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		<site>mtc-m16c.sid.inpe.br 804</site>
		<lastupdate>2023: sid.inpe.br/mtc-m18@80/2008/ simone</lastupdate>
		<metadatalastupdate>2024: sid.inpe.br/bibdigital@80/2006/ administrator</metadatalastupdate>
		<title>Assessing Land Use and Land Cover Maps and Legends between MapBiomas and Brazil’s Fourth Emission Inventory</title>
		<secondarytype>PRE CN</secondarytype>
		<size>4356 KiB</size>
		<author>Marques, Sabrina Guilherme,</author>
		<author>Andrade, Pedro Ribeiro de,</author>
		<author>Soterroni, Aline C.,</author>
		<affiliation>Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)</affiliation>
		<affiliation>Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)</affiliation>
		<affiliation>University of Oxford</affiliation>
		<editor>Vinhas, Lubia (INPE),</editor>
		<editor>Feitosa, Flavia F. (UFABC),</editor>
		<conferencename>Simpósio Brasileiro de Geoinformática, 24 (GEOINFO)</conferencename>
		<date>04 a 06 dez. 2023</date>
		<publisher>Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)</publisher>
		<publisheraddress>São José dos Campos</publisheraddress>
		<tertiarytype>Full paper</tertiarytype>
		<abstract>Comparing LULC maps is essential for understanding landscape dynamics, alteration patterns, and environmental implications. This study uses an algorithm to harmonize the maps of Brazil National Inventory and MapBiomas based on the spatial distribution of LULC classes. This investigation aims to compute the agreement between two initiatives while examining the uncertainties of both. Furthermore, the results highlight the classes and areas of potential inconsistency or ambiguity, allowing to identify and correct discrepancies, proposing a harmonized legend between then. For all Brazil, we achieved a maximum concordance of 81% between the two maps; out of the 44 equivalences, the algorithm correctly identified 84% of the mappings between the classes.</abstract>
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		<citingitemlist>sid.inpe.br/mtc-m16c/2023/ 5</citingitemlist>
		<citingitemlist>sid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2013/ 1</citingitemlist>