneisses and granulites. Anorogenic granites are also found with Proterozoic ages. The ScanSAR Mode image has revealed the importance of the synoptic overview and proved suitable for identification of large-scale domains and structures. A prominent NESW lineament was detected crossing the Province diagonally, which was not previously reported in the literature. The ascending and descending Standard Mode images have provided complementary geological information and reinforced the importance of using SAR data in the tropics with opposite look-directions. Despite the small stereo, intersection angles, the same-side, stereo for ascending or descending pass has presented almost similar results in terms of three-dimensional (3-D)perception, with a slightly better performance with the descending pair, due to a larger intersection angle. The extraction of information through the same-side pairs in easier than the opposite-side pairs. However, for areas with moderate relief, the best results were obtained from opposite-side stereo due to the vertical exaggeration, caused by higher geometric disparities. In addition, the opposite-pairs with steeper viewing geometry have presented the best performance for flat areas due to the enhancement of the micro-topography. Finally, a SAR integrated product (Standard/Total Count gamma)has proved to be highly effective in revealing new image patterns quite distinct from the mapped units by conventional methods. The information obtained with this investigation is relevant in planning future field campaigns and it is providing new insights into the current geologic models for the Province 91: FDB-20010412 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 5995 1: SID/SCD 2: 8177 3: INPE-8177-PRE/3978 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: GalvÆo, Lˆnio Soares 10: Pizarro, Marco Antonio 10: Epiphanio, Jos‚ Carlos Neves 12: Variations in reflectance of tropical soils spectral-chemical composition relationships from AVIRIS data 14: 245-255 30: Remote Sensing of Environment 31: 75 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Feb. <2001> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: variacoes 87: reflectƒncia espectral 87: amostra de solo 87: composicao qu¡mica 88: variation 88: spectral reflectance 88: soil sampling 88: chemical composition 83: The relationships between Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)surface reflectance values and constituents (total iron, organic matter, TiO2, Al2O3, and SiO2)of samples representative of three important soil types from central Brazil [Terra Roxa Estruturada (S TE), Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro (SLE), and Areia Quartzosa (SAQ)] were analyzed. End member spectra for green vegetation (GV), nonphotosynthetic vegetation (NPV), water (W), and the three soil types were selected by inspecting scatter plots derived from the principal components analysis (PCA)of 140 AVIRIS bands. They were then used to compose a six end member unmixing model to characterize the spectral reflectance variations associated with the different scene components, the spatial distribution of the soil types, and the effects of spectral mixing on the spectral-chemical composition relationships. Finally, regression equations fitted to soil constituents and their highly correlated spectral bands were used to produce maps showing the chemical variability in the scene for areas dominated by the presence of exposed soils, as indicated by the results from the unmixing model. The results showed a very good agreement between the spatial variability of the soil types and of the soil constituents. The largest squared correlation results were obtained for Fe2O3, TiO2, and Al2O3, but the relationships were affected in the transition from the red to the near-infrared interval by the presence of nonsoil residues (e.g., senescent vegetation or litter)over the soil surfaces. In comparison with the light and loamy sand SAQ, the dark-red clay STE and SLE presented higher contents of Fe2O3, Al2O3, and TiO2, and consequently lower overall reflectance in the scene, because of the presence of greater amounts of opaque minerals. The prediction of these constituents from remote sensing data and their close association with the spatial distribution of the different soil types demonstrate the importance of the present investigation for soil mapping and soil erosion studies 91: 9010 MFN: 6057 1: SID/SCD 2: 7370 3: INPE-7370-PRE/3260 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Souza, Iris de Marcelhas 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Duarte, valdete 12: Caracterizacao da  reas em processo de sucessao secund ria (rebrota), na regiao Amaz“nica 13: Characterization of the areas in succession process (regrowth)in the Amazon region 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry ando Remote Sensing, 19 55: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: clareiras 87: desflorestamento 87: desmatamento 87: monitoramento ambiental 87: mudanca de clima 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: imagens Landsat 88: clearing 88: deforstation 88: environmental monitoring 88: climate change 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: Landsat imagery 82: 83: The objective of this work was to study areas in a succession process (regrowth)in the Amazon region. For that we used products from TM/LANDSAT and digital images processing techniques. The methodological procedures tried to identify the year in which the clear cut took place, in areas mapped as regrowtht at project "PRODES DIGITAL" (Duarte et al., 1999). The spectral response of vegetation in agreement with their density was the criteria for classification of polygons identified as regrowth areas of Landsat data (231/67 scene 12/09/1998).The segmentation and classification process was used in images from 1985 to 1997. The age of regrowth areas could be calculated by the year it had been deforested and supervised its evolution. The results would contribute with the estimation of carbon fluxes as proposed by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Despite the significant correlation between the results of processing and the derived data from visual interpretation analysis of rebrota polygons, it was not possible to define the automation in classification form and quantification of areas in secondary succession, because of the dynamics occupation process and the intense deforestation of the study area MFN: 6106 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kux, H.J.H. 10: Rangel, E.M.S. 10: Sales, G. 12: Evolution of optical and microwave remote sensing data to study the landscape dynamics of the NE sector from MaranhÆo Insland 38: Paper IAF-00B.4.10 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautics Congress of IAF 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> MFN: 6137 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia LeÆo de Moraes 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 12: Monitoramento do incˆndio florestal em Roraima, com dados multisensores 53: Forest'2000 54: 23-26 out. <2000> 56: Porto Seguro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 91: 7811 MFN: 6142 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Biography, Whoïs who in the worl 14: 1967 18: Marquis Who's who 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61:
  • 62: Millennium Edition 64: <2000> 66: New Providence 67: USA 68: CAPL MFN: 6189 1: SID/SCD 2: 8184 3: INPE-8184-RPQ/718 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Faria, Sergio Donizete 16: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 18: Estudo comparativo de operadores para casamento de padräes 20: 85 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DPI 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 90: b 76: MORFOLOGIA MATEMµTICA 87: operadores 87: coeficiente de correla‡Æo 87: reconhecimento de padräes 87: padräes 87: casando 87: compara‡Æo 87: medidas 87: desempenho 87: an lise de imagens 87: morfologia 87: escala cinza 88: correlation coefficients 88: operators (mathematics) 88: templates 88: matching 88: comparison 88: measures 88: performance 88: image analysis 88: morphology 88: gray scale 83: Neste trabalho sÆo apresentados alguns operadores para casamento de padräes em imagens em n¡veis de cinza e duas medidas de desempenho. Os operadores foram encontrados na literatura e as medidas de desempenho foram introduzidas pela primeira vez neste trabalho. Utilizando estas medidas, foi realizado um estudo comparativo destes operadores atrav‚s de alguns experimentos. Para estes experimentos foram utilizados cinco pares de imagens digitais de sensoriamento remoto (TM/Landsat e fotografias a‚reas).ABSTRACT:In this work, some template matching operators for gray-scale images and two performance measures are presented. The operators were found in the literature and the performance measures were introduced for the first time in this work. Using these measures, a comparative study of these operators was made through some experiments. For these experiments, five pairs of remote sensing digital images (TM/Landsat and aerial photography)were used 91: 8205 102: MFN: 6197 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 10: Linhares, Cl udia de Albuquerque 10: Ponzoni, Fl vio Jorge 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Rela‡Æo entre volume de madeira e ¡ndice de  rea foliar em um povoamento de Pinus ssp.: estudo de caso 14: 47-54 30: Revista µrvore 31: 24 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> MFN: 6201 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Linhares, Cl udia de Albuquerque 10: Ponzoni, Fl vio Jorge 10: Alves, Diogenes Salas 12: Clasifica‡Æo digital de imagens orbitais para mapeamento da vegeta‡Æo e do uso da terra possibilidades e limita‡äes 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Latin American Symposium on remote Sensing, 9., Reuni¢n Planaria SELPER, 19., 54: nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE MFN: 6204 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia LeÆo de MorÆes 12: Comportamento espectral da  gua 16: Menezes, Paulo Roberto, ed. 18: Comportamento espectral de alvos naturais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 64: <2000> 68: CAPL MFN: 6210 1: SID/SCD 2: 8075 3: INPE-8075-PRE/3890 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Souza, Iris de Marcelhas e 10: Martini, Paulo Roberto 12: Reservas indigenas e fronteiras agricolas na Chapada dos Parecis (MT): uma analise temporal por imagens TM-Landsat 14: 251-259 30: Estudos Avancados 31: 14 32: 40 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 71: 1984-1997 76: PLANEJAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: SISTEMA DE PROCESSAMENTO DE INFORMACOES GEORREFERENCIADAS 87: SPRING 87: MODELO LINEAR DE MISTURA ESPECTRAL 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: DESFLORESTAMENTO 87: USO DA TERRA 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: ANALISE TEMPORAL 87: RESERVAS INDIGENAS 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: PLANEJAMENTO REGIONAL 88: DEFLORESTATION 82: 83: A regiao da Chapada dos Parecis, estado do Mato Grosso, vem sendo submetida desde o inicio da decada de 60 a um acelerado processo de ocupacao, fruto da expansao das fronteiras agricolas para a Amazonia Ocidental. Os eixos principais sao duas estradas federais: a BR 364 que, deixando Cuiaba no Mato Grosso, se estende atualmente ate a fronteira com o Peru, passando por Porto Velho em Rondonia e Rio Branco no Acre; a BR 163 que, deixando Cuiaba, segue para Santarem no estado do Para. As estradas foram perenizadas em meados dos anos 60 para uma rapida interiorizacao da pane da Amazonia Legal. compreendida pelos estados do Mato Grosso, Rondonia e Acre. Em se tratando de um ambiente geomorfico apropriado para desenvolvimento de agricultura ostensiva e mecanizada, os Parecis foram aceleradamente ocupados por grandes propriedades agr¡colas dedicadas principalrnente a cultura de graos como soja e arroz. Neste processo tambem aconteceu o estabelecimento rapido de novos municipios, uma grande parte deles com menos de 30 anos, como Comodoro, Sapezal, Juina, Campos Novos, Sinop, Sorriso e tantos outros, criados a partir dos eixos de ocupacao instalados pelos rodovias mencionadas. A instalacao dos municipios trouxe a necessidade tambem de se estabelecer limites para as reservas indigenas a fim de serem preservadas sua cultura e sua natividade. Assim, no estabelecimento da diretriz original da BR 364, ou seja, no planejamento da rodovia o tracado se preocupava com os limites de algumas reservas ja entao definidas como por exemplo a Reserva Nambikwara, talvez a maior dos Parecis. A Reserva Enawene-Nawe foi outra area de preservacao dos Parecis, criada mais para o final da decada de 70, com limites controlados em pane pela importante rodovia estadual (MT 319)que liga Vilhena a Juina. Ambas sao exemplos de reservas cujos limites Abstract: PARECIS Plateau in the State of Mato Grosso has been submitted to an intense process of occupation for the last thirty years. Through this work a temporal analysis is done on the borders of Nambikwara and Enawene-Nawe which are two of several other indian reservations that are distributed over the Parecis Plateau. The study analyses the spatial distribution of the reservation boundaries and the expanding nearer cropfields. TM-LANDSAT images collected in June of 1984 and May/June of 1997 we me main data support. The general procedures included: digitizing the reservation bounds; conforming cartographic bases and projections; registering images and maps; linear model of spectral mixture; analysis. Results show that the reservation boundaries are getting closer and are often trespassed by cropfields bounds. Trespassed boundaries were depicted in the northwestern edge of Enawene-Nawe along the route that links Vilhena to Juina (route MT 319). The spatial distribution of the roads in the region showed that the vicinals were the main vectors of the process that need to be continuously observed. The results allow recommending the application of the same procedures elsewhere in the country. The experience also allows anticipating that the same methodology can be used even for reservations poorly known or known just by preliminary surveys or descriptive memorials 91: 8205 MFN: 6219 1: SID/SCD 2: 9046 3: INPE-9046-PRE/4722 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Felgueiras, Carlos Alberto 10: Fuks, S.D. 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 12: Raster representations of spatial attributes with uncertainty assessment using stochastic simulation 18: Proceedings 30: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on GeoComputation, 6 54: 24-26 Set. <2001> 56: Brisbane 57: Australia 58: DPI 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 88: Raster 88: GIS 83: Raster representations of thematic and numerical spatial attributes are very common in a GIS environment for computational simulation and analysis of spatial processes. This paper addresses the problem of predictions with uncertainty assessment for GIS raster representations created from a set of sample points of spatial attributes. The realizations of a stochastic simulation process, over numerical attribute samples, are used for inferencing the attribute values and the related uncertainties at non-sampled spatial locations. A case study, using elevation sample data, is presented in order to illustrate the used methodology with real data MFN: 6225 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 10: Mulchi, C.L. 10: Lee, E.H 12: Plant responses to elevated CO2 and interactions with O3 16: Singh, S.N. ed 18: Trace emission and Plants 40: En 41: En 42: 56: Dordrecht 58: DSR 61:
  • 62: Academic 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 91: FDB-20021204 MFN: 6227 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Rodriguez, A.C. 10: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 10: Moreira, M.A 12: Mapeamento multitemporal do uso e cobertura do solo do Munic¡pio de SÆo SebastiÆo/SP 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: GISBRASIL 54: 7-11 ago. <2000> 56: Salvador 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20001019 MFN: 6775 1: SID/SCD 2: 9061 3: INPE-9061-PRE/4737 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 10: Medeiros, Jos‚ SimeÆo 12: Representa‡Æo computacionais do espa‡o: um di logo entre a geografia e a ciˆncia da geoinforma‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Workshop 54: <2000> 56: Rio Claro 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr ficas 87: SGI 83: Este trabalho apresenta uma primeira abordagem ao problema de estabelecer uma fundamenta‡Æo te¢rica para a disciplina de Ciˆncia da Geoinforma‡Æo. A partir da apresenta‡Æo de conceitos de espa‡o desenvolvidos ao longo do s‚culo XX pela Geografia, os autores analisam em que medida estes conceitos podem ser capturados em representa‡äes computacionais e quais as limita‡äes d  atual gera‡Æo de GIS. Na concep‡Æo apresentada, as diferentes teorias do espa‡o geogr fico podem representar um ponto de partida para o estabelecimento dos fundamentos epistemol¢gicos da Ciˆncia da Geoinforma‡Æo e para a concep‡Æo de uma nova gera‡Æo de GIS 91: FDB-20000612 MFN: 6958 1: SID/SCD 2: 8143 3: INPE-8143-PRE/3954 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Krug, Thelma 10: Novo, Evlyn M rcia LeÆo de Moraes 10: Rodriguez-Yi, Jose Luiz 12: Roraima: o incendio visto do espaco 14: 32-34 30: Ciencia Hoje 31: 27 32: 157 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: QUEIMADA 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGEM LANDSAT 87: INCENDIO 87: IMAGENS DMSP 87: IMAGENS NOAA 87: SATELITES NOAA 87: SATELITES DMSP 87: LANDSAT 5 88: BURNES 88: FORESTS 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 82: 83: Roraima no noticidrio nacional e internacional foi consequncia de uma longa estacao seca e do baixissimo indice de chuvas registrado no estado desde meados de 1997. Na origem desses fatores estava o fenomeno El Nino (o aquecimento das aguas do oceano Pacifico, alterando o clima de parte do planeta, em especial o da Amarica do Sul), que tem seu efeito maximo nessa regiao. Dados do Centro de Previsto de Tempo e Clima, do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Inpe), ja indicavam essa situacoes dramatica: desde 1973 quando ocorriam condicoes de seca tao extremas quanto as do comeco de 1998. Tal fato, associado a pratica de queimadas em areas agricolas ou pastagens, desencadearam o maior incendio florestal ja ocorrido no pais 91: FDB-19940720 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7506 1: SID/SCD 2: 8146 3: INPE-8146-PRE/3956 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Galo, Maria de Lourdes Bueno Trindade 10: Novo, Evlyn M rcia LeÆo de Moraes 12: Normalizacao radiometrica de imagens: um meio de integrar dados multitemprais de sensoriamento remoto para monitoramento ambiental 14: 67-75 30: Revista do Instituto Florestal 31: 12 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: MONITORAMENTO AMBIENTAL 87: RESOLUCOES RADIOMETRICAS 87: DETECCAO DE MUDANCAS 88: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 88: RADIOMETRIC RESOLUTIONS 88: CHANGE DETECTION 83: As caracteristicas espaciais, espectrais, radiometricas e temporais das; imagens orbitais de sensoriamento remoto permitem sua utilizacao em muitas propostas de monitoraniento ambiental, tornando-as uma ferramenta efetiva para a deteccao de mudancas temporais na paisagein. Entretanto, na analise de dados multitemporais e necessario considerar as variacoes decorrentes dos efeitos atmosfericos, de iluminacao e dos parametros do sensor. Nesse sentido, apresenta-se um metodo de normalizacao radiometrica de dados multitemporais o qual, apesar de nao remover os efeitos das diferentes fontes de variacao, utiliza os proprios parametros. da cena para tornar as imagens comparaveis em relacao a uma data de referencia. Alem disso, com base em um experimento de a licacao da tecnica, mostra-se que uma escolha adequada da imagem de referencia para o procedimento de normaliza‡Æo, pode melhorar consideravelmente a visualizacao de cenas de baixo contraste e real‡ar feicoes que eram imperceptiveis na imagem original 91: FDB-20010213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8839 1: SID/SCD 2: 7527 3: INPE-7527-TDI/734 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: 528.711.7:630 16: Moura, Valdir 18: Imagens multitemporais TM/Landsat-5 da epoca de pre-plantio na estimativa de areas destinadas a cultura de verao 19: TM/ Landsat-5 data from pre crop season to estimate the area to be planted with summer crop 20: 122 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Antonio Roberto Formaggio; Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio (orientador); Evlyn Marcia de Moraes Novo; Mauro Antonio Homem Antunes; Jansle Vieira da Rocha 59: SER 62: INPE 64: mar. <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: ESTATISTICA AGRICOLA 87: CULTURA DE VERAO 87: USO DA TERRA 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SIG 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: LANDSAT 5 88: CROP INVENTORIES 88: LAND USE 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 83: A estimativa das Areas Destinadas a Culturas de Verao (ADCV)e das Areas Plantadas por Cultura por Municipio (APPCM)estao entre as principais variaveis envolvidas na previsao de safras usando sensoriamento remoto. No Brasil, a obtencao destas informacoes e feita de maneira indireta pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE)e divulgadas atraves do Levantamento Sistematico de Producao Agricola (LSPA). Devido a dificuldade em adquirir imagens orbitais no verao, em funcao da grande cobertura de nuvens, torna-se necessario trabalhar com dados obtidos nas epocas de pre-plantio, quando se pretende realizar estatisticas agricolas utilizando sensoriamento remoto. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se a utilizacao de dados multitemporais do sensor TM/Landsat-5 obtidos nos meses de julho e setembro de 1998 (epoca de pre-plantio)para a estimativa das ADCVS e APPCM em uma area do Estado de Sao Paulo composta pelos municipios de Hortolandia, Sumare, Nova Odessa, Americana, Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Rio das Pedras, Iracemapolis e Piracicaba. Foram utilizadas tecnicas de geoprocessamento e processamento digital de imagens para o tratamento dos dados disponiveis. Utilizaram-se classificacoes supervisionadas (MAXVER)e nao-supervisionadas (ISOSEG)para os dados em numero digital, reflectancia e imagens NDVI multitemporais, na tentativa de discriminar os talhoes de maior probabilidade de serem cultivados com ADCVS e posteriormente checadas no campo para a obtencao das APPCMS. A exatidao das classificacoes foi avaliada atraves de um sistema de amostragem desenvolvido para a regiao de estudo, e as estimativas de areas foram corrigidas atraves da matriz de erro construida a partir destas avaliacoes. As tecnicas de classificacao utilizadas permitiram uma qualidade classificada como excelente segundo o indice Kappa. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a metodologia aplicada nesta pesquisa e uma alternativa viavel para determinar com precisao, em nivel municipal, as ADCVS e as APPCM. Porem, houve diferencas significativas entre estes resultados e as estimativas divulgadas pelas entidades oficiais. ABSTRACT: The estimate of the Area of Land to be planted with annual crops and its stratification by municipality are important variables in crop forecast. Nowadays in Brazil, these information are obtained by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)and published under the report Assessment of the Agricultural Production. Due to the high cloud cover in the main crop growing season (October to March)it is difficult to acquire good orbital images. Thus, one alternative is to work with remote sensing data from dates before the crop growing season. This work presents the use of multitemporal TM/Landsat-5 data gathered on July and September of 1998 (before the summer growing season)in order to estimate the area of land to be planted with summer crops in an area of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)and digital image processing techniques were applied for treatment of the available data. Supervised and non-supervised classifications were used for data in digital number and reflectance formats and for the multitemporal Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)images. The objective was to discriminate the tracts with higher probability to become planted with summer crops. Classification accuracy's were evaluated using a sampling system developed basically for this study region. The estimated areas were corrected using the error matrix derived from these evaluations. The classification techniques presented an excellent level according to the kappa index. The proportion of crops stratified by municipalities was derived by a field work during the crop growing season. These proportion coefficients were applied onto the area of land to be planted with summer crops (derived from TM/Landsat-5 data). Thus, it was possible to derive the area of each summer crop by municipality. The discrepancies between official statistics and our results were attributed to the sampling and to the stratification procedures. Nevertheless, this methodology can be improved in order to provide good crop area estimatives using remote sensing data, despite the cloud cover during the growing season 91: FDB-20000904 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 8840 1: SID/SCD 2: 7528 3: INPE-7528-TDI/735 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: 528.711.7:504(817.1) 16: Moreira, Romero da Costa 18: Influencia do posicionamento e da largura de bandas de sensores remotos e dos efeitos atmosfericos na determinacao de indices de vegetacao 19: Influence of remote sensor band positioning and bandwidth and atmospheric efects on the vegetation index determinations 20: 179 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Lenio Soares Galvao (orientador); Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo; Flavio Jorge Ponzoni; Jose Carlos Neves Epiphanio; Paulo Roberto Meneses 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: maio <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: ESPECTROMETRO IMAGEADOR AEROTRANSPORTADO DO VISIVEL E INFRAVERMELHO 87: AVIRIS 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 87: ANALISE ESPECTRAL 87: CONTRASTE DE IMAGENS 88: INFRARED SPECTROMETERS 88: VEGEETATIVE INDEX 88: SPECTRUM ANALYSIS 88: IMAGE CONTRAST 82: 83: Investigou-se a influencia do posicionamento e da largura das bandas do Vermelho (V - 600 a 700 nm)e do Infravermelho proximo (IVP - 750 a 1100 nm), assim como a influencia da atmosfera, na determinacao dos indices de vegetacao (IVs)NDVI, SAVI e ARVI, obtidos a partir de dados hiperespectrais do sensor Airborne Visible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS). Com base no uso do codigo MODTRAN, os dados originais de radiancia aparente foram convertidos para imagens "reflectancia de superficie" e "reflectancia aparente". Os IVs foram obtidos para esses dois conjuntos de dados, considerando-se tres espectros de referencia representativos dos alvos Vegetacao Verde (VV), Vegetacao Nao-fotossinteticamente ativa (VNFA)e Solo (S), selecionados a partir da aplicacao sequencial das tecnicas Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF)e Pixel Purity Index (PPI). O objetivo foi identificar para cada IV o par de bandas V-IVP que possibilitasse o melhor contraste entre a VV e os demais componentes da cena. Foram utilizadas larguras de bandas estreitas (10 nm)e de bandas amplas simuladas (20 e 50 nm para o V, e 100 e 200 nm para o IVP). Tambem foram simuladas as bandas dos sensores ASTER/Terra, AVHRR/NOAA 14, MODIS/Terra, MOMS-2, MSS/Landsat 5, HRVIR/Spot 4 e TM/Landsat 5. Finalmente, correlacoes entre os IVs e os valores da fracao VV, extraidos de um modelo linear de mistura espectral, em funcao do posicionamento de bandas, foram obtidas e comparadas com resultados de um experimento radioeletrico de campo feito por Gleriani (1994). Os resultados mostram que a largura das bandas nao influencia o contraste espectral entre os membros de referencia, quando sao utilizados dados de reflectancia de superficie, desde que nao seja invadida a regiao de borda vermelha (de 690 a 750 nm). Ao contrario, mudancas no posicionamento das bandas, tanto do V quanto do IVP, provocam variacoes no contraste entre os alvos. O contraste e otimizado com o posicionamento da banda do V em 677 nm, tanto para dados de reflectancia de superficie quanto aparente, e para todos os indices avaliados. Para a regiao do IVP, o NDVI apresenta otimizacao do contraste com o centro da banda proximo a 769 nm, mas o ARVI e o SAVI mostram variacoes no posicionamento das bandas de melhor contraste, dependendo dos valores utilizados para as suas constantes y e L. A influencia da atmosfera causa diminuicao no contraste da cena, principalmente quando a largura da banda abrange bandas de absorcao atmosferica no IVP. Os sensores MOMS, TM, ASTER, MODIS, HRVIR produzem melhor contraste do que o AVHRR e o MSS. Entretanto, o MODIS sofre menor influencia atmosferica, por possuir a banda do IVP mais estreita e melhor posicionada que os demais. Embora os resultados da correlacao entre os indices e a fracao-VV nao sejam inteiramente concordantes com os do experimento radiometrico de campo, eles revelam a tendencia do par de bandas V-IVP de melhor contraste espectral produzir tambem melhores estimativas dos parametros da vegetacao. ABSTRACT: The influences of the positioning and width of red (R = 600-700 nm)and nearinfrared (NIR = 750-1100 nm)bands on the determination of AVIRIS-derived vegetation indices (Vls = NDVI, SAVI, and ARVI), as well as the atmospheric effects, were investigated. By using the MODTRAN code, apparent radiance AVIRIS data were converted into surface and apparent reflectance images, respectively. The Vls were calculated from both dataset, land for three endmember spectra representative of green vegetation (GV), nonphotosyntetic vegetation (NPV)and soil (S). These endmember spectra were selected from the image itself through the sequential use of the minimum noise fraction (MNF)and pixel purity index (PPI)techniques. The objective was to identify the best RNIR band pair to optimize the contrast between GV and the other scene components. Narrow (10 nm)and broad bands (R with widths of 20 and 50 nm; and NIR of 100 and 200 nm)were simulated in the present investigation as well as spectral intervals equivalent to some broadband sensors (ASTER/Terra, AVHRR/NOAA 14, MODIS/Terra, MOMS-2, MSS/Landsat 5, HRVIR/Spot 4 and TM/Landsat 5). Finally, correlations between Vls and fraction values of VV, derived from a linear spectral unmixing model, were calculated and compared with results produced with the use of a field spectroradiometric dataset collected by Gleriani (1994). The results of the use of surface reflectance data show that bandwidth is not an important factor to affect spectral contrast if the R and NIR bands are not inserted into the red edge domain (690-750 nm). On the other hand, shifts in R-NIR band placement produce significant changes in contrast. The best results were obtained with the R band positioned around the chlorophyll absorption interval (677 nm), and the NIR band placed at shorter wavelengths (769 nm). However, the results can vary in the NIR interval for ARVI and SAVI depending on the y and L parameters used in their calculation. Atmospheric effects reduce the spectral contrast of the scene, especially when the NIR bands are placed at atmospheric absorption band intervals. From the broadband sensors investigated, MOMS, TM, ASTER, MODIS, HRVIR produce better spectral contrasts between GV and other scene components than AVHRR and MSS. However, if one considers both, atmospheric effects and contrast, MODIS presents the best results because of the positioning of its narrow NIR band in a very convenient atmospheric window. Although there is no complete agreement between the correlations of the Vls with the GV fraction values (unmixing model), and with the canopy parameters (Gleriani's experiment), the results indicate that the best R-NIR band pair to enhance contrast tends to be also the best estimator of the vegetation characteristics 91: FDB-20000904 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 8847 1: SID/SCD 2: 7893 3: INPE-7893-TDI/742 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: 528.711;504.064 16: Pinto, Rita Marcia da Silva 18: Dados radiometricos (400 a 900 nm)na avaliacao de efeitos da poluicao atmosferica em folhas de especies da Mata Atlantica em Cubatao (SP) 19: Radiometric data (0,400 to 0,900 )in an atmospheric pollution effects evaluation considering leaves of some Mata Atlantica woody species (Cubatao SP) 20: 146 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Flavio Jorge Ponzoni (orientador); Antonio Roberto Formaggio; Mauro Antonio Homem Antunes; Sergio Luiz Pompeia 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: abr. <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: ESTRESSE DE PLANTA 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: POLUICAO ATMOSFERICA 87: RADIOMETRIA 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 88: PLANT STRESS 88: AAIR POLLUTION 82: 83: Dentre as aplicacoes das tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto no estudo da vegetacao, destaca-se a necessidade de identificar alteracoes no processo de interacao da radiacao eletromagnetica com a vegetacao, ocasionadas por fatores bi¢ticos ou ambientais. A regiao proxima ao municipio de Cubatao (SP)tem abrigado inumeras industrias que sao fontes de poluentes lancados a atmosfera, que por sua vez tem afetado o desenvolvimento da vegetacao. Esse trabalho tem como, objetivo avaliar a possibilidade de utilizar dados radiometricos espectrais na identificacao de vegetacao afetada por poluentes, atmosfericos na regiao de Cubatao-SP. Na primeira etapa do trabalho, foram coletadas folhas de cinco especies consideradas tolerantes e cinco consideradas sensiveis a poluentes atmosfericos. Estas especies encontram-se em tres areas, sendo duas afetadas por diferentes poluentes atmosfericos e uma controle. Essas folhas foram medidas radiometricamente, com SPECTRON SE 590 acoplado a uma esfera integradora (0,400 a 1,100 ), originando Fatores de Reflectancia Direcional Hemisferico (FRDH)que foram comparados estatisticamente, procurando identificar diferencas significativas entre estes FRDHs provenientes de folhas, de mesma especie, que se desenvolvem nas tres diferentes areas. Na Segunda etapa foram realizadas analises quimicas sobre estas folhas e os dados resultantes foram igualmente comparados estatisticamente entre si (entre as tres areas)e foram ainda correlacionados com aqueles provenientes das medidas radiometricas (FRDH). Na terceira etapa, modelos de regressao linear, simples foram estabelecidos, tomando como variavel dependente as concentracoes quimicas, e como variavel independente os valores de FRDH. Nao foi possivel comprovar a influencia dos poluentes atmosfericos sobre os valores de FRDH e nem tampouco sobre as concentracoes de clorofila, carbono, hidrogenio e nitrogenio. As concentracoes quimicas foram significativamente semelhantes para as tres areas de estudo. 0 mesmo foi verificado sobre as diferencas dos valores de FRDH e entre as especies sensiveis e tolerantes. As condicoes ambientais das tres areas parecem ter exercido maior influencia sobre a dinamica dos valores de FRDH e sobre as concentracoes quimicas. Atraves dos modelos estabelecidos e possivel estimar as concentracoes quimicas de alguns elementos a partir de medidas de FRDH especificamente para algumas especies que se desenvolvem em Cubatao-SP. ABSTRACT: The identification of changes in the interaction of electromagnetic radiation and the vegetation due biotic or environmental causes is the main application of remote sensing technology. The region near to Cubatao (SP)has sheltered countless industries that are pollutant. Those sources have affected the surrounding vegetation. The objective of this work is to evaluate the use of spectral radiometric data in the, identification of affected vegetation by atmospheric pollutants in the region of Cubatao-SP In the first step, leaves from 10 different woody species (5 resistant and 5 sensitive to air pollutants)were collected from three different areas. One of these areas was considered as the control area and two others were influencied by several kinds and amounts of air pollutants. that leaves were radiometricaly characterized using an integrating sphere attached on a SPECTRON SE 590 radiometer (400 nm to 1100 nm). Radiometric measures were converted in Hemispherical Directional Reflectance Factors (HDRF), which were statistically compared trying to find significant differences between HDRF values from the three areas, for each specie. In the second step, chemical analysis were performed using the same leaves mentioned above and the contents of chlorophyll, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen were determined. Statistical analysis were carried out over the chemical data in order to find significant differences between these amounts from the three areas. The correlations between HDRF and chemical contents data were also calculated. In the third step, linear regression models were determined for the relations where the r values were greater than 50 83: , considering the chemical data as the dependent variable and the HDRF as the independent one. The statistical analysis showed no significant influence of atmospheric pollutants on the HDRF values and on the chlorophyll and carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen leaf contents. The chemical concentrations from the three study areas were statistically similar at the (x=0,05 level of significance. The same results were obtained for the HDRF values. Environmental conditions at the three areas seem to be the most influent factor in the HDRF values and chemical content dynamics. It is possible to estimate the chemical contents of some elements for specific species from Cubatao region using HDRF measurements and regression models 91: FDB-20000904 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 8848 1: SID/SCD 2: 7520 3: INPE-7520-PUD/095 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 16: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 16: Duarte, Valdete 16: Mello, Eliana Maria Kalil 16: Moreira, Jose Carlos 18: Apresentacao da metodologia de criacao do PRODES digital 20: 36 38: (Extraido do relatorio INPE-7032-PUD/35) 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 59: DSR 61: PRODES 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: PRODES 87: METODOLOGIA 87: SISTEMA DE PROCESSAMENTO DE INFORMACOES GEORREFERENCIADAS 87: SPRING 87: ANALISE DE IMAGENS 87: REDUCAO DE DADOS 87: PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS 88: IMAGE ANALYSIS 88: DATA REDUCTION 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 82: 58: DSR 59: PRODES 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: PRODES 87: METODOLOGIA 87: SISTEMAS DE PROCESSAMENTO DE INFORMACOES GEORREFERENCIADAS 87: SPRING 87: ANALISE DE IMAGENS 87: REDUCAO DE DADOS 87: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL 88: IMAGE ANAYSIS 88: DATA REDUCTION 88: IMAGE PROCESSING 82: 83: The present report refers to the description of 36 slides, in the PowerPoint software format, presenting the methodology to create the DIGITAL PRODES. The methodological procedure, developed at INPE, was possible due to the joint efforts between photo-interpreters and the team responsible for the development of the Georreferenced Information Processing System (SPRING). This methodological procedure made possible to create the DIGITAL PRODES, which objective is to automate the operational tasks of PRODES (Project of Estimating the Gross Deforestation of Amazon region), consolidating a reliable georreferenced database that is easy to use by users. This methodology consists on generating fraction images derived from spectral linear mixing model, with the objective to reduce the data dimensionality to be processed. Following, it is used image segmentation of shade images, followed by the non supervised classification per region and the matricial edition done in the computer screen, in order to map the extension of gross deforestation of Brazilian Amazon occurred up to 1997. With the development of this methodology, it was possible to conceive the digital database of Brazilian Amazon (BADDAM), that it is a growing information source for the technical-scientific community and/or decision makers, involved in the elaboration of politics, analyses, planning and fiscalization of the resources of the Amazon region, with the objectives to preserve and/or for the sustained land use management 91: FDB-20000904 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 8850 1: SID/SCD 2: 7694 3: INPE-7694-NTC/343 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 16: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 16: Barrera, Junior 18: Set mapping decomposition by mathematical morphology 20: 10 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 59: PAISR 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: NTC 90: b 76: MORFOLOGIA MATEMATICA 88: MORPHOLOGY MATHEMATICS 88: IMAGE ANALYSIS 88: SET THEORY 88: BOOLEAN ALGEBRA 83: This paper presents some general representations for set mappings based on Mathematical Morphology. A generalization of the concept of kernel , proposed originally by Matheron for translation invariant.)mappings, will be presented here in order to prove that any set mapping (not necessarily translation invariant.)can be decomposed by a set of (non-translation invariant.)sup-generating mappings . A generalization of the concept of basis is introduced to simplify the proposed representation. A topological condition for the existence of basis is also stated 91: FDB-20000904 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8856 1: SID/SCD 2: 7884 3: INPE-7884-PRE/3724 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Banon, Gerald Francis 12: New insight on digital topology 14: 138-148 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing, 5 54: 26-28 June <2000> 56: Palo Alto 57: USA 58: DPI 61: The document in this repository is the manuscript submitted to ISMM'2000 after taking into consideration the reviewer recommendations. 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: MORFOLOGIA MATEMATICA 87: IMAGEM BINARIA 87: DILATACAO 87: TOPOLOGIA 87: CONECTIVIDADE 87: ABERTURA 88: BINARY IMAGE 88: DILATION 88: EROSION 88: TOPOLOGY 88: OPENING 88: CONECTIVITY 88: MATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY 83: The traditional approach of digital topology consists of using two different kinds of neighborhood for the black and white pixels of a binary image, and consequently two kinds of connectedness. In this paper, we are proposing to define connectedness in terms of a bounded subcollection of sets and to analyze the topological aspect of a binary image in an expanded domain in which it is sufficient to consider only one kind of connectedness. In the first part, we recall the definitions of neighborhood and connectedness of the traditional digital topology approach. In the second part, we define the notions of "bounded space", "connected bounded space" and of "connected subset of a bounded space". In the last part, we introduce two image operators (a dilation and an erosion)that produce expanded images whose connectedness is analyzed in relation to a bounded space obtained from the invariance domain of an opening. We show how the traditional two kinds of connectedness can be derived from this analysis 91: FDB-20000905 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 8874 1: SID/SCD 2: 7883 3: INPE-7883-PRE/3723 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 10: Alves, Diogenes Salas 12: Impactos irreversiveis do desmatamento 14: 26-29 30: Pesquisa Fapesp 32: 52 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: QUEIMADA 87: IMPACTO AMBIENTAL 87: GAS CARBONICO 87: DESFLORESTAMENTO 87: MONITORAMENTO DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: EFEITO ESTUFA 88: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 88: DESFORESTATION 83: 0 gas carbonico retirado da atmosfera pela recuperacao natural de areas desmatadas; para a formacao de pastagens e culturas agricolas na Amazonia representa apenas uma fracao modesta das emissoes devidas ao desmatamento, ao contrario do que se pensava. E o que mostra pesquisa realizada por uma equipe do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Inpe)em Rondonia. Essas conclusoes podem alterar a enfase de pesquisas relacionadas com desmatamento e emissoes de gases do efeito estufa, ja que o desmatamento e considerado uma das principais fontes brutas desses gases e tanto emissoes como sequestro de carbono nas areas abandonadas interessam aos cientistas. 91: FDB-20000905 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8898 1: SID/SCD 2: 7965 3: INPE-7965-PRE/3799 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Osses, Jose Roberto 10: Paiva, Joao Argemiro de Carvalho 10: Camara Neto, Gilberto 12: Arquitetura cliente servidor para bibliotecas geograficas digitais 18: Anais 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Workshop Brasileiro de GeoInformatica, 2 54: 12-13 <2000> 56: Sao Paulo 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: BIBLIOTECA GEOGRAFICA DIGITAL 88: GEOGRAFIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 88: INTEGRATED LIBRARY SYSTEMS 83: Resumo: Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de uma aplicacao cliente-servidor para a disseminacao de dados geograficos na Internet. Os autores descrevem uma estrategia que se baseia no modelo conceitual de uma base de dados geografica como forma de selecao de dados, e para o estabelecimento de um compromisso entre cliente e servidor. 0 sistema resultante apresenta performance aceitavel e indica a possibilidade de uma arquitetura cliente-servidor para bibliotecas geograficas digitais. Abstract: This work describes the development of a client-server application for dissemination of geographical data on the Internet. The authors describe a strategy that relies on use of the conceptual schema of the geographical database as a means for data selection and for establishing a compromise between client and server. The resulting system has acceptable performance and indicates a possible client-server solution for geographical digital libraries 91: FDB-20000906 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8899 1: SID/SCD 2: 7966 3: INPE-7966-PRE/3800 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camara Neto, Gilberto 10: Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto 10: Pedrosa, Bianca Maria 10: Vinhas, Lubia 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 10: Paiva, Joao Argemiro de Carvalho 10: Carvalho, Marcelo Tilio de 10: Gattass, Marcelo 12: TerraLib: technology in support of GIS innovation 18: Anais 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Workshop Brasileiro de GeoInformatica, 2 54: 12-13 <2000> 56: Sao Paulo 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: ANALISE ESPACIAL 87: BIBLIOTECA DE SOFTWARE 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: INFORMATION DISSEMITION 88: SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS 88: DATA BSES 83: This work describes the development of a new GIS library (called TerraLib), that is aimed a providing a rich and powerful environment for the development of GIScience research. The motivation for this proposal is the current lack of either public or commercial GIS libraries that cater for the diversity of GIS data and algorithms, especially when viewed upon the latest advances in geographical information science. TerraLib is open source software, allowing a collaborative environment and its use for the development of multiple GIS tools 91: FDB-20000906 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8900 1: SID/SCD 2: 7967 3: INPE-7967-PRE/3801 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camara Neto, GIlberto 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 10: Paiva, Joao Argemiro de carvalho 10: Gomes, Jonas 10: Velho, Luiz 12: Towards a unified framework for geographical data models 18: Anais 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Workshop Brasileiro de GeoInformatica, 2 54: 12-13 <2000> 56: Sao Paulo 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: GIS 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: INTEROPERABILIDADE 88: GEOGRAFIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: DATA SYSTEMS 88: INTEROPERABILITY 88: TAXONOMY 83: This paper describes a unified framework for the problems of modelling and processing geographical entities. We propose a general definition of geographical objects, and show that the different types of geographical data can be expressed as particular cases of this definition. Furthermore, we present a taxonomy for the various types of GIS operations, defined in terms of the properties of this definition. Our goal is to argue that GIS data types and operations can be defined based on a single formal notion, which encapsulates the GIS concepts of both fields and objects, with important consequences for system and interface design, interoperabilty issues and language proposal 91: FDB-20000906 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8901 1: SID/SCD 2: 7968 3: INPE-7968-PRE/3802 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felgueiras, Carlos Alberto 10: Fuks, Suzana Drucks 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 10: Camargo, Eduargo Celso Gerbi 12: On the use of indicator simulation for numerical prediction with uncertanty assessment 14: 16-21 18: Anais 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Workshop Brasileiro de GeoInformatica, 2 54: 12-13 <2000> 56: Sao Paulo 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: ANALISE ESTATISTICA 87: PROCESSOS ESTOCASTICOS 87: ANALISE ESTATISTICA 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 88: STATISTICAL ANALYSIS 83: Raster representations of thematic and numerical spatial attributes are used very commonly in a GIS environment for computational simulation and analysis of spatial processes. This paper addresses the problem of predictions with uncertainty assessment for GIS raster representations created from a set of sample points of spatial attributes. The realizations of a stochastic simulation inference process, over numerical attribute samples, are used in order to infer the attribute values and related uncertainties at non-sampled spatial locations. A case study, with elevation sample data, is presented to illustrate the concepts used in this work 91: FDB-20000906 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8926 1: SID/SCD 2: 7682 3: INPE-7682-PUD/097 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 18: Formal introduction to digital image processing 19: 187 38: En 40: En 41: 58: DPI 61: Second edition. This material is used as class notes for an INPE posgraduate course. This work has been supported by CNPq under contract 300966/90-3. 62: INPE 64: July <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: MORFOLOGIA MATEMATICA 87: EROSAO 87: MORFISMO 88: MATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY 88: MAPPING REPRESENTATION, MAPPING DECOMPOSITION 88: EROSION 88: MORPHISMS 88: DILATION 83: The objects like digital image, scanner, display, look-up-table, filter that we deal with in digital image processing can be defined in a precise way by using various algebraic concepts such as set, Cartesian product, binary relation, mapping, composition, operation, operator and so on. The useful operations on digital images can be defined in terms of mathematical properties like commutativity, associativity or distributivity, leading to well known algebraic structures like monoid, vector space or lattice. Furthermore, the useful transformations that we need to process the images can be defined in terms of mappings which preserve these algebraic structures. In this sense, they are called morphisms. The main objective of this book is to give all the basic details about the algebraic approach of digital image processing and to cover in unified way the linear and morphological aspects. With all the early definitions at hand, apparently difficult issues become accessible our feeling is that such a formal approach can help to build a unified theory of image processing which can benefit the specification task of image processing systems. The ultimate goal would be a precise characterization of any research contribution in this area. This book is the result of many years of works and lectures in signal processing and more specifically in digital image processing and mathematical morphology. Within this process, the years we have spent at the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE)have been decisive. This second edition contains many small improvements which are the result of our teaching experience at INPE during the years of 1998, 1999 and 2000. The major of them are the introduction of poset graphs which give a better foundation to the Hasse diagram in Chaper 1 and the introduction of two types of window operators in Chapter 4 102: MFN: 8935 1: SID/SCD 2: 8005 3: INPE-8005-PRE/3826 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Epiphanio, Jos‚ Carlos Neves 12: O meio ambiente e a tecnologia espacial 14: 12-15 30: ECO 21 32: 48 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: set./out. <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: ECOLOGIA 87: TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: MEIO AMBIENTE 88: ENVIRONMENTS 88: ECOLOGY 83: Em muitos estudos ambientais, notadamente aqueles que envolvem extensoes geograficas mais amplas, uma area do conhecimento que tem dado uma contribuicao significativa e a de sensoriamento remoto. Originado pelo uso da fotografia aerea desde a epoca da primeira guerra mundial e evoluido fortemente a partir de 1972, atualmente o sensoriameino remoto e uma tecnologia fundamental para a evolucao do conhecimento em multiplos campos cientificos e tecnologicos. Assim e que diversas areas das ciencias cartograficas, agrarias, florestais, ambientais, biologicas, humanas, computacionais, oceanicas, atmosfericas, e outras, fazem do sensoriamento remoto aliado necessario 91: FDB-20010104 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8947 1: SID/SCD 2: 8018 3: INPE-8018-PRE/3836 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pizarro, Marco Antonio 10: Galvao, Lenio Soares 10: Epiphanio, Jose Carlos Neves 12: Mineral identification in tropical soils by imaging spectroscopy 18: Abstracts 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geological Congress, 31 54: 6-17 Aug. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 66: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: MINERAIS 87: SOLOS 87: ESPECTROSCOPIA 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 87: REGIOES TROPICAIS 88: MINERALS 88: SOIL 88: SPECTROSCOPY (SPECTROMETRY) 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 88: TROPICAL REGIONS 83: On August 1995, at the peak of the regional dry season, AVIRIS (Airborne. Visible/InfraRed Spectrometer)data were collected in central Brazil in 224 contiguous bands (less than 10 nm in width), in the 400-2500 nm interval. The radiance data were converted into surface reflectance values through the use of a MODTRAN-based method. The study area, characterized by intense agricultural activities, was selected to evaluate the potential of Imaging Spectrometry to identify some minerals from the groups of ironn oxides (mg., hematite and goethite)and clays (e.g., kaolinite, montmorillonite, and gibbsite)in the scene. For this purpose, the Spectral Feature Fitting (SFFY)a least squares based-technique, was used in the comparison of the image reflectance spectra with the spectral response of some reference minerals provided by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory spectral library. For each mineral group, the analysis was performed at selected spectral intervals, in the VNIR (iron oxides)and SWIR (clay minerals), around the main diagnostic absorption bands. A continuum removal process was applied in order to normalize spectra from both datasets at these intervals and, thus, to highlight spectral variations associated with the absorption features. The results show that the soils in the study area are spectrally dominated by the presence of hematite and kaolinite. However, the mineral identification process in supposedly exposed soil surfaces can be affected by pixel contamination due to the presence of residues of photosynthetic or nonphotosynthetic vegetation 91: FDB-20010104 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8948 1: SID/SCD 2: 8019 3: INPE-8019-PRE/3837 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 12: Contribuicao do sensoriamento remoto e GIS nas acoes de Ciˆncia e tecnologia relativas as questoes ambientais 14: 15-21 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Seminario de Atualizacao em Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistemas de Informacoes Geograficas Aplicados a Engenharia Florestal, 4 54: 23-25 out. <2000> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: VEGETACAO 87: MONITORAMENTO AMBIENTAL 87: DESFLORESTAMENTO 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: MADEIRAS 87: EXPLORACAO 87: FLORESTAS 87: QUEIMADA 87: MADEIRA 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTMS 88: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 88: DEFORESTATION 82: 83: 0 presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar o estagio atual das pesquisas e aplicacoes que envolvem o uso de tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto e de sistemas de informacoes geograficas, dentro da filosofia de programas govemamentais em CT (PPA 2000-2003)referentes especificamente has questoes ambientais na Amazonia brasileira. De forma sintetica e apresentado o direcionamento das atividades consideradas operacionais no monitoramento dos recursos florestais, apresentado alguns resultados e analises. Sao tambem mencionados, os experimentos neste campo da aplicacao da tecnologia espacial, que vem sendo conduzidos nesta vasta regiao tropical. ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to present the actual status of research and applications on the use of remote sensing and geographic information systems, within the guidelines of the governmental programme on CT (PPA2000-2003), referring specifically to environmental issues of brazilian Amazonia. Those activities considered as operational to monitor forest resources are briefly discussed, and some results and analysis are presented. Furthermore, news experiments presently running in brazilian Amazonia, related to this application field of space technology are mentioned 91: FDB-20010104 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8949 1: SID/SCD 2: 8020 3: INPE-8020-PRE/3838 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Luiz, Alfredo Jose Barreto 10: Gurgel, Helen da Costa 12: Agrupamento de grandes formacoes vegetais a partir de dados de indice de vegetacao obtidos por satelite 14: 202-205 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Reuniao Anual da Regiao Brasileira da Sociedade Internacional de Biometria (RBRAS), 45 54: 20-21 jul. <2000> 56: Sao Carlos 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: MONITORAMENTO AMBIENTAL 87: EL NINO 87: NDVI 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO DA DIFERENCA NORMALIZADA 88: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 83: Resultado do agrupamento de valores mensais de NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), de 1982 a 1993, calculados a partir de dados do AVHRR/NOAA (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), sao apresentados. A analise permitiu identificar as principais formacoes vegetais brasileiras. A latitude e a longitude de cada observacao foram levadas em consideracao pela analise de agrupamento. Em algumas regioes as alteracoes no padrao temporal da vegetacao foram associdas aos efeitos do El Nino 91: FDB-20010104 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8950 1: SID/SCD 2: 8021 3: INPE-8021-PRE/3839 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, Leila Maria Garcia 12: Object-based representations of spatial images 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: REGISTRO DE IMAGENS 87: SEGMENTACAO DE IMAGENS 88: IMAGE REGISTRATIN 88: IMAGE SEGMENTATION 83: Object based representations of image data enable new content-related functionalities while facilitating management of large image databases. Developing such representations for multi-date and multi-spectral images is one of the objectives of the second phase of the Alexandria Digital Library (ADL)project at UCSB. Image segmentation and image registration are two of the main issues that are to be addressed in creating localized image representations. We present in this paper some of the recent and current work by the ADL's image processing group on robust image segmentation, registration, and the use of image texture for content representation. Built upon these technologies are techniques for managing large repositories of data. A texture thesaurus assists in creating a semantic classification of image regions. An object-based representation is proposed to facilitate data storage, retrieval, analysis, and navigation 91: FDB-20010104 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8951 1: SID/SCD 2: 8022 3: INPE-8022-PRE/3840 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Andrade, Nilo Sergio de Oliveira 10: Araujo, Luciana Spinelli de 10: Valerio Filho, Mario 10: Numata, Izaya 12: Study of the vegetal covering and land use dynamics in the region of Ji-Parana/RO using classification technics 14: 63-70 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 20: v.33, Part B7 38: SCI 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Netherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 71: ISSN:0022-3670 76: VEGETACAO 87: USO DA TERRA 87: CLASSIFICACAO DE IMAGENS 87: DESFLORESTAMENTO 87: DESMATAMENTO 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 88: LAND USE 88: IMAGE CLASSIFICATION 88: DEFORESTATION 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 83: The Brazilian Amazon has been object of anthropic activities (agronomic and cattle raising)that have been changing areas of forests into areas destined to the agriculture and pasture, contributing to the alteration of the environment. The evaluation of the vegetal covering and the land use is therefore indispensable for a rational planning that will overcome problems of uncontrolled development and deterioration of the environmental quality. However, high costs and difficulties of obtaining data in a short period characterize the conventional techniques used for that end. In this context, the analysis process and interpretation of images is an effective technique for the evaluation of that dynamics. The aim of this paper is to present the results obtained by the visual analysis and interpretation of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)imagery (Path/Row = 231/067)for years 1995 and 1997 using remote sensing techniques for mapping the classes of vegetal covering and land use in the study area, as well as the quantification of the area deforested in that period. It is also showed the results obtained with supervised and unsupervised classifiers. The major change occurred in the area was the mature (primary)and secondary forest that became bare soil and pasture, representing 69.79 Km' (6.35 83: ) of the study area. The second more representative alteration was the bare soil that became pasture, representing 33.47 Km2 or 3.05 83: of the total area 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8952 1: SID/SCD 2: 8023 3: INPE-8023-PRE/3841 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 11: Sausen, Tania Maria 11: Aziz, T. Lukman 12: Geo-information education in developing countries: example Indonesia and Brazil 14: 332-336 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 21: v.33,Part B6 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Netherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: EDUCACAO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: FOTOGRAMETRIA 87: NACOES EM DESENVOLVIMENTO 88: EDUCATION 88: REMOTE SENSING 88: GEOGRAPHY INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: PHOTOGRAMMETRY 88: DEVELOPING NATIONS 83: The geo-information is considered as a comprised of photogrammetry, remote sensing, GIS and cartography. The education and training in geo-information started around two decades ago, when the first remote sensing satellite was launched. This paper deals with the development of geo-information education as well as training in the developing countries. A special reference is made to the situation in Brazil and Indonesia 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8953 1: SID/SCD 2: 8024 3: INPE-8024-PRE/3842 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sausen, Tania Maria 12: Education, training, research and fellowship opportunities in remot sensing, GIS and applications - A Directory 14: 255-256 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 21: v.33,Part B6 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Netherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: EDUCACAO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: TREINAMENTO 87: PESQUISA 87: SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: BASE DE DADOS 88: EDUCATION 88: TREINING 88: RESEARCH 88: REMOTE SENSING 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: DATA BASE 83: This Educational Directory has been developed as a task of ISPRS WG VI/1 on education and as part of the ISPRS Educational Opportunities Program initiated in 1996. It is a first attempt to providing a comprehensive directory of education and training services in the remote sensing and spatial information sciences. Addresses and contact points for further information are also included. A hundred and eight Institutions in 49 countries are listed in this directory. This Directory is available on 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8954 1: SID/SCD 2: 8025 3: INPE-8025-PRE/3843 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Soares, Maria do Carmo Silva 10: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves de Oliveira 10: Mantovani, Angelica C. Di Maio 12: cartographic initiation for young students, using aerial photographs and satellite images 14: 84-91 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 21: v.33,Part B6 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Netherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: CARTOGRAFIA 87: IMAGENS DE SATELITE 87: FOTOGRAFIA AEREA 87: ESTUDANTES 87: IMAGENS DE SATELITE 88: MAPPING (CARTOGRAPHY) 88: SATELLITE IMAGERY 88: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 88: STUDENTS 83: It is unquestionable the importance of the cartographic formation, as part of the whole educational process of children and young people, taking into account the needs of human relations with the geographical space and the modern maps technologies. The alphabetising process have been always a problem that attracts the attention of educators, being faced as a teaching/apprenticeship process of reading and writing in a certain language. However, educators did not give to "map" the same treatment they give to reading and writing. In Brazil, maps are not used in the school as means of expression and communication, as they could and should be. Thus, because of the lack of didactic material for cartographic initiation, this work was developed with the objective to prepare a map initiation textbook, using remote sensing products (aerial photographs, satellites images), having as study area the Sao Jose dos Campos Municipal District, situated in the Sao Paulo State. The text book was divided into two parts, i.e., the first one related with the "cartographic initiation", presenting to the students basic orientation, providing them with the main steps of cartographic process, formed by a sequence of actions, as observation, selection and representation of the chosen phenomena to be mapped, their dimensions, proportions and the graphic language of the maps. The second part refers to the "cartographic products interpretation process", the map language reading, in which students read and interpret maps, aerial photographs and satellite images. The examples presented in this textbook were of the environs of Sao Jose dos Campos, the Paraiba River Valley and Sao Paulo North Coast Regions, familiar to the students. This cartographic initiation textbook intends to put the young people in contact with maps and the new technologies used to prepare and use them, as well as will contribute for young students citizenship, permitting them positive attitudes with nature, as members of a particular city and region 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8955 1: SID/SCD 2: 8026 3: INPE-8026-PRE/3844 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Costa, Maycira 12: WFI/CBERS imagery simulation for understanding water pathways from Amazon river to the floodplain 14: 1027-1032 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 21: v.33,Part B7 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Netherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: INUNDACAO 87: MONITORAMENTO AMBIENTAL 87: TERRENO ALAGADICO 88: FLOOD PLAINS 83: This paper describes an experiment performed to simulate WFI/Camera spatial features using a TM-Landsat digital mosaic re-sampled to 258 m x 258 in, 100 m x 100 m resolution. The re-sampled mosaic and selected sub-scenes from the original TM data were submitted to digital processing in order to map different water types found in the Amazon River floodplain. The mosaics were classified and classification results for selected reaches were compared. The results support that in spite of the degraded spatial resolution WFI images offer a good deal of useful information on water types 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8956 1: SID/SCD 2: 8027 3: INPE-8027-PRE/3845 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Numata, Izaya 10: Soares, JoÆo Vianei 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 10: Roberts, Dar A. 10: Chadwich, Oliver A 12: Evaluation of the conversion from forest to pasture using remote sensing for soil fertilily analysis 14: 1033-1037 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 21: v.33,Part B7 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Netherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: RESOLUCAO TEMPORAL 87: PASTAGEM 87: USO DA TERRA 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGEM LANDSAT 87: FLORESTAS 88: TEMPORAL RESOLUTION (MULTITEMPORAL ANALYSIS) 88: FORESTS 88: GRASSLANDS 88: LAND USE 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 82: 83: This study shows a application of remote sensing techniques for the evaluation of conversion from forest to pasture in the State of Rondonia, Brazil. The main objective of this study was to establish a pasture chronossequence for the analysis of the soil fertility dynamic by using multitemporal Landsat Thematic Mapper data over the State of Rond6nia, in order to optimize the study site sampling in the field. The multitemporal classificaton of shade fraction image derived from spectral mixture analysis was employed to identify the age of pasture. Using this approach, land cover change between 1987 and 1997 was divided into six age classes , including forest as a control for analysis of the dynamic of the soil fertility 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8957 1: SID/SCD 2: 8028 3: INPE-8028-PRE/3846 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Noernberg, Mauricio 10: Krug, Thelma 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes 12: Statistical analysis of backscatter data from different genus of aquatic plants 14: 1011-1017 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 21: v.33,Part B7 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Netherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SAR 87: VEGETACAO AQUATICA 87: IMAGENS DE RADAR 87: POLARIZACAO 87: DISTRIBUICAO ESTATISTICA 88: SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR 88: STATISTICAL DISTRIBUTION 88: POLARIZATION 88: AQUATIC PLANTS 88: RADAR IMAGERY 83: This is a study of the statistical properties of a multipolarimetric SAR data to discriminate aquatic plants. Here was tested the goodness-of-fit of data from different genus of aquatic plants to five statistical distributions, as a support to the development of new digital classifiers 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8958 1: SID/SCD 2: 8029 3: INPE-8029-PRE/3848 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Valerio filho, Mario 10: Serafim, Carlos Roberto 10: Dias, Luiz Alberto Vieira 12: Temporal analysis of urban expansion in erosion risk areas using remote sensing and geoprocessing techniques 14: 1573-1577 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 21: v.33,Part B7 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Netherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: CRESCIMENTO URBANO 87: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: EROSAO 87: DESENVOLVIMENTO URBANO 88: URBAN DEVELOPMENT 88: EROSION 88: URBAN PLANNING 82: 83: Most Brazilian cities grow-up chaotically. The urban occupation frequently occurs without considering the physical environment, interfering negatively with the population quality of life, causing many negative consequences at short, medium and long range. The municipality of Sao Jose dos Campos had an accelerated growth during the last two decades, especially in the Eastern and Southern regions, where urban occupation occurred at inadequate places. The result of such an unordered occupation is an environmental disturbance, high costs for the Government, and risks for the population. This study presents a methodological approach for the use of aerial photography at scales 1:25,000 and 1:8,000 that were obtained in 1985 and 1997. These data were analyzed and interpreted according to remote sensing procedures, and the result is a map of the urban growth areas in the Eastern sector of Sao Josd dos Campos for the two dates under study. In order to evaluate the urban growth on erosion risk areas, a potential erosion risk chart was used for the area under study. Using geoprocessing techniques, comparisons were made between the erosion potential chart and the human occupation for the period under study, and several risk classes for this area were established. So it was possible to quantify the urban growth rate for the period, as well as expansion over erosion risk areas 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR 100: MFN: 8959 1: SID/SCD 2: 8030 3: INPE-8030-PRE/3848 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Araujo, Luciana Spinelli de 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Relationship between SAVI and biomass data forest and savanna contact zone in the Brazilian Amazonia 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 21: v.33,Part B7 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Netherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTA TROPICAL 87: FLORESTAS 87: SAVANA 87: BIOMASSA 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGENS LANDSAT 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO AJUSTADO DO SOLO 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGEM LANDSAT 87: SAVI 88: SOIL ADJUSTED VEGETATION INDEX 88: SAVANNAS 88: RAIN FOREST 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 82: 83: The Brazilian Amazonia presented the important dynamic changes in land use/land cover in the last two decades mainly at the forest and savanna transition zones, due to human activities related to selective logging, cattle raising farms, and agricultural settlements. The general objective of this study is to verify the potential application of soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI)derived from Thematic Mapper (TM)/Landsat data to relate with biomass values forest and savanna formations. The thematic classification of synthetic SAVI image by the Iterated Conditional Mode (ICM)algorithm was used to show the spatial distribution of vegetation cover and its biomass. The results of this study are an important task to support a program for monitoring Amazonia region using remote sensing data 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8960 1: SID/SCD 2: 8031 3: INPE-8031-PRE/3849 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 10: Keil, Manfred 10: Araujo, Luciana Spinelli de 10: Pardi Lacruz, Maria Silvia 10: Kramer, Julia Charlotte Marie 10: Kandler, Otto 12: Biomass estimation of forest and savanna transition vegetation zone by JERS-1 and SIR-C backscatter data 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and remote sensing 21: v.33,Part B7 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Netherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: FLORESTA TROPICAL 87: SAVANA 87: BIOMASSA 87: JERS 1 87: SIR-C 87: ESPALHAMENTO 87: ASSINATURAS DE MICROONDAS 87: MONITORAMENTO AMBIENTAL 88: TROPICAL REGIONS 88: RAIN FOREST 88: BIOMASS 88: GRASSLAND (SAVANNAH) 88: MICROWAVE SIGNATURES 88: BACKSCATTERING 82: 83: The inventory and monitoring of transition zones between tropical rain forest and savanna formations in Brazilian Amazonia are an essential step for an accurate analysis of global change and biodiversity studies. The objective of this study is to analyse the empirical behaviour of the biomass from forest/savanna transition zones referring to backscatter signals of JERS-1 and SIR-C images. The complementary objective is to discriminate among vegetation types and ti map the distribution of its' biomass using both sensors. The area under study is located in Mato Grosso State (Brazil), at the border with Rondonia State, representing a contact zone where typical botanical species of both formations are intermingled. The SIR-C and JERS-1 images were georeferenced, based on a bilinear method and the pixel resamplina was made to get a spatial resolution of 25 m. Comments were made related to the physiognomic-structural details of vegetation types and spatial distribution of backscatter at primary forest, tall woodland, savanna woodland, tree and/or shrub savanna. The relationship between backscatter and biomass values is based on the analysis of their adequacy into a regression model where these variables were adjusted. Using the logarithm regression model, the results show that SIR-C data present the highest determination coefficient, specially the LHv band (r 2 = 0.8275)when compared to the LHH band of JERS- I data (r 2 = 0.6791). Considering the same polarization (LHH), the SIR-C data (r 2 = 0.7406)is alsc better than JERS- 1 data. The methodological approach used in this study can be very useful to determine the dynamics, of the biomass, taking into account the settlement of humans that occurred in the contact zones of forest and savanna in Amazonia 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8961 1: SID/SCD 2: 8032 3: INPE-8032-PRE/3850 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ponzoni, Flavio Jorge 10: Lamparelli, Rubens 10: Pellegrino, Giampaolo Queiroz 10: Zullo Jr., Jurandir 12: Evaluation of the "Salar de Uyuni/Bolivia" as radiometric calibration test site for satellite sensors 14: 231-238 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 21: v.33,Part B7 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Netherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGEM LANDSAT 87: IMAGEM DE SATELITE 88: IMAGERY SATELLITE 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 88: RADIOMETRIC CORRECTION 82: 83: The "Salar de Uyuni"(Bolivia)has been pointed out as a potential reference site for spectral calibration purposes (Price, 1987). TM/Landsat 5 images from 1988 to 1997 were used in order to evaluate the spectral characteristics of the "Salar de Uyuni" surface. It was considered images of six TM spectral bands (band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7)which were used to calculate Variation Coefficients (VC)values for each pixel in each spectral band. These VC values were exchanged by color tones and VC images were created. It was possible to evaluate the spectral stability of the "salar" surface for each TM band through the VC images. The results have pointed out that the "salar" surface is not so stable as could be firstly supposed, mainly in infrared region in which surrounding areas were identified as more stable for this spectral region. Radiometric measurements were performed in field in order to compare them to orbital data 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8962 1: SID/SCD 2: 8164 3: INPE-8164-PRE/3968 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 12: Using ten-year landsat-TM time-series for monitoring erosion features in areas of gold exploration 14: 5-11 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 21: v.33,Part B7 30: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Netherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: IMAGEM LANDSAT 87: EROSAO 87: CLASSIFICACAO DE IMAGEM 87: OURO 87: MONITORAMENTO 88: THEMATIC MAPPERS (LANDSAT) 88: EROSION 88: IMAGE CLASSIFICATION 88: MONITORING 82: 83: The study area is located in the north-central part of the State of Roraima, Brazilian Amazon. The region has a tropical climate with precipition varying from 1,750 to 2,000 mm. The Serra Tepequem, comprised by Middle proterozoic sedimentary rocks, constitutes an isolated plateau bounded by abrupt sloping erosion scarps, standing up to 1,000 meters above the surrounding metavolcanic country rocks. Mainly open grass fields constitute the vegetation cover in the plateau, wheras the surrounding area is covered by a tropical rain forest.Over the past years the region has been severely exploited by independent miners (garimpeiros) 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8963 1: SID/SCD 2: 8076 3: INPE-8076-PRE/3891 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camara Neto, Gilberto 10: Davis, Clodoveu 12: Por que geoprocessamento: introducao 21: cap.1 38: Ed. Camara Neto, Gilberto et al. /online 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Geoprocessamento: teoria e aplicacoes 58: DPI 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 68: PRE 90: b 76: geoprocessamento 87: ANALISE DE DADOS ESPACIAIS 87: SISTEMAS DE GERENCIAMENTO DE BASE DE DADOS 87: DISTRIBUICAO GEOGRAFICA 87: PROCEWSAMENTO DE DADOS 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 88: GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION 88: DATA PROCESSING 83: A coleta de informacoes sobre a distribuicao geografica de recursos minerais, propriedades, animais e plantas sempre foi uma parte importante das atividades das sociedades organizadas. Ate recentemente, no entanto, isto era feito apenas em documentos e mapas em papel; isto impedia uma analise que combinasse diversos mapas e dados. Com o desenvolvimento simultaneo, na segunda metade deste seculo, da tecnologia de Informatica, tornou-se possivel armazenar e representar tais informacoes em ambiente computacional, abrindo espaco para o aparecimento do Geoprocessamento 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8964 1: SID/SCD 2: 8077 3: INPE-8077-PRE/3892 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camara Neto, Gilberto 10: Barbosa, Claudio Clemente Faria 10: Davis, Clodoveu 10: Fonseca, Frederico 12: Conceitos basicos em geoprocessamento 14: 2-1-2-34 21: cap.2 38: Ed. Camara Neto, Gilberto et al. 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Geoprocessamento: teoria e aplicacoes 58: DPI 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: ANALISE DE DADOS ESPACIAIS 87: CONCEITOS 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 83: Conceitos gerais da ciencia geografica: espa‡o geografico, regiao, rela‡oes espaciais, objetos espaciais. Paradigma dos quatro universos como suporte a problemas de modelagem. Problemas na modelagem computacional de conceitos geograficos (passagem do universo do "mundo real" para o universo "matematico"). Tipos de dados em GIS: mapa tematico, cadastro, redes, imagens, MNTs, tabelas. Modelo de referencia em GIS: campos e objetos. Universo matematico: definicao formal de objeto geografico. Universo de representacao: defini‡oes de topologia, tipos de representacao (matricial e vetorial). Exemplos de sistemas reais: SPRING, ARC/NFO, ARC/VIEW, IDRISI, MGE. Questoes de inferencia espacial: exploracao, analise, manipulacao e modelagem. Imprecisao como componente essencial da informacao espacial. Visao dialetica do espa‡o (M. Santos): padroes-processos, forma-funcao.Alcance e limitacoes de modelos matematicos e da tecnologia de Geoprocessamento 91: FDB-20010112 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8967 1: SID/SCD 2: 8080 3: INPE-8080-PRE/3895 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camara Neto, Gilberto 10: Barbosa, Claudio Clemente Faria 10: Cordeiro, Joao Pedro 10: Lopes, Eymar 10: Freitas, Ubirajara Moura de 10: Lucena, Ivan 12: Operacoes de analise geografica 21: cap.5 38: Ed. Camara Neto, Gilberto et al. 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Geoprocessamento: teoria e aplicacoes 58: DPI 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: ANALISE DE DADOS ESPACIAIS 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 83: 0 que distingue um SIG de outros tipos de sistemas de informacao sao as funcoes que realizam analises espaciais. Tais funcoes utilizam os atributos espaciais e nao espaciais das entidades graficas armazenadas na base de dados espaciais e buscam fazer simulacoes (modelos)sobre os fenomenos do mundo real, seus aspectos ou parametros 91: FDB-20010212 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8969 1: SID/SCD 2: 8083 3: INPE-8083-PRE/3898 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camargo, Eduardo Celso Gerbi 12: Geoestatistica: fundamentos e aplicacoes 14: 12.1-12.25 21: cap.12 38: Ed. Camara Neto, Gilberto et al. 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Geoprocessamento: teoria e aplicacoes 58: DPI 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: GEOESTATISTICA 87: KRIGEAGEM 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: VARIANCIA 87: INTERPOLACAO 87: VARIOGRAFIA 87: TRIANGULACAO 87: ANALISE ESTATISTICA 88: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTMS 88: KRIGING 88: VARIANCE (STATISTICS) 88: TRIANGULATION 88: STATISTICAL ANALYSIS 88: INTERPOLATION 83: Consideracoes lniciais:porque Geoestatistica. Entendendo a natureza espacial das propriedades ambientais. Analise exploratoria e variabilidade espacial. Variografia. Criando campos a partir de amostras amostras: Krigeagem e suas diversas formas. Problemas com amostragem. Krigeagem 3D: incorporacao do tempo a modelagem da propriedade e/ou processo ambiental. Problemas em aberto. estudos de caso 91: FDB-20010212 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8970 1: SID/SCD 2: 8084 3: INPE-8084-PRE/3898 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camara, Gilberto 10: Moreira, Fabio Roque 10: Barbosa, Claudio 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 10: Bonisch, Simone 12: Tecnicas de inferencia geografica 14: 14.1-14.48 21: cap.14 38: Ed. Camara Neto, Gilberto et al. 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Geoprocessamento: teoria e aplicacoes 58: DPI 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: REGRESSAO ESPACIAL 87: INTERFERECIA 87: METODO DE BAYES 88: INFERENCE 88: BAYES THEOREM 83: Na maioria dos projetos desenvolvidos em SIG a principal proposta e a combinacao de dados espaciais, com o objetivo de descrever e analisar interacoes, para fazer previsoes atraves de modelos, e fornecer apoio nas decisoes tomadas por especialistas. A combinacao desses dados multi-fonte permitira uma reducao na ambiguidade das interpretacoes que normalmente sao obtidas atraves da analise individual dos dados (Pendock e Nedeljkovic, 1996). Este trabalho apresenta uma visao geral das diferentes tecnicas de analise geografica, no contexto de producao de novos mapas a partir de dados ja existentes. Serao apreentados varios metodos de inferencia espacial para a integracao dos dados (evidencias) 91: FDB-20010212 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8971 1: SID/SCD 2: 8085 3: INPE-8085-PRE/3900 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felgueiras, Carlos Alberto 10: Fuks, Suzana Druck 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 10: Camargo, Eduardo Celso Gerbi 12: inferencias e estimativas de incertezas utilizando tecnicas de krigeagem nao linear 21: cap.16 38: Ed. Camara Neto, Gilberto et al. 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Geoprocessamento: teoria e aplicacoes 58: DPI 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: GEOESTATISTICA 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: KRIGEAGEM 87: INTERPOLACAO 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: KRIGING 83: Propriedades ambientais sao dados importantes para modelagens desenvolvidas em ambiente de Sistemas de Informacao Geografica. As tecnicas geoestatisticas de inferencia, conhecidas por krigeagem, consideram os atributos ambientais como variaveis aleatorias o que possibilita a modelagem das incertezas associadas as inferencias. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho explora o uso da tecnica de krigeagem nao linear, a krigeagem por indicacao, para inferencias a partir de amostras observadas pontualmente. 0 trabalho apresenta, tambem, alternativas de calculos de incertezas para propriedades ambientais de natureza numerica e tematica. Por fim, o trabalho mostra e analisa os resultados da aplicacao da krigeagem por indicacao sobre amostras de textura de solo 91: FDB-20010212 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8973 1: SID/SCD 2: 8138 3: INPE-8138-PRE/3949 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: GalvÆo, Lˆnio Soares 10: Vitorello, Icaro 10: Pizarro, Marco Antonio 12: An adequate band positionig to enhance NDVI contrast among green vegetation, senescent biomas, and tropical soils 14: 1953-1960 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 21 32: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 58: DGE 61: 64: June <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO DA DIFERENCA NORMALIZADA 87: NDVI 87: AVIRIS 87: LANDSAT 5 87: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 87: REFLECTANCIA ESPECTRAL 88: MAPEADOR TEMATICO (LANDSAT) 88: RADIOMETRO AVANCADO DE RESOLUCAO MUITO ALTA 88: ADVANCED VERY HIGH RESOLUTION RADIOMETER 88: SPECTRAL REFLECTANCE 83: Airborne Visible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)imagery was used in a quantitative evaluation of the impact of band positioning bandwidth on values of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)green vegetation (GV), senescent biomass (SB), and soils (S). The results A that the band positioning needed to maximize the NDVI contrast between and SB or S should include a narrow or broad red band centred around chlorophyll absorption band, between 660 and 680 nm, and a narrow near-infrared (NIR)band placed at the shortest wavelength in the 750-110onm range. NI differences between extreme NIR band positioning can reach values of 0.35 in areas of accentuated phenological contrast. Of the broad-band sensors at sed in this study, Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM)and NOAA-11 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)presented, respectively, the most favourable and unfavourable positioning 91: FDB-20010301 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8976 1: SID/SCD 2: 8160 3: INPE-8160-PRE/3966 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rodriguez-Yi, Jose Luiz 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 12: Image segmentation for classification of vegetation using NOAA AVHRR data 14: 167-172 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 21 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Jan. <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: SEGMENTACAO DE IMAGEM 87: SATELITES NOAA 87: IMAGEM NOAA 87: AVHRR 87: RADIOMETRO AVANCADO DE RESOLUCAO MUITO ALTA 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: SISTEMA DE PROCESSAMENTO DE INFORMACAO GEORREFERENCIADAS 87: SPRING 87: MAPA DE VEGETACAO 87: NDVI 87: INDICE DE VEGETACAO DA DIFERENCA NORMALIZADA 88: VEGETATIVE INDEX 88: ADVANCED VERY HIGH RESOLUTION RADIOMETER 88: IMAGE SEGMENTATION 82: 83: A classification procedure for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA AVHRR)data based on image segmentation following supervised classification by regions is presented. The procedure was applied to channel 1 (0.58-0.68,um)and channel 2 (0.72-1.10um)AVHRR mosaics composed of images acquired between 13 and 26 June 1993 for the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Eight vegetation classes were identified using this procedure. The result was compared with an existing vegetation map of Mato Grosso state for reference. The quantitative evaluation yielded a kappa coefficient of 0.4. The result indicate that image segmentation and supervised classification by regions is a procedure that is useful for mapping vegetation classes on a regional scale 91: FDB-20010301 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8979 1: SID/SCD 2: 8117 3: INPE-8117-PUD/099 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Paradella, Waldir Renato 16: Veneziani, Paulo 16: Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos 16: Morais, M.C 18: Radar aplicado ao mapeamento geologico e prospeccao mineral: aplica‡äes 20: 94 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 68: PUD 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: IMAGENS DE RADAR 87: RADAR DE ABERTURA SINTETICA 87: SAR 87: MAPEAMENTO 87: PROSPECCAO MINERAL 87: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO 87: MAPEAMENTO GEOLOGICO 88: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 88: RADAR IMAGERY 83: A ultima decada marcou o advento dos radares imageadores orbitais, atraves dos Programas ERS-1 e 2 (Comunidade Europeia). JERS-1 (Japao)e RADARSAT-1 (Canada). Este acervo de dados nas microondas veio complementar a aquisicao de informacoes dos sensores orbitais opticos, que continuam a ser coletados atraves dos programas Landsat e SPOT. De modo geral, apesar do Brasil dispor de um recobrimento valioso de radar do Projeto RADAMBRASIL, a cultura na extracao de informacoes destes novos dados. agora no formato digital, ainda e muito incipiente. A tendencia observada neste campo indica uma proliferacao de sistemas orbitais cada vez mais complexos e de melhor resolucao, com a tecnologia caminhando de modo mais rapido que o seu real uso nas aplicacoes. Discussoes sobre o desempenho destes sensores em aplicacoes, com enfoque sobre suas novas caracteristicas (frequencia, polarizacao, geometria de visada, resolucao espacial, etc.), sobre os parametros de importancia dos alvos na interacao com as microondas (orientacao do terreno ou macro-relevo, rugosidade ou micro-relevo, propriedades dielericas)e ainda o processamento digital especifico (aspectos de correcoes radiometricas, geometricas. integracao com outros dados, etc.), sao quase inexistentes na nossa literatura, e estao restritas, em grande parte, as pesquisas conduzidas pelo INPE com parceria internacional (CCRS, NASA e DLR, entre outros centros). 0 Curso "Radar Aplicado ao Mapeamento Geologico e Prospeccao Mineral", foi idealizado para profissionais geologos de modo a suprir as necessidades de atualizacao no uso de radar de abertura sintetica, enfocando a extracao de informacao de significado geologico com estes sensores, atraves dos varios tipos de abordagens (monoscopica, estereoscopica, produtos integrados digitalmente, classificacao textural, geracao de modelos de elevacao, etc.). Espera-se assim, prover o usuario potencial deste tipo de dado de um conhecimento basico no tema, que facilite na especificacao do melhor produto para a sua aplicacao e favoreca a analise do custo beneficio com a utilizacao desta tecnologia espacial MFN: 8980 1: SID/SCD 2: 8172 3: INPE-8172-PRE/3975 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Stech, Jose Luiz 10: Ramos, Jorge A.P. 10: Alves, Diogenes Salas 12: GIS the treatment and analysis of meteorological and oceanographic data 18: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 21: v.33, PartB7 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 19 54: <2000> 56: Amsterdam 57: Nertherlands 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: SPRING 87: SISTEMA DE PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS GEORREFERENCIADAS 87: TEMPERATURA DA SUPERFICIE DO MAR 87: PARAMETROS METEOROLOGICOS 88: SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE 88: OCEAN DATA ACQUISITION SYSTMS 88: METEOROLOGICAL PARAMETERS 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: GIS 83: In this work we use SPRING, a GIS package created at the Image Processing Division in the National Institute for Space Research, INPE, to develop an application to integrate, visualize and manipulate oceanographic and meteorological data. The area of study is located at the Southeast Brazilian continental shelf, between 20 degree S and 37 degree W-50 degree W. The area was divided in a 0.5 degree by 0.5 degree grid, for which the following data sets were generated: (1)sea temperature, salinity, air temperature, wind direction and intensity data, derived from sixteen years of data (1980-1996)obtained from the National Oceanographic Data Bank at the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation (DHN/BNDO); (2)sea surface temperature (SST)and geographical position data collected by Low Cost Drifters (LCD)operated by INPE Remote Sensing Division during the 1993-1998 period. Temperature and salinity data were vertically interpolated using a linear method at the following standard depths: 0, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 and 500 meters. In grid squares presenting less than three samples, the kriging interpolation method was used. Spring-based data integration and analysis allowed to qualitatively characterize the spatial and temporal evolution of three major water masses in the study area: Tropical Water at the eastern portion, Coastal Water at surface, and South Atlantic Central Water located below Tropical Water during the whole year, and at surface in an upwelling area during the summer MFN: 8983 1: SID/SCD 2: 8166 3: INPE-8166-PRE/3970 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Moraes, Ronei Marcos de 10: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 10: Sandri, Sandra Aparecida 12: Expert systems architeture for image classification using morphological operators 14: 271-280 18: Proceedings 40: en 41: En 42: 53: International FLINS Conference on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing in Nuclear Science and Engineering, 4 54: 28-30 aUG.. <2000> 56: Bruges 57: Belgium 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: MORFOLOGIA MATEMATICA 87: SISTEMA ESPECIALISTA 87: OPERADORES MORFOLOGICOS 88: NATHEMATICAL MORPHOLOGY 88: FUZZY SET 88: MORPHOLOGICAL OPERATORS 83: We propose a fuzzy expert system architeture for image classification, whose rules are implemented through translation invariant mathematical morphology operators. The use of the architecture is illustrated by an expert system that classifies an area of the Tapajos National Forest, in Brazil MFN: 8987 1: SID/SCD 2: 8141 3: INPE-8141-PRE/3941 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Camara, Gilberto 12: As roupas novas do imperador. Parte II 14: 26-27 30: InfoGeo 31: 13 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 87: ANALISE DE DADOS ESPACIAIS 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 88: SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION 83: Em nossa coluna na edicao passada da "Infogeo", fizemos uma apresentacao das diferentes tecnologias de Geoprocessamento disponiveis no mercado. Procuramos demonstrar que a escolha de uma solucao GIS tornou-se mais complexa, por envolver a montagem de um sistema de informacao e nao apenas a selecao de um aplicativo para uso pessoal. Neste artigo, apresentamos uma visao adicional da questao, para apontar tendencias de medio e longo prazo 91: FDB-20010305 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8992 1: SID/SCD 2: 8082 3: INPE-8082-PRE/3894 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camarao, Gilberto 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 10: Carvalho, Marilia Sa 12: Analise espacial e geoprocessamento 14: 11.1-11.9 21: cap. 11 38: Ed. Camara Neto, Gilberto et al. 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Geoprocessamento: teoria e aplicacoes 58: DPI 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: PROCESSAMENTO DE DADOS 87: SISTEMA DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: GIS 88: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTMS 88: DATA PROCESSING 83: Uma das operacoes mais utilizadas em sistemas de informacao geografica e a apresentacao espacial de variaveis como populacao, indices de qualidade, de vida e mapas de vendas de empresa. Basta dispor de uma planilha em Excel ou dBase e de uma base geografica (como um mapa de municipios); o SIG "automaticamente" nos apresenta um mapa colorido (que os cartografos chamarn pomposamente de cloropletico")com o padrao espacial do fenomeno MFN: 8993 1: SID/SCD 2: 8313 3: INPE-8313-RPQ/721 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 17: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 18: Monitoramento da Floresta Amaz“nica brasileira por sat‚lite 1999-2000 19: Monitoring of the brazilian Amazon Forest by satellite 1999-2000 20: 16 40: Pt 40: En 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: OBT 59: PRODES 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 90: b 73: 1999-2000 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: PRODES 87: desmatamento 87: desflorestamento 87: florestas 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: monitoramento ambiental 87: imagens Landsat 88: enviroment monitoring 88: forests 88: deforestation 88: Landsat images 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: environmental monitoring 82: 83: Monitorar o desflorestamento da Amaz“nia tem sido tarefa do INPE j  h  v rios anos, usando t‚cnicas de interpreta‡Æo de imagens de sat‚lite. Para se chegar …s estimativas da taxa e extensÆo do desflorestamento bruto sÆo necess rias muitas imagens e muitas horas de trabalho de v rios especialistas, t‚cnicos e auditores. O INPE tem muito orgulho de, mais uma vez, apresentar esses n£meros atualizados. Este relat¢rio apresenta a estimativa completa e final para o per¡odo 1998/1999 e a estimativa provis¢ria para o per¡odo 1999/2000, baseada em t‚cnica de amostragem. Isto ‚, com base em algumas imagens da  rea mais cr¡tica, gera-se primeiro uma estimativa do total. O objetivo ‚ ganhar tempo, e com isto dar a oportunidade de se ter um diagn¢stico que j  possa servir para fins administrativos e gerenciais, sem o enorme trabalho de se ter todos os dados analisados. A an lise posterior usando todas as imagens da regiÆo tem mostrado que o erro associado … estimativa ‚ bastante pequeno, entre 1 e 3 83: , o que nos d  confian‡a de continuar a usar este m‚todo. O Projeto de Desflorestamento, ou PRODES, como ficou sendo chamado, pode ser considerado o maior projeto de monitoramento de florestas do mundo, digno do tamanho da floresta amaz“nica. Mais uma vez, a divulga‡Æo desses dados evidencia o continuado compromisso do Governo Federal em tratar essas informa‡äes com transparˆncia. Abstract: For many years it has been INPE's responsibility to monitor the Brazilian Amazonia deforestation using satellite images interpretation techniques. The generation of the estimates of the rate and extent of the gross deforestation requires many images and many labor hours from various specialists, technicians and auditors. INPE is very proud to, once more, present these updated information. This report presents the complete and final assessment for the period 1998/1999 and a provisional estimate for the period 1999/2000, based on a sampling scheme. From the analysis of a limited number of images from the most critical area in Amazonia, a provisional estimate of the total is provided. The objective is to gain time and, with this, have the opportunity to have a diagnostic which can be used for administrative and management purposes, without the laborious task to have all data analyzed. The posterior analysis using all satellite scenes from the region has been very much in accordance with the provisional estimates, with errors ranging from 1 to 3 83: . This gives us confidence to continue to use the sampling method. The Deforestation Project, or PRODES, as it became known, may be considered the largest project of forest monitoring in the world, compatible with the size of the Amazonian forest. Once more, the presentation of these data reinforces the commitment of the Brazilian Government to treat these information with transparency MFN: 9003 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: SELPER 53: Simposio Latino Americano de Percepci¢n Remota, 9 54: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguazu 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: CARTOGRAFIA 87: geoprocessamento 87: processamento de imagens 87: exatidÆo geom‚trica 87: mapeador tematico (Landsat) 87: topografia 87: imagens Landsat 87: metodologia 88: methodology 88: image processing 88: geometric accuracy 88: thematic mapping 88: topography 83: A falta de cartas topogr ficas atualizadas indica a necessidade de desenvolver m‚todos de atualiza‡Æo que permitam reduzir o dispˆndio de tempo e recursos. Considerando as vantagens da utiliza‡Æo de imagens orbitais para fins cartogr ficos, o objetivo deste trabalho ‚ avaliar o desempenho de produtos gerados pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), no contexto de metodologias de atualiza‡Æo, cartogr fica.  estudado o conte£do de informa‡äes tem ticas de diversos grupos de dados (TM-Landsat em banda 3 e composi‡Æo colorida BGR 2,3,4; HRV-SPOT pancrom ticos e multiespectrais; imagem sint‚tica). Estuda-se tamb‚m a exatidÆo geom‚trica atingida utilizando esses produtos nos formatos anal¢gico e digital. Os resultados indicam que, embora com restri‡äes, essas imagens fornecem uma consider vel quantidade da informa‡Æo tem tica contida em cartas topogr ficas nas escalas 1:100.000 e 1:50.000. As avalia‡äes geom‚tricas mostram que, atrav‚s das metodologias aplicadas, as transparˆncias positivas TM com corre‡Æo de sistema e SPOT de n¡vel 1B permitem realizar atualiza‡Æo cartogr fica em escala 1:250.000, existindo tamb‚m a possibilidade de atualizar na escala 1:100.000. Imagens digitais SPOT de n¡vel 1B corrigidas geometricamente atrav‚s do registro imagem/carta, permitem atingir a exatidÆo geom‚trica das cartas 1:50.000, classe A. ABSTRACT: The lack of updated cartographic maps demands the development of updating methodologies that allow saving time and resources. Considering the advantages of using satellite data for cartographic purposes, the aim of this work is to evaluate orbital images generated by National Institute of Spatial Research (INPE, Brazil), within the context of methodologies for cartographic map revision. Information content of different data sets is assessed (TM-Landsat Band 3 and colour composite BGR 2,3,4; HRV-SPOT panchromatic and multispectral data; synthetic image). The geometric accuracy attainable through the use of these products in analogical and digital format is also studied. The results show that these images provide a considerable amount of the typical thematic information of 1:100,000 arid 1:50,000 topographic maps. The geometric evaluations indicate that both corrected TM and level 1B SPOT photographic products allow to accomplish cartographic updating at 1:250,000 scale. SPOT digital data, geometrically corrected through image/map registration, meet the standards of class A, 1:50,000 topographic maps 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR 1: SOD/SCD 2: 8035 3: INPE-8035-PRE/3853 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vergara, Oscar Ricardo 10: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves Oliveira 10: D'Alge, J£lio C‚sar Lima 10: Pereira, Madalena Niero 12: Geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto para atualiza‡Æo de cartas topogr ficas MFN: 9029 1: SID/SCD 2: 8185 3: INPE-8185-PRE/3983 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 11: Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila 11: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 11: Frery, Alejandro C 12: The effect of quantization on SAR parameter estimation 14: 2663-2665 18: Proceedings 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 54: 24-28 July <2000> 56: Honolulu 57: Hawaii 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: radar de abertura sint‚tica 87: medidas 87: an lise de imagens 87: desvio padrÆo 87: an lise estat¡stica 87: estimativa 87: variƒncia 87: SAR 87: imagem de radar 88: synthetic aperture radar 88: measurement 88: image analysis 88: standard deviation 88: statistical analysis 88: estimating 88: variance 88: radar images 83: The multiplicative model is commonly assumed for SAR statistical description, and it implies that the noise level is proportional to signal level. SAR digital imagery is usually available in linear detection with uniform quantization. This quantization can severely affect the estimation of statistical parameters for SAR data, mainly for low and high signal levels, because of the existence of a limited number of possible values. This may lead to an underestimation of scale parameters, like the standard deviation, and derived quantities (coefficient of variation -CV-, Li's variance ratio parameter etc.). In this paper images composed of segments of different average levels and textures are analyzed, and areas where the estimated variance of the underlying clutter is negative are dentified and carefully scrutinized through a Monte Carlo experience using the Go A distribution 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9030 1: SID/SCD 2: 8186 3: INPE-8186-PRE/3984 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: De Angelis, C.F. de 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 12: JERS-1 backscatter temporal behavior of land use types in the Tapajos National Forest, Brazilian Amazonia 14: 7-9 18: Proceedings 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 54: 24-28 July <2000> 56: Honolulu 57: Hawaii 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: uso da terra 87: imagem de radar 87: floresta tropical 87: ciclo do carbono 87: classifica‡Æo de imagens 88: land use 88: radar imagery 88: tropical forest 88: image calssifier 88: backscatters signatures 88: backscatter temporal evolution 88: carbon cycle 83: In this paper, the JERS-1 backscatter temporal behavior of some land cover types in Tapaj¢s National Forest is analyzed. The following land cover types were investigated: bare soil, agriculture, pasture, secondary forest from one to 23 years old and primary forest. The differences in backscatter of these land cover types are discussed, based on the analysis of previous land use and human impacts such as fires and selective logging 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9031 1: SID/SCD 2: 8187 3: INPE-8187-PRE/3985 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Huete, Alfredo 10: Didan, Kamel 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Ferreira, Laerte 10: Rodriguez, Edna 12: Regional Amazon Basin and global analysis of MODIS vegetation indices: early results and comparison with AVHRR 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 54: 24-28 July <2000> 56: Honolulu 57: Hawaii 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: VEGETA€ÇO 87: indice de vegeta‡Æo 87: monitoramento ambiental 87: indice de vegeta‡Æo da diferen‡a normalizada 87: imagens MODIS 87: radiometro avan‡ado de resolu‡Æo muito alta 87: detec‡Æo de mudan‡as 87: resolu‡äes radiom‚tricas 87: AVHRR 88: Advanced very high resolution radiometer 88: moderat resolution imaging spectroradiometer 88: vegetation indices 88: MODIS images 88: environmental monitoring 88: radiometric resolution 88: change detection 88: normalized difference vegetation index 83: Vegetation indices (VI)have emerged as important tools in the monitoring, mapping, and resource management of the Earth's terrestrial vegetation. They are radiometric measures of the amount, structure, and condition of vegetation, which serve as useful indicators of seasonal and inter-annual variations in vegetation. The recently launched Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)onboard the Terra platform offers many improvements for land studies and VI production from that provided by the Advanced very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)sensor [1]. These include improved sensitivity to chlorophyll and less contamination by atmospheric water vapor through narrower bandwidths in the red and NIR, respectively. In addition, the finer pixel size (250m red and NIR bands)provides improved VI monitoring and change detection capability. 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9032 1: SID/SCD 2: 8188 3: INPE-8188-PRE/3986 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Duarte, Valdete 10: Santos, Jäao Roberto dos 10: Batista, Get£lio Teixeira 12: Mapping and monitoring deforestation areas in Amazon region using semi-automatic classification of Landsat Thematic Mappers Images 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 54: 24-28 July <2000> 56: Honolulu 57: Hawaii 58: DSR 59: PRODES 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: VEGETA€ÇO 87: desmatamento 87: mapeador tematico (landsat) 87: imagens landsat 87: monitoramento ambiental 87: queimadas 87: planejamento regional 87: uso da terra 87: classifica‡Æo de imagens 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: queimadas 88: image classification 88: thematic mapper (landsat) 88: geographic information systems 88: afteburning 88: desforestation 88: environmental monitoring 82: 83: The INPE's operational project (PRODES)to estimate annual gross deforestation in Amazon region based on manual analysis of 229 TM images faces several problems during the interpretation process (variable scales of different scenes, closing polygons in the interpretation maps due to complexity of deforestation pattern). Thus, the availability of results in a digital format has been restricted. This paper proposes an approach to map and monitor deforested areas in the Amazon using digital analysis of TM/Landsat, This methodology will automate the PRODES manual interpretation tasks and will build a GIS database. This approach was developed and validated using TM image Path 231/067 (1997, 1998, and 1999)over Rondonia. The original TM bands were converted to vegetation, soil, and shade fraction images applying a linear mixing model. The selected fraction image was segmented using a region growing algorithm, classified using a per region clustering algorithm and the results were manually edited to generate the final map. Results showed 10,252 Km2 of deforestation up to 1997; increments in the deforested area for 1998 and 1999 were 695 and 388 km2, respectively. A total of 1,149 Km2 was burned in 1998 (only 16 83: in recent clear cut areas. The proposed metodology is feasible and very usuful for global studies using fine resolution satellite data such as Landsat TM 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9033 1: SID/SCD 2: 8189 3: INPE-8189-PRE/3987 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 10: Rangel, Mauricio E.S. 10: Sales, G.M 12: Contribution of integrated TM-Landsat and ERS-1 SAR data to study landscape dynamics of northern SÆo Lu¡s Island, Brazil 18: Proceedings 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 54: 24-28 July <2000> 56: Honolulu 57: Hawaii 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: uso da terra 87: planejamento regional 87: mapeador tematico (Landsat) 87: tografia 87: integra‡Æo de dados 87: ERS 87: SAR 87: imagem de radar 87: c 87: radar images 88: topography 88: data integration 88: land use 88: thematic mapper (Landsat) 88: radar images 88: land usesynthetic aperture radar 83: In the surroundings of large brazilian cities, such as SÆo Luis, State capital of MaranhÆo, there has been a very fast and chaotic growth of population, frequently at the cost of landscape degradation. This study presents the results of the joint analysis of optical and microwave sensor data for the classification of land use features, as well as the change of landscape, at the northern section of this island Data integration allowed the discrimination among different land use/land cover types, showing the synergism between multispectral and textural information 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9034 1: SID/SCD 2: 8190 3: INPE-8190-PRE/3988 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sales, Gil M. 10: Rangel, Mauricio E.S. 10: Moreira, Mauricio Alves, 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 12: Evalution of accuracy of land use/land cover in Trˆs Pontas municipality Minas Gerais State, Brazil 18: Proceedings 30: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 54: 24-28 July <2000> 56: Honolulu 57: Hawaii 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: caf‚ 87: precisÆo 87: estimativa 87: uso da terra 87: amostra 87: mapeador tematico (Landsat) 87: imagens Landsat 87: exatidÆo 88: COFFE 88: ACCURACY 88: SAMPLING 88: ESTIMATION 88: MAXIMUM MAP ACCURACY 88: SAMPLING BY ACCEPTANCE LEVEL 88: SAL 82: 83: One of the most relevant questions for the use of information obtained from remote sensing systems, refers to its capacity to represent adequately those data obtained during field survey. The exactness of a map is based on a quantitative measurement of a thematic map that has been correctly classified. Under this assumption, the objective of this study is to analyze four statistics: Kappa, Global, Tau and Sampling by Significance Level. Therefore we used a TM-Landsat composite (RGB channels 4,5,3)that was manually analyzed. Samples for the evaluation of ground truth were obtained using a random procedure. Through SAL it was possible to determine the confidence of a land use/land cover map. Sampling by Significance Level indicated the need to express in advance statistically the truth of the reference data (the estimated trustworthy of the map), instead of using an index of agreement to estimate the exactitude. Referring to the estimators of agreement G, K and T we concluded that K did express best the estimate for accuracy of a thematic map obtained, when comparing to the other estimators 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9035 1: SID/SCD 2: 8191 3: INPE-8191-PRE/3989 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 10: Araujo, Luciana Spinelli de 10: Pardi Lacruz, Maria Silvia 12: Potential use of JERS-1 data for biomass estimation of the tropical forest environments in Brazilian Amazonia 18: Proceedings 30: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 54: 24-28 July <2000> 56: Honolulu 57: Hawaii 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: VEGETA€¶O 87: JERS 1 87: monitoramento ambiental 87: biomassa 87: invent rio vegetal 87: imagens JERS 1 87: estimativa 87: regiäes tropicais 87: indice de vegeta‡Æo 88: environmental monitoring 88: biomass 88: inventory 88: JERS image 88: estimation 88: vegetation 88: tropical region 88: vegetative index 82: 83: The objective of this study is to show the importance and limitations of JERS-1 data as a tool for inventory and monitoring vegetation types and the respective biomass of tropical environments. Several study areas (Acre, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Par  and Roraima States)were chosen to collect information about physiognomic and structural characteristics of the vegetation types and their topological aspects at JERS-1 image. The behavior of backscatter signals derived from JERS-1, which were correlated with the variability of biomass of the different formations, is presented. Statistical tests with regression models are used to understand the relation between field survey and microwave data and to verify the possibility to generate the cartography of local biomass for intervals of classes. The general variations of intra-class structure must be considered as a limitation to obtain a highly significant performance on the use of L-band/ HH polarization 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9037 1: SID/SCD 2: 8167 3: INPE-8167-PRE/3971 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felgueiras, Carlos Alberto 10: Fuks, S.D. 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 10: Camargo, E.C.G 12: On the use of indicator simulation for numerical predictions with uncertainty assessment 38: [CD-ROM] 53: Workshop Brasileiro de GeoInform tica 54: 12-13 jun. <2000> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: processos estoc sticos 87: sistemas de informacao geogr fica 87: SIG 88: stochastic processes 88: geographic information systems 88: GIS 83: Raster representations of thematic and numerical spatial attributes are used very commonly in a GIS environment for computational simulation and analysis of spatial processes. This paper addresses the problem of predictions with uncertainty assessment for GIS raster representations created from a set of sample points of spatial attributes. The realizations of a stochastic simulation inference process, over numerical attribute samples, are used in order to infer the attribute values and related uncertainties at non-sampled spatial locations. A case study, with elevation sample data, is presented to illustrate the concepts used in this work 92: FDB20010416 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9038 1: SID/SCD 2: 8139 3: INPE-8139-PRE/3950 4: SRE 5: S 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Como mentir com mapas (sem o saber) 14: 16-18 30: Revista InfoGeo 32: 15 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: set.-out. <2000> 67: BR 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: mapas 87: disseminacao da informacao 88: maps 88: information dissemitation 83: O t¡tulo do artigo ‚ uma men‡Æo deliberada ao livro "How to Lie with Maps", de Mark Monmonier, excelente apresenta‡Æo sobre diferentes t‚cnicas de construir mapas com o intuito de confundir, enganar ou desinformar. O livro re£ne um conjunto de exemplos extremamente did ticos de mentiras com mapas, algumas sutis e outras deslavadas. Como mostra Monmonier, os componentes essenciais de um mapa (escala, proje‡Æo e apresenta‡Æo visual)envolvem sempre um grau de arbitrariedade em sua escolha. Assim, sempre estamos mentindo ao gerar mapas; a questÆo ‚ sabermos quanto, e informarmos ao leitor 92: FDB-2000416 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9039 1: SID/SCD 2: 8205 3: INPE-8205-PUD/101 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Paradella, Waldir Renato 16: Veneziani, Paulo 16: Santos, Athos Ribeiro 16: Morais, M.C 18: Radar aplicado ao mapeamento geol¢gico e prospe‡Æo mineral: fundamenta‡Æo 20: 91 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 76: GEOLOGIA 87: imagens de radar 87: radar de abertura sintetica 87: SAR 87: prospec‡Æo mineral 87: transferencia de tecnologia 87: sensoriamento remoto 88: technology transfer 88: radar imagery 83: A ultima decada marcou o advento dos radares imageadores orbitais, atraves dos Programas ERS-1 e 2 (Comunidade Europeia). JERS-1 (Japao)e RADARSAT-1 (Canada). Este acervo de dados nas microondas veio complementar a aquisicao de informacoes dos sensores orbitais opticos, que continuam a ser coletados atraves dos programas Landsat e SPOT. De modo geral, apesar do Brasil dispor de um recobrimento valioso de radar do Projeto RADAMBRASIL, a cultura na extracao de informacoes destes novos dados. agora no formato digital, ainda e muito incipiente. A tendencia observada neste campo indica uma proliferacao de sistemas orbitais cada vez mais complexos e de melhor resolucao, com a tecnologia caminhando de modo mais rapido que o seu real uso nas aplicacoes. Discussoes sobre o desempenho destes sensores em aplicacoes, com enfoque sobre suas novas caracteristicas (frequencia, polarizacao, geometria de visada, resolucao espacial, etc.), sobre os parametros de importancia dos alvos na interacao com as microondas (orientacao do terreno ou macro-relevo, rugosidade ou micro-relevo, propriedades dielericas)e ainda o processamento digital especifico (aspectos de correcoes radiometricas, geometricas. integracao com outros dados, etc.), sao quase inexistentes na nossa literatura, e estao restritas, em grande parte, as pesquisas conduzidas pelo INPE com parceria internacional (CCRS, NASA e DLR, entre outros centros). 0 Curso "Radar Aplicado ao Mapeamento Geologico e Prospeccao Mineral", foi idealizado para profissionais geologos de modo a suprir as necessidades de atualizacao no uso de radar de abertura sintetica, enfocando a extracao de informacao de significado geologico com estes sensores, atraves dos varios tipos de abordagens (monoscopica, estereoscopica, produtos integrados digitalmente, classificacao textural, geracao de modelos de elevacao, etc.). Espera-se assim, prover o usuario potencial deste tipo de dado de um conhecimento basico no tema, que facilite na especificacao do melhor produto para a sua aplicacao e favoreca a analise do custo beneficio com a utilizacao desta tecnologia espacial MFN: 9286 1: SID/SCD 2: 8464 3: INPE-8464-PRE/4229 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 12: Contribui‡Æo do sensoriamento remoto e GIS nas a‡äes de CT relativas …s questäes ambientais 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Semin rio de Atualiza‡Æo em Sensoriamento remoto e Sistemas de Informa‡Æo geogr fica, 4 54: 23-25 out. <2000> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 76: VEGETA€ÇO 87: monitoramento ambiental 87: desflorestamento 87: explora‡Æo madeireira 87: incˆncio 87: florestas 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: GIS 87: incˆndio florestal 88: environmental monitoring 88: deflorestation 88: logging (industry) 88: geographic information systems 88: forest fires 82: 83: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar o est gio atual das pesquisas e aplica‡äes que envolvem o uso de t‚cnicas de sensoriamento remoto e de sistemas de informa‡äes geogr ficas, dentro da filosofia de programas governamentais em CT (PPA 2000-2003)referentes especificamente …s questäes ambientais na Amaz“nia brasileira. De forma sint‚tica ‚ apresentado o direcionamento das atividades consideradas operacionais no monitoramento dos recursos florestais, apresentado alguns resultados e an lises. SÆo tamb‚m mencionados, os experimentos neste campo da aplica‡Æo da tecnologia espacial, que vˆm sendo conduzidos nesta vasta regiÆo tropical. ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to present the actual status of research and applications on the use of remote sensing and geographic information systems, within the guidelines of the governmental programme on CT (PPA2000-2003), referring specifically to environmental issues of brazilian Amazonia. Those activities considered as operational to monitor forest resources are briefly discussed, and some results and analysis are presented. Furthermore, news experiments presently running in brazilian Amazonia, related to this application field of space technology are mentioned 91: FDB-20010430 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9330 1: SID/SCD 2: 8539 3: INPE-8539-PRE/4286 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 10: Paiva, Joao Argemiro de Carvalho 10: Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto de 12: Action-driven ontologies of the geographical space: beyond the field-objet debate 18: Proceedings 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: GISscience 54: <2000> 56: Savanah 57: EUA 58: DPI 68: PRE 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: mapamento com aux¡lio do camputador 87: sistemas baseados no conhecimento 88: geographic information systems 88: computer aided mapping 88: knowledge based systems 83: Recently, the idea of ontology has been an important field of research in GIScience (Smith and Mark, 1998; Fonseca et al, 2000). This paper aims to extend the current perspective of ontologies of geographical kinds, by including additional concepts: (a)the dynamical character of geographical entities; (b)the intentionality dimension of geographical space. MFN: 9332 1: SID/SCD 2: 8354 3: INPE-8354-PRE/4134 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mura, Jos‚ Claudio 10: Bins, Leonardo Sant'Anna 10: Gama, Fabio Furlan 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 10: Santos, Joao Roberto dos 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 12: Identification of tropical forest in Brazilian Amazon based on the DEM difference from P an X band interferometric data 30: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Ceoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'2001) 54: 9-13 July <2001> 56: Sydney 57: AU 61: 64: <2001> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: uso da terra 87: imagens da radar 87: mapeamento 87: modelo numerico de terreno 87: radar de abertura sintetica 87: SAR 88: land use 88: imagery radar 88: mapping 88: digital elavation model 88: sinthetic aperture radar 82: 83: In this paper the difference between digital elevation models, derived from P and X bands interferometric data, is used as a main information to identify land cover classes. The radar data used in this work were collected on September of 2000 over Tapaj¢s National Forest, which is a region of Brazilian Amazon, Par  State. The SAR images were acquired from an airborne polarimetric system, AeS-1, that could provide P and X bands interferometric data. During the radar mission ground survey was carried out, and the georeferenced information about the forest typology were acquired, and used as a support for the thematic identification and calibration of the remoted sensing data. The X-band DEM was generated using one-pass interferometric data and the P-band DEM was generated using two-pass interferometric data. The grid of the DEMs has a spatial resolution of 2.5 meters. Images from P and X bands and coherence maps were also used in order to improve the classification. Supervised and unsupervised classifications techniques are used and their results are shown 92: FDB-20010810 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9334 1: SID/SCD 2: 8355 3: INPE-8355-PRE/4136 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 10: Araujo, Luciana Spinelli de 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 10: Sant"Anna, Sidnei J.S. 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 10: Mura, Jos‚ Claudio 10: Gama, Fabio Furlan 10: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 12: Inventory of forest biomass in Brazilian Amazon: a local approach using airborne P-band SAR data 30: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Ceoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'2001) 54: 9-13 July <2001> 56: Sydney 57: AU 61: 64: <2001> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: banda P 87: radar de abertura sint‚tica 87: imagens de radar 87: biomassa 87: forestas 87: monitoramento ambiental 88: P band 88: synthetic appeture radar 88: SAR 88: radar imagery 88: biomass 88: forests 88: environmental monitoring 82: 83: The objective of this study is to explore the use of airborne P-band SAR polarimetric data, to stratify biomass by primary and secondary vegetation typology. To ensure that different landscapes of Amazon upland forest are represented, a test-site located in the lower Rio Tapaj¢s region, Par  State, was selected. The backscatter signals derived from the complex image of the P-band SAR were correlated with field data obtained from a forest inventory, for different physiognomic-structural aspects of the tropical rainforest. The estimation of above-ground biomass for these forest types was modeled by DBH and total height measurements, including the use of general allometric equations. Statistical regression models were applied to establish the relationship between biomass and radar data at HH, HV and VV polarization. The overall objective of this P-band experiment is to improve the regional monitoring process of biomass dynamics as well as landscape changes, due to human action 92: FDB-20010810 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9335 1: SID/SCD 2: 8356 3: INPE-8356-PRE/4136 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Araujo, Luciana Spinelli de 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 10: Krug, Thelma 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Pardi Lacruz, Maria Silvia 12: Multitemporal TM/Landsat images for monitoring timber exploitation areas in the Brazilian Amazonia 30: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'2001) 54: 9-13 July <2001> 56: Sydney 57: AU 61: 64: <2001> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETA€ÇO 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: imagens Landsat 87: floresta tropical 87: identifica‡Æo da madeira 87: monitoramento ambiental 88: thematic mappers 88: Landsat satellite 88: rain forest 88: timber identification 88: environmental monitoring 82: 83: The objective of this paper is to use multitemporal TM/Landsat data sets to identify and estimate the extent of timber exploitation activities in areas of upland tropical rainforest in the Amazon region. The analysis of information from this database (26 images x 11 years)consisting of polygons mapped annually and properly georeferenced, allows the estimation of the annual rate of selective logging, and also of the conversion of selectively logged areas into clear-cut areas or secondary succession, due to the abandonment of the area. Using linear spectral mixture techniques, an example of the spectral-textural characteristics transformation of the TM images is presented for the test-site Tapaj¢s National Forest, Par  State. In this section of the tropical forests, this practice of timber exploitation has been accomplished with legal support, through a governmental forest management plan. The spatial distribution of areas subject to selective logging provides subsidies to the environmental agencies responsible for the control and enforcement of the policies regarding the forest resources in Brazilian Amazon 92: FDB-20010810 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9336 1: SID/SCD 2: 8357 3: INPE-8357-PRE/4137 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sant'Anna, Sdinei JoÆo Siqueira 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 10: Fernandes, D. 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 12: A Textural Method to Evaluate Speckle Noise Filters Based on AR-2D Models Using P-Band Radar Data 30: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'2001) 54: 9-13 July <2001> 56: Sydney 57: AU 61: 64: <2001> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: radar de abertura sint‚tica 87: imagens de microondas 87: imagens de rdar 87: SAR 87: filtro‡Æo especial 87: filtros 88: sythetic aperture radar 88: microwave imagery 88: radar imagery 88: spatial filtering 88: filters 83: The performance evaluation of some speckle reduction filters for synthetic aperture radar images is addressed in this work. The criteria used to evaluate the filters performance are based on the improvement of signal to noise ratio and its ability to preserve textural features. The former is achieved through equivalent number of looks (ENL)computation, while the latter is analyzed by Euclidean distance between AR-2D models, which are estimated from several samples of three land cover classes 92: FDB-20010810 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9337 1: SID/SCD 2: 8358 3: INPE-8358-PRE/4138 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Angelis, C.F. 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 10: Valeriano, Dalton de Morisson 12: ERS-1 Multitemporal Backscatter Analysis of Different Types of Land Cover in Brazilian Amazonia 30: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Ceoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'2001) 54: 9-13 July <2001> 56: Sydney 57: AU 61: 64: <2001> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: crescimento da vegeta‡Æo 87: uso da terra 87: ERS 1 87: florestas 87: imagem de radar 87: resolu‡Æo temporal (an lise multitemporal) 87: calssifica‡Æo de imagens 88: vegetation growth 88: land use 88: forests 88: backscatter 88: radar imagery 88: forest 88: temporal resolution (multitemporal analysis) 88: image classification 82: 83: Three ERS-1 images acquired in 1992, 1993 and 1996 respectively, over the Tapaj¢s National Forest, Brazilian Amazonia, were used and the results show that the pasture areas backscatter had a random behavior in all three images. Agricultural areas also had a random behavior in the three images, however their average backscatter was higher than the pasture average backscatter. The behaviors of regrowth at age ranged from 1 to 8 years affected by fire and regrowth at the same age but not affected by fire were different. Three different types of regrowth whose ages ranged from 9 to 15 years showed three different behaviors. Regrowths whose age vary from 18 to 22 years old showed behavior according to their previous land use. Three different types of primary forests also were analyzed and three different behaviors were found. This study shows that the previous land use can interfere in the multitemporal backscater behavior of the land cover, and it was also inferred that multitemporal analysis can be useful for the building of automatic radar images classifiers, once different types of land covers present different behaviors 92: FDB-20010810 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9338 1: SID/SCD 2: 8359 3: INPE-8359-PRE/4139 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 10: Sant'anna, Sidnei JoÆo Siqueira 10: Soler, L.S. 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 10: Araujo, Luciana Spinelli de 10: Mura, Jos‚ Claudio 10: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 12: The Use of Airborne P-Band Radar Data for Land Use and Land Cover Mapping in Brazilian Amazonia 30: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Ceoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'2001) 54: 9-13 July <2001> 56: Sydney 57: AU 61: 64: <2001> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: radar aerottransportado 87: imagens de radar 87: uso da terra 87: florestas 87: mapeamento 88: airborne radar 88: radar imagery 88: mapping 88: land use 82: 83: The aim of this work was to analyze the potentiality of polarimetric P-band data for land use and land cover mapping in a site of the Brazilian Amazonia. These data are the first P-band image set gathered in the Brazilian Amazonia, so they represent an unique opportunity of analyzing the potentiality of this frequency for classification purposes. The stratification of land use/land cover classes was performed using a classification system specially developed for polarimetric data. Results showed that P-band data were able to discriminate forest and regeneration areas from crop, pasture and bare soil areas. Moreover, regeneration areas (older than 12 years)were successfully distinguished from primary forest and other regeneration stages 92: FDB-20010810 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9339 1: SID/SCD 2: 8351 3: INPE-8351-PRE/4131 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Toutin, T. 10: Amaral, Silvana 12: Stereo Radarsat data for canopy height in brazilian forests 14: 189-200 30: Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 26 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 87: dados de radar 87: cobertura 87: floresta tropical 87: medidas 87: imagens de radar 88: radar imagery 88: canopy 88: rain forest 88: measurement 83: This paper demonstrates the applicability of RADARSAT stereo-images for the interpretation and measurement of some characteristics of the Brazilian tropical rain forest. Clearing boundaries, vegetation cover and canopy heights were qualitatively interpreted and quantitatively measured on a fine mode RADARSAT stereo-pair using a PC-based softcopy stereo workstation. Since no ground truth was specifically acquired for this project, the validation of the results is realized in two steps using previous research studies of the same site. The clearing boundaries were first overlaid on a previously orthorectified Landsat-TM image to verify their planimetric accuracy and the interpretation of the vegetation cover. The planimetric positioning error of 30 metres for the clearing boundaries was mainly due to the accuracy of the input cartographic data. Larger errors were a result of the deforestation and regeneration between image acquisition dates, the dominant scattering regime from the forest and the misinterpretation of SAR backscatter The computed canopy heights were then compared to an existing vegetation map, which described the tree species and their characteristics of each class. The results in canopy heights were generally consistent and a good representation of terrain reality. With few exceptions, a mean height variation of about 5 metres with the 11 expected" canopy heights based on previous studies was obtained. In the context of monitoring the Amazon forest in Brazil, these results based on radar stereo geometry show promise as a complementary tool to traditional methods based only on radar radiometry MFN: 9342 1: SID/SCD 2: 9362 3: INPE-8362-PRE/4142 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Brasil. Minist‚rio do Meio Ambiente 53: Causas e dinƒmica do desenvolvimento na Amazonia 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20010815 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9344 1: SID/SCD 2: 9362 3: INPE-8362-PRE/4142 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Krug, Thelma 12: O quadro do desflorestamento da Amaz“nia 14: 91-88 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Brasil. Minist‚rio do Meio Ambiente 53: Causas e dinƒmica do desenvolvimento na Amazonia 58: OBT 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: desmatamento 87: desflorestamento 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: sistemas de informacao geogr fica 87: SIG 87: monitoramento ambiental 88: deflorestation 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: geographic information systems 88: GIS 88: environmental monitoring 82: 83: O Brasil ‚ considerado um pa¡s singular no que tange … avalia‡Æo da cobertura florestal da parte da Amaz“nia compreendida em seu territ¢rio. Esta singularidade est  associada tanto … freqˆncia com que os desmatamentos da Amaz“nia sÆo observados quanto … extensÆo geogr fica abrangida. Na maior parte dos pa¡ses (principalmente os tropicais), o monitoramento de suas florestas ‚ feito a cada cinco ou 10 anos, e de forma nÆo necessariamente abrangente. O Brasil gera estimativas anuais da taxa m‚dia e da extensÆo do desflorestamento bruto da Amaz“nia a partir da an lise de imagens de sat‚lite que cobrem toda a regiÆo 91: FDB-20010815 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9422 1: SID/SCD 2: 8445 3: INPE-8445-PRE/4213 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Alves, Diogenes Salas 12: An analysis of the geographical patterns of deforestation in Brazilian Amaz“nia in the 1991-1996 period (1) 16: Wood, C.H; R. Porro, R., ed. 18: Land Use and Deforestation in the Amazon 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61:
  • 62: University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 64: <2002> 66: Gainesville 67: USA 68: CAPL 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: an lise 87: uso da terra 87: impacto ambiental 87: desflorestamento 87: desmatamento 87: padräes 88: analysing 88: patterns 88: deforestation 88: patterns 88: land use 82: 83: Deforestation maps produced by INPE for the 1991-1996 period were stratified by 1/4o grid cells and regions of more important deforestation were detected. Deforestation tended to be concentrated in a number of regions: 4 of the cells analyzed ccumulated 25 of the total observed deforestation and 10 of the cells accumulated 50 of the total deforestation. Ninety-five percent of the total deforestation was observed in 40 of the cells. Deforestation appeared to grow inertially around areas of pioneer deforestation (i.e. areas already deforested by 1978)and major roads: 86 of the observed deforestation was found within 25 km from areas already deforested by 1978; approximately 17 of the observed deforestation occurred within 50km from the western road network including the Cuiab -Porto Velho-Rio Branco road link; 33 91: FDB-20020605 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9467 1: SID/SCD 2: 8528 3: INPE-8528-PRE/4279 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barbosa, C.C.F. 10: Hess, Laura 10: Melack, I.M. 10: Novo, Evlyn Marcia LeÆo Moraes 12: Mapping Amazon basin wetlands through region growing segmentation and segmented-based classification JERS-1 data 14: 1-9 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Latin-American Symposium on Remote sensing, 9 54: nov. <2000> 56: Misiones 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: radar de abertura sint‚tica 87: mapeamento 87: metodologia 87: terras alagadas 87: SAR 88: synthetic aperture radar 88: mapping 88: methodology 88: wetlands 82: 83: Neste trabalho descrevemos uma s‚rie de experimentos para avaliar uma metodologia para mapeamento das  reas alag veis da Bacia Amaz“nica utilizando somente dados JERS-1 banda L multi-data. Embora as imagens SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar)geradas a partir de uma frequˆncia £nica tenham significantes limita‡äes, os dados JERS-1 sÆo os £nicos dispon¡veis para toda a bacia amaz“nica e que nÆo sÆo obstru¡dos por cobertura de rulvens, uma constante na regiÆo. Os experimentos aqui descritos exploram o potencial da segmenta‡Æo de imagens por crescimento de regiäes e a t‚cnica de classifica‡Æo baseada em imagens segmentadas como ferramenta para mapeamento de  reas alag veis. O resultado ‚ uma seqˆncia simples(direta)para mapeamento de  reas alag veis. ABSTRACT: In this paper we describe a series of experiments to assess a methodology for mapping the Amazon Basin Wetlands using single frequency (L-band)multi-date JERS-1 data. Although single -frequency SAR images have significant limitations, the JERS-I's are the only available data which cover the entire Amazon basin unobstructed by cloud cover, a constant in that region. The experiments described here explore the potential of region-growing segmentation and segmented-based classification technique as a tool for mapping wetlands. The result is a straightforward wetlands mapping sequence MFN: 9468 1: SID/SCD 2: 8529 3: INPE-8529-PRE/4280 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Huber, R. 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 12: Classifier combination and feature selection for land-cover mapping from high-resolution airborne dual-band SAR data 14: 370-375 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: World Multiconference on systemics Cybernetics and Informatics 54: July <2000> 56: Orlando 57: EU 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: radar transportado pelo ar 87: experimento de posi‡Æo e identifica‡Æo de pontos importantes 87: cobertura da terra 87: classifica‡Æo de imagens 87: reconhecimentos de padräes 88: airborne radar 88: feature identification and location expeiment 88: land cover 88: image classification 88: pattern recognition 83: We study feature selection and classification for a land-cover mapping task from airborne high resolution AeS- 1 data in radar X- and P-Band. The studied feature selection methods are the well-established sequential addition of features to an initially empty feature set and genetic algorithm search, both based on statistical distance measures, and exhaustive evaluation based on actual classifier performance. It was observed, that different criteria and search strategies come up with different subsets of features. We present results of combined classifications derived from classifiers trained on different subsets of features. The considered combination strategies are product, sum, maximum and majority rules. Combination turned out to bring significant improvement. The task of discriminating two forest classes, three classes of agricultural area, two classes of built-up area and a specific class devoted to radar imaging ambiguities for a test site located in Switzerland provided a satisfying result for machine classification from radar data MFN: 9469 1: SID/SCD 2: 8530 3: INPE-8530-PRE/4281 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 10: Huber, R. 10: Soares, Sergio Monteiro 12: Forest Classification from SAR Data using Multiresolutional and Autoregressive Approaches 14: 419-423 40: En 41: En 42: 53: World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 54: July <2000> 56: Orlando 57: EU 58: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: radar de abertura sint‚tica 87: SAR 87: filtros para bandas 87: classifica‡Æo de imagens 87: reconhecimentos de padräes 88: synthetic aperture radar 88: band pass filters 88: image classification 88: pattern recognition 83: Two methodologies for rain forest mapping in Amazonia using textural features derived from JERS- 1 data are presented. The first one uses a set of pass-band filters, called Laws filters, combined by Principal Components Transformation so as to match a filter to the most undulated forest texture. Multiresolutional filters are derived for resolution levels I to 1/5 of the original. Texture energy features are obtained from the inverse of the matched filters for each resolution level. Thresholding is employed to distinguish between undulated and flat forest. The final decison requires linking of resolution levels, what is is accomplished by unweighted or weighted fusion of decisions taken on different levels. The second method derives two two-dimensional autoregressive filters. One filter is fitted to undulated forest and another one fitted to flat forest. The autoregressive approach also employs an energy feature. In this case, it is calculated from both inverse filters, which are derived from the autoregressive matched filters. Separation of the considered forest types is achieved using smoothed versions of these energy filters as input to a maximum likelihood classifier. Both techniques showed good discrimination, with some superiority of the Multiresolutional approach MFN: 9479 1: SID/SCD 2: 8454 3: INPE-8454-RPQ/722 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Crepani, Edison 16: Medeiros, Jos‚ SimeÆo de 16: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 16: Florenzano, Teresa Gallotti 16: Duarte, Valdete 16: Barbosa, Cl udio Clemente Faria 18: Sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento aplicado ao zoneamento ecol¢gico-econ“mico e ao ordenamento territorial 19: Remote sensing and geoprocessing applied to the ecological and economical zoning and to the territorial ordering 20: 101 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO REGIONAL 87: zoneamento ecol¢gico econ“mico 87: ZEE 87: uso da terra 87: vunerabilidade 87: ordenamento territorial 87: ecodinƒmica 87: geomorfologia 87: base da dados 87: vegeta‡Æo 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: SGI 87: SPRING 87: sistema de processamento imagem georreferenciadas 88: land use 88: geomorfology 88: data base 88: vegetation 88: ecological and economical zoning 88: geographic information systems 88: regional planning 88: vunerability 83: Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para elaborar mapas de vulnerabilidade natural … perda de solo. O objetivo destes mapas ‚ subsidiar o Zoncamento Ecol¢gicoEcon“mico da Amaz“nia. Esta metodologia foi desenvolvida com base no conceito de Ecodinƒmica e na reinterpreta‡Æo de dados tem ticos preexistentes com a utiliza‡Æo de imagens de sat‚lite, que permitem uma visÆo sin¢tica e hol¡stica da paisagem. A an lise e interpreta‡Æo destas imagens ‚ feita considerando-se os padräes fotogr ficos identificados pelas varia‡äes de cores, textura, forma, padräes de drenagem e relevo. A vulnerabilidade das unidades de paisagem ‚ estabelecida por meio de uma escala de valores relativos e empiricos de acordo com a rela‡Æo morfogˆnese/pedogˆne analisando-se individualmente cada um dos temas: geologia, geomorfologia, pedologia, vegeta‡Æo, uso da terra e clima. Para o tratamento digital das imagens usadas como "ƒncora" nesta metodologia, editar os Planos de Informa‡Æo, bem como montar e manipular o banco de dados que a acompanha, utilizou-se o software SPRING (Sistema de Processamento de Informa‡äes Geo-referenciadas desenvolvido no INPE). ABSTRACT: This paper presents a methodology to map the natural soil loss vulnerability. The objective of these maps is to support the Ecological and Economical Zoning of the Amazon. The methodology was developed based upon the Ecodynamic concept and on the reclassification of previous thematic data with the aid of satellite image interpretation, which aided the synoptic and holistic perception of the landscape. The analysis and interpretation of those images is based on photographic patterns such as color, texture, shape, drainage patterns and topography. The vulnerability of landscape units is based on empirical relative values according to the relationship between morphogenese/pedogenese for each of the main variables: geology, geomorphology, pedology, vegetation, land use and climate. The digital processing and the data base manipulation was performed with aid of the software SPRING developed b 91: FDB-20010108 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9485 1: SID/SCD 2: 8509 3: INPE-8509-PRE/4260 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Santos, Athos Ribeiro dos 10: Veneziani, Paulo 10: Morais, Maria Carolina de 12: Synthetic aperture radar for geological application in the Moist tropic: Experiences from the Brazilian Amazon region 14: 534-538 30: Revista Brasileira de Geociˆncias 31: 30 32: 3 58: DSR 61: 64: SET. <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: imagem de radar 87: radar de abertura sint‚tica 87: processamento de imagens 87: interpreta‡Æo fotogr fica 88: geology 88: synthetic aperture radar 88: SAR 88: imaging radar 88: photointerpretation 88: radar de imageamento 82: 83: A reasonable amount of airborne and orbital Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)data, with distinct characteristics (frequency, polarization, viewing terrain geometry, resolution, etc.), has been acquired over the Amazon Region during the last decade. As the region is involved in rain, cloud, haze and smoke, SAR images are invaluable in providing geological information due the enhancement of the terrain caused by the side-viewing geometry, and the all-weather sensing capability. In this paper, we discuss the effects of the sensor/terrain variables on geological mapping and exploration using C-band SAR examples from the Tapaj¢s National Forest and Caraj s Province. The experience with this kind of remote sensing data in the tropics has shown that an effective applicability of the technology is obtained when a consistent background in SAR imagery, digital image processing and photointerpreterïs skill are taken into account in the approach MFN: 9486 1: SID/SCD 2: 8527 3: INPE-8527-PRE/4278 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Crepani, Edison 10: Medeiros, Jose Simeao de 12: Sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento aplicado ao estudo da vulnerabilidade … movimentos de massa no Munic¡pio de SÆo sebastiÆo - SP 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: PLANEJAMENTO REGIONAL 87: erssÆo 87: solo 87: deslizamento de terra 87: efeitos ambientais 87: algebra de mapas 87: zoneamento ecol¢gico e econ“mico 87: ZEE 87: SPRING 87: sistema de processamento de informa‡äes georreferenciadas 87: movimento da terraEecodinƒmica 88: soil erosion 88: landslides 88: envirnment effects 88: earth movements 88: ecodynamics 88: ecological economical zoning 82: 83: A metodologia utilizada no estudo da vulnerabilidade a movimentos de massa no munic¡pio de SÆo SebastiÆo foi desenvolvida a partir do conceito de Ecodinƒmica (Tricart, 1977), da potencialidade para estudos integrados das imagens de sat‚lite, conforme os conceitos desenvolvidos por Crepani et al. (1996)para o Zoneamento Ecol¢gico Econ“mico e da µlgebra de Mapas mostrada em Barbosa (1997). Para o tratamento digital das imagens Spot usadas como "ƒncora" neste trabalho, editar os Planos de Informa‡Æo, bem como montar e manipular o banco de dados que o compäe, utilizou-se o software SPRING, Sistema de Processamento de Informa‡äes Georeferenc¡adas (www.dpi.¡\spr¡ng)desenvolvido no INPE. ABSTRACT: The methodology for studying mass movement the vulnerability in the municipality of Sao Sebastido was based on Tricart's ecodynamic concepts (Tricart, 1977), on the Ecological and Economical Zoning integrated studies developed in Crepani et at. (1996)and on the Map Algebra found in Barbosa (1997). The digital processing of the Spot images was used as an"anchor"for editing the Information Layers and for building the data base. Spatial analyses were carried out with the SPRING, Sistem of Process of Geo-reterring Informations (\spring)developed at INPE MFN: 9487 1: SID/SCD 2: 8511 3: INPE-8511-PRE/4262 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Aulicino, Luigi Carli Marroni 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 10: Moreira, Maur¡cio Alves 10: Medeiros, Jos‚ SimeÆo de 10: Simi Jr., Romeu 12: Subs¡dios para o manejo sustent vel da bacia hidrogr fica do rio Una atrav‚s do uso de t‚cnicas de geoprocessamento e de sensoriamento remoto 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: monitoramento ambiental 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: imagens Landsat 87: integra‡Æo de dados 87: uso da terra 88: environmental monitoring 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: data integration 88: land use 88: imagery Landsat 83: O presente estudo tem por objetivo integrar t‚cnicas de sensoriamento remoto e de geoprocessamento, no desenvolvimento de uma metodologia voltada para o monitoramento de bacias hidrogr ficas, principalmente, no que se refere … questÆo do uso do solo. Como  rea teste utilizou-se a bacia hidrogr fica do rio Una, localizada, quase que em sua totalidade, no munic¡pio de Taubat‚-SP. A metodologia empregada neste trabalho foi baseada no cruzamento de informa‡äes cartogr ficas e de imagens do Landsat/TM, para analisar o uso do solo nas  reas de preserva‡Æo permanente (APP)ao longo dos canais de drenagem da bacia, no topo dos morros (ter‡o superior)e no entorno das nascentes. Com as informa‡äes extra¡das de cartas topogr ficas (drenagem e curvas de n¡veis)gerou-se mapas tem ticos contendo a delimita‡Æo das APPs. Sobrepondo estes mapas aos resultados de classifica‡Æo do uso do solo, obtido atrav‚s dos dados do Landsat/TM, bandas 3, 4 e 5, da passagem de 17/12/1999, pode-se chegar …s seguintes conclusäes: a)a classe pastagem ‚ predominante com 6.320 ha, correspondendo a 51,8 83: da APP; b)a classe de mata natural tem 4.842 ha, correspondendo a 39,7 83: da APP; c)a classe solo exposto representa apenas 2,5 83: da APP, todavia, sua ocorrˆncia se d  nos locais de nascentes e ao longo dos rios de primeira ordem. ABSTRACT: The objective of the present study is to integrate remote sensing and geoprocessing techniques, in the development of a methodology to monitor watersheds, mainly with the regard of land use. The test site is the watershed of the Una river mainly located in the county of Taubat‚, SÆo Paulo State. The methodology used in this work was based on the crossing of cartographic information and Landsat/TM images, to analyze the land use within the areas of permanent preservation (APP)along the drainage web of the watershed, on the top of the hills (top third)and around to wells. With the information extracted from the topographic charts (drainage web and topography)thematic maps were generated with the boundaries of the Areas pf Permanent Preservation (APP). These maps were overlayed on the land use classification result obtained through the Landsat/TM image from 17 December 1999. The following conclusions could be drawn: a)pasture class is predominant with 6.320 ha, corresponding to 51,8 83: of the APP; b)natural forest class has 4.842 ha, corresponding to 39,7 83: of the APP; c)bare soil class corresponds to 2,5 83: of the APP, however, this class is predominant along the first order rivers and around the wells MFN: 9488 1: SID/SCD 2: 8513 3: INPE-8513-PRE/4264 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Duarte, Valdete 10: Moreira, Maur¡cio Alves 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Cria‡Æo de um banco de informa‡äes agr¡colas, utilizando-se imagens de sat‚lite e sistema de informa‡äes geogr ficas: munic¡pio de Bebedouro-SP 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: levantamento de safras usando sensoriamento remoto 87: base de dados 87: classifica‡Æo de imagens 87: agricultura 88: crop inventories remote sensing (AgRISTAR Project) 88: data bases 88: citrus 88: cana-de-a‡£car 88: sistemas de informa‡aä geogr fica 88: sistema de processamento de informa‡äes georreferenciadas 88: SPRING 88: SGI 88: image classification 88: agriculture 88: geographical information systems 88: sugarcane 82: 83: Este trabalho tem como objetivo agregar as mais recentes inova‡äes tecnol¢gicas nas  reas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento, para mapear e avaliar  reas agr¡colas, em n¡vel municipal, com ˆnfase nas culturas do citrus e da cana-de-a‡£car. A  rea de estudo compreende o munic¡pio de Bebedouro, SP, o qual ‚ um dos maiores produtores de citrus do estado e tamb‚m tem uma produ‡Æo significativa de cana-de-a‡£car. A metodologia empregada neste estudo consistiu na cria‡Æo de um banco de dados georreferenciado (dados cartogr ficos e imagens do Landsat-TM)e o mapeamento das classes de ocupa‡Æo do solo, atrav‚s das t‚cnicas de segmenta‡Æo e classifica‡Æo de imagens, implementados no SPRING (Sistema para Processamento de Informa‡äes Georeferenciadas). Sobre os resultados da classifica‡Æo aplicou-se o procedimento de edi‡Æo matricial, que permitiu ao analista corrigir erros de classifica‡Æo. De acordo com os resultados desta pesquisa pode-se concluir que: a)o uso de dados orbitais para monitoramento de uso do solo a n¡vel municipal ‚ uma alternativa vi vel para substituir os m‚todos tradicionais de estimativa de  rea plantada; b)atrav‚s do estudo multitemporal, foi poss¡vel mapear corretamente os diferentes padräes de citrus; c)a an lise multitemporal tamb‚m ‚ importante no mapeamento das  reas de cana-de-a‡£car devido … similaridade entre as  reas de solo exposto e as  reas de cana cortada; d)a edi‡Æo matricial mostrou ser muito eficiente para corrigir erros de mapeamento do uso da terra que ocorreram durante a fase de classifica‡Æo autom tica. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work is to use the recent technological innovations, in the areas of remote sensing and geoprocessing, in order to map and evaluate agricultural areas, at the county level, with emphasis on citrus and sugarcane. The study area comprises the county of Bebedouro, SÆo Paulo State, which is among the biggest citrus producer in the State and has also a significant sugarcane production. The adopted methodology consisted on the creation of a georreferenced database (cartographic maps and Landsat-TM images), segmentation procedure and image classification using the software SPRING (Sistema para Processamento de Informa‡äes Georeferenciadas). The matrix edition procedure was used after classification in order to correct miss classification during the automatic classification phase. We concluded that : a)remote sensing images were useful to monitor agricultural land use cover at the county level and the technique is suitable to replace traditional methods of crop area estimation; b)the multitemporal approach is fundamental to correctly identify different patterns of citrus; c)multitemporal analysis is also important to map sugarcane areas due to the similarity between bare soil and recent harvested sugarcane fields and; d)matrix edition is very efficient to correct miss land use classification during the automatic classification phase MFN: 9489 1: SID/SCD 2: 8514 3: INPE-8514-PRE/4265 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 10: Moreira, Mauricio Alves 10: Targa, Marcelo dos Santos 10: Freitas, Jos‚ Guilherme de 12: Espectrorradiometria de campo em trigo e sua rela‡Æo com parƒmetros agron“micos 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: levantamento de safras usando sensoriamento remoto 87: espectroradiometros 87: instrumentos medidores de radia‡Æo 87: indice de vegeta‡Æo da diferen‡a normalizada 88: crop inventories by remote sensing (AgRISTAR Project) 88: spectroradiometros 88: radiation measuring instruments 88: normalized difference vegetation index 88: NDVI 83: A t‚cnica de espectrorradiometria de campo foi utilizada para estabelecer rela‡äes entre parƒmetros agron“micos da cultura do trigo e a radia‡Æo refletida na regiÆo vis¡vel e infravermelho pr¢ximo do espectro eletromagn‚tico. Dois gen¢tipos de trigo, IAC-289 e IAC-24, foram semeados nos anos safra de 1998 e 1999 em  rea experimental no munic¡pio de Taubat‚, SÆo Paulo. O trigo foi submetidos a aduba‡Æo nitrogenada aplicada em quatro doses de nitrogˆnio (0, 60, 90 e 120 kg de N ha -1 ) e a trˆs n¡veis de irriga‡Æo: 100 83: ; 50 83: ; e 25 83: da capacidade de campo. Foi empregado o delineamento estat¡stico de blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcelas sub sub-divididas, com 4 repeti‡äes. Os tratamentos de irriga‡Æo foram aplicados nas parcelas principais, os gen¢tipos de trigo constitu¡ram as sub-parcelas e as doses de nitrogˆnio foram aplicadas nas sub-sub parcelas. As medidas da radia‡Æo refletida foram realizadas com o SPECTRON SE590 durante todo o ciclo da cultura, ou seja, da emergˆncia at‚ a matura‡Æo fisiol¢gica. Os dados foram processados e transformados para valores de reflectƒncia nas faixas espectrais correspondentes …s bandas 3 (630 a 690 nm)e na banda 4 (760 a 900 nm)do sensor TM do Landsat. Por sua vez, estes valores foram transformados no ¡ndice de vegeta‡Æo com diferen‡a normalizada (NDVI). A partir dos valores do NDVI foi estimada a fra‡Æo da radia‡Æo fotossinteticamente ativa absorvida e observou-se que os tratamentos de irriga‡Æo de 50 e 25 83: da capacidade de campo reduziram significativamente tanto a produ‡Æo de grÆos e fitomassa quanto a radia‡Æo absorvida. Os gen¢tipos de trigo tiveram produ‡Æo de grÆos e fitomassa diferentes mas a radia‡Æo absorvida teve valores similares. NÆo houve diferen‡a significativa para produ‡Æo de fitomassa ou radia‡Æo absorvida em resposta aos diferentes n¡veis de nitrogˆnio. ABSTRACT: Field spectroradiometry was used to establish the relationship between wheat agronomic parameters and the reflected energy in the visible and near infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Two wheat cultivars, IAC-289 and IAC-24, were sown during the crop years of 1998 and 1999 in an experimental site in the county of Taubat‚, SÆo Paulo State. The wheat crop was grown under four nitrogen (N)doses (0, 60, 90 and 120 kg of N ha -1 ) and three levels of irrigation: 1)100 83: ; 50 83: and 25 83: of field capacity. A randomized complete block design, in sub-sub-plots (spilt-split-plot experiment)with four replication was used. The irrigation factor was applied to the main plot, the wheat cultivar factor was applied to the sub-plot and the N doses to the sub-sub-plot. The field measurements with the spectroradiometer SE590 were acquired weekly during the crop season. Data were processed and transformed into reflectance values corresponding to Landsat-TM band 3 (630 a 690 nm)and band 4 (760 a 900 nm). This bands were then transformed into the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The fraction of absorbed photossynthetic active radiation was estimated based on the NDVI values and it was observed that the irrigation treatments of 50 and 25 83: of field capacity significantly reduced grain and fitomass production and absorbed radiation. The wheat cultivars presented different grain and fitomass production values, but absorbed radiation was similar for both cultivars. No difference was observed for grain and fitomass production in response to nitrogen doses MFN: 9490 1: SID/SCD 2: 8515 3: INPE-8515-PRE/4266 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Moreira, Mauricio Alves 10: Duarte, Valdete 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 10: Aulicino, Luigi Carli Marroni 12: Imagens de sat‚lite e t‚cnicas de geoprocessamento como suporte no monitoramento e estimativa de  reas cafeeiras 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: base de dados 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: SPRING 87: sistema de processamento de informa‡äes georreferenciadas 87: resolu‡Æo temporal 87: caf‚ 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: data bases 88: geographic information systems 88: temporal resolution 88: coffee 82: 83: Neste trabalho foram utilizados dados digitais do Landsat-TM e t‚cnicas de geoprocessamento para o estudo multitemporal da cultura do caf‚ ao n¡vel municipal. Como  rea de estudo elegeu-se o munic¡pio de Trˆs Pontas-MG, por estar localizado numa regiÆo tradicionalmente cafeicultora. A metodologia empregada consistiu-se da cria‡Æo de um Banco de Dados Georeferenciado (BDG)e classifica‡Æo temporal de dados digitais do Landsat-TM, obtidos durante o per¡odo de 1985 a 1999. No BDG foram inseridas …s seguintes informa‡äes: a)cartogr ficas (rede de drenagem, rede vi ria e limite do munic¡pio); b)dados originais e transformados do Landsat-TM e c)mapas tem ticos resultantes dos procedimentos de classifica‡Æo. A classifica‡Æo das  reas cafeeiras e de cana-de-a‡£car (nos anos em que esta cultura estava presente na  rea), foi realizada empregando-se um procedimento de classifica‡Æo nÆo-supervisionada, segmenta‡Æo de imagem e o classificador utilizado foi o ISOSEG. Para corrigir os erros de classifica‡Æo, utilizou-se a edi‡Æo matricial que ‚ uma t‚cnicas implementada no SPRING e que permite eliminar erros de classifica‡Æo. Neste estudo, chegou-se …s seguintes conclusäes: a)nos anos de 1985 e 1990 predominou na  rea de estudo o cultivo da cana-de-a‡£car, devido a existˆncia de uma usina de a‡£car e  lcool no munic¡pio. b)no ano de 1995 e 1999 nÆo constatou  reas plantadas com cana-de-a‡£car e a  rea de caf‚ mapeada foi de 67.593 ha e 120.527 ha respectivamente; c)comparando a  rea de caf‚ do ano de 1985 (22.310 ha ) com o ano de 1999, nota-se que o incremento de  rea plantada foi de 540 83: . ABSTRACT In this work, Landsat-TM in a digital form and geoprocessing techniques were used for multitemporal study of culture of coffee at the municipality level. As the study area it was chosen the "Trˆs Pontas" municipality in Minas Gerais State, due to its location in a region traditionally cultivated with coffee. The employed methodology consisted on the creation of a georeferenced database (GDB)and classification of multitemporal Landsat TM data, acquired during the period from 1985 to 1999. In the GDB, it was included the following information: a)cartographic (drainage net, roads net and limits of the municipality); b)original and transformed Landsat-TM data; and c)thematic maps resulting from the classification procedures. The classification of areas occupied by coffee and sugarcane plantations (the time that sugarcane was present in the area)was accomplished employing a non supervised classifer, image segmentation, where the isoseg classifier was used. In order to correct the classification errors, a image editing available in the SPRING software was used allowing to eliminate such errors. In this study, the following conclusions was achieved: a)in 1985 and 1990 it predominated, in the study area, sugarcane plantations due to the existence of a sugar cane and alcohol Plant in the municipality; b)in 1995 and 1999, it was not observed areas planted with sugar-cane and the area of coffee mapped was 67,593 ha and 120,527 h , respectively; and c)by comparing the area of coffee plantation from 1985 (22,310 ha)with from 1999, it is noticed that the increment of planted area was 540 MFN: 9491 1: SID/SCD 2: 8516 3: INPE-8516-PRE/4267 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Moura, V. 10: Formaggio, Antonio Rroberto 10: Epiphanio, Jos‚ Carlos Neves 12: TM/Landsat-5 data from pre crop season to estimation the area to be planet with summer crops 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: levantamento de safras usando sensoriamento remoto 87: uso da terra 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: SIG 87: mapeador tematico (Landsat) 88: crop inventories by remote sensing (AgRISTAR Project) 88: land use 88: geographic information systems 88: GIS 88: Landsat 5 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 83: The estimate of the Area of Land to be planted with annual crops and its stratification by municipality are important variables in crop forecast. Nowadays in Brazil, these information are obtained by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)and published under the report Assessment of the Agricultural Production. Due to the high cloud cover in the main crop growing season (October to March)it is difficult to acquire good orbital images. Thus, one alternative is to work with remote sensing data from dates before the crop growing season. This work presents the use of multitemporal TM/Landsat-5 data gathered on July and September of 1998 (before the summer growing season)in order to estimate the area of land to be planted with summer crops in an area of SÆo Paulo State, Brazil. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)and digital image processing techniques were applied for treatment of the available data. Supervised and non-supervised classifications were used for data in digital number and reflectance formats and for the multitemporal Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)images. The objective was to discriminate the tracts with higher probability to become planted with summer crops. Classification accuracy were evaluated using a sampling system developed basically for this study region. The estimated areas were corrected using the error matrix derived from these evaluations. The classification techniques presented an excellent level according to the kappa index. The proportion of crops stratified by municipalities was derived by a field work during the crop growing season. These proportion coefficients were applied onto the area of land to be planted with summer crops (derived from TM/Landsat-5 data). Thus, it was possible to derive the area of each summer crop by municipality. The discrepancies between official statistics and our results were attributed to the sampling and to the stratification procedures. Nevertheless, this methodology can be improved in order to provide good crop area estimates using remote sensing data, despite the cloud cover during the growing season MFN: 9492 1: SID/SCD 2: 8521 3: INPE-8521-PRE/4272 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vergara, Oscar Ricardo 10: Maria de Lourdes N.O. Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves de Oliveira 10: D'Alge, J£lio C‚sar Lima 10: Pereira, Madalena Niero 12: Geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto para atualiza‡Æo de cartas topogr ficas 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: Pt 41: EN 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 87: mapas 87: mapeamento do solo 87: topografia 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: exatidÆo geogr fica 88: maps 88: soil mapping 88: topography 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: geometric accuracy 83: A falta de cartas topogr ficas atualizadas indica a necessidade de desenvolver m‚todos de atualiza‡Æo que permitam reduzir o dispˆndio de tempo e recursos. Considerando as vantagens da utiliza‡Æo de imagens orbitais para fins cartogr ficos, o objetivo deste trabalho ‚ avaliar o desempenho de produtos gerados pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), no contexto de metodologias de atualiza‡Æo cartogr fica.  estudado o conte£do de informa‡Æo tem tica de diversos grupos de dados (TM-Landsat em banda 3 e composi‡Æo colorida BGR 2,3,4; HRV-SPOT pancrom ticos multiespectrais; imagem sint‚tica). Estuda-se tamb‚m a exatidÆo geom‚trica atingida utilizando esses produtos nos formatos anal¢gico e digital. Os resultados indicam que, embora com restri‡äes, essas imagens fornecem uma consider vel quantidade da informa‡Æo tem tica contida em cartas topogr ficas nas escalas 1:100.000 e 1:50.000. As avalia‡äes geom‚tricas mostram que, atrav‚s das metodologias aplicadas, as transparˆncias positivas TM com corre‡Æo de sistema e SPOT de n¡vel 1B permitem realizar atualiza‡Æo cartogr fica em escala 1:250.000, existindo tamb‚m a possibilidade de atualizar na escala 1:100.000. Imagens digitais SPOT de n¡vel 1B corrigidas geometricamente atrav‚s do registro imagem/carta, permitem atingir a exatidÆo geom‚trica das cartas 1:50.000, classe A. ABSTRACT The lack of updated cartographic maps demands the development of updating methodologies that allow saving time and resources. Considering the advantages of using satellite data for cartographic purposes, the aim of this work is to evaluate orbital images generated by National Institute of Spatial Research (INPE, Brazil), within the context of methodologies for cartographic map revision. Information content of different data sets is assessed (TM-Landsat Band 3 and colour composite BGR 2,3,4; HRV-SPOT panchromatic and multispectral data; synthetic image). The geometric accuracy attainable through the use of these products in analogical and digital format is also studied. The results show that these images provide a considerable amount of the typical thematic information of 1:100,000 and 1:50,000 topographic maps. The geometric evaluations indicate that both corrected TM and level 1B SPOT photographic products allow to accomplish cartographic updating at 1:250,000 scale. SPOT digital data, geometrically corrected through image/map registration, meet the standards of class A, 1:50,000 topographic maps MFN: 9493 1: SID/SCD 2: 8523 3: INPE-8523-PRE/4274 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ohara, Tomoyuki 10: Jim‚nez Rueda, Jairo R. 10: Mattos, Ju‚rcio Tavares de 12: Estudo do comportamento espectral de perfis de altera‡Æo intemp‚rica em granit¢ides da regiÆo leste do Estado de SÆo Paulo, Brasil 13: Spectral Behavior Study of Weathering Profiles in Granite-Gneiss of the Eastern Border of SÆo Paulo State, Brazi 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: an lise espectral 87: desgaste das rochas 87: an lise de rios X 87: an lise qu¡mica 87: granito 88: spectrum analysis 88: weathering 88: X ray analysis 88: chemical analysis 88: granite 83: This paper reports the relationship between weathering potential index (IPA)and product index (IPR), obtained from the pedogeochemical analysis in several samples of weathering profiles. The pedogenetic development of weathering profiles, was studied based on the behaviour of the curves using weathering indices of Reiche (1943, 1950). The pedogeochemical data were obtained in chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence in granite-gneiss samples. The curves of the Bidirectional Reflectance Factors in the 400 to 2500 nm spectral range were obtained, using a laboratory spectroradiometer MFN: 9494 1: SID/SCD 2: 8512 3: INPE-8512-PRE/4263 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Macedo, Mariza Alves de 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 12: Estimativa da perda de solo por erosÆo laminar na bacia do rio SÆo Bartolomeu-DF usando t‚cnicas de geoprocessamento 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: ersÆo 87: solo 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: SIG 87: erosÆo causada pela  gua 87: equa‡Æo universal de perda de solos 87: EUPS 88: soil erosion 88: geographic information systems 88: water erosion 88: universal soil loss equation 88: USLE 82: 83: Este trabalho teve por objetivo estimar a perda de solos por erosÆo laminar na Bacia do Rio SÆo Bartolomeu, por meio de t‚cnicas de geoprocessamento. O estudo desse fen“meno exige uma abordagem integrada dos diferentes processos que o promovem, de modo a permitir um melhor gerenciamento da  rea. Para estimar a perda de solos na bacia do Rio SÆo Bartolomeu, aplicou-se a Equa‡Æo Universal de Perda de Solos (EUPS), proposta por Wishmeier e Smith (1978)que, associada …s t‚cnicas de geoprocessamento, permite que este tipo de estimativa seja realizado para grandes  reas o que, nÆo obstante suas limita‡äes, representa uma redu‡Æo de custos e maior rapidez quando comparado com levantamentos feitos in loco. A espacializa‡Æo dessas perdas, bem como de cada uma das vari veis da EUPS por meio de um Sistema de Informa‡äes Geogr ficas, permitiu contextualizar os resultados obtidos em fun‡Æo da ocorrˆncia dos fatores naturais e ntr¢picos na  rea. Possibilitou ainda a exposi‡Æo das  reas que necessitam prioritariamente de ado‡Æo de pr ticas de controle de erosÆo, contribuindo dessa forma para a tomada de decisäes e melhor gerenciamento da  rea. ABSTRACT: The goal of this work was to estimate the soil loss in the basin of Rio SÆo Bartolomeu, using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), proposed by Wishmeier and Smith (1978)that, associated to the geoprocessing techniques, it allows estimations on a wide areas and reduce the cost/time ratio when compared with in situ workfield. The spatial representation of those losses, as well as of each one of the USLE variables, through a Geographical Information System, it allowed to obtain results context based on the occurence of natural antropic factors on test area. It still made possible the exhibition of the areas that need of adoption of practices of erosion control MFN: 9495 1: SID/SCD 2: 8526 3: INPE-8526-PRE/4277 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Siqueira, ¶ngela Dalledone 10: Valeriano, Dalton de Morisson 12: Metodologia de an lise de dados cartogr ficos e de sensoriamento remoto para o diagn¢stico do estado de preserva‡Æo da cobertura vegetal em  reas montanhosas 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: uso da terra 87: prote‡Æo ambiental 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: environmental protection 88: image classification 88: land use 83: Apresenta-se uma metodologia baseada em t‚cnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Processamento de Dados Cartogr ficos com Sistema de Informa‡Æo Geogr fica para avaliar o grau de concordƒncia da cobertura da terra em rela‡Æo a crit‚rios de preserva‡Æo previstos no C¢digo Florestal Brasileiro (LEI N. 4.771, de setembro de 1965). Utilizando dados topogr ficos e hidrogr ficos da folha 1:50.000 Rio Mambucaba, contendo parte do Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina e de seus arredores, mapeou-se as seguintes classes de preserva‡Æo:  reas com altitude acima de 1.800 m, encostas com declividade acima de 45 e entre 25 e 45 e  reas de prote‡Æo de cursos d' gua e de nascentes. A cobertura da terra da  rea de estudo foi mapeada atrav‚s da classifica‡Æo nÆo- Supervisionada da imagem da segunda componente principal das bandas 2, 4 e 5 do TM/Landasat. As classes espectrais obtidas pelo classificador nÆo-supervisionado foram mapeadas para as classes informativas "Floresta" e "NÆo-Floresta" com exatidÆo de mapeamento global superior a 85 83: . A interse‡Æo dos mapas de cobertura da terra e de  reas de prote‡Æo ambiental permitiu identificar as  reas com cobertura da terra ilegal. Os resultados mostram que 20 83: das  reas protegidas pelo C¢digo estÆo em desacordo com a lei, sendo que as classes mais transgredidas foram as de preserva‡Æo de rios (23 83: ) e de nascentes (23 83: ) e encostas com declividades entre 25 graus e 45 graus (14,5] MFN: 9496 1: SID/SCD 2: 8525 3: INPE-8525-PRE/4276 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Caetano, Norton Roberto 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Ohara, Tomoyuki 12: Utiliza‡Æo do sistema de informa‡Æo geogr fica (SIG)e de sensoriamento remoto orbital na classifica‡Æo de  reas potenciais para implanta‡Æo de aterros sanit rios 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 87: sistmas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: SIG 87: dispositivo do lixo 87: polui‡Æo do solo 88: geographic information systemas 88: GIS 88: waste disposal 88: soil polution 82: 83: O presente trabalho objetiva classificar  reas potenciais para implanta‡Æo de aterros sanit rios, utilizando-se da ferramenta computacional SIG (Sistema de Informa‡Æo Geogr fica), atrav‚s do software SPRING, desenvolvido pelo INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais)e de produtos de sensoriamento remoto orbital (imagem TM/Landsat-5 ¢rbita 218, ponto 76, bandas 3, 4 e 7). Utilizou-se tamb‚m de carta topogr fica (folha Guaratinguet , escala 1:250.000, ano 1976)e de mapas tem ticos de litologias, pedologia, morfoestruturas e fraturamentos. A regiÆo de estudo abrange os munic¡pios paulistas de Roseira, Aparecida do Norte, Guaratinguet , Lorena e Cachoeira Paulista, e situa-se entre as latitudes 22ø40' a 23ø00'S e longitudes 45ø00' a 45ø25'W. Para obten‡Æo do mapa final de  reas potenciais para a implanta‡Æo de aterros sanit rios, foram considerados os dados do meio f¡sico e antr¢pico. Considerou-se as exigˆncias ambientais regidas pela legisla‡Æo vigente segundo a SMA (Secretaria do Meio Ambiente), e atribuiu-se valores entre 0 e 1 para cada classe dos mapas tem ticos de entrada. Utilizou-se da t‚cnica AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), que realiza  lgebra de mapas segundo a m‚dia ponderada dos dados de entrada, e analisou-se, atrav‚s do uso de SIG, os mapas morfoestrutural, pedologia, litologias, fraturamentos,  reas urbanas, principais rodovias e declividade do terreno. Visando embasar legalmente este trabalho, foi consultada a legisla‡Æo exigida para labora‡Æo de um RAP (Relat¢rio Ambiental Preliminar). O mapa final de  reas potenciais para implanta‡Æo de aterros sanit rios, tem a compatibilidade dos parƒmetros geot‚cnicos e ambientais da regiÆo. Assim mostrou-se que a utiliza‡Æo de SIG e de sensoriamento remoto em estudos deste gˆnero, ‚ bastante promissora. ABSTRACT: This paper objects to classify potential areas for the sanitary landfill implantation, using the computational tool Geographical Information System (GIS)through the SPRING software developed by INPE (National Institute for Space Research)and the orbital Remote Sensing image (TM/Landsat-5, orbit 218, point 76, bands 3, 4 and 7). Also used was the topographic map (Guaratinguet  sheet, scale 1:250000, year 1976)and thematic maps of litologies, edology, morfoestructures and geological structures. The region studied comprehend the cities of the Roseira, Aparecida do Norte, Guaratinguet , Lorena e Cachoeira Paulista in SÆo Paulo state and place itself between the parallels 22ø40' until 23ø00'S and meridians 45ø00' until 45ø25'W. To obtain the potential areas for sanitary landfill installation final map was considered the dates of the physical environment and human actions. Also was considered the actual environmental laws by SMA (Environment Secretary)and was attributed values between 0 until 1 to each classes of the thematic maps. Used the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process)technical, were realized algebra of the maps for the pondered middle of the original dates (at this case the dates are numerical maps). Was analyzed through the use of the GIS the maps of the morfoestructures, pedology, litologies, fractures, urban areas, main roads and terrain inclination Looking gives legal support for this study also was consulted the environment laws to elaborate RAP (preliminary enviromnet account). The final map of the potential areas for sanitary implantation was comapatibility with the geotechnical and envirnmental parameters of the region. Thus can show the use of GIS and remote sensing to this studies is very promissory MFN: 9497 1: SID/SCD 2: 8520 3: INPE-8520-PRE/8520 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Stech, Jose Luiz 10: Baptista, Marlos C. 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 12: An lise do vento de superf¡cie sobre o Oceano Atlƒntico (20§n … 40§s)usando dados do escater“metro do sat‚lite ERS 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: intera‡Æo  gua e ar 87: dinƒmica de oceanos 87: conversÆo de energia termal oceƒnica 88: air water interactions 88: ocean dynamics 88: ocean thermal energy conversion 83: Este trabalho estuda a variabilidade temporal e espacial do campo de vento para o Oceano Atlƒntico, setor 20§N … 40§S, a partir dos dados do escater“metro dos sat‚lites ERS 1/2. A base de dados utilizada foi obtida junto ao IFREMER, para o per¡odo de dezembro de 1991 a novembro de 1998. Blocos de dados do escater“metro, correspondentes a trˆs dias, foram usados para a interpola‡Æo em uma grade geogr fica regular de 1§ x 1§. Uma interpola‡Æo espacial, envolvendo um processo iterativo com corre‡Æo de valores m‚dios de erros ponderados, foi utilizada. A avalia‡Æo deste algoritmo foi feita comparando o resultado com ventos medidos pelas b¢ias do projeto PIRATA e os dados de ventos de rean lises do NCEP. As diferen‡as RMS da intensidade do vento da b¢ia menos escater“metro (P-S)e b¢ia menos NCEP (P-N)foram: posi‡Æo 0-35 o W (P-S=1.13 m/s; P-N=1.11 m/s); posi‡Æo 10o S-10o W (P-S=0.72 m/s; P-N=1.83 m/s)e posi‡Æo 15 o N-38 o W (P-S=0.99 m/s). Os resultados dos campos de vento descrevem as principais fei‡äes dos ventos al¡sios de Sudeste e Nordeste. A ITCZ e o centro de alta pressÆo semi-permanente nos sub-tr¢picos sÆo claramente detectados nos campos m‚dios. ABSTRACT: In this paper it is studied the temporal and spatial variability in the wind field for the Atlantic Ocean, sector from 20o N to 40o S from the ERS 1/2 scatterometer data. The data was obtained from IFREMER and covers the period from December 1991 to November 1998. Three day blocks of scatterometer data were used for the interpolation into a regular 1 o x1 o geographic grid. A spatial interpolation that uses an iteration procedure with a correction of mean value of weighted errors was implemented. An evaluation of this algorithm was done comparing the interpolated results with winds measured by the buoys of the PIRATA project array and the wind data from the NCEP reanalysis. The rms differences of buoy-scatterometer (P-S)and buoy-NCEP (P-N)wind magnitudes for 1998 were: position 0-35o W (P-S=1.13 ms -1 ; P-N=1.11 ms -1 ); position 10o S-10o W (P-S=0.72 ms -1 ; P-N=1.83 ms -1 ) and position 15o N-38o W (P-S=0.99 ms -1 ). The resulting wind fields describe the main features of Southeast and Northeast trades, with the ITCZ and semi-permanent high pressure system in the subtropics clearly detected MFN: 9498 1: SID/SCD 2: 8519 3: INPE-8519-PRE/4270 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Assireu, Arcilan Trevenzoli 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 10: Stevenson , Merritt R. 10: Milton Kampel, Milton 12: Estimativas de parƒmetros lagrangianos de superf¡cie na Corrente Circumpolar Ant rtica a partir de derivadores rastreados por sat‚lite 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: temperatura da superf¡cie do mar 87: energia cin‚tica 87: cinem tica 87: energia cin‚tica 87: cinem ticos 88: sea surface temperature 88: kinetic energy 88: kinematics 82: 83: Em novembro de 1996 um derivador rastreado por sat‚lite foi lan‡ado no Estreito de Drake, como parte do Projeto Medi‡Æo da Corrente Circumpolar Ant rtica (MEDICA). Durante este experimento, buscou-se fazer o lan‡amento do derivador em condi‡äes espa‡o-temporais o mais pr¢ximo poss¡vel de um outro experimento similar realizado em novembro de 1993. Este intuito de repetir o experimento em condi‡äes mais similares poss¡veis ao realizado anteriormente foi motivado pela necessidade de se investigar as variabilidades espa‡o-temporais dos parƒmetros analisados na regiÆo em estudo. Os dois experimentos foram realizados durante o mesmo per¡odo do ano (novembro)e na mesma regiÆo, sendo a isoterma de 1,5 o C usada como indicador da Corrente Circumpolar Ant rtica (CCA). O derivador lan‡ado em 1996 foi advectado pela CCA e praticamente circundou todo o Continente Ant rtico. O derivador lan‡ado em 1993 fluiu provavelmente pela Corrente do Atlƒntico Sul at‚ a regiÆo pr¢xima ao sul do continente africano. A partir desta regiÆo, o derivador entrou em  guas do Oceano Öndico, a leste da µfrica do Sul, quando foi capturado por sucessivos v¢rtices. Ap¢s isto, retornou ao Oceano Atlƒntico. A base de dados utilizada neste trabalho, proveniente destes dois derivadores, se estende desde novembro de 1993 at‚ janeiro de 2000. O objetivo do presente trabalho ‚ apresentar estimativas de parƒmetros termais e cinem ticos do campo de escoamento de superf¡cie, a partir dos dados dos dois derivadores. As seguintes vari veis foram calculadas: magnitude e dire‡Æo das correntes ao longo da trajet¢ria dos derivadores, energia cin‚tica m‚dia e turbulenta e valores associados ao campo de temperatura de superf¡cie. ABSTRACT: As part of a scientific project in the Antarctic waters, one satellite tracked drifter was released in the Drake Strait in November of 1996. During this experiment, an effort was made to repeat a previous release of a similar drifter launched in November of 1993 in the same region. The purpose of this experiment was to obtain a first order estimate of the seasonal signals and the spatial variability present in the sea surface temperature and currents. Both drifters were deployed during the same period of the year (November)and in the same region, with the 1.5 o C surface isotherm being used as the indicator of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). The drifter deployed in 1996 was advected by the ACC and almost completed a full circle around the Antarctic Continent. The 1993 drifter was carried by the South Atlantic Current to about 50 o E longitude, near the southern tip of the African continent. From this region, it was carried to the Indian Ocean to the eastern side of South Africa where it was caught into a series of loops; finally it was injected back into the Atlantic Ocean. The objective of this present paper is to describe some kinematics and thermal parameters of the oceanic regions sampled by the two drifters. The following variables were calculated: magnitude and direction of prevailing current, mean and eddy kinetic energies, and the mean and variability of the surface temperature field MFN: 9499 1: SID/SCD 2: 8522 3: INPE-8522-PRE/4273 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Martini, Paulo Roberto 12: A tecnologia espacial como fator de integra‡Æo regional: subs¡dios para uma Agˆncia Espacial Sul Americana 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 87: programas espaciais 87: coopera‡Æo internacional 87: pesquisas ambientais 88: space programs 88: intrnational cooperation 88: environmental surveys 83: Na Am‚rica do Sul o Brasil tem andado regularmente com seu programa espacial. A Argentina vem atuando tambem, por‚m, com resultados mais discretos. Os demais pa¡ses sul-americanos sequer estudam a possibilidade de desenvolverem instrumentos orbitais pr¢prios. Este cen rio muda de figura quando se analisa a questÆo sob o ponto de vista de pa¡ses usu rios de tecnologia espacial. Neste contexto, a Am‚rica do Sul mant‚m pelo menos trˆs esta‡äes totalmente operacionais para gravar dados de observa‡Æo da terra. Projetos de coopera‡Æo para monitorar recursos naturais a partir de dados coletados por sat‚lites, vem promovendo a integra‡Æo regional, principalmente na Panamaz“nia. Estes projetos tˆm facilitado o treinamento e a forma‡Æo de recursos humanos de alto n¡vel no processamento e na an lise de dados orbitais, atrav‚s de centros de excelˆncia j  instalados na Argentina, no Brasil e na Col“mbia. A partir do segmento conhecido como Observa‡Æo da Terra, vem se percebendo a possibilidade de se integrar os diversos pa¡ses em uma agˆncia espacial, na forma como foi estabelecida a Agˆncia Espacial Europ‚ia-ESA. Neste trabalho descrevem-se os meios tecnol¢gicos dispon¡veis, os poss¡veis projetos de coopera‡Æo e os temas ambientais que podem mosaicar os diversos pa¡ses sul-americanos em uma agˆncia espacial. ABSTRACT: In South America only Brazil and Argentina have steadly growing space programs. The other countries are not creating truely in-doors capabilities that allow the development and launching of native orbital devices. This figure changes when the analysis runs through the use of Space Technology. As users, the South America countries play a very important role in the world scenery. Within the continent there are three operational receiving stations for Earth Observation satellites and many large regional cooperating projects are being developed mostly in the Panamazon Region. These projects have raised the level of the human resources through training and education in the excelent centres such as those in Argentina, Brasil and Colombia. The stations, the projects and the training programs within the Earth Observation branch in South America open the possibility to integrate the countries in a regional space agency following the way that ESA was established in the early 70's. This document describes the technological facilities available in the region, the possible integration projects and the regional environmental themes that can mosaic South America countries in a space agency MFN: 9500 1: SID/SCD 2: 8524 3: INPE-8524-PRE/4275 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vasconcelos, C.H. 10: Moraes, Evlyn Marcia Leao de 10: Confalonieri, U 12: Aplica‡Æo de sensoriamento remoto e sistema de informa‡Æo geogr fica … identifica‡Æo de habitats do mosquito transmissor da mal ria na regiÆo do reservat¢rio de Tucuru¡ - PA 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: sa£de p£blica 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: monitoramento ambiental 88: environmental monitoring 88: public healt 88: geographic information systems 88: GIS 88: Landsat 5 82: 83: Malaria is one of the greatest public health problems in the world. In 1994, near half a million cases of malaria occurred in Brazil, most of which in the Amazon region. Areas characterized by high temperatures, high pluviosity and humidity surrounding large lakes, mainly, in the tropical are more vulnerable to malaria. Those environmental features provide the are suitable for the disease vectors devolopment in the larval phase. Remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS)techniques have decreased the cost and time on epidemiological researches since they are used in regional scales to identify vegetation types and to monitor the weather and the spatial variability of vegetation features related to the proliferation of the disease vectors. This study aims to identify the habitats of the malaria transmitter mosquito (A. darlingi)in the Tucuru¡-PA reservoir region by applying remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS)techniques. The images TM-LANDSAT-5 and SAR-RADARSAT will be used for the land-use mapping in three municipalities Tucuru¡, Novo Repartimento and Nova Jacund  and for monitoring the Tucuru¡ UHE reservoir seasonal variability. Remote sensing information will be compared to historical malaria transmition data from 95 to 97. This data will be integrated in the remote sensing through SPRING 3.4 software. Thus, the objective is to identify the major incidence areas by monitoring their environmental characteristics. In the near future, Public Health authorities will be able to use these datas in order to control and predict malaria transmition in the Amazon region with low costs and efficacy MFN: 9501 1: SID/SCD 2: 8518 3: INPE-8518-PRE/4269 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kampel, Milton 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 10: Gaeta, Salvador A. 10: Araujo, Carlos E.S. 10: Assireu, Arcilan Trevenzoli 12: Use of satellite data for studying and monitoring the southeast coast of Brazil 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: sea surface temperature 87: temperatura da suprf¡cie do mar 87: dinƒmica do oceano 87: clorofilas 87: chlorophylls 87: ocean dynamics 87: AVHRR 87: Advanced Very Resolution Radiometer 82: 83: Remote sensing by satellite has been a very useful tool for improving the oceanographic knowledge of the Southwestern South Atlantic ocean. A set of sea surface temperature maps of the Brazilian SE coast was derived from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)orbital sensor data covering the period from 1997 to 1998. The surface thermal field generated from the satellite data contains very interesting oceanographic patterns of importance in the kinematic description and dynamical understanding of this oceanic region. Several eddies were observed during all the period along the inshore frontal zone of the Brazil Current (BC)and part of these coherent features were semi-permanent. Upwelling events are observed to encompass a larger region than normally indicated in the literature and anomalous upwelling events were observed during the winter. Patterns of surface circulation associated with the BC, its meanders and vortices are inferred from the thermal maps. Similarly, with data from the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS)it is possible since July 2000 to provide quantitative chlorophyll images of the same region. A brief description of the methodology used in the correction of the atmospheric effects upon the satellite infrared and visible data is presented. Satellite imagery offers the opportunity for simultaneous two-dimensional comparison of biological (pigment)and physical (thermal)variability in the upper ocean. A quasi-simultaneous determination of water surface temperature is an excellent correlative measurement to chlorophyll since many of the processes contributing to phytoplankton growth also appear as differences in water temperature. Principal limitations are that both sensors sample only the surface of the ocean, neither can see through clouds, and the SeaWiFS usually provides only one pass per day. The surface fields generated from the satellite data contains interesting oceanographic patterns of importance in the dynamical and ecological understanding of this oceanic region MFN: 9502 1: SID/SCD 2: 8517 3: INPE-8517-PRE/4268 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Araujo, Carlos Eduardo S. de 10: Assireu, Arcilan Trevenzoli 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 10: Kampel, Milton 12: An lise de dados altim‚tricos para a regiÆo da costa sul/sudeste brasileira 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: SELPER 54: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota, 9 55: 6-10 nov. <2000> 56: Puerto Iguaz£ 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: temperatura da superf¡cie do mar 87: Experimento de Topogr fia da Superf¡cie do Oceano da Nasa 87: sat‚lite Poseidon 87: processamento de dados 87: altimetria 88: sea surface temperature 88: Nasa Ocean Surface Topography Experiment 88: TPOX 88: Posidon satellite 88: data processing 88: altimetry 82: 83: Dados de anomalia de altura dinƒmica da Superf¡cie do Mar (ASM)oriundos dos sat‚lites TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P)e ERS-2 foram utilizados no estudo da circula‡Æo superficial de meso-escala na regiÆo da costa sul-sudeste brasileira. Foram avaliadas fei‡äes associadas com ao fluxo turbulento da Corrente do Brasil (CB), como meandros e v¢rtices e sua representatividade nos dados de altimetria. As altas freqˆncias foram removidas dos dados "along track", eliminando-se as fei‡äes com ordem de grandeza inferior a 50 km. Os dados de ASM "along track" filtrados foram interpolados em grade regular utilizando-se metodologia de an lise objetiva. Calculou-se a velocidade geostr¢fica e a energia cin‚tica de v¢rtice (ECV)para cada ponto de grade. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com imagens termais de temperatura da superf¡cie do mar (TSM), processadas do banco de dados de imagens do sensor AVHRR/NOAA, pertencente ao Programa Hidrosfera do INPE. Utilizou-se tamb‚m estimativas do campo de correntes na regiÆo, obtidos a partir do processamento dos dados de derivadores lagrangianos rastreados por sat‚lite (LCD), para se comparar os valores m‚dios com os obtidos pelos dados de altimetria. ABSTRACT: TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P)and ERS-2 sea surface elevation anomaly (ASM)data was used to study the ocean surface mesoscale circulation at Brazilian south-east coast. Brazil Current (CB)features like meanders and eddies, and their signatures in altimeter data were evaluate. The along track data high frequency was removed, cutting features with less than 50 km. The filtered along track ASM data was interpolated to a regular grid using objective analysis technique. For each grid point, geostrophic velocity and eddy kinetic energy (ECV)were calculated. The results were compared with sea surface temperature (TSM)images, obtained from INPE AVHRR/NOAA database. Estimates of the region ocean currents field, obtained from low cost drifters (LCD)processed data, were used to compare with the altimeter data MFN: 9503 1: SID/SCD 2: 8497 3: INPE-8497-PRE/4251 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lima, Paulo 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Paiva, Joao Argemiro de Carvalho 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 12: Intercƒmbio de dados geogr ficos: modelos, formatos e conversores 14: 125-131 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: SBC 53: Workshop Brasileiro de GeoInform tica, 3 54: 4-5 jan. <2001> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 59: DPI 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 87: sitemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: SGI 87: programa de intercambio de dados entre servi‡os 87: modelos 87: formato 87: conversores de dados 88: geographic information systems 88: intersrvice data exchange program 88: models 88: format 88: data converter 83: Interoperability of geographical information is an important and difficult problem. Each GIS software product has been developed essentially independently, with little in the way of overarching theory or common terminology. As a result, it is very difficult for different systems to share data, for users trained on one system to make use of another, or for users to share procedures developed on different systems. This scenario leads to the development of data rnodels and data formats which are capable of representing the different types of geographical information. This work describes the development of a new format for interchange geographical information between different GIS and an "open source" software that is aimed at providing an environment to visualize and convert files from different GIS formats and the proposed format. 91: FDB-20010111 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9504 1: SID/SCD 2: 8496 3: INPE-8496-PRE/4250 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Vinhas, L£bia 10: Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto de 10: Paiva, Joao Argemiro de Carvalho 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 10: Carvalho, Marcelo Tilio de 10: Raoult, Baudouin 12: Design patterns in GIS development: the Terralib experience 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: SBC 53: Workshop Brasileiro de GeoInform tica, 3 54: 4-5 jan. <2001> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 59: DPI 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: sistems de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: engenharia de software 87: reconhecimento de padräes 87: patterns recognition 88: geographic information systems 88: software engineering 83: This paper discusses the use of "design patterns" in the conception and implementation of an open source GIS library called TerraLib. The work indicates how some well-known design patterns (such as Singleton, Composite and Factory)can be effectively used in the development of GIS applications 91: FDB-20010111 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9505 1: SID/SCD 2: 8606 3: INPE-8606-PRE/4342 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rosim, Sergio 10: Pellegrino, Sergio Roberto Matiello 12: O SPRING e a hidrologia: in¡cio de uma caminhada 14: 119-124 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Workshop Brasileiro de GeoInform tica, 3 54: 4-5 jan. <2001> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 59: DPI 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: modelos de hidrologia 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: drenagem 87: metodologia 88: hydrology models 88: geographic information systems 88: drainage 88: methodology 83: This paper shows three methods to extract important informations to develop applications in the hydrology area. One method will be selected and it will be insert in the GIS SPRING with part of a future SPRING hydrologic model 91: FDB-20010111 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9506 1: SID/SCD 2: 8536 3: INPE-8536-PRE/4282 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Souza, Iris de Marcelhas e 10: Martini, Paulo Roberto 12: Reservas ind¡genas e fronteiras agr¡colas na Chapada dos Parecis (MT): uma an lise temporal por imagens TM-Landsat 14: 251-264 30: Revista Estudos Avan‡ados 31: 14 32: 40 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 59: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: distribui‡Æo espacial 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: monitoramento ambiental 88: spatial distribution 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: environmental monitoring 88: Landsat imagery 82: 83: PARECIS Plateau in the State of Mato Grosso has been submitted to an intense process of occupation for the last thirty years. Through this work a temporal analysis is done on the borders of Nambikwara and Enawene-Nawe which are two of several other indian reservations that are distributed over the Parecis Plateau. The study analyses the spatial distribution of the reservation boundaries and the expanding nearer cropfields. TM-LANDSAX images collected in June of 1984 and May/June of 1997 are the main data support. The general procedures included: digitizing the reservation bounds; conforming cartographic bases and projections; registering images and maps; linear model of spectral mixture; analysis. Results show that the reservation boundaries are getting closer and are often trespassed by cropfields bounds. Trespassed boundaries were depicted in the northwestern edge of Enawene-Nawˆ along the route that links Vilhena to Ju¡na (route MT 319). The spatial distribution of the roads in the region showed that the vicinals were the main vectors of the process that need to be continuously observed. The results allow recommending the application of the same procedures elsewhere in the country. The experience also aliows anticipating that the same methodology can be used even for reservations poorly known or known just by preliminary surveys or descriptive memorials 91: FDB-20020111 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9507 1: SID/SCD 2: 8537 3: INPE-8537-PRE/4283 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Neves, Marcos Corrˆa 10: Ramos, Frederico Roman 10: Camargo, Eduardo Gerbi 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 12: An lise explorat¢ria espacial de dados s¢cio-econ“micos de SÆo Paulo. 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Gisbrasil 54: <2000> 56: Salvador 57: BR 59: DSR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: distribui‡Æo espacial 87: fatores econ“micos 87: processamento de dados 87: SPRING 87: sistema de processamento de informa‡Æo georreferenciadas 88: spatial distribution 88: ecnomic factors 88: social factors 88: data processing 83: Este trabalho apresenta um conjunto de ferramentas de an lise explorat¢ria de dados espaciais (ESDA)existentes no SPRING. Estas ferramentas ampliam a capacidade do analista em extrair informa‡äes de seu conjunto de dados, permitindo-lhe uma melhor compreensÆo da dinƒmica espacial existente no fen“meno estudado. Elas sÆo baseadas no conceito de autocorrela‡Æo espacial, sendo aplic veis aos objetos espaciais com  rea definida e atributos num‚ricos associados. Estas ferramentas geram como resultados, ¡ndices globais e locais que fornecem uma medida da associa‡Æo espacial, al‚m de gr ficos e mapas auxiliares. Com estes dispositivos, o analista pode compreender melhor os padräes de associa‡Æo espacial, visualizar, identificar e classificar agrupamentos de objetos com valores de atributos semelhantes,  reas de transi‡Æo e situa‡äes at¡picas. Como forma de demonstrar a utilidade destas t‚cnicas, elas foram aplicadas a um conjunto de dados s¢cio-econ“micos, referentes aos distritos da cidade de SÆo Paulo. Os resultados obtidos, ¡ndices e dispositivos gr ficos, sÆo apresentados e discutidos. Abstract:This paper presents a set of tools of exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA)existent in SPRING. These tools increase the capacity of extraction of additional information of the spatial data, making possible the analyst to understand the dynamics spatial present in your study. The tools are based on the concept of spatial autocorrelation, being applicable to area data, spatial objects with defined area and numeric attributes. These tools generate as results, global and local indexes, that supply measures of the space association, scatter plots and auxiliary maps. these devices help the analyst to identify patterns of space association, to visualize, to identify and to classify clusters of objects, transition areas, atypical locations and spatial outliers. As example of the usefulness of the ESDA techniques, the tools were applied to socioeconomic data, referring to the districts of the city of SÆo Paulo. The indexes, graphs and maps resultants are presented and discussed 91: FDB-20020111 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9508 1: SID/SCD 2: 8538 3: INPE-8538-PRE/4284 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kampel, Silvana Amaral 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Quintanilha, Jos‚ Alberto 12: An lise explorat¢ria das rela‡äes espaciais do desflorestamento na Amaz“nia Legal Brasileira 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: En 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Gisbrasil 54: <2000> 56: Salvador 57: BR 59: DPI 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: desflorestamento 87: fatores sociais 87: fatores econ“micos 87: distribui‡Æo espacial 88: deforestation 88: social factors 88: economic factors 88: spatial distribution 82: 83: Este trabalho explorou as rela‡äes espaciais dos dados de desmatamento por munic¡pios da Amaz“nia Legal brasileira, e as poss¡veis influˆncias de alguns parƒmetros s¢cio-econ“micos, utilizando-se de ferramentas de an lise espacial. Dados de desflorestamento para os per¡odo de 1991 a 1992 e de 1992 a 1994, foram espacializados sobre a malha municipal do IBGE de 1994 e analisados juntamente com algumas vari veis selecionadas do censo agropecu rio e demogr fico de 1991 e 1994. Foram encontrados valores de autocorrela‡Æo espacial significativa para a maioria das vari veis testadas. A m‚dia m¢vel mostrou-se eficiente para salientar as regiäes de desflorestamento, permitindo verificar a evolu‡Æo do desmatamento, o que tamb‚m ‚ salientado nos mapas de Moran Local. Foi poss¡vel indicar diferentes regimes espaciais de desmatamento e munic¡pios de regime de transi‡Æo espacial no Amazonas, Par  e Acre. A regressÆo dos m¡nimos quadrados entre desmatamento de 1992-94 e as demais vari veis resultou em um fraco ajuste linear (R 2 =0.68)e pressupostos nÆo satisfeitos. Considerando-se apenas o estado de Rond“nia, e normalizando-se as vari veis, a regressÆo apresentou um ajuste linear da mesma ordem (R 2 =0.70), e apenas a multicolineariedade persistiu. As vari veis de taxa de desmatamento 1991-92, popula‡Æo rural, produ‡Æo de bovinos e leite foram consideradas explicativas da taxa de desmatamento de 1992-94.Abstract:This work presents an exploratory analysis of the deforestation spatial distribution at Amazon region along with its relations with some social-economic variables. For each city of the Amazon region, deforestation rates, obtained in the periods from 1991 to 1992 and from 1992 to 1994, were converted to polygons considering the municipal boundaries (IBGE, 1994). Also social-economic and demographic variables were selected from the Brazilian national census performed in 1991 and 1994. Most of these variables have presented significant spatial auto-correlation values. Results of Moving Average process emphasized deforestation regions and their evolution, what could also be observed in the maps of Local Moran indexes. Different spatial regimes were observed and spatial transition regimes were found for some cities of Amazonas, Par  and Acre states. Ordinary least square regression between the 1992-1994 deforestation rate and the other variables has presented a weak linear fit (R 2 =0.68)and the basic premises has not been satisfied. For the regression considering only the Rond“nia state and normalizing all variables, the linear fit has resulted in a similar value (R 2 =0.70)but only the multi-collinearity premise has persisted. Based on this result, the 1992-1994 deforestation rate has been explained by the variables of 1991-1992 deforestation rate, rural population, cattle and milk production for Rond“nia state 91: FDB-20020111 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9509 1: SID/SCD 2: 8540 3: INPE-8540-PRE/4287 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Egenhofer, Max J. 10: Fonseca, Frederico 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 12: What's in an image? 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COST'01, Conference on Spatial Information Theory 54: <2001> 56: Santa Barbara 57: EUA 59: DPI 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: imagens 87: sistemas de dados 88: geographic information systems 88: imagery 88: data systems 83: This paper discusses the ontological status of remote sensing images, from a GIScience perspective. We argue that images have a dual nature-they are fields at the measurement level and fiat objects at the classification level-and that images have an ontological description of their own, distinct and independent from the domain ontology a domain scientist uses. This paper proposes a multi-level ontology for images, combining both field and object approaches and distinguishing between image and user ontologies. The framework developed contributes to the design of a new generation of integrated GISs, since two key benefits are achieved: (1)the support for multiple perspectives for the same image and (2)an emphasis on using images for the detection of spatial-temporal configurations of geographic phenomena 91: FDB-20010111 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9510 1: SID/SCD 2: 8541 3: INPE-8541-PRE/4288 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Yamamoto, Missae 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Lorena, Luiz Antonio Nogueira 12: Tabu search heuristic for point-feature cartographic label placement 14: 77-90 30: Geoinformatica 31: 6 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DPI 58: LAC 61: 64: Mar. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 87: mapeamento com aux¡lio do computador 87: programa de aplica‡äes geogr ficas 87: marcando (etiquetando) 88: computer aided mapping 88: geographic applications program 88: marking (labelling) 88: tabu search 88: label placement 88: heuristic 88: metaheuristic 83: The generation of better label placement cofigurations in maps is a problem that comes up in automated cartographic production. The objective of a good label placement is to display the geographic position of the features with their corresponding text in a clear and harmonious fashion, following accepted cartographic conventions. In this work, we have approached this problem from a combinatorial optimization point of view, and our research consisted the evaluation of the Tabu Search (TS)heuristic applied to cartographic label placement. When compared, in real and random test cases, with techniques such as simulated annealing and genetic algorithm (GA), TS has proven to be an efficient choice, with the best performance in quality. We concluded that TS is a recommended method to solve cartographic label placement problem of point features, due to its simplicity, practicality, efficiency and good performance along with its ability to generate quality solutions in acceptable computational time. 91: FDB-20020111 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9511 1: SID/SCD 2: 8537 3: INPE-8537-PRE/4283 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Neves, Marcos Corrˆa 10: Ramos, Frederico Roman 10: Camargo, Eduardo Gerbi 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Monteiro, Gilberto 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 12: An lise explorat¢ria espacial de dados s¢cio-econ“micos de SÆo Paulo. 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Gisbrasil 54: <2000> 56: Salvador 57: BR 59: DSR 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20010111 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9514 1: SID/SCD 2: 8558 3: INPE-8558-PRE/4302 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Camarga, Eduardo Celso Gerbi 12: An lise espacial de superfic¡e por geostat¡stica 38: Ed. Fuks, Suzana Druck; Carvalho, Marilia S ; Cƒmara, Gilberto; Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira. 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: An lise espacial de dados geogr ficos 58: DPI 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: distribui‡Æo espacial 87: krigeagem 87: distribui‡Æo geogr fica 88: spatial distribution 88: kriging 88: geographic distribution 83: Considera‡äes Iniciais:porque Geo-estat¡stica. Entendendo a natureza espacial das propriedades ambientais. An lise explorat¢ria e variabilidade espacial. Variografia. Criando campos a partir de amostras: Krigeagem e suas diversas formas. Problemas com amostragem. Problemas em aberto. Estudos de caso. 91: FDB-20010111 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9515 1: SID/SCD 2: 8559 3: INPE-8559-PRE/4303 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felgueiras, Carlos Alberto 10: Fuks, Suzana Druck 12: An lise de superfic¡es por geostat¡stica indicadora 38: Ed. Fuks, Suzana Druck; Carvalho, Marilia S ; Cƒmara, Gilberto; Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira. 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: An lise espacial de dados geogr ficos 58: DPI 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: krigeagem 87: variƒncia (estat¡sticas) 87: distribui‡Æo espacial 87: distribui‡Æo geogr fica 88: kriging 88: variance (statistics) 88: spatial distribution 88: geographic distribution 83: Motiva‡Æo: Medidas de imprecisÆo. Geoestat¡stica e Medidas de Incerteza. Campos Aleat¢rios e Fun‡Æo de Distribui‡Æo Acumulada Condicionada. Krigeagem por indica‡Æo como estimador da distribui‡Æo de probabilidade de vari vel aleat¢ria. Incerteza de campos num‚ricos e tem ticos. Simula‡Æo Estoc stica.Variƒncia de krigeagem x imprecisÆo gerada por krigeagem por indica‡Æo 91: FDB-20010111 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9556 1: SID/SCD 2: 8579 3: INPE-8579-PRE/4323 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Costa, Maycira Pereira de Farias 10: Niemann, O. 10: Novo, Evlyn M rcia LeÆo de Moraes 10: Ahern, F 12: Biophysical properties and mapping of aquatic vegetation during the hydrological cycle of the Amazon floodplain using JERS-1 and Radarsat 14: 1401-1426 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 23 32: 7 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Apr. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: plantas aqu ticas 87: biomassa 87: ciclo hidrol¢gico 87: plan¡cies inundadas 87: imagens de radar 87: classifica‡Æo de imagem 87: mapeamento 87: radar de abertura sintetica 87: SAR 87: forestas 87: JERS 1 88: biomass 88: synthetic aperture radar 88: forest 88: rice 88: canopy 88: aquatic plants 88: hydrological cycle 88: food plains 88: radar imagery 88: image classification 88: mapping 82: 83: Field measurements were combined with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)images to evaluate the use of radar for estimating biomass changes and mapping of aquatic vegetation in the lower Amazon. Field campaigns were conducted concomitant to the acquisition of Radarsat and JERS-1 images at five different stages of the hydrological cycle. The temporal variability of the SAR data for aquatic vegetation shows a dynamic range of 5 dB, however this is due dominantly to the significant differences (p<0.05)between the low water season when vegetation is small and just emerging and other seasons when vegetation is fully developed. The spatial variability of the above-water biomass is detectable with radar data. Significant correlation (p<0.05)exist between backscattering coefficients and both above-water dry biomass and height of the plants. The logarithmic relationship between backscattering coefficients and biomass suggests that (1)at low biomass, high transmissivity of the microwave radiation through the vegetation canopy occurs and the backscattering is a result of quasi-specular reflection of both C and L bands and a minor contribution of canopy volume scattering from C band; (2)at intermediate levels of biomass, moderate changes in backscattering values occur and the saturation point of backscattering is reached; and (3)at high biomass, the transmissivity of C and L band radiation is equally attenuated and backscattering approaches similar values for both. A combination of Radarsat and JERS-1 images from high and low water periods were classified using a segmentation algorithm and had an accuracy higher than 97 percent for vegetated areas of the floodplain. Although further research is needed to better understand the saturation points for Radarsat and JERS-1 data, these findings clearly show that C and L bands can accurately map aquatic vegetation of the Amazon floodplain 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 9565 1: SID/SCD 2: 8581 3: INPE-8581-PRE/4323 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Barbosa, Marcio Nogueira 10: Aguirre, Jos‚ Luiz de Barros 12: GEOS: an aexample of fruitful international cooperation 14: 793-797 30: Acta Astronautica 31: 48 32: 5-12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DIR 61: 64: Mar.-June <2001> 68: PRE 76: TRANSFERÒNCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: coopera‡Æo internacional 87: observa‡Æo da terra 87: programas espaciais 88: international cooperation 88: erath observation (from space) 88: space programs 83: This paper reviews the evolution of CEOS (Committee on Earth Observations Satellites)from the early days, where participating agencies were primarily concerned with compatibility issues and space programs, were chiefly technology-driven, up to the present, where complementarity of satellite programs and fulfillment of final user needs are the main goals being pursued. lt also analyzes the favorable conditions that allowed continuity and evolution of the efforts carried by the Committee, in both the technical and the administrative areas, and granted the results achieved so far. Finally, it addresses the expectations of the Committee about the cooperation and interaction with other international bodies, with national governments and with the private sector, with the final aim of maximizing the benefits that Earth Observations can provide for Science and for the well-being of humanity, in particular the people of less-favored regions of the Earth MFN: 9566 1: SID/SCD 2: 8599 3: INPE-8599-PRE/4341 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 10: Krug, Thelma 10: Araujo, Luciana Spinelli 12: Corte de  rvores visto do espa‡o 14: 67-69 30: Ciˆncia Hoje 31: 30 32: 179 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: monitoramento ambiental 87: imagens Landsat 87: desflrestamento 87: desmatamento 88: satellite imagery 88: environmental monitoring 88: deforestation 82: 83: Estudo feito durante 11 anos comprova que imagens espaciais sÆo instrumentos eficientes para acompanhar as atividades que promovem a derrubada seletiva de  rvores na regiÆo Norte 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 9567 1: SID/SCD 2: 8586 3: INPE-8586-PRE/4328 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Joels, Luiz Carlos 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: O workshop "modelos e cen rios para a Amaz“nia: o papel da ciˆncia 14: 129-134 30: Parcerias Estrat‚gicas 32: 12 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: modelos ambientais 88: environmental models 82: 83: O n£mero 12 da revista "Parcerias Estrat‚gicas" dedica uma se‡Æo … apresenta‡Æo de estudos cient¡ficos sobre a dinƒmica de ocupa‡Æo da regiÆo Amaz“nica, um dos maiores desafios nacionais neste in¡cio de s‚culo XXI. MFN: 9569 1: SID/SCD 2: 8588 3: INPE-8588-PRE/4330 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Alves, Diogenes Salas 12: O processo de desmatamento na Amaz“nia 14: 259-275 30: Parcerias Estrat‚gicas 32: 12 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: desflorestamento 87: intera‡Æo ambiente e homem 87: monitoramento ambiental 87: efeitos ambientais 88: deforestation 88: environmenta effects 88: man environment interactions 88: environment monitoring 83: O desflorestamento na Amaz“nia tem sido monitorado atrav‚s de imagens dos sat‚lites Landsat, que mostraram taxas de desflorestamento variando entre 1,1x106 e 2,9x106 Haano-1 nos anos 90 e mais de 55x106 ha desflorestados at‚ 1998. Cerca de 90 83: do desflorestamento tem-se concentrado nos limites de 100 km da malha rodovi ria principal, ao redor dos eixos e p¢los de desenvolvimento dos anos 70 e 80. A concentra‡Æo e a rapidez do desflorestamento intensifica os impactos negativos da ocupa‡Æo, afetando sistemas de produ‡Æo e popula‡äes. Este trabalho reivindica que esfor‡os de pesquisa sejam direcionados para reconhecer a diversidade de regiäes e de problemas que coexistem na Amaz“nia atual, com ˆnfase nos impactos que o desflorestamento pode causar sobre sistemas de produ‡Æo e grupos sociais. Para tanto, as iniciativas de monitoramento existentes devem ser integradas a estudos dos processos s¢cio-econ“micos nas diferentes regiäes, produzindo-se diagn¢sticos e cen rios que contribuam para pol¡ticas p£blicas melhor adaptadas …s particularidades de cada regiÆo. Abstract Monitoring of Brazilian Amaz“nia based on satellite imagery has shown deforestation rates varying from 1.1x106 to 2.9x106 hayear-1 in the 1990's and more than 55x106 ha deforested by 1998. Nearly 90 83: of the deforestation has been concentrated within 100 km from main road networks, around development corridors and projects from the 1970's and 1980's. Fast, concentrated deforestation intensifies negative impacts of human occupation. This work demands that researching efforts should be directed to study regional diversities, focusing on deforestation impacts on production systems and social groups. To that effect, monitoring initiatives should be combined with socio-economic studies, to generate diagnostics and scenarios that might help to formulate policies better adapted to local and regional conditions MFN: 9639 1: SID/SCD 2: 9291 3: INPE-9291-PRE/4957 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Elvidge, C.D. 10: Hobson, V.R. 10: Baugh, K.E. 10: Dietz, J.B. 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Krug, Thelma 10: Novo, Evlyn M rcia LeÆo de Moraes 10: Echavarria, F.R 12: DMSP-OLS estimation of tropical forest area impacted by surface fires in Roraima, Brazil: 1995 versus 1998 14: 2661-2673 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 22 32: 14 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Sep. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: sat‚lite DMSP 87: floresta tropical 87: incˆndio florestal 88: DMSP satellite 88: rain forest 88: forest fires 82: 83: A procedure has been developed to locate and estimate the area of heavy forest burning based on the frequency of DMSP-OLS (US Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System)fire detection from time series of observations across the fire season. A calibration was developed for Roraima, Brazil, using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)data acquired near the end of the 1998 burn season and analysed to identify unburnt, partially burnt and heavily burnt forest areas. A fire detection frequency threshold of five nights was used to map heavily burnt forest using the 3 months of DMSP-OLS observations. The threshold of five fire detections, which could occur anytime during the 3-month time period, was selected to constrain errors of commission involving unburnt forest to 10 of the total area for unburnt forest in the calibration area. At this threshold setting the DMSP-OLS estimate of heavily burnt forest area covered 79 of the Landsat measured area. It was found that 77 of the 1998 heavily burnt forest area was outside of the state's protected areas (national parks, reserves, indigenous areas). Two of the protected areas sustained a substantial increase in heavily burnt forest in 1998 relative to 1995 (Reserva Biologica Mucajai and Parque Indigena Yanomami). The 1998 forest burning in these two areas was concentrated in their eastern-most sections. The core of the Yanomami area did not sustain extensive burning in 1998. Protected areas in the north-eastern section of the state, where forests are mixed with cerrado, had moderate increases in heavily burnt forest in 1998. Other protected areas were largely free of the heavy forest burning, which was concentrated to the west of the state's primary cerrado zone 83: 91: FDB-20010307 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9670 1: SID/SCD 2: 8605 3: INPE-8605-TDI/790 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Soler, Luciana de Souza 18: Detec‡Æo de manchas de ¢leo na superf¡cie do mar por meio de t‚cnicas de classifica‡Æo textural de imagens de radar de de abertura sint‚tica (Radarsat-1) 19: Oil spill detection at the sea surface by textural classification techniques of synthetic aperture radar images (Radarsat-1) 20: 167 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca:JoÆo Antonio Lorenzzetti (orientador); Corina da Costa Freitas (orientadora); Jos‚ Luiz Stech; M rcio Luiz Viana; Fernando Pellon de Miranda 58: SPG 59: SER 64: dez. <2000> 68: TDI 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: mancha de ¢leo 87: Radarsat 1 87: classifica‡Æo de imagens 87: derramamento 87: polui‡Æo de ¢leo 87: texturas 87: imagem de radar 87: radar de abertura sint‚tica 88: oil pollution 88: image classification 88: textures 88: synhetic aperture radar 88: SAR 88: radar imagery 88: spilling 83: A procura por reservas de petr¢leo ao longo de plataformas continentais tem sido realizada, ao longo dos anos, em  guas cada vez mais profundas, sendo que o petr¢leo cru e seus derivados sÆo transportados por um n£mero crescente de navios e oleodutos submarinos atrav‚s dos oceanos. Como resultado destas atividades, o derramamento de ¢leo se mostra como uma s‚ria amea‡a … preserva‡Æo e manuten‡Æo da sa£de dos oceanos. Em virtude das limita‡äes de t‚cnicas convencionais de fiscaliza‡Æo e monitoramento da polui‡Æo do mar, tem-se buscado as t‚cnicas de sensoriamento remoto orbital, como as apresentadas neste trabalho. Foram utilizadas imagens do sistema RADARSAT-1/SAR nos modos Fine e ScanSAR Wide obtidas na regiÆo da Bacia de Campos-RJ. A estas imagens foram aplicados dois tipos de classificadores texturais: Texture e CTS. Para a determina‡Æo da verdade terrestre, foram utilizados dados de dire‡Æo e intensidade do vento e ondas, devido ao intervalo de 3 a 8 m/s de velocidade do vento a que se limita o monitoramento de ¢leo; e temperatura da superf¡cie oceƒnica e cor do oceano no aux¡lio de localiza‡Æo de  reas de ressurgˆncia, c‚lulas de chuva e atividade biol¢gica intensa. Os resultados das classifica‡äes foram analisados atrav‚s de um teste estat¡stico, utilizando o coeficiente de concordƒncia kappa. Observou-se que o Texture apresentou classifica‡äes superiores nas imagens Fine em rela‡Æo ao CTS. Por outro lado, o CTS apresentou resultados superiores quando aplicado …s imagens ScanSAR Wide. Conclui-se que a utiliza‡Æo dos classificadores Texture e CTS deve ser feita de modo complementar, conforme o modo de imageamento utilizado. Por fim, concluiu-se que o SAR se mostrou uma ferramenta £til na detec‡Æo de manchas na superf¡cie oceƒnica. Abstract: Oil spills are a serious threat to the ocean preservation and health. Throughout the years, the search for offshore oil reserves has been moved to deeper waters, resulting in an increasing number of ships and pipelines transporting both the crude oil and its derivatives. Because of the limitations of the conventional techniques to monitor oil pollution, remote sensing becomes a powerful tool, and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)images have been used for this purpose. However, there is a need to evaluate the different image processing techniques to detect the presence of oil at the sea surface in SAR images. In this work two textural classifiers were applied: Texture and the Semivariogram Textural Classifier (STC), on RADARSAT-1/SAR Fine and ScanSAR Wide beam modes. Used images were acquired for the continental shelf of Campos Basin-RJ. Wind and wave data derived from numerical forecast models were used to help the interpretation of processed images. In addition, images of sea surface temperature and ocean color were used to indicate probable oil spill look-alikes associated with upwelling areas, rain cells or regions with intense biological activities.The results of both classifiers were analyzed by a statistical test using the kappa coefficient of agreement. Texture classifier showed better results for Fine mode images, while STC performed better on ScanSAR Wide images. Therefore, it was concluded that the use of Texture and STC classifiers should be complementary and used according to the beam mode. The results reinforce the potential of SAR data as an useful tool to detect and monitor oil spills at the sea surface, as long as concurrent auxiliary data is available to minimize misclassification 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9746 1: SID/SCD 2: 8702 3: INPE-8702-TDI/794 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Sugawara, Luciana Miura 18: Avalia‡Æo de modelo agrometeorol¢gico e imagens NOAA/AVHRR no acompanhamento e estimativa de produtividade de soja no Estado do Paran  19: Evaluation of an agrometeorological model and NOAA/AVHRR images in monitoring and crop yield estimation of soybean in the State of Paran  20: 181 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff (orientador); JoÆo Argemiro de Carvalho Paiva; Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro; Denise Cybis Fontana 59: SER 62: INPE 64: set. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: agrometeorologia 87: modelos 87: rendimento 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: SIG 87: soja 87: ¡ndice de  rea foliar 88: agrometeorology 88: models 88: crops 88: geographic information systems 88: GIS 88: soybeans 88: leaf area index 88: LAI 83: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver um modelo para acompanhamento e estimativa da produtividade da cultura da soja (Glycine max L. Merril)em um sistema de informa‡äes geogr ficas (SIG), a partir de um modelo agrometeorol¢gico pontual e imagens NOAA-AVHRR. A integra‡Æo do modelo e da base de dados foi realizada atrav‚s do aplicativo SPRING e os c lculos foram executados por meio do m¢dulo de programa‡Æo do SPRING, denominado LEGAL. A  rea de estudo foi o Estado do Paran  e as estimativas foram geradas, ao n¡vel municipal, para os anos safra de 1996/97, 1997/98 e 1998/99. Mosaicos quinzenais de imagens NOAA-AVHRR, com resolu‡Æo espacial de 8 x 8 km, transformados em imagens NDVI, foram utilizados como componente espectral no modelo agrometeorol¢gico, visando estimar o ¡ndice de  rea foliar (IAF). O modelo desenvolvido utiliza parƒmetros agron“micos e meteorol¢gicos para c lculo da produtividade m xima ou potencial. Esta produtividade ‚ entÆo penalizada quando a demanda h¡drica da cultura nÆo ‚ suprida adequadamente, gerando a produtividade real estimada. A an lise da compara‡Æo desta estimativa com os valores de produtividade divulgados pela Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Paran  (SEAB), ao n¡vel municipal, foi feita atrav‚s do teste "t" para pares de observa‡Æo, e o resultado para cada ano safra foi: a)em 1996/97 o modelo subestimou a produtividade em rela‡Æo … estimativa da SEAB em 59kg/ha (t=-2,91; alfa<0,05); b)em 1997/98 a estimativa do modelo e da SEAB nÆo apresentaram diferen‡a significativa (t=1,46; alfa>0,05); e em 1998/99 o modelo superestimou a produtividade em 192kg/ha (t=7,59; alfa<0,05). Isso demonstra que o modelo foi bastante satisfat¢rio na estimativa da produtividade de soja e requer apenas pequenos ajustes. Atrav‚s do ¡ndice de penaliza‡Æo, gerado quinzenalmente pelo modelo, foi poss¡vel fazer o acompanhamento das condi‡äes de crescimento e desenvolvimento da cultura da soja, detectando-se deficiˆncias h¡dricas relevantes ao longo da esta‡Æo de crescimento em cada ano safra. O aplicativo SPRING e seu m¢dulo LEGAL foram satisfat¢rios na integra‡Æo do modelo e na realiza‡Æo dos c lculos de produtividade da soja. As imagens NOAA-AVHRR nÆo se mostraram satisfat¢rias para estimar o IAF, de tal forma que se utilizou dados da literatura para estimar este parƒmetro dentro do c lculo da produtividade. ABSTRACT: The objective of the present work was to develop a model to monitor and estimate soybean (Glycine max L. Merril)crop yield in a geographic information system (GIS)based on a punctual agrometeorological model and NOAA/AVHRR images. The integration of the model and the database was performed using the SPRING software and calculations were executed through the SPRING module denominated LEGAL. The study area is the Paran  State and estimates were generated at the municipality level, for the crop years of 1996/97, 1997/98 and 1998/99. Mosaics of 15 days NOAA/AVHRR images, with spatial resolution of 8 x 8km, transformed into NDVI images, were used as the spectral component of the agrometeorological model in order to estimate the leaf area index (LAI). The developed model uses agronomic and meteorological parameters to calculate maximum or potential yield. Whenever the crop water demand is not adequately supplied this yield is penalized and actual yield is estimated. Comparative analysis between the yield estimated by the model and the yield provided by the Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Paran  (SEAB), at the municipality level, was performed using the paired comparison t test and the results for each crop year were as follow: a)in 1996/97 the model underestimated the yield in relation to the SEAB estimate by 59 kg.ha-1 (t=-2.91; a<0.05); in 1997/98 yield estimate of both model and SEAB were not significantly different from each other (t=1.46; a>0.05); and, in 1998/99 the model overestimated yield by 192 kg.ha-1 (t=7.59; a<0.05). This demonstrates that the model estimated quite satisfactory the soybean yield and requires only minor adjustments. Through the penalization index, generated every 15 days, it was possible to monitor soybean crop grow and development conditions detecting relevant water deficits over the crop growing season in each year. The SPRING software and its LEGAL module performed satisfactory in both model integration and soybean yield calculations. The NOAA/AVHRR images did not performed satisfactory in the LAI estimation and, therefore, data from the literature were alternatively used to estimate this parameter in yield calculation. 91: FDB-20010423 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9752 1: SID/SCD 2: 8760 3: INPE-8760-PUD/110 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Duarte, Valdete 16: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 16: Aulicino, Luigi Carli Marroni 18: Metodologia para corrigir as distor‡äes observadas entre os mapeamentos temporais do projeto PRODES digital 20: 15 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 59: PRODES 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: desflorestamento 87: desmatamento 87: distor‡Æo 87: metodologia 87: exatidÆo geom‚trica 87: an lise de imagens 88: methodology 88: distortion 88: geometric accuracy 88: deforestation 83: A transposi‡Æo de informa‡äes de desflorestamento geradas a partir das imagens Landsat em anos subseqentes nÆo ‚ tÆo simples como se pensava inicialmente. Foi verificado que, al‚m do erro de registro das imagens que em m‚dia ficou em torno de dois pixels (60m), haviam outros tipos de erros oriundos dos algoritmos do software SPRING. Estes problemas comprometem seriamente a principal vantagem do PRODES digital que ‚ eliminar os erros de distor‡äes geom‚tricas e a conseqente falta de georreferenciamento e ajuste dos pol¡gonos de desflorestamento muito comum no m‚todo visual de interpreta‡Æo (anal¢gico). Esta situa‡Æo nÆo admitiria que os dados gerados no PRODES digital tivessem uma futura atualiza‡Æo e/ou integra‡Æo com outras informa‡äes devido aos erros geom‚tricos introduzidos. Considerando as observa‡äes acima, o objetivo deste trabalho ‚ apresentar uma metodologia para corrigir as distor‡äes observadas entre os dados de mapeamentos obtidos pelo projeto PRODES digital no ano-base de 1997 e a atualiza‡Æo dos incrementos de desflorestamento para o per¡odo coberto pelas imagens TM de 1997 e de 2000. ABSTRACT: The transposition of deforestation information generated from the Landsat images in subsequent years is not simple as it was thought initially. It was verified that, besides the image registration error that was around two pixels (60m)in average, there were other types of errors generated by the algorithms of the SPRING software. These problems commit seriously the main advantage of digital PRODES that is to eliminate the geometric distortion errors and the consequent lack of georreferencing and adjustment of the deforestation polygons very common in the visual interpretation (analogical)method. This situation would not admit that the data generated in the digital PRODES would have a future updating and/or integration with other information due to the introduced geometric errors. Considering the observation above, the objective of this work is to present a methodology for correcting the distortions observed between the mapping data obtained by the digital PRODES project in the 1997 base-year and the updating of the deforestation increments for the period covered by the 1997 and 2000 TM images 92: FDB-20020424 100: FDB_MLR 102: MFN: 9825 1: SID/SCD 2: 8876 3: INPE-8876-PRE/4586 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Novo, Evlyn M rcia LeÆo de Moraes 10: Costa, Maycira Pereira de Farias 10: Nantovani, Jos‚ Eduardo 10: Lima, I.T 12: Relationship between macrophyte stand variables and radar backscatter at L and C band, Tucurui reservoir, Brazil 14: 1241-1260 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 23 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Apr. <2002> 68: PRE 87: metano 87: fontes 87: biomassa 87: imagens de radar 87: ciclo docarbono 87: JERS 1 87: Radarsat 88: methane 88: sources 88: biomass 88: radar imagery 88: carbon cycle 82: 83: Information on macrophyte distribution in space and time is very important for tropical reservoir management. Macrophyte stands are major sinks/sources of methane and the knowledge of their spatial and temporal variation in biomass is useful for improving the assessment of the role of reservoirs in the carbon cycle. Moreover, macrophyte stands are a driving force in insect-induced diseases such as malaria. In this paper we examine the relationship between macrophyte stand variables such as above-ground biomass, stand average height and moisture, and radar backscatter at C and L bands. The study was carried out in Tucurui reservoir, where ground data were available concurrently to JERS-1 and RADARSAT overpasses. The results showed that C band is much more sensitive to macrophyte leaf shape than L band. However, L band proved to be more sensitive to above-ground biomass and stand height. Results support the integration of L and C band images to discriminate among the three main genera found in Tucurui: Typha, Ciperacea and Eicchornia 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 9867 1: SID/SCD 2: 8857 3: INPE-8857-TDI/805 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Mortara, Magaly de Oliveira 18: Modelagem da distribui‡Æo potencial do palmiteiro (euterpe edulis Martius)em regiÆo montanhosa a partir de vari veis topogr ficas 19: Palm tree (Euterpe Edulis Martius)potential distribution modeling in a mountainous region based on topographic variables 20: 157 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Dalton de Morisson Valeriano (orientador); Gilberto Cƒmara Neto; Thelma Krug; Ant“nio Miguel Vieira Monteiro; Fl vio A.M. Santos 58: PG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: ago. <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: VEGETA€ÇO 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: GIS 87: an lise de terreno (MNT) 87: distribui‡Æo geogr fica 87: sistemas de suporte a decisÆo (PAH) 87:  rvores (plantas) 87: habitats 87: florestas 87: floresta tropical pluvial 88: geographic information systems 88: GIS 88: terrain analysis (DTM) 88: geographic distribution 88: decision support systems (AHP)forest trees 88: habitats 88: tropical pluvial forest 88: terrain analysis 88: forests 88: plants (botany) 88: trees (plants) 82: 83: Este trabalho teve o objetivo de construir um modelo espacial da distribui‡Æo potencial da palmeira produtora do palmito ju‡ara (Euterpe edulis Martius), tamb‚m conhecida como palmiteiro. Duas suposi‡äes foram consideradas: (1)a distribui‡Æo da E. edulis ‚ condicionada por um conjunto de vari veis ambientais; (2)dada como verdadeira a condi‡Æo anterior, ‚ poss¡vel estabelecer um modelo espacial preditivo dessas rela‡äes para mapear a distribui‡Æo potencial da esp‚cie. A primeira suposi‡Æo foi investigada com base em informa‡äes publicadas sobre o comportamento ecol¢gico da esp‚cie em rela‡Æo …s vari veis consideradas. Essas informa‡äes foram complementadas com levantamento explorat¢rio de campo, realizado na Serra da Mantiqueira, entre os munic¡pios de Taubat‚ - SP e Campos do JordÆo - SP. As seguintes vari veis ambientais foram consideradas: a cobertura da terra (floresta/nÆo-floresta)e vari veis topogr ficas (altitude, curvatura das vertentes, orienta‡Æo das encostas e distƒncia da rede de drenagem). Na investiga‡Æo da segunda suposi‡Æo foram utilizadas t‚cnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistema de Informa‡Æo Geogr fica na representa‡Æo da paisagem e para a modelagem das vari veis topogr ficas em valores de favorabilidade ordenados no intervalo cont¡nuo [0,1 ]. Na modelagem da favorabilidade do terreno … E. edulis, foram utilizadas fun‡äes de primeiro grau, estabelecidas segundo as premissas, para o mapeamento do modelo conceitual em um modelo ord¡nal de favorabilidade, atrav‚s do uso de µlgebra de Mapas. Para a obten‡Æo dos pesos globais de favorabilidade de cada vari vel topogr fica foi tamb‚m utilizada a t‚cnica de suporte … decisÆo Processo Anal¡tico Hier rquico (PAH). Com esses pesos, a µlgebra de Mapas foi novamente utilizada para gerar o Gradiente de Distribui‡Æo Potencial (GDP)do palmiteiro, que nÆo considera a cobertura da terra, e para produzir o Gradiente de Distribui‡Æo Potencial Corrente (GDPC), que ‚ o GDP restrito …s  reas florestadas. 0 presente estudo pode servir de apoio a outros que venham aprimorar as t‚cnicas aqui utilizadas ou que visem a obten‡Æo de dados quantitativos sobre a distribui‡Æo de plantas. Os m‚todos e os resultados deste trabalho podem ser aplicados na implementa‡Æo e no gerenciamento de  reas de prote‡Æo ambiental visando o palmiteiro, na detec‡Æo de  reas favor veis ao palmiteiro sujeitas … pressÆo antr¢pica e, ainda, no suporte … projetos de silvicultura para recupera‡Æo e manejo da esp‚cie. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work is to produce a potential distribution model for the palm tree Euterpe edulis Martius. Two suppositions were considered: (1)the distribution of E. edulis is conditioned by a set of environmental variables; (2)given that the previous condition is true, it is possible to establish a predictive spatial model of these relationships in order to map the potential distribution of the species. The first supposition was investigated with the use of published information on the ecological behavior of the species in relation to the variables under consideration. Further information was collected during exploratory field works that were conducted in the Serra da Mantiqueira between the municipalities of Taubat‚ - SP and Campos do JordÆo - SP. The following environmental variables were considered: land cover (forest/nonforest)and the topographic variables (altitude, slope curvature, slope attitude and distance from the drainage network). In the investigation of the second supposition, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System techniques were applied for the representation of the landscape and for the modeling of the environmental variables into values of favorability for E. edulis ranked into the interval [0,1]. In the modeling of terrain favorability to E edulis, first order functions were established according to the assumptions in order to map the conceptual model into an ordinal model of favorability through the use of Map Algebra. The global favorability weight for each topographic variable was attained with the use of decision support technique Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP). With these weights, Map Algebra was again utilized to construct the Potential Distribution Gradient (PDG)for the E. edulis, which does not consider the land cover, and to produce the Current Potential Distribution Gradient (CPDG)which is the PDG restricted to forested areas. The presented study can be used as a support to other studies oriented to the improvement of the techniques used here or to the ones that aim at the acquisition of quantitative information about plant distribution. The methods and the results can be applied to the implementation and management of environmental protection areas for E. edulis, to the detection of areas favorable to E. edulis subject to anthropic pressure and also, to the support of sylvicultural projects for the restoration and management of the species 91: FDB-20000603 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 9870 1: SID/SCD 2: 8858 3: INPE-8858-PUD/111 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 12: Sensoriamento Remoto Agr¡cola 16: Luiz, Alfredo Jos‚ Barreto 18: Sensoriamento Remoto Agr¡cola 20: 102 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Monografia de Integrado 58: PG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: SET. <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: classifica‡Æo de imagens 87: estatistica 87: agricultura 88: image classification 88: statistics 88: agriculture 83: O termo "estat¡sticas agr¡colas" (EA)engloba um imenso campo de conhecimento e aplica‡äes, muito maior que o escopo deste trabalho. O mesmo pode se dizer do "sensoriamento remoto" (SR). Portanto, antes de mais nada, ‚ necess rio deixar claro que aqui pretende-se ressaltar apenas aquelas caracter¡sticas destas duas disciplinas que propiciam sua integra‡Æo. Pode se dizer que a estat¡stica e o sensoriamento remoto sÆo, por natureza, formas resumidas (portanto, limitadas)de percep‡Æo e representa‡Æo do mundo real. Selecionando apenas uma das muitas defini‡äes dispon¡veis ‚ v lido afirmar que a estat¡stica ‚ uma disciplina £nica por sua habilidade em quantificar a incerteza inerente aos fen“menos, baseando-se para isso na mat‚ria prima dos estat¡sticos, os dados, que nada mais sÆo que os n£meros usados para interpretar a realidade (Gonick e Smith, 1993). Tamb‚m o sensoriamento remoto ‚ baseado em dados num‚ricos - as medidas de radia‡Æo tomadas … distƒncias vari veis dos alvos de interesse - dos quais se pretende extrair informa‡Æo quantitativa sobre os ambientes terrestres (Verstraete et al., 1996). Aqui se encaixa a afirma‡Æo, exposta na abertura deste ensaio, de que nenhuma defini‡Æo ‚ exata (Varela, 1992),pois, concordar com ela ‚ assumir que, mesmo quando se pode fazer uso extensivo dos signos ou s¡mbolos, ‚ imposs¡vel definir exatamente qualquer coisa. Portanto, os resultados estat¡sticos ou as imagens obtidas por sensoriamento remoto, como casos extremos de simplifica‡Æo da realidade, nunca poderÆo substitu¡-la, mas apenas represent -la. Compare, por exemplo, a diferen‡a entre uma estat¡stica agr¡cola do tipo: a estimativa de  rea plantada com soja no Brasil, em 1999, foi de 12.000.000 ha; e a realidade que ela representa, isto ‚, todas as lavouras de soja existentes no Brasil em 1999, com suas plantas, invasoras, pragas, doen‡as, em diferentes solos, climas, topografia, seus propriet rios, etc. Da mesma forma, uma imagem abrangendo parte de uma regiÆo agr¡cola, gerada a partir de dados obtidos por SR, ‚ uma representa‡Æo extremamente simplificada daquela regiÆo 91: FDB-20020603 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 9885 1: SID/SCD 2: 8955 3: INPE-8955-PRE/4650 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Newsam, Shawn 10: Bhagavathy, Sitaram 10: Kenney, Charles 10: Manjunath, B.S. 10: Fonseca, Leila 12: Object-based representations of spatial images 14: 567-577 30: Acta Astronautica 31: 48 32: 5-12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: Mar.-June <2001> 68: PRE 87: imagens 87: processamento de imagens 87: armazenamento de dados 88: data bases 88: espa‡o 88: images 88: image processing 88: data storage 88: space 83: Object based representations of image data enable new content-related functionalities while facilitating management of large image databases. Developing such representations for multi-date and multi-spectral images is one of the objectives of the second phase of the Alexandria Digital Library (ADL)project at UCSB. image segmentation and image registration are two of the main issues that are to be addressed in creating localized image representations. We present in this paper some of the recent and current work by the ADL's image processing group on robust image segmentation, registration, and the use of image texture for content representation. Built upon these technologies are techniques for managing large repositories of data. A texture thesaurus assists in creating a semantic classification of image regions. An object-based representation is proposed to facilitate data storage, retrieval, analysis, and navigation MFN: 9886 1: SID/SCD 2: 8956 3: INPE-8956-PRE/4651 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 10: Miranda, Fernando Pelon 10: Yamakawa, T. 10: Bueno, G.V. 10: Moreira, F. R. 10: Camargo, EG. 10: Bentz, C.M 12: Data integration for a geologic model of hydrocarbon microseepage areas in the Tona Plateau region, North Tucano basin, Brazil 14: 96-107 30: Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 28 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Feb. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: integra‡Æo da dados 87: hidrocarbonetos 87: superf¡cies 87: explora‡Æo 87: tect“nico 87: ¢leo cru 88: data integration 88: hydrocarbons 88: geochemistry 88: supefices 88: tectonics 88: crude oil 83: A diversified database was used for investigating the major factors controlling the distribution of hydrocarbon microseepage in the region of the Tona Plateau, North Tucano sedimentary basin, Brazil. Visual analysis of this database suggested the existence of spatial relationships between anomalous geochemical soil gas data with rift faults, lithologic contact, and groundwater discharge areas. As a result, a geologic model was proposed. According to this model, rift faults constitute the primary pathways for the upward migration of gaseous hydrocarbons from a deep-seated source rock in the depocenter of the basin. Cherty limestone layers in the Tona Plateau act as a seal to prevent the escape of the hydrocarbons to the surface. As a result, hydrocarbon microseepage occurs preferentially in the contact zone of the cherty limestones of the Tona Sequence with porous sandstones of the Marizal Formation, mainly in areas of groundwater discharge. The importance of these three patterns for controlling the near-surface distribution of the anomalous soil gas samples was estimated through Bayesian probability analysis. According to this interpretation, lithologic contact is the spatial pattern more strongly associated with the anomalous soil gas samples, followed by groundwater discharge areas. Rift faults show the weaker spatial correlation with the anomalous near-surface areas of hydrocarbon microseepage. 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 9887 1: SID/SCD 2: 8957 3: INPE-8957-PRE/4652 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Angelis, C.F. 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 10: Valeriano, Dalton de Morisson 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 12: Multitemporal analysis of land use/land cover JERS-1 backscatter in the Brazilian tropical rainforest 14: 1231-1240 30: International Journalof Remote Sensing 31: 23 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 58: DSR 61: 64: Abr. <2002> 68: PRE 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: floresta tropical 87: biomassa 87: carbono 87: resolu‡Æo temporal 87: uso da terra 88: rain forest 88: biomass 88: carbon 88: temporal resolution 88: land use 82: 83: The temporal evolution of L-band microwave backscatter for several land cover types in the Tapajo's National Forest is analysed using JERS-1. Five images were acquired from 1993 to 1997. Samples of the studied land cover types were identified after analysis of a Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)dataset of 12 images obtained from 1984 to 1999. The following land cover types were investigated: bare soil, agriculture, pastures, forest regrowth from 1 to 23-year-old and primary forest. Backscatter behaviour of regrowth stands is influenced by the previous land use and by human impacts such as fire and selective logging. This selective logging can be mechanized or not, because people who live in the Amazon usually cut trees to build houses, bridges, fences, etc. Backscatter of young regrowth stands on sites immediately abandoned after slash and burn increases at a faster rate than young regrowth on sites abandoned after some years of agriculture. Backscatter of old regrowth stands also behaves differently where there are disturbances such as fire or selective logging. In the presence of such disturbances, one finds an oscillating pattern over time, while undisturbed forest shows either a progressive trend or a stable pattern, depending on the age of the stand. 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 9888 1: SID/SCD 2: 8958 3: INPE-8958-PRE/4653 4: SRE 5: S 6: am 7: [07] 10: Franca, Helena 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: AVHRR analysis of a savanna site through a fire season in Brazil 14: 2449-2461 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 22 32: 13 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Sep. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: reflectÆncia 87: radi“metro de alta resolu‡Æo muito avan‡ado 87: an lise 87: calor (climatologia 88: reflectance 88: advanced very hight resolution radiometer (AVHRR) 88: analysis 88: grasslands 88: fire (climatology) 83: A temporal sequence of images form the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)orbital sensor along 1.5 year was used to study the response of a savanna site that burnt in the dry season. The Emas National Park of Brazil was monitored with 1.1 km high resolution afternoon images from June 1992 to October 1993 through the responses of channels 1 (0.6 mum), 2 (0.9 mum), 3 (3.7 mum). and of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)combination of channels 1 and 2. A fire consumed 23 of the park's 1300 km(2)surface in August 1992, based on a subsequent Landsat Thematic Mapper image. three sub-areas that burnt were chosen for a detailed AVHRR comparative analysis with five sub-areas that did not burn. From the 344 images recorded on different days only 26 were effectively useful, Channel 1 showed little difference for burnt and unburnt vegetation. Channel 2 and NDVI displayed strong evidence of the fire for up to 13 months, while in channel 3 this period was less than 8 months. Howeve channel 3 and NVDI presented the strongest evidence of the fire occurence on a short-term basis short-term basis. The results support the use of AVHRR products based on channels 2 and 3 to monitor and evaluate the extent of vegetation burn and regrowth in savannas, important information for tropical vegetation 92: FDB-02211102 100: FDB_MLR MFN: 9889 1: SID/SCD 2: 8959 3: INPE-8959-PRE/4654 4: SRE 5: S 6: am 7: [07] 10: Hess, Laura 10: Novo, Evlyn M rcia LeÆo de Moraes 10: Slaymaker, D.M. 10: Holt, J. 10: Steffen, C. 10: Valeriano, Dalton de Morisson 10: Mertes, Lak 10: Krug, Thelma 10: Melack, John 10: Gastil, Mary 10: Holmes, C. 10: Hayward, C 12: Geocoded digital videography for validation of land cover mapping in the Amazon Basin 14: 1527-1555 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 23 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Apr. <2002> 68: PRE 87: exatidÆo 87: confirma‡Æo 87: floresta tropical 87: classifica‡Æo de imagens 87: topografia do terreno 87: mapeamento 87: videografia 88: accuracy 88: proving 88: rain forest 88: image classification 88: terrain topofraphy 88: mapping 82: 83: Four Validation Overflights for Amazon Mosaics (VOAM)aerial video surveys have been carried out in the Brazilian Amazon to provide ground verification for mapping of wetland cover with the Global Rain Forest Mapping (GRFM)Project JERS-1 (Japanese Earth Remote Sensing Satellite)mosaics of the Amazon basin. Surveys in 1995 and 1996, acquired with handheld analog camcorders from small aircraft, were timed to imaging of the GRFM low- and high-water mosaics, and limited to within 600 km of Manaus. For the 1997 and 1999 flights, digital camcorder systems were installed in the Bandeirante survey plane operated by Brazil's National Institute for Space Research. The VOAM97 and VOAM99 surveys circumscribed the Brazilian Amazon, documenting ground conditions at resolutions on the order of 1 m (wide-angle format)and 10 cm (zoom format)for wetlands, forests, savannas, and human-impacted areas. Global Positioning System (GPS)information encoded on the video audio track was extracted by mosaicking software that automatically generates geocoded digital mosaics from video clips. On the 1999 survey, a laser altimeter recorded profiles of terrain and vegetation canopy heights. A validation dataset was compiled from the videography for a portion of the GRFM mosaics extending 6degrees by 4degrees in longitude and latitude, using randomly selected points along flight lines. Other applications of the VOAM videography include acquisition of ground control points for image geolocation, creation of a high-resolution geocoded mosaic of a forest study area, forest biomass estimation, and rapid assessment of fire damage. Geocoded digital videography provides a cost-effective means of compiling high-resolution validation datasets for land cover mapping in remote, cloud-covered regions. 92: FDB-20020511 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9890 1: SID/SCD 2: 8960 3: INPE-8960-PRE/4655 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 10: Lacruz, Maria Silvia Pardi 10: Araujo, Luciana Spinelli 10: Keil, M 12: Savanna and tropical rainforest biomass estimation and spatialization using JERS-1 data 14: 1217-1229 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 23 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Apr. <2002> 68: PRE 87: floresta tropical 87: biomassa 87: pastagem 87: estimativa 87: distribui‡Æo espacial 87: imagens de radar 87: JERS 1 88: rain forest 88: biomass 88: grasslands 88: estimates 88: spatial distribution 88: radar imagery 82: 83: The objective of this study is to show the relation among backscatter signals of JERS-1 images and biophysical parameters (biomass values)of forest and savanna formations. Two contact zones involving these vegetation units in Brazilian Amazonia (Roraima and Mato Grosso States)were selected. A regression model was applied during the analysis of these two variables, based on the best fit function and taking into account the data dispersion. Maps were generated showing biomass spatialization of the vegetation typology found in the study areas. The importance of this study is the innovation referring to the joint analysis of JERS-1 data of these two contact zones in Amazonia, representing both an abrupt contact and a smooth contact along a transition zone of savanna/tropical rainforests formations 92: FDB-20020511 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9891 1: SID/SCD 2: 8961 3: INPE-8961-PRE/4656 4: SRE 5: S 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rodrigues, Regina R. 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 12: A numerical study of the effects of bottom topography and coastline geometry on the Southeast Brazilian coastal upwelling 14: 371-394 30: Continental Shelf Research 31: 21 32: 4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Mar. <2001> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87:  gua costeira 87: circula‡Æo atmosf‚rica 87: topogr fia 87: efeitos 87: simula‡Æo n£merica direta 88: coastal water 88: upwelling water 88: atmospheric circulation 88: topography 88: effects 88: direct numerical simulation 88: upwelling water 88: atmospheric cir 82: 83: A two-layer finite element model is used to investigate the effects of bottom topography and coastline geometry on the coastal upwelling of the Southeast Brazilian continental shelf. Three cases are analyzed: (1)real topography and real coastline; (2)flat bottom and real coastline and (3)real topography and smoothed coastline. For all the numerical simulations the model was integrated for five days using a constant northeast wind. The first case reproduces reasonably well the characteristics of wind-driven upwelling with respect to location and magnitude. When comparing the second and third case results with the first one, it can be seen that local bottom topography and coastline geometry affect the upwelling magnitude in the whole domain. The coastline irregularities are important in the location of the upwelling cores in the south portion, which extends from Cabo de Sao Tome to Rio de Janeiro, primarily near Cabo Frio. Moreover bottom topography seems to be responsible for the location of the upwelling cell in the north portion of the domain, from Cabo de Sao Tome to Vitoria. In contrast to previous findings, the coastline irregularities are found to dominate over topographic variations in determining the location of Cabo Frio coastal upwelling. 92: FDB-20010212 100: FDB_MLR MFN: 9892 1: SID/SCD 2: 8962 3: INPE-8962-PRE/4657 4: SRE 5: S 6: am 7: [07] 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Novo, Evlyn M rcia LeÆo de Moraes 10: Mertes, Lak 12: Amazon river mainstem floodplain Landsat TM digital mosaic 14: 57-69 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 23 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Jan. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: plan¡cies inundadas 87: mapeadore tem tico (Landsat) 87: metodologia 87: corre‡Æo radiom‚trica 87: mosaicos 88: inundation area 88: floodplain 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: Methology 88: radiometric correction 88: mosaics 82: 83: This paper presents the methodology used to build a Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)digital mosaic for the Amazon River mainstem floodplain. Twenty-nine almost cloud-free TM Landsat scenes covering a period from 1985 to 1995 were selected from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE)archive. Most of the scenes were acquired from July to September, a period that begins with high waters and ends with receding water up to about the beginning of the low waters. Radiometric rectification was applied to the images to reduce variability of environmental conditions during Landsat TM data acquisition. The radiometric rectification applied had a good performance for bands 3, 5, and 7, for most of the scenes. For bands 1 and 2 the radiometric rectification was limited, especially for scenes with intense haze. Nevertheless, the overall performance of radiometric normalization allowed the production of a uniform dataset for the entire Brazilian Amazon River mainstem floodplain 92: FDB-20020511 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9893 1: SID/SCD 2: 8963 3: INPE-8963-PRE/4658 4: SRE 5: S 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pizarro, Marco Antonio 10: Epiphanio, Jos‚ Carlos Neves 10: GalvÆo, Lˆnio Soares 12: Mineralogical characterization of tropical soils by hyperspectral remote sensing 14: 1277-1286 30: Pesquisa Agropecu ria Brasileira 31: 36 32: 10 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: out. <2001> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: sensores 87: reflectƒncia 87: espectroscopia 87: minerais 87: recursos 87: identificado 88: sensors 88: reflectance 88: spectroscopy 88: minerals 88: resources 88: identifying 83: AVIRIS (Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer)data collected in Brazil were used for the spectral characterization of a typical crop-pasture scene, and for the evaluation of the Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF)technique for clay mineral identification in the image. A six-endmember linear spectral unmixing model was applied, consisting of green and senescent vegetation, water, and the soils Alfisol, Oxisol and Entisol. For mineral identification of kaolinite, montmorillonite and gibbsite in the AVIRIS image, reference spectra from the JPL/NASA spectral library were selected. Pixel and reference spectra were normalized by the continuum removal method, in the 2,100-2,330 nm interval, and then compared by the use of the SFF technique. Kaolinite is the dominant mineral in the scene, whose identification is dependent on the soil type and on the spectral mixture at sub-pixel level. The best results were obtained for soils with intermediate to high overall reflectance and for pixels with soil abundance values greater than 70 83: , due, respectively, to the lower amount of opaque substances of these soils and to the reduction of spectral effects of the lignin-cellulose features. These factors tend to obliterate the absorption bands of clay minerals 92: FDB-20010112 100: FDB_MLR MFN: 9894 1: SID/SCD 2: 8964 3: INPE-8964-PRE/4659 4: SRE 5: S 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kono, Janio 10: Quintino, H. 10: Carvalho, H. 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 12: The Amazon rainforest monitoring satellite SSR-1 14: 11-14 30: Photogrammetrie. Fernerkundung. Geoinformation 31: 1 32: : 40: En 41: En 42: 58: STA 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 88: rainforest 88: SSR system 88: small remote sensing satellite 82: 83: The Brazilian Amazon region is the greatest rainforest in the world and it is undergoing complex and fast changes influenced by human activities and natural events. It is of extreme importance to Brazil to have an efficient monitoring system in order to manage the natural resources and to protect the environment of this region. The SSR system presents an innovative solution to monitor the Amazon region, through a small remote sensing satellite placed in a low equatorial orbit, providing synoptic images of the entire region several times a day. The SSR images will be distributed directly to users, in a near real time basis, via small and low cost terrestrial stations. This paper presents the result of a feasibility study for the SSR payload, showing a payload concept and analyzing the accomplishment of the requirements 91: FDB-20020511 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9895 1: SID/SCD 2: 8965 3: INPE-8965-pre/4660 4: SRE 5: S 6: am 7: [07] 10: GalvÆo, Lˆnio Soares 10: Pizarro, Marco Antonio 10: Epiphanio, Jos‚ Carlos Neves 12: Variations in reflectance of tropical soils: spectral-chemical composition relationships from AVIRIS data 14: 245-255 30: Remote Sensing of Environment 31: 5 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Feb. <2001> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: reflectƒncia espectral 87: erosÆo do solo 87: composi‡Æo qu¡mica 87: espectr“metros infravermelho 87: mapeamento do solo 88: spectral reflectance 88: soil erosion 88: chemical composition 88: infraed spectrometers 88: soil mapping 83: The relationships between Airborne Visible. Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)surface reflectance values and constituents (total iron, organic matter, TiO2, Al2O3, and SiO2)of samples representative of three important soil types from central Brazil [Terra Roxa Estruturada (S-TE), Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro (S-LE), and Areia Quartzosa (S-AQ)] were analyzed. End member spectra for green vegetation (GVd), nonphotosynthetic vegetation (NPV), water (W), and the three soil types were selected by inspecting scatter plots derived from the principal components analysis (PCA)of 140 AVIRIS bands. They were then used to compose a six end member unmixing model to characterize the spectral reflectance variations associated with the different scene components, the spatial distribution of the soil types, and the effects of spectral mixing on the spectral-chemical composition relationships. Finally, regression equations fitted to soil constituents and their highly correlated spectral bands were used to produce maps showing the chemical variability in the scene for areas dominated by the presence of exposed soils, as indicated by the results from the unmixing model. The results showed a very good agreement between the spatial variability of the soil types and of the soil constituents. The largest squared correlation results were obtained for Fe2O3, TiO2, and Al2O3, but the relationships were affected in the transition from the red to the near-infrared interval by the presence of nonsoil residues (e.g., senescent vegetation or litter)over the soil surfaces. In comparison with the light and loamy sand S-AQ, the dark-red clay S-TE and S-LE presented higher contents of Fe2O3, Al2O3, and TiO2, and consequently lower overall reflectance in the scene, because of the presence of greater amounts of opaque minerals. The prediction of these constituents from remote sensing data and their close association with the spatial distribution of the different soil types demonstrate the importance of the present investigation for soil mapping and soil erosion studies 92: FDB-20010102 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9896 1: SID/SCD 2: 8966 3: INPE-8966-PRE/4661 4: SRE 5: S 6: am 7: [07] 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Digital processing of a Landsat-TM time series for mapping and monitoring degraded areas caused by independent gold miners, Roraima State, Brazilian Amazon 14: 42-50 30: Remote Sensing of Environmental 31: 79 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Jan. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: an lise de series temporais 87: mapeamento 87: monitoramento ambiental 87: exatidÆo 87: degrada‡Æo 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: time series analysis 88: environmental monitoring 88: accuracy 88: degradation 82: 83: A 12-year Landsat-Thematic Mapper (TM)time series (1987-1999)was used for mapping and monitoring evolution of degraded areas caused by independent miners ("garimpeiros")in the search for gold and diamond. Discrimination of target areas was achieved through third principal component images, due to their best enhancement of bare soil areas relative to the surrounding savanna vegetated terrain. A postclassification approach, based on image segmentation/region classification techniques, was used to map degraded areas. This procedure allowed to save time and to curtail inherent subjectivity commonly involved in visual interpretation, producing accurate land-cover change maps. According to these maps. degraded areas comprise 94.4 ha in 1987. 286.4 ha in 1991, and 404.4 ha in 1994. After "garimpeiros" abandoned the region sometime prior to 1994, vegetation soon started recovering mined areas as shown in images acquired in 1995, 1996, and 1999. According to these images, degraded areas decreased to 311.2, 283.7, and 246.2 ha, respectively. Data also indicate that vegetation regrowth is faster near the border of degraded areas, and becomes slower to the center of these areas, where damage process is more intense. Based on the satellite images-derived regrowth rates. it is possible to infer that degraded areas would not be entirely recovered by vegetation by the year 2019 92: FDB-20020511 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9898 1: SID/SCD 2: 8952 3: INPE-8952-PRE/4647 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 10: Epiphanio, Jos‚ Carlos Neves 10: Simoes, M.D 12: Radarsat backscattering from an agricultural scene 14: 823-830 30: Pesquisa Agropecu ria Brasileira 31: 36 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: May <2001> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: radar de abertura sint‚tica 87: imagens de radar 87: uso da terra rural 87: terra cultivada 87: agricultura 87: SAR 88: synthetic aperture radar 88: radar imagery 88: crop 88: radar imagery 88: rural land use 88: farmlands 88: agriculture 83: Orbital remote sensing in the microwave electromagnetic region has been presented as an important tool for agriculture monitoring. The satellite systems in operation have almost all-weather capability and high spatial resolution, which are features ppropriated for agriculture. However, for full exploration of these data, an understanding of the relationships between the characteristics of each system and agricultural targets is necessary. This paper describes the behavior of backscattering coefficient (sigma (o)) derived from calibrated data of Radarsat images from an agricultural area. It is shown that in a dispersion diagram of cr there are three main regions in which most of the fields can be classified. The first one is characterized by low backscattering values, with pastures and bare soils; the second one has intermediate backscattering coefficients and comprises well grown crops mainly; and a third one, with high backscattering coefficients, in which there are fields with strong structures causing a kind of double bounce effect. The results of this research indicate that the use of Radarsat images is optimized when a multitemporal analysis is done making the best use of the agricultural calendar and of the dynamics of different cultures 91: FDB-200101002 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9901 1: SID/SCD 2: 8968 3: INPE-8968-RPQ/729 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 17: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 18: Monitoramento da Floresta Amaz“nica brasileira por sat‚lite 2000-2001 19: Monitoring of the brazilian Amazonian Forest by satellite 2000-2001 20: 22 40: Pt 40: En 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: OBT 59: PRODES 62: INPE 64: jun. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 73: 2000-2001 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: ecossistemas 87: desmatamento 87: resolu‡Æo temporal 87: desflorestamento 87: imagens de sat‚lite 87: florestas 87: monitoramento ambiental 88: environmental monitoring 88: forests 88: deforestation 88: satellite imagery 88: ecosystems 88: temporal resolution 82: 83: Este projeto est  inserido no Programa "CT para GestÆo de Ecossistemas" do Minist‚rio de Ciˆncia e Tecnologia - MCT. A atividade anual de monitorar o desflorestamento da Amaz“nia vem sendo sistematicamente realizada pelo INPE, usando t‚cnicas de interpreta‡Æo visual de imagens orbitais. O resultado do trabalho de v rios especialistas, t‚cnicos e auditores para identifica‡Æo de  reas desflorestadas utilizando como ferramenta de investiga‡Æo as imagens de sat‚lite, ‚ agora apresentado, contribuindo assim, para os diversos estudos acerca do monitoramento ambiental da Amaz“nia. Este relat¢rio apresenta a avalia‡Æo completa para o per¡odo 1999-2000 e tamb‚m a estimativa provis¢ria para o per¡odo 2000-2001 baseada em t‚cnica de amostragem, com a interpreta‡Æo de imagens que cobrem as  reas mais cr¡ticas do desflorestamento na Amaz“nia. O objetivo da estimativa provis¢ria ‚ permitir um diagn¢stico r pido e eficaz da magnitude do desflorestamento, re-orientando a tomada de decisäes governamentais na pol¡tica de controle e fiscaliza‡Æo dos recursos florestais da regiÆo. A realiza‡Æo desse Projeto de Estimativa do Desflorestamento da Amaz“nia (PRODES)pelo INPE/MCT vem demonstrar, pela extensÆo da  rea investigada, pela grande quantidade de dados e sobretudo pelo esperado impacto dos resultados e seus reflexos nas discussäes s¢cio-econ“mico ambientais, que o Governo est  adequadamente preparado, em termos t‚cnico-cient¡ficos, para fiscalizar essa vasta paisagem brasileira. Adicionalmente, permite ao Pa¡s dialogar com a comunidade internacional, com base em estimativas confi veis e de metodologia comprovada, nas reuniäes que tratam de mudan‡as globais. Esse relat¢rio traz ainda os primeiros resultados de uma nova abordagem metodol¢gica na identifica‡Æo e estimativa dos desflorestamentos. Trata-se do projeto PRODES Digital, que analisa as imagens de sat‚lite por um processo automatizado, com uso da t‚cnica de modelo linear de mistura espectral, da segmenta‡Æo de imagens e classifica‡Æo por regiäes. Os dados do PRODES Digital, devidamente georeferenciados, compäem um banco de dados multitemporais, de f cil acesso e integra‡Æo com diversas outras fontes de informa‡äes e/ou sistemas computacionais. ABSTRACT: This Project is included in the Program "Science Technology for the Management of Ecosystems' from the Ministry for Science and Technology MCT. The annual activity to monitor deforestation in the Amazon is systematically done by INPE, using visual techniques for the interpretation of satellite images. The result of the work from several specialists, technicians and auditors for the identification of deforestation using, as an investigation tool, satellite images, is presented now, and as such it contributes for several studies referring to the environmental monitoring of the Amazon. This report presents the complete evaluation for the timeframe 1999-2000 as well as the provisional estimate for the period 2000-2001, based on sampling techniques, including the interpretation of those areas which are most critical referring to deforestation in the Amazon. The objective of the provisional estimate is to allow a fast and efficient diagnosis of the size of forest degradation, allowing fast changes of decision-taking by Government, related to the policy of control and inspection of forest resources in this huge region. The execution of the Monitoring the Amazon Gross Deforestation Project (PRODES)shows, by the extension of the area investigated, by the amount of data, and specially by the impact of the results and its reflections on the social/economic/environmental discussions, that the Governement is adequately prepared both technically and scientifically to inspect this large brazilian landscape. Additionally it allows Brazil to dialogue with the international Community, based on confider estimates and a reliable methodology, on meetings related to global changes. This report includes also the first results of a new methodological approach to identify and estimate deforestations areas. It is the PRODES Digital Project, which refers to an automatic procedure to analyze satellite data, using the technique of Linear Spectral Mixture Model, image segmentation and classification by regions. Data from PRODES Digital, properly georeferenced, form a database of multi-temporal layers, of easy access and integration with different information sources and/or computer systems 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 9902 1: SID/SCD 2: 8969 3: INPE-8969-PUD/114 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 17: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 18: Sensoriamento remoto 38: S‚rie did tica 01 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 88: remote sensing 88: artificial satellites 88: data acquisition 88: remote sensors 88: sat‚lites artificiais 83: Sensoriamento remoto ‚ o conjunto de t‚cnicas que permite obter informa‡äes da superf¡cie da Terra … distƒncia. Assim como os nossos olhos observam os objetos permitindo-nos conhecˆ-los sem toc -los, os sensores remotos, instalados a bordo de sat‚lites artificiais colocados em ¢rbita da Terra, aeronaves ou mesmo em equipamentos de campo, captam dados da superf¡cie terrestre … distƒncia. Os sinais registrados pelos sensores remotos sÆo transmitidos para esta‡äes de recep‡Æo na Terra, onde sÆo transformados em dados, imagens, gr ficos ou tabelas. O Brasil possui uma esta‡Æo de recep‡Æo de dados em Cuiab -MT. Os dados a¡ gravados sÆo enviados para um laborat¢rio do INPE em Cachoeira Paulista-SP, onde sÆo corrigidos e processados. Posteriormente, o INPE distribui os dados/imagens para os usu rios. Com a an lise dos dados processados pode-se obter informa‡äes importantes para a realiza‡Æo de estudos do meio ambiente, florestas, agricultura, monitoramento de queimadas, desmatamentos, ocupa‡Æo do solo, geologia, oceanografia, planejamento urbano 91: FDB-20020613 MFN: 9909 1: SID/SCD 2: 8478 3: INPE-8478-NTC/346 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Crepani, Edison 16: Duarte, Valdete 16: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 18: Sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento no mapeamento regional da cobertura e uso atual da terra 19: Remote sensing ang geoprocessing to map land cover and land use in large areas 20: 25 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: NTC 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO REGIONAL 87: uso da terra 87: florestas 87: vegeta‡Æo 87: sensoriamento remoto 87: mapeamento tem tico 87: processamento de imagens 87: geoprocessamento 88: land use 88: grasslands 88: forests 88: vegetation 88: thematic mapping 88: image processing 88: geoprocessing 83: O objetivo deste trabalho ‚ mapear a cobertura e o uso atual da terra em extensas regiäes utilizando t‚cnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Geoprocessamento. A  rea de estudo compreendida entre as coordenadas 01§ 45' e 08§ 20' de Latitude Sul e 44§ 00, e 54§ 00' de Longitude Oeste ‚ coberta por 17 imagens do sensor "Thematic Mapper" (TM)do sat‚lite Landsat. A utiliza‡Æo de t‚cnicas convencionais de processamento digital de imagens baseadas na classifica‡Æo pixel a pixel das bandas 3, 4 e 5 do TM nÆo se apresenta adequada para atingir o objetivo proposto. Por isto, foi adaptada a metodologia desenvolvida pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)para o projeto de mapeamento digital das  reas desflorestadas da Amaz“nia Legal (PRODES DIGITAL), Esta metodologia consiste na gera‡Æo de imagens sint‚ticas (vegeta‡Æo, solo e sombra), atrav‚s do modelo linear de mistura espectral utilizando as bandas 3, 4 e 5 do TM, para real‡ar os alvos de interesse e minimizar o tempo de processamento na tarefa de classifica‡Æo. Esta tarefa foi realizada utilizando o processo de segmenta‡Æo de imagens, seguida da classifica‡Æo nÆo supervisionada por regiäes e mapeamento das classes de interesse pr‚-definidas (legenda tem tica). 0 resultado do mapeamento ‚ finalmente editado pelo fotoint‚rprete com a finalidade de corrigir os erros de classifica‡Æo do sistema, baseado na sua experiˆncia e informa‡äes auxiliares dispon¡veis (fotografias a‚reas, mapas, etc.). Essas tarefas foram realizadas no software SPRING (Sistema para Processamento de Informa‡äes Georreferenciadas)desenvolvido pelo INPE. A legenda da cobertura e do uso da terra consistiu das seguintes classes tem ticas: a)Vegeta‡Æo Florestal; b)Vegeta‡Æo NÆo-Florestal; c)Vegeta‡Æo em Regenera‡Æo; d)Corte Seletivo; e)Atividade Agrossilvopastoril; f)Pasto Sujo; g)µrea Antropizada; h)µrea Urbanizada; i)Hidrografia; j)Savana Florestada; k)Savana Arborizada; l)Savana Parque e m)Nuvem. O mapeamento dessas classes foi realizado com a combina‡Æo seqencial das classifica‡äes individuais das imagens sint‚ticas, e a edi‡Æo matricial foi feita pelo fotoint‚rprete considerando a escala de 1 : 250.000 como crit‚rio de detalhes para apresenta‡Æo do mapa final. A regiÆo de contato entre a floresta Amaz“nica e a Savana (cerrado)foi mapeada nas imagens TM com suporte das informa‡äes do Mapa de Vegeta‡Æo do IBGE/IBAMA e do mosaico de imagens do "Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer" (AVI-IRR)do sat‚lite NOAA como referˆncias. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work is to map land cover and land use to large regions using Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing techniques. The study area, comprised between the geographic coordinates 01§ 45' and 08§ 20' South Latitude and 44§ 00' and 54§ 00' West Longitude, is covered by 17 Thematic Mapper (TM)images of Landsat satellite. The use of conventional techniques of digital image processing based on pixel by pixel classification of TM images in bands 3, 4, and 5 does not present adequate for attaining the proposed objective. For this reason, the methodology developed by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), for the project of digital mapping of deforested areas of Legal Amazonia (DIGITAL PRODES), was adapted for this work. This methodology consists on the generation of synthetic images (vegetation, soil and shade), through the spectral linear mixing model using the TM bands 3, 4, and 5, to enhance the contrast among targets of interest and to minimize computer processing time during the classification task. This task was performed using the image segmentation algorithm, followed by the non-supervised classification of regions and mapping the pre-defined classes of interest (thematic legend). The mapping result is finally edited by the photointerpreter with the purpose of correcting any classification errors, based on his experience and using available ancillary information (aerial photographs, maps, etc.). These tasks were performed using the SPRING (System for Processing Georeferenced Information)software developed by INPE. The land cover and land use legend consisted of the following thematic classes: a)Forest Vegetation; b)Non-forest Vegetation; c)Vegetation in Regeneration; d)Selective Logging; e)Forest and Agricultural Activities; f)Dirty Pasture; g)Disturbed Areas; h)Urban Areas; i)Drainage; j)Forested Savanna; k)Arboreous Savanna; l)Park Savanna and m)Cloud and Shadows. The mapping of these classes was performed with the sequential combination of individual classification of synthetic images, and the image edition done by the photointerpreter considering the scale of 1:250,000 as the details criteria for presentation of the final map. The transition zone between the Amazon forest and the Savanna (cerrado)was mapped in the TM images considering the information of IBGE/IBAMA vegetation map and the mosaic of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)images of NOAA satellite as references. Abstract: The objective of this work is to map land cover and land use to large regions using Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing techniques. The area between the geographic coordinates 0 deg 45 min and 08 deg 20 min South Latitude and 44 deg 00 min and 54 deg 00 min West Longitude is covered by 17 Thematic Mapper (TM)images of Landsat satellite. The use of conventional techniques of digital image processing based on pixel by pixel classification of TM images in bands 3, 4, and 5 is not adequate for attaining the proposed objective. For this reason, the methodology developed by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), for the project of digital mapping of deforested areas of Legal Amazonia (DIGITAL PRODES), was adapted for this work. This methodology consists on the generation of synthetic images (vegetation, soil and shade), through the spectral linear mixing model using the TM bands 3, 4, and 5, to enhance the contrast among targets of interest and to minimize computer processing time during the classification task. This task was performed using the image segmentation algorithm, followed by the non-supervised classification of regions and mapping the pre-defined classes of interest (thematic legend). The mapping result is finally edited by the photointerpreter with the purpose of correcting any classification errors, based on his experience and using available ancillary information (aerial photographs, maps, etc.). These tasks were performed using the SPRING (System for Processing Georeferenced Information)software developed by INPE. The land cover and land use legend consisted of the following thematic classes: Forest Vegetation; Non-forest Vegetation; Vegetation in Regeneration; Selective Logging; Forest and Agricultural Activities; Dirty Pasture; Disturbed Areas; Urban Areas; Drainage; Forested Savanna; Arboreous Savanna; Park Savanna; and Cloud and Shadows. The mapping of these classes was performed with the sequential combination of individual classification of synthetic images, and the image edition done by the photointerpreter considering the scale of 1:250,000 as the details criteria for presentation of the final map. The transition zone between the Amazon forest and the Savanna (cerrado)was mapped in the TM images considering the information of IBGE/IBAMA vegetation map and the mosaic of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)images of NOAA satellite as references 91: FDB-20010729 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9915 1: SID/SCD 2: 8348 3: INPE-8348-PUD/104 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 17: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 18: Terceiro Semin rio sobre Meio Ambiente e Uso de Tecnologias Espaciais para Professores de Ensino Fundamental e M‚dio 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Semin rio sobre Meio Ambiente e Uso de Tacnologias para Professores de Ensino Fundamental e M‚dio, 3 54: 10-14 jul. <2000> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 58: DSR 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: conhecimento 87: experimentos em tecnologia espacial 87: modelos ambientais 87: projetos de treinamento 87: aprendizagem 88: knowledge 88: space technology experiments 88: environmental models 88: training devices 88: learning 83: O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE, objetivando tomar o professor de ensino fundamental e m‚dio multiplicador natural das tecnologias espaciais junto a suas unidades de ensino e … sociedade, apresenta neste documento um amplo material atualizado que servir  de apoio e complementa‡Æo ao desenvolvimento de diversas disciplinas de acordo com os novos parƒmetros curriculares. A realiza‡Æo do III Semin rio sobre Meio Ambiente e Uso de Tecnologias Espaciais para Professores de Ensino Fundamental e M‚dio, na cidade de SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos, SP, espelha o esfor‡o conjunto de toda a equipe de organiza‡Æo e do corpo docente, bem como de todos aqueles que direta ou indiretamente contribu¡ram para a sua concretiza‡Æo. Em especial, deve ser ressaltado o apoio dos nossos patrocinadores que viabilizaram este evento. Esperamos que este evento incentive a intera‡Æo das institui‡äes de ensino fundamental e m‚dio com as atividades de pesquisa deste Instituto, proporcionando aos alunos uma maior conscientiza‡Æo das novas id‚ias e novas tecnologias 91: FDB-20020729 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9916 1: SID/SCD 2: 8349 3: INPE-8349-PUD/105 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 17: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 18: Quarto curso sobre Uso de Tecnologias Espaciais no Estudo do Meio Ambiente (2-6 jul. 2001) 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Curso sobre Uso de Tecnologias Espaciais no Estudo do Meio Ambiente, 4 54: 2-6 jul. <2001> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 58: DSR 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: conhecimento 87: aprendizagem 87: educa‡Æo 87: experimentos em tecnologia espacial 87: modelos ambientais 88: knowledge 88: space technology experiments 88: environment models 83: O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais tem como uma de suas preocupa‡äes incentivar o uso de tecnologias espaciais na educa‡Æo escolar. O IV Curso sobre o Uso de Tecnologias Espaciais no Estudo do Meio Ambiente tem por objetivo disseminar o conhecimento de tecnologias espaciais para professores do ensino fundamental e m‚dio, visando o seu uso como conte£do e recurso did tico-pedag¢gico no estudo do meio ambiente. Em consonƒncia com os Parƒmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o ensino fundamental e as Diretrizes para o ensino m‚dio, a nossa expectativa e que os professores se apropriem deste conhecimento atrav‚s do desenvolvimento de projetos escolares e o socializem junto …s suas unidades de ensino e … pr¢pria sociedade 91: FDB-20010629 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9917 1: SID/SCD 2: 8927 3: INPE-8927-PUD/112 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Novo, Evlyn M rcia LeÆo de Moraes 16: Stech, Jos‚ Luiz 16: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 16: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Ant“nio 16: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 18: Sistema de monitoramento autom tico de vari veis limnol¢gicas em sistemas aqu ticos amaz“nicos sujeitos a diferentes graus de interferˆncia antr“pica 20: 18 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 58: LAC 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: monitoramento ambiental 87: vari veis 87: limnologia 88: environmental monitoring 88: limnology 88: variable 82: 83: Este documento ‚ uma proposta de projeto submetido ao CT-HIDRO 2002. Neste projeto pretende-se estudar o Reservat¢rio de Tucuru¡ e o Lago Grande de Curuari, dois sistemas aqu ticos amaz“nicos sujeitos a diferentes graus de interferˆncia antr¢pica. Os principais objetivos sÆo: implantar um sistema de monitoramento cont¡nuo autom tico de vari veis limnol¢gicas, como suporte … quantifica‡Æo do papel dos reservat¢rios hidrel‚tricos sobre as emissäes de gases de efeito estufa para a atmosfera; avaliar a exatidÆo das medidas ambientais obtidas pelo Sistema Autom tico de Monitoramento Ambiental (SIMA)a partir da realiza‡Æo de missäes de coleta de dados de campo, construir e manter um banco de dados sobre as bacias hidrogr ficas amaz“nicas investigadas; desenvolver, adaptar e aplicar m‚todos para an lise de s‚ries temporais de modo a caracterizar regimes complexos (intermitˆncia, quebras de simetria espa‡o -temporal, criticalidade auto-organizada, recursividades nÆo lineares)e discriminar a origem dos pulsos que atuam no sistema e seus reflexos sobre o seu equil¡brio. Abstract: This document summarizes a research proposal submitted to the CT-HIDRO 2002. The general objective was to study two aquatic ecosystems undergoing different degrees of human interference. The Tucurui Reservoir feeds a hydroelectric power plant, and the Lago Grande de Curuari, is a large Amazon floodplain lake in relatively pristine conditions. The specific objectives are to install an automatic monitoring system for the limnological variables that could support a more comprehensive assessment of the role of the hydroelectric reservoir as source of greenhouse gases. To assess the accuracy of SIMA environmental measurements with in situ measurements. To build and support a database containing the data derived from the investigation. To develop and apply spectral analysis methods to identify complex regimes (e.g.: intermittence, symmetry breaks, self-organized criticality, and non-linear recursivity)and to investigate the effect of pulses on the equilibria of the different aquatic systems 91: FDB-20020629 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9944 1: SID/SCD 2: 8983 3: INPE-8983-TDI/814 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Ferri, Clotilde Pinheiro 18: Utiliza‡Æo da reflectƒncia espectral para a estimativa de pigmentos fotossint‚ticos em doss‚is de soja [Gycine Max (.L), Merril] 19: Soybean canopy [Glycine max (L.), Merril photosynthetic pigments estimation by measns of spectral reflectance 20: 173 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Fl vio Jorge Ponzoni; Ant“nio Roberto Formaggio (orientador); Lˆnio Soares GalvÆo; Marlene Aparecida Schiavinato; Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho; Jos‚ Alexandre Melo Demattˆ 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: mar. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: pigmentos 87: fotoss¡ntese 87: reflectƒncia espectral 87: doss‚is 87: reflectƒncia 87: resolu‡Æo espectral 87: clorofila 87: soja 88: pigments 88: photosynthesis 88: spectral reflectance 88: canopies (vegetation) 88: reflectance 88: spectral resolution 88: chlorophylls 88: soybeans 83: Os pigmentos fotossint‚ticos sÆo essenciais para o desenvolvimento das plantas, pois sÆo respons veis pela captura da energia solar incidente usada na fotoss¡ntese. Com o desenvolvimento do sensoriamento remoto hiperespectral, tem-se aberto a possibilidade de quantificar estes pigmentos individualmente em grandes extensäes de lavouras agr¡colas e estas informa‡äes auxiliam na determina‡Æo do estado fisiol¢gico da vegeta‡Æo, na discrimina‡Æo de esp‚cies e na estimativa da produtividade. Uma das maneiras de utilizar os dados de sensores hiperespectrais na determina‡Æo da concentra‡Æo de pigmentos, ‚ pelo uso de ¡ndices de reflectƒncia espectral que utilizam bandas espectrais estreitas na forma de soma, razÆo ou multiplica‡Æo. Assim, com este trabalho, buscou-se fornecer bases para a constru‡Æo de conhecimentos na  rea de sensoriamento remoto hiperespectral e suas rela‡äes com culturas agr¡colas. Como hip¢tese de trabalho, propäe-se que ‚ poss¡vel, usando sensoriamento remoto de alta resolu‡Æo espectral, estimar pigmentos fotossint‚ticos de doss‚is vegetais agr¡colas, sendo necess rio levar em conta as influˆncias de solos espectralmente distintos. A presente pesquisa sugere tamb‚m que existem rela‡äes significativas entre reflectƒncia espectral e parƒmetros agron“micos de uma cultura agr¡cola, tendo como objetivos: (a)avaliar as rela‡äes entre componentes vegetais da cultura da soja e resposta espectral atrav‚s dos ¡ndices espectrais: R750/R700, R750/R550, Ratio Analysis of Reflectance Spectra (RARS), Pigment Specific Simple Ratio (PSSR)e Pigment Specific Normalized Difference (PSND); e (b)analisar a influˆncia de dois solos espectralmente diferentes no comportamento espectral dessa cultura. Para testar a hip¢tese estabelecida e atingir os objetivos propostos, a presente pesquisa foi realizada por m‚todo experimental, em condi‡äes de casa de vegeta‡Æo, utilizando-se espectroradi“metros de alta resolu‡Æo, com a cultura da soja [Glycine max (L.), Merril]tendo sido conduzida e monitorada espectralmente ao longo do seu ciclo fenol¢gico. Assim, em fun‡Æo dos procedimentos utilizados e das an lises realizadas, foi poss¡vel chegar a algumas conclusäes e recomenda‡äes, verificando que (a)as plantas de soja tiveram um desenvolvimento considerado normal mesmo tendo sido cultivadas em condi‡äes de casa de vegeta‡Æo, tendo apresentado um sistema assimilat¢rio suficiente e eficiente para a produ‡Æo e ac£mulo de mat‚ria seca; (b)os solos usados, mesmo tendo sido dois extremos espectrais (o primeiro com caracter¡sticas de baixa reflectƒncia e o segundo com alta reflectƒncia)nÆo influenciaram nas respostas espectrais dos doss‚is de soja na maior parte do seu ciclo fenol¢gico; (c)a partir da fase fenol¢gica V3, da cultura as respostas espectrais j  come‡aram a ser de vegeta‡Æo, tendo iniciado entÆo a manifesta‡Æo de rela‡äes entre as respostas espectrais e a concentra‡Æo de pigmentos, confirmando a validade de se estudar estas rela‡äes para posteriores determina‡äes do est dio fenol¢gico e de outras caracter¡sticas de vigor, sanidade e produtividade da cultura por imagens hiperespectrais; (d)todos os espectros coletados apresentaram maior reflectƒncia no infravermelho pr¢ximo, em torno de 740 nm; e)a posi‡Æo da borda vermelha situou-se em torno de 700 nm; f)os espectros apresentaram curvas caracter¡sticas de acordo com a fase de desenvolvimento da cultura da soja, tendo influˆncia do solo de fundo nas fases iniciais e finais da cultura; (g)as posi‡äes do comprimento de onda equivalente ao valor m¡nimo de reflectƒncia no vermelho (Vmin)e do ponto de inflexÆo (PI)da curva apresentaram boas rela‡äes com o conte£do de pigmentos, tendo o Vmin diminu¡do com o aumento da concentra‡Æo de Clorofila a e o PI aumentado com o aumento da concentra‡Æo de Clorofila total; (h)as razäes R750/R550 e R750/R700 mostraram ser bons ¡ndices para a determina‡Æo de Clorofila a e de Clorofila total, e estes ¡ndices, quando comparados com o NDVI (um dos ¡ndices espectrais de banda larga mais usados em sensoriamento remoto da vegeta‡Æo), mostraram ser mais eficientes; (i)a an lise dos trˆs ¡ndices de bandas estreitas, o RARS, o PSND e o PSSR, para a determina‡Æo de Clorofila a e b e Caroten¢ides, mostraram que o melhor ¡ndice foi o PSSR; (j)o ¡ndice RARS nÆo mostrou boas rela‡äes quando os dados de todo o ciclo fenol¢gico foram usados; por‚m, apresentou bons resultados quando se avaliou a cultura em fases bem delimitadas, como a vegetativa e a reprodutiva separadamente, para a determina‡Æo de Clorofila a e b. Para a determina‡Æo de Caroten¢ides, este ¡ndice nÆo foi eficiente; (k)o ¡ndice PSND tamb‚m apresentou ter rela‡Æo com o conte£do de Clorofila a e b e nenhuma rela‡Æo com o conte£do de Caroten¢ides; (l)somente o ¡ndice PSSR foi um bom estimador da concentra‡Æo de pigmentos nas plantas, em n¡vel de dossel, sendo que este ¡ndice tamb‚m nÆo apresentou bons resultados para estimar a concentra‡Æo de Caroten¢ides. Assim, com o presente trabalho fica comprovado que ‚ poss¡vel estimar pigmentos fotossint‚ticos atrav‚s de Sensoriamento Remoto Hiperespectral em n¡vel de dossel, atrav‚s dos ¡ndices avaliados e de outros que podem ser gerados. Trabalhos devem ser realizados com o prop¢sito de se avaliar estes e outros ¡ndices em n¡vel de dossel, tanto em laborat¢rio como em condi‡äes de campo, usando espectroradi“metros e imagens hiperespectrais a fim de se verificar a eficiˆncia destes para futuras utiliza‡äes agr¡colas. ABSTRACT:Photosynthetic pigments are essential for plant development, because they are responsible for the incident solar energy absorption used in photosynthesis. Individually quantifying these pigments in great extensions of agricultural crops has been made possible by hyperspectral remote sensing development and these information can be used to produce a more accurate vegetation physiologic state determination, species discrimination and productivity estimation. Pigments concentration can be determined through the use of reflectance indices which utilize narrow spectral bands in sum, reason or multiplication forms. The present work intends to establish the basis in hyperspectral remote sensing area and its relationships with agricultural cultures, supposing that with the usage of high spectral resolution remote sensing and taking into account the spectrally different soil influences it is possible to estimate photosynthetic pigment content in agricultural vegetable canopies. The present work also suggests the existence of important relations between spectral reflectance and the agricultural culture agronomic parameters with the following main objectives: (a)evaluation of spectral response by means of spectral indices: R750/R700, R750/R550, Ratio Analysis of Reflectance Spectra (RARS), Pigment Specific Simple Ratio (PSSR)e Pigment Specific Normalized Difference (PSND)and soybean culture vegetable components relationships; and (b)analysis of two spectrally different soils influence in soybean culture spectral behavior. Experimental methods, in vegetation house conditions, were used to verify basic assumptions and along its phenologic cycle the soybean culture [Glycine max (L.), Merril]was monitored with high resolution spectroradiometer. So considering the methods and the performed analysis it is possible to state some conclusions and recomendations taking into account that (a)although cultivated in vegetation house conditions the soybean plants grew as expected presenting dry matter accumulation and production due to an enough and efficient assimilatory system; (b)during the soybean canopy phenological cycle no soil influence was observed in the spectral response even using two specttral kinds of soils: the first one with low relfectance characteristic and the second one with high reflectance characteristic; (c)typical vegetation spectral response and relationships between these responses and pigment concentration started from V3 phenologic phase confirming these relations worth for further determinations of phenologic stage and characteristics like vigor, sanity and productivity from spectral images; (d)the greater reflectance of all collected spectra was found to be in the near infrared region around 740nm; e)the red edge position was determined around 700 nm; f)spectra characteristic curves changed according to soybean culture development phase and at initial and final phases a background soil influence was observed; (g)a significant relation between pigment content, the minimum red reflectance (Vmin)and the inflexion point (PI)was observed and it was also noted that the greater the Chlorophyll a concentration the lower the Vmin and the greater the PI the lower the total chlorophyll; (h)R750/R550 and R750/R700 ratios are important indices for Chlorophyll a and total chlorophyll determination and very effective when compared with NDVI (one of the vegetation remote sensing most used wide band indices); (i)RARS, PSND and PSSR narrow band indices analysis showed that PSSR is the better one for Chlorophyll a and b and Carotenoids determination; (j)when using the whole phenological cycle data the RARS indice is not efficient although it leads to good results when used in small parts of the cycle like the vegetative or the reproductive ones. This indice is also not efficient for Chlorophyll a and b and Carotonoids determination; (k)there is a relationship between PSND indice and chlorophyll a and b and no relationship between this indice and Carotenoids content; (l)At canopy level a reliable plant pigment content prediction can only be achieved from PSSR indice although this indice is not efficient for Carotenoids content determination.. So with this work it can be stated that photosynthetic pigment content measurements at canopy level can be performed by hyperspectral remote sensing in a reliable way through evaluated indices and others that can be generated and further studies should be carried out with these and other indices with evaluating purposes at canopy level either in laboratory as in field conditions using spectroradio 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9956 1: SID/SCD 2: 8976 3: INPE-8976-TDI/810 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Moura, Marcelo Lima de 18: Minimiza‡Æo dos efeitos da fuma‡a sobre o c lculo do NDVI 19: Reduction of smoke effects on NDVI determination 20: 121 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Jos‚ Carlos Neves Epihanio; Lˆnio Soares GalvÆo (orientador); Fl vio Jorge Ponzoni; Edson Eyji Sano 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: abr. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: ¡ndice de vegeta‡Æo da diferen‡a normalizada 87: fuma‡a 87: NDVI 87: cerrado 87: espectr“metro aerotransportado no vis¡vel e infravermelho 87: AVIRIS 87: reflectƒncia 88: smoke 88: normalized difference vegetation index 88: savanas 88: airbone visible infrared imaging spectrometer 88: reflectance 88: vegetation 83: Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir os efeitos da fuma‡a e o uso de rela‡äes emp¡ricas entre as bandas do vermelho (V)e infravermelho m‚dio (IVM)para a minimiza‡Æo desses efeitos sobre o c lculo de ¡ndices de vegeta‡Æo ( IVs). Para tal prop¢sito, uma pequena "s‚rie temporal", composta por imagens do sensor Airborne Visible / Infrared Spectroradiometer (AVIRIS)adquiridas em trˆs datas distintas (25/08/95, 27/08/95 e 01/09195)sobre uma  rea /de estudo situada pr¢xima … cidade de Cuiab  (MT)foi analisada. A detec‡Æo das mudan‡as ocorridas na  rea durante o per¡odo de aquisi‡Æo de dados, especialmente aquelas decorrentes do fogo/fuma‡a, foi caracterizada atrav‚s de um modelo de mistura espectral. Os efeitos da fuma‡a sobre os componentes das cenas AVIRIS foram analisados tendo como base os resultados obtidos pelo modelo de mistura espectral. Espectros de reflectƒncia representativos de solo, campo limpo, campo sujo, cerrado e mata de galeria foram extra¡dos da imagem do dia 25 de agosto, em por‡äes da cena livres da influˆncia de fuma‡a, para identificar a banda do VIM que melhor estimasse a banda do V. Os resultados mostraram que: a)a imagem-fra‡Æo vegeta‡Æo nÆo fotossinteticamente ativa (VNFA)do modelo de mistura espectral foi a que melhor real‡ou as mudan‡as causadas pelas queimadas no per¡odo de estudo; b)os efeitos da fuma‡a sÆo mais fortes na faixa do vis¡vel (VIS), diminuem bruscamente no IVP e sÆo praticamente desprez¡veis no IVM. A magnitude destes efeitos ‚ dependente do tipo de alvo, embora a causa de tal dependˆncia precise ser mais bem avaliada; c)a reflectƒncia da banda do V, sens¡vel aos efeitos da fuma‡a, pode ser estimada a partir da resposta do IVM posicionada em 2100 nm, que nÆo ‚ afetada por tais efeitos; d)usando esta estimativa, a corre‡Æo atmosf‚rica dos efeitos espectrais da fuma‡a sobre o ¡ndice de vegeta‡Æo da diferen‡a normalizada (NDVI - normalized difference, vegetation index)‚ adequada para as superf¡cies com vegeta‡Æo. Para alvos em que a rela‡Æo de covariƒncia positiva da banda do V e do IVM nÆo ‚ observada, como a  gua e as queimadas, resultados discrepantes podem ser obtidos para o NDVI ap¢s a corre‡Æo dos efeitos de fuma‡a. ABSTRACT:The objective of this dissertation is to discuss the effects of the smoke and the use of empirical relationships between the red (R)and mid-infrared (Mid-IR)for reduction of such effects on the vegetation index (VI)determination. For this purpose, a short temporal set of images from the Airborne Visible/infrared Spectroradiometer (AVIRIS)acquired in three distinct dates (25/08/95, 27/08/95 and 01/09/95), over an area of study located near the city of Cuiab  (MT), was analyzed. To detect the changes occurred in the area during the data acquisition period, specially those caused by the fire/smoke, a spectral mixture model was applied over the data. The effects of the smoke on the AVIRIS scene components were analyzed based on the results obtained by the spectral mixture model. Representative reflectance spectra of soil and savanna vegetation types were extracted from the image of August 25, 1995, in portions of the scene free of smoke to identify the Mid-IR band that better estimated the R band. The results showed that: a)the nonphotosynthetic vegetation (NPV)fraction image was the best product to enhance changes caused by fires in the period of study; b)the smoke effects are stronger in the visible region, decrease abruptly in the near-IR, and are practically negligible in the mid-IR. The magnitude of these effects is target dependent, although the causes of this dependence need to be better evaluated; c)the R reflectance, sensible to the smoke effects, can be estimated from the reflectance of the mid-IR band positioned at 2100 nm, which is not affected by the smoke effects; d)using this estimate, the atmospheric correction of the smoke effects on the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)is adequate for the vegetation surfaces. For targets in which the relationship of the positive covariance between the R and Mid-IR bands is not observed, such as water and burned areas, discrepant results can be obtained from the NDVI after correction of the smoke effects 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9985 1: SID/SCD 2: 8975 3: INPE-8975-RPQ/731 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Moreira, Maur¡cio Alves 16: Angulo Filho, Rubens 16: Rudorff, Bernanrdo Friedrich Theodor 18: Radiometria de campo em trigo submetido a estresse hidr¡co em diferentes est dios do desenvolvimento 19: Radiation use efficiency and harvest index in wheat crop under drough stress in different growth stages 20: 87 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: RPQ 76: AGRONOMIA 87: trigo 87: radia‡Æo 87: radiometria 87: estresse h¡drico 87: ¡ndice de colheita 88: drought stress 88: havest index 88: wheat 88: radiation 82: 83: Durante a safra de inverno de 1995 conduziu-se um experimento de campo, na Fazenda AreÆo da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz,', em Piracicaba, SP, para analisar a eficiˆncia do uso da radia‡Æo (E)e o ¡ndice de colheita (IC)do cultivar de trigo IAC-287 'YACO', quando submetido ao estresse h¡drico em diferentes est dios de desenvolvimento da cultura. 0 delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso com cinco tratamentos e trˆs repeti‡äes. 0 estresse h¡drico foi aplicado nas fases de perfilhamento, espigamento, enchimento de grÆos e matura‡Æo. A eficiˆncia do uso da radia‡Æo para produ‡Æo de fitomassa foi reduzida em 22,8 e 15,4 porcento em rela‡Æo … testemunha, quando o estresse h¡drico foi aplicado durante as fases de perfilhamento e de enchimento de grÆos, respectivamente. 0 estresse h¡drico, quando aplicado durante as fases de perfilhamento, espigamento e enchimento de grÆos, reduziu a eficiˆncia do uso da radia‡Æo para a produ‡Æo de grÆos (EG)em 2 1, 1; 22,2 e 22,2 porcento, respectivamente, em rela‡Æo … testemunha. Com rela‡Æo ao IC, o efeito do estresse h¡drico foi maior quando aplicado durante o enchimento de grÆos, cuja redu‡Æo em rela‡Æo … testemunha foi de 19,1 porcento. Entretanto, observou-se, tamb‚m, uma redu‡Æo em menor intensidade do IC em rela‡Æo … testemunha, quando o estresse h¡drico foi aplicado nas fases de espigamento (7,5 porcento, p < 0,05)e de matura‡Æo (7,9 pocento, p < 0,05). ABSTRACT: During the winter season of 1995 a field experiment was conducted at the AreÆo Farm, College of Agriculture (ESALQ/USP)at Piracicaba, SÆo Paulo State, to analiser the radiation use efficience (E)and harvest index (HI)of the wheat cultivar IAC-287 'YACO' when the drought stress was applied in different growth stage. The experiment was a randomized complete block desing with five treatments and three replicates. The drought stress was applied during the tillering stage, during the booting stage, during the grain fill and during ripening. The use efficiency for fitomass production (EF)was reducted in 22.8 and 15.4 percent when the drought stress was applied during tillering stage and booting stage, respectively, of control. The drought stresse, when applied during tillering stage, booting stage and grain fill stage reducted the grain production in 2 1. 1; 21.2 and 22.1 percent, respectively, of control. When the drought stresse was applied during grain fill stage reducted the HI in 19.1 percent of control and, the In was also significantly reduced when compared to control during booting stage (7.5 percent, p < 0.05)and ripening stage (7.9 per cent, p < 0.05) 83: 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9986 1: SID/SCD 2: 8974 3: INPE-8974-NTC/315 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Formaggio, Ant“nio Roberto 16: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 16: Novo, Evlyn M rcia LeÆo de Moraes 16: Ponzoni, Fl vio Jorge 16: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 16: Fonseca, Leila Maria Garcia 16: GalvÆo, Lˆnio Soares 16: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Ant“nio 16: Mantovani, Jos‚ Eduardo 16: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 18: ComissÆo de revisÆo do report of the joint working groups of CBERS 34 de novembro de 2001 20: 10 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: NTC 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: CARGA éTIL 87: CBERS 3 87: CBERS 4 87: Programa Sino Brasileiro de Recursos Terrestres 87: Programa de Coopera‡Æo Brassil China 87: Programa Espacial Brasileiro 87: mudan‡as globais 83: Este documento apresenta os resultados preliminares das a‡äes tomadas pela Coordenadoria de Observa‡Æo da Teria (COBT)no sentido de propor altera‡äes nos instrumentos que farÆo parte da carga £til da MissÆo CBERS3-4. Para isso a COBT instituiu uma ComissÆo de RevisÆo composta por diversos representantes das diferentes  reas de aplica‡Æo e de processamento de dados. Os membros desta ComissÆo tiveram acesso Work Report of the.Joint Working Groups of CBERS 34 de Novembro de 2001 (ttp://, preparado por um grupo de trabalho com representantes da China e do Brasil por solicita‡Æo da CNSA e AEB, respectivamente. Nesse processo de revisÆo da proposta original contida no Documento mencionado, a ComissÆo respons ve, ap¢s ampla discussÆo adotou algumas premissas b sicas para as altera‡äes propostas: 1)Atender … necessidade de cobertura global; 2)Focalizar, prioritariamente, as necessidades de informa‡äes sobre o territ¢rio brasileiro que nÆo se encontrem contempladas por outras fontes de dados de sensoriamento remoto em opera‡Æo e planejadas para a d‚cada; 3)Priorizar a resolu‡Æo temporal oferecida pelo sensor WFI. Esta prioridade deve preceder a outros requisitos, uma vez que, os objetivos de monitoramento da produ‡Æo agr¡cola e da cobertura vegetal demandam a aquisi‡Æo mensal de dados sem cobertura de nuvens, s¢ realiz vel com revisita inferior a 5 dias. 4)Apresentar car ter complementar aos dos dados adquiridos pela China, para que nÆo houvesse redundƒncia de informa‡äes. 5)Representar um desafio tecnol¢gico de modo a incorporar as inova‡äes no campo da engenharia, e no tratamento e extra‡Æo de informa‡äes (an lises temporais de dados espaciais). 6)Minimizar impactos das altera‡äes propostas nos demais subsisternas (taxa de transmissÆo de dados, por exemplo). 7)Concentrar as altera‡äes nos equipamentos de responsabilidade brasileira, uma vez que isso, em princ¡pio, facilitaria a negocia‡Æo com a CNSA 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 9987 1: SID/SCD 2: 8971 3: INPE-8971-NTC/349 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Adami, Marcos 16: Pinheiro, Eduardo da Silva 16: Moreira, Maur¡cio Alves 18: Aplica‡Æo de diferentes algoritmos para a classifica‡Æo de imagens ETM+/Landsat-7 no mapeamento agr¡cola 19: Application of several algorithms for classification of ETM+/Landsat 7 images for agricultural mapping 20: 41 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: NTC 76: AGRONOMIA 87: classifica‡Æo de imagens 87: algoritmos 87: agricultura 87: NDVI 87: ¡ndice de vegeta‡Æo da diferen‡a normalizada 87: modelo 87: mistura 87: mapeador tem tico de realce (Landsat) 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 88: mixtures 88: models 88: Landsat 7 88: agriculture 88: image classification 82: 83: Atualmente, o grande volume de dados coletados por sat‚lites de recursos naturais e o desenvolvimento da inform tica, tˆm estimulado o aparecimento de muitas t‚cnicas para o processamento de imagens digitais. 0 presente trabalho, procura analisar o desempenho de alguns algoritmos para a classifica‡Æo de imagens do sensor ETM+ /Landsat-7, visando mapear o uso e cobertura do solo em trˆs munic¡pios do Estado do Paran  (Le¢polis, Rancho Alegre, Sertaneja). Este mapeamento buscou discernir as classes: agricultura, solo exposto, pastagem, mata e corpos d' gua. Al‚m das imagens originais, tamb‚m foram testadas as transforma‡äes NDVI, Principais Componentes e Modelo Linear de Mistura Espectral para verificar se ocasionariam melhoras nas classifica‡äes. Os classificadores utilizados foram K-m‚dias, Isoseg, M xima Verossimilhan‡a, Distƒncia de Mahalanobis e Distƒncia Bhattacharyya. Para avaliar a exatidÆo de mapeamento utilizou-se matriz de confusÆo e o coeficiente Kappa. Foi considerada como verdade terrestre a combina‡Æo de duas classifica‡äes visuais, padronizadas por um algoritmo LEGAL/SPRING. Concluiu-se que os melhores desempenhos de classifica‡Æo foram obtidos pelo classificador Isoseg e Bhattacharyya, quando aplicados nos dados originais do ETM+ das bandas 3, 4 e 5. ABSTRACT: Nowadays, the huge amount of data acquired by earth observation satellites and the development of computer technology have stimulated the appearance of several digital image processing techniques. In the present work it was analyzed the performance of five classification algorithms on Landsat-7 images in order to identify and map soil use and coverage in three municipalities (Le¢polis, Rancho Alegre, Sertaneja)in the State of Parand, Brazil. For the mapping phase it was selected me following classes: agricultural land, bare soil, grassland, woodland and water bodies. Original ETM/Landsat-7 images were transformed into NDVI, Principal Components Method and Linear Spectral Mixture Model in order to verify influence of each algorithm on the classification results. The following classification algorithms were used: K-Medias, Isoseg, Maximum Likelihood, Mahalanobis Distance and Bhattacharyya Distance. Ground reference data were obtained from visual classification performed by two photointerpreters. These visual classification were, Aerwards, standardized by LEGAl/SPRING algoritbm in order to generate the error matrix and Kappa coefficient. The best classification performances were obtained through Isoseg and Bhattacharyya classifiers when they were directly applied to ETM+ original data bands 3, 4 and 5 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9988 1: SID/SCD 2: 9009 3: INPE-9009-PRE/4687 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, Frederico T. 10: Egenhofer, Max J. 10: Davis, C. 10: Camara, Gilberto 12: Semantic granularity in ontology-driven geographic information systms 14: 121-151 30: Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 31: 36 32: 1-2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: Sep. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: modelo 87: ontologia 87: informa‡Æo espacial 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: semantica 87: SGI 88: geographic information systems 88: GIS 88: semantics 88: spatial information 88: models 83: The integration of information of different kinds, such as spatial and alphanumeric at different levels of detail, is a challenge. While a solution is not reached, it is widely recognized that the need to integrate information is so pressing that it does not matter if detail is lost, as long as integration is achieved. This paper shows the potential for information retrieval at different levels of granularity inside the framework of information systems based on ontologies. Ontologies are theories that use a specific vocabulary to describe entities, classes, properties and functions related to a certain view of the world. The use of an ontology, translated into an active information system component, leads to ontology-driven information systems and, in the specific case of GIS, leads to what we call ontology-driven geographic information systems. 91: FDB-20020511 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9990 1: SID/SCD 2: 9011 3: INPE-9011-PRE/4689 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Alves, Diogenes Salas 12: Space-time dynamics of deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia 14: 2903-2908 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 23 32: 14 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: July <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: desmatamento 87: desflorestamento 87: impacto ambiental 88: deflorestation 88: environmental impact 82: 83: Deforestation maps derived from Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS)and Thematic Mapper (TM)imagery were used to analyse spatial patterns of deforestation in the 1970s and the 1991-1997 period in Brazilian Legal Amazonia. Nearly 90 percent of the deforestation has occurred within 100 km from major roads established under federal development programmes. Clearings larger than 50 ha and 200 ha accounted, respectively, for 74 percent and 50 percent of the total deforestation in the 1991-1997 period. Results show that more intense deforestation has been concentrated over some regions, leading to the continuous enlargement of forest clearings and contributing to aggravate deforestation impacts in such areas of the total deforestation in the 1991-1997 period. Results show that more intense deforestation has been concentrated over some regions, leading to the continuous enlargement of forest clearings and contributing to aggravate deforestation impacts in such areas 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9991 1: SID/SCD 2: 9012 3: INPE-9012-PRE/4690 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Assireu, Arcilan Trevenzoli 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Vijaykumar, Nandamudi Lankalapalli 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 10: Rempel, Erico Luiz 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: Abreu, Leonardo Deane de Abreu 10: Bolzan, Mauricio Jos‚ Alves 10: Zanandrea, Ademilson 12: Gradiente pattern analysis of short nonstationary time series: an application to lagrangian data from satellite tracked drifters 14: 397-403 30: Physical D: Nonlinear Phenomena 31: 168-169 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 58: LAC 58: LMO 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: turbulencia 87: an lise de series temporais 88: turbulence 88: nonlinear phemena 88: Lagrangian functions 88: Time series analysis 83: Based on the gradient pattern analysis (GPA)technique we introduce a new methodology for analyzing short nonstationary time series. Using the asymmetric amplitude fragmentation (AAF)operator from GPA we analyze Lagrangian data observed as velocity time series for ocean flow. The results show that quasi-periodic, chaotic and turbulent regimes can be well characterized by means of this new geometrical approach. 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9993 1: SID/SCD 2: 9015 3: INPE-9015-PRE/4692 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Souza Filho, Pedro Walfir Martins 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 12: Recognition of the main geobotanical features along the Brangan‡a mangrove coast (Brazilian Amazon regions)from Landsat TM and Radarsat-1 data 14: 123-132 30: Wetlands Ecology and Management 31: 10 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOLOGIA 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: uso da terra 87: imagens Landsat 88: coastal mapping 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: land use 88: multisensor data integration 88: RADARSAT 1 88: wetlands 88: Landsat imagery 82: 83: Orbital remote sensing data were assessed for mapping of the main geomorphological and vegetation units of the Bragan‡a peninsula (North Brazil), which belongs to a vast though sparsely mapped mangrove coast. Wide wetland environments characterize the region with extreme variations in extension, temporal evolution, and spatial complexity. This work was based on different digital processing techniques separately applied to Landsat TM and RADARSAT-1 images. In addition, both data were merged on a pixel-to-pixel basis using algorithms, which rendered an enhancement of the coastal landforms and a better discrimination of wetlands and landform types. The interpretation of the integrated product, aided by field validation, made it possible to significantly extend existing mapping. Nineteen geobotanical units were identified: estuarine channels, submerged sand banks, sandflats, old estuarine sandbanks, mudflats, ebb-tidal deltas, barrier-beach ridges, coastal dunes, chenier sand ridges, young intertidal mangroves, intertidal and supratidal mangroves, outer and inner marshes, fluvial flood plains, coastal plateau, degraded and regenerated mangroves, and an artificial lagoon. The digital integration of Fine RADARSAT-1 and Landsat TM data sensitively highlighted geobotanical coastal features, providing a useful tool for a synoptic analysis of their natural and man-driven changes 91: FDB-20020616 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9994 1: SID/SCD 2: 9016 3: INPE-9016-PRE/4693 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Luiz, Alfredo Jos‚ Barreto 10: Oliveira, J£lio C‚sar de 10: Epiphanio, Jos‚ Carlos Neves 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 12: Aux¡lio das imagens de sat‚lite nos levantamento por amostragem em agricultura 14: 41-54 30: Agricultura em SÆo Paulo 31: 49 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: estat¡stica 87: agricultura 87: amostragem 88: agriculture 88: statistics 88: sampling 82: 83: Levantamentos agr¡colas por amostragem sÆo atividades necessariamente freqentes no tempo, devido … dinƒmica e sazonalidade pr¢prias da agricultura, e que precisam ser realizados sobre extensas  reas. O costumeiro compromisso entre os custos dos levantamentos e a precisÆo e confiabilidade dos dados estabelecem um desafio para que novas t‚cnicas sejam desenvolvidas no sentido de permitir uma diminui‡Æo dos custos sem comprometimento da qualidade da informa‡Æo. O aux¡lio de fotografias a‚reas na localiza‡Æo, identifica‡Æo e quantifica‡Æo das  reas de talhäes agr¡colas, utilizado no passado, tem um custo proibitivo no que diz respeito … atualiza‡Æo constante do material de referˆncia. As imagens de sat‚lite, com um custo muito menor por unidade de  rea monitorada e uma resolu‡Æo temporal muito mais alta do que a dos levantamentos aerofotogram‚tricos, sÆo uma op‡Æo t‚cnica e economicamente vi vel.  apresentado um m‚todo de preparo e utiliza‡Æo de material de campo e ‚ descrita a realiza‡Æo de um levantamento em trˆs munic¡pios do Estado de SÆo Paulo 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9995 1: SID/SCD 2: 9017 3: INPE-9017-PRE/4694 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Camara, Gilberto 10: Monteiro, Ant“nio Miguel Vieira 12: geocomputation tecnhniques for spatial analysis is it the case for heath data sets 14: 1059-1081 30: Cadernos de Sa£de P£blica 31: 17 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: set./out. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 88: Geographical information systems 88: Spatial databases 88: Geographical data models. 83: Geocomputation is an emerging field of research, which advocates the use of computational-intensive techniques such as neural networks, heuristic search and cellular automata for spatial data analysis. Since an increasing quantity of health-related data is collected in a geographical frame of reference, geocomputational methods show increasing potential for health data analysis. This paper presents a brief survey of the geocomputational field, including some typical applications and references for further reading. 91: FDB-20010916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10003 1: SID/SCD 2: 9025 3: INPE-9025-PRE/4702 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: ARC/INFO e o futuro do GIS 30: InfoGeo 31: 10 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: nov.-dez. <2000> 68: PRE 83: De uma coisa podemos ter certeza: especula‡äes sobre o futuro sÆo tÆo necess riasquanto fadadas a erros garrafais. No entanto, ‚ imposs¡vel nÆo resistir … tenta‡Æo de analisar a intrigante entrevista de David Maguire (um dos "gurus" do Geoprocessamento e atualmente diretor de novas tecnologias da ESRI), publicada neste n£mero da InfoGeo InfoGeo. As opiniäes de Maguire, combinadas com o an£ncio do ARC/INFO-8, sinalizam um conjunto substancial de mudan‡as num dos SIGs mais populares do mercado. 91: FDB-20020917 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10004 1: SID/SCD 2: 9027 3: INPE-9027-PRE/4704 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: O Napstar e a geoinforma‡Æo 14: 40-41 30: InfoGeo 31: 18 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: mar.-abr. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 83: Na condi‡Æo de pai de internauta adolescente, tenho acompanhado com aten‡Æo a luta judicial entre o software Napster e as empresas de m£sica americanas. Caso o leitor nÆo esteja ainda familiarizado, lembro que o Napster ‚ um software simples, mas genial, que permite o intercƒmbio de arquivos MP3. Ao iniciar, o Napster faz uma varredura em  reas previamente definidas do micro em busca de arquivos MP3, envia uma lista com o resultado a um servidor central e em seguida, permite a busca e o acesso a todos os dados MP3 dos demais computadores conectados ao sistema (veja Figura 1). Para garantir a reciprocidade, os arquivos do micro registrados no servidor tamb‚m estÆo dispon¡veis para todos. O servi‡o funciona melhor do que deveria: na £ltima vez que executei o Napster, haviam mais de 200 mil arquivos on-line com cerca de 6.000 usu rios. Como resultado, meu disco r¡gido est  completamente cheio de m£sicas, que variam do rapper Eminen (argh!)at‚ o inimit vel JoÆo Gilberto (yes!) 91: FDB-20010917 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10005 1: SID/SCD 2: 9028 3: INPE-9028-PRE/4705 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Bertha becker e o futuro das geotecnologias 14: 34-35 30: InfoGeo 32: 19 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: maio-jun. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: geotecnologias 83: Bertha Becker ‚ certamente uma das personalidades mais fascinantes da Geografia brasileira. Ao longo de seus anos de dedica‡Æo a pensar o Brasil, Bertha produziu alguns dos mais importantes estudos sobre nosso Pa¡s, com a Amaz“nia como foco privilegiado. Conviver com Bertha ‚ um destes privil‚gios que tornam a vida menos mon¢tona, seja ao assistir suas agrad veis palestras ou tomando um bom u¡sque numa mesa de bar (single malt, por favor).  como ouvir um bom disco de Piazolla. A vivacidade de seus argumentos desconcerta qualquer marmanjo que acha que, por saber definir um modelo de dados no SPRING, sabe tamb‚m representar o mundo num computador. Lembrei-me de Bertha imediatamente ap¢s ser convidado para proferir a palestra "O Que Esperar da Tecnologia GIS para a Pr¢xima D‚cada", no Congresso GeoBrasil 2001. Pode parecer uma estranha associa‡Æo, de vez que ela, apesar de entusiasta das geotecnologias, jamais ir  converter arquivos SHP para MIF. Mas a leitura de Bertha ‚ uma referˆncia justamente por estar seu discurso al‚m das atuais capacidades das geotecnologias, e colocar em questÆo os instrumentos que utilizamos 91: FDB-20010917 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10006 1: SID/SCD 2: 9026 3: INPE-9026-PRE/4703 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: O geoprocessamento e o futuro da Amaz“nia 30: InfoGeo 32: 17 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: jan.-fev. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: desmatamento 87: estradas 87: programa Avan‡a Brasil 82: 83:  sempre estimulante quando o ramo de conhecimento em que trabalhamos aparece com destaque na imprensa, mas muitas vezes este encorajamento deve ser temperado com um pouco de cautela. Refiro-me … polˆmica provocada pelo artigo "The Future of the Brazilian Amazon", publicado na prestigiosa revista "Science" por um grupo de pesquisadores brasileiros e americanos, liderados por William Laurance, do Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (Panam )e do INPA (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amaz“nia), de Manaus. O artigo realiza um exerc¡cio de simula‡Æo, num ambiente de Geoprocessamento, sobre a expansÆo do desmatamento que poder  ser causada pelas estradas e demais projetos de infra-estrutura previstos no programa Avan‡a Brasil, patrocinado pelo Governo Federal. Este programa prevˆ a constru‡Æo ou recupera‡Æo de vias de transporte na regiÆo, como a restaura‡Æo das estradas Cuiab -Santar‚m e Manaus-Porto Velho e da constru‡Æo da hidrovia do Rio Madeira, al‚m do estabelecimento de sa¡das para o Norte - via Rio Branco (RR)e Oiapoque (AP)- e para o Pac¡fico (via Cruzeiro do Sul, AC) 91: FDB-20010917 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10007 1: SID/SCD 2: 9029 3: INPE-9029-PRE/4706 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Geometrias nÆo sÆo geografias: o legado de Milton santos 14: 34-35 30: InfoGeo 32: 20 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: jul.-ago. <2001> 68: PRE 83: "O territ¢rio ‚ o dado essencial da condi‡Æo da vida cotidiana". Assim falava o ge¢grafo e pensador Milton Santos, recentemente falecido. Neste artigo, examinaremos algumas de suas reflexäes, fundamentais para estabelecer as bases da Ciˆncia e Engenharia da Geoinforma‡Æo. Esperamos que o texto motive os leitores a conhecer melhor Milton Santos, de quem recomendamos A Natureza do Espa‡o (ed. Hucitec, 1996)e Por uma nova Globaliza‡Æo (ed. Record, 2000) 91: FDB-20010917 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10008 1: SID/SCD 2: 9030 3: INPE-9030-PRE/4707 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Das coisas certas e incertas 14: 34-36 30: InfoGeo 31: 21 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: nov.-dez. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 83: O inventor e pol¡tico americano Benjamin Franklin costumava dizer que na vida s¢ existem duas coisas certas: a morte e os impostos. Tivesse vivido no Brasil e chegasse a conhecer certos senadores e dirigentes de clubes de futebol, reduziria suas certezas quanto aos impostos. Mas Ben Franklin estava no caminho certo: esta vida ‚ mesmo incerta e por boas razäes. Basta considerar nossa realidade e pensar no mundo que nos cerca. Os quasares, placas tect“nicas, luas, baratas, bact‚rias e  tomos de hidrogˆnio do universo tem o direito … sua pr¢pria existˆncia, de forma independente de nossa consciˆncia. Como conhecer o mundo, senÆo atrav‚s de nossos sentidos e de nossos instrumentos? E a¡ mora o perigo: qualquer instrumento de medida, seja ele um olho humano, um aparelho GPS ou um sensor de imageamento a bordo de sat‚lite, tem suas limita‡äes. Pior ainda: nossos sensores apenas nos fornecem amostras incompletas dos fen“menos da natureza, e temos que apelar para nossa imagina‡Æo, ou melhor, para nossa capacidade de construir modelos abstratos de como o mundo funciona 91: FDB-20010917 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10009 1: SID/SCD 2: 9031 3: INPE-9031-PRE/4708 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Os gatos de Paris, a Argentina e a boa geogovernan‡a 30: InfoGeo 32: 22 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: fev.-mar. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: ZEE 87: zoneamento ecol¢gico-econ“mico 87: ordenamento territorial 88: regional planning 88: ecological and economical zoning 83: Na Paris do s‚culo XVI, um dos grandes prazeres das festividades do dia de SÆo JoÆo (24 de junho)consistia em queimar vivos uma ou duas d£zias de gatos. A popula‡Æo se reunia, m£sica solene era tocada e, sob uma esp‚cie de forca, erguia-se uma pira enorme. Em seguida, um saco contendo os gatos era pendurado na forca. O saco come‡ava a queimar, os gatos ca¡am na pira e queimavam at‚ a morte, enquanto a multidÆo se regozijava em meio a enorme algazarra. Geralmente, o rei e a rainha compareciam e concedia-se ao rei a honra de acender a pira. Esta hist¢ria foi extra¡da do livro O processo civilizador, cl ssico da sociologia, onde Norbert Elias apresenta discussäes saborosas sobre a evolu‡Æo dos costumes; ele nos mostra como, a partir de aspectos aparentemente simples como a evolu‡Æo do uso do garfo … mesa, pode-se tra‡ar um hist¢rico da civiliza‡Æo. O que h  de tÆo singular na hist¢ria dos gatos de Paris? Trata-se de um momento fundamental na evolu‡Æo da humanidade, quando a agressividade e a violˆncia medievais, decorrentes de uma sociedade desagregada, estÆo em processo de ser substitu¡das por um Estado organizado. Como se sabe, o grande avan‡o civilizador na forma‡Æo do Estado moderno decorre do fato da sociedade transferir para um poder centralizado alguns direitos originalmente individuais: a for‡a, a lei, os impostos e a gestÆo do territ¢rio. A cerim“nia de queima dos gatos, repugnante … consciˆncia moderna, ‚ representativa do processo de ritualiza‡Æo da violˆncia, no qual a catarse organizada e o respeito …s institui‡äes ajudam a controlar nossos instintos. Na hist¢ria da humanidade, as na‡äes que alcan‡aram mais alto grau de civiliza‡Æo sÆo aquelas em que o Estado est  organizado de maneira adequada para coletar impostos e distribuir dividendos, produzir leis justas e garantir seguran‡a a seus cidadÆos. Infelizmente, nos anos recentes, temos v rios exemplos de colapso de sociedades organizadas, como na Argentina. Embora os argentinos possuam elevado grau de educa‡Æo e forte consciˆncia c¡vica, suas institui‡äes p£blicas atravessam s‚ria crise, com redu‡Æo do poder regulador do Estado e conseqente caos social. Esperamos que esta situa‡Æo seja passageira e que nossos amigos argentinos em breve recomponham sua bela p tria. Aqui, o leitor pode perguntar: o que os gatos de Paris e a Argentina tem a ver com geoinforma‡Æo? Ora, um dos monop¢lios cruciais dos Estados modernos ‚ justamente o direito soberano de gerir seu territ¢rio, que inclui o poder concedente do uso do solo, subsolo e servi‡os p£blicos, e o mandato para ordenar a ocupa‡Æo do espa‡o. NÆo preciso repetir neste espa‡o o quanto a tecnologia de geoinforma‡Æo ‚ fundamental para um pa¡s se quer desenvolvido e o quanto sua eficiente aplica‡Æo pelas institui‡äes p£blicas ‚ uma marca de governos eficientes 91: FDB-20020617 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10010 1: SID/SCD 2: 9032 3: INPE-9032-PRE/4709 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Crime e castigo: o papel das geotecnologias 30: InfoGeo 32: 23 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: mar.-maio <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: criminalidade 87: tecnologias 87: seguran‡a p£blica 88: crime 88: security 88: techenology 88: geoprocessing 83: A explosÆo da violˆncia nas grandes cidades brasileiras tem motivado um substancial interesse no uso de tecnologias de geoinforma‡Æo. Algumas empresas do setor vˆem a questÆo da seguran‡a p£blica como uma boa oportunidade de neg¢cios, uma chance de oferecer mais um sistema integrado de alerta criminal, agora acompanhado da capacidade de mapeamento das ocorrˆncias. Isto nÆo basta e pode at‚ atrapalhar. Quando se trata de criminalidade, tais respostas simplistas nÆo vÆo muito longe. A associa‡Æo direta entre pobreza e violˆncia esbarra em casos como a Öndia, cujos crimes contra o patrim“nio sÆo muito baixos, apesar da mis‚ria que leva 2 milhäes de pessoas a morar nas ruas de Calcut . A ˆnfase em equipar a pol¡cia com a tecnologia mais recente tamb‚m falha em esclarecer como Londres, com seus bobbies sem armas, tem taxas de homic¡dio cinco vezes menores que Chicago 91: FDB-20020617 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10011 1: SID/SCD 2: 9033 3: INPE-9033-PRE/4710 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Imagens CBERS: para que e para quem? 14: 26-28 30: InfoGeo 32: 24 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: jun.-jul <2002> 68: PRE 87: imagens de sat‚lites 87: CBERS 2 87: Sat‚lite Sino-Brasileiro de Recursos Terrestres 83: As imagens de sensoriamento remoto vem se tornando ferramentas cada vez mais £teis para todos quantos lidam com o espa‡o geogr fico, a partir do lan‡amento do sat‚lite LANDSAT em 1974, que tornou operacional sua coleta sistem tica.  evidente que o impacto mais imediato das imagens ‚ sensorial, ao despertar nossa curiosidade pelo territ¢rio que ocupamos. Ap¢s s‚culos de visualiza‡Æo doespa‡o atrav‚s das abstra‡äes ritualizadas dos mapas, de repente pudemos perceber que aqueles pol¡gonos coloridos escondem uma textura rica e variegada, que as homogeneidades requeridas pela cartografia nÆo contam toda a hist¢ria, e que ademais o espa‡o est  em perp‚tua mudan‡a, transformadopelos homens e pelos elementos. Quem quiser exercitar sua percep‡Æo sobrenosso planeta pode come‡ar por uma vista ao excelente site "Visible Earth" da NASA (, ou aqui mais perto, admirar os mosaicos do Brasil dispon¡veis no INPE ( na Embrapa Monitoramento por Sat‚lite ( 91: FDB-20020617 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10012 1: SID/SCD 2: 9034 3: INPE-9034-PRE/4711 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Monteiro, Ant“nio Miguel Vieira 10: Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto de 10: Paiva, JoÆo Argemiro de Carvalho 12: TerraLib, tecnologia brasileira de geoinforma‡Æo: para quem ne para quˆ 14: 9-16 30: Inform tica P£blica 31: 4 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: SGI 87: biblioteca de software 87: Terralib 88: geographic information systems 88: GIS 83: Este artigo descreve a iniciativa do INPE para o desenvolvimento de uma nova biblioteca de software chamada TerraLib. A iniciativa TerraLib objetiva essencialmente em prover um ambiente rico e poderoso para o desenvolvimento cooperativo na  rea de sistemas de informa‡äes geoespaciais e banco de dados geogr ficos. A grande motiva‡Æo e ambi‡Æo do projeto TerraLib ‚ tornar-se o Linux no universo dos aplicativos geogr ficos, obervada a inexistˆncia de bibliotecas no mundo GIS, quer p£blicas ou propriet rias que atendam … crescente complexidade do tratamento necess rio … informa‡Æo espacial, em particular quando observamos os recentes avan‡os da ciˆncia da informa‡Æo geoespacial. TerraLib est  desenhada como uma biblioteca baseada no modelo de open source software, c¢digo aberto, permitindo a constru‡Æo de um ambiente colaborativo e seu uso para o desenvolvimento de variados aplicativos e ferramentas para o mundo geogr fico 91: FDB-20020617 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10013 1: SID/SCD 2: 9035 3: INPE-9035-PRE/4712 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Dias, Taciana de Lemos 10: Oliveira, Maria da Piedade Gomes de 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Carvalho, Marilia S  12: Problemas de escala e a rela‡Æo  rea-indiv¡duo em an lise espacial de dados censit rios 14: 89-103 30: Inform tica P£blica 31: 410 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: jun. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: dados censit rios 87: SIG 87: an lise espacial 88: geographic information systems 88: GIS 88: spatial analysis 88: census 83: Este artigo apresenta os problemas relacionados com a manipula‡Æo de dados agregados por  rea e sua interpreta‡Æo em diferentes subdivisäes de unidades de  reas. A granularidade da subdivisÆo territorial interfere nos resultados, podendo gerar conclusäes impr¢prias sobre o fen“meno estudado. Assuntos relevantes para a an lise desses dados, tais como agrega‡Æo e zoneamento, al‚m de estimativas de taxas em  reas de pequenas popula‡äes, sÆo discutidos atrav‚s de exemplos. Solu‡äes no campo da an lise espacial sÆo propostas para reduzir as distor‡äes causadas pela agrega‡Æo dos dados em  reas 91: FDB-20020617 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10014 1: SID/SCD 2: 9062 3: INPE-9062-PRE/4738 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Morais, Maria Carolina de 10: Paradella, Waldir Renato 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 12: An assessment of the discrimination of iron-mineralized laterites in the Amazon region (Caraj s Province)based on textural attributes from C-band airborne SAR data 14: 11-20 30: Asian Journal of Geoinformatics 31: 2 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 58: DPI 61: 64: Mar. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: imagens de radar 87: radar de abertura sintetica 87: SAR 87: analise de textura 88: sinthetic aperture radar 88: imagery radar 88: texture 88: imagery radar 82: 83: Imaging radar has potential for application in the tropics mainly due to the ll-weather sensing capability. This allows penetration through cloud cover, rain, haze, or smoke, and makes SAR unique in their ability to recover information under conditions when optical sensors are unable to perform. As the topography and surface roughness are highlighted, SAR textural attributes can be used for rock alteration mapping. The N1 deposit is located in the Carajas Province, Brazilian Amazon Region. The deposit is related to a plateau with a lateritic cover showing units related to iron mineralisations and to specific savanna-type vegetation. The research was based on airborne C-band data with distinct illumination geometry and polarization. The images were analyzed through textural classifications (GLCM, GLDV)aiming at the mapping of the laterites. Differences were found when the classified maps and ground truth information were compared, but textural attributes can be used for preliminary mapping (i.e., as a guide for field based verification). Textures were sensitive to the sensor and the target parameters, and surface roughness measurements were important for the evaluation of the results 91: FDB-20020617 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10015 1: SID/SCD 2: 9063 3: INPE-9063-PRE/4739 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, Frederico T. 10: Egenhofer, Max J. 10: Agouris, Peggy 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Using ontologies for integrated geographic information systems 14: 231-257 30: Transactions on GIS 31: 6 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: ontologia 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: represeta‡Æo do conhecimento 87: SGI 87: interoperabilidade 88: ontology 88: interoperability 88: geophraphic information systms 88: GIS 83: Today, there is a huge amount of data gathered about the Earth, not only from new spatial information systems, but also from new and more sophisticated data collection technologies. This scenario leads to a number of interesting research challenges, such as how to integrate geographic information of different kinds. The basic motivation of this paper is to introduce a GIS architecture that can enable geographic information integration in a seamless and flexible way based on its semantic value and regardless of its representation. The proposed solution is an ontology-driven geographic information system that acts as a system integrator. In this system, an ontology is a component, such as the database, cooperating to fulfill the system's objectives. By browsing through ontologies the users can be provided with information about the embedded knowledge of the system. Special emphasis is given to the case of Remote Sensing Systems and Geographic Information Systems. The levels of ontologies can be used to guide processes for the extraction of more general or more detailed information. The use of multiple ontologies allows the extraction of information in different stages of classification. The semantic integration of aerial images and GIS is a crucial step towards better geospatial modeling 91: FDB-20020617 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10020 1: SID/SCD 2: 9047 3: INPE-9047-PRE/4723 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vasconcelos, C.H. 10: Novo, Evlyn LeÆo de Moraes 12: Estudo da distribui‡Æo da incidˆncia de mal ria na regiÆo de Tucuru¡-OA, utilizando t‚cnicas de an lises espacial de padräes de pontos 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso da Identifica‡Æo de µgua, 6 54: mar. <2002> 56: Porto 57: Portugal 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 82: 91: FDB-20020618 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10021 1: SID/SCD 2: 9045 3: INPE-9045-PRE/4721 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 10: Elmiro, M.T. 10: Soares, B.S. 10: Mura, Jos‚ Cl udio 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 10: Araujo, Luciana Spinelli 10: Albuquerque, P.C.G. 10: Vieira, P.R. 10: Gama, F bio Furlan 12: Assessment of digital elevation models obtained in Brazilian Amazon based on P and X band airborne interferometric data 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 54: 24-28 June <2002> 56: Toronto 57: Canada 58: DPI 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 83: An airborne campaign in September of 2000 over Tapaj¢s National Forest, which is a region of Brazilian Amazon, Par  State, has acquired P and X band interferometric data over a region which comprises primary forest, secondary forest in several stages of regrowth, pasture, crop plantations, bare soil, water and other classes. The AeS-1 polarimetric system, from AeroSensing Radarsysteme GmbH, Germany, provided P band polarimetric data for two pass interferometry and X band single polarization, single pass interferometric data. During the radar mission, ground survey was carried out for target identification and collection of tri-dimensional differential GPS points. Georeferenced Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), with spatial resolution of 2.5 meters, were generated considering X and P bands interferograms. X band DEM generally shows higher altitude than the P band DEM, especially over forested areas, because the considerably higher penetration of P band towards the forest floor, while X Band DEM reflects the canopy altitude. X band DEM is called here a Digital Surface Model (DSM), because it is related mainly with the top of the land cover. The difference between the DSM and the DEM (P band)potentially gives the forest height. Actual internal height of forest was estimated, on field, in transects opened in the primary and secondary forest and compared with the DSM-DEM difference. The results showed that the DSM-DEM difference tends to underestimate the forest height under secondary forest, probably due higher volume scattering of P band emission. The DSM-DEM difference over primary forest is closely related to the average height, in the transects, standing between the global average tree height and the average height of the upper store trees of the forests transects 91: FDB-20020618 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10024 1: SID/SCD 2: 9041 3: INPE-9041-PRE/4717 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Crepani, Edison 10: Duarte, Valdete 10: Shiamabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Digital processing of Landsat-5 TM data for land use land cover regional mapping 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 83: The objective of this work is to present a methodological approach for land use land cover regional mapping, using Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing techniques. The study area, comprised between the geographic coordinates 01 o 45' and 08 o 20' South Latitude and 44 o 00' and 54 o 00' West Longitude, is covered by 17 Thematic Mapper (TM)images of Landsat satellite. This methodology consists on the generation of synthetic images (vegetation, soil and shade), through the spectral linear mixing model using the TM bands 3, 4, and 5, to enhance the contrast among targets of interest and to minimize computer processing time during the classification task. This task was performed using the image segmentation algorithm, followed by the non-supervised classification of regions and mapping the pre-defined classes of interest (thematic legend). The mapping result is finally edited by the photointerpreter with the purpose of correcting any classification errors, based on his experience and using available ancillary information (aerial photographs, maps, etc.). The proposed approach is feasible for large areas using TM or other high-resolution data, producing very reliable map, and permitting to update it at any time and to integrate it with other information in the database. composite generally formed by bands 3, 4, and 5 of the "Thematic Mapper" sensor. The resulting maps, obtained in the analogical form, needs to be available in a Geographical Information System (GIS)for wider use. For this, it is necessary to execute digitizing and/or scanning tasks of the maps obtained. This procedure becomes expensive and not adequate for future updates and/or integration with other information, due to introduced geometric errors The evolution of image processing softwares, storage capacity, and computer processing velocity, in recent years, have been motivating the development of new methodologies of digital interpretation of high and medium spatial resolution data, especially for large areas. The information obtained can then be integrated with other types of information (cartographic and field data), introduced in a geo-referenced database. However, the conventional digital analysis of Landsat TM data (30 m of spatial resolution)based on classification pixel by pixel, is 91: FDB-20020618 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10025 1: SID/SCD 2: 9039 3: INPE-9039-PRE/4715 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Martini, Paulo Roberto 10: Aulicino, C.M. 12: The CBERS image chart of Rio de Janeiro at millionth scale 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: ARCanada 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 83: The use of CBERS-WFI frames as the source of information for thematic Cartography is analyzed. The procedures to generate the Rio de Janeiro Image Chart are discussed. The internal and the positioning errors are shown. Results indicate that WFI images can be cost-effective alternatives for millionth and 500000 scale maps. The images can also anchor ecological-economic regional surveys 91: FDB-20020618 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10026 1: SID/SCD 2: 9038 3: INPE-9038-PRE/4714 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 12: Digital processing of multitemporal landsat-5 TM and JERS-1/SAR images for mapping and monitoring disturbed areas in the Amaz“nia 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: Landsat-5 87: JERS-1 87: SAR 82: 53: William T. Pecora Remote sensing Symposium, 15 54: 8-15 nov. <2002> 56: Denver 57: USA 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020919 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10033 1: SID/SCD 2: 9053 3: INPE-9053-PRE/4729 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: AragÆo, L.E. 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Williams, M 12: Influence of seasonality and land use on gross primary photoynthesis spatial-temporal dynamics at Tapaj¢s region 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 82: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: BR 58: DPI 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: Although remote sensing is a suitable tool for monitoring vast remote areas such as the Amazon floodplain, the accurate extraction of information must rely on ground validation sampling, through burdensome and expensive field campaigns. This paper proposes a methodology for planning and optimizing the acquisition of water quality parameters during field campaigns aiming the study of water circulation between Amazon River and Amazon floodplains lakes and wetlands. The objective of the approach is to settle an optimized geographic position data set spatially representative of water quality parameters revealing water circulation patterns. The first step in the study was to build a georeferenced image database consisting of seven dates of Landsat-TM/ETM+ images selected according to Amazon River water level. Each image date was then submitted to the following processing: 1)atmospheric correction 2)region growing segmentation, 3)unsupervised segmented-based classification. Each resulting class for each date was then characterized by the statistical attributes estimated from bands TM1, TM2 and TM3 of Landsat Thematic Mapper, which are the bands sensitive to water optical properties. Changes in the spatial dynamic of each class from images acquired at different water level were then mapped and the number of sampling stations and the geographic position of each station were defined analyzing the results of the previous step 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10035 1: SID/SCD 2: 9055 3: INPE-9055-PRE/4731 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Dessay, Nadine 10: aurent, H. 10: Machado, L. 10: Ronchail, J. 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Detecting deforested areas from NDVI series in Amazonia 1982-1999 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 82: 83: Although remote sensing is a suitable tool for monitoring vast remote areas such as the Amazon floodplain, the accurate extraction of information must rely on ground validation sampling, through burdensome and expensive field campaigns. This paper proposes a methodology for planning and optimizing the acquisition of water quality parameters during field campaigns aiming the study of water circulation between Amazon River and Amazon floodplains lakes and wetlands. The objective of the approach is to settle an optimized geographic position data set spatially representative of water quality parameters revealing water circulation patterns. The first step in the study was to build a georeferenced image database consisting of seven dates of Landsat-TM/ETM+ images selected according to Amazon River water level. Each image date was then submitted to the following processing: 1)atmospheric correction 2)region growing segmentation, 3)unsupervised segmented-based classification. Each resulting class for each date was then characterized by the statistical attributes estimated from bands TM1, TM2 and TM3 of Landsat Thematic Mapper, which are the bands sensitive to water optical properties. Changes in the spatial dynamic of each class from images acquired at different water level were then mapped and the number of sampling stations and the geographic position of each station were defined analyzing the results of the previous step 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10036 1: SID/SCD 2: 9056 3: INPE-9056-PRE/4732 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Huete, Alfredo 10: Ratana, Piyachat 10: Ferreira, Laerte 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Didan, Kamel 10: Miura, Tomoaki 12: A look at Amazon basin seasonal dynamics with the biophysical products from the TerraModis sensor 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 82: 83: We evaluated the initial two years of satellite biophysical products from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)over the Amazon Basin and surrounding regions of Brazil. A suite of ecological MODIS products is currently available at spatial resolutions of 250 m to 1 km and 8- and 16-day temporal time intervals. These include atmospherically-corrected surface reflectances in 7 bands in the visible, near- and shortwave infrared; two vegetation indices (VI), the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)and enhanced vegetation index (EVI); a leaf area index (LAI)and fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR)product, and net primary production (NPP). We examined the usefulness of the MODIS data in characterizing the seasonal dynamics of the Amazon Basin along primary climate-based ecological transects as well as land cover and land use intensity gradients. An ecoclimatic transect was more carefully examined along a gradient from the semiarid Brazilian cerrado to the seasonal tropical rainforests within the Amazon Basin. Multitemporal profiles of the MODIS data revealed well-defined seasonal patterns in the cerrado region with decreasing dry-wet seasonal patterns in the transitional areas near Araguaia National Park. Seasonality was observed to a small extent at the Tapajos National Forest site, however, it was unclear whether this was associated with seasonal changes in forest leaf area or temporal changes in understory vegetation. We further found MODIS VI seasonal patterns to significantly vary in land converted and land degraded areas. In comparison with AVHRR data, we found MODIS to be much more useful in characterizing the spatial and temporal dynamics of the Amazon Basin 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10037 1: SID/SCD 2: 9057 3: INPE-9057-PRE/4733 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vasconcelos, C.H. 10: Novo, Evlyn M rcia LeÆo de Moraes 10: Confalonieri, U 12: Influˆncia da precipita‡Æo do desmatamento na incidˆncia de m laria na regiÆo de Tucur¡ 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: Malaria is a complex disease that reaches million people around the world, mainly in the African continent, South America and Asia. Transmission of malaria depends on the interaction between the vector (mosquito Anopheles), the parasite (plasmodium), the hosts and the environment. The risk of malaria infection is determined by the following factors: parasite cycle within the anopheles and its survival time combined with human exposure to the vector. The life cycle of the malaria parasite and of the mosquito are directly related to many factors such as precipitation, humidity and temperature. Moreover, there are other factors contributing to the increase of disease in the entire world: parasite antimalarial drug resistance; mosquito insecticide resistance; environmental changes (deforestation, construction of dams); climatic changes; migration; population increase and lack of a organized of health system. For controlling malaria, it will be necessary the development of efficient vaccine and monitoring system. While scientists do not obtain this vaccine, however, it is necessary to prevent the infection, improving the system for to fighting the vector. The aim of this research is to study the relationship between the incidence of malaria in the Tucuru¡ dam region, Brazilian Amazon, deforestation and precipitation from 95 to 97. Deforestation data provided by PRODES-INPE, malaria incidence records from the National Foundation of Health, Para Estate and precipitation measurements provided by the National Agency of Electric Power (Aneel)are being used. The expected results is to obtain a positive correlation between deforestation rates and the incidence of malaria, because in the areas of high deforestation there is a increase in migration rates and also the increase in recent contact man-mosquito which is responsible for the spread in the infestation rates 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10038 1: SID/SCD 2: 9059 3: INPE-9059-PRE/4735 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Moreira, Jos‚ Carlos 10: Mello, Eliana Kalill 10: Barbosa, Claudio Clemente 10: Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto 10: Paiva, JoÆo Argemiro de Carvalho 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Duarte, valdete 12: Mapeamento automatizado do desflorestamento da Amaz“nia 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: GISBRASIL 54: 22-26 abr. <2002> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO EMIO AMBIENTE 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10148 1: SID/SCD 2: 9556 3: INPE-9556-TDI-832 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Verona, Jane Delane 18: Classifica‡Æo e monitoramento fenol¢gico foliar da cobertura vegetal na regiÆo da floresta Nacional do Tapaj¢s - Par , utilizando dados multitemporais do sensor "thematic mapper" (TM)do Landsat 19: Phenology foliar classification and monitoring the vegetation cover in the Tapaj¢s National Forest region Par  State, utilization multitemporal data from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)sensor 20: 159 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Vitor Celso de Carvalho; Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro (orientador); JoÆo Roberto dos Santos (orientador); Corina da Costa Freitas; Bruce Walker Nelson; Yeda Maria Malheiros de Oliveira 58: SPG 59: SER 62: INPE 64: jun. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: fenologia 87: dossel florestal 87: ¡ndice de vegeta‡Æo 87: floresta tropical 87: an lise multitemporal 87: an lise discriminante 87: classifica‡Æo de imagens 87: detec‡Æo de mudan‡a 87: modelo linear de mistura 87: Landsat 5 87: imagens Landsat 88: phenology 88: canops (vegetation) 88: vegetative index 88: linear mixture model 88: rain forest 88: multitemporal analysis 88: discriminante analysis 88: classification image 88: change detection 83: A importƒncia relativa da acur cia no mapeamento da cobertura florestal se d  na necessidade da obten‡Æo de melhoria na elabora‡Æo de planos de manejo dos recursos naturais e na determina‡Æo de  reas priorit rias para conserva‡Æo, assim como na an lise da paisagem. Outro aspecto que tem despertado cada vez mais interesse na comunidade cient¡fica diz respeito …s modelagens de ciclos biogeoqu¡micos e mudan‡as globais. Estudos relacionados especificam pesquisas de cunho ecol¢gico, por direcionarem importantes questäes a respeito de modelagens globais, monitoramento e mudan‡as clim ticas. A principal contribui‡Æo deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar a flutua‡Æo da resposta espectral ao longo de sete meses distintos, em decorrˆncia das varia‡äes clim ticas relacionadas … fenologia florestal, e, a partir disso, direcionar a escolha de imagens mais adequadas para discriminar fisionomias em  reas de floresta tropical. A  rea de estudo localiza-se na regiÆo norte da Floresta Nacional do Tapaj¢s, estado do Par . Foram utilizadas imagens multitemporais do TM/Landsat-5, correspondentes aos meses selecionados no per¡odo de maio de 1997 at‚ agosto de 1999. Inicialmente estas imagens passaram por processos de pr‚-processamento que envolveram procedimentos de retifica‡Æo geom‚trica e registro, assim como de retifica‡Æo radiom‚trica. Al‚m das bandas 3, 4, 5 e 7 de cada imagem, foram geradas bandas sint‚ticas como NDVI, razÆo 5/4 e imagens fra‡Æo sombra, solo e vegeta‡Æo. Em seguida, algumas etapas foram desenvolvidas para garantir a escolha de amostras confi veis de classes vegetais para a realiza‡Æo dos testes estat¡sticos: an lise preliminar com a imagem de 1999 (m scara de floresta e nÆo floresta); detec‡Æo de mudan‡a entre duas datas, 1986 e 1999 (garantir a presen‡a de floresta na £ltima data)e m scara de nuvens (com todas as datas). Sete amostras florestais foram selecionadas, entre elas florestas do alto e baixo plat“, baba‡u, regenera‡Æo de 21 anos e escarpa. Visando confirmar a presen‡a de diferen‡as sazonais (fenologia)a n¡vel terrestre, campanhas de campo foram realizadas, onde foram coletadas informa‡äes flor¡sticas e estruturais, assim como medidas da varia‡Æo do ¡ndice de  rea foliar atrav‚s do LAI-2000, em trˆs ‚pocas diferentes, em alguns transectos de floresta prim ria e secund ria. Os resultados nÆo foram satisfat¢rios. No entanto, em n¡vel orbital, elaborou-se a correla‡Æo entre a precipita‡Æo e as bandas de cada imagem para as sete classes vegetais, confirmando a presen‡a da varia‡Æo sazonal, j  que encontrou-se uma correla‡Æo entre a precipita‡Æo e a imagem fra‡Æo vegeta‡Æo de 0,94. O interessante foi que o NDVI, apresentou uma correla‡Æo muito baixa, talvez por saturar rapidamente dentro do ambiente florestal. Com base nos resultados obtidos, prosseguiu-se com a rela‡Æo das melhores datas e processamentos para classificar as amostras vegetais. Assim, dois testes estat¡sticos foram utilizados: testes de anolalias e a an lise discriminante " stepwise". Os dois testes selecionaram os mesmos meses, setembro, outubro, dezembro e maio, como os ideais para classificar o maior n£mero de amostras vegetais, sendo que as bandas escolhidas em ambos foram a imagem fra‡Æo sombra, a banda 3, a imagem fra‡Æo-vegeta‡Æo e banda 5. O teste de anomalia identificou a banda 7, enquanto que o NDVI foi selecionado na an lise discriminante "stepwise". A classifica‡Æo unitemporal separou no m ximo 56,61por cento das amostras vegetais, enquanto que a multitemporal alcan‡ou, utilizando 3 ou mais datas, v rias bandas/processamentos, valores acima de 90 por cento na classifica‡Æo. A metodologia adotada alcan‡ou os objetivos e poder  contribuir para futuros estudos de classifica‡Æo multitemporal da cobertura florestal em ambientes tropicais. ABSTRACT:The relative importance of accuracy in forest cover mapping is given by the necessity to obtain improvement in the elaboration of a management plan of natural resources and in the definition of priority areas for conservation, as well as in landscape analysis. Other aspect that has raised even more interest in the scientific community is concerned to modeling of biogeochemical cycles and global changes. Studies related to forest phenology have offered promising results to help the researches of ecological subject, by directing important questions with respect to global modeling, monitoring and climate changes. The main contribution of this work was to identify and quantify the fluctuation of spectral response throughout of seven distinct months, as a consequence of forest phenology related to climate variations, and, from this, to direct the choice of images more adequate for discriminating physiognomies in tropical forest areas. The study area is located in the north region of the Tapaj¢s National Forest, Par  State. Multitemporal Landsat-5 TM images, corresponding to the months selected in the period from May 1997 to August 1999 were utilized. Initially, these images were pre-processed involving procedures of geometric rectification and image registration, as well as radiometric rectification. Besides 3, 4, 5, and 7 bands of each TM image, it was also generated synthetics bands such as NDVI, 5/4 ratio, and shade, soil and vegetation fraction images. Following, some tasks were developed to guarantee reliable samples of vegetation classes to perform the statistical tests: preliminary analysis with 1999 TM image (forest and non forest mask); change detection between two dates, 1986 and 1999 (to guarantee the presence of forest cover in the latest date)and cloud masks for all dates. Seven forest samples were selected, with forest in the high and low plateau, "baba‡u", regeneration areas with 21 years and scarp among them. With the objective to verify the presence of phenology at terrestrial level, field campaigns were performed, where floristic and structural information were collected, as well as measurements of leaf area index variation, with LAI-2000, in three different epochs, in some primary and secondary forest transects. The results were not satisfactory. However, at orbital level, the correlation between precipitation and the bands of each TM image for the seven vegetation classes were elaborated, confirming the presence of seasonal variation, considering that a correlation of 0.94 between precipitation and vegetation fraction image was achieved. The interesting thing was that the NDVI presented a very low correlation, maybe due to the fact that NDVI values saturate rapidly in the forest environment. Based on these results, the work was pursued by selecting the best dates and processing to classify the vegetation classes. So, two statistical approaches were performed: the anomaly test and the stepwise discriminant analysis. Both tests selected the same months, September, October, December, and May, as the ideal for classifying the highest number of vegetation samples, and the selected bands by both statistical approaches were shade fraction image, band 3, vegetation fraction image, and band 5. In addition, the anomaly test identified the band 7, while the NDVI was selected in the stepwise discriminant analysis. The unitemporal classification approach discriminated a maximum of 56.61 percent of the vegetation samples, while the multitemporal approach achieved values greater than 90 pecent of classification, utilizing 3 or more dates and several bands. The adopted methodology achieved successfully the objectives of this work and will be useful for future multitemporal classification of forest cover in the tropical environment 91: FDB-20020818 102: MFN: 10212 1: SID/SCD 2: 9040 3: INPE-9040-PRE/4716 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 12: Remote detection of hydrocarbon microseepage-induced soil alteration 14: 3523-3524 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 23 32: 18 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Sep. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 83: Cover Article no International Journal of Remote Sensing: Remote sensing techniques focused on the detection of the surface manifestation of hydrocarbon microseepage can be a complementary prospecting tool, minimising cost and time in the search for oil/gas deposits. The leakage of hydrocarbon and associated fluids to the surface is responsible for a number of chemical alterations in rocks and soils that overlay oil and gas reservoirs. Some of the microseepage-induced minerals exhibit diagnostic spectral features that allow their remote identification. The reducing environment created by the microseepage phenomenon can, for example, convert limonitic minerals to the ferrous state, resulting in bleaching of red beds. Owing to the fact that ferric-iron rich rocks exhibit a fall-off in reflectance from 0.8 *m towards shorter wavelengths, Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper ratio images of the bands 2 (0.52-0.60 *m)and 3 (0.63-0.69 *m)can be used to estimate the distribution of limonitic materials on the surface, which are indicated by low TM2/3 ratios. In contrast, ferric-iron depleted materials yield high TM2/3 ratios. However, vegetation cover also yields high TM 2/3 ratios, due to the high response in green and low in red wavelengths. The presence of healthy vegetation cover can be estimated by including a vegetation index, through the ratio of the TM4 (0.76-0.90 *m)and TM3 bands. Areas yielding high TM2/3 and low TM4/3 ratios may be assigned to ferric-iron poor materials, expressed as subtle grey shades in ratio images. Since the human eye is much more sensitive to colour hues than to grey tones, a false-colour composite consisting of TM2/3, TM4/3 and of the difference TM2/3-TM4/3, displayed as red, green and blue, respectively, can be used to express these subtle grey tones as colour variations. The cover photo is a band-ratio colour composite [TM2/3(R), TM4/3 (G), TM2/3-TM4/3 (B)], which covers a soil gas anomaly previously identified through a soil gas geochemical survey conducted by the Brazilian National Oil Co. (PETROBRAS), in the North Tucano Basin, north-eastern Brazil. Contour lines over the image indicate anomalous concentration (ppm)of soil gas (sum of ethane, propane, butane, and pentane). The use of a triangle of colours makes the interpretation of such a band-ratio colour composite very easy. Green and yellow hues, which result from high responses in both TM2/3 and TM4/3 ratios, express variations in the vegetation cover. On the other hand, hues of magenta, representing both high contribution of TM2/3 ratio and TM2/3-TM4/3 ratio difference are related to terrain conditions and represent altered areas induced by the microseepage phenomena (bleached materials), indicated by a arrow in the cover colour composite 91: FDB-20021031 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10213 1: SID/SCD 2: 9069 3: INPE-9069-PRE/4745 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 10: Miranda, Fernando Pelon 10: GalvÆo, Lˆnio Soares 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 12: Terrain characteristics of a tonal anomaly remotely detected in an area of hydrocarbon microseepage, Tucano Basin, north-eastern Brazil 14: 3893-3898 30: International Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 23 32: 18 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Sep. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: hidrocarbonetos 87: imagens Landsat 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: Landsat 5 87: bacias hidrograficas 88: hydrocarbons 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: geochemistry 88: terrain analysis 88: Landsat imagery 88: geology 88: watersheds 83: This study reports the geological characteristics of a tonal anomaly in an area of hydrocarbon microseepage, identified in Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM)images. A diversified dataset was gathered, which included soil gas geochemistry determinations, soil radioactivity intensity and soil magnetic susceptibility measurements, as well as laboratory soil spectra. Data indicated that the tonal anomaly holds a higher concentration of gaseous hydrocarbons in soils than the surroundings, accompanied by enrichment in radioactive minerals. However, there is no definitive evidence of magnetic mineral enrichment inside the tonal anomaly compared with the surroundings. An intense silicification process, characterized by a cover of fine-grained silicified cobbles and boulders, seems to be responsible for inhibiting the development of diagenetic clay mineralization, as indicated by variations in the depth of the 2200 nm soil spectra absorption band 91: FDB-20021031 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10214 1: SID/SCD 2: 9294 3: INPE-9294-PRE/4959 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Martini, Paulo Roberto 12: Regional cooperation through space technology: Basis for a South America space agency 14: 559-567 30: Acta Astronautica 31: 51 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: July-Nov. <2002> 68: PRE 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: Projeto Panamozonia 87: treinamento 88: technology transfer 88: training 82: 83: In South America only Brazil and Argentina have steadily growing space programs. The other countries are not creating truly in-doors capabilities that allow the development and launching of native orbital devices. This figure changes when the analysis runs through the use of Space Technology. As users, the South America countries play a very important role in the world scenery. Within the continent there are three operational receiving stations for Earth Observation satellites and many large regional cooperating projects are being developed mostly in the Panamazonia Region. These projects have raised the level of human resources through training and education in excellent centers such as those in Argentina, Brazil and Colombia. The stations, the projects and the training programs within the Earth Observation branch in South America open the possibility to integrate the countries in a regional space agency following the way that ESA was established in the early 70's. This document describes the technological facilities available in the region, the possible integration projects and the regional environmental themes that can mosaic South American countries in a space agency 91: FDB-20021031 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10215 1: SID/SCD 2: 9295 3: INPE-9295-PRE/4960 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 12: Fraction images derived from NOAA AVHRR data for global studies 14: 3191-3194 30: Internaional Journal Remote Sensing 31: 21 32: 17 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Nov. <2000> 68: PRE MFN: 10231 1: SID/SCD 2: 9312 3: INPE-9312-PRE/4976 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 10: Mura, Jos‚ Claudio 10: Hernandez Filho, Pedro 10: Ara£jo, Luciana Spinelli 10: Elmiro, Marcos Timb¢ 10: Vieira, Pedro Ronald 10: Soares, S‚rgio Monteiro 10: Albuquerque, Paulo C‚sar Gurgel 10: Gama, F bio Furlan 10: Bins, Leonardo Sant'anna 10: Soares, Britaldo Silveira 12: Some Results from the 2000 P and X Band Airborne Polarimetric INPE-DSG SAR Mission for Biomass Estimation, Land Cover Classification and Digital Elevation and Surface Model Estimation 38: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 83: A joint INPE-DSG (Diretoria do Servi‡o Geogr fico do Ex‚rcito)airborne mission in September of 2000 over the Tapaj¢s National Forest, has acquired P and X band interferometric data over a region which comprises primary forest, secondary succession in several stages of regrowth, pasture, crop plantations, bare soil, water and other land use classes. The AeS-1 polarimetric system, from AeroSensing Radarsysteme GmbH, Germany, provided P band polarimetric data for two pass interferometry and X band single polarization, single pass interferometric data. During the radar mission, ground survey was carried out for target identification, collection of tri-dimensional differential GPS data for P and X band corner reflectors and collection of vegetation parameters, like species, DBH, count and height for several primary and regenerations transects. Biomass data was calculated for the mentioned transects using allometric equations based in the dendrometric parameters. Full polarimetric calibrated P band SAR imagery was generated and a model of the transects biomass data as a function of the backscatter established. Georeferenced Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), with spatial resolution of 2.5 meters, were generated considering X and P bands interferograms. X band DEM generally shows higher altitude than the P band DEM, especially over forested areas, because the considerably higher penetration of P band towards the forest floor, while X Band DEM reflects the canopy altitude. X band DEM is called here a Digital Surface Model (DSM), because it is related mainly with the top of the land cover. The difference between the DSM and the DEM (P band)potentially gives the forest height. Actual internal average height of forest and regeneration transects was compared with the DSM-DEM difference. The results showed that the DSM-DEM difference tends to underestimate the forest height under secondary sucessions stages, probably due higher volume scattering (derived from interactions with trunk, branches, twigs)of P band emission. The DSM-DEM difference over primary forest is closely related to the average height, in the transects, standing between the global average tree height and the average height of the upper store trees of the forests transects. The full polarimetric P band data was used for land cover classification. From a initial set of 10 classes, a derived set comprising only three classes was found tohave an adequate mapping precision, but enough to detect deforestation areas. For the future we will be experimenting new models for biomass estimation for overcoming the 200 ton/ ha saturation point, using simultaneously the backscatter and the interferometric data and seeking integration with other Remote Sensing instrumentation, particularly the LVIS instrument 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10284 1: SID/SCD 2: 9369 3: INPE-9369-PRE/5029 4: SRE 5: Mc 6: as 7: [07] 10: Anjos, Ant“nio Mauro G. 10: Lopes, Pabr¡cio Marcos O. 10: Marcelino, Isabela P. V. O. 12: Identifica‡Æo de ilhas de calor em Manaus, atrav‚s do canal termal do sensor Thematic Mapper - Landsat 5 14: 327-333 21: Comitˆ Tem tico 1 - Climatologia Geral 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: DSR 58: SPG 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO CLIMA 87: ilhas de calor 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: indice de vegeta‡Æo da diferen‡a normalizada 87: NDVI 88: urban heat islands 88: Landsat 5 88: Thematic Mapper (Landsat) 88: Normalised Difference Vegetation Index 82: Manaus 83: Identification of urban heat islands in Manaus, Brazil, using thermal band of the Landsat 5-Thematic Mapper sensor. Landsat TM images were analized through image processing technics in order to detect heat islands in the city of Manaus. Urban heat islands were successfully detected with the use of thermal and reflected TM's bands of Landsat 5. Two transects were plotted across the city to observe the spacial and thermal variability. A vegetation index (NDVI)and urban surface temperature were overlayed and the linear transects were compared. The results show that the urban areas with the highest temperature were the ones with the lowest vegetation index 91: FDB-20021122 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10300 1: SID/SCD] 2: 9391 3: INPE-9391-PRE/5049 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Santos Jr., Renato F. dos 10: Santos, Jaime M. dos 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 10: Marchiorato, Ivo A 12: Detection of infested areas with Heterodera glycines in a soybean field using spectroradiometry in the visible and near infrared 14: 355-360 30: Fitopatologia Brasileira 31: 27 32: 4 38: ISSN 0100-4158. 40: En 41: En 42: 64: July-Aug.<2002> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: espectrorradiometria de campo 87: resposta espectral 87: fitonemat¢ides. 88: 83: O ataque do nemat¢ide de cisto da soja, Heterodera glycines, limita o potencial de expansÆo e maior produtividade de  reas plantadas com soja (Glycine Max). O conhecimento da distribui‡Æo espacial desse pat¢geno na lavoura ‚ fundamental, para elabora‡Æo de estrat‚gias de manejo. A  rea em estudo estava localizada em lavoura de soja, variedade BRS133, localizada no Munic¡pio de Flor¡nea, SP, com solos naturalmente infestados por H. glycines. Foram obtidas medidas de espectrorradiometria de campo, 112 dias ap¢s o plantio, nas regiäes do vis¡vel e do infravermelho pr¢ximo do espectro eletromagn‚tico, a fim de se conhecer o padrÆo da resposta espectral de plantas atacadas pelo fitonemat¢ide. Paralelamente, foram retiradas amostras de solo e encaminhadas ao Laborat¢rio de Nematologia, Departamento de Fitossanidade da Universidade Estadual Paulista J£lio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Jaboticabal, onde foram processadas para determina‡Æo da densidade populacional do nemat¢ide. As medidas do espectrorradi“metro foram transformadas em ¡ndice vegetativo, com diferen‡a normalizada (NDVI), que foi relacionado com a densidade populacional do nemat¢ide, peso da mat‚ria fresca e n£mero de vagens por planta. Observou-se que diferentes densidades de popula‡Æo estÆo diretamente relacionados com a resposta espectral das plantas expressa, atrav‚s dos valores do NDVI. Abstract:The damage caused by the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, not only limits expansion of the soybean (Glycine Max)crop but also reduces the yield of soybeans in Brazil. Knowledge of the spatial distribution of this pathogen is needed in order to establish management measures. This study was conducted in Flor¡nea County, SÆo Paulo, Brazil, in a commercial soybean field, cultivar BRS133, previously known to be infected with H. glycines. In order to see the pattern of the spectral response of plants attacked by the phytonematode, field spectroradiometry measurements in the visible and near infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum were obtained 112 days after sowing. At the same time, soil samples were taken to the "Laborat¢rio de Nematologia do Departamento de Fitossanidade da Universidade Estadual Paulista J£lio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Jaboticabal", where they were processed and where the population density of the nematode was determined. The spectroradiometric measurements were transformed to the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)that was related to population density of the nematode, to fresh biomass and to pods per plant. It was observed that different population densities are directly related to the spectral response of the plants expressed by NDVI values MFN: 10301 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Demattˆ, Jos‚ Alexandre Melo 10: Fiorio, P.R. 10: Campos, R.C. 10: Nanni, M.R 12: Level of soil survey and its evaluation to land use planning 30: Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing 31: 39 32: 4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Dec. <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10302 1: SID/SCD 2: 9516 3: INPE-9516-PRE/5169 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ponzoni, Fl vio Jorge 10: GalvÆo, Lˆnio Soares 10: Epiphanio, Jos‚ Carlos Neves 12: Spatial resolution influence on the identification of land cover classes in the Amazon environment 14: 717-725 30: Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciˆncias 31: 74 32: 4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: dc. <2002> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 88: spatial resolution, remote sensing, Amazon region, thematic maps, tropical rain forest, brazilian Amazon, satellite data, classification, deforestation, vegetation, accuracy, errors 83: To evaluate the role played by the spatial resolution in distinguishing land cover classes in the Amazon region, different levels of spatial resolution (60, 100, 120, 200 and 250 meters)were simulated from a Landsat_5 Thematic Mapper (TM)image. Thematic maps were produced by visual interpretation from the original (30 x 30 meters)and simulated set of images. The map legend included primary forest, old and young woody secondary succession, and non-forest. The results indicated that for the discrimination between primary forest and non-forest, spatial resolution did not have great influence for pixel size equal or lower than 200 meters, The contrary was verified for the identification of old and young woody secondary vegetation due to their occurrence in small polygons. To avoid significant changes in the calculated area of these land cover types, a spatial resolution better than 100 meters is required. This result is an indication that the use of the future Brazilian remote sensing satellite (SSR-1)for secondary succession identification may be unreliable, especially for latitudes between S10degrees and S15degrees where critical areas of deforestation are located and pixel size is expected to vary within the same scene from 100 meters (S10degrees)to 200 meters (S15degrees) 91: FDB-20021012 MFN: 10304 1: SID/SCD 2: 9396 3: INPE-9396-PRE/5053 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Camara, Gilberto 12: Para que lado fica o futuro 14: 60-61 30: InfoGeo 32: 25 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: set.-out. <2002> 68: PRE 83: No recente congresso "GeoBrasil", foi divulgado que o tamanho do mercado de geoinforma‡Æo brasileiro seria de pelo menos R$ 800 milhäes por ano, e que 85 dos empregos do setor estÆo vinculados a pessoas com curso superior ou t‚cnicos qualificados. Os dados, embora ainda incompletos, mostram um crescimento substancial do setor nos anos recentes. Para fins de compara‡Æo, o mercado americano de geotecnologias em 2002 seria da ordem de 1.4 bilhäes de d¢lares, ainda dominado pelos clientes de governo (68 do total), de acordo com a consultoria de Frost Sullivan. O principal problema com os levantamentos como estes ‚ a questÆo b sica que tentam resolver: afinal das contas, quem ‚ o mercado de geoinforma‡Æo? Atualmente, duas tendˆncias complementares podem ser identificadas: a tendˆncia de clientes antigos solicitarem dados e servi‡os melhores e a inser‡Æo das geotecnologias em empresas que nÆo utilizam informa‡Æo geogr fica. Para simplificar o racioc¡nio, rotularemos o primeiro cen rio de mais-e-melhores-dadose o segundo de "localiza‡Æo-‚-mais-um-atributo-de-dados-da-empresa". Deve-seainda levar em considera‡Æo uma mudan‡a tecnol¢gica fundamental: o uso desistemas gerenciadores de bancos de dados para armazenar tanto os atributos quanto as geometrias dos dados geogr ficos, e permitir o acesso e compartilhamento eficiente de dados em ambiente multiusu rio 91: FDB-20021012 MFN: 10305 1: SID/SCD 2: 9397 3: INPE-9397-PRE/5054 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Camara, Gilberto 12: O realismo fant stico em a‡Æo: macondo ‚ aqui mesmo 30: InfoGeo 32: 26 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DPI 61: 64: nov.-dez. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 83: Para o leitor ainda nÆo familiar com a nova legisla‡Æo deaerolevantamento, explico. Durante o regime militar, em tempos onde "livre-pensar era s¢ pensar", foi cunhada uma lei t¡pica daquelas eras de AI-5, que determinava ser o aerolevantamento uma atividade regulada pelo Estado-Maior das For‡as Armadas. As empresas tinham de solicitar autoriza‡Æo para qualquer atividade e manter a guarda dos chamados originais de aerolevantamento", que poderiam ser requisitados a qualquer momento pelos poderes entÆo constitu¡dos. A l¢gica era evidente: numregime de censura, a cartografia devia ser mantida sob estrito controle dos militares. A sociedade brasileira foi …s ruas, e o vendaval das mudan‡as varreu o regime militar, o AI-5 e a Lei da Seguran‡a Nacional. No entanto, a velha lei de aerolevantamento continua em vigor. Quando o governo FHC decidiu renov -la, deixou toda a comunidade de geoinforma‡Æo fora do processo de proposi‡Æo, e manteve a discussÆo restrita … burocracia estatal. A proposta de lei (atualmente no Congresso em fase final de parecer por comissäes tem ticas)mant‚m toda a atividade de aerolevantamento e levantamento espacial regulada pelo governo e restrita …s empresas "cadastradas". A proposta prevˆ que todo usu rio de fotos a‚reas e imagens de sat‚lite, seja ele pessoa f¡sica ou jur¡dica, tenha de obter "autoriza‡Æo" do governo parafazer qualquer tipo de servi‡o. 91: FDB-20021012 MFN: 10308 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 10: Araujo, Luciana Spinelli 10: Dutra, Luciano Vieira 10: Mura, Jos‚ Cl udio 10: Gama, F bio Furlan 10: Soler, Luciana de Souza 10: Sant'anna, Sidnei JoÆo Siqueira 12: Airbone-band SAR applied to the above ground biomass studies in the brazilian tropical rainforest 30: Remote Sensing of Environment 31: Aceito 38: Special Issue of LBA 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10309 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Oviedo, Antonio Francisco Perrone 10: Herz, Renato 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 12: Efeitos do estresse h¡drico e da densidade de plantio no uso da radia‡Æo e produtividade do trigo (triticum aestivum L.) 14: 23-33 30: Revista Biociˆncia 31: 7 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 83: Durante a safra de 1996, foi realizado um experimento a campo na Fazenda Piloto do Departamento de CiÇŠncias AgrÇ­rias da Universidade de TaubatÇž, visando ampliar o conhecimento relacionado ao efeito interativo da densidade de plantio e do estresse hÇdrico sobre o cultivar de trigo IAC-24. A densidade de plantio foi de 400 e 600 plantas por m2 e o estresse hÇdrico consistiu da testemunha e quatro perÇodos de estresse (perfilhamento, emborrachamento, enchimento de grǜos e maturaÇõǜo fisiolÇügica). O experimento foi em blocos ao acaso com trÇŠs repetiÇõÇæes. Foi utilizado o balanÇõo hÇdrico modificado para determinar os ƒ_odias secosƒ__ e monitorar os turnos de irrigaÇõǜo. Medidas radiomÇžtricas nas faixas do visÇvel e infravermelho prÇüximo foram obtidas ao longo do ciclo da cultura. O Çndice de vegetaÇõǜo da diferenÇõa normalizada (NDVI)foi utilizado para estimar a radiaÇõǜo fotossinteticamente ativa absorvida e acumulada (AAPAR). Os resultados indicaram que nǜo houve interaÇõǜo significativa entre os fatores densidade de plantio e estresse hÇdrico. Foi observado um aumento na produÇõǜo de grǜos de 7 83: para a densidade de 400 plantas m2. A AAPAR foi reduzida em todos os nÇveis de estresse hÇdrico. O estresse hÇdrico reduziu tambÇžm a eficiÇŠncia do uso da radiaÇõǜo para produÇõǜo de grǜos (RUE)quando aplicado durante os estÇ­dios de perfilhamento (15,7 83: ) e de emborrachamento (39,4 83: ). A produÇõǜo de grǜos foi reduzida pelo estresse hÇdrico nos estÇ­dios de perfilhamento (22,7 83: ), de emborrachamento (41,6 83: ) e de enchimento de grǜos (9,1 83: ). Os resultados indicaram que o cultivar IAC-24 apresenta boa resistÇŠncia ao estresse hÇdrico durante o enchimento de grǜos e sugerem que os valores da RUE podem ser empregados em modelos de crescimento e de estimativa de produtividade, em condiÇõÇæes de estresse hÇdrico semelhantes ao deste experimento. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: balanÇõo hÇdrico, radiometria de campo, radiaÇõǜo fotossinteticamente ativa. 91: FDB-20021012 MFN: 10311 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Gisele, C. 10: Ferreira, Nelson Jesus 12: Aplica‡äes de estimativa de precipita‡Æo obtidas pelo sat‚lite TRMM no Brasil 14: 25-32 30: Boletin da Sociedade Brasileira de Meteorologia 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: mar. <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021012 MFN: 10312 1: SID/SCD 2: 9399 3: INPE-9399-PRE/5055 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 12: Remote Detection of hydrocarbon microseepage areas in the Serra do Tona region, Tucano Basin, Brazil 14: 750-757 30: Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 31: 28 32: 6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Dec. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: An lise do componente principal 88: principal component analysis 83: Landsat thematic mapper (TM)images enhanced through principal components analysis allowed the detection of tonal anomalies possibly associated with surface manifestations of hydrocarbon microseepage. Target areas occur mainly surrounding the Serra do Ton (a)over tilde plateau, in accordance with a previous geological model that explains the distribution of the hydrocarbon microseepage in the region. The spatial association between the tonal anomalies and anomalous concentration of hydrocarbon in soil was quantitatively evaluated using weight of evidence (WofE)analysis. Results indicated that tonal anomalies are positive evidence for the occurrence of anomalous concentrations of soil gas data, suggesting a possible geologic origin to the target areas. Field study investigated the terrain characteristics in one of the soil gas anomalies. Ground truth data confirmed anomalous concentrations of gaseous hydrocarbons in soils, accompanied by an increase in the abundance of radioactive and magnetic minerals, a fact that denotes the action of a reducing environment responsible for the precipitation of this hydrocarbon-induced mineralogical assemblage. Results suggest that remote sensing techniques may be used as an auxiliary prospecting tool for similar target areas in the remaining Tucano basin, or even throughout the Rec (o)over cap neavo-Tucano-Jatoba rift, in northeastern Brazil 91: FDB-20020911 MFN: 10313 1: SID/SCD 2: 9400 3: INPE-9400-PRE/5056 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Crepani, Edison 10: Duarte, Valdete 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Fidalgo, Elaine Cristina Cardoso 12: Sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento no mapeamento regional da cobertura e uso atual da Terra 30: Geografia 31: 27 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: abr. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: imagens sint‚ticas 87: cobertura vegetal 87: uso da terra. 88: geoprocessing 88: synthetic images 88: land cover 88: land use 83: O objetivo deste trabalho ‚ apresentar uma abordagem metodol¢gica para mapear a cobertura e o uso atual da terra, a n¡vel regional, utilizando t‚cnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Geoprocessamento. A  rea de estudo compreendida entre as coordenadas 01o 45' e 08o 20' de Latitude Sul e 44o 00' e 54o 00' de Longitude Oeste ‚ coberta por 17 imagens do sensor "Thematic Mapper" (TM)do sat‚lite Landsat. Esta metodologia consiste na gera‡Æo de imagens sint‚ticas (vegeta‡Æo, solo e sombra), atrav‚s do modelo linear de mistura espectral utilizando as bandas 3, 4 e 5 do TM, para real‡ar os alvos de interesse e minimizar o tempo de processamento na tarefa de classifica‡Æo. Esta tarefa foi realizada utilizando o processo de segmenta‡Æo de imagens, seguida da classifica‡Æo nÆo supervisionada por regiäes e mapeamento das classes de interesse pr‚-definidas (legenda tem tica). O resultado do mapeamento ‚ finalmente editado pelo fotoint‚rprete com a finalidade de corrigir os erros de classifica‡Æo do sistema, baseado na sua experiˆncia e informa‡äes auxiliares dispon¡veis (fotografias a‚reas, mapas, etc.). A abordagem proposta ‚ vi vel para grandes regiäes utilizando imagens do TM ou de outros sensores de alta resolu‡Æo espacial, produzindo mapa bem confi vel, e permitindo a atualiza‡Æo a qualquer tempo e a integra‡Æo com outras informa‡äes do banco de dados gerado.Abstract: The objective of this work is to present a methodological approach for land use land cover regional mapping, using Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing techniques. The study area, comprised between the geographic coordinates 01o 45' and 08o 20' South Latitude and 44o 00' and 54o 00' West Longitude, is covered by 17 Thematic Mapper (TM)images of Landsat satellite. This methodology consists on the generation of synthetic images (vegetation, soil and shade), through the spectral linear mixing model using the TM bands 3, 4, and 5, to enhance the contrast among targets of interest and to minimize computer processing time during the classification task. This task was performed using the image segmentation algorithm, followed by the non-supervised classification of regions and mapping the pre-defined classes of interest (thematic legend). The mapping result is finally edited by the photointerpreter with the purpose of correcting any classification errors, based on his experience and using available ancillary information (aerial photographs, maps, etc.). The proposed approach is feasible for large areas using TM or other high-resolution data, producing very reliable map, and permitting to update it at any time and to integrate it with other information in the data base 91: FDB-20021012 MFN: 10318 1: SID/SCD 2: 8532 3: INPE-8532-PUD/106 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Ponzoni, Fl vio Jorge 16: Rezende, Ana Carolina Pinto 18: Influˆncia da resolu‡Æo espacial na identifica‡Æo de elementos da paisagem em Altamira - PA 20: 20 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 59: LBA 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 76: VEGETACAO 87: resolu‡Æo espectral 87: mapeamento 87: Landsat 5 87: imagem Landsat 87: florestas 87: capoeira nova 87: capoeira madura 87: segmenta‡Æode imagem 87: mapeador tem tico (landsat) 88: image segmentation 88: thematic mappers (Landsat) 88: landsat imagery 82: 83: Imagens TM/Landsat5, referentes …s bandas espectrais TMI a TM5 e TM7 da ¢rbita ponto 226/62 da data de passagem de 20/0711991, que cobrem parte do munic¡pio de Altamira PA, tiveram sua resolu‡Æo, espacial degradada para (os n¡veis 60, 100, 120, 200 e 250m com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito dessa degrada‡Æo sobre a identifica‡Æo dos principais elementos da paisagem da regiÆo, a saber: Floresta, NÆo-floresta, Capoeira Nova e Capoeira Madura. Mapas tem ticos foram gerados a partir da aplica‡Æo de um algoritmo de segmenta‡Æo, seguido de dois outros de classifica‡Æo digital, sendo um o Isoseg (nÆo-supervisionada)e outro o Bhattacharya (supervisionada). As  reas de cada tema foram quantificadas em cada um dos mapas resultantes nas diferentes resolu‡äes espaciais e segundo os dois procedimentos de classifica‡Æo digital. As maiores altera‡äes nas quantifica‡äes, assumindo como referˆncia os mapas tem ticos gerados a partir das imagens com 30m de resolu‡Æo espacial, foram identificadas nos mapas criados a partir das imagens com 250m. Verificou-se que classes espectral e espacialmente dominantes tenderam a terem suas  reas aumentadas … medida que se degradou a resolu‡Æo espacial das imagens. Atrav‚s da elabora‡Æo de matrizes de contingˆncia, os mapas tem ticos, gerados a partir do algoritmo de classifica‡Æo Isoseg nos diferentes n¡veis de resolu‡Æo espacial, foram comparados entre si, assumindo mais uma vez aquele elaborado a partir das imagens de 30m como referˆncia, com o objetivo de identificar o grau de confusÆo entre as classes. Os mesmos procedimentos foram repetidos para os mapas tem ticos criados a partir do algoritmo de classifica‡Æo Bhattacharya. Concluiu-se que classes espectralmente semelhantes tenderam a confundirem-se entre si, mas essa confusÆo nÆo seguiu uma tendˆncia gradativa com a sucessiva degrada‡Æo da resolu‡Æo espacial. Os mapas gerados a partir da aplica‡Æo do algoritmo de classifica‡Æo Bhattacharya apresentou os resultados mais consistentes em rela‡Æo …queles elaborados a partir da aplica‡Æo do algoritmo Isoseg 91: FDB-20021203 MFN: 10319 1: SID/SCD 2: 9091 3: INPE-9091-RPQ/733 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Macedo, Mariza Alves 16: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 18: Relat¢rio da fase I do Projeto Tecnologias Geoespaciais no Seguro Agr¡cola do Milho Safrinha 20: 138 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 59: DSR 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: RPQ 76: AGRONOMIA 87: ¡ndice de vegeta‡Æo da diferen‡a normalizada 87: NDVI 87: milho 87: agricultura 87: tecnologias geoespaciais 87: seguro agr¡cola 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: milho safrinha 87: SGI 87: Sistema de Posicionamento Global 87: GPS 87: imagem Landsat 88: geospatial technologies 88: geographic information system 88: GIS 88: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 88: GPS 88: Global Positioning System 82: 83: 0 emprego de tecnologias geoespaciais no monitoramento e avalia‡Æo da produ‡Æo de lavouras seguradas pode representar um avan‡o significativo no aumento da participa‡Æo de empresas privadas no ramo do seguro agr¡cola no Brasil. 0 objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar estas tecnologias atrav‚s do uso de imagens de sat‚lites de sensoriamento remoto e sistema de informa‡Æo geogr fica (SIG)em 37 lavouras de milho safrinha, durante a safra de 2001, na regiÆo de Assis, SÆo Paulo. Cinco imagens dos sat‚lites da s‚rie Landsat foram adquiridas em diferentes est dios fenol¢gicos da cultura. 0 monitoramento das lavouras foi realizado a partir da an lise visual das imagens e da evolu‡Æo temporal do NDVI (Öndice de Vegeta‡Æo com Diferen‡a Normalizada). Por meio da an lise visual das imagens foi poss¡vel distinguir lavouras bem desenvolvidas e uniformes de lavouras mal desenvolvidas e falhadas, as quais devem ser vistoriadas em campo para avalia‡Æo do tipo e magnitude do dano. Os valores do NDVI confirmaram, quantitativamente, o resultado da an lise visual indicando que lavouras bem desenvolvidas tiveram valores de NDVI bem mais altos do que lavouras mal desenvolvidas e com sinistro. A an lise de regressÆo mostrou que o NDVI explicou 54 por cento da varia‡Æo da produtividade observada. Como seca foi o principal fator de sinistro, foi realizada a simula‡Æo de um balan‡o h¡drico para c lculo do ISNA (Öndice de Satisfa‡Æo das Necessidades de µgua)das lavouras de milho safrinha a fim de avaliar o dano em resposta ao d‚ficit h¡drico. Todavia, o ISNA nÆo explicou adequadamente a varia‡Æo na produtividade observada. 0 uso do aparelho de Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS)de navega‡Æo em conjunto com a imagem Landsat permitiu obter, de forma r pida e precisa, os limites das lavouras seguradas. Os resultado mostraram que as imagens de sensoriamento remoto sÆo instrumentos fundamentais na estimativa dos danos cobertos pelo seguro agr¡cola e devem ser utilizadas para auxiliar e otimizar as indispens veis vistorias em campo em caso de sinistro.ABSTRACT The use of geospatial technologies to monitor and evaluate crop production in ensured crop fields may represent a significant advancement towards a greater participation of private companies in the branch of crop insurance in Brazil. The objective of this work was to evaluate these technologies through the use of both remote sensing satellite images and geographic information system (GIS), in 37 com fields grown during the winter season of 2001, in the region of Assis, SÆo Paulo State. Five images from the Landsat satellite series were acquired at different phenological crop stages. Corn fields were monitored through both visual analysis and temporal trend of the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). Through visual analysis it was possible to distinguish well developed and uniform crop fields from poor developed and lacked crop fields. The last ones are crop fields that have to be field inspected to evaluate the kind and magnitude of damage. The NDVI values confirmed, quantitatively, The visual analysis result indicating that well developed crop fields had much higher NDVI values than poor developed and damaged crop fields. The regression analysis showed that NDVI explained 54 por cento of observed crop yield variation. Since drought was the major damage factor, a water balance simulation was performed to evaluate crop damage in response to water stress by computing a penalizing factor for com crop. However, the penalizing factor did not explain the variation in observed crop yield. The use of a navigation GPS (Global Positioning System)together with a Landsat image allowed to obtain, in a quick and precise manner, the limits of the ensured crop fields. The results showed that remote sensing images are fundamental tools to estimate crop damage covered by crop insurance and they should be used to help and optimize the unavoidable field inspection in case of damage 91: FDB-20020910 MFN: 10320 1: SID/SCD 2: 9364 3: INPE-9364-RPQ/736 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Valeriano, M rcio de Morisson 18: Modelos digitais de eleva‡Æo de microbacias elaborados com krigagem 20: 54 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 59: Projeto Produtividade em Pesquisa Padroniza‡Æo de Metodologia para Tratamento Digital de Microbacias 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: RPQ 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: microbacia 87: krigagem 87: metodologia 87: topografia 87: Modelo Digital de eleva‡Æo 87: Sistemsa de Informa‡Æo Geogr fica 87: SIG 87: geoestat¡stica 87: MDE 88: Digital Elevation Models 88: DEM 88: watershed 88: Geographical Information Systems 88: GIS 88: kriging 88: geostatistical 83: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a krigagem como m‚todo de forma‡Æo de Modelo Digital de eleva‡Æo (MDE)para estudos em microbacias. Os pontos fornecidos pelas isolinhas digitalizadas foram submetidos aos processos de amostragem, an lise geoestat¡stica e interpola‡Æo, em encadeamento nÆo- linear. os resultados foram avaliados quanto … eleva‡Æo, diretamente, e … declividade calculada em Sistema de Informa‡Æo Geogr fica (SIG), em compara‡Æo com MDE gerados mediante interpola‡Æo linear e Inverso do Quadrado da Distƒncia (IQD). Com dados de 6 microbacias de diferentes caracter¡sticas e relevo e diferentes especifica‡äes cartogr ficas, os MDE krigados apresentaram boa flexibilidade, representando e modo relativamente satisfat¢rio as varia‡äes locais das diferentes  reas, com fei‡äes harmoniosas e arredondadas bem como fei‡äes abruptas do terreno. A aprecia‡Æo visual de superf¡cies e perfis de relevo e a an lise de histogramas da declividade levaram … conclusÆo de que os interpoladores lineares e IQD, a despeito de sua popularidade, trazem s‚rias limita‡äes ao uso dos respectivos MDE na an lise quantitativa de dados topogr ficos para microbacias. ABSTRACT:This research was conducted to evaluate kriging as a method for the generation of Digital Elevation Models (DEM)for watershed studies. The points stored by the digitizing of the contour lines were submitted to sampling, geostatistical analyses and interpolation procedures, in a non-linear data flux. The evaluation of the results concerned to the elevation itself and to the slope angles, calculated by Geographical Information Systems (GIS), as compared to those obtained from DEM created through linear interpolation and Inverse Squared Distance (ISD)methods. Among 6 watersheds with different relief types and cartographycal data specifications, kriged DEM showed flexibility to yield relatively adequate representations of the local variations of the different areas, with round and harmonic features, as well as abrupt terrain changes. Visual observations of the surfaces and relief profiles, and analyses of slope results histograms led to the conclusion that linear and ISD interpolators, despite their popularity, bring serious limitations to the use of the correponding DEM for the quantitative analysis of watershed topographical data 91: FDB-20021112 MFN: 10321 1: SID/SCD 2: 9401 3: INPE-9401-PRE/5057 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Perondi, Leonel 12: Making international collaboration work in Earth observation 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 52: Canadian Space Agency 53: Earth Observation Business Network (EOBN) 54: May <2002> 56: Vancouver 57: Canada 58: DPI 58: ETE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 88: earth observation satellites 83: International co-operation is one of the key issues in civilian earth observation (EO)programmes. Given the globalised nature of data collection for earth observation satellites, the "public good" contribution of most programmes, and the high cost of building and maintaining a remote sensing programme, it is natural to expect that most satellites would be based on extensive international collaboration, involving governments and private companies. As stated by one of the EO industry leaders, "EO is a global business so international collaboration is destined to play a pivotal r“le in establishing a viable EO business model" (MacDonald 2002). In spite of these perspectives, much of the promises of international collaboration in earth observation remain unfulfilled, especially in relation to truly multilateral agreements involving countries from the G-7 and DSP1 (developing nations with active space programs). This paper examines some of the reasons that have contributed to this situation, and explores ways in which international co-operation in space observation can be improved, proposing both a short and a medium term agenda for collaboration. Our analysis is based on a framework that enables an assessment of international collaborative programs in earth observation, by considering the relative importance of the factors affecting a country's decision to engage in a co-operative program 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 10322 1: SID/SCD 2: 9402 3: INPE-9402-PRE/5058 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Frameworks for sustainability of GIS and Earth observation technologies in developing countries 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference CODATA 2002: Frontiers of Scientific and Technical Data, 18 54: 29 Set.-3 Oct. <2002> 56: Montr‚al 57: Canada 58: DPI 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: Earth observation and GIS technology can undoubtedly be considered as one of the great successes of the use of advanced information technology for the improvement of mankind. The capabilities provided by satellite imagery, digital maps, and associated information have transformed our ability for understanding the forces that shape the geographical space. In developing nations, many of whom lack strong traditions on cartography and mapping, these technologies (referred collectively in this paper as "geoinformation technologies)have proven essential for developing public policies on issues such as deforestation assessment and management, urban planning, agricultural production and environmental assessment MFN: 10323 1: SID/SCD 2: 9478 3: INPE-9478-PRE/5133 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: AragÆo, Luiz Eduardo 10: Williams, Mathew 12: Leaf area index measurements at CaxianÆo forest and at Bragan‡a mangrove in Par  State 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 52: LBA Central Office (CPTEC/INPE) 52: LBA Regional Office in Manaus (INPA) 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: BR 64: <> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 88: carbon budgets 82: 83: Leaf area index (LAI)is a major control on land surface exchange rates of energy and carbon. Field measurement of LAI is critical both for parametrizing models for scaling up leaf gas exchange to the canopy level and for use in calibrating remote sensing information on canopy structure. In this study, we characterized LAI in three sites in the primary rain forest of CaxiuanÆ National Forest, and at a mangrove forest on the coast near Bragan‡a, Par  State. The data collection occurred during a field campaign in November 2001. We collected data with a pair of LAI-2000 canopy analyzers (LI-COR). In CaxiuanÆ forest, we sa grid. obtained the vertical distribution of LAI for each CaxiuanÆ forest site by recording LAI at successive levels on canopy access towers. In the mangrove forest, we collected forty samples at 5 m spacing near the eddy flux tower. Results from CaxiuanÆ showed that mean LAI was varied linearly from 4.64 at 2 m to 2.57 at 30 m height. There was a similar pattern at the Esecaflor plot, which varied from 4.58 at 2 m to 2.01 at 30 m. The tower site had higher LAI values than the first two plots, with a LAI average of 5.70. The LAI profile at the tower site varied non-linearly, from 5.57 at 2 m to 1.1 at 30 m height. Compared to the rain forest, the mangrove site had low LAI values (2.73), reflecting the lower density of trees, and also the occurrence of tide channels. The two experimental plots at CaxiuanÆ forest have similar patterns of horizontal and vertical LAI distribution and these patterns seem to be different from tower site. The mangrove forest site had distinctly different characteristics from the rain forest, reflected in low LAI values. With these data, we can now examine how differences in C and energy exchange in mangrove and rain forest, as recorded by eddy covariance, are related to differences in canopy structure MFN: 10325 1: SID/SCD 2: 9404 3: INPE-9404-PRE/5060 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Alves, Di¢genes Salas 10: Escada, Maria Isabel Sobral 10: Scherer-Warren,Morris 10: Silveira Jr., Jos‚ C. da 12: Assessing the evolution of land use in Brazilian Amazonia 21: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 52: LBA Central Office (CPTEC/INPE) 52: LBA Regional Office in Manaus (INPA) 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: BR 64: <> 68: PRE 83: Human occupation in Brazilian Amaz“nia has been accompanied by persistent changes in Amazonian landscapes, ecosystems, and in demographic and socioeconomic conditions of people settling in the newly established frontiers. In this paper, we use 1985 and 1996 Census data to investigate how cattle ranching, annual and permanent crops have evolved in Amaz“nia. Our goal is to review some of the available data and discuss some characteristics of agriculture and cattle ranching that may have different impacts on land degradation and on sustainable land use. Census data show important regional differences in the relative importance of cattle and crops, frequently associated with Federal Government colonization programs but also depending on the evolution of the agrarian structure in different regions. Pastures do constitute the prevailing land use, at the same time as the total number of heads frequently increased faster then the total area of pasture. The relative area of crops decreased in some areas of agrarian reform and family agriculture colonization, while pastures increased their relative importance in such regions. At the same time, grain production and productivity have significantly increased in few areas where connections to the nation-wide grain networks were set up. In general, the data suggest a scenario of land use intensification in regions of more important settlement and agricultural production, where deforestation has also been concentrated. The analysis suggests that systematic research should be carried out on the carrying capacity of different regions and on the relationships between land use intensification, land degradation and sustainable land use. MFN: 10326 1: SID/SCD 2: 9511 3: INPE-9511-PRE/5164 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, JoÆo Roberto dos 12: O desenvolvimento de pesquisas com dados e Lidar e de microondas (Bandas X,L, E P)em estudos florestais 13: Process with Lidar and microwaves data (X,L and P-band)for tropical forest studies 14: 47-54 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 53: Semin rio de Atualiza‡Æo em Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistemas de Informa‡äes Geogr ficas Aplicados … Engenharia Florestal, 5 54: 15-17 out. <2002> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: VEGETA€ÇO 87: floresta tropical 87: biomassa 87: radar 87: SAR 87: radar de abertura sint‚tica 87: LIDAR 88: tropical forest 88: biomass 88: microwave 82: 83: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar o andamento das pesquisas com dados de radar em banda L, X e P e tamb‚m de LIDAR, como ferramenta de caracteriza‡Æo, no invent rio e monitoramento dos recursos florestais, tendo como foco de estudo,  reas na Amaz“nia Brasileira. Esses estudos vem sendo conduzidos em  reas de floresta prim ria e de sucessÆo secund ria permitindo, com a aquisi‡Æo de informa‡äes em campo, uma metodologia de calibra‡Æo dos dados sensoriados e an lise de relacionamento ao entendimento de caracter¡sticas da paisagem florestal. ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the progress of on-going studies with L-. X- and P-band SAR, as well as LIDAR, as tools to characterize and monitor forest resources, specifically in the Brazilian Amazon. These studies are being conducted in primary forest areas as well as in secondary successions, allowing, with data from field surveys, the development of a methodology to calibrate remote sensing data and an analysis of the relations. referring to understand the characteristics of forested landscapes 91: FDB-20021201 MFN: 10327 1: SID/SCD 2: 9475 3: INPE-9475-PRE/5130 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pinheiro, Eduardo S. 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 12: Avalia‡Æo de imagens quickbird, numa se‡Æo da Mata Atlƒntica no Rio Grande do Sul: esbo‡o metodol¢gico 13: Evaluation of quickbird data, in a section of Mata Atlƒntica in Rio Grande do Sul: methodological sketch 14: 215-217 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 53: Semin rio de Atualiza‡Æo em Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistemas de Informa‡äes Geogr ficas Aplicados … Engenharia Florestal, 5 54: 15-17 out. <2002> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: DSR 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: mapeamento 87: sat‚lite QuickBird 87: Programa do Centro de Pesquisas e Conserva‡Æo da Natureza Pr¢Mata (CPCN Pr¢-Mata) 87: Floresta Ombr¢fila Mista 87: Floresta Ombr¢fila Densa e Campo 87: Modelo Digital do Terreno (MDT) 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: SIG 82: 83: A Mata Atlƒntica, uma das principais florestas nacionais, sofreu com os desmatamentos ocorridos nas £ltimas d‚cadas., que consequentemente, afetaram significativamente seus ecossistemas. No Rio Grande do Sul (RS)os principais impactos sobre a Mata Atlƒntica ocorreram ap¢s a chegada dos imigrantes europeus em meados do s‚culo XIX. Em 1994, buscando o desenvolvimento de pesquisas e a‡äes para a prote‡Æo e a recupera‡Æo dos ecossistemas da Mata Atlƒntica, foi criado o Programa do Centro de Pesquisas e Conserva‡Æo da NaturezaPr¢Mata (CPCN Pr¢-Mata). Este programa foi concebido a partir da coopera‡Æo ente a Pontif¡cia Universidade Cat¢lica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)e a Universidade alemÆ de Tbingen (BERTOLETTI, 1995). Assim, para fins de pesquisa foi adquirida uma  rea com 4.500 ha, localizada no Planalto das Arauc rias do RS, entre as coordenadas 29§ 26'17" a 29§ 34'42" Lat. S e 50§ 08' 14"a 50§ 14' 18" Log. W. Atualmente, o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)agregou-se ao programa firmando convˆnios com a PUCRS e a Universidade de Tbingen. A litologia do CPCN Pr¢-Mata compäe-se predominantemente de rochas eruptivas ( cidas da Forma‡Æo Serra Geral, que ocorrem normalmente capeando as rochas efusivas b sicas). As cotas altim‚tricas da  rea variam ente 600 a 943 m. 0 relevo possui disseca‡Æo m‚dia e muito forte e declividade moderadamente forte. As encostas mais ¡ngremes apresentam elevado grau de instabilidade morfodinƒmica, explicando movimentos de massa r pidos e espor dicos. Nas cotas acima de 900 m o relevo ‚ suave ondulado a ondulado, com disseca‡Æo fraca. 0 clima na regiÆo do CPNC Pr¢-Mata caracteriza-se por apresentar temperaturas baixas e altos ¡ndices pluviom‚tricos, sendo a temperatura m‚dia em torno dos 16 § C. As precipita‡äes anuais registradas aposentam valores entre 1750 a 2500 mm. A baixa evapotranspira‡Æo aliada a alta pluviosidade, proporcionam um balan‡o h¡drico com excedentes em todos os meses do ano, somando a m‚dia anual de 1209 mm. Considerando a classifica‡Æo das regiäes Fitoecol¢gicas do RS (IBGE, 1986), na  rea do CPCN Pr¢-Mata, identificam-se basicamente as unidades: Floresta Ombr¢fila Mista, Floresta Ombr¢fila Densa e Campos de altitude, tamb‚m Reflorestamentos com Pinus ssp. A Floresta Ombr¢fila Mista ocorre nos pontos mais altos, com temperaturas baixas, estando presentes esp‚cies de Con¡feras de origem australiana, sempre verdes, adaptadas ao frio, t¡picas desta regiÆo. Tamb‚m sÆo encontradas esp‚cies latifoliadas, dec¡duas, companheiras no estrato da submata. 0 elemento principal desta floresta ‚ a Araucaria angustifolia. A Floresta Ombr¢fila Densa est  localizada ao longo das  reas de relevo muito dissecado das encostas e escarpas, constitu¡das pelas rochas bas lticas da seqˆncia da Bacia do Paran . A Floresta Ombr¢fila Densa ‚ formada por  rvores vigorosas, providas de largas e densas copas, constituindo densa e fechada cobertura arb¢rea. Ao longo da borda do Planalto ocorre a Floresta Ombr¢fila Densa Montana, em torno dos 800 metros de altitude. Trata-se de um relevo acidentado e de dif¡cil acesso, fator que limitou a explora‡Æo humana, embora, segundo o IBGE (1986), a mata tenha sido derrubada para a agricultura de subsistˆncia. Foi, no entanto devido ao tipo de relevo que a  rea foi abandonada, dando lugar … vegeta‡Æo secund ria. 0 setor coberto por Campos, localizado nas maiores altitudes, ocupa pequenas  reas do Pr¢-Mata. Nestes locais predominam, solos rasos, em relevo geralmente aplainado. Na borda do Planalto, numa faixa estreita ocorre a "Matinha Nebular", assim denominada porque em grande parte do ano fica coberta por neblina. Este tipo de vegeta‡Æo possui as formas arb¢reas, arbustivas e herb ceas, com fisionomia raqu¡tica, constitu¡da por indiv¡duos tortuosos, com copas densas. 0 objetivo deste trabalho ‚ a avalia‡Æo da qualidade de imagens com alta resolu‡Æo espacial do sat‚lite QuickBird, contribuindo com uma nova base de dados para a representa‡Æo cartogr fica dos estudos realizados no CPCNPro-Mata. as etapas deste trabalho sÆo: an lise da exatidÆo geom‚trica das imagens do sat‚lite QUICKBIRD (Basic Imagery), cria‡Æo de um Banco de Dados Geogr ficos, realiza‡Æo de um mapeamento fitogeogr fico, geomorfol¢gico e hidrogr fico da  rea , na escala 1/10 000. SerÆo efetuados testes estat¡sticos para avaliar a exatidÆo tem tica (mapa fitogeogr fico ). Um modelo digital do Terreno ser  criado a partir deste , mapas de Aspecto e Declividades Finalmente serÆo cruzados os Planos de Informa‡äes, atrav‚s de t‚cnicas de Geoprocessamento, para a an lise dos diferentes temas, a saber vegeta‡Æo, relevo e hidrografia. O sat‚lite QUICKBIRD operacional a partir de outubro de 2001 a uma altitude de 450 km da Terra. Dentre as caracter¡sticas deste sat‚lite , destacam-se as suas resolu‡äes espectral e espacial: na banda Pancrom tica 0.45-0.90 um), (Verde: 0,52-0,60 um), (Vermelho :0,63-0,69 um)e (Infra vermelho pr¢ximo 0.76-0.90 um)a resolu‡Æo espacial ‚ de 2,44 m. A largura m xima da faixa imageada ‚ de 16.5 km no nadir, sendo a  rea de interesse de uma cena simples de 16.5 x 16.5 km. As imagens Pancrom ticas e Multiespectrais sÆo adquiridas com 11 bits, podendo ser produzidas em 16 ou 8 bits. Estas imagens possuem n¡veis de corre‡Æo geom‚trica diferentes. No Brasil sÆo comercializados os seguintes tipos de imagem: Basic Imagery, Standard Imagery. Junto com estas imagens sÆo entregues os arquivos Image Support Data (ISD), contendo os seguintes dados do sat‚lite: atitude, efem‚rides, calibra‡Æo geom‚trica e informa‡äes do modelo da cƒmera, necess rios para a corre‡Æo geom‚trica das imagens. As imagens de sat‚lite podem apresentar uma s‚rie de distor‡äes espaciais, al‚m de nÆo apresentarem a exatidÆo cartogr fica no posicionamento dos objetos nelas representados. Estas distor‡äes estÆo associadas … rota‡Æo e curvatura da Terra, movimento do espelho de imageamento, abertura de visada do sensor, varia‡äes da altitude, posi‡Æo e velocidade da plataforma, distor‡Æo de panorama, distor‡Æo topogr fica (SCHOWENGERDT, 1997). Nas diversas aplica‡äes das imagens de SR toma-se necess rio corrigir as distor‡äes geom‚tricas e ajust -las a um Sistema de Coordenadas, Proje‡Æo e Datuns planim‚trico e altim‚trico, para que estas sejam integradas a outros dados atrav‚s de Sistemas de Informa‡äes Geogr ficas (SIG). As imagens do sat‚lite QuickBird, precisam de modelos mais robustos para corrigir as suas respectivas distor‡äes geom‚tricas. Desta forma, tornam-se mais adequados os modelos fotogram‚tricos que utilizam dados de eferm‚rides do sat‚lite, al‚m de pontos de controle e Modelo Digital do Terreno (MDT). As imagens utilizadas neste trabalho serÆo do tipo Basic Imagery, Pancrom tica e Multiespectral, 11 bits. Procura-se assim avaliar a exatidÆo geom‚trica m xima obtida nas imagens deste tipo. Para tanto, serÆo utilizados pontos de controle, adquiridos de ortofotos a‚reas de um v“o realizado em janeiro de 1999 pela empresa AEROSUL S/A - Curitiba, em escala 1/10 000, filme infravermelho falsa-cor, orto-retifica‡Æo realizada pela 1a DL DGS/Ex‚rcito Brasileiro, PEC, Classe A (formato digital, pixel de 0.24 m). Para a orto-retifica‡Æo das imagens do sat‚lite serÆo utilizados um MDT (curvas de n¡vel com eqidistƒncia de 10 m)e os dados ISD fornecidos junto com as imagens Quickbird. Para realizar esta etapa do trabalho ser  utilizado o aplicativo PC/Geomatics. Uma primeira avalia‡Æo geom‚trica das imagens ser  por meio do Erro Quadr tico M‚dio (ZHOU e LI, 2000). SerÆo tamb‚m realizados trabalhos de campo para aquisi‡Æo de pontos de controle no terreno, utilizando um DGPS, (Diferential Global Positioning System). Os pontos de controle adquiridos com DGPS serÆo analisados em conjunto com pontos na imagem, atrav‚s de uma regressÆo linear simples. Ap¢s as corre‡äes das distor‡äes geom‚tricas, a etapa seguinte ‚ a classifica‡Æo e identifica‡Æo de fei‡äes tem ticas: fitogeogr ficas geomorfol¢gicas e hidrol¢gicas. No mapeamento da vegeta‡Æo, ser  aplicado o m‚todo de classifica‡Æo descrito por HOFFMANN (2000)que utilizou a classifica‡Æo orientada a objeto do aplicativo eCognition. Ap¢s os procedimentos de mapeamento, ser  analisada a exatidÆo tem tica do mapa fitogeogr fico. Neste contexto, eventuais de equ¡vocos ocorridos durante os trabalhos de classifica‡Æo da imagem, poderÆo ser corrigidos, obtendo-se produtos com boa exatidÆo tem tica. Para tanto, serÆo aplicados os testes de controle de qualidade para o mapeamento (CONGALTON e GREEN, 1999). Quanto … amostragem para as an lises estat¡sticas da exatidÆo tem tica, numa primeira aproxima‡Æo, ser  utilizada a amostragem estratificada aleat¢ria e o tamanho da amostra determinado pelo m‚todo proporcional binominal (COCHRAN, 1977)Na amostragem estratificada aleat¢ria, o n£mero de amostras necess rias em cada classe tem tica do mapa fitogeogr fico ‚ ponderado por sua  rea, garantindo que todas as classes sejam amostras. Para determinar o tamanho amostral ‚ necess rio estabelecer os seguintes parƒmetros como entrada, Intervalo de confian‡a, Erro m ximo de estimativa, Fun‡Æo de Distribui‡Æo acumulada da Normal PadrÆo, ExatidÆo m¡nima requerida. No mapeamento da hidrografia da  rea, inicialmente ser  feita uma interpreta‡Æo visual da imagem. 0 mapa de hidrografia servir  para auxiliar a constru‡Æo do mapa geomorfol¢gico. Para o mapeamento geomorfol¢gico proposto, serÆo realizadas interpreta‡äes visuais da imagem, buscando poss¡veis contatos geol¢gicos, planos de fraqueza, afloramentos rochosos,  reas de movimentos de massa. Este mapeamento seguir  a metodologia proposta pelo IBGE (1995), considerando, especialmente a an lise da drenagem, a morfometria e f ceis de disseca‡Æo, a an lise das influˆncias lito-estruturais e os tipos de modelados. Cabe ressaltar que., durante a realiza‡Æo do trabalho ser  concebido um Banco de Dados Geogr fico para o CPCN Pr¢-Mata, onde estarÆo contidos todos os dados e mapas criado durante este estudo. Ap¢s os procedimentos de mapeamento tem tico, ser  efetuada a an lise geogr fica do dados, usando t‚cnicas de Geoprocessamento. Espera-se assim obter uma avalia‡Æo geom‚trica das imagens … sat‚lite QuickBird, bem como a avalia‡Æo da exatidÆo tem tica do mapa de fitogeogr fico gerado pelas imagens de alta resolu‡Æo espacial. Pretende-se estudar alguns elementos de paisagem do CPCN Pr¢-Mata atrav‚s de dados de Sensoriamento Remoto de ultima gera‡Æo, utilizando e introduzindo, novas t‚cnicas para pesquisas na  rea de estudo, que posteriormente poderÆo ser expandidas para outras  reas 91: FDB-20021201 MFN: 10328 1: SID/SCD 2: 9476 3: INPE-9476-PRE/5131 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Esp¡rito Santo, Fernando Del Bon 10: Silva, Patr¡cia Guedes 12: Correla‡Æo entre  reas de corte seletivo de madeira e proximidade das estradas em uma por‡Æo da Amaz“nia Central 13: Correlation between selective loggin area and proximity of the highways a portion of the Central Amazonia 14: 219-221 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 53: Semin rio de Atualiza‡Æo em Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistemas de Informa‡äes Geogr ficas Aplicados … Engenharia Florestal, 5 54: 15-17 out. <2002> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 88: carbon budgets 82: 83: 0 corte seletivo, uma das formas de extra‡Æo florestal, vˆm ocorrendo com grande freqˆncia na Amaz“nia. Estima-se que 15.000 km2/ano de floresta amaz“nica sÆo manejadas por essas pr ticas (NEPSTAD et al., 1999). Existem in£meras causas para o aumento de ocorrˆncia de  reas de corte seletivo, mas a abertura de estradas para o alcance de novas  reas de extra‡Æo madeireira, ‚ um dos principais fatores (VERISSIMO et al., 1998). Neste contexto, imagens de sat‚lites integradas a um sistema de informa‡Æo geogr fica (SIG), sÆo £teis para monitorar e fiscalizar o uso da cobertura florestal. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar influˆncia da rede vi ria (estradas federais, estaduais e vicinais)em  reas de explora‡Æo florestal (cor seletivo). A  rea de estudo est  localizada no Estado do Mato Grosso, contida na folha SC.21-Z-D denominada SINOP (DSG, 1983), abrangendo uma superf¡cie de 18.104 kM2 entre as coordenadas geogr ficas de 11§ 00' 12§ 00' de latitude sul (S)e 54§ 00 e 55§ 30' de longitude oeste (W). Existe nessa regiÆo, uma intensa atividade ( madeireira localizada basicamente ao redor de quatro centros urbanos (Sinop, Marcelƒndia, Ju¡na e Cl udia)que concentram de 38 por cento a 52 por centodas serrarias existentes no Mato Grosso, consumindo aproximadamente 30 por cento da madeira cortada do estado (SEPLAN, 19991 Utilizo-se uma imagem do sensor TM (Tematic Mapper)do sat‚lite Landsat-5 referente … ¢rbita 226/ponto 68, adquirida em 05 de junho de 2000, na forma anal¢gica digital. Foram empregadas t‚cnicas de processamento de imagens e de an lise espacial. A imagem em formato anal¢gico serviu para a interpreta‡Æo visual das  reas de corte seletivo em mesa de luz, realizada por interpretes experientes. Os pol¡gonos delimitados em papel foram incorporados a um sistema de informa‡Æo geogr fica (SIG). As delimita‡äes dos pol¡gonos foram realizadas com base na ocorrˆncia de p tios de estocagens de madeira, ou grandes clareiras, abertas ap¢s as ocorrˆncias das pr ticas de corte seletivo vis¡veis em imagem orbitais. A imagem em formato digital serviu para a extra‡Æo das estradas federais, estaduais e vicinais que foram abertas na regiÆo. Para isso foram utilizadas as bandas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, e 7 do TM. Estas foram corrigida para valores de reflectƒncia superficial aparente pelo m‚todo de MARKCHAM BARKER (1986)e geradas a imagens-por‡äes (solo, sombra e vegeta‡Æo), atrav‚s do modelo linear de mistura espectral (SHIMABUKURO e SMITH, 1991). Com o uso da imagem da fra‡Æo solo, foi poss¡vel tra‡ar em tela as estradas que cortam regiÆo e identificar as  reas de corte seletivo. 0 SIG utilizado foi o SPRING 3.6 (C¶MARA et al., 1996). Em tela, tamb‚m foi extra¡da a rede hidrogr fica da regiÆo utilizando as cartas topogr fica em 1:250.000 (DSG 1983). Apesar da hidrografia nÆo ser o fator fundamental de escoamento da madeira na regiÆo, esse plano de informa‡Æo foi incorporado no SIG como uma informa‡Æo complementar. Para compreender a influˆncia da rede vi ria …s  reas de corte seletivo, foram criados mapas de distƒncia ou buffer em torno dos mesmos e, posteriormente, transformadas em imagens num‚ricas e/ou planos de informa‡äes (Pl's). Esses Pl's foram necess rias para a pondera‡Æo dos diferentes fatores que influenciam as  reas de corte seletivo (mapa de distƒncia da rede vi ria e hidrogr fica), atrav‚s de um processo booleano e anal¡tico hier rquico - AHP (Analitycal Hierarchy Process)no SIG. 0 crit‚rio para a cria‡Æo dos buffers da rede vi ria (estradas florestais)em rela‡Æo as  reas de corte seletivo, foram baseado em estimativas de alcance explorat¢rios as florestas em  reas de coloniza‡Æo agr¡cola (ALVES et al., 1999)e de zoneamento de  reas de explora‡Æo madeireira (VERÖSSIMO et al., 1998). Neste trabalho, foram encontradas  reas de corte seletivo distanciadas em at‚ 25 km da rede vi ria. Como a maior ocorrˆncia de  reas de corte seletivo foram observadas pr¢ximas …s estradas, foram adotadas diferentes faixas de buffers, buscando-se minimizar o efeito proximidade espacial. Foram adotadas, oito faixas com 500 m de largura para as  reas de cortes seletivos que se encontram distanciadas em at‚ 4 km da rede vi ria, e seis faixas de 3000 m para o restante das  reas de corte seletivo. Essas faixas foram posteriormente ponderadas entre valores de 0 e 1 (m¡nima e m xima influˆncia da rede vi ria …s  reas de corte seletivo, respectivamente), e transformada em uma imagem num‚rica. 0 mesmo procedimento foi adotado para a hidrografia e para as  reas, de corte seletivo da regiÆo. Nos mapas tem ticos gerados foram aplicados os operadores alg‚bricos de mapas, que reduzem a ambigidade das interpreta‡äes e fornecem um melhor suporte … tomada de decisäes. Para isso foram utilizados os dois operadores: booleano e ponderado AHP. 0 operador booleano permite o realizar cruzamentos entre dois ou mais planos diferentes de informa‡Æo, atrav‚s de uma l¢gica booleana entre dois conjuntos de dados (BONHAM-CARTER, 1994). 0 operador AHP pondera os diferentes fatores de influˆncia a um dado fen“meno, atrav‚s de um processo hier rquico de importƒncia (SASTY, 1992). Foram consideradas tanto na an lise booleana como pela t‚cnica AHP, categorias tem ticas de faixas de  reas de corte seletivo influenciadas pela proximidade das estradas. Para a an lise booleana foram consideradas duas categorias:  reas de corte seletivo altamente influenciada pela proximidade das estradas e  reas de corte seletivo moderadamente influenciada pela proximidade das estradas. A primeira categoria, incluiu  reas de cortes seletivos distanciadas das estradas de at‚ 4 km, e a segunda, em uma faixa de 4 km a 16 km de distƒncia. Pela an lise da AHP, foi acrescida ainda uma terceira categoria: as  reas de corte seletivo com pouca influˆncia das estradas e da hidrografia. Nessa categoria foi especializada as  reas de corte seletivo distanciadas a mais de 16 km das estradas com um moderado peso de influˆncia para a hidrografia. A grande diferen‡a entre o uso da t‚cnica booleana e AHP neste trabalho, foi que nesta £ltima foi acrescentada a influˆncia da hidrografia (apesar de moderada)em algumas  reas de corte seletivo. Al‚m disso, para a AHP foram considerados valores ponderados para as diferentes distƒncias das estradas, possibilitando a produ‡Æo de um mapa tem tico mais criterioso. Para comprovar a ocorrˆncia de corte seletivo em  reas pr¢ximas a rede vi ria foi realizada uma tabula‡Æo cruzada entre as  reas de corte seletivo e o mapa de distƒncias das estradas. Observou-se que as  reas de corte seletivo pr¢ximas …s estradas florestais sÆo altamente afetadas pela proximidade das mesmas (R2 =0,96), indicando que a cobertura de estradas nessa regiÆo ‚ um importante fator de intensifica‡Æo do uso da cobertura vegetal. A espacializa‡Æo da influˆncia das estradas nessas  reas, tanto pelo m‚todo booleano como pelo hier rquico (AHP), produziram mapas tem ticos visualmente semelhantes para as  reas de alta influˆncia das estradas. A t‚cnica AHP apresentou mais eficiˆncia na espacializa‡Æo desse fen“meno por ponderar os mapas de distƒncia das estradas com diferentes pesos de importƒncia para cada faixa de influˆncia. Al‚m do mais, considera a hidrografia com um fator secund rio no escoamento da madeira. A metodologia adotada para compreender a influˆncia da proximidade das estradas sobre as  reas de corte seletivo de madeira, apresentou-se eficiente para tais objetivos 83: 91: FDB-20021201 MFN: 10342 1: SID/SCD 2: 9418 3: INPE-9418-PRE/5074 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Aulicino, L.C.M. 10: Martini, Paulo Roberto 12: Detec‡Æo de mudan‡as na v rzea do rio Para¡ba do Sul com base em carta-imagem CCD-CBERS e informa‡äes de fotografias a‚reas 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: detec‡Æo de mudan‡as 87: imagens CBERS 88: flood plain 82: 83: The flood plain of the Paraiba do Sul River in SÆo Paulo territory has been severely changed since the middle twentieth century. Dams and rectifications along the stream allowed the spreading of land use in the flood plain by urban sprawling and cropping fields. Other activities such as the exploration of sand have grown without adequated environment planning. These activities started to damage the river banks in the early fifties and are still advancing. They generate highly impacting situations both for the river and for the flood plain. This article analyses the changes that were imposed to the river in the lower valley within the SÆo Paulo State border. The main sources of information are a date CBERS imagemap and aerial photos collected back in 1963. The 50,000 imagemap was based in the high resolution CCD images. The scale is compatible with the topographic chart obtained from the aerial photos. The matching between the old map and the young images registered very important changes in the flood plain. The more dramatic change occured in the stream of the Paraiba River where the original course was moved to a new path and intensive exploration of sand along their banks was established . The exploration of alluvial sands stood for years and still stand far behind sustainble levels. Change detection through orbital sensors shows that this remote proach environmental damages helping to recover the original landscapes. To this specific site the procedure helped to define how far the terrestrial environment was changed and thus how much need to be rebuilt. The same procedure can be followed to other areas once they have old topographic maps and new orbital images with the same scale and compatible ground resolutions. RESUMO: A v rzea do Rio Para¡ba do Sul em territ¢rio paulista tem sido sistematicamente modificada a partir de meados do s‚culo passado em fun‡Æo de a‡äes humanas. O barramento das  guas por represas fez expandir a ocupa‡Æo da terra nas v rzeas atrav‚s de loteamentos e atividades agr¡colas respons veis.Outras atividades de grande interesse econ“mico como a explora‡Æo de ricos jazimentos de materiais para constru‡Æo se expandiram irresponsavelmente gerando situa‡äes de grande impacto para o meio ambiente do Rio e de sua v rzea. Neste trabalho se analisam as mudan‡as ocorridas no baixo vale paulista do Rio Para¡ba do Sul a partir de dados de Carta-Imagem CCD-CBERS recentes e de fotos a‚reas coletadas ao final dos anos sessenta. A Carta-Imagem foi produzida com dados do sensor CCD que permitiu pela sua alta resolu‡Æo criar um mapa em escala 1:50000 compat¡vel com a carta topogr fica obtida das fotografias a‚reas. O registro do mapa topogr fico antigo com a carta-imagem recente permitiu detectar mudan‡as importantes na v rzea. A principal mudan‡a mostra que o tra‡ado do Rio foi totalmente modificado pelas atividades de explora‡Æo mineral ligadas a constru‡Æo civil. Aluviäes de areia explorados ao extremo sem qualquer preocupa‡Æo ambiental levaram a um novo tra‡ado do Rio Para¡ba do Sul imposto pela atividade humana. O registro das mudan‡as por tecnologia remota mostra que este procedimento ‚ £til para se recuperar a mem¢ria paisag¡stica dos terrenos. No caso espec¡fico permite que se vislumbre o quanto de ambiente se perdeu e aponta o quanto se deve recuperar. Abordagens semelhantes podem ser feitas sempre que se tiver bases topogr ficas mais antigas e coberturas orbitais recentes com resolu‡Æo compat¡vel em escala 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10343 1: SID/SCD 2: 9419 3: INPE-9419-PRE/5075 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Montes, Eduardo Cunha 10: Batista, Getulio Teixeira 12: Mapeamento da ocupa‡Æo de  rea agrosilvopastoris utilizando dados do sat‚lite CBERS 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: Mapeamento 87: pastagem 87: cultivos 87: reflorestamento 87: SPRING 88: Mapping 88: pasture 88: crops 88: reforestation 88: CBERS imagery 83: O crescimento de forma desordenada que v rios munic¡pios sofreram vem causando problemas de ordem s¢cio-econ“micas e ambientais. A falta de conhecimento do uso e cobertura vegetal dessas regiäes prejudica o planejamento de seu desenvolvimento, seja para urbaniza‡Æo, industrializa‡Æo ou explora‡Æo agropecu ria. Informa‡äes espaciais sobre um territ¢rio permitem o planejamento do uso do solo e a explora‡Æo de seus recursos agrosilvopastoris de forma organizada e produtiva, al‚m de propiciar dados quantitativos e qualitativos sobre os j  existentes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o mapeamento de  reas de pastagem, cultivos agr¡colas e reflorestamento do munic¡pio de Taubat‚, utilizando-se como ferramenta a t‚cnica do Sensoriamento Remoto e um Sistema de Informa‡Æo Geogr fica para a an lise de imagens dos sat‚lites CBERS/CCD e SPOT. Foi utilizado o SPRING (Sistema de Processamento de Informa‡äes Geoferrenciadas, desenvolvido pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais), que possui fun‡äes de processamento de imagens e de sistemas de informa‡äes geogr ficas. As imagens foram, inicialmente, registradas, processo que corrige geograficamente a imagem a ser analisada e permite associar coordenadas geogr ficas a cada pixel. As etapas seguintes consistiram na segmenta‡Æo, classifica‡Æo, edi‡Æo e mapeamento tem tico (culturas anuais, perenes, florestas, reflorestamento, pastagem, vegeta‡Æo natural regenerada,  gua, urbana e minera‡Æo). Foi realizado um trabalho de campo para estimativa da exatidÆo dos resultados e todos os pontos consultados foram registrados utilizando-se um receptor GPS. O resultados mostraram maiores mudan‡as nas classes urbana e reflorestamento e menor para floresta quando comparado com dados anteriores. Os resultados finais do trabalho poderÆo ser utilizados para elabora‡Æo do Plano Diretor municipal e tamb‚m poderÆo fornecer subs¡dios para a aplica‡Æo da Resolu‡Æo SAA-19, de 27/08/99, da Secret ria de Agricultura e Abastecimento, que estabelece novos crit‚rios para c lculo de  reas de cultivo, agregando valores para  reas de reflorestamento e pastagem, at‚ entÆo nÆo reconhecidas, aumentando o repasse do ICMS (imposto estadual)do estado para o munic¡pio. ABSTRACT: The unplanned development of several municipal districts is causing several socio-economics and environmental problems. The lack of knowledge about the use and vegetation cover of these regions makes the planning for development of urban, industry or livestock exploration a difficult task. Space information for a region allows the planning of land use concerning the agricultural, forestry and rangeland resources in an organized and productive way, in addition, it provides quantitative and qualitative data on the existing resources. The objective of this work was to map pasture, crops and reforestation areas of the municipal district of Taubat‚, SÆo Paulo State, using remote sensing techniques and a geographic information system to analyze CBERS/CCD and SPOT imagery. It was used the SPRING (System for Processing Georeferenced Information)developed by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE)that has both image processing and geographic information system functions. The images were initially registered for geometric correction and as a result, each pixel was associated with geographical coordinates. The next steps consisted in image segmentation, classification using a per-field classifier, analyst edition and thematic mapping (annual crops, permanent crops, forest, reforest (planted forest), pasture, natural vegetation, water, urban and mining). A field check was performed for accuracy assessment and all points checked were georeferenced using a GPS receptor. Results showed an increase in urban and reforested areas, forest areas were not substantially altered when compared with previous available data. Results from this work may be used for the Municipal Director Plan and for the application of the Resolution SAA-19 of the Agriculture and Food Supplying Secretary of the State of SÆo Paulo that regulates the amount of the state taxes that go to each municipal district according to the area of land that is planted with crops, pasture and reforestation 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10344 1: SID/SCD 2: 9385 3: INPE-9385-PRE/5045 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vergara, Oscar Ricardo 10: Cintra, Jorge Pimentel 10: D'Alge, J£lio C‚sa Lima 12: Atualiza‡Æo cartogr fica integrando t‚cnicas de sensoriamento remoto, processamento de imagens e sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 18: Memorias 40: Pts 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: CARTOGRAFIA 88: Atualiza‡Æo cartogr fica 88: SIG 88: Sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 82: 83: O estado atual da cartografia mundial mostra a carˆncia de cartas que forne‡am informa‡Æo atualizada para extensas regiäes do planeta, em escalas maiores que 1:100.000. H  mais de uma d‚cada, a comunidade cartogr fica vem direcionando esfor‡os na procura de novas t‚cnicas de atualiza‡Æo, visando reverter essa situa‡Æo. Para esse fim, nos £ltimos anos foram realizados alguns estudos no Brasil, que testam o desempenho de imagens orbitais na atualiza‡Æo de cartas topogr ficas. Nessa linha de pesquisa, o objetivo deste trabalho ‚ avaliar uma metodologia de atualiza‡Æo de cartas topogr ficas na escala 1:50.000 baseada na utiliza‡Æo de dados de Sensoriamento Remoto orbital, integrados atrav‚s de um Sistema de Informa‡Æo Geogr fica. Para tanto, utilizando o programa SPRING desenvolvido no INPE, foram geradas trˆs cartas atualizadas na escala 1:50.000, a partir de trˆs diferentes grupos de dados (imagens HRV-SPOT e TMLandsat, originais ou pouco processadas; imagens sint‚ticas geradas atrav‚s da transforma‡Æo IHS e da transformada wavelet). A seguir foi realizado um controle da qualidade dessas cartas, sendo avaliados o seu conte£do de informa‡Æo tem tica e a sua exatidÆo geom‚trica. Para averiguar os erros decorrentes do processo de impressÆo dos dados, o teste geom‚trico foi aplicado primeiro aos dados vetoriais, antes da plotagem, e depois foram avaliadas as cartas impressas. Os resultados indicaram que, tanto do ponto de vista do conte£do informativo quanto da qualidade geom‚trica, a metodologia testada permite obter cartas atualizadas que se aproximam do padrÆo das cartas classe A definido pela legisla‡Æo brasileira, sem chegar a satisfazˆ-lo totalmente, mas atendendo o padrÆo B de exatidÆo geom‚trica. A an lise dos resultados revelou que nenhum dos grupos de imagens estudados tem primazia significativa sobre os outros. ABSTRACT: The present situation of worldwide cartography denotes the lack of updated maps for extensive regions of the planet. Since last decade, in an attempt to revert this situation, the cartographic community is conducting efforts to search new cartographic updating techniques. With this aim, some studies have been done in Brazil, which evaluate the performance of satellite images for cartographic maps updating. The aim of this work is to evaluate an updating methodology for 1:50,000 scale topographic maps using satellite Remote Sensing data and a 2nd generation GIS software. By using SPRING software developed at INPE (braziliam National Institute of Spatial Research), three 1:50,000 topographic maps are updated from three different data sets (HRV-SPOT and TM-Landsat original, slightly processed images; synthetic images produced through IHS transformation; synthetic images achieved by wavelet transform). After that, the information content and the geometric accuracy of those updated maps are assessed. The geometric evaluation is first applied to the vector data, before plotting, and then the printed maps are assessed. The results show that, with respect to both the information content and the geometric accuracy, this methodology allows to accomplish cartographic updating at 1:50,000 scale, achieving a quality close to class A topographic maps accuracy standards, although it does not completely meet those standards. However, it conforms to class B brazilian standards. The results analysis shows that there are no significant superiority among the three data sets 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10345 1: SID/SCD 2: 9420 3: INPE-9420-PRE/5076 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Oliveira, J£lio C‚sar 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 10: Epiphanio, Jos‚ carlos Neves 10: Luiz, Alfredo Jos‚ Barreto 12: Öndice para avalia‡Æo de segmenta‡Æo (IAVAS): uma aplica‡Æo em agricultura 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 88: digital processing 88: image segmentation 88: agricultural statistics 88: Landsat 83: Remote sensing techniques are increasingly been used for obtaining more rapid, accurate and cheap agricultural statistics comparing with the current subjective used methodologies. One important aspect of these methodologies is the estimation of the crop areas that must be made in objective ways. Orbital imagery may allow approaches in the municipality or in the county levels, so that the use of segmentation algorithms for extracting the limits of the crop plots is an essential step in the process of agricultural land use classification. Thus, the main objective of the present research was the development of a quantitative method for evaluating results of orbital imagery segmentation. Proposed methodology also defines criteria for selecting thresholds (area and similarity)for the used segmentation algorithm. From the obtained results it was verified that the quantitative methodology proposed was suitable and competent for defining the excellent segmentation thresholds. The area/similarity thresholds pair 16/24 provided the best segmentation results for the study area when considering reference data obtained with field data. But, when reference data were obtained by the user through manual interpretation, the thresholds that produced the best segmentation results were 16/44 and 16/45. RESUMO: Partindo da hip¢tese de que a t‚cnica de classifica‡Æo de imagens por regiäes, associada aos dados oriundos de sensoriamento remoto, ‚ um meio eficaz para estimar  rea plantada, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral o desenvolvimento um sistema quantitativo para avalia‡Æo dos resultados gerados no processo de segmenta‡Æo de imagens digitais. Tal sistema de avalia‡Æo baseou-se em medidas de discrepƒncia, em rela‡Æo a um dado de referˆncia, usando os seguintes parƒmetros: a)n£mero de pol¡gonos; b)comprimento total de linhas; c)variƒncia das  reas dos pol¡gonos; d)centro de massa mais pr¢ximo; e e)faixa de coincidˆncia. A metodologia aqui apresentada define tamb‚m crit‚rios para a escolha dos limiares (similaridade e  rea)para o algoritmo de segmenta‡Æo por crescimento de regiäes. A partir dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que o sistema quantitativo proposto mostrou-se competente no processo de avalia‡Æo dos resultados gerados pelo algoritmo segmentador. O par de limares 16/24 (similaridade /  rea)forneceu a melhor segmenta‡Æo para a  rea de estudo quando os dados de referˆncia foram obtidos por levantamento de campo. Por‚m, ao adotar como dado de referˆncia a interpreta‡Æo visual feita em tela do computador pelo operador, os pares de limiares 16/44 e 16/45 foram os que proporcionaram as melhores segmenta‡äes 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10346 1: SID/SCD 2: 9421 3: INPE-9421-PRE/5077 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Assireu, Arcilan Trevenzoli 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Vijaykumar, Nandamudi Lankalapalli 12: An lise dos padräes gradientes como um estimador da dimenÆo fractal: exemplo de aplica‡Æo para as trajet¢rias de derivadoresrastreados por sat‚lites 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: trajet¢rias das part¡cula 87: oceano 83: Quando as trajet¢rias das part¡culas em um fluido sÆo ca¢ticas, o fluido apresenta grande potencial de mistura o que aumenta o processo difusivo. Por outro lado, Part¡culas que apresentam trajet¢rias regulares (nÆo ca¢ticas)estÆo associadas a processos nÆo muito eficientes de mistura. A questÆo se as trajet¢rias dos derivadores sÆo ou nÆo ca¢ticas, ‚ de fundamental importƒncia para a compreensÆo dos processos pelos quais tra‡adores passivos sÆo misturados lateralmente no oceano. Baseados nestas motiva‡äes, as propriedades de escala associadas …s trajet¢rias lagrangianas de sete derivadores lan‡ados no contorno oeste da Corrente do Brasil em 1993 e 1994 foram analisadas. N¢s aplicamos o m‚todo do expoente de escala (Emmery and Thomson, 2001)para estimar a dimensÆo fractal destas trajet¢rias. N¢s encontramos que para escalas espaciais entre 20 e 150 km e escalas temporais entre 1 e 10 dias as trajet¢rias apresentaram comportamento fractal com dimensÆo fractal de aproximadamente 1.4. O m‚todo citado acima, embora amplamente utilizado, apresenta uma indesejada sensibilidade ao comprimento da s‚rie o que compromete sua robustez. Dada esta limita‡Æo, n¢s testamos um novo m‚todo de estimativa da dimensÆo fractal baseado em an lises do padrÆo dos gradientes. Esta metodologia, que ‚ apresentada em detalhes em Assireu et al. (2002), mostrou-se robusta para diferentes comprimentos de s‚ries temporais analisadas e apresentou tamb‚m a vantagem de se aplicar em s‚ries mais curtas do que seria necess rio para a aplica‡Æo do m‚todo do expoente de escala. O operador, que aqui ser  denominado do Operador de Fragmenta‡Æo Assim‚trica (FA)mostrou-se capaz tamb‚m de identificar diferentes regimes de escoamento presentes nas trajet¢rias dos derivadores. Isto abre uma importante aplica‡Æo para o FA como caracterizador de transi‡Æo. Por exemplo, a mudan‡a de regime de escoamento quase linear para v¢rtices poderia ser detectada a partir da mudan‡a do padrÆo de fragmenta‡Æo associado a este regime. Isto seria um grande avan‡o em rela‡Æo ao m‚todo atualmente usual que consiste em se ter de esperar que a trajet¢ria feche um loop para que se tenha a indica‡Æo de tratar-se de um v¢rtice 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10347 1: SID/SCD 2: 9422 3: INPE-9422-PRE/5078 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Formaggio, Antonio Roberto 10: Ferri, Clotilde Pinheiro 10: Schiavinato, Marlene Aparecida 12: Compara‡Æo entre ¡ndices espectrais de vegeta‡Æo para determina‡Æo de clorofila em doss‚is de soja [Glycine max (L.), Merri] 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 88: Spectroradiometry 88: Chlorophyll 88: Soybean 88: Agriculture 88: Canopy Chemistry 83: Photosynthetic pigments are essential for plant development. Quantifying these pigments in great extensions of agricultural crops are important objectives in remote sensing for agricultural purposes. These information can be used to produce more accurate vegetation physiologic state determination, species discrimination and productivity estimation. Present work intended to: (a)evaluate the capability of estimating chlorophyll content of crop canopies, using narrow bands spectral indexes; and (b)compare the performances of NDVI (a multispectral wide band index)versus two narrow band vegetation indexes (R750/700 and R750/550). Experimental methods in greenhouse conditions were used and soybean [Glycine max (L.), Merril]was monitored with a high spectral resolution spectroradiometer (10 nm at 350-1100 nm range)during the phenological cycle of the crop. Chlorophyll (a, b and total)contents were determined weekly in lab. Statistical correlations were calculated (narrow bands spectral indices versus chlorophyll contents)and r2 coefficients near 0,77 were obtained. For NDVI r2 was near 0,51. Analyses realized showed that R750/R550 and R750/R700 ratios are important indices for chlorophyll a and total determination and very effective when compared with NDVI (one of the wide band indices most used). Then, it can be stated that photosynthetic pigment content measurements at canopy level can be performed by hyperspectral remote sensing in a reliable way through evaluated indexes and others that should be generated. Further studies should be carried out with these and other indexes for evaluating purposes, considering canopy levels, both in laboratory as in field conditions using spectroradiometers and hyperspectral images, viewing goals of agricultural utilization. RESUMO: Informa‡äes sobre pigmentos fotossint‚ticos de doss‚is vegetais agr¡colas podem auxiliar na determina‡Æo do estado fisiol¢gico da vegeta‡Æo, na discrimina‡Æo de esp‚cies e nas estimativas da produtividade. A presente pesquisa objetivou: (a)avaliar a capacidade de estima‡Æo do conte£do de clorofila de doss‚is agr¡colas, a partir de ¡ndices espectrais de bandas estreitas; e (b)comparar o desempenho do ¡ndice NDVI com a performance de ¡ndices de bandas estreitas, como as razäes R750/R700, R750/R550, para doss‚is agr¡colas da soja. Foi realizado um experimento com delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em condi‡äes de casa de vegeta‡Æo, com a cultura da soja [Glycine max (L.), Merril]tendo sido conduzida e monitorada agron“mica e espectralmente ao longo do seu ciclo fenol¢gico, utilizando um espectroradi“metro de alta resolu‡Æo espectral (10 nm, na faixa 350-1100 nm). Os conte£dos de clorofila a, b e total foram determinados em laborat¢rio para cada fase do ciclo e os dados espectroradiom‚tricos semanais foram usados para a obten‡Æo dos ¡ndices espectrais de vegeta‡Æo. Por an lise de regressÆo simples, foram obtidos os coeficientes de determina‡Æo (R2)entre os ¡ndices espectrais e os conte£dos de clorofila obtidos em laborat¢rio. Verificou-se que as razäes R750/R700 e R750/R550 foram diretamente proporcionais (R2 > 0,77)aos conte£dos de clorofila dos doss‚is de soja. As rela‡äes entre conte£dos de clorofila e o ¡ndice multiespectrais NDVI apresentaram coeficientes menores (R2 < 0,51). Estes resultados sugerem que ¡ndices de bandas estreitas podem ser utilizados para determina‡äes do conte£do de clorofila de doss‚is agr¡colas por sensores aerotransportados ou colocados em plataformas orbitais 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10348 1: SID/SCD 2: 9423 3: INPE-9423-PRE/5079 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Moreira, Mauricio Alves 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 10: Felicio, JoÆo Carlos 10: Freitas, Jos‚ Guilherme de 10: Targas, Marcelo dos 12: Espectrorradiometria de campoi no estudo do comportamento espectral e an lise da eficiˆncia do uso da radia‡Æo em 20 cultivares e trigo 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GRONOMIA 87: Radiometria de campo 87: comportamento espectral 87: radia‡Æo 87: produ‡Æo de fiomassa 87: cultura 87: trigo. 87: comportamento espectral 87: radia‡Æo 87: produ‡Æo de fiomassa 87: cultura 87: trigo 83: A t‚cnica de espectrorradiometria de campo foi utilizada para analisar o comportamento espectral e o uso eficiente da radia‡Æo para produ‡Æo de fitomassa em 20 cultivares de trigo. O experimento foi instalado numa  rea experimental da Universidade de Taubat‚, no estado de SÆo Paulo. O delineamento experimental constou de blocos ao acaso com 20 tratamentos e 4 repeti‡äes. O trigo foi semeado com espa‡amento entre linhas de 20 cm e 80 sementes por metro linear. A cultura foi irrigada semanalmente para repor a  gua at‚ a capacidade de campo. A aduba‡Æo de macro e icronutrientes foi feita com base na an lise de solo e nas recomenda‡äes do Instituto Agron“mico de Campinas, para trigo de sequeiro e irrigado. As medidas radiom‚tricas foram realizadas semanalmente, em dias livres de cobertura de nuvens, desde a emergˆncia das plƒntulas at‚ a maturidade fisiol¢gica da cultura. Para tal, empregou-se o Spectron SE-590, que opera na faixa de 400 a 1100 nm do espectro eletromagn‚tico. As medidas foram tomadas a uma altura de 3 metros acima do dossel da cultura. Para estimar a radia‡Æo absorvida empregou-se, al‚m das medidas radiom‚tricas transformadas no ¡ndice de vegeta‡Æo da diferen‡a normalizada (NDVI), dados de radia‡Æo coletados num posto meteorol¢gico pr¢ximo ao local do experimento. Os resultados mostraram que a radia‡Æo fotossinteticamente ativa e absorvida (AAPAR)da varia‡Æo na produ‡Æo da fitomassa e 34 por cento para produ‡Æo de grÆo dos 20 cultivares analisados. A produ‡Æo de fitomassa variou de 672 a 1142,9 gm-2 e a eficiˆncia do uso da radia‡Æo para produ‡Æo de fitomassa variou de 1,85 a 2,66gMJ-1. ASTRACT:Field radiometry technique was used to analyze the spectral behavior and the radiation use efficiency for biomass production of 20 wheat cultivars. The field experiment was installed in an experimental area of the University of Taubat‚ in Taubat‚, SÆo Paulo State. The experiment was carried out in a random complete block design with 20 treatments (wheat cultivars)and 4 blocks. The wheat crop was sown with row spacing of 20 cm and 80 seeds per meter. The crop was irrigated on a weekly basis in order to supply water up to field capacity. The fertilization of macro and micronutrients was performed based on soil analysis and on the recommendations of the Instituto Agron“mico de Campinas (IAC), for irrigated and non-irrigated wheat. Radiometric measurements were taken with the field spectroradiometer Spectron SE-590 that operates in the range of 400 to 1100 nm of the electromagnetic spectrum. Measurements were acquired on a weekly basis during cloud free days from plant emergency through physiological maturity. The sensor was placed at a height of 3 meters above crop canopy. Radiometric measures transformed into the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)along with meteorological data wfrom 1.85 to 2.66 g MJ-1. of grain yield production for the 20 wheat cultivars. Biomass production varied from 672 to 1143 g m-2 and radiation use efficiency for biomass production varied from 1.85 to 2.66 g MJ-1 of grain yield production for the 20 wheat cultivars. Biomass production varied from 672 to 1143 g m-2 and radiation use efficiency for biomass production varied from 1.85 to 2.66 g MJ-1. 83: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10349 1: SID/SCD 2: 9424 3: INPE-9424-PRE/5080 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Iris de Marcelhas e 10: Pereira, Madalena Niero 10: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves de Oliveira 12: Estimativa de unidades residenciais a partir da utiliza‡Æo de imagens orbitais de alta resolu‡Æo espacial para c lculo de popula‡Æo urbana 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: intra-urbano 87: estimativa populacional 87: imagens Ikonos 87: satelite Ikonos 87: Sistema de Processamento de Informa‡äes Georreferenciadas 87: SPRING 87: GIS 83: O objetivo deste trabalho ‚ avaliar a potencialidad de produtos de sensoriamento remoto de alta resolu‡Æo espacial para a identifica‡Æo de unidades residenciais, visando a estimativa de popula‡Æo urbana emper¡odos intercensit rios. Foram utilizadas imagens do sat‚lite Ikonos (pancrom tica e colorida), com um metro de resolu‡Æo espacial, da cidade de SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos. A an lise das imagens foi feita a partir dautiliza‡Æo do Sistema de Processamento de Informa‡äes Georreferenciadas - SPRING (GIS). Foram utilizados, como amostras, cinco setores censit rios oficiais, com caracter¡sticas s¢cioecon“micas distintas. Atrav‚s da interpreta‡Æo visual, foi levantado o n£mero de unidades residenciais por setor nas imagens Ikonos. A estimativa da popula‡Æo foi obtida a partir da multiplica‡Æo do n£mero de unidades residenciaisidentificadas nas imagens pelo n£mero m‚dio de residentes do setor censit rio, gerado a partir de dados oficiais (IBGE). A estimativa das unidades residenciais mostrou resultados satisfat¢rios, quando comparada com os dados do censo demogr fico do ano 2000. ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to evaluate the applicability of high spatial resolution remote sensing data to identify dwelling units for the estimation of urban population in the inter census periods in the Brazilian city of SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos. Digital Ikonos panchromatic and multispectral data were used. Data analysis was conducted using SPRING (GIS). It was used as samples five official census sectors. The number of housing units per sector was identified in the digital Ikonos images. The population was estimated by multiplying the number of dwellings by the average per household occupancy figures, obtained from census tract data. Estimates of the dwelling units showed satisfactory results when compared to the census data 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10350 1: SID/SCD 2: 9480 3: INPE-9480-PRE/5135 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Duarte, Valdete 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Aulicino, Lugi Carli Maroni 12: Metodologia para corrigir as distor‡äes observadas entre os amapeamentos temporais do Projeto Prodes Digita 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: Desmatamento 87: Mapeamento Temporal 87: Imagem LANDSAT 87: Distor‡Æo geom‚trica 82: 83: A transposi‡Æo de informa‡äes de desflorestamento geradas a partir das imagens Landsat em anos subseqentes nÆo ‚ tÆo simples como se pensava inicialmente. Foi verificado que, al‚m do erro de registro das imagens que em m‚dia ficou em torno de dois pixels (60m), haviam outros tipos de erros oriundos dos algoritmos do software SPRING. Estes problemas comprometem seriamente a principal vantagem do PRODES digital que ‚ eliminar os erros de distor‡äes geom‚tricas e a conseqente falta de georreferenciamento e ajuste dos pol¡gonos de desflorestamento muito comum no m‚todo visual de interpreta‡Æo (anal¢gico). Esta situa‡Æo nÆo admitiria que os dados gerados no PRODES digital tivessem uma futura atualiza‡Æo e/ou integra‡Æo com outras informa‡äes devido aos erros geom‚tricos introduzidos. Considerando as observa‡äes acima, o objetivo deste trabalho ‚ apresentar uma metodologia para corrigir as distor‡äes observadas entre os dados de mapeamentos obtidos pelo projeto PRODES digital no anobase de 1997 e a atualiza‡Æo dos incrementos de desflorestamento para o per¡odo coberto pelas imagens TM de 1997 e de 2000. ABSTRACT: The transposition of deforestation information generated from the Landsat images in subsequent years is not simple as it was thought initially. It was verified that, besides the image registration error that was around two pixels (60m)in average, there were other types of errors generated by the algorithms of the SPRING software. These problems commit seriously the main advantage of digital PRODES that is to eliminate the geometric distortion errors and the consequent lack of georreferencing and adjustment of the deforestation polygons very common in the visual interpretation (analogical)method. This situation would not admit that the data generated in the digital PRODES would have a future updating and/or integration with other information due to the introduced geometric errors. Considering the observation above, the objective of this work is to present a methodology for correcting the distortions observed between the mapping data obtained by the digital PRODES project in the 1997 base-year and the updating of the deforestation increments for the period covered by the 1997 and 2000 TM images 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10351 1: SID/SCD 2: 9425 3: INPE-9425-PRE/5081 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mello, Eliana Maria Kalil 10: Moreira, Jos‚ Carlos 10: Santos, JoÆo roberto dos 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 10: Duarte, Valdete 10: Souza, Iris de Marcelhas e 10: Barbosa, Claudio Clemente 10: Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto de 10: Paiva, JoÆo Argemiro de Carvalho 12: Prodes digital: experiencia brasileira no mapeamento automatizado do desflorestamento da Amaz“nia 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion 38: [CD-ROM] 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 87: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 88: Deforestation 88: Amazon, Land Use 88: Land Cover 88: Dynamics 88: Geographic Information Systems 88: Linear Spectral Mixing Model 88: Image Segmentation 88: Image Classification 83: O INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, promove, atrav‚s do projeto PRODES, a interpreta‡Æo de imagens do Sensor TM (Thematic Mapper)do sat‚lite Americano Landsat, tendo como objetivo acompanhar a evolu‡Æo do desflorestamento bruto da Amaz“nia Legal, inicialmente utilizando o software SGI - Sistema Geogr fico de Informa‡äes e posteriormente o SPRING - Sistema de Processamento de Informa‡äes Georreferˆnciadas (INPE-DPI, 2002), desenvolvidos pelo INPE. A partir de 1994 os pesquisadores e engenheiros da OBT- Coordenadoria de Observa‡Æo da Terra, das Divisäes de Sensoriamento Remoto e de Processamento de Imagens estÆo desenvolvendo uma alternativa tem tico realizado pelo INPE, com o intuito de introduzir automa‡Æo em algumas etapas do projeto de Monitoramento da Floresta Amaz“nica. Este projeto ‚ conhecido como Prodes Digital. O presente trabalho estabelece o procedimento aplicativo, atualmente em uso pelo INPE, para identificar e mapear  reas desflorestadas na Amaz“nia Brasileira, atrav‚s de processamento digital de imagens TM/Landsat. Para reduzir a dimensionalidade dos dados e consequentemente o tempo de processamento, utiliza-se o Modelo Linear de Mistura Espectral, implementado no Sistema de Processamento de Informa‡äes Georreferenciadas - SPRING/INPE, que transforma as bandas originais TM3(0,63-0,69m m), TM4 (0,76- 0,90m m)e TM5(1,55-1,75m m), em imagens-fra‡Æo "sombra", "vegeta‡Æo" e "solo", numa abordagem que tem permitido automatizar a discrimina‡Æo das  reas de fisionomia florestal daquelas desflorestadas, resultante de um processo antropogˆnico dinƒmico que vem se caracterizando ao longo das £ltimas d‚cadas. Isso em razÆo do aumento da fronteira agropastoril ou mesmo, ocasionado pela explora‡Æo madeireira. A caracter¡stica amig vel na opera‡Æo de manuseio do SPRING, o procedimento metodol¢gico adotado e a s‚rie de informa‡äes geradas sobre o desflorestamento, de r pida manipula‡Æo de an lise, trazem um ganho de qualidade … comunidade t‚cnico-cient¡fica que lida com as questäes ambientais do pa¡s,sobretudo naqueles estudos que modelam as transforma‡äes e seus efeitos em n¡vel global. ABSTRACT: For many years, the Brazilian Institute for Space Research, INPE, has been promoting the interpretation of images provided by Landsat satellite to monitor the evolution of the extent and rate of gross deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. This effort has generated results for the period from 1978 to 2001. INPE (2002)presents the study, covering the years of 2000 (estimate based on the analysis of all scenes that cover the Brazilian Amazon)and 2001 (estimate basead on a sample), updates the historical series on the extent and rate of gross deforestation in the Amazon. It provides an updated insight on the deforestation issue and allows to explore the origins of deforestation offering indicators to guide the public policies in the region. In addition to the extent and rate of gross deforestation for the nine Amazon states, this study makes available information on the distribution of the mean rate of deforestation by large vegetation types and by classes of area size. Due to the geometric problems, appearing during the development of the manual interpretation of multitemporal TM images ( image hardcopies with different scales, overlays digitizing/scanning, complexity of deforestation pattern), the availability of these deforestation maps in a digital format have been restricted for some areas. During the last few years, an effort to find a methodology to overcome this problem has been successful. The objective of this work is to establish an operational procedure, actualy in use at INPE, to identify and map deforested areas in Brazilian Amazon based on digital classification of Landsat TM images. The Linear Spectral Mixing Model avaliable in the software package SPRING, developed at INPE, transforms the original Landsat bands: TM3 (0,63-0,69 mm), TM4 (0,76-0,90mm)e TM5 (1,55-1,75mm)into shade vegetation and soil fraction-images in which forest and deforested areas present a large distinction. The Brazilian Amazon requires 229 Landsat TM images to cover the entire region, in order to demonstrate the operational feasibility of this approach, which is been applied to the critical region ( " ARCO DO DESFLORESTAMENTO" ), where governamental fiscalization actions have a highest priority 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10352 1: SID/SCD 2: 9426 3: INPE-9426-PRE/5082 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Oliveira, Eduardo N. de 10: Stech, Jos‚ L 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 12: T‚cnicas para filtragem do campo de corrente oceƒnica superficial estimado por imagens sequenciais de sat‚lite 18: Memorias 21: Poster 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: mcc 87: avhrr 87: corrente superficial 83: Esse trabalho apresenta trˆs filtros que, uma vez combinados, removem a maioria dos vetores esp£rios do campo vetorial de corrente oceƒnica superficial, estimado pela t‚cnica de M xima Correla‡Æo Cruzada a partir de pares de imagens AVHRR/NOAA. Os filtros sucessivamente aplicados foram: filtragem do vetor rec¡proco; do vetor mediana; do vetor m‚dia. O campo vetorial obtido com a aplica‡Æo das filtragens mostra um ganho qualitativo e quantitativo acentuado quando comparado com aos dados vetoriais anteriores ao processo de filtragem. ABSTRACT: This work focus on the use of different filters to eliminate uncoherent vectors estimated by using sequential infrared images (AVHRR/NOAA)and the Maximum Cross Correlation technique. Three filters were applied: reciprocal filtering technique; median vector and themean vector. The best result is obtained all three filters are applied in a sequential order; reciprocal, the median and then the mean vector. The coherence of the filtered velocity vector field is clearly improved if compared to the raw estimates 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10353 1: SID/SCD 2: 9427 3: INPE-9427-PRE/5083 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Macedo, Mariza Alves 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 12: Tecnologias geospaciais e informa‡äes agrometeorol¢gicas no seguro agr¡cola do milho safrinha 18: Memorias 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: seguro agr¡cola 87: monitoramento 87: milho safrinha 83: A atividade agr¡cola est  sujeita a uma s‚rie de riscos, nem sempre previs¡veis, cujo impacto sobre o desenvolvimento da cultura pode comprometer a produ‡Æo, a renda e o patrim“nio do agricultor. Nesse contexto, a agricultura tem se apoiado no cr‚dito, na tecnologia e no seguro agr¡cola. Entretanto, o desenvolvimento da atividade securit ria no Brasil tem sido limitado pela dificuldade de monitorar uma pluralidade de riscos em um grande n£mero de propriedades e/ou em  reas extensas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo utilizar algumas tecnologias dispon¡veis na  rea de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento para acompanhar o desenvolvimento de 37 lavouras seguradas com milho safrinha, durante a entre safra de 2001, na regiÆo de Assis, SÆo Paulo. O monitoramento das lavouras foi realizado a partir da an lise visual de cinco imagens do sat‚lite Landsat, adquiridas ao longo do ciclo da cultura, e da evolu‡Æo temporal do NDVI (Öndice de Vegeta‡Æo com Diferen‡a Normalizada). As imagens de sat‚lites apresentaram-se como instrumentos £teis no monitoramento da cultura do milho por indicarem as condi‡äes de desenvolvimento das lavouras. A an lise de regressÆo do NDVI com a produtividade observada mostrou que o NDVI explicou 54 por cento da varia‡Æo na produtividade. Foi observado que os valores mais baixos de NDVI apresentaram melhor correla‡Æo com a produtividade do que os valores mais altos de NDVI. A an lise visual das imagens possibilitou a identifica‡Æo de lavouras priorit rias a serem vistoriadas em fun‡Æo da suaresposta espectral an“mala. Este procedimento otimizou o trabalho de inspe‡Æo a campo e a detec‡Æo das poss¡veis causas de redu‡Æo na produtividade agr¡cola. ABSTRACT Agricultural activities are subjected to several risks, not always foreseeable, whose impact on crop growth and development may affect final crop production and, therefore, farmer's revenue and patrimony. In this context agriculture has been supported by credit, technology and crop insurance. However, the development of crop insurance activity, in Brazil, has been restricted by the difficulty to monitor the effects of several risks for a great number of farms and/or extensive crop fields. The objective of this work was to use remote sensing techniques and GIS to monitor 37 corn crop fields during the winter crop growing season of 2001, in the region of Assis, SÆo Paulo State. Corn crop fields were monitored using five Landsat images acquired along the crop growing cycle. Landsat spectral bands were transformed into the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The Landsat images showed to be useful to perform crop monitoring and to indicate crop development conditions. Regression analysis between NDVI and crop grain yield indicated that the NDVI explained 54 percent 83: 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10354 1: SID/SCD 2: 9428 3: INPE-9428-PRE/5084 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Adami, Marcos 10: Pinheiro, Eduardo da Silva 10: Moreira, Mauricio Moreira 10: Fonseca, Leila Maria Garcia 12: Aplica‡äes de diferentes algoritmos para a classifica‡Æo de imagens ETM+/Landsat-7 no mapeamento agr¡cola 18: Memorias 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: Classifica‡Æo de Imagens 87: Algoritmo de Classifica‡Æo 87: Mapeamento Agr¡cola 87: Öndice Kappa. 83: Atualmente, o grande volume de dados coletados por sat‚lites de recursos naturais e o desenvolvimento da inform tica, tˆm estimulado o aparecimento de muitas t‚cnicas para o processamento de imagens digitais. O presente trabalho, procura analisar o desempenho de alguns algoritmos para a classifica‡Æo de imagens do sensor ETM+/Landsat-7, visando mapear o uso e cobertura do solo em trˆs munic¡pios do Estado do Paran  (Le¢polis, Rancho Alegre, Sertaneja). Este mapeamento buscou discernir as classes: agricultura, solo exposto, pastagem, mata e corpos d' gua. Al‚m das imagens originais, tamb‚m foram testadas as transforma‡äes NDVI, Principais Componentes e Modelo Linear de Mistura Espectral para verificar se ocasionariam melhorias nas classifica‡äes. Os classificadores utilizados foram K-M‚dias, Isoseg, M xima Verossimilhan‡a, Distƒncia de Mahalanobis e Distƒncia Bhattacharyya. Para avaliar a exatidÆo de mapeamento utilizou-se matriz de confusÆo e o coeficiente Kappa. Foi considerada como verdade terrestre a combina‡Æo de duas classifica‡äes visuais, padronizadas por um algoritmo LEGAL/SPRING. Concluiu-se que os melhores desempenhos de classifica‡Æo foram obtidos pelo classificador Isoseg e Bhattacharyya, quando aplicados nos dados originais do ETM+ nas bandas 3, 4 e 5. ABSTRACT: Nowadays, the huge amounts of data acquired by earth observation satellites and the development of computer technology have stimulated the appearance of several digital image processing techniques. In the present work it was analyzed the performance of five classification algorithms on Landsat-7 images in order to identify and map soil use and coverage in three municipalities (Le¢polis, Rancho Alegre, Sertaneja)in the State of Paran , Brazil. For the mapping phase it was selected the following classes: agricultural land, bare soil, grassland, woodland and water bodies. Original ETM+/Landsat-7 images were transformed into NDVI, Principal Components Method and Linear Spectral Mixture Model in order to verify influence of each algorithm on the classification results. The following classification algorithms were used: K-Means, Isoseg, Maximum Likelihood, Mahalanobis Distance and Bhattacharyya Distance. Ground reference data were obtained from visual classification performed by two photointerpreters. These visual classification were, afterwards, standardized by LEGAL/SPRING algorithm in order to generate the error matrix and Kappa coefficient. The best classification performances were obtained through Isoseg and Bhattacharyya classifiers when they were directly applied to ETM+ original data bands 3, 4 and 5 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10355 1: SID/SCD 2: 9429 3: INPE-9429-PRE/5085 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mattos, Ju‚rcio Tavares de 10: Jimez-Rueda, Jairo Roberto 10: Ohara, Tomoyuki 10: Mendes, Marcela Liva Barros 10: Santana, m rcio Alexandre 12: Crit‚ios para mapeamento de classes de risco a erosÆo de solos em imagens TM-Landsat 18: Memorias 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: ErosÆo 87: solo 87: Quadril tero Ferr¡fero 83: A caracteriza‡Æo de risco de erosÆo foi baseada em dados de erodibilidade do solo como fator preponderante do meio f¡sico para se estabelecer classes de suscetibilidade a erosÆo. Optou-se por estabelecer as classes de erodibilidade a partir da tect“nica da  rea (M‚todo Morfoestrutural). Este m‚todo baseia-se nos processos deformacionais das rochas, que hoje se caracterizam por fraturas (falhas e/ou lineamentos estruturais e juntas).Estas fei‡äes permitem estabelecer o grau de permeabilidade do solo/rocha, que ‚ o fator mais importante para se definir as classes de erodibilidade.Portanto a permeabilidade foi obtida em fun‡Æo dos fraturamentos, delimitados sobre as imagens pelos lineamentos estruturais e tra‡os de juntas. Sobre o mapa de lineamentos estruturais foram analisados os pontos de cruzamento entre lineamentos de diferentes dire‡äes, por serem estas as regiäes com maior percola‡Æo de fluidos no solo/rocha. Uma contagem da freqˆncia dos pontos de cruzamento por unidade de  rea foi feita e a sua distribui‡Æo espacial foi modelada estatisticamente, gerando um mapa de isovalores de cruzamentos de lineamentos estruturais .Tamb‚m, sobre o mapa de tra‡os de juntas, obtido a partir de linea‡äes de drenagem , foi feita uma an lise espacial identificando duas dire‡äes de maior freqˆncia de juntas (m ximo 1 e m ximo 2). Por estas estruturas e principalmente nas regiäes onde ocorrem mudan‡as bruscas em suas dire‡äes, ocorre intensa percola‡Æo de flu¡dos, respons vel pela maior alterabilidade e conseqente erodibilidade nos complexos solo/rocha. Como resultados foi elaborado o Mapa de Potencial de Erodibilidade- S¡ntese com as classes de riscos de erosÆo 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10356 1: SID/SCD 2: 9430 3: INPE-9430-PRE/5086 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Florenzano, Teresa Gallotti 10: Santos, Vƒnia Maria Nunes dos 12: Environmental education project using remote sensing daigital 18: Memorias 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: educa‡ao 87: curso 88: Environmental Education 88: Capacitance of teachers 83: A This paper discusses environmental education projects using Remote Data through the capacity increase of teachers, developed by a specialist team from INPE. It involves a course, preparation of didactic materials, guidance of school projects and workshops for the evaluation of results 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10357 1: SID/SCD 2: 9431 3: INPE-9431-PRE/5087 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kux, Hermann Johann Heinrich 10: Pinheiro, Eduardo da Silva 12: Utiliza‡Æo de datos SAR en bandas X e P para el mapeo de geomorfologia y uso de la tierra/cobertura del suelo en una seccion de floresta tropical en Amazonia 18: Memorias 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 87: SAR 87: Banda X e P 87: uso da terra 87: solo 87: geomorfologia 88: SAR 88: X and P band 88: Land use 88: Land cover 88: Geomorphology 82: 83: El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los resultados de la evaluaci¢n de imagenes de radar (SAR), de bandas X y P, en la Floresta Nacional de Tapaj¢s, Estado de Par , Amazonia Brasile€a. La regi¢n en estudio, localizada a 80 km al Sur de la ciudad de Santar‚m, est  compuesta de rocas del cristalino (Pr‚- Cambrico)a la cual se sobreponen la Formaci¢n Barreiras, de edad Cenoz¢ica. En este trabajo son mas detallados los patrones de relieve, las formas, la textura, tonos y patrones de drenaje, que pueden ser obtenidos de las im genes radar. Fueron utilizadas im genes SAR aerotransportado en banda X (polarizaci¢n HH)y banda P (polarizaciones HH,VV,HV y VH), resoluci¢n espacial de 2,5 x 2,5 m y resoluci¢n radiom‚trica de 2,4 dB. Para el procesamiento de datos y an lisis de las im genes, se utilizaron respectivamente los programas ENVI 3.4 y SPRING 3.5.1 en plataforma Windows. Datos del sat‚lite TMLandsat- 5 fueron utilizados como material de apoyo. Fue aplicada una raz¢n entre las bandas (ratio)X y P para obtener un realce de las diferencias espectrales. Se obtuvo una composici¢n a color compuesta por la raz¢n X/P en el canal rojo, banda X en el canal verde y banda P en el canal azul. Esta composici¢n ayud¢ en la interpretaci¢n visual de im genes. Utilizando la imagen TM-Landsat fue realizada la composici¢n RGB 543, con la escena de la banda 5 en el canal rojo, la banda 4 en el verde y la banda 3 en el azul. Despu‚s se realiz¢ la transformaci¢n del espacio de colores de la imagen de RGB para IHS, y el camino inverso, o sea la transformaci¢n IHS para RGB, cambiando la componente I por las im genes radar. El resultado fue un mapa geomorfol¢gico, con las principales unidades de relieve y un mapa de vegetaci¢n/uso de la tierra. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work is to present the results of the evaluation of airborne SAR data (X and P band), in the Tapaj¢s National Forest, Brazilian Amazon, Par  State. The area under study, located 80 Km to the south of the city of Santar‚m, is made up of Pre-Cambrian rocks, overlaid by Barreiras Formation of Cenozoic age. In this study, the relief patterns are more detailed, as well as the texture, tones and drainage patterns which can be obtained from SAR images. We used both X (HH polarization)and P band (HH, VV, HV and VH polarized)data, spatial resolution of 2,5 x 2,5 m and radiometric resolution of 2,4 dB. For data processing and image analysis, programs ENVI 3.4 and SPRING 3.5.1 on a WINDOWS platform were used. Landsat-5 data were used as additional material. A band ratio was applied among bands X and P to obtain an enhancement of spectral differences. A color composite was obtained, including the X/P ratio in the red channel, X band in the green and P band in the blue channel. This composite helped the visual interpretation of images. Using the TM-Landsat image, a composite RGB 543 was done. Afterwards the transformation of RGB image was done to IHS, followed by the inversion, i.e. IHS to RGB, changing I for radar images. The result was a geomorphologic map, with the main relief units and a vegetation/land use map 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10358 1: SID/SCD 2: 9432 3: INPE-9432-PRE/5088 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mendoza, Eddy 10: Anderson, Liana 12: Padräes de desflorestamento nas florestas tropicais 18: Memorias 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBIENTE 87: Desflorestamento 87: Floresta tropical 87: SIG. 83: A floresta tropical est  sendo amea‡ada por in£meros fatores que estÆo levando a sua r pida degrada‡Æo.Os processos de desflorestamento sÆo analisados em diferentes regiäes tropicais, baseados em fatores comuns de pressÆo ambiental e carater¡stica singular de cada regiÆo. Algumas das ferramentas importantes nesta an lise sÆo os sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica e os produtos de sensoriamento remoto. A dificuldade que isto implica ‚ a complexidade dos processos de desflorestamento, razÆo pela qual o modelamento destes processos ‚ importante para projetar estrat‚gias de conserva‡Æo. Em todos os casos ‚ dif¡cil modelar qual a tendˆncia do processo de desflorestamento por ser dif¡cil de prever e medir, pois este ‚ complexo e relativamente aleat¢rio. El bosque tropical est  siendo amenazado por in£merables factores que est n llevando a su r pida degradaci¢n. Los procesos de deforestaci¢n son analizados en diferentes regiones tropicales, basados en factores comunes de presi¢n ambiental y caracter¡stica particular de cada regi¢n. Algunas de las herramientas importantes de percepci¢n remota. La dificuldad que esto implica es la complejidad de los procesos de deforestaci¢n, raz¢n por la cual, el modelamiento de estos procesos es importante para proyectar estrat‚gias de conservaci¢n. En todos los casos es dif¡cil modelar cual es la tendencia del proceso de deforestaci¢n por ser dif¡cil de preveer y medir, pues ‚ste es complejo y relativamente aleat¢rio 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10359 1: SID/SCD 2: 9433 3: INPE-9433-PRE/5089 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Carvalho, Celso de Carvalho 10: Salmuni, Salinas 10: Maldonado, G. 10: Martinelli,M 10: Salmuni, Salinas 10: Maldonado, G. 10: Martinelli, M 12: Una estrategia de cooperaci¢n intrnacional para abordar la problem tica ambiental de las tierras del semi rio de Brasil e Argentina 18: Memorias 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS DO MEIO AMBEINTE 87: degradaci¢n de tierras 87: cooperaci¢n internacional 87: detecci¢n de cambios 83: La degradaci¢n de las tierras  ridas es intensidad, como por su velocidad de expansi¢n. Desde el a€o 1997 dos instituciones latinoamericanas: el Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais / DivisÆo de Sensoriamento Remoto (Brasil), y la Universidad Nacional de San Juan-UNSJ / Sector Teledetecci¢n (Argentina)realizan actividades conjuntas teniendo como estrategia de cooperaci¢n el desarrollo de dos actividades principales: la investigaci¢n y formaci¢n de masa cr¡tica especializada. A partir del a€o 2001 estas actividades est n en el marco del proyecto de cooperaci¢n bi-lateral "Tecnolog¡as satelitales: aportes para la gesti¢n sustentable de ambientes  ridos", el cual cuenta con el financiamiento de SETCIP y CAPES. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar t‚cnicas y metodolog¡as para la detecci¢n de cambios sutiles en el paisaje de la regi¢n del semi rido de Brasil e Argentina. En investigaci¢n, se realiz¢ la recopilaci¢n y generaci¢n de informaci¢n b sica para el dise€o de un sistema integrado de detecci¢n de cambios y monitoreo. En formaci¢n de recursos humanos fueron realizados dos seminarios-taller, en 1999 y 2001, este £ltimo con caracter¡sticas de curso de postgrado: "Estudio del proceso de desertificaci¢n con ‚nfasis en Percepci¢n remota" que se dict¢ en la UNSJ y un ciclo de conferencias "Sensoriamento Remoto em zonas semi ridas" que se realiz¢ en INPE, en febrero del 2002. En el marco el proyecto se est n desarrollando tesis doctorales en Argentina y en Brasil. ABSTRACT: Soil degradation in arid zones is one of the most serious environmental problems, because of its present extension and intensity, but also due to its high expansion rate. Since 1997, two latinoamerican research institutions: the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais/Divisao de Sensoramiento Remoto (Brasil)and the Universidad Nacional de San Juan/Sector Teledetecci¢n (Argentina), perform joint activities with a cooperation strategy focused on the development of two main aspects: proper research work and the buildup of specialized "critical mass" of investigations staff. From year 2001 these joint activities are being developed within the frame of a cooperation project: "satellite technologies: contributions for the sustainable management of arid environments", which is funded by SETCIP (Argentina)and CAPES (Brasil), the objectives of this project is to develop technics and methodologies for the detection of small changes in the landscape of semiarid region of Brasil and Argentina. The research work involved the collection and generation of basic information for the design of an integrated system oc changes detection and monitoring For development of human resources, two workshops were accomplished, "Study of the desertification process with emphasys on Remote Sensing", both at San Juan University, The first in 1999 and the second in 2001, this latter having the characteristics of a post-grade course. Also, a series of conferences about "Remote Sensing in semi-arid zones" took place in february 2002, at the INPE, Brasil. It is worth to notice that within the frame of the project, Ph.D. theses are being carried out in Brasil and Argentina 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10360 1: SID/SCD 2: 9434 3: INPE-9434-PRE/5090 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pereira, Alfredo 10: Fran‡a, Helena 10: Setzer, Alberto 10: Santos, Jos‚ Eduardo dos 12: Utiliza‡Æo de imagens AVHRR/NOAA para classifica‡Æo da vegeta‡Æo do cerrado quanto … susceptibilidade ao fogol 18: Memorias 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: VEGETACAO 87: savana 87: cerrado 87: fogo 87: queimada 87: IVDN 87: infravermelho termal 87: AVHRR. 83: Foi desenvolvido um m‚todo inovador para classifica‡Æo da cobertura vegetal do Cerrado quanto … susceptibilidade ao fogo, a partir de mosaicos quinzenais do Öndice de Vegeta‡Æo de Diferen‡a Normalizada (IVDN)e do canal 3 (3,7mm, infravermelho termal), gerados a partir de imagens do sensor 'Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer / National Oceanographic and Atmosphere Agency - 14 AVHRR/NOAA-14). Resultados indicaram a existˆncia de sete classes de cobertura vegetal nos mosaicos. Por meio de um algoritmo estruturado em um Sistema de Informa‡äes Geogr ficas (SIG), foram gerados mapas quinzenais para o per¡odo de maio a outubro/98. A cada classe de cobertura vegetal foi atribu¡do preliminarmente um grau de susceptibilidade ao fogo, variando entre muito baixo, baixo, m‚dio e alto. Posteriormente, foi verificada a incidˆncia de focos de queimadas detectados pelo AVHRR/NOAA-12 em cada classe, a fim de avaliar a adequa‡Æo do grau da susceptibilidade ao fogo associado a elas. As  reas com susceptibilidade mais elevada, 'm‚dia' e 'alta', apresentaram maior incidˆncia de focos, o que foi interpretado como efeito de maior disponibilidade de combust¡vel vegetal. Casos de alta incidˆncia de focos encontrados nas classes com susceptibilidade 'muito baixa' e 'baixa' foram atribu¡dos tanto … resolu‡Æo grosseira de 1,5 km dos mosaicos AVHRR quanto aos erros de registro dos focos de queimadas e dos mosaicos e, em menor escala, …s caracter¡sticas espectrais das superf¡cies. Dos 11.190 focos de ueimadas detectados, 73 por cento ocorreram nas classes de susceptibilidade alta e m‚dia, indicando resultados satisfat¢rios no desenvolvimento preliminar desse m‚todo. ABSTRACT: An innovative method was developed for classifying the vegetation coverage of the Brazilian Cerrado The classification used two-weekly mosaic images of the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)channel 3 (3.7mm, thermal infrared)of the National Oceanographic and Atmosphere Agency - 14 (NOAA-14)satellite. Results indicated that seven vegetation cover classes exist in the mosaics. By using a structured algorithm inside a Geographic Information System (GIS), two-weekly maps were generated for the period between May and October 1998. In an early stage, a level of fire susceptibili varied among very low, low, medium and high. In a late stage, the incidence of fire spots was verified by their detection inside each vegetation cover class as seen by the AVHRR/NOAA-12 sensor. That evaluated the adequacy of the class susceptibility level. The areas of high and medium susceptibility presented higher incidence of fire spots, which was interpreted as the effect of higher availability of vegetation fuel. Cases of high incidence of fire spots found in the very low and low susceptibility classes were attributed mainly to the coarse resolution of 1.5 km of the AVHRR mosaics as well to errors of geolocation of the fire spots and of the mosaics themselves. The spectral characteristics of the studied surfaces also played a role. From 11,190 fire spots detected here 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10361 1: SID/SCD 2: 9435 3: INPE-9435-PRE/5091 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ohara, Tomoyuki 10: Mattos, Ju‚rcio Tavares de 10: Jim‚nez-Rueda, Jairo RobertoT 12: Zoneamneto geombiental obtido com sensoriamento remoto e sistema de informa‡Æo geogr fica 18: Memorias 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 87: An lise Integrada 87: Meio F¡sico 87: Zoneamento Geoambiental 87: Sistemas de Informa‡Æo Geogr fica 87: RegiÆo Leste do Estado de SÆo Paulo 83: AEste artigo apresenta os resultados da an lise integrada do meio f¡sico, com a finalidade de fornecer importantes informa‡äes t‚cnicas, como subs¡dio ao planejamento de aplica‡äes para m£ltiplos usos, tais como para obras de engenharia, estudos de recursos h¡dricos subterrƒneos, uso agr¡cola direcionado, planejamento territorial urbano, prote‡Æo ambiental, aterros sanit rios para efluentes l¡quidos e s¢lidos, dentre outros. A  rea estudada situa-se na regiÆo leste do estado de SÆo Paulo. A an lise do meio f¡sico abrange as principais caracter¡sticas de fisiografias, litologias, unidades e coberturas de altera‡Æo intemp‚rica e solos, associados com informa‡äes edafoclim ticas e morfoestruturais, integradas nas zonas geoambientais. Recentemente, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de pondera‡Æo de valores em mapas tem ticos utilizando-se do sistema de informa‡Æo geogr fica, com o uso da t‚cnica Fuzzy e de  lgebra de mapas atrav‚s da opera‡Æo matem tica Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), resultando numa Carta de AptidÆo F¡sica com informa‡äesdelimitadas do meio f¡sico, para avaliar as  reas potenciais para a implanta‡Æo de obras vi rias. ABSTRACT: This study presents the results of the integrated analysis of homogeneous zones of spatials attributes of remote sensing data, on the eastern region of SÆo Paulo state, with the principals characteristics of the physical environment (Geology, Physical Geography and Soils). Furthermore were considered the data from soils and rock laboratory analysis (physical, chemical and mineralogical)of material collected along weathering profiles, as well as edaphoclimatic informations and morphostructural anomalies. The geoenvironmental zones presents the technical evaluations of water resources, evaluations of land use, regional planning, environmental issues, etc. Recently, were developed an values ponderation methodology in temathic maps through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), wich resulted the Phisical Capability Map from the highway planning 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10367 1: SID/SCD 2: 9441 3: INPE-9441-PRE/5097 4: SRE 5: Mc 6: as 7: [07] 10: Jac¢bsen, Lizandro Oliveira 10: Fontana, Denise Cybis 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Efeitos associados ao El Ni€o e La Ni€a na cobertura vegetal do Rio Grande do Sul 14: 849-855 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: VEGETACAO 87: AVHRR 87: sat‚lite NOAA 87: comportamento 87: cobertura vegetal 87: precipita‡Æo pluvia 87: lEl Ni€o 87: La Ni€a 88: NDVI 88: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 88: patterns of vegetation 88: rainfall 82: 83: The objective of this paper was to identify patterns of vegetation and rainfall associated to the El Ni€o and La Ni€a events using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)images derived from AVHRR/NOAA for the State. In this study, rainfall data and NDVI images corresponding to the period from July-1981 to June-2000 were used, in the average and anomalies images format. The results showed that the El Ni€o and La Ni€a phenomenon is associated to the annual NDVI variation, in consequence of its effect over the rainfall. In El Ni€o years there is an increase in the rainfall and consequently positive anomalies in NDVI, and, in La Ni€a years the rainfall decrease provides a predominance of negative anomalies in NDVI. There is a time response of vegetation to the meteorological conditions, caused by a lag between the increase or decrease in the rainfall and the consequent increase or decrease in NDVI. The pattern and the intensity of the effects in NDVI associated to El Ni€o and La Ni€a phenomenon is related to the edafoclimatics conditions, land use and land cover changes. RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi de buscar identificar padräes de comportamento de cobertura vegetal e da precipita‡Æo pluvial associados aos eventos El Ni€o e La Ni€a utilizando imagens de Öndice de Vegeta‡Æo por Diferen‡a Normalizada (NDVI)obtido do AVHRR/NOAA para o Estado. Na an lise foram utilizados dados de precipita‡Æo pluvial e imagens de NDVI, no per¡odo de julho de 1981 a junho de 2000, expressas como imagens de m‚dias e de anomalias. Os resultados mostraram que o fen“meno El Ni€o e La Ni€a est  associado … varia‡Æo anual do NDVI no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em conseqˆncia do seu efeito sobre a precipita‡Æo pluvial. Em anos de El Ni€o h  um aumento na precipita‡Æo pluvial e consequentemente anomalias positivas de NDVI, e, em anos de La Ni€a existe uma diminui‡Æo da precipita‡Æo pluvial que proporciona predominƒncia de anomalias negativas de NDVI. Existe um tempo de resposta da vegeta‡Æo …s condi‡äes meteorol¢gicas, ocasionado por uma defasagem entre o aumento ou diminui‡Æo da precipita‡Æo pluvial e o conseqente aumento ou decr‚scimo de NDVI, sendo que o padrÆo e a intensidade dos efeitos no NDVI associados ao fen“meno El Ni€o e La Ni€a, estÆo relacionados …s condi‡äes edafoclim ticas e …s mudan‡as de uso e cobertura do solo 91: FDB-20021212 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10371 1: SID/SCD 2: 9445 3: INPE-9445-PRE/5101 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Moreira, F bio Roque da Silva 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Modelagem de dados geol¢gicos em pesquisa mineral segundo o teorema de Baye 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion Orais 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: Bayesian method 87: spatial analysis 87: GIS 87: Po‡os de Caldas Plateau 83: Bayesian theory was evaluated on the spatial analysis of geological data, to address potential areas for radioactive mineral occurrences in the Po‡os de Caldas Plateau (@ 750 Km2). Spatial inference techniques were applied controlled by a prospecting model based on diagnostic criteria, represented by favorable lithology, structures features and gamma-ray intensity. In the analysis the 48 mineral occurrences were used to calculate statistical parameters, that served for weighting the evidences of the model. Firstly, Contrast studies were conducted to measure the spatial correlation between the evidences and the mineral deposits. This study allowed to determine the threshold of the binary evidences, where the binary patterns present the best spatial correlation with the mineral occurrences. Before the final integration, Qui-square (c2)tests were conduct comparing the binary evidences on pairs. The goal was to measure the conditional independence between the classes of the binary evidences. Verified the independence of the binary evidences, it was calculated the Sufficiency (LS)and Necessity (LN)ratio. The natural logarithm of LS and LN, W+ and W- respectively, were added to the prior odds of the mineral occurrences, controlled by the presence or absence of the potential classes of the binary evidences. This procedure yielded the posterior odds values, from where it was obtained the posterior probabilities considering the whole evidences. The resulting product was arbitrary sliced in four potential categories (null, low, medium and high). The bayesian scenario was qualitatively and quantitatively compared with previous results obtained by Boolean and Weighted Means based models. The comparison of both procedures showed that the bayesian scenario accomplished a medium performance. A target area of 27,54 Km2 (3,78 percent of the alkaline complex)included 27 mineral occurrences, whereas each previous model encompassed only 24 in an approximately similar area. We also assessed the correlation of mineral occurrences in relation to the potential classes for the different scenarios. The high and medium potential classes of the bayesian scenario showed posterior probabilities 6.69 and 8,39 higher than the prior probabilities. These values were, respectively, 12.6 and 4.97 for the same classes defined by the Weighted Means based model. For the potential class of the Boolean model this value was 5.78. The Bayesian method showed an interesting approach for the spatial analysis. Perhaps being the major advantage, the possibility of applying statistical parameters to calculate the weights of the model's evidences. RESUMO: Teorema de Bayes foi avaliado na inferˆncia espacial de dados geol¢gicos, visando a defini‡Æo de  reas potenciais … ocorrˆncia de minerais radioativos no maci‡o alcalino de Po‡os de Caldas (@ 750 Km2)T‚cnicas de inferˆncia espacial foram aplicadas segundo um modelo prospectivo baseado em crit‚rios diagn¢sticos, representados pela ocorrˆncia de litologias favor veis, fei‡äes estruturais e anomalias radioativas. Na inferˆncia as 48 ocorrˆncias minerais (verdades de campo)foram utilizadas no c lculo de parƒmetros estat¡sticos, os quais serviram de ponderadores das evidˆncias consideradas no modelamento. O primeiro passo foi o estudo do Contraste, o qual mediu a correla‡Æo espacial entre as evidˆncias e as ocorrˆncias minerais. Este estudo permitiu determinar os limiares de corte das evidˆncias bin rias, onde os padräes espaciais bin rios apresentaram as melhores correla‡äes espaciais com as ocorrˆncias minerais. Antes da integra‡Æo final testes Qui-quadrado (c2)foram realizados comparando-se as evidˆncias bin rias em pares. O objetivo foi testar a independˆncia condicional entre as classes de cada evidˆncia bin ria. Verificado a independˆncia entre as evidˆncias bin rias calculou-se as Razäes de Suficiˆncia (LS)e Necessidade (LN). O logaritmo natural dos LS e LN, W+ e W- respectivamente, foram somados a chance a priore das ocorrˆncias minerais, controlados pela presen‡a ou ausˆncia das classes favor veis nas evidˆncias bin rias. Essa opera‡Æo forneceu os valores de chance a posteriore, com os quais obteve-se a probabilidade a posteriore considerando-se todas as evidˆncias. O resultado final foi arbitrariamente fatiado em quatro categorias de potencialidade (nula, baixa, m‚dia e alta). O cen rio bayesiano foi avaliado qualitativamente e quantitativamente comparando seus resultados com os obtidos por modelamentos semelhantes, realizado atrav‚s do m‚todo Booleano e Soma Ponderada. A compara‡Æo dos diferentes modelamentos demostrou que a performance do cen rio bayesiano foi mediana. Uma  rea de 27,54 Km2 (3,78 por cento do complexo alcalino)encerrou 27 ocorrˆncias minerais, enquanto cada pr‚vio modelo encerrou apenas 24, em  reas aproximadamente similares. Foi tamb‚m avaliado a correla‡Æo entre as ocorrˆncias minerais a as classes de potencialidade dos diferentes cen rios. As classes "alto" e "m‚dio potencial" do cen rio bayesiano obtiveram probabilidade a posteriore 6,69 e 8,39 vezes maior do que a probabilidade priore. Esses valores foram, respectivamente, 12,6 e 4,97 para as mesmas classes do m‚todo soma ponderada. O modelo Booleano teve 5,78 para a classe favor vel. O m‚todo Bayesiano demostrou ser uma abordagem interessante ao processo de inferˆncia espacial, sendo talvez sua maior vantagem a possibilidade do emprego de parƒmetros estat¡sticos, na defini‡Æo dos ponderadores das evidˆncias consideradas no modelamento 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10372 1: SID/SCD 2: 9446 3: INPE-9446-PRE/5102 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rudorff, Bernado Fedrich Theodor 10: Moreira, Mauricio Alves 10: Targa, Maecelo dos Santos 12: Resposta espectral do trigo e sua rela‡Æo com parƒmetros agron“micos: ano safra 2000 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 87: Resposta Espectral 87: Trigo 87: Radiometria de Campo 87: NDVI 87: Produtividade. 83: A resposta espectral da cultura do trigo, nas regiäes vis¡vel e infravermelho pr¢ximo do espectro eletromagn‚tico, foi utilizada para estabelecer rela‡äes entre parƒmetros agron“micos e radia‡Æo refletida. Dois cultivares de trigo, IAC-289 e IAC-24, foram semeados no ano safra de 2000 em  rea experimental no munic¡pio de Taubat‚, SÆo Paulo. O trigo foi submetidos a quatro doses de aduba‡Æo nitrogenada (0, 40, 80 e 120 kg de N ha-1)e a trˆs n¡veis de irriga‡Æo: 100 ; 50 por cento e 25 por cento da capacidade de campo reduziram significativamente tanto a produ‡Æo de grÆos e fitomassa quanto a radia‡Æo absorvida. Os cultivares de trigo apresentaram diferen‡a significativa na produ‡Æo de grÆos e valores similares de produ‡Æo de fitomassa e radia‡Æo absorvida. NÆo houve diferen‡a significativa para produ‡Æo de grÆos e fitomassa em resposta aos diferentes n¡veis de nitrogˆnio. A radia‡Æo absorvida foi reduzida significativamente para a dose 0 kg de N ha-1 em esquema de parcelas sub sub-divididas, com 4 repeti‡äes. Medidas da radia‡Æo refletida foram realizadas semanalmente ao longo do ciclo da cultura com o SPECTRON SE590. Os dados foram processados e transformados no ¡ndice de vegeta‡Æo com diferen‡a normalizada (NDVI). A partir dos valores do NDVI foi estimada a fra‡Æo da radia‡Æo fotossinteticamente ativa absorvida para posterior c lculo da radia‡Æo absorvida acumulada. Observou-se que os tratamentos de irriga‡Æo de 50 e 25 da capacidade de campo reduziram ignificativamente tanto a produ‡Æo de grÆos e fitomassa quanto a radia‡Æo absorvida. Os cultivares de trigo apresentaram diferen‡a significativa na produ‡Æo de grÆos e valores similares de produ‡Æo de fitomassa e radia‡Æo absorvida. NÆo houve diferen‡a significativa para produ‡Æo de grÆos e fitomassa em resposta aos diferentes n¡veis de nitrogˆnio. A radia‡Æo absorvida foi reduzida significativamente para a dose 0 kg de N ha-1. ABSTRACT: The spectral response of wheat crop, in the visible and near infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, was used to establish relationships between agronomic parameters and reflected radiation. Two wheat cultivars, IAC-289 and IAC-24, were sown during the crop year of 2000 in an experimental site in the county of Taubat‚, SÆo Paulo State. The wheat crop was grown under four nitrogen (N)doses (0, 60, 90 and 120 kg of N ha-1)and three levels of irrigation: 100 percent; 50 percent and 25 percent of field capacity significantly reduced grain and biomass production as well as absorbed radiation. The wheat cultivars presented different grain production but similar values for biomass and absorbed radiation. No significant difference was observed for grain and biomass production in response to nitrogen doses. Absorbed radiation was significantly reduced for the 0 kg de N ha-1 dose 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10373 1: SID/SCD 2: 9447 3: INPE-9447-PRE/5103 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Martini, Paulo Roberto 12: Sensoriamento remoto de uma poss¡vel cratera meteor¡tica na Prov¡ncia Argentina de SÆo Luis 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 87: astroblemas 87: crateras 87: meteoritos 82: 83: A possible meteor crater was detected by oblique aerial photo in the Province of SÆo Luis, Argentina. The spatial attributes extracted from the picture show the typical features from astroblems: flank, ring, wall and floor. The aerial shoot was taken from 30,000 feet aboard a commercial plane along the track between Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires. The onboard GPS readings are S35:02:27 and W66:35:48. The 35mm color-conventional photo depicts a perfect rounded crater with a 1km ring or smaller designed over tick-dried soils with lack of landuse coverage. The scar lies over a tectonic unit known as Platform Coverage. This very stable tectonic unit sorrounds the Andean Ridge in the western Argentina. Scientific literature shows that a very similar scar in shape was mapped in the Desert of Rubalkhali in Saudi Arabia and is known as Wabar Crater. Small craters of the Moon show also the same ground patterns of SÆo Luis. The small craters are the youngest scars over the landscapes of the Moon. The structure of SÆo Luis looks very young because the well-designed feature in the dry landscape. Analysis is going on with LANDSAT and CBERS images. RESUMO: SÆo descritos atributos espaciais de uma estrutura circular encontrada na rota a‚rea-comercial entre Santiago do Chile e Buenos Aires em territ¢rio argentino. A estrutura foi registrada por foto a‚rea e obl¡qua tomada a 30.000 p‚s na posi‡Æo GPS S35 graus, 02 minutos, 02:27 segundos e W66 graus, 35 minutos, 48 segundos. A posi‡Æo nominal da estrutura ‚ aproximadamente 10 quil“metros a direita da medida referida seguindo a rota de v“o entre Santiago e Buenos Aires. A an lise da fotografia a‚rea indica que o terreno ‚ muito plano e adjacente …s montanhas. Trata-se de uma regiÆo muito seca e sem vegeta‡Æo, com processos erosivos predominantemente e¢licos. NÆo existem sinais de atividade agr¡cola, de drenagem com  gua e de vegeta‡Æo ciliar. A estrutura se destaca no terreno muito plano mostrando nitidamente os quatro componentes de uma cicatriz meteor¡tica: flanco, anel, parede e assoalho. O anel ‚ perfeitamente circular indicando que os solos sÆo espessos, secos e arenosos-finos. A estrutura nÆo ‚ antiga sob ponto de vista geol¢gico uma vez que os processos erosivos de origem e¢lica sÆo acelerados e o edif¡cio estrutural da fei‡Æo est  perfeito. An lises da literatura permitem fazer correla‡äes com a cicatriz meteor¡tica descrita no Deserto de Wabi na Ar bia Saudita. Semelhan‡as marcantes tamb‚m sÆo percebidas com as crateras lunares de pequeno porte principalmente por manterem bem edificados os flancos e o anel, sinais t¡picos de impactos recente em solos muito secos, fri veis e profundos. A foto obl¡qua nÆo permite determinar precisamente o diƒmetro da estrutura mas nÆo deve ser maior do que 1 quil“metro. Investiga‡äes adicionais estÆo sendo feitas a partir de imagens do Sat‚lite CBERS 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10374 1: SID/SCD 2: 9448 3: INPE-9448-PRE/5104 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Berka, Luciana Sugawara 10: Rudorff, Bernardo Friedrich Theodor 12: Sistema de informa‡Æo geogr fica no acompanhamento da safra da soja atrav‚s de modelo agrometeorol¢gico 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion Orais 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: Sistemas de Informa‡äes Geogr ficas 87: modelo agrometeorol¢gico 87: ¡ndice de penaliza‡o 87: soja. 82: 83: O objetivo deste trabalho foi integrar um modelo agrometeorol¢gico pontual num Sistema de Informa‡äes Geogr ficas (SIG)para acompanhar a produtividade da soja (Glycine max L. Merril). A  rea de estudo foi o Estado do Paran , onde o acompanhamento foi feito para os munic¡pios respons veis pela maior parte da produ‡Æo da soja no ano safra de 1997/98. A integra‡Æo do modelo e da base de dados foi realizadaatrav‚s do aplicativo SPRING e os c lculos foram executados por meio do seu m¢dulo de programa‡Æo, denominado LEGAL. O acompanhamento da produtividade foi realizado atrav‚s do c lculo quinzenal do ¡ndice de penaliza‡Æo, quantificando o efeito do estresse h¡drico para cada quinzena e ao longo do ciclo da cultura. Assim, atrav‚s desse ¡ndice foi poss¡vel fazer o acompanhamento das condi‡äes de crescimento e desenvolvimento da cultura da soja, detectando deficiˆncias h¡dricas relevantes ao longo da esta‡Æo de crescimento. O aplicativo SPRING e seu m¢dulo LEGAL tiveram desempenho satisfat¢rios na integra‡Æo do modelo agrometeorol¢gico num SIG. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work was to integrate a punctual agrometeorological model in a Geographic Information System (GIS)to monitor crop yield of soybean (Glycine max L. Merril). The study area was the State of Paran , where crop monitoring was performed for the municipalities responsible for major soybean production during the crop year of 1997/98. The integration of the model and the database was performed using the SPRING software and computation was carried out using the programming module named LEGAL. Crop yield monitoring was performed by computing a penalizing index on a biweekly base along the crop cycle. Thus, using this index it was possible to monitor soybean crop grow and development conditions detecting relevant water deficits during the crop growing season. The SPRING software and its LEGAL module performed satisfactory in the integration of the agrometeorological model into the GIS 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10375 1: SID/SCD 2: 9449 3: INPE-9449-PRE/5105 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Caetano, Norton Roberto 10: Mattos, Ju‚rcio Tavares de 10: Ohara, Tomoyuki 12: Sensoriamento remoto e sistema de informa‡Æo geogr fica como ferramenta no planejamento de rodovias 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion Orais 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: pedologia 87: litologia 87: fisiografia 87: meio f¡sico 87: planejamento de rodovias 87: banco de dados digital 82: 83: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a an lise do potencial do uso de sensoriamento remoto e de sistema de informa‡Æo geogr fica (SIG), como ferramentas de mapeamento do meio f¡sico, para subsidiar o planejamento do tra‡ado de rodovias. A  rea em que foi testada a metodologia proposta, situa-se no m‚dio vale do rio Para¡ba do Sul, em sua por‡Æo paulista, englobando as cidades de Taubat‚, Trememb‚, Pindamonhangaba, Campos do JordÆo e Roseira, entre os paralelos 22ø45' e 23ø10'S e meridianos 45ø15' e 45ø40'W. Utilizou-se os m‚todos sistem tico e de mapeamento geoambiental para interpreta‡Æo visual da imagem ETM+/Landsat-7, banda Pan, visando o mapeamento de caracter¡sticas do meio f¡sico como pedologia, fisiografia, litologia e fraturamento. Para o mapeamento do uso e cobertura da terra utilizou-se dos processamentos digitais: segmenta‡Æo, classifica‡Æo e mapeamento, com base na imagem ETM+/Landsat-7, bandas 3, 4 e 5. Realizou-se um trabalho de campo visando verificar e validar o mapeamento, tendo-se visitado as  reas cr¡ticas … implanta‡Æo de rodovias e as  reas mapeadas com incerteza. As informa‡äes do meio f¡sico, extra¡das das imagens, foram ponderadas em fun‡Æo de crit‚rios da engenharia rodovi ria. Posteriormente estas informa‡äes foram integradas em um ambiente SIG pela opera‡Æo Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), gerando um mapa de aptidÆo para implanta‡Æo de rodovias. De posse deste mapa, os planejadores rodovi rios tˆm em mÆos uma ferramenta que permite analisar a capacidade de suporte do meio. Com base neste mapa podem propor tra‡ados, analisando-os quanto … sua adequa‡Æo ao meio f¡sico, reduzindo custos de constru‡Æo e principalmente de manuten‡Æo. Dessa forma pode-se concluir que o sensoriamento remoto e o SIG sÆo ferramentas apropriadas e recomend veis para se utilizar em projetos de constru‡Æo de rodovias. ABSTRACT: The present job have the object analyse the potencial of the use remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS)like instruments for physics environment mapping, in order to planing highways desings. Study area is in basin of Paraiba do Sul river and adjacents Paulista areas near of Taubat‚ Trememb‚, Pindamonhangaba, Campos do JordÆo and Roseira cities, between the paralells 22ø45' and 23ø10'S and meridians 45ø15' e 45ø40'W. Use the systematic and geoambiental methods for ETM+/Landsat-7, Pan band interpretation with the objective to obtain pedology, litology, fisiography an classification and mapping, in the ETM+/Landsat-7, bands 3, 4 and 5. To verify the mapping job was realized a field work, each critical areas was visited. The physical environment information,extract from images interpretation, was integrated in a GIS though the matematical operation Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), creating a highway physical aptness map. With this map the highway planners have a tool to analyse the area, propose desings, reducing costs and spending less time. In this way, we conclud the remote sensing and GIS is apropriat tools to know the area and planning highways 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10377 1: SID/SCD 2: 9457 3: INPE-9457-PRE/5113 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Boggione, Giovanni A. 10: Fonseca, Leila M. G. 12: Restoration of Landsat-7 images 21: Information for sustainability and development 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: AR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 88: image restoration 88: nominal resolution 88: effective resolution 88: Landsat-7 88: image interpolation 88: Data Processing and Feature Extraction 83: The image restoration problem attempts to recover image that has been degraded by the limited resolution of the sensor as well as by the presence of noise. The resolution of images obtained by the satellite sensors is degraded by sources such as: optical diffraction, detector size and electronic filtering. As a consequence, the effective resolution is, in general, worse than the nominal resolution, that corresponds to the detector projection on the ground and does not take into consideration the sensor imperfections. Through restoration techniques, it is possible to improve image resolution up to a certain level. Fonseca et al. (1993)have presented a methodology to restore images taken from Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM). The idea is to use the same method for restoring images taken from Landsat-7 TM (ETM+). For this purpose, we have done an evaluation of the effective spatial resolution (EIFOV)of the ETM+ images that has been presented in this paper. The imaging system model of the ETM+ sensor is discussed, as well as the factors that contribute to the degradation of its spatial resolution. For each band of the ETM+, the EIFOV parameter is calculated. Using this information and modeling the ETM+ modulation transfer function as a gaussian, some preliminary results of ETM+ image restoration are presented. The restoration algorithm is based on the method of the transfer function compensation that approximates the filter inverse and at the same time attempts to control the problems associated with it. This article also shows that the restoration process combined with the resampling process can generate interpolated ETM+ images with better visual quality than the images interpolated by parametric cubic convolution. 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10379 1: SID/SCD 2: 9456 3: INPE-9456-PRE/5112 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cuellar, Miguel 12: Earth observer satellite: current and future scenario and trend 21: Information for sustainability and development 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: The mean objective of this task is doing an analyze of the all earth observer satellite that are available in the international scenario. This study shows a needing to use this type of the satellite for the monitoring the Earth, a complex system, that always is being change by the natural forces and by the human activities. The earth observer satellite is very useful to observer biggest area such as the rain forest (Amazon area in Brazil and others). Today we have about 15 satellite for this purpose and in the close future will appear another 20 satellite. Currently, we have earth observer satellite split in two group, one group named Remote Sensing and another Meteorological. Some one of the future satellite has a new guidance with the integration of the instruments of both area, it is possible now due to have lunch power to put in the space heavy satellites with multi-instruments. This scenario will be explain to the community that use data of the satellites and how they should do to plan their activities in the area 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10380 1: SID/SCD 2: 9455 3: INPE-9455-PRE/5111 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Dainese, R.C. 10: Carvalho, S. 10: Grtler 10: Fonseca, L.M.G 12: Analysis of Products Obtained from Image Processing for Classification of Citrus Areas 21: Information for sustainability and development 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: AR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 88: restoration 88: segmentation 88: unsupervised classification 88: ISOSEG 88: citrus 83: This paper presents a preliminary evaluation of some mapping strategies for citrus culture of a region located in the northeast of SÆo Paulo state - Brazil. The citrus maps have been obtained using an unsupervised classification method after the images were preprocessed by techniques such as restoration, linear mixing model, principal components and vegetation index. The experimental results have been compared to a land use map elaborated with the aid of data acquired on the field, digital map and human expertise. It has been verified that the classification of citrus obtained from images restored in a grid of 10 meters proved to be the best result 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10381 1: SID/SCD 2: 9554 3: INPE-9454-PRE/5110 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lorenzzetti, JÆo Antonio 12: The monitoring of the Tropical Atlantic using moored buoys and satellite telemetry: the PIRATA Project 21: Information for sustainability and development 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: The seasonal cycle is the largest ocean-atmosphere signal in the tropical Atlantic. Superimposed on the mean seasonal cycle are two modes of interannual and longer time scale ocean-atmosphere variability in the tropical Atlantic with significant impact on regional climate. The first is the so-called "dipole mode" which involves north-south interhemispheric variations in SST patterns. This is decadal or longer time scale mode of variations. The second is a "equatorial" mode, which is in many ways similar to the one present in the Pacific ocean operating at seasonal and interannual time scales. of the modes are associated with very important climatic variability observed in South America, Africa and North America. A better understanding of the relative contributions of different components of surface heat flux and internal ocean dynamics in controlling the long time scales of variability of SST in the region is in need if we want to be able to predict climate variations. The acquisition of meteorological and oceanic variables necessary to achieve the required understanding of such processes is a technological challenge considering the size of region and the time scales involved. The best solution to this problem has been a merge between the in situ data collection integrated with the space segment via satellite data telemetry. The PIRATA (Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic)project has been implemented using this modus operandum and can be considered as an extension of the Pacific ocean TAO project. An array of 12 ATLAS (Autonomous Temperature Line Acquisition System)moorings is being maintained in the region since 1998. In this paper we present the characteristics of this oceanic monitoring system, encountered difficulties, data acquired and some examples of surface heat fluxes calculated using the PIRATA data 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10382 1: SID/SCD 2: 9384 3: INPE-9384-PRE/5044 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vergara, Oscar Vergara 10: Cintra, Jorge Pimentel 10: D'Alge, J£lio C‚sar 12: Avalia‡Æo da exatidÆo cartogr fica de documentos atualizados com imagens orbitais e sistemas de informa‡äes geogr fica 40: Pt 41: PT 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Cartografia, 20 54: out. <2001> 56: Porto Alegre 58: DPI 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: CARTOGRAFIA 87: corre‡äes geom‚tricas 87: proje‡Æo cartogr fica 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: HRV-SPOT 87: SPOT (Sat‚lite Frances) 83: Nos n¡veis de pr‚-processamento das imagens orbitais utilizadas neste trabalho (TM-Landsat de n¡vel 4 e HRV-SPOT de n¡vel 1 B)nÆo sÆo aplicadas corre‡äes geom‚tricas para qualquer proje‡Æo cartogr fica e, por tal motivo, esses produtos nÆo podem ser considerados apropriados para aplica‡äes de cartografia topogr fica, salvo que algum refinamento geom‚trico adicional seja realizado pelo usu rio. 0 objetivo deste trabalho foi melhorar a geometria desses dados originais, antes de serem utilizados no contexto de uma metodologia de atualiza‡Æo cartogr fica envolvendo tamb‚m o uso de um sistema de informa‡Æo geogr fica. Para compensar o baixo n¡vel de processarriento geom‚trico, esses produtos foram georreferenciados atrav‚s de opera‡äes de registro muito precisas. A seguir, as imagens foram submetidas a diferentes t‚cnicas de processamento digital e jogo separadas em trˆs grupos diferentes, de acordo com o tipo de processamento aplicado. Com cada um desses grupos de dados gerou-se uma carta atualizada, na escala 1:50.000, com exatidÆo pr¢pria da classe 13 e bastante pr¢ximas do padrÆo de exatidÆo geom‚trico das cartas classe A . The satellite images used in this work, LANDSAT-5 TM level 4 and SPOT HRV level 1 B, are not corrected for systematic errors that occur during image acquisition. Therefore, unless an additional geometric correction refinement is applied, those images are not suitable for cartographic applications. This work aims at improving the geometric quality of the original images used for map revision purposes in the contex of a methodology using geographic information systems technology. First, the images were: submitted to very accurate registration procedures. They were then separated into three different groups, according to different image processing techniques used. One 1:50,000 updated map was created for each group. The updated maps conform to class B mapping standards and are actually close to class A standardsT MFN: 10383 1: SID/SCD 2: 9453 3: INPE-9453-PRE/5109 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pinheiro, Eduardo 12: Integration of geographic information system and environmental low: a basis for the management of vegetal formations in the municipal distrit od Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilS 21: Information for sustainability and development 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: This study presents results of an investigation developed with the aim of proposing preservation areas of the vegetal formations in the municipal district of Canoas - Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. The integration of Geographic Information System (GIS)with Brazilian environmental law was used to provide basis for the inherent proposals of this work. For this purpose, a satellite image was used, LANDSAT - TM - 5, and a topographical map of the Geographic Services Direction of the Brazilian Army (DSG)to make a map of the Land Use and Soil Cover, and Protected Areas of Canoas. A great arboreous core in the municipal district consists of Fazenda Guajuviras. For this area, is presented a map of the Land Use and Soil Cover, made based on air photographs and topographical maps. In order to determine areas for preservation as well as areas for new division of land into lots, it is necessary a conscience of balance, considering integrated management plans which respect the law and public opinion. The study is completed by presenting interviews with three different groups in Canoas: residents of regular areas, residents of irregular areas, and social agents (non-governmental organizations - ngos, public and private administration). 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10384 1: SID/SCD 2: 9459 3: INPE-9459-PRE/5115 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Roberts, DA 10: Numata, I 10: Souza, C. 10: Powell, B. 10: Holmes, K. 10: Monteiro, A. 10: Batista, Getulio Texeira. 10: Chadwick, O.A 12: Large Area Mapping in Rond“nia using Spectral Mixture Analysis and Decision Tree Classifiers, an Update 40: En 41: En 42: 52: LBA Central Office (CPTEC/INPE) 52: LBA Regional Office in Manaus (INPA) 53: Intenrantional LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: In previous work we described spatiotemporal variation in land-cover over 80,000 km 2 in central Rond“nia. Land-cover change was mapped using a multistage process to map primary forest, pasture, second growth, urban, rock/savanna, and water in an area covered by three contiguous Landsat scenes acquired between 1975 and 1999. Based on this research, Rond“nia can be characterized as highly fragmented, with the most intense forest clearing extending at least 50 km along the margins of BR364. Pastures in Rond“nia persist over many years and are not typically abandoned to second growth which, when present, rarely remained unchanged longer than 8 years. Annual deforestation rates, pasture area and the ratio of second growth to cleared area varied spatially. Highest initial deforestation rates (2 percent ) occurred in the southeast but increased to 3 percent by the late 1990s. In central Rond“nia (Ji-Paran )deforestation rates rose from 1.2 percent between 1978 and 1986 to a high of 4.2 in 1999. The lowest initial deforestation rates (0.5 ), occurred in the northwest, in the vicinity of Ariquemes, but also increased in the late 1990s, peaking at 3 in 1998. The percentage of cleared lands abandoned to second growth varied substantially from southeast to northwest, ranging from 18 in the southeast to up to over 50 in the northwest for some years. Accuracy of the 1999 land-cover map was assessed using digital videography and exceeded 85 . However, a number of systematic errors were also identified including: 1)primary forest mapped as second growth on sun lit slopes; 2)over mapping of second growth in early dry season images; 3)over mapping of land-clear for Rond“nia. Changes include 1)improved methods for reducing smoke contaminated data; 2)a reduction of topographic errors (ie, overmapped second growth)and 3)expanded spatial and temporal coverage. We extend the spatial coverage analysis to include two additional Landsat scenes in Rond“nia, one that includes PortoVelho (P233 R66), the other the city of Cacoal (P230 R68) 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10385 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Costa, Maycira Pereira de Farias 12: Estimate of net primary production of aquatic vegetation of the Amazon floodplain using radar satellite imagery. 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: The Amazonian research community acknowledges that a better understanding of the regional carbon cycle of the Amazon floodplain will only be possible when the biogeochemical processes become understood on a regional scale. To help achieve this understanding, a method using satellite SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar)imagery for seasonal mapping and assessment of the net primary production (NPP)of aquatic vegetation of the Amazonian floodplain is proposed. The input data for the NPP model are (i)total biomass of aquatic vegetation determined by RADARSAT and JERS-1 imagery and (ii)spatial area occupied by aquatic vegetation determined by RADARSAT and JERS-1 imagery. Inversion of radar imagery into total biomass of aquatic vegetation was performed. After correction for monthly biomass losses, the NPP of one growth cycle of aquatic vegetation was calculated in the image domain. The total mean net primary productivity of Hymenachne amplexicaules, the dominant aquatic vegetation in the area, was on average 2920 g C m -2 or a total carbon uptake of 1.9x10 12 g C yr -1 for the entire area (395 km 2 ). Spatially, the lower values of produced organic carbon (< 900 g C m -2 ) are in regions where the plants only developed in the beginning of hydrological cycle; generally, values are higher (>5000 g C m -2 ) in regions closer to the Amazon River where the influence of the nutrient rich water is stronger. The productivity of this largely spread C3 species is about four times the productivity assumed for the Amazon floodplain in some process-based global models. Therefore, the productivity of a diverse and complex wetland such as the Amazon floodplain can undoubtedly be underestimated by using these models. The results of this study are promising to provide large-scale NPP estimates of aquatic vegetation in wetlands, such as the Amazon floodplain 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10386 1: SID/SCD 2: 9452 3: INPE-9452-PRE/5108 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Valeriano, Dalton 12: Assessment of land cover legal status in Brazilian Atlantic Forest by remote sensing and geographic information analysis techniques 21: Information for sustainability and development 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: The historical occupation of the Brazilian Eastern coast and Southern and Southeastern Regions resulted in an intense deforestation of the Atlantic Forest which is presently reduced to less than 8 percent of its original cover of 1.3 million km2. The remaining forest cover comprises mostly of sparsely distributed small patches and larger forest remnants on steep slopes of mountain chains. The Atlantic Forest biodiversity is considered one of the largest of the world and the urgent need for action to protect it is expressed in its inclusion in the list of World Biodiversity Hotspots. Since 1965 Brazil has a specific legislation for the protection of the vegetation cover, the Forest Protection Act (FPA), which has the objective of controlling and mitigating environmental damages caused by deforestation. The FPA determines permanent preservation of forest cover of specific areas such as river margins and steep slopes taking into account the role of the vegetation cover in the protection of soils and water resources. It also prescribes a minimal proportion of forest cover that must be preserved at within each property. However the law is rarely enforced due to surveillance costs and the lack of operational technology available for the institutions responsible for FPA observance. This work demonstrates the applicability of remote sensing and geographical information analysis techniques for the detection of areas in disagreement with some of the criteria for the determination of permanent preservation areas stated by the Forest Protection Act. The methodology is applicable to any medium to high resolution multispectral optical data and it is here demonstrated with Landsat data. Digitized contour lines and drainage network from topographic maps are used in the determination of permanent preservation areas. Georreferencing, corrections for atmospheric path radiance and band ratioing are applied to the remote sensing data in order to produce an image with reduced effect of the topography on the illumination condition. Image segmentation into homogeneous fields followed by field based unsupervised classification stratifies the image into spectral classes which are mapped into two classes, Forest and Non-Forest that comprise the Forest Cover Map. A grid describing the distance to the drainage network is constructed for the whole area and sliced into the appropriate distance to map permanent preservation areas along river channels. Contour lines are converted into a digital elevation model from which a terrain slope grid is derived and sliced into slope thresholds above which forest preservation is determined. Boolean union operation among the last two thematic maps produces the Permanent Preservation Areas Map. An interception operation of the Permanent Preservation Areas Map with the Forest Cover Map detects areas that are in agreement and in disagreement. to the FPA. All procedures are conducted with the image processing and geographical information analysis system SPRING, a freeware developed by the Brazilian Space Research Institute. Applications of the methodology to test areas show that the compliance to the FPA would greatly improve landscape quality for biodiversity conservation by enlarging existing forest patches 83: 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10387 1: SID/SCD 2: 9451 3: INPE-9451-PRE/5107 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Valeriano, Dalton 12: Potential distribution modeling of a palm tree (Euterpe edulis, Martius)based on remote sensing, analysis of digital elevation model and decision support technique. 21: Information for sustainability and development 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 88: Atlantic Forest 88: Brazil 88: Sustainable management 88: Forest products 83: Euterpes edulis is natural occurring palm tree of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest with high commercial value for its heart of palm, which has been intensively exploited by the canning industries. Today its exploitation is under severe control in order to avoid its local extinction due to overharvest by suppliers of the industries. Sylvicultural practices are being proposed for sustainable exploitation of this natural resource, for which a potential distribution model is a valuable tool for yield forecast and harvest planning. The objective of this work is to produce a potential distribution model for the palm tree Euterpe edulis. Two suppositions were considered: (1)the distribution of E. edulis is conditioned by a set of environmental variables; (2)given that the previous condition is true, it is possible to establish a predictive spatial model of these relationships in order to map the potential distribution of the species. The first supposition was investigated with the use of published information on the ecological behavior of the species in relation to the variables under consideration. Further information was collected during exploratory field works that were conducted in the Serra da Mantiqueira between the municipalities of Taubat‚ - SP and Campos do JordÆo - SP. The following environmental variables were considered: land cover (forest/non-forest)and the topographic variables (altitude, slope curvature, slope attitude and distance from the drainage network). In the investigation of the second supposition, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System techniques were applied for the representation of the landscape and for the modeling of the environmental variables into values of favorability for E. edulis ranked into the interval [0,1]. In the modeling of terrain favorability to E. edulis, first order functions were established according to the assumptions in order to map the conceptual model into an ordinal model of favorability through the use of Map Algebra. The global favorability weight for each topographic variable was attained with the use of decision support technique Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP). With these weights, Map Algebra was again utilized to construct the Potential Distributio to produce the Current Potential Distribution Gradient (CPDG)which is the PDG restricted to forested areas. The presented study can be used as a support to other studies oriented to the improvement of the techniques used here or to the ones that aim at the acquisition of quantitative information about plant distribution. The methods and the results can be applied to the implementation and management of environmental protection areas for E. edulis, to the detection of areas favorable to E. edulis subject to anthropic pressure and also to the support of sylvicultural projects for the restoration and management of the species 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10388 1: SID/SCD 2: 9450 3: INPE-9450-PRE/5106 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ventura, Fernando N 10: Fonseca, Leila M. G 12: Remotely Sensed Image Fusion Using The Wavelet Transform 21: Information for sustainability and development 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: AR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: Image fusion aims at the integration of complementary information from multisensor data so that the new images are more suitable for computer-processing tasks and visual interpretation. This paper presents a variation of an image fusion method that uses a multi-resolution analysis based upon the wavelet transform. In order to evaluate its performance the proposed method is compared with the IHS and another wavelet method. The Wavelet method provides a better preservation of spectral characteristics than IHS method 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10392 1: SID/SCD 2: 9512 3: INPE-9512-PRE/5165 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Amaral, Silvana 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Quintanilha, Jos‚ A. 12: Interpoladores espaciais para gera‡Æo de superfic¡es de densidade populacional na Amaz“nia Brasileira: problemas e perspectivas 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Geoinform tica, 4 54: dez. <2002> 56: Caxambu 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: interpoladores 87: densidade populacional 88: interpolators 88: population density 82: 83: Este documento descreve um estudo de interpoladores espaciais para aplica‡Æo no desenvolvimento de superf¡cies de densidade populacional na Amaz“nia Brasileira. Os principais problemas de representa‡Æo populacional na Amaz“nia sÆo levantados e uma revisÆo da literatura apresenta os interpoladores mais utilizados para gerar superf¡cies de densidade populacional. Discute-se a aplicabilidade destes modelos para gera‡Æo de superf¡cie na regiÆo e apresenta-se uma proposta para uso adaptativo dos m‚todos em fun‡Æo da escala de trabalho e divisÆo territorial, procurando identificar os interpoladores mais adequados. Abstract. This paper describes an on-going research on spatial interpolators for population density surfaces generation in the Amazonia region. The main problems related to the spatial representation of population distribution over Amazonia data are presented and discussed considering the Amazonian specific characteristics. Finally, an adaptive procedure is proposed where the more suitable interpolators are indicated according to the scale, the territorial division adopted and the set of data available 91: FDB-20021201 MFN: 10393 1: SID/SCD 2: 9460 3: INPE-9460-PRE/5116 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Salas, William 10: Alves, Diogenes 10: Zarin, Dan 10: Ducey, Mark 12: Validating, scaling and parameterizing a forest regrowth model for the amazon region using aircraft and spaceborne sensors and gis 40: En 41: En 42: 52: LBA Central Office (CPTEC/INPE) 52: LBA Regional Office in Manaus (INPA) 53: Intenrantional LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: BR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: Developing an ability to predict forest regrowth potential has considerable implications for our understanding of carbon dynamics in a future characterized by increased conversion of old-growth Amazonian forests and the subsequent abandonment of any areas originally cleared for agricultural activities. We will present a four-step, incremental approach directed toward the spatially explicit modeling and mapping of forest regrowth potential for the Amazon region. Each of the four steps will make a significant contribution to current understanding of the response of ecosystems to disturbance at the regional scale. A central focus of our approach is the development of remote sensing approaches for quantifying vegetation recovery and changes in biomass following disturbance, determination of the optimal scale for these approaches, and testing of disturbance-specific parameters that may influence rates of forest regrowth in Amazonia. An outline of our four incremental steps is provided: 1. production of preliminary forest regrowth potential maps for the region using an empirical model of biomass accumulation in global secondary forests. 2. definition of a set of normalized spectral indices of forest regrowth optimized for the Amazon region. 3. testing of the reliability of the preliminary maps (Step 1 product)and the remote sensing indices of regrowth structure (Step 2 products). 4. refinement of the global model to enhance its regional applicability by including known disturbance-specific parameters shown to explain a significant amount of variance between measured and modeled regrowth biomass and structure. Our poster will provide details on this project and preliminary results of our multitemporal Landsat analysis 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10395 1: SID/SCD 2: 9473 3: INPE-9473-PRE/5129 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ferreira, Karine Reis 10: Queiroz, Gilberto Ribeiro 10: Paiva, JoÆo Argemiro de Carvalho 10: Souza, Ricardo Cartaxo Modesto 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Arquitetura de softare para constru‡Æo de banco de dado geogr fico com SGBD objeto-relacionais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Geoinform tica, 4 54: dez. <2002> 56: Caxambu 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: SIG 87: banco de dados 87: aarquitetura de software 88: object retational 88: software architeture 88: open source 88: TerraLib 88: geographical information systemas 88: GIS 83: This paper describes a software architecture for development of geographic databases that uses object-relational DBMS, like PostgreSQL and Oracle Spatial, sharing a common programming interface. This work is part of TerraLib, an open source software allowing a collaborative environment and use for the development of multiple GIS tools 91: FDB-20021201 MFN: 10396 1: SID/SCD 2: 9472 3: INPE-9472-PRE/5128 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lima, Paulo 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Queiroz, Gilberto 12: GeoBR: Intercƒmbio Sint tico e Semƒntico de Dados Espaciais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Geoinform tica, 4 54: dez. <2002> 56: Caxambu 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: interoperabilidade 87: semƒntica 87: open source 87: terra Translator 88: interoperability 88: semantic 83: The exchange of geographical data is an important problem and of difficult treatment. The most common approach is just about the direct syntactic conversion that presents a series of problems. This work presents an analysis of the different approachs proposals for the problem of Interoperability, covering the syntactic and semantic level through the use of metadata, ontologies and languages based on the XML standard. It is also presented how the format GeoBR can promote the interoperability in semantic level.GeBR can promote the interoperability in semantic level 91: FDB-20021202 MFN: 10397 1: SID/SCD 2: 9471 3: INPE-9471-PRE/5127 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Neves, Marcos Corrˆa 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Assun‡Æo, Renato M. 10: Freitas, Corina da Costa 12: Procedimentos Autom ticos e Semi-autom ticos de Regionaliza‡Æo por µrvore Geradora M¡nima 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Geoinform tica, 4 54: dez. <2002> 56: Caxambu 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: regionaliza‡Æo 88: regionalization 83: Regionalization is a agglutination procedure of contiguous areas in homogeneous regions. This paper describes two proposals for the regionalization process. The first proposal uses optimization techniques to increase the efficiency of the process. The second, proposes an approach of regionalization guided by the analyst. The paper presents also some results of initial experiments and possible contributions of these two proposals 91: FDB-20021205 MFN: 10398 1: SID/SCD 2: 9470 3: INPE-9470-PRE/5126 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vinhas, L£bia 10: Queiroz, Gilberto Ribeiro 10: Ferreira, Karine Reis 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Paiva, JoÆo Argemiro Carvalho 12: Programa‡Æo Gen‚rica Aplicada a Algoritmos Geogr ficos 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Geoinform tica, 4 54: dez. <2002> 56: Caxambu 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: orienta‡Æo a objeto 87: arqitetura de software 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: SIG 87: agrupamento 87: algoritmos 88: clustering 88: algorithms 83: This work discusses the application of generic programming paradigm to clustering algorithms on geographic data. The basic ideas of generic programming: (a)defines the basic steps of the algorithm independently of data structures and (b)identifies a set of requirements that the data structures must satisfy; are applied to implement a K-Means and a Equal Stel clustering algorithms. This approach leads to a code reuse and flexibility without loss of efficiency 91: FDB-20021205 MFN: 10399 1: SID/SCD 2: 9469 3: INPE-9469-PRE/5125 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: CastelÆo, Guilherme 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 10: Sato, Olga T. 10: Polito, Paulo 12: Surface heat balance estimates for the tropical Atlantic using Pirata data 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 88: Rainfall variability 88: surface temperature (SST) 88: anomalies 88: Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) 83: Rainfall variability in the northeast South America and in Africa's Sahel region is profoundly influenced by sea surface temperature (SST)anomalies. Ping Chang and Li (1997)proposed that decadal variations in the tropical SST dipole may be attributed to a thermodynamically unstable ocean-atmosphere interaction between wind-induced heat fluxes and SST anomalies. Within this framework the importance of the heat flux estimation through the tropical ocean surface becomes evident. The main objective of this study is to estimate each component of the heat budget equation (Equation 2)in the Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA)region. In addition, the contribution of each heat component to the temperature tendency of the mixed layer is estimated. 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 10400 1: SID/SCD 2: 9468 3: INPE-9468-PRE/5124 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 10: CastelÆo, Guilherme 10: Sato, Olga T. 10: Polito, Paulo 12: Can Quikscat Fill PIRATA Wind Gaps To Estimate The Surface Heat Budget? 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 88: Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) 88: Quikscat 83: The Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA)project maintains an array of twelve ATLAS moorings in the tropical Atlantic since 1998. Daily means of meteorological (wind, relative humidity, shortwave radiation, and rain)and geographic (temperature and salinity profiles)data are available for each site. We use the PIRATA data to estimate the surface heat components through bulk formulae. The PIRATA data have gaps due to technical problems or vandalism. Faulty instruments can cause large data gaps because maintenance cruises are performed only once per year. Large gaps render the interpolation procedures useless. Several heat flux components cannot be calculated because of extensive wind gaps. Therefore, we analyze the impact of using Quikscat data to fill PIRATA wind gaps in the heat fluxes estimates Collocated Quikscat and PIRATA wind series were smoothed using a low-pass convolution filter that preserves variability with periods longer than a month. A mean correlation of 0.93 and a rms difference of 0.4 ms-1 were observed between the time series of the in situ and scatterometer wind magnitudes. The latent heat flux is the dominant heat loss term (100 Wm-2). It was calculated using both wind data sets and the difference was relatively small (14 Wm-2). The error analysis shows that most of the uncertainties derive from the air-sea temperature difference for the sensible heat flux and from the relative humidity for the latent heat fluxes. For time scales longer than a month the results indicate that the effect of the insertion of Quikscat data is negligible for all heat flux components. The uncertainty introduced by Quikscat winds is of the same order of the statistical fluctuations associated with buoy data alone 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 10401 1: SID/SCD 2: 9467 3: INPE-9467-PRE/5123 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Polito, Paulo S. 10: Sato, Olga T. 10: Liu, W Timothy 12: The influence of equatorial waves on quikscat winds in the Atlantic 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 88: Scatterometer measurements 88: surface roughness 88: Tropical Instability Wave 88: TIWs 88: equatorial Rossby 88: QuikScat 88: surface roughness 88: Tropical Instability Wave 88: equatorial Rossby 88: Pirata buoys 83: Scatterometer measurements depend on the sea surface roughness which is in principle caused by the wind stress against a static ocean surface. Alternatively, a moving ocean against the static atmosphere can have the same elect. [4]has shown that currents linked to Tropical Instability Waves (TIWs)induce a signal in the scatterometer winds in the eastern tropical Pacific. This study investigates the hypothesis that surface currents associated with TIWs and equatorial Rossby waves can bias the QuikScat scatterometer winds in the region of the Pirata buoys in the Atlantic 91: FDB-20021205 MFN: 10402 1: SID/SCD 2: 9466 3: INPE-9466-PRE/5122 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Polito, Paulo S. 10: Liu, W Timothy 12: Global characterization of Rossby waves at several spectral bands 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: Rossby waves are the ocean's response to large scale perturba- tions, based on conservation of potential vorticity. Typically these waves are 1,00010,000 km long, have a period of months to years and cause a surface displacement of 110 cm. As a rst approximation the ocean behaves as a two layer sys- tem with the vertical displacement of the interface induced by Rossby waves. These vertical displacements are 10100 m. These long, baroclinic waves are non dispersive and transport en- ergy westward to help maintain the midlatitude gyres and to intensify the western boundary currents. The energy and the phase propa- gate westward at the same speed with a typical magnitude of 1100 km/day. The TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter (T/P)provided for the rst time a long global time series of the sea surface height anomaly . Re- cent results based on T/P from Chelton and Schlax(1996)CS and Zang and Wunch(1999)(ZW)raised an interesting debate over the validity of the standard linear theory to estimate the Rossby wave phase speed. In this study a series of nite impulse response (FIR)ters are used to separate the T/P into several dynamical components. The phase speed cp, period T, wavelength L, fractional variance V , am- plitude A, and signal noise ratio S=N are estimated. The same technique has been successfully applied to compare heat storage from T/P and in situ data in [Polito et al.(2000)since the e ect of salinity on is small Sato et al.(1999) 91: FDB-20021205 MFN: 10403 1: SID/SCD 2: 9465 3: INPE-9465-PRE/5121 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sato, Olga T. 10: Polito, Paulo S. 10: Liu, W. Timothy 12: The importance of salinity measurements in the heat storage estimation from Topex/Poseidon 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: sat‚lite Poseidon 87: Topex 87: salinidade 87: salinidade 88: salinity 83: Heat storage anomaly (HS')is derived from altimeter data through the relation between thermosteric variations in the upper layer and variations in the sea surface height. This study compares in situ and satellite heat storage estimates. The discrepancies between the two estimates are mostly related to haline e.ects. The objectives of this study are: 1. to investigate if a haline height correction signi.cantly improves the satellite derived heat storage anomaly signal,and 2. if this correction should be based on in situ salinity measurements or climatological estimates. 91: FDB-20021205 MFN: 10404 1: SID/SCD 2: 9513 3: INPE-9513-PRE/5166 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Zagaglia, Cl udia Ramos 10: Stech, Jos‚ Luiz 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 10: 12: Identifica‡Æo das rela‡äes entre dados ambientais obtidos por sensoriamento remoto e dados provinientes da pesca de atuns no Atlƒntico Sudoeste Equatorial 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: captura 87: pesca 87: atuns 87: Thunnus albacares 87: T.alalunga 87: T. obesus 87: Modelos Aditivos Generalizados 87: GAM's 82: 83: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a identifica‡Æo de poss¡veis rela‡äes entre a captura de trˆs esp‚cies de atuns (Thunnus albacares, T.alalunga e T. obesus), realizada pela frota espinheleira no nordeste brasileiro, e algumas informa‡äes ambientais obtidas por sensoriamento remoto. Como t‚cnica de an lise destas rela‡äes foram utilizados Modelos Aditivos Generalizados (GAM's) 91: FDB-20021205 MFN: 10405 1: SID/SCD 2: 9515 3: INPE-9515-PRE/5168 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Assireu, Arcilan Trevenzoli 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 12: SÆo fractais ou ca¢ticas as trajet¢rias dos derivadores ao longo do Contorno Oeste da Corrente do Brasil? 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: trajet¢rias 87: part¡culas 87: trajet¢rias lagrangianas 87: Corrente do Brasil 87: contorno oeste 83: Quando as trajet¢rias das part¡culas em um fluido sÆo ca¢ticas, o fluido apresenta grande potencial de mistura o que aumenta o processo difusivo. Por outro lado, part¡culas que apresentam trajet¢rias menos irregulares (nÆo ca¢ticas)estÆo associadas a processos nÆo muito eficientes de mistura. Se as trajet¢rias dos erivadores sÆo ou nÆo ca¢ticas, ‚ uma questÆo de fundamental importƒncia para a compreensÆo dos processos pelos quais tra‡adores passivos sÆo misturados lateralmente no oceano. Baseados nestas motiva‡äes, as propriedades de escala associadas …s trajet¢rias lagrangianas de sete derivadores lan‡ados no contorno oeste da Corrente do Brasil em 1993 e 1994 foram analisadas. Foi aplicado o m‚todo do expoente de escala (Emmery and Thomson, 2001)para estimar a dimensÆo fractal destas trajet¢rias. N¢s encontramos que, para escalas espaciais entre 20 e 150 km e escalas temporais entre 1 e 10 dias, as trajet¢rias apresentaram comportamento fractal com dimensÆo fractal de aproximadamente 1.4. Dois derivadores dentre os trˆs que atuaram em 1993 apresentaram dimensÆo fractal tendendo a dois, o que sugere comportamento ca¢tico para estas trajet¢rias. N¢s especulamos que isto se deveu ao maior cisalhamento lateral introduzido pela presen‡a marcante em 1993 de uma massa de  gua de baixa temperatura e salinidade que fluiu para norte sobre a plataforma continental. Assireu et al. (2002)verificaram variabilidades intra e interanuais no comportamento energ‚tico da borda oeste da Corrente do Brasil, o que concorda com a variabilidade interanual nas propriedades de escala indicadas no presente trabalho 91: FDB-20021205 MFN: 10406 1: SID/SCD 2: 9462 3: INPE-9462-PRE/5118 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Assireu, Arcilan Trevenzoli 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 10: Silveira, Ilson 12: Bombeamento de Ekman sob influˆncia da fric‡Æo lateral: seria mesmo necess ro o rotacional do vento ou basta simplesmente o vento? 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: parametro de Coriolis 87: Frequencia Inercial Efetiva (FIE) 87: Balanco de Ekman 87: escoamento 87: Corrente do Brasil 83: Uma nova concepcao, baseada em mecanica dos fluidos, e que leva em conta efeitos de borda sobre o comportamento global do fluido, faz surgir um termo adicional quando da transferencia de referencial inercial para nao inercial. O parametro de Coriolis (F)proveniente desta consideracao e acrescido de um novo termo que leva em conta as contribuicoes devidas a instabilidades barotropicas do escoamento. Este novo termo sera chamado aqui de Frequencia Inercial Efetiva (FIE). Quando o Balanco de Ekman e resolvido utilizando-se FIE ao inves de F, dois termos adicionais aparecem na definicao da velocidade vertical: um dependente do componente meridional e outro dependente do componente zonal do cisalhamento do vento. Trata-se pois de uma expressao generalizada, ja que comporta tambem a solucao convencional. Consideracoes baseadas em escalas de grandeza que levam em conta as peculiaridades associadas ao escoamento da Corrente do Brasil indicam que este termo adicional nao pode ser desprezado. Analises qualitativas apontam para a eficiencia deste modelo em representar com fidelidade o que e observado na natureza 91: FDB-20021205 MFN: 10407 1: SID/SCD 2: 9461 3: INPE-9461-PRE/5117 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Eduardo Negri de Oliveira 10: JoÆo Ant“nio Lorenzzetti 10: Jos‚ Luiz Stech 12: Estimativas de correntes oceƒnicas superficiais pelos m‚todos da m xima correla‡Æo cruzada 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: M xima Correla‡Æo Cruzada 87: MCC 87: campo de velocidade superficial advectiva 87: AVHRR 87: sat‚lite NOAA 87: vet¢res esp£rios 83: Neste trabalho aplica-se a t‚cnica de M xima Correla‡Æo Cruzada (MCC)em pares de imagens AVHRR/NOAA defasadas de aproximadamente 12 horas, para determinar o campo de velocidade superficial advectiva. O campo vetorial originalmente gerado passa por filtragens sucessivas que buscam remover os vet¢res esp£rios 91: FDB-20021205 MFN: 10408 1: SID/SCD 2: 9477 3: INPE-9477-PRE/5132 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pedrosa, Bianca 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Fonseca, Fred 10: Carneiro, Tiago 10: Souza, Ricardo Modesto Cartaxo 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Quintanilha, Jos‚ A 12: TerraML: a language to support spatial dynamic modeling 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Geoinform tica, 4 54: dez. <2002> 56: Caxambu 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021203 MFN: 10412 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Moreira, Maur¡cio Alves 12: Fundamentals in remote sensing and methodology of aplication: A book 21: Poster Session 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: Mid-Term Symposium. ISPRS Comission I 54: 10-15 Nov. <2002> 56: Denver 57: USA 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 88: Vegetation 88: Monitoring 88: Small/micro satellites 88: Sensor 88: Multitemporal 88: Optical 88: Proposal 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10413 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Braga, Cl udia Z.F. 10: Gherardi, D.F.M. 10: Prates, A.P.L. 10: Lopes, E.S.S. 10: Ren¢, V 12: Training brazilian managers on geoprocessing and orbital image interpretation for coastal and offshore reef conservation 21: Special Session 40: En 41: En 42: 52: ISPRS 53: Mid-Term Symposium. ISPRS Comission I 54: 10-15 Nov. <2002> 56: Denver 57: USA 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 88: Vegetation 88: Monitoring 88: Small/micro satellites 88: Sensor 88: Multitemporal 88: Optical 88: Proposal 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10445 1: SID/SCD 2: 9504 3: INPE-9504-PRE/5157 4: SRE 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Dessay, Nadine 10: Laurent, Henri 10: Machado, Luiz A. T. 10: Shimabukuro, Yosio EDEMIR 10: Diedhiou, Arona 10: Ronchail, Josyane 12: Uma an lise das diferen‡as de comportamento da vegeta‡Æo na Am‚rica do Sul durante os dois eventos El Ni€o de 1982-1983 e 1997-1998 14: 1011-1026 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: VEGETA€ÇO 87: anomalias 87: Öndice de Vegeta‡Æo de Diferen‡a Normalizado (NDVI 87: resposta da vegeta‡Æo 88: behavior 88: Normalised Difference Vegetation Index 88: anomalies 82: 83: Este trabalho estuda o comportamento das anomalias do Öndice de Vegeta‡Æo de Diferen‡a Normalizado (NDVI)durante os dois mais forte eventos El Ni€o do £ltimo s‚culo (1982-1983 e 1997-1998)sobre a Am‚rica do Sul, com ˆnfase especial … an lise da resposta dos principais tipos de vegeta‡Æo do Brasil. N¢s achamos uma ano malia de NDVI negativa para a maioria das regiäes durante o evento de 1982-1983, considerando que para o evento de 1997-1998 anomalias de NDVI positivas e negativas foram observadas dependendo das regiäes. S¢ a regiÆo do Nordeste mostrou uma resposta de vegeta‡Æo semelhante durante ambos os eventos. A diferen‡a de sinal nÆo pode ser entendida unicamente por um problema de intercalibra‡Æo dos sensores. A resposta da vegeta‡Æo pode depender das condi‡äes do clima antes do per¡odo El Ni€o. Um outro fator ‚ a diferen‡a do ¡nicio e da dura‡Æo da fase madura dos dois eventos El Ni€o, associados as temperaturas de superf¡cie diferentes no Atlƒntico que podem ter conseqˆncias na precipita‡Æo e no comportamento da resposta da vegeta‡Æo. ABSTRACT This paper gives some clues to understand the behavior of the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)anomalies during the two strongest El Ni€o events of the last century (1982-1983 and 1997-1998)over the South America continent. Special emphasis has been given to the analysis of the response of the major Brazilian vegetation types. We find a negative NDVI anomaly for most of the regions during the 1982-1983 event, whereas for the 1997-1998 event positive and negative NDVI anomaly were observed depending on the regions. Only the Nordeste region showed a similar vegetation response during both events 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10555 1: SID/SCD 2: 8860 3: INPE-8860-TAE/54 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Ribeiro, Marciana Leite 18: Novas formas de ocupa‡Æo do meio rural e natural no munic¡pio de Ca‡apava - SP: o caso do entorno do n£cleo de Guamirim (Piedade) 21: 240 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Universidade do Vale do Para¡ba. Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento 51: Mestre 58: SID 62: UNIVAP 64: out. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TAE 90: b 76: PLANEJAMENTO REGIONAL 87: turismo rural 87: sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 87: SGI 87: planejamento urbano 83: Atividades ligadas … agricultura e … agropecu ria dividem espa‡os com um conjunto de atividades ligadas ao lazer, presta‡Æo de servi‡os e at‚ … ind£stria, reduzindo cada vez mais, os limites entre o rural e o urbano no Pa¡s. Partindo do princ¡pio de que o setor agr¡cola do Vale do Para¡ba est  em franco processo de decadˆncia, resultante de v rias causas, como por exemplo: o baixo n¡vel de atua‡Æo do poder local, a crescente ocupa‡Æo dos espa‡os rurais nem sempre de maneira ordenada como ‚ observado em propriedades na regiÆo, outrora com grandes plantios de arroz em suas v rzeas, hoje explorando portos de areia, ocasionando uma s‚rie de impactos negativos ao meio ambiente; a falta de uma pol¡tica agr¡cola definida e a falta de capacita‡Æo para enfrentar o mercado globalizado ‚ que se torna necess ria a busca de alternativas adequadas de desenvolvimento … realidade da regiÆo, que adotem id‚ias da sustentabilidade. A necessidade de se conhecer a dinƒmica de uso do espa‡o rural e identifica‡Æo de potenciais de uso da terra sÆo importantes no processo de decisÆo de ordena‡Æo territorial. Os avan‡os tecnol¢gicos das £ltimas d‚cadas nas  reas do sensoriamento remoto e do geoprocessamento, fazem com que ferramentas como estas sejam de grande importƒncia para a tomada de decisäes sobre as questäes urbanas, rurais e ambientais. Diante dessas considera‡äes cabe nortear o processo desta pesquisa no sentido de elaborar recomenda‡äes que associem princ¡pios de desenvolvimento sustent vel, visando propiciar o desenvolvimento adequado do turismo em espa‡o rural, aproveitando as caracter¡sticas da regiÆo sem impact -la. A escolha da  rea de estudo, o entorno do N£cleo de Guamirim (Piedade), Munic¡pio de Ca‡apava, Estado de SÆo Paulo como objeto de estudo ‚ relevante uma vez que o espa‡o ‚ tradicional por seu conjunto de atributos paisag¡sticos, arquitet“nicos e hist¢ricos. Neste espa‡o estÆo situadas fazendas, ch caras produtivas, que hoje vˆm sofrendo os impactos da crise econ“mica.  muito forte a presen‡a do processo de urbaniza‡Æo com o parcelamento e loteamento das propriedades como forma de aumento do valor da terra e consequentemente risco de perda da cultura rural local. As atividades predominantes no ƒmbito deste estudo sÆo a agr¡cola e a tur¡stica. A concretiza‡Æo deste trabalho poder  contribuir para a dinamiza‡Æo do desenvolvimento regional, considerando o turismo na  rea rural como uma nova alternativa ao desenvolvimento no Vale do Para¡ba, e em especial, no Munic¡pio de Ca‡apava. As informa‡äes foram integradas atrav‚s da tecnologia de geoprocessamento (SPRING)para a constru‡Æo de uma base de dados necess ria ao desenvolvimento do turismo em  rea rural o que permitir  o conhecimento das mudan‡as ocorrentes na  rea de estudo atrav‚s de uma metodologia de an lise. Os resultados permitiram concluir que as transforma‡äes que vˆm ocorrendo neste espa‡o, podem comprometer a qualidade da paisagem e indicam que as atividades agropecu rias da regiÆo tˆm mostrado limites para manter o emprego no campo, o que se constitui em um alerta, uma vez que a renda propiciada por essa atividade ‚ cada vez mais insuficiente para manter o produtor ocupado em tempo integral, o que evidencia que a agricultura nÆo pode ser a £nica base econ“mica para o desenvolvimento do meio rural a longo prazo da regiÆo. Neste sentido foram sugeridas algumas recomenda‡äes visando o desenvolvimento adequado do turismo, no meio rural. Abstract: The modern agriculture and the subsistence agriculture share space with a group of leisure activities, services and even industry, reducing even more the limits between the rural and the urban sectors. Considering that the agricultural sector of Paraiba Valley is in franc process of bankruptcy, due to a number of reasons, for instance: the low level of actuation of the local power, the increasing occupation of rural space not always is made in an ordered way as it is observed in the region properties, in the past days with rice plantation, nowadays exploring the sand ports, provoking a series of negative impacts to the environment; the lack of a defined agriculture policy and the lack of training to face the globalization market is what makes crucial the search of adequate alternatives for development of the region that adopts sustainability ideas. The necessity to know the dynamics of the use of the rural space is important to the decision process of territorial ordinance. Remote sensing and geoprocessing have become essential tools to make decisions in urban, rural and environment questions, especially in the last decades after the technological development of these areas. Under this consideration is worth making some recommendations of principles for sustainable development that aims to an adequate development of the rural space, taking into consideration not to damage the characteristics of the region. The study area is the Nucleus of Guamirim (Piedade)in the city of Ca‡apava, SÆo Paulo State. The choice for this area was mainly for its landscape, architectural and historical attributes which make the area even more traditional. In this area there are farms and productive cottages which are suffering the impacts of the economical crises. It is very strong the presence of the urbanization process with the division of land lots as a way to increase the land price and consequently risk of loss of the local rural culture. The predominant activities in this study are agriculture and tourism. The concretion of this work will contribute for the dynamics of the regional development, considering tourism in the rural area as a new alternative to the development of Para¡ba Valley, in special, the city of Ca‡apava. The information was integrated through geoprocessing technology (SPRING)for the construction of a database necessary to tourism development in rural area which will permit the knowledge of changes occurred in the study area through analysis methodology. The results permitted to conclude that the transformation which have been occurring in this space can jeopardize the quality of the landscape and indicate that the agricultural activities of the region have been showing limits to maintain employment in the country which is an alert when you consider that the income provided by this activity is not sufficient to keep the worker busy full time, what makes it evident that the agriculture can not be the only economic base for the development of the rural land in the long time basis. In this way some recommendations have been suggested aiming the adequate development of tourism, in the rural land 91: FDB-20010108 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 10560 1: SID/SCD 2: 9640 3: INPE-9640-PRE/5256 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Carvalho, M. 10: Gherardi, D.F.M. 10: Braga, C.Z.F. 12: Mapeamento da sensibilidade ambiental ao impacto por ¢leo de um segmento da costa entre os estados do Rio grande do Norte e Cear  utilizando imagens Landsat 7/TM+ e sistema de informa‡Æo geogr fica 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: A caracteriza‡Æo temporal e espacial da biomassa fitoplanct“nica e produtividade prim ria tem sido um t¢pico de grande interesse da oceanografia biol¢gica h  algumas d‚cadas. Este t¢pico ‚ importante nÆo somente para aplica‡äes comerciais e gerenciamento de recursos marinhos, mas tamb‚m, por questäes relacionadas ao ciclo global do carbono. Para quantificar a produ‡Æo prim ria e caracterizar sua variabilidade em escala regional, medidas freqentes e bem distribu¡das geograficamente sÆo requeridas. Isto ‚ praticamente imposs¡vel de se obter com m‚todos in situ tradicionais, particularmente em regiäes ao largo. As observa‡äes do oceano feitas por sat‚lites tornam esta abordagem poss¡vel se as medidas radiom‚tricas puderem ser interpretadas quantitativamente em termos da produtividade prim ria. A utiliza‡Æo do sensoriamento remoto em estudos biogeoqu¡micos de grande e mesoescala baseia-se em duas considera‡äes iniciais: (i)o fitoplƒncton pode ser quantificado em termos da concentra‡Æo de clorofila na camada superficial, e pode-se integrar este valor para a coluna dï gua; e (ii)h  disponibilidade de modelos com capacidade de transformar campos de concentra‡Æo de clorofila em mapas de produtividade prim ria. O objetivo deste trabalho ‚ aplicar modelos para estimar a produtividade prim ria integrada da costa SE do Brasil utilizando imagens SeaWiFS da cor do oceano. Inicialmente, sÆo comparadas as concentra‡äes de clorofila estimadas a partir das imagens orbitais em rela‡Æo a dados in situ coletados durante dois cruzeiros sazonais do projeto DEPROAS (verÆo e inverno de 2001), na regiÆo de Cabo Frio, RJ. Foram coletados dados in situ sobre a hidrografia, biomassa e produ‡Æo prim ria fitoplanct“nica. A seguir, avalia-se a rela‡Æo emp¡rica entre a concentra‡Æo de clorofila integrada e a produ‡Æo prim ria integrada estimada a partir de incuba‡äes com 14C. SÆo entÆo testados diferentes algoritmos emp¡ricos existentes na literatura para estimar a produtividade prim ria integrada a partir das concentra‡äes de clorofila obtidas por sat‚lite. Os valores estimados por sat‚lite sÆo comparados com os dados in situ e sÆo feitas inferˆncias sobre as poss¡veis causas das diferen‡as encontradas. As vantagens de se utilizar modelos emp¡ricos ‚ que estes sÆo relativamente simples e baseados em parƒmetros, como a concentra‡Æo de clorofila, que podem ser mais facilmente obtidos. A desvantagens em ‚ que as rela‡äes encontradas podem ser espec¡ficas para a regiÆo oceƒnica onde foram derivadas 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 10561 1: SID/SCD 2: 9639 3: INPE-9639-PRE/5255 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kampel, M. 10: Gaeta, S.A. 12: Estimativa da produtividade na regiÆo oeste do Atlƒntico Sul utilizando dados orbitais da cor do oceano 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: A caracteriza‡Æo temporal e espacial da biomassa fitoplanct“nica e produtividade prim ria tem sido um t¢pico de grande interesse da oceanografia biol¢gica h  algumas d‚cadas. Este t¢pico ‚ importante nÆo somente para aplica‡äe comerciais e gerenciamento de recursos marinhos, mas tamb‚m, por questäes relacionadas ao ciclo global do carbono. Para quantificar a produ‡Æo prim ria e caracterizar sua variabilidade em escala regional, medidas freqentes e bem distribu¡das geograficamente sÆo requeridas. Isto ‚ praticamente imposs¡vel de se obter com m‚todos in situ tradicionais, particularmente em regiäes ao largo. As observa‡äes do oceano feitas por sat‚lites tornam esta abordagem poss¡vel se as medidas radiom‚tricas puderem ser interpretadas quantitativamente em termos da produtividade prim ria. A utiliza‡Æo do sensoriamento remoto em estudos biogeoqu¡micos de grande e mesoescala baseia-se em duas considera‡äes iniciais: (i)o fitoplƒncton pode ser quantificado em termos da concentra‡Æo de clorofila na camada superficial, e pode-se integrar este valor para a coluna dï gua; e (ii)h  disponibilidade de modelos com capacidade de transformar campos de concentra‡Æo de clorofila em mapas de produtividade prim ria. O objetivo deste trabalho ‚ aplicar modelos para estimar a produtividade prim ria integrada da costa SE do Brasil utilizando imagens SeaWiFS da cor do oceano. Inicialmente, sÆo comparadas as concentra‡äes de clorofila estimadas a partir das imagens orbitais em rela‡Æo a dados in situ coletados durante dois cruzeiros sazonais do projeto DEPROAS (verÆo e inverno de 2001), na regiÆo de Cabo Frio, RJ. Foram coletados dados in situ sobre a hidrografia, biomassa e produ‡Æo prim ria fitoplanct“nica. A seguir, avalia-se a rela‡Æo emp¡rica entre a concentra‡Æo de clorofila integrada e a produ‡Æo prim ria integrada estimada a partir de incuba‡äes com 14C. SÆo entÆo testados diferentes algoritmos emp¡ricos existentes na literatura para estimar a produtividade prim ria integrada a partir das concentra‡äes de clorofila obtidas por sat‚lite. Os valores estimados por sat‚lite sÆo comparados com os dados in situ e sÆo feitas inferˆncias sobre as poss¡veis causas das diferen‡as encontradas. As vantagens de se utilizar modelos emp¡ricos ‚ que estes sÆo relativamente simples e baseados em parƒmetros, como a concentra‡Æo de clorofila, que podem ser mais facilmente obtidos. A desvantagem ‚ que as rela‡äes encontradas podem ser espec¡ficas para a regiÆo oceƒnica onde foram derivadas 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 10562 1: SID/SCD 2: 9638 3: INPE-9638-PRE/5254 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Stech, J.L. 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 10: Ramos, J.A.P. 12: Analisando parƒmetros oceanogr ficos e meteorol¢gicos no aceano Atlƒntico Sul e Sudoeste com o aux¡lio de um SIG 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: Um pacote SIG (SPRING)‚ usado como ferramenta para integrar, visualizar e manipular dados oceanogr ficos e meteorol¢gicos. A  rea de estudo est  localizada na plataforma continental e quebra do talude sudeste / sul do Brasil, entre 20o S - 29o S e 037o W - 050o W. A  rea foi dividida em uma grade regular de 0,5o x 0,5o lat/lon. Para cada um destes quadrados os seguintes conjuntos de dados foram gerados: 1)salinidade e temperatura da  gua em trˆs dimensäes, temperatura do ar, campo de vento de superf¡cie, derivados de dezesseis anos de dados (1980-1996); 2)dados de temperatura da superf¡cie (TSM)e de posi‡äes geogr ficas coletados por Derivadores de Baixo Custo durante o per¡odo de 1993-1998. Interpola‡äes e / ou extrapola‡äes foram feitas usando a t‚cnica de Krigging para as  reas onde nÆo havia dados ou a densidade dos mesmos era baixa. Os dados de temperatura e salinidade foram interpolados verticalmente usando o m‚todo linear para as profundidades padräes de 0, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 e 500 metros. Foram elaborados mapas de distribui‡äes m‚dias sazonais do vento, da diferen‡a da temperatura ar/mar, das massas de  gua, da temperatura e correntes de superf¡cie. Atrav‚s destes mapas foi poss¡vel visualizar importantes fei‡äes oceanogr ficas, tais como: ressurgˆncia, corrente do Brasil e seus v¢rtices e evolu‡Æo espa‡o-temporal de trˆs massas de  gua 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 10621 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 10: Fonseca, Frederico 10: Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira 12: Algebraic structures for spatial ontologies 40: En 41: En 42: 52: AAG 53: International Conference on Geographical Information Science, 2 (GIScience 2002) 54: Set. <2002> 56: Boulder 57: USA 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10622 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Crepani, Edison 10: Duarte, Valdete 10: Shmibukuro, Yosio Edemir 12: Sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento no mapeamento regional da cobertura e uso atual da Terra 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10623 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fedorov, D. 10: Fonseca, Leila Maria Garcia 10: Kenney, C. 10: Manjunath, B.S. 12: Automatic system for image registration with fit assessment 38: [CD-ROM] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: AR 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10629 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Reis, R.S. 10: Novo, E.M.L.M. 10: Espindola, E.L.G. 10: Severi, W. 10: Reis, L.S. 12: The effect of image normalization on the relationship between remotely sensed reflectance and total suspended solid 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 53: ISPRS 54: 20-23 Aug. <2002> 56: China 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10630 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sato, O.T. 10: Polito, Paulo S. 10: Liu, W.Timothy 12: Spatial patterns in the heat storage from altimeter data 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Ocean Science Meeting 54: Feb. <2002> 56: Havai 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10631 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Soares, JoÆo Vianei 10: Renn¢, C.D. 12: Comparing natural elements and regular grids for spatial representation of drainage basin 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Europto 54: <2002> 56: Grecia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10633 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Galo, M.L.B.T. 10: Novo, E.M.L.M. 12: Aspectos relacionados com o fen“meno de mistura espectral e ambiguidade na classifica‡Æo usando redes neurais artificiais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Geom tica 54: 9-13 jul. <2002> 56: Presidente Prudente 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10634 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rao, Vadlamudi Brahmananda 10: Stech, Jos‚ Luiz 12: Caracter¡sticas do campo de temperatura da superficie do mar (TSM)no Oceano Atlƒntico 14: 303-312 30: Geociencias 31: 19 32: 2 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 91: FDB-20021215 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10635 1: SID/SCD 3: INPE-10443-PRE/5933 4: SRE 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Xavier, Alexandre Candido. 10: Soares, JoÆo Vianei 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 12: Varia‡Æo de  reas em clones de eucalipto ao longo de seu ciclo de crescimento 14: 421-427 30: Revista ·rvore 31: 26 32: 4 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: RESUMO - O ¡ndice de  rea foliar (IAF)‚ uma das principais vari veis biof¡sicas de um dossel florestal, estando diretamente relacionado com a sua evapotranspira‡Æo e sua produtividade. Este trabalho apresenta um levantamento da variabilidade temporal do IAF em cinco diferentes clones (designados para efeito deste trabalho como MG1, MG2, MG3, MG4 e MG5)de planta‡äes de eucalipto (h¡bridos de Eucalyptus grandis), na regional de produ‡Æo de Aracruz-ES, Brasil. Utilizou-se o equipamento LAI-2000 para medir o IAF em 98 talhäes, com didade variando de 12 a 84 meses. o IAF variou de 1,7 a 4,3. Houve correla‡Æo negativa significativa entre IAF e idade para os clones MG1, MG2, e MG3. Para os clones MG4 e MG5 foi constatado que nÆo houve rela‡Æo significativa entre IAF e idade, o que evidencia que sejam adotados valores m‚dios de IAF destes clones como descritores estruturais do dossel para fins de modelagem ou outros (2,57 e 3,04, respectivamente). 91: FDB-20021012 MFN: 10636 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 10: Araujo, Carlos Eduardo Salles de 12: Interpreta‡Æo geol¢gica de anomalias de temperatura do terreno reveladas por imagens noturnas NOAA_AVHRR na regiÆo de Caldas Novas, GO 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 41 54: 15-20 set. <2002> 56: JoÆo Pessoa 57: BR 59: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 91: FDB-20021017 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10637 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Caetano, N.R. 10: Ohara, T. 10: Mattos, J.T. 12: Utiliza‡Æo da opera‡Æo analytical hierarchy process (AHP)na defini‡Æo de prioridades para planejamento de obras rodovia rias 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 41 54: 15-20 set. <2002> 56: JoÆo Pessoa 57: BR 59: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: B 76: GEOLOGIA 91: FDB-20021217 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10638 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Moreira, F.R.S. 10: Almeida Filho, Raimundo 10: Cƒmara, Gilberto 12: Modelamento de geol¢gicos em pesquisa mineral utilizando l¢gica fuzzy e probabilidade condicional 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 41 54: 15-20 set. <2002> 56: JoÆo Pessoa 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 91: FDB-20021217 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10640 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ohara, T. 10: Mattos, J.T. 10: Jimenez Rueda, J.R. 12: An lise de ¡ndices geoqu¡micos na avalia‡Æo do desenvolvimento pedogn‚tico e caracteriza‡Æo de descontinuidades pedal¢gicas em solos da regiÆo leste do estado de SÆo Paulo 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 41 54: 15-20 set. <2002> 56: JoÆo Pessoa 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOLOGIA 91: FDB-20021217 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10641 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ohara, T. 10: Mattos, J.T. 10: Jimenez Rueda, J.R. 12: Integra‡ao de informa‡äes do meio f¡sico obtidas com sensoriamento remoto e sistemas de informa‡Æo geogr fica 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 41 54: 15-20 set. <2002> 56: JoÆo Pessoa 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: B 76: GEOLOGIA 91: FDB-20021217 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10643 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Caetano, N.R. 10: Ohara, T. 10: Mattos, J.T. 12: Mapeamento de propriedades geol¢gicas e geot‚cnicas do meio f¡sico, a partir de sensoriamento remoto para planejamento de rodovias 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia e Engenharia, 10 54: 25-28 ago. <2002> 56: Ouro Preto 57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: B 76: GEOLOGIA 91: FDB-20021217 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10644 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Reis, R.S. 10: Novo, E.M.L.M. 12: Aplica‡Æo de sensoriamento remoto no Manejo e conserva‡Æo da  gua e solo em agrossistemas 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Brasileira de Manejo e Conserva‡Æo do Solo e da µgua, 14 54: jul. <2002> 56: Cuiab  57: BR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10928 1: SID/SCD 2: 9543 3: INPE-9543-RPQ/737 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Assireu, Arcilan Trevenzoli 16: Novo, Evlyn M rcia LeÆo de Moraes 16: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 16: Braga, Cl udia Zuccari Fernandes 16: Lima, Ivan Bergier Tavares de 16: Stech, Jos‚ Luiz 18: Aplica‡Æo do operador de fragmenta‡Æo assim‚trica (FA)na caracteriza‡Æo de controles geomorfol¢gicos em reservat¢rios hidrol‚tricos 20: 34 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 62: INPE 64: <2003> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: RPQ 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 87: operador de fragmenta‡Æo assim‚trica 87: controles 87: geomorfologia 87: mapeador tem tico (Landsat) 87: Landsat 5 87: bacias hidrogr ficas 87: reservat¢rios 87: inunda‡Æo 87: Este trabalho propäe o uso do Operador de Fragmenta‡Æo Assim‚trica (FA)para a caracteriza‡Æo de controles geomorfol¢gicos que afetam reservat¢rios hidroel‚tricos. A superf¡cie alagada pelos reservat¢rios foi determinada a partir de imagens digitais do sensor TM-Landsat. O Operador de Fragmenta‡Æo Assim‚trica foi aplicado ao vetor descritor da superf¡cie alagada de cada reservat¢rio permitindo o c lculo de seu FA m‚dio. Os reservat¢rios foram entÆo classificados por bacia hidrogr fica e dimensÆo da superf¡cie alagada. Os valores de FA foram cotejados com o ¡ndice de desenvolvimento das margens (D)dos reservat¢rios e com dados de produtividade prim ria dispon¡veis na literatura. Os resultados indicam que o FA tem a capacidade de detectar, em alta resolu‡Æo, estruturas geomorfol¢gicas que passam desapercebidas ao ¡ndice D. An lises preliminares indicaram haver rela‡Æo entre o grau de fragmenta‡Æo e a produtividade prim ria nos reservat¢rios. Os resultados indicaram que ao contr rio do D, o FA ‚ pouco sens¡vel …  rea do reservat¢rio, tendo respondido mais a sua posi‡Æo na cascata, e conseqentemente ao arcabou‡o geomorfol¢gico 83: Este trabalho propäe o uso do Operador de Fragmenta‡Æo Assim‚trica (FA)para a caracteriza‡Æo de controles geomorfol¢gicos que afetam reservat¢rios hidroel‚tricos. A superf¡cie alagada pelos reservat¢rios foi determinada a partir de imagens digitais do sensor TM-Landsat. O Operador de Fragmenta‡Æo Assim‚trica foi aplicado ao vetor descritor da superf¡cie alagada de cada reservat¢rio permitindo o c lculo de seu FA m‚dio. Os reservat¢rios foram entÆo classificados por bacia hidrogr fica e dimensÆo da superf¡cie alagada. Os valores de FA foram cotejados com o ¡ndice de desenvolvimento das margens (D)dos reservat¢rios e com dados de produtividade prim ria dispon¡veis na literatura. Os resultados indicam que o FA tem a capacidade de detectar, em alta resolu‡Æo, estruturas geomorfol¢gicas que passam desapercebidas ao ¡ndice D. An lises preliminares indicaram haver rela‡Æo entre o grau de fragmenta‡Æo e a produtividade prim ria nos reservat¢rios. Os resultados indicaram que ao contr rio do D, o FA ‚ pouco sens¡vel …  rea do reservat¢rio, tendo respondido mais a sua posi‡Æo na cascata, e conseqentemente ao arcabou‡o geomorfol¢gico. Abstract: This paper proposes the use of the Asymmetrical Fragmentation Operator (FA)to characterize geomorphological controls that affecty hydro electrical reservoirs. Landsat-TM images were used to map reservoirs flooded surface. The FA operator was applied to vector files describing reservoirs shape to compute the average FA for each reservoirs. The reservoir database were then classified according to reservoirs hydrographic basin and reservoirs size. The FA values were compared to the Shoreline Development Index (D)and to the reservoirs primary productivity data available in the literature. Results show that the FA is able to detect high-resolution geomorphologic features, which are not detected by D. Preliminary results indicate also that there is a no significant relationship between FA and the primary productivity. This fact, however, does not hold for D. Moreover, FA showed no sensitivity to reservoirs size, being more responsive to their position in the cascade system, and therefore to the hydrographic basin geomorphology 91: FDB-20030130 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 10929 1: SID/SCD 2: 9544 3: INPE-9544-PUD/119 4: SRE 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Duarte, Valdete 16: Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir 16: Aulicino, Luigi Carli Marroni 18: Procedimento metodol¢gico para padronizar e atualizar o banco de dados do Projeto "Prodes Digital" 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DSR 59: PRODES 62: INPE 64: <2003> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 90: b 76: AGRONOMIA 87: desflorestamento 87: desmatamento 87: distor‡Æo 87: metodologia 87: exatidÆo geom‚trica 87: an lise de imagens 88: methodology 88: distortion 88: geometric accuracy 88: deforestation 83: O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), atrav‚s da Coordenadoria de Observa‡Æo da Terra (OBT), vem procurando informatizar, utilizando o software SPRING (INPE-DPI, 1996), o Projeto de Estimativa do Desflorestamento Bruto da Amaz“nia (PRODES; INPE, 1992, 2000; Tardin et al., 1980). Desta forma, este novo projeto informatizado ficou conhecido com o nome de projeto PRODES Digital, que tem como objetivo mapear a extensÆo do desflorestamento bruto da Amaz“nia Brasileira. A atividade anual de monitorar o desflorestamento da Amaz“nia gera uma grande quantidade de dados devido a extensÆo da  rea investigada que ‚ de aproximadamente 5 milhäes de Km2. No banco de dados do PRODES Digital, essa massa de dados tem que ser padronizada para evitar poss¡veis problemas operacionais nas atividades futuras.  com esta preocupa‡Æo que o objetivo deste trabalho ‚ apresentar os passos metodol¢gicos para padronizar e atualizar este projeto, atrav‚s do processamento de 50 novas cenas, consideradas como cr¡ticas, referente ao ano de 2001. Para obter esta padroniza‡Æo, dois tipos de mapeamentos devem ser gerados para atender ao projeto PRODES Digital: um mapa contendo os incrementos anuais de desflorestamento e um outro mapa contendo toda a extensÆo dos desflorestamentos acumulados at‚ o ano das imagens TM que estÆo sendo analisadas. Neste trabalho, todos os passos metodol¢gicos sÆo apresentados e discutidos com detalhes 92: FDB-20030124 100: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 11044 1: SID/SCD 2: 9474 3: INPE-9474-TDI/824 4: SRE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: B”nisch, Simone 18: Geoprocessamento ambiental com tratamento de incerteza: o caso do zoneamento pedoclim tico para soja no estado de Santa Catarina 19: Exploring uncertainty measures and error propagation in environmental modelling with gis: studing the case of pedoclimatic zoning for soy beans in Santa Catarina state - Brazil 20: 251 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Ant“nio Miguel Vieira Monteiro; Gilberto Cƒmara Neto (orientador); Corina da Costa Freitas; Cl udia Robbi Sluter; Maria Leonor R.C.L. Assad; Fernando Pellon de Miranda 59: SER 62: INPE 64: set. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: an lise espacial 87: kriging 87: geoestat¡stica 87: agrometeorologia 87: soja 88: soybeans 88: spatial analysis 88: kriging 88: statics 88: agrometeorology 83: No ambiente de Sistemas de Informa‡äes Geogr ficas, com rar¡ssimas exce‡äes, nenhuma informa‡Æo quantitativa sobre a qualidade dos produtos gerados ‚ agregada ao produto final. Neste contexto, o presente estudo aborda a modelagem de propriedades e processos do meio f¡sico natural com a gera‡Æo de informa‡äes quantitativas das incertezas associadas aos cen rios produzidos pelas modelagens, que utilizam an lise integrada de dados espaciais em meio digital. No presente estudo, utilizou-se dos conceitos para m‚tricas de incerteza espacial com base no paradigma da geoestat¡stica por indica‡Æo. O estudo de caso apresentado ‚ baseado no Projeto Zoneamento Pedoclim tico do Brasil, aplicado para a cultura da soja no Estado de Santa Catarina. SÆo sugeridas trˆs modifica‡äes na metodologia original de integra‡Æo de dados deste projeto. Estas modifica‡äes correspondem … considera‡Æo da aptidÆo clim tica como um conceito dinƒmico, … modelagem dos atributos definidores da aptidÆo pedoclim tica por t‚cnicas da krigeagem por indica‡Æo e … aferi‡Æo dos resultados encontrados por informa‡äes adicionais de controle, relacionadas … produtividade da soja. Com a modelagem por krigeagem por indica‡Æo, foi poss¡vel modelar atributos categ¢ricos e num‚ricos, possibilitando em ambos os casos uma estimativa para uma medida espacial de incerteza associada a cada propriedade modelada. As representa‡äes obtidas nas modelagens foram integradas e as respectivas incertezas propagadas, obtendo-se no final de todo o processo de an lise espacial uma representa‡Æo de aptidÆo pedoclim tica categ¢rica e outra num‚rica, assim como as incertezas relativas a estas representa‡äes. Estas representa‡äes espaciais constitu¡ram as bases para a determina‡Æo dos cen rios poss¡veis de zoneamento pedoclim tico para a cultura da soja catarinense. Na an lise dos resultados, por uma avalia‡Æo das incertezas estimadas e dos resultados encontrados na aferi‡Æo, foi poss¡vel avaliar tantos os dados iniciais que formaram os conjuntos amostrais no processo de modelagem, quanto a pr¢pria metodologia de zoneamento. Concluiu-se que, para uso em opera‡Æo desta metodologia, ‚ importante que os dados prim rios, quer sejam origin rios de esta‡äes remotas, caso dos dados de clima, quer sejam dados de perfil e amostras, caso dos dados de solo, necessitam de um tratamento de consistˆncia rigoroso, principalmente no que se refere aos dados de solo. A dificuldade em encontrar dados digitais, organizados e confi veis, tamb‚m impäe enormes dificuldades para a implanta‡Æo de procedimentos operacionais de defini‡Æo de zoneamentos de culturas em escala regional, uma necessidade para o planejamento da produ‡Æo em um pa¡s com as dimensäes do Brasil .ABSTRACT: The modeling of natural properties and processes in GIS environment, with very few exceptions, take into account the need for producing a quantitative assessment of the quality of the spatial output generated from a series of manipulation and transformations over the primary data. This study has focus its attention to the methodological questions related to the production of spatial analysis that integrates data and generates as outcome a spatial representation associated to a measure of confidence on that spatial information being generated, named a measure of uncertainty for spatial data. To present these techniques this study has taken the Santa Catarina state zonning methodology for the soybean culture. Three modifications, from the original methodology for data integration, have been proposed. The first relates to take the climate influence as a dynamic concept; the second relates to the modeling of all measured properties through geostatistics and the use of the indicator kriging; and the third the use of a control data for the assessment of the scenarios generated by the different techniques used to spatial data integration. The results have demonstrated that the use of quantitative methodologies, based on the primary collected data, have made possible to assess the quality of the initial data, and at the same time it offers a possibility for the assessment of techniques used by checking against a control data, in this case the productivity of soybean for each one of the cities in the Santa Catarina state. The difficulties in finding primary data, in digital format, catalogued and organized, particularly in the case of soil data, makes it very difficult to implement in operational setups, services that would benefit the planning of agricultural production at a regional scale 91: FDB-20010423 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 11054 1: SID/SCD 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sousa, Cristina Tobler de 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: ocaliza‡Æo geogr fica de transmissores 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Col¢quio Brasileiro de Ciˆncias Geod‚sicas, 2 54: <2001> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20010430 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 11293 1: SCD/SID 2: 8985 3: INPE-8985-PRE/4663B 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Souza, Iris de Marcelhas e 10: Pereira, Madalena Niero 10: Kurkdjian, Maria de Lourdes Neves Oliveira 12: Avalia‡Æo de dados de sensoriamento remoto de alta resolu‡Æo espacial para estimativa de popula‡Æo urbana 13: Evaluation of high resolution satellite images for urban population estimation 40: Pt 40: En 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, 3 54: 11-13 June <2002> 56: Istambul 57: Turkey 58: DPI 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: popula‡Æo 87: imagens Ikonos 87: estimativa 87: resolu‡Æo espectral 88: urban planning 88: populations 88: Ikonos Satellites 88: estimation 88: Ikonos images 88: populations 88: estimation 83: The objective of this research was to evaluate the applicability of high spatial resolution remote sensing data for the estimation of urban population in the inter census periods in the Brazilian city of SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos. Digital IKONOS-2 data were used. Data analysis was conducted using SPRING (GIS). The procedure attempted to identify intra-urban network areas with similar residential occupation features, known as homogeneous zones. Within some chosen zones, official census sectors were defined. The number of housing units per sector was identified in the digital IKONOS images. The population was estimated by multiplying the number of dwellings by the average per household occupancy figures obtained from census tract data. Estimates showed satisfactory results when compared to the census data, which motivated deeper analysis for the entire area of the city of SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos. Resumo:O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a potencialidade dos produtos de sensoriamento remoto de alta resolu‡Æo espacial para estimativa de popula‡Æo urbana em per¡odos intercensit rios. Foram utilizadas imagens do Sat‚lite IKONOS-2 com um metro de resolu‡Æo espacial, da cidade de SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos. Os procedimentos utilizados buscaram identificar dentro do tecido urbano,  reas que possu¡ssem caracter¡sticas de ocupa‡Æo residencial semelhantes, conhecidas como zonas homogˆneas. Delimitou-se dentro destas zonas, cinco setores censit rios oficiais. A an lise foi feita a partir da integra‡Æo dos dados dentro do SPRING (GIS). Foi identificado o n£mero de unidades residenciais por setor nas imagens IKONOS. A estimativa da popula‡Æo foi obtida a partir da multiplica‡Æo do n£mero de unidades residenciais identificadas nas imagens pelo n£mero m‚dio de residentes do setor censit rio , gerado a partir de dados oficiais ( IBGE ). A estimativa mostrou resultados satisfat¢rios quando comparados com os dados do censo realizado em 2000, o que motivou o aprofundamento deste trabalho para um n£mero maior de setores censit rios da cidade de SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 91: FDB-20020612 102: MFN: 11294 1: SID/SCD 2: 8978 3: INPE-8978-PRE/732 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 10: Cardoso, Paula Cristina Sousa 10: Ponzoni, Fl vio Jorge 12: Caracteriza‡Æo Espectral de Folhas: uma abordagem metodol¢gica 14: 55-58 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2001) 54: 7-8 ago. <2001> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: VEGETACAO 87: folhas 87: fatores de reflectƒncia 83: Na caracteriza‡Æo espectral de folhas extra¡das ("ex-situ"), sÆo conhecidos os fatores morfol¢gicos e fisiol¢gicos influentes na intera‡Æo entre a radia‡Æo eletromagn‚tica (REM)e a folha; contudo essa caracteriza‡Æo inclue a ado‡Æo de metodologias espec¡ficas que devem levar em considera‡Æo nÆo s¢ as resolu‡äes espectral e radiom‚trica do sensor utilizado, assim como a magnitude da influˆncia destes mesmos fatores morfol¢gicos e fisiol¢gicos sobre o parƒmetro radiom‚trico considerado. O objetivo deste trabalho ‚ salientar, atrav‚s de um exemplo experimental, destinado … avalia‡Æo de diferen‡as entre fatores de reflectƒncia (FRs)de folhas extra¡das de cinco esp‚cies, a importƒncia do conhecimento da magnitude mencionada na caracteriza‡Æo espectral das folhas de cinco esp‚cies vegetais 91: FDB-20010608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11373 1: SID/SCD 2: 9636 3: INPE-9636-PRE/5252 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Marcio L. Vianna, Marcio L. 10: Menezes, Viviane V. de 12: Annual cycle of the thermocline circulation in the Western Equatorial Atlantic as seen by altimetry 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: In two previous talks, we described: (a)a methodology by which a mixed Topex/Poseidon-ERS2 collinear sea surface height (SSH)anomaly data set was mapped into a regular 0.25 x 0.25 degree grid, summed with annual mean surface dynamic height (ref. 1000m)Boyer Levitus (1997)data, and was subsequently tested against PIRATA mooring dynamic height data; (b)a methodology to extend the linear f-plane off-equatorial slope and beta-plane equatorial curvature geostrophic formulas into a single nonlinear formulation, which was tested against cross-equatorial ADCP cruise data. The latter result confirms that the surface topography is largely related to the baroclinic structure of the upper ocean in the study region, reflecting upper thermocline variability. These two methodologies were applied to document the evolution of the annual cycle of the circulation in the western equatorial Atlantic Ocean (15N-15S; 25W-60W)based on altimeter data between May 1995-November 2000, in 10-day time steps. To this end, we separated the data into period band-limited sets by use of a mixed EOF-Singular Spectrum Analysis method. The average circulation reproduces most of the vortical structures described by Silveira et al. (1994)for the southwestern Atlantic, but suggests that Central South Equatorial Current (cSEC)recirculation cells into the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC)may be more important than the NBC (NBUC?)retroflection at 3S. A new feature to be noted is a equatorward meridional current at 27W. In the northern hemisphere we can trace the feeding of North Equatorial Current water into the NECC and the EUC through a complex system of mergers and bifurcations near the western boundary, starting with a bifurcation of the NEC at 53W-11N, feeding a broad western boundary flow pattern (the Guiana Cndercurrent)and NBC retroflected water into the EUC, where maximum currents attain 90 cm/s. The annual variability was documented by a 10-day marching of the annual period band. To the south of 5S, the signature is always negligible (less than 4 cm/s), in agreement with findings by many previous works. The same was observed for the EUC. Between 8N-10N and 2S-5S (the cSEC)a band of zonal flows appear in phase, with maximum westward flow in May with amplitude of 10 cm/s. The strongest annual signal is related to gyre between 4N-8N that causes a strong shear region at 9N throughout the year. The gyre is anticyclonic during December-May and cyclonic during the rest of the year, when it expands eastwards, with its southern limb forming the core of the NECC. The May-July transition is very sharp, and is described in a 10-day basis. Near the Equator, a short wave pattern (500 km wavelength)dominates, with maximum amplitudes appearing during the (mixed layer)instability wave season. The whole pattern seems tobe consistent with the Stramma Schott (1999)schematics for the Central Water circulation. The interannual variability patterns were also studied, exhibiting 6cm/s signatures south of 5S, where the stationary eddies close to the western boundary suggest a change from a cyclonic anomaly in 1996 (enhancing the westward zonal flow at 12S)to a anti-cyclonic anomaly in 1997 (weakening the westward flow) 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 11376 1: SID/SCD 2: 9633 3: INPE-9633-PRE/5249 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vianna, Marcio L. 10: Menezes, Viviane V. de 12: Cross-equatorial geostrophic approximations 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: A new formula for steady geostrophic zonal equatorial currents is derived from a nonlinear shallow water equation formulation. It is shown that upper layer zonal geostrophic currents may be obtained from a root of a single cubic equation involving sea surface slopes and curvatures. The estimate is continuous across the Equator, and connects smoothly the f-plane off equator and the beta plane equatorial geostrophic formula based on meridional curvature. This approximation is tested by use of CTD-derived data over the ship track and satellite-derived surface topography to estimate synoptic currents, which are shown to compare well with ETAMBOT cruise ship-mounted ADCP current data spanning the Equatorial western Atlantic at the top of the thermocline. Validation tests are also made for cross-equatorial cruise data in the Pacific Ocean at 110W, with very good results. The regularization of the equatorial singularity for meridional component is then presented. This theoretically-based methodology is much simpler and more general than recently published ad-hoc fits between off-Equator and Taylor-expanded second meridional derivative formulas (e.g., Lagerloef et al., 1999). The method is interesting for the study of the short meridional scale geostrophic flow convergence into the Equatorial Undercurrent by use of altimeter-derived sea surface topography. Circulation patterns presented by BourlŠs et al. (1999)and Arnault et al. (1999)off the Equator, the latter calculated by use of Topex/Poseidon Sea Surface Height Anomaly data, are consistent with the more complete pictures obtained in the present work. The method is then applied to estimate the Ekman contribution to these currents, which constitute the larger part of the ageostrophic currents. This is done by use of ERS scatterometer wind data 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 11377 1: SID/SCD 2: 9632 3: INPE-9632-PRE/5248 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vianna, Marcio L. 10: Menezes, Viviane V. de 12: Currents and sea level off the Northeast Brazilian coast 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: The region of the North Brazil Current (NBC)Retroflection in the northern hemisphere has been studied since the 80ïs by Johns and collaborators (Johns et al., 1998), who disclosed the importance of the annual cycle, the 25-40 day and 60-90 day oscillations in relation to NBC ring shedding. Upstream, with no rings in the NBC, near Fortaleza, no long-term data was ever published to date. This work describes our effort to study sea level and currents over the NE Brazil shelf in the last 8 years. We deployed and maintained 3 Tide Gauges (TG)at Fortaleza and TERMISA over the northern shelf (3S-4S)and at Tamandar‚ (8S), and two ADCP bottom moorings, and obtained some time series data kindly given to us by INPH and Petrobr s. There are presently three current meter time series records available: two ADCP moorings (July 2000-March 2001, 20m and 30m depths, 037W)at the mid and outer shelf, and one standard current meter mooring off Paracur£ (August 1995-March 1996, 40m isobath, 039W, surface data). Hourly wind station data sets from two stations were also made available to us, one at the coast and one at the offshore site off Paracur£. The ADCP data were studied by EOF analysis, which confirmed the well-known barotropic nature of the observed currents on the continental shelf. The principal component time series were analyzed by Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis (MSSA). After removal of tidal signals, the low-frequency signal vector spectra show a dominant spectral peak at 57 day period at both ADCP sites, with currents strongly polarized in the longshore direction. The Paracuru currents, and the contemporaneous TG data, present the same spectral bands as the Johns current meter data. These oscillations are shown to be wind-forced by a complex EOF-MSSA analysis. We also used ERS wind scatterometer data to extend this analysis to the NBC Retroflection area, and obtained similar correlation. The annual and interannual variability study was done by use of the TG data, which was shown to be consistent with our altimeter data described in another work in this Symposium. The study shows that while the annual cycle may be absent south of 4S, which is dominated by a biennial cycle, but it is present north of 4S, with a interannual modulation. This is interpreted as a consequence of the fact that the NBC-NBUC south of 4S has a negligible annual cycle, while the C-SEC has a strong one. It is also shown that large phase differences (time scale of a week)between the annual cycle on sites at relative distances of 200 km may be a consequence of interference patterns of incident and scattered equatorially-trapped Rossby waves by the NE coast 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 11378 1: SID/SCD 2: 9631 3: INPE-9631-PRE/5247 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Ronald Buss de 10: Robinson, Ian S. 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Ant“nio 12: Eddy observations and characterisation in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean from COROAS data: 1993 and 1994 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: The eddy field of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (SWA)is investigated by the combination of surface drifters and high-resolution SST images obtained in 1993 and 1994 during the COROAS (Oceanic Circulation in the Western Region of the South Atlantic)project. The investigation of the eddies is made according to their chararacteristic sizes (perimeters or diameters), rotational periods and velocities, Rossby numbers and relation to the local internal Rossby radius of deformation. Although most of the reported eddy activity of the SWA is related to the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC)region, in this systematic study of the available data, small scale eddies, generally ignored when utilising remote sensing techniques because of the difficulty in spotting them, have been found to be present in both the AVHRR images and in the buoy trajectories. They were associated with the three currents studied in the region: the Brazil Current (BC), the Brazilian Coastal Current (BCC)and the South Atlantic Current (SAC). These eddies were several times smaller than the typical Rossby radius of deformation for the regions of the BMC and of the BC/BCC front, indicating extremely turbulent fluxes or wind driven circulation where inertial forces were much more important than the rotational forces. Rotational periods (TR)of these small scale eddies were found to be about 2 days, while the mesoscale eddies presented a mean TR of about 17 days. Typical diameters for the mesoscale and small scale eddies were about 300 km and 40 km, respectively. Based upon the buoys' trajectories, empirical relationships were found to link the eddy sizes (perimeter and diameter)with the eddy TR and tangential velocities (VT). A better linear adjustment is found between the eddy sizes and TR (r = 0.65 to 0.79)than between the eddy sizes and VT (r = 0.4). However, the validation of the models with actual measurements has demonstrated that the percentile errors are much smaller when estimating VT than when estimating TR. The relationships can be useful when no in situ data are available and satellite images are obtained in a regular basis. The inferred variables could be used as input parameters for ocean models, for example 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 11379 1: SID/SCD 2: 9630 3: INPE-9630-PRE/5246 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fukuda, Juliana Cristina 10: Gherardi, Douglas F.M. 12: Utiliza‡Æo de imagens orbitais como ferramenta para o planejamento e gerenciamento ambiental da Zona Costeira 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de verificar como o uso de imagens orbitais no espectro do vis¡vel poderia auxiliar no planejamento e gerenciamento da zona costeira. Aten‡Æo especial foi dada … formula‡Æo de propostas que contribuam para mitiga‡Æo dos conflitos de uso e ocupa‡Æo identificados. A  rea estudada localiza-se entre as latitudes 4o 55ï S e 5o 10ï S e longitudes 37o 05ï W e 37o 20ï W, incluindo predominantemente os munic¡pios de Grossos e Areia Branca, no extremo oeste do litoral do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, inclu¡dos na bacia hidrogr fica do Apodi. Foram utilizadas imagens do sat‚lite LANDSAT-5, concedidas pelo Programa HIDRO/DSR-INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais). As imagens apresentam a seguinte referˆncia espacial: ¢rbita 216 / ponto 63, obtidas em 15 de agosto de 1997. Da imagem total foi extra¡do um recorte de aproximadamente 27 km x 29 km (783 km2). A partir do processamento digital das imagens das diferentes bandas, buscou-se obter uma melhor visualiza‡Æo e distin‡Æo dos alvos para uma interpreta‡Æo visual mais acurada. Para isto utilizou-se o sistema de informa‡äes geogr ficas SPRING (Sistema de Processamento de Informa‡äes Georreferenciadas)versÆo 3.5, desenvolvido pela DivisÆo de Processamento de Imagens (DPI)do INPE / SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos ( A an lise das imagens possibilitou: a)compreender melhor a estrutura espacial da paisagem, atrav‚s dos crit‚rios de forma e localiza‡Æo dos alvos e da resposta espectral dos mesmos; b)identificar conflitos no uso da terra, como a instala‡Æo de tanques de salinas e carcinicultura em detrimento das  reas de manguezal; c)planejar e executar a visita ao campo de forma mais adequada, eficiente e barata; d)esbo‡ar um mapa tem tico da regiÆo. Al‚m das imagens de sat‚lite, o conhecimento da verdade de campo se fez importante para se confirmar a identifica‡Æo dos diferentes temas e, principalmente, para se ter contato com a realidade social, econ“mica e pol¡tica do local. Com os resultado alcan‡ados ‚ poss¡vel oferecer subs¡dios para o planejamento e a gestÆo p£blicos. A partir das informa‡äes obtidas pode-se propor um melhor aproveitamento dos recursos, de forma a minimizar os impactos ao ambiente gerando ao mesmo tempo uma melhoria da qualidade de vida da popula‡Æo humana. Entre as sugestäes apresentadas, citamos: 1)levantamento das atividades de explora‡Æo dos tanques, de forma a haver um melhor controle sobre impostos e fiscaliza‡Æo sobre emissÆo de res¡duos; 2)introduzir ao programa escolar visitas …s  reas de manguezal em melhor estado, associando este ecossistema … tradi‡Æo local de pesca e extra‡Æo de recursos; 3)estender a pesquisa com o objetivo de melhorar e ampliar o mapeamento das  reas de manguezal para a elabora‡Æo de um programa de recupera‡Æo ambiental 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 11380 1: SID/SCD 2: 9629 3: INPE-9629-PRE/5245 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vianna, Marcio L. 10: Menezes, Vivian V. de 12: Further evidence for a tropical water gyre in the Southwestern Atlantic 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: Two views for the gyre structure of the upper layer geostrophic circulation in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean has been presented in the literature: (i)a single gyre, limited in the north at 10S-15S, and in the south by the Brazil-Malvinas confluence, with a recirculation cell centered at 35o S, and (ii)a double-gyre structure, with the northern gyre dominated by a single water mass, the Salinity Maximum Water (SMW), with about the same northern limit, but with its southern limb coinciding with a subtropical front and its associated eastward current at about 28o S. We discuss evidence favoring the double-gyre view, by focusing on analysis of new data (ADCP, hydrographic and Topex/ERS altimeter). Evidence supporting the existence of a strong (50 cm/s)geostrophic eastward current at 28o S, and a Brazil Current upper layer retroflection near this latitude, is described. This eastward current reaches depths of 300m, and its dynamics may be the same as the open-ocean Subtropical Countercurrents of the north Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Transport estimates will be presented. The detailed structure of recirculation cells inside this gyre domain is presented, and its annual cycle described. It is shown that while variability to the east of the gyre domain is dominated by Rossby waves, inside its domain the gyre is dominated by frontal eddies aligned along the 28S-30S quasi-zonal front, by eddies at the shelf break and possibly by open ocean eddies related to subsidence of mixed layer water into the thermocline. The data analysis suggests future research priorities could be oriented into processes that might explain such complex interaction patterns between the atmosphere, the upper water layer, the intermediate layer and the abrupt change in the coastline, not far from the Brazilian coast, but still further into the open ocean than present-day programs. It could require a system of deep sea moorings to study the evolution of the water column, as was done in the FASINEX program in the north Atlantic. We may add that biogeographic studies reporting the discovery of the presence of a strong gradient in zooplankton biodiversity at that same latitude is suggested as consistent with the existence of the countercurrent, which also supports a rich tuna fishery exploited by fishing industry based in the city of Itaja¡ 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 11381 1: SID/SCD 2: 9628 3: INPE-9628-PRE/5244 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Giarolla, Emanuel 10: Nobre, Paulo 12: Modos de variabilidade interanual do modelo acoplado oceano-atmosfera do CPTEC 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: O modelo acoplado do CPTEC ‚ utilizado para estudar os modos de variabilidade interanual dos oceanos tropicais. A componente atmosf‚rica do modelo ‚ o modelo de circula‡Æo geral da atmosfera (MCGA)do CPTEC,enquanto a componente oceƒnica ‚ o MOM2, modelo de circula‡Æo geral dos oceanos (MCGO)do GFDL/NOAA. Utiliza-se acoplamento com corre‡Æo de fluxos de momentum e calor. Os resultados sugerem que o modelo acoplado consegue representar bem a variabilidade interanual dos campos de temperatura da superf¡cie do mar (TSM)sobre o Oceano Pac¡fico equatorial, com a forma‡Æo de epis¢dios quentes e frio do fen“meno El Ni€o - Oscila‡Æo Sul. J  a variabilidade interanual das TSM sobre o Atlƒntico tropical, embora presentes, mostraram uma amplitude relativamente reduzida em rela‡Æo …s observa‡äes. SÆo feitas inferˆncias sobre as poss¡veis causas de tal comportamento 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 11382 1: SID/SCD 2: 9627 3: INPE-9627-PRE/5243 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Ronald Buss de 10: Keogh, Simon 10: Robinson, Ian S. 12: Relationships between in situ and satellite sea surface temperatures in the Southwestern Atlantic ocean 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: Sea surface temperature (SST)data obtained from several sources are used in this work to investigate the discrepancies between in situ measurements and satellite etimations of SST in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (SWA). The in situ data were obtained for the period between March 1993 and July 1994 from ships of pportunity and drifting buoys crossing the study area. High resolution satellite data were obtained from the AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer)and ATSR (Along Track Scanning Radiometer)sensors for the same period and area of study. Match-ups between in situ and satellite SSTs were performed, resulting high regression coefficients (r = 0.9)between SSTs from ships of opportunity and AVHRR SSTs. The regressions between buoy and AVHRR SSTs presented coefficients of about 0.8. Temperature difference (Delta;T)between the in situ and AVHRR data indicated that the NOAA algorithms overestimated the atmospheric attenuation occurring in the SWA in the study period. Unexpectedly, Delta;Ts were higher between buoy and AVHRR data than between ships of pportunity and AVHRR data. In the first case DeltaT was about 1.5oC whereas in the later case Delta;T was about 0.5oC. This result is probably caused by the tendency of the drifters to concentrate in regions of higher horizontal thermal gradients, where the buoys are not generally able to sample SSTs across the front. Analysing the spatial behaviour of the Delta;Ts, as measured between AVHRR and ATSR images, it is noticed that the higher values are related to the positions of the frontal systems, along the buoy tracks. The very active nature of the advection processes occurring in very small periods of time are pointed out as the possible causes for the higher Delta;T values being particularly distributed in the frontal regions. Knowing that drifting buoys that are used in the majority of the validation programmes (especially the NOAA ones)can present the predictable tendency of concentrating in regions of strong thermal gradients at the sea surface, their temperature measurements would inevitably be subject to mismatching with satellite data because of the lateral motions of the fronts. This effect is definitely stronger in the western boundary currents and in regions of convergence, e.g. Brazil-Malvinas Confluence 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 11383 1: SID/SCD 2: 9626 3: INPE-9626-PRE/5242 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rocha, Renato Feij¢ da 10: Stech, Jos‚ Luiz 10: Lorenzzetti, JoÆo Antonio 12: Uso de imagens SAR para detec‡Æo de navios 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: A detec‡Æo de navios ‚ um fator de extrema importƒncia para manuten‡Æo de hegemonia do mar territorial brasileiro e  guas internacionais sob responsabilidade do Brasil. Com o avan‡o da tecnologia espacial diversas pesquisas tˆm sido realizadas nesta  rea. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um software (SIDARTA)baseado nas metodologias de Vachon et al. (1997)e Eldhuset (1996)para a detec‡Æo de navios. Este software, desenvolvido em linguagem C+ + atrav‚s do compilador Builder, versÆo 5.0, baseia-se em caracter¡sticas estat¡sticas de uma imagem SAR e em processamento digital de imagens e determina quais os pontos desta imagem possuem uma alta probabilidade de serem poss¡veis navios. O software foi testado para duas  reas, uma no litoral brasileiro e outra no litoral brasileiro e de pa¡ses vizinhos, onde se tinha o conhecimento pr‚vio da ocorrˆncia de opera‡äes militares envolvendo um grande n£mero de navios. Al‚m deste software, foram utilizadas imagens RADARSAT, nos modos Wide, ScanSAR Narrow e ScanSAR Wide, das  reas onde estavam sendo realizadas as opera‡äes. Estas imagens foram analisadas estat¡stica e visualmente, sofreram os processamentos iniciais e, em seguida, foram processadas pelo software SIDARTA. Ap¢s este processamento, foram geradas imagens resultantes que apresentaram os pontos com probabilidade superior a 99,5 por cento de serem poss¡veis navios. Foram obtidos os melhores resultados em todos os casos nos m‚todos baseados na distribui‡Æo gama e no m‚todo de processamento digital chamado Threshold. O m‚todo baseado na metodologia proposta por Eldhuset (1996)tamb‚m apresentou bons resultados, com exce‡Æo de uma data especifica 83: 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 11397 1: SID/SCD 2: 9417 3: INPE-9417-PRE/5073 4: SRE 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Dainese, Renata Culene Nolin, Jos‚ Paulo Adami, Marcos. 12: An lise e tratamento de informa+„es espaciais de produtividade do milho e fertilidade do solo para uso em agricultura de precisÆo 18: Memorias 21: Exposicion 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Es 41: Es 42: 53: Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepcion Remota Y Sistemas de Information Espacial, 10; Reunion Plenaria de SELPER, 21 54: 11-15 nov. <2002>11-15 nov. <2002> 56: Cochabamba 57: Bolivia 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: AGRONOMIA 87: recursos naturais, desenvolvimento econ“mico 88: agricultura de precisÆo, geoprocessamento, SPRING, geoestat¡stica, fertilidade do solo, mapeamento de produtividade, milho. 83: Umas das premissas da agricultura de precisÆo ' a otimiza‡Æo da produ‡Æo e do seu custo com a m­nima aplica‡Æo de produtos qu­micos correspondendo a um m¡­nimo impacto ao meio ambiente. Existe, entÆo, a necessidade do manejo da variabilidade espacial em campo atrav's da determina‡Æo das informa+„es referenciadas espacialmente, como de nutrientes que afetam a fertilidade do solo. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho utilizar o SIG SPRING em algumas etapas de aplica‡Æo da Agricultura de PrecisÆo.Inicialmente, analisou-se a aplica‡Æo de diferentes interpoladores (krigeagem, m‚dia simples, ponderada e ponderada/cota/quadrante, linear, qu­ntico e vizinho mais pr¢ximo)para o mapeamento da produtividade, verificando-se que houve igualdade estat­stica entre eles, com exce‡Æo do interpolador qu­ntico, por'm a krigeagem apresentou a vantagem da gera+’o da grade de variŸncia dos dados. Em seguida, fez-se a an lise geoestat­stica dos parŸmetros qu­micos do solo a fim de correlacion -los com a produtividade, obtendo-se baixas correla+„es. E por œltimo, com o objetivo de avaliar a viabilidade do uso do SIG SPRING para a gera+’o de mapas de aduba+’o para aplica+’o em taxa vari vel (VRT "Variable-Rate Treatment"),foram gerados mapas de recomenda+’o de fertilizantes para aplica+’o em plantio e em cobertura, para a cultura do milho, a partir das informa+„es dos parŸmetros qu­micos dos solos. O SPRING demonstrou ser um sistema potencial para o uso nas etapas que envolvam Geoprocessamento do ciclo da Agricultura de Precis’o.One of the premises of precision farming is the optimization of production and cost with minimum application of chemical products in order to reduce environmental impact. Therefore, there is the need to handle field spatial variability through referenced spatial information, such as nutrients that affect soil fertility. The objective of this work was to use the GIS of the SPRING software in some steps involved in the Agriculture Precision procedure. Several interpolators were analyzed for the crop yield mapping. No statistical difference was observed among them except for the quint one. However, the kriging interpolator presented the advantage of generating the variance bars for the data. Afterwards, the geostatistical analysis of the soil chemical variables was performed in order to correlate them with the yield map. Low correlation was observed. At last, fertility recommendation maps for crop corn, based on the soil chemical variables, were generated to evaluate the GIS of the SPRING software in the generation of fertilize maps for variable rate treatment - VRT. The SPRING software performed well and has potential to be used in the geoprocessing procedure cycle of Precision Farming 91: FDB-20021220